“The Laptop is Real”: Justice Department Denounces Claims of Russian Disinformation as a Biden “Conspiracy Theory”

“The defendant’s laptop is real.” With those words and pictures like this one of Biden using crack, the Justice Department introduced the Hunter Biden laptop as evidence in his upcoming trial over federal gun violations.  The federal prosecutors went on to denounce suggestions of Russian disinformation, long peddled by the Bidens, the media and former intelligence officials, as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.”

The media eagerly spread the claim of Russian disinformation before the presidential election. Twitter and others suppressed the story. This was done through one of the most skillful disinformation campaigns in history.

It later came out that associates of the Biden campaign (including now Secretary of State Antony Blinken) pushed a long effort to get former intelligence officials to sign a letter making the claim, knowing that an ever-accommodating media would accept the claim without question or further inquiry.

At the time, some of us wrote that the laptop was “self-authenticating” since many of the emails were confirmed by third parties and other evidence. The Justice Department last week made the same claim of “self-authentication” as well as independent confirmation by federal investigators.

In the now-debunked letter of former intelligence officials just before the election, figures such as Leon Panetta, former CIA Director in the Obama Administration, claimed that the letter had all of the markings of a Russian disinformation effort by intelligence services. (Panetta continued to make the assertion late last year in pushing what the federal government is now calling a “conspiracy theory.”).

The Washington Post’s Phillip Bump and others also continued to push the conspiracy theory. Indeed, in 2021, when media organizations were finally admitting that the laptop was authentic, Bump was still declaring that it was a “conspiracy theory.” Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Bump continued to suggest that “the laptop was seeded by Russian intelligence.”

What is equally astonishing is that in 2023 the Post expressly stood by Bump’s reporting on the laptop and other debunked claims. Even after the government has declared this reporting as part of a “conspiracy theory,” the Post continues to support the reporting by Bump and others.

The laptop includes not just pictures of Hunter using drugs but brandishing a handgun. The court clearly agrees with the government on the authenticity of the laptop. It has ruled against the defense and will allow it to be introduced into evidence.

Despite the conclusions of American intelligence and others, the Biden team continued to push the disinformation. That led the Justice Department to tell the court that “The defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence.”  It added that Hunter’s “laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt.”

The response from the media has been a collective shrug. Worse yet, many of these same political and media figures continue to support censorship and government regulations of “disinformation” while the government is now acknowledging that they carried off one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in history.

270 thoughts on ““The Laptop is Real”: Justice Department Denounces Claims of Russian Disinformation as a Biden “Conspiracy Theory””

  1. How many of the 51 Intelligence Officials still hold a Security Clearance?

    How many are current Federal Employees or political appointees?

    How many are employed on Federal Contracts that require Security Clearances?

    How many lost their Clearances, were dismissed, or had their Pensions terminated?

    Shall we start with the Secretary of State, a National Security Advisor….or Adam Schiff and a bunch of other Leftist political hacks?

    How many Pulitzer Prizes got returned or withdrawn for all of that false reporting?

  2. Initially Hunter Biden’s team was offered a sweetheart deal by DOJ. This was shot down by the judge. Then DOJ went full steam ahead and is not claiming the laptop is real. It’s this wishy-washy approach that makes many Americans roll their eyes.

  3. Immigration and voting were established and codified to be severely restricted by the American Founders and Framers. 

    The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Naturalization Act of 1790, essential America, could only be maintained through the discipline of restricted immigration, restricted voting, and a constitutionally allegiant judicial branch. 

    Free America—its borders, its law, and its people—persisted for a mere 71 years. 

    The singular American failure is the judicial branch, with emphasis on the Supreme Court, which must have stood in the gap and held the line on restricted immigration, restricted voting, and the severe restrictions on government imposed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  

    The judicial branch succumbed to global parasitism, which has led to the impending death of the host, the United States of America, through the replacement of the normal by the abnormal, madness, chaos, anarchy, 17 million additional heterogeneous and unassimilable illegal alien invaders, and $35 trillion in debt. 

    There is no hope for the capacity and acumen of leadership in America approaching the caliber of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Ben Franklin, John Adams, George Mason, John Jay, Richard Henry Lee, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, John Marshall et al. 

    America is now a totally corrupt, third-world banana republic. 

    “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

    – Barack “Barry ‘I-Have-A-Statue-In-Jakarta’ Soetoro” Hussein Obama

    1. Such horseshit. The crackhead abandoned his laptop at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner after 6 months. Hunters attorneys reached out to the shop pewter, representing that the laptop WAS Hunters. By then, the FBI had it knew immediately (in December ’19) that it WAS Hunters and the data was NOT planted. Joe Biden is real – a real threat to our Republic.

      1. The “threat to our Republic” is unadaptable thinking. I am pretty sure that the comment you are responding to was meant as a double entendre.

      2. Presidents are not supposed to publicly lie .. to the public or to investigating authorities. Total bull sh** it is.

      3. Agree … the threat to our Republic is sitting presidents blatantly lying on matters under investigation.

  4. Knowing that the claim that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation came from 51 formerly highly-respected apparatchiks was helpful to those of us who wonder, Whom can we trust? Not those who have been close to power, it seems. The same holds for the Russian-collusion scam, which persuaded me that both press and politicians are serially and perhaps universally mendacious. Conspiracy theories naturally abound when the nation has been victimized by such conspiracies, and then the conspirators refuse to give up the game.

    1. It is really sad and dangerous that the press and politicians work overtime to weaken (through woke policies and division) our country’s determination and self defense while our enemies (China especially, Russia and North Korea and Iran) build up huge diverse weapons/war machines and build their counties will power to make war with the US and dominate the US in multiple areas from controlling ships lanes that bring supplies to the US, get control of our drugs, chips that run literally everything,etc. etc.

      Do Politicians and media not realize that they are working only for “small potatoes” –the ill gotten short term personal gain when in fact they are falling right into the plans of our enemies to dominate the US. Most politicians and media are not wealthy enough not to be forced (like the rest of us) to live under the domination, control and lower standards that will be imposed by our enemies unless they kill us first.
      Only the super wealthy will be able to afford the cost and connections to get out of the US and live in a better environment.

  5. How can we honest people, as a nation, allow this to continue. Since 2016 politicians have set out to destroy this country by any means possible. What is being done to innocent people All across the country is a horrific abuse of power. We all know that Joe is not capable of making these decisions at this time however he was in the past and someone has definitely taken over for him and continues with the destruction. There has to be some form of law enforcement, or there has to be good honest people in these agencies that don’t want to lose their country. I don’t understand.

  6. I find the term “disinformation” sterile and aloof in reference to the vice of waging a public fraud for political advantage. Why not start calling these attempts to dupe the public “public frauds”?

    What qualifies as disinformation is often viewed as a matter of opinion, and who is deciding. Public frauds as a category appeals to a more objective standard, which is knowingly pushing out information with the intention to deceive, which suggests that the public has not given up on shared, objective reality, has a decided preference for the truth, and finds vile and despicable being intentionally duped, however comforting.

    Our ability as a nation to make important policy and leadership decisions depends on the infospace being trustworthy. OK, we don’t want government, or corporations, or any other powerful, centralized authority taking up the role of sorting out fact from fiction. We want this function to be widely distributed throughout society, unable to be captured and centralized.

    Our primary legal tool is civil lawsuits brought against the most obnoxious, self-serving deceitful infowarriors.
    If Section 230 were repealed (or restructured), the public fraud waged by Blinken and Morrell about Hunter’s laptop could have been immediately called out in a lawsuit against the former intelligence 51, and the media organizations that symathetically pushed out the fraud.

    1. What qualifies as disinformation is often viewed as a matter of opinion, and who is deciding.

      That in turn is decided by who has the POWER

      Not a mystery why our Constitution, severely limits the POWER of the Federal Government.
      Not a mystery why the Bill of Rights, protects the PEOPLE, from the GOVERNMENT.

      That is exactly why the Governmet is barred, by the constitution, from determining how mis-is defined.

      1. Yes, and the government is also barred from policing the infospace indirectly through surrogate orgs.

        But, then you ask, how is the 1st Amendment to be enforced? Lawsuits toward this purpose must be rapid-due-diligence, because delay cedes the upper hand to the deceitful infowarrior, who only seeks a temporary advantage while critical decisions are being made (i.e., elections).

        Then, you might ask, what if the media actors are only sympathetic to the government’s infowarfare campaigns, but not actively collaborating? This is where Section 230 blocks the public from legally confronting public frauds being carried out voluntarily by the tech platforms and big media.

        Let’s stop whining about the past, and make the modest changes to improve the infospace going forward — repeal Section 230, and allow public frauds lawsuits to proceed ion an accelerated timetable that recognizes the realtime nature of public deceptions.

        1. “Yes, and the government is also barred from policing the infospace indirectly through surrogate orgs.”

          Yes, and the Biden government does not let a little thing like that stop them from doing it anyway.

  7. The illegal Biden Regime continues. The conspiracy against the American Citizen continues. The fraudulent 2020 election deniers continue to see no fraud even when confronted with Joe Biden’s own words,

    “We have assembled the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of the United States” said before the most secure election in American history.

    When will these fraud deniers realize they were wrong ? Maybe I’ll be wrong when Joe gets 95 million votes to Trump’s 81 million votes in this year’s, even more, secure election.
    For anyone today to “see” no fraud is in denial and a fraud themselves.

    1. The largest ballot fraud in the 2020 election took place in Hawthorne CA, where two crooked pols worked with MS-13 gang members to obtain 8000 absentee ballots, aiming to steal the Mayorship. In the Presidential vote, there were ~500 illegal votes cast (average of 10 per state), as documented by the Associated Press who did a state-by-state post-mortem.

      If you’re not willing to quantify the amount of fraud that took place, you’re just falling into a childish “there was fraud” vs. “there wasn’t fraud” dichotomy. Facts and numbers are our strength. Blanket assertions are dumb.

      If there are less than 500 illegal ballots cast in Nov. 2024, then assertions that the election will fraudulent or can be stolen are absurd garbage.

      If you think there are ballot loopholes that won’t be detected, work with your county election officials NOW to identify and plug them.

      1. You may want to look into the astronomical election fraud being exposed in Georgia and Arizona, among other states. Corrupt election officials are the problem, not the solution.

      2. “People ask me all the time if election fraud is real and I always tell them: because you think the printer machines in Arizona shrank the ballot image by one inch to make them impossible to scan and then sent them only to GOP precincts in Maricopa County magically?” @EmeraldRobinson

      3. “Then let’s look at the paper ballots.”

        GA Secretary of State office: “No.”

        You can’t say your proof is the paper ballots…and then not show anyone the paper ballots.

        Especially when there is no electronic proof (.SHA files) for hundreds of thousands of votes”

        “Fulton County officials admit they don’t have any evidence to support their phony vote count in 2020. In a functioning republic, these people would be arrested by sheriffs for fraud right now!”


      4. “Does the investigation confirm that there are missing ballot images?”


        Case closed. No cover up operation can conceal the fact that Fulton County did not have the votes it claimed it had. The recount could not replicate the original results.

        Oh, and it’s “news” to Fulton County that they are missing over 300,000 ballot images from Election Day”


      5. “US Marshals arrested an attorney in March for turning over evidence of election fraud in Michigan to the proper authorities but you think the Biden regime is going to allow you to vote them out of power in November?”

      6. If the AP found only 500 illegal votes in the entire country – the AP needs to relearn investigative journalism.

        Recent testimony in GA revealed that not a single Fulton County mailin ballot signature was verified – that was almost 400K ballots.

        Signature verification is a REQUIREMENT of GA Law (and many other states). A ballot that was not signature verified is an illegal ballot.

        Would all 400K have failed ? Unlikely.

        I would separately note that in GA the RANDOM audit of Cobb County mailin ballots found that 6% of the signatures did not verify, and that 0.6% of them were refered for prosecution for fraud.

        The sample size was unfortunately only 5000 ballots. But the results if they held for all of George would have changed the outcome of the election easily. if 0.6% of ballots in GA were fraudulent – as the random audit found that is thousands of fraudulent ballots.

        The Maricpoa country audit in AZ found that nearly half of all ballots had some error in handling. Many of these errors were minor, but ALL errors by Government in handling ballots weakens the protections against fraud and makes fraud more likely and harder to catch.

        Regardless, almost 50,000 ballots in Maricopa county were Duplicates – that is FRAUD
        And 50,000 != 500. And that is ONE state.

        We can debate the scale of the ballot harvesting voter FRaud that TTV found, but if you only rely on the thousands of hours of video they have of Ballot harvestors dropping a dozen ballots at a time into a ballot box – you still have way way way more than 500 fraudulent ballots.

      7. How can you *know* the largest election fraud was…
        You can think election fraud was no more than that, but you can not know.
        When it comes to exposing cheating… look no further than Lance Armstrong. He was never *proven* to have cheated. He finally admitted to juicing.
        Meanwhile, TDSers insist that Basement Biden 2020 (s)election was not juiced. -yeah, more popular than Obama 2008. (ridiculous without MASSIVE cheating)

  8. The federal prosecutors went on to denounce suggestions of Russian disinformation, long peddled by the Bidens, the media and former intelligence officials, as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.”

    Spoiler Alert to 2024 Civil War film. You might want to scroll past my comment if you plan on watching the film.

    Recently we watched the new 2024 film Civil War featuring Kirsten Dunst and Stephen McKinley Henderson. Henderson was excellent, and Dunst was very good. The other protagonist actors were subpar. The plot hit too close. More disturbing however was the ending of the film. I wished I hadn’t watched the film because it was so troubling. Suffice to say the diversity quotient was equally applied to both sides, and it was noticed that a black female soldier for WF delivered the kill shot of a black female White House spokesman, as well as of POTUS. I read months ago that the film director was a leftist and he drew parallels between Donald Trump and his film’s character of POTUS. However, I saw Biden’s White House persona all throughout the film.

    The current White House administration (i.e. Obama, Hillary, Biden’s Handlers) is the cause of our political polarization and outright fear Americans currently experience, i.e. fear of civil war. Yet, as in the case with the Hunter laptop and Ashley Biden’s diary where she admitted in court last month to her showering as a child with her father, Biden’s Handlers continue to manipulate Americans, lie to us and throw fuel on the divisions. They do not appear to even entertain deescalating. For them it is warp speed 10 forward.

    The movie Civil War was too surreal. Watching Biden’s Federales destroy our country is unforgivable. We are supposed to be a United States. Biden, Hillary and Obama’s machinations prior to 2016 Trump election win has caused irreparable damage. It would be in the country’s best interest if they admitted blame, came clean, reconcile with Donald Trump, and have someone else run for the DNC nomination in place of Biden like Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr, Cornel West, etc. Trump could also step down, and have someone else run for the RNC nomination like Ronald DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or whoever the RNC chooses. Both parties need to work immediately towards e pluribus unum. I fear the 2024 Civil War movie is going to be our reality and we can not let that happen.

  9. “The federal prosecutors went on to denounce suggestions of Russian disinformation, long peddled by the Bidens, the media and former intelligence officials, as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.”

    “Conspiracy theory”? No “theory”, just deliberate lies.

  10. We have our gun hating leftist on this blog giving Hunter every excuse for his behavior. Boo Hoo, he was just a gun toting poor little law breaking porn loving victim of that evil crack that forced him to hold the needle in his hand and pump it into his vein. Aren’t you full of pity for this poor captivated soul who was just trying to put his life back together when he strolled into a pawn shop, laid the cold hard cash on the counter and illegally bought a hand gun. Boo Hoo Hoo.

  11. I find it quite interesting that the leftist posters on this blog for a vey long time have said that the laptop was not real but now they say the laptop can only be used in a specific way in court. How can it be that the laptop is partly real when it supposedly did not exist. You gotta spend a lot of years in the pretzel factory to put that kinda twist on it. Brought to you by the twisted sisters otherwise known as Anonymous and Gigi.

    1. About the same as Trump supporters saying Trump means what he says, and he didn’t means what he says.

  12. Turley left out…..how Hunter used connections with his dad to secure 41 patents from China. How Hunter used connections from dad to secure a 2 billion deal with Mohammad Bin Bone Saw. How Hunter’s dad got him a security clearance after being rejected by the FBI and CIA. How Hunter’s dad got 10 counts of obstruction of justice pending against him and the AG lied about them and swept it all under the rug until the statute of limitations ran out. How Hunter’s dad had a secret letter of intent signed to developing a 1 billion resort tower in downtown Moscow while running for President. How Hunter came to work in the WH while using a private email account from one of his dad’s {in laws} corporate servers. Oh, thats right, that was all Trump and his children.

  13. JT – Thank you so much for this salacious post. Especially the drugged Hunter in bed. We need to be reminded that the son of the President had a tough spot in his life. Take the spotlight off the loser that is about to be convicted of a felony in NY. The guy that twice, not once, but twice was found liable for defamation against the same person for the sexual abuse he heaped upon her. What kind of idiot gets two defamation cases against him? Oh yea, idiot trump. The guy that put classified documents in his bathroom for his selected guests to view while they take a crap.

    Here is a headline I found interesting “Donald Trump Could End Up Destroying the Republican Party” Look it up, kind of funny article being as trump destroyed the Republican Party 8 years ago. Good luck trying to win a national election with that idiot at the top of the ticket.

      1. Nope, I am just a citizen that has seen a lot in his nearly 70 years in this country. trump is by far the most despicable person to have even run for office in my lifetime. I have voted for very few Democrats, a handful of Republicans, and a lot of independents. trump was found to have twice defamed the same person. What sort of idiot doesn’t learn from the first offence?

        I’ve seen a lot in my life. read the article I referenced with the headline. trump has destroyed the Repo party. It has become the party of trump. I mean just look at the pro trump comments on this site. Most are quite juvenile, including yours.

        trump will lose in November, like he has always had fewer total votes every time. He will lose even more this time. He will also take down the Senate and House with him. Grow up, trump is an idiot, he cannot win by degrading other people. You need actual policy ideas to win an election, something trump, and apparently his supporters, know nothing about.

        1. I agree, my comment was to the moron who thinks anybody that is not brain dead is paid.

        2. Right and Biden has such great “policy ideas”…..especially his “foreign policies”…..his wars…how many war fronts now?….how close to WW3 now? how about Biden’s Gaza pier debacle….recklessly pulling out of Afghanistan, getting our soldiers killed, giving up Bagram air base to China… making us energy dependent….open border policy….flying illegals all across the country and paying them to be here illegally….on and on and on go the unbelievably bad Biden “policies”….so bad that Biden is getting people killed….

          Trump was one of the best presidents this country has ever had, especially his foreign policy.

    1. Destroying the “Republican” party would be akin to destroying a Rabies infected dog.

      Riddled with a degenerating disease, and going to die from it.

  14. Point of order: the pistol Hunter’s holding (with his finger on the trigger!) in the (laptop?) photo is NOT the Colt revolver he (illegally) purchased. Whose gun is this, and how did Hunter come into possession of it? Since handguns cannot—under penalty of law—be borrowed, loaned, or informally transferred, I smell another felony.

  15. What does one make of a Justice Department, the FBI is a part of which, that on the one hand, prosecutes Robert Hunter Biden for an illegal purchase of a firearm, but tries to let him skate on income tax fraud, failure to register as an agent of a foreign entity, Or a DOJ that concludes the POTUS was guilty of criminal offenses, but is too doddering to prosecute. Or that sends FBI Special Agents out to intimidate folks who create or share memes uncomplimentary to the White House.

  16. Worse yet, many of these same political and media figures continue to support censorship and government regulations of “disinformation”…

    No, worse yet is, even after they have been proven to be the enemy of truth and transparency, they have defenders among their victims. Stockholm Syndrome on steroids.

  17. I wonder if Maryland, DC or California (or federal) have laws similar to New York, whereby falsifying records (LLC filings and tax documents) to conceal another crime (drug use, prostitution, gun charge) makes a whole other category of crime, whereby every instance would be a separate felony count. And discovery and questioning would open up a whole other can of worms for all of the Bidens.

    1. And wouldn’t everyone who knew of his crimes, be involved in the conspiracy to cover them up??/

  18. In The Graduate, Jonathan was told to remember one word “Plastic”. Well since 2016, it has been two words that have been shoved in front of us continually. Whenever something happens that the D’s are involved in, it is “Russian Disinformation” be it trying to deny the laptop or claiming Trump is behind it. How did the gun come to light? It was not Russian Disinformation. IMHO it was fear– fear of someone out of control, in possession of a firearm, there were children involved, and there was no one to turn to for help. But somehow the laptop appeared to confirm it, but we, the peons (the pawns), were told not to believe it. Keep your eyes open, do your own research, keep our most precious possession–our vote.

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