MSNBC’s Wallace: “All of the Conspiracy Theorists are Republicans.”

There has been a notable shift toward more and more extreme rhetoric in the media from predicting that democracy will end with this election to “disappearing” journalists and gays to ending all rights for everyone. On Monday, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace added to this litany with a claim that “as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans.”

After discussing how GOP candidates have stated that they believe that the last election was “stolen,” Wallace added “It is not accurate to say everyone in the Republican Party is a conspiracy theorist but as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans.”

It was a crushingly ironic moment. Wallace has been repeatedly criticized for spreading false news. For example, the “Deadline: White House” host told viewers that they should not take the Hunter Biden laptop seriously: “We shouldn’t look at it as anything other than a Russian disinformation operation.”

Wallace heralded the Mueller investigation while pushing the now debunked Russian collusion claims. However, on the Durham investigation, she told viewers that they could ignore it despite the fact that the report stands uncontradicted:

“Durham’s whole thing is predicated on it’s like a rabbit hole conspiracy that suggests that the Trump-Barr paranoia infected his ability to stand back and evaluate whether the probe yielded guilty convictions of people who would have had nothing to do with any of these questions he looked at.”

Wallace and MSNBC also pushed false claims about Bill Barr clearing Lafayette Park for a Trump “photo op.”

On August 5th, 2019, MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace falsely claimed that Trump had talked about “exterminating Latinos.”

Wallace and MSNBC pushed the false story of border agents whipping migrants in Texas.

Wallace claimed that the lab theory of the Covid 19 was a “conspiracy theory.” It has been embraced by various federal agencies despite being called racist by many experts.

Many on the left now routinely call opposing views as spreaders of disinformation or conspiracy theories. The Biden Administration has funded various groups to blacklist or bar those with opposing views as disinformation, malinformation, or misinformation.  Indeed, new groups are being formed before the election to echo these claims, including one headed by the former “Disinformation Czar.”

258 thoughts on “MSNBC’s Wallace: “All of the Conspiracy Theorists are Republicans.””

  1. Nicole Wallace represents a psychopathic “news media” that refuses to recognize facts, distorts reality to portray themselves as victims and attacks anyone who observes factual events

    When the Democrats lag in their polling numbers, it’s the fault of American conservatives

    When Biden manifests symptoms of cognitive impairment, it’s the fault of American conservatives

    When Americans express dissatisfaction with salaries not keeping apace with increase in costs for food, rent and cost of living expenses, it’s the fault of American conservatives

    When Marxists students and paid agitators articulate death to Jews, violate university campus rules, and spit & throw projectiles at police, innocent students and Jews, it’s the fault of American conservatives

    Why the Right Loves the Anti-Israel Encampments Three reasons Trump and Bibi want the protests to continue.
    – Jonathan Chait

    At the University of Michigan, the leader of the main student anti-Israel group, who had been sympathetically profiled in the New York Times and given the university’s prestigious award for students “who best exemplify the leadership and extraordinary vision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” wrote on social media, “Until my last breath I will utter death to every single individual who supports the Zionist state. Death and more. Death and worse.”

    The most violent and unhinged statements are coming not from the periphery of the protests but from their leadership, because the most committed members of these groups have most thoroughly absorbed their radical commitments and relentless dehumanization of political opponents.

    This is catnip not only for American conservatives, but also for the Israeli right. insert ™ here

    catnip for American conservatives = it’s the fault of American conservatives

    It appears wearing masks while committing violence, shouting death to Jews and disrupting American life is catnip for Democrats. If the targeted groups were Muslims, blacks, or gays, the FBI would have arrested all protestors in less than 6 hours because totalitarianism is catnip for Democrats.

    Meanwhile more and more Americans feel like hostages in their own country. Thankfully we have the Second Amendment where having plenty of ammo is better than Xanax


    1. Excellent – though I am not sure I would agree with Chait’s reasoning, I agree with his conclusion.

      One of the many reasons for free speech is so that people are free to show us who they are.
      Those on the left are doing so.

      Republicans are happy – because they are litterally parroting fascist Nazi garbage.

      So long as they do not actually gain power – and coming out in the open and peaking is decreasing the chances of that.

      The Biden administration has been a howto manual for F#$King things up.

      The silver lining for the rest of us when the left in the US gain power – is they are complete F$%Kups.

      Trump is not winning this election – Biden and democrats are losing it.

      While supermajorities like Trump policies.
      More important is that supermajorities hate one or another of the things Biden has done to the country.

      Yes, Republicans are celebrating Democrats making fools of themselves – and they absolutely should be.

      Though they would be wise to be careful to aviod the same fate – or we could get these idiots back again.

      Regardless, ultimate the rules of the free market even apply to government.

      If you want people to buy what you are selling – you must sell something they want.

      Increasingly people do not want the failure that Democrats are selling.

      Increasingly people are realizing that flowery rhetoric that does not deliver is just shades of lies.
      Democrats do not deliver on their promises – BECAUSE THEY CAN”T – most of hwat they promise is impossible.

      “Do you renounce Satan,
      and all his works and empty promises ?”



    Did Nicole Wallass say “racist” as in Henry Clay, Francis Scott Key, John Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Bushrod Washington, Charles Carroll, Millard Fillmore, John Marshall, Roger B. Taney, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln et al.?

    “In December 1816, a group of distinguished Americans met in Washington, DC, to establish an organization to promote the cause of black resettlement. The “American Colonization Society” soon won backing from some of the young nation’s most prominent citizens. Henry Clay, Francis Scott Key, John Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Bushrod Washington, Charles Carroll, Millard Fillmore, John Marshall, Roger B. Taney, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln were members. Clay presided at the group’s first meeting.”[8]

    “Measures to resettle blacks in Africa were soon undertaken. Society member Charles Fenton Mercer played an important role in getting Congress to pass the Anti-Slave Trading Act of March 1819, which appropriated $100,000 to transport blacks to Africa. In enforcing the Act, Mercer suggested to President James Monroe that if blacks were simply returned to the coast of Africa and released, they would probably be re-enslaved, and possibly some returned to the United States. Accordingly, and in cooperation with the Society, Monroe sent agents to acquire territory on Africa’s West coast — a step that led to the founding of the country now known as Liberia. Its capital city was named Monrovia in honor of the American President.”[9]

    – Robert Morgan, The ‘Great Emancipator’ and the Issue of Race, 1993

    “If all earthly power were given me, I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land. [Should freed blacks be made] politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this, and [even] if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass of white people will not. We can not, then, make them equals.”

    – Abraham Lincoln, Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854

    “[We gave you] a [restricted-vote] republic, if you can keep it.”

    – Ben Franklin

    You couldn’t.

  3. Jonathan Turley
    “I will be hosting on The Five tonight. I will test Woody Allen’s claim that “eighty percent of success is showing up.” It is the other twenty percent that worries me…”

    Awesome. You will be fantastic!

    1. Oh I hope he talks about how Hunter Biden’s threatened lawsuit on Fox made them pull their upcoming faux doc piece on Hunter. No doubt since the $787 million settlement with Dominion that there’s been a mandatory no texting internally on content policy, but Turley will be right up in the middle of that lawsuit should it happen…

      Turley also has exposure if trump gets charged with violating his gag order by proxy. It’d be fun to see the paper trail on that particular toilet treat also.

      Yay Turley!!!

    2. Congrats. How many times did Turely turn The Five, down? I wonder if Turley is supposed to be the visiting liberal on the set? If so, his values based on the Constitution come across as very conservative.

      Strange yes? That holding Constitutional values, get you booted out of the Democrat Party.

  4. Here is a saying that is trustworthy and true: with communists, the issue is never the issue. The real issue for them is the Revolution. What they raise as the issue-de-jour they don’t really care about. It is just a means to an end. When it is convenient they will move on to a new issue-de-jour. They are all just stepping stones to the Revolution.

  5. Real republicans and MAGA cult members are two different groups. It’s the MAGA cultists that are conspiracy theorists. Wallace used the term to what the party has become……unfortunately.

    1. Your leftists socialist cult is based on killing babies and playing victim fulltime. Most of these “conspiracy theories” turned out to be true.

  6. It’s an Election Year in America, Take it all with a grain of Salt.
    Gotta Love It or Leave It.


  7. The leftist media’s contempt for their listeners’ intellects is stunning, but makes sense.

  8. On Monday, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace added to this litany with a claim that “as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans.”

    “All” huh? That creates quite the conundrum, with all the gaslighters and propagandists being Democrats.

  9. Ever notice how many of these AWFULs (affluent white female urban liberal) seem to be cut from the same mold? Nicole Wallace, Katherine Maher, Scary Poppins (aka Nina Jankowicz), Bethany Letiecq, etc.???

    Are they being turned out in a factory somewhere like The Stepford Wives?

    FWIW, I am re-reading a book I read years ago, like back in the late 70s or early 80s – Sexuality and Homosexuality by Arno Karlen. I forgot how good it was. There is a lot of “history” about the Sexual Revolution and how we have gotten to where we are today – 50+ years later. The book has held up well. I highly recommend it!

  10. What? No mention of Turley’s longtime association with Fox News, who paid $787 million to Dominion for spreading false election conspiracies? Fox News currently faces a $2.5 billion defamation lawsuit from Smartmatic for spreading false election conspiracies & has also been sued by Trump supporter, Ray Epps, for falsely reporting he was an FBI plant who instigated the J6 Capitol riot.

    Sean Hannity falsely claimed the release of thousands of confidential DNC emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign was an inside job by DNC staffer Seth Rich. Fox News reluctantly admitted DNC emails were hacked & leaked by Russian agents in an attempt to damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

    Hey, Professor, what’s the final tally on the number of times Fox News hosts cited Alexander Smirnov’s false claim about Joe & Hunter Biden receiving $5 million in bribes from Burisma?

    1. . Fox News reluctantly admitted DNC emails were hacked & leaked by Russian agents,

      Great example of leftist conspiracy theory.

      CrowdSource and the FBI admittthere exist no evidence to support the conspiracy that DNC e mails were hacked.

      1. iowan2, Turley undoubtedly agrees with you that the release of DNC emails was an inside job. Which only proves both of you deliberately ignore the 1000 page final report from the Republican led Senate committee investigation in 2020 which extensively documented that Russian intelligence agents hacked & released confidential DNC emails.

        Marco Rubio, chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee; “We found irrefutable evidence of Russian meddling.”

        Feel free to post the links to the FBI admitting there was no evidence to support the conspiracy that DNC emails were hacked, iowan2.

        1. Republican led Senate committee investigation in 2020 which extensively documented that Russian intelligence agents hacked & released confidential DNC emails.

          There’s your lie. The Senate report cannot make such a claim because no ducumets exists showing the DNC e mails were hacked. It is a loony left conspiriacy theory.
          I will check back for you “documents”

          1. iowan2, here’s the link to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.


            Hey, don’t be shy about posting the links you are heavily relying on to back up your garbled claim: “the FBI admittthere exist no evidence to support the conspiracy that DNC e mails were hacked.”

      1. Seriously, Floyd? Your evidence is an op-ed from December 14, 2016? Sounds like you side with Trump when he took Putin’s word over US intelligence agencies that Russia officials didn’t hack DNC emails,

        Trump: “I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.”

        It’s hilarious how Turley & his supporters trust Putin more than US intelligence agencies.

      2. Floyd, I have chased the pedantic Anonymous the Stupid in circles in the past, and Proved him wrong.

        Shawn Henry Testifying under oath to Congress.
        “There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left.”

        Chris Wray testifying in front of congress admitted the FBI never did any analysis of the DNC copy of ‘some’ of the DNC server. The FBI report includes ONLY the conclusion of the Crowd Strike analysis.

        There are hundreds of these lie the left just knowingly repeats, spreading their conspiracies.

        1. Iowan2, I’m impressed that you know what “pedantic” means. Regardless, here’s what CrowdStrike publicly confirmed on their website on June 5, 2020:

          Did CrowdStrike have proof that Russia hacked the DNC?

          Yes, and this is also supported by the U.S. Intelligence community and independent Congressional reports.

          Following a comprehensive investigation that CrowdStrike detailed publicly, the company concluded in May 2016 that two separate Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries breached the DNC network.

          1. Wow I’m impressed.

            You use Crowd Strike as your source for a Claim from Crowd Strike.

            Just ignore testimony under oath that

            1. iowan2, yeah & your source is Putin who clearly stated that it wasn’t Russia, right?

              Here’s what Shawn Henry testified under oath to the House Committee which you deliberately attempted to bury:

              HENRY: “We said that we had a high degree of confidence it was the Russian Government. And our analysts that looked at it and that had looked at these types of attacks before, many different types of attacks similar to this in different environments, certain tools that were used, certain methods by which they were moving in the environment,and looking at the types of data that was being targeted, that it was consistent with a nation-state adversary and associated with Russian intelligence.”

              Let me know if you now agree with Shawn Henry’s testimony under oath, iowan2.

              1. Did you blind copy and past this little morsel? No where does Crowd Strike claim their is evidence of the the emails being hacked. All your quote claims is they have seen similar scenerios before. It makes ZERO claims of evidence specific to DNC servers.

                1. iowan2, okay so let’s intentionally stop lying by omission . Linked below is Shawn Henry’s entire testimony to the House committee on December 5, 2017. Here’s Henry testifying under oath about CrowdStrike’s analysis of the breach of DNC servers:

                  Mr. Stewart: “There are some press reports or some people at least claim that this hack on the DNC was not perpetrated by the Russians. How do you respond to that?”

                  Henry: “Everything in my experience, sir, having done this for many years, both in the government & the private sector, says it was the Russian government.”
                  –Page 29


                  1. Now I see the lie

                    This is an Executive meeting of the PSCI
                    This is the interview where Henry is comparing what they found as being similar tools they have attibuted to Russia in the past.

                    This is not the transcipt I have taken quotes from Henry.
                    The hearing where Henry is forced to admitt, Crowdstrike has no evidence the DNC emails were Exfiltrated.

                    The childish bait and switch scam.

                    Par for the course, coming from leftists.

              2. You intentional lie by omission.
                CEO President Shawn Henry testifying under oath to Congress
                “There are times when we can see data exfiltrated, and we can say conclusively. But in this case it appears it was set up to be exfiltrated, but we just don’t have the evidence that says it actually left.”
                “There’s not evidence that they were actually exfiltrated. There’s circumstantial evidence but no evidence that they were actually exfiltrated.”
                “There is circumstantial evidence that that data was exfiltrated off the network. … We didn’t have a sensor in place that saw data leave. We said that the data left based on the circumstantial evidence. That was the conclusion that we made.”

                Absent is the dog that did not bark. This was not a hack, but a direct download. I have seen the data was 70 tera bytes, in size. Not hackable I cannot find corroboration of the size of the file

                All of this could be cleaned up if the DNC just allowed the FBI to do the job they are trained to do. But the information was to sensitive to let into the govt eco system. It would be out of the DNC control. Enter Crowd Strike.

                1. iowan2, your talking point about the DNC not allowing the FBI to do the job they’re trained to do is not based on reality. CrowdStrike provided forensic evidence and analysis for the FBI to review during its investigation into the 2016 hack of DNC emails. Despite what you’ve been led to believe, it’s common practice for the FBI to do detailed analysis of a verified, hardware-level copy of all the data that’s stored on the system, which CrowdStrike provided.

                  If you truly believe the FBI can’t do a comprehensive & accurate analysis of a computer system unless they are given the actual servers then I can only imagine how you reacted when you discovered Giuliani only possessed a copy of Hunter’s harddrive, but not the actual harddrive. According to you, a harddrive copy is absolutely untrustworthy of accurate analysis, right?

                  1. iowan2, your talking point about the DNC not allowing the FBI to do the job they’re trained to do is not based on reality. CrowdStrike provided forensic evidence and analysis for the FBI to review during its investigation into the 2016 hack of DNC emails

                    Comey Testified under oath to Congress, that the FBI DID NOT do an independent analysis of the partial tranche of data Crowd Strike Provided to the FBI

                    Comey Testified their official Conclusion on the DNC email, is exactly the conclusion of Crowd Strike. Comey stated clearly, The FBI NEVER conducted an independent analysis of the partial copy provided by Crowd Strike.

    2. @Anonynous,

      “What? No mention of Turley’s longtime association with Fox News, who paid $787 million to Dominion for spreading false election conspiracies? Fox News currently faces a $2.5 billion defamation lawsuit from Smartmatic for spreading false election conspiracies & has also been sued by Trump supporter, Ray Epps, for falsely reporting he was an FBI plant who instigated the J6 Capitol riot.”

      That’s a great point. Unfortunately, as I predicted early on, the irony of complaining about criticism of conspiracy theorists being a majority of republicans is on full display in the comments. Lots of projection and peddling conspiracy theories to deflect from the truthful criticism.

    3. Other than the FBI alleging that Smirnov has lied, without evidence, what makes Smirnov’s claim about the Biden’s bribes false? Who has lied more than the FBI?

        1. George, So you believe everything you read in an indictment?
          An indictment answers all our questions?
          FBI gets admission of guilt = guilt?
          FBI wouldn’t fabricate evidence would they?

          1. Ask MLK Jr what he thinks of the FBI.

            oh wait. He was framed by the FBI and Democrats remind us of that often


          2. @Anonymous,

            “An indictment answers all our questions?
            FBI gets admission of guilt = guilt?
            FBI wouldn’t fabricate evidence would they?”

            This is exactly what Wallace was talking about. You went straight to conspiracy theory to deflect from the facts. Your deflection, the FBI could be making stuff up. Because the evidence YOU wanted does not align with the reality that supports your conspiracy theory.

            You wanted evidence and I provided official documentation. Your response was to cite conspiracy theory without evidence. You proved Wallace was right. The irony couldn’t be more clear.

            1. Right you are, George. I went straight to conspiracy because it is not just ‘theory.’
              And right you are, George, I believe the FBI could be making stuff up, because…it’s what they do.
              The FBI does not have a long history of framing people, or does it?
              The FBI has never fabricated evidence, or have they?
              The FBI did not set up the Whitmer kidnapping, or did they?
              The FBI was not part of the Fedsurrection, or were they?
              Prosecutor Jack Smith has the special distinction of being reversed unanimously by the Supreme Court after accomplishing precisley their political goal.
              Now here he is again, and THIS time his indictments are for real crimes.
              Why would you believe them?
              Your stupidity could not be more clear.

            2. Also, George, YOU are doing precisely what you accuse me of doing.
              Your deflection: the FBI would not frame someone or make stuff up, fabricate evidence, or squeeze out a guilty plea. No, it’s all in the indictment. Facts and evidence galore!
              Read the indictment! It answers ALL your questions!
              The evidence YOU want to see does not align with reality.

          1. Actually, an indictment indicates formal charges being filed. It’s much more than an accusation.

            1. You may want to look into the indictment of Speaker Tom Delay.
              The intictment of Author Anderson Accounting, by Adrew Wiesmem later overturned by SCOTUS unanimously or his conviction of 4 Merrill Lynch executives he sent to prison, latter overturned
              Weissmann’s prosecution devastated the lives and families of the Merrill executives, causing enormous defense costs, unimaginable stress, and torturous prison time. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the conspiracy and wire fraud rulings of the case.

              Jack Smith convicted Republican Governor Robert Mc Donnell later overturned unanimously by SCOTUS
              The Court observed that “there is no doubt that this case is distasteful; it may be worse than that. But our concern is not with tawdry tales of Ferraris, Rolexes, and ball gowns. It is instead with the broader legal implications of the Government’s boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute.”

              yea, indictments from crooked prosecutors are meaningless

              1. It will be a good day for justice when Andrew Weismann is perp walked into prison in an orange jumpsuit. Lock him in a cell with Jack Smith and Fat Alvin.
                Then lock up Big Fani and Big Tish together.
                That would be justice served.
                It’s a good start.

        2. The FBI claimed Gen Flynn lied too. Of course the origninal 302 was edited at least 3 time. The last time by someone not in the room during the interview.

          Using the govt as an unimpeachable source have been oversold by actions, over the last 10 years.

    4. What does that have to do with the misinformation being outlined in the article?

      How does any of that, accurate or not excuse the issues with the MSM openly spreading misinformation while simultaneously enacting legislation to control the discourse of Americans?

  11. Whenever members of a coordinated group, i.e., illiberal progressive media, work together to conceal truth by inaccurately reporting it and intentionally misleading it, they render themselves the very definition of those who engage in conspiracies. One day Wallace and her ilk may learn that reporting false stories is what feeds conspiracy theories and gives them substance.

    1. Isn’t that what happened at Fox News in the dominion case? Because what you described is exactly what Fox News does.

      1. Your argument that what coordinated groups like illiberal progressive media do is okay because others do it too is noted.
        We might well agree so long as we both recognize that conspiracy theories are given substance whenever any coordinated group inaccurately reports and intentionally misleads truth.

  12. I sent this email to some of the Fox folks yesterday, you touched on one element of it. I hope you agree.
    I’m all for it, but ONLY if it is an actual debate on the issues that concern most if not all Americans. At least the majority and it used to important in Democracy. I was fortunate enough to be taught these things in school in the 50s. There so many Democrats shouting that Trump, the Republicans, or anybody that doesn’t see things always the way they do and want are “destroying our democracy”! That’s bull. If only they would go back to school and get some real education and learning in “truth” not “bias”! O, wait that is why so many of them think the way they do. Even those who are as old as I am and getting older by the day. Those out protesting are not Americans, IMO. How many came in the “front door” instead of the “backdoor”? Have they ever professed their allegiance to America, if not they are not Americans. If they did and now want to support our enemies that is treason.
    Benjamin Franklin as he was leaving after the Congress of that day finished the “Constitution of the United States” was asked – “Mr. Franklin what have you given us?” The reply is priceless: “A Republic if you can keep it.” Folks today don’t seem to know the difference and don’t seem to care. So, I think those who want to be our President need to have a “debate” on that subject if nothing else. There is AN ENORMOUS difference and the public, all America citizens and those wannabes should as well be aware of that and what that difference. The pledge of Allegiance to the Flag is a pledge (they promise in a serious way to do it), and so much more, “to the Flag and the Republic for which it stands”! not the democracy (go and learn (- As for the democracy that was lost long ago and IMO, that was caused mainly by the Democrats. NOW, the issue, the REAL, imminent issue of our DAY, is not climate change! IT is the status of OUR, “WE THE PEOPLE’S”, REPUBLIC!
    There are some BIG differences between the two and I would love to hear those Presidentlal candidates’ debate them. One (the DEMS) seem to be worried about our “democracy” and the other (GOP) is more interested in our Republic. For instance, in a pure democracy, there is no defined constitution (which “we the people” have), and the laws are formulated by the elected representative. In a republic, the CONSTITUTION has the final say in each and everything. And the SCOTUS I believe is to make sure it is FOLLOWED. When I studied Greek (New Testament Greek) my professors made sure that we the students understood the most important aspect of such a study. What did the “words” we have recorded in the Bible mean THEN! Not now BUT how they should be APPLIED to today. The same was stated in my Hebrew classes. And that is the same for our Constitution (which had a forward leaning aspect) just as the Bible does, a focus on the FUTURE having learned from the PAST. One of the University President when asked about the protest on the campus declared that answer depends on the “context”. Well, folks so does our Constitution! And it takes a lifetime practically to ever even begin to understand that and the fullness thereof. And I am still learning to this day, and I was born in 1942. So, Kids, go do some learning – and doing a debate is a terrific way of doing so if you are brave enough to do it – a real debate. Because you see there are laws specific to the rights of the citizens in a republic, and any change to the constitution is verified so as to not adversely affect the minorities. But the majority is still the rule as to who wins. Just like in sports, the team that wins is not the one with the lowest score, but the highest!
    Also, consider this “we the people” are seeking a Political Leader not a Morality Pastor-Sheperd. The biggest part of the debate ABOUT THEM should not be about their “personal life” or even put on trial because of it. If that were the case, in my lifetime, I know of least 2 and 1 Vice President who should have never been elected but they were. JFK and Bill Clinton and Kamala Harris by a “majority”. It was no secret about the “love life of JFK and Bill Clinton even when he was a Governor. And what some of my relatives and friends who live in California tell me about VP Harris, she too had a love life as she “worked” her way up in a man’s world. She got there not by knowledge of government and law, or ability, etc. OK!
    VIC WALKER (retired preacher/pastor/U.S. Navy Chaplain) located about 6 miles South of Wichita Falls, TX living a manufactured house (the reason for the steps, BTW) in Archer County, TX on a lovey “Farm to Market Road”.

  13. Wallace is demeaning to anyone who might vote against any democrat and, she’s distracting, from what?
    The very awful people actually controlling the levers of power.

  14. Judge threatens Trump with incarceration if he doesn’t obey the court’s gag order. Do you want to see his poll numbers rise? They’ll go through the stratosphere if this kangaroo court puts him in jail. I know, this is all a conspiracy.

  15. To guyventner: Yes, I have had those same thoughts you have expressed. The Deep State would not allow the arrest and trial of their goddess, Hilary R. Clinton. James Comey and in particular, Peter Strock (sp?) made sure of this by a change of the wording on what would have been a crime. I have felt for more than a few years that we are pre-WWII Germany. I am sorry to say that the riots on our Ivy League campuses are a demonstration of this.

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