Gentleman’s Club: Pope’s Aide Arrested After Allegedly Caught Procuring Male Prostitutes

Angelo Balducci, “Gentleman of His Holiness” Pope Benedict, has been fired after reportedly being caught by Italian police arranging for male prostitutes to be brought to him. The young men reportedly include one who is studying for the priesthood.

Balducci was arrested on February 10th and reportedly taped in call for male prostitutes. He is a member of the Gentlemen of His Holiness, or Papal Gentlemen, the ceremonial ushers of the papal household. The Gentlemen are expected to “distinguish themselves for the good of souls and the glory of the name of the Lord.”

Balducci reportedly ordered deliveries of prostitutes, including “two black Cuban lads”, a former male model from Naples, and a rugby player from Rome.

For the full story, click here and here

48 thoughts on “Gentleman’s Club: Pope’s Aide Arrested After Allegedly Caught Procuring Male Prostitutes”

  1. Grassroots evangelists spur fierce contention in Panhandle

    Evangelical ministry contends with mountain of accusations

    by Thomas D. Mooney, Entertainment Editor


    Sarah Nicole Vaughn, Staff Writer

    AMARILLO – The fundamentalist Christian evangelizers of Repent Amarillo have recently broken into the national spotlight because of their “out-of-the-box” approach to sharing their faith.

    They have been compared to radical militant and terrorist organizations. They have played a role in the closings of a local strip club and a secret society of swingers.

    For a grassroots movement of around 20 people who have, until recently, been holding church services inside of a small home, they have stirred up a disproportionate amount of controversy.

    Led by one man, and guided by the “Word of God,” their mission is to reach those who are lost and to shine a light into the darkest corners of their city.

    But when does it cross the line between simply sharing the gospel and violating the personal liberties of others?

    “Get Your Kicks on Route 66”

    Amarillo, Texas. Population: 187,206. The Detroit of the Panhandle.

    Text Box: The Route 66 Party and Event Rental once served as a haven for an underground group of swingers before being outed by Repent Amarillo in late 2009. SARAH NICOLE VAUGHN / PLAINSMAN PRESSThe city’s notorious Amarillo Boulevard is known for drug activity and gang violence. Its homeless pepper the rundown northeastern sector of town, marking it as the epicenter of urban decay. Rumors of brothels and black-market sex slaves haunt the dirty streets of the inner-city ghetto.

    The Crystal Pistol, a decades-old strip club, now sits abandoned on Amarillo Boulevard. The club was allowed to operate for many years under a grandfather clause within a city ordinance. About a year ago, Repent Amarillo members attended a meeting of the city’s Zoning Commission, where they brought up

    the fact that the club had

    been shut down for

    more than 180 days to

    complete renovations, a

    violation of the ordinance. The city investigated their claims, and within weeks, issued a cease and desist order to the club owners.

    And then there were the swingers.

    One Internet blog says that Repent Amarillo successfully harassed the Route 66 swingers club out of existence.

    Members of Repent discovered the club by a twist of fate. An Internet search for “Route 66” pulled up a link to the club’s website. Members called the number, expressed interest in “the lifestyle,” and learned of the location, meeting times and rules:

    The entrance fee was $30 per couple. No single men allowed. BYOB.

    Repent Amarillo then began orchestrating their game plan. The building was also available for rent as a place to hold parties and other events, so they had to carefully plan the dates they would show up to “witness.”

    Accounts of the Route 66 story also say that Repent Amarillo cost the club tens of thousands of dollars in renovation costs to bring the building up to code after members filed complaints with city officials.

    After Repent members showed up at swingers parties 32 times, many of Route 66’s members left, afraid of being outed to the community as swingers, and only a handful of faithful attendees remained.

    The Route 66 swingers club was operating as a business, and, with only a few customers left, its owners were left with no choice but to close their doors and sell the location.

    “Takin’ it to the Streets”

    “Street preaching is not very politically correct, but it is very biblically correct,” says Pastor David Grisham, 49, founder of Repent Amarillo. “You’ve got people in our culture today who will not go to church, will not listen to Christian music, will not watch Christian television. So, how are you supposed to reach them?”

    Text Box: David Grisham, left, and Sam Croghan are the primary leaders of the controversial Christian group Repent Amarillo and Raven Ministries Amarillo Chapter. THOMAS D. MOONEY / PLAINSMAN PRESSGrisham, who has been a security guard at the nuclear facility Pantex for more than a decade, came from humble beginnings, having been born and raised in Amarillo.

    Grisham says that for his childhood and most of his adulthood, he was “lost and unchurched.” It was not until 2001 that he was saved.

    “I was a lost heathen,” admits Grisham. “I came out of a life of heavy sin.”

    Grisham, who has been married four times, confesses that much of his life was filled with “drunkenness, fornication, and adultery,” and that, without a doubt, he feels like a much better person now that he has found his faith in the Lord.

    Grisham’s transformation from an every-Sunday church-goer to everyday street preacher happened in a single moment of clarity.

    His realization that he was part of a bigger plan occurred during a family

    cruise to Mexico in 2007, the year

    he founded Repent Amarillo.

    Grisham and his wife were on the

    island of Cozumel, visiting ancient

    ruins of the Mayan civilization. After

    walking around, Grisham stopped to rest on a bench that overlooked the temple ruins.

    “I heard the Lord speak to me,” says Grisham, “not in my ear, but in my spirit, asking ‘David, what do you see?’” Grisham says that he “knew it was the Lord speaking,” and he answered that he “saw the ruins like the gravestones of a dead, godless society.”

    “The Lord gave me a revelation immediately, and the revelation exploded in my mind,” says Grisham.

    Grisham explains that during this time, he had not spoken a single word, describing the feeling as “something hard to explain in words.”

    “God has an everlasting covenant with Israel, but, here’s what the Lord told me, ‘God does not have an everlasting covenant with America,’” says Grisham. “If America turns its back on God, it will end up like those Mayan ruins. Some day people will walk through the ruins of a dead, godless America, because, apart from God, no nation can stand.”

    This was the origin of Grisham’s Repent Amarillo and his calling to get off his “blessed assurance” and take action.

    Grisham turned to a drastic and extreme strategy to reach the unchurched, due to a lack of both funds and manpower. To make an immediate impact within his community, Grisham decided to go to the places that he felt were in the most “darkness.”

    “That was something that Repent Amarillo could do, because, frankly, we didn’t have any money,” says Grisham. “It doesn’t cost any money to go do that.”

    Not only did Grisham and Repent make headlines with their approach to spreading the gospel, but they also turned close friends into staunch enemies.

    For Grisham, it is a price that he is willing to pay to lead others out of the same darkness he found himself in almost 10 years ago.

    “That’s one of the reasons why we made the stand at the swingers club,” says Grisham. “I understand the destructiveness of that lifestyle.”

    “Amarillo by Morning”

    “I didn’t choose Amarillo, the Lord chose Amarillo for me,” says Pastor Sam Croghan.

    Croghan, a Baltimore native, moved to Amarillo less than a month ago to establish a fully-functioning church in collaboration with his home church, Raven Ministries International, and Repent Amarillo.

    “My job when I came here was to build the church,” says the 43-year-old Croghan. “The Lord actually called me to come here 10 years ago, but we didn’t know [exactly] when we were going to be here. This past year is when he finally spoke and said it was supposed to be now.”

    Croghan says that he accepted Christ about 15 years ago, and then went to work for Raven Ministries shortly after.

    Unlike Grisham, Croghan’s transformation was not defined by one event, but by one person who was willing to share the gospel with him.

    “If it wasn’t for that one person, who knows where I’d be today,” says Croghan. “If I wouldn’t have made the choice I made, I’d probably be in jail or dead today.”

    Croghan says that because one particular person was willing to put himself at risk to share Christ with him, he is also willing to take that same risk.

    “We’re not looking for the masses,” says Croghan. “We’re looking for that one who is willing to change their life.”

    While Grisham and Croghan have been mistaken as religious “demonstrators” and “protesters,” they say that their real goal is community outreach and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    “Our mission is the same one that God gave all Christians,” says Croghan. “And that is to go into all the world and make disciples of all men, and to teach the men to obey all the commands that He had given them.”

    Grisham emphasizes that situations such as the Route 66 Swingers club and confrontational witnessing at sexually-oriented businesses are not their main focus. He adds that Raven Ministries frequently participates in Adopt-A-Block outreaches, where members visit homes in the church’s neighborhood and offer to help in any way that is needed.

    “They knock on the door and offer their services,” says Grisham. “We’ll witness to them, pray for them, pick up trash, and mow their yards.”

    Raven Ministries has been called “The Church Without Walls” because of their “take-it-to-the-streets” methods. Grisham explains that everything about their ministry has to do with outreach.

    “The statistics have proven that the old way of doing church doesn’t work anymore,” adds Croghan. “The large majority of Americans are no longer churched. Instead of waiting for them to come to us, we’re going to them.”

    Croghan says that Raven Ministries is all about being altruistic, living their lives “for the benefit of others,” just as scriptures have called them to. He explains that altruism encompasses providing for others’ physical needs, as well as spiritual needs, which includes sharing God’s forgiveness with others.

    He explains that everyone was born into sin, and while his own personal sin manifested in the forms of drug addiction and alcoholism, others’ sins can manifest in any form, including homosexuality, fornication, and adultery.

    “God loves all people regardless,” says Croghan. “He came to die for all sin. Apart from Christ, I was going to hell the same way [as everyone else].”

    “Come Together, Right Now, Over Me”

    It is a Sunday evening in the Grisham house. The aroma of pork chops and mashed potatoes waft through the home, out of the door and into the driveway. Around 20 people, both young and old, men and women, make their way into the Grisham’s den, their current house of worship until they are able to move into a more permanent and traditional church building.

    On April 26, Croghan and Grisham officially signed the papers on their new church, a building they are leasing from another local church.

    “We’ve been going in and praying over what the Lord is going to do here in the community, and praying over the church and what the Lord wants to do in the church body,” says Croghan. “This is going to be more of a discipleship center than a church… a training ground to be able to teach people how to go and reach others for the cause of Christ.”

    The church is located on the northeast edge of town, and although the bumpy gravel parking lot is dotted with patches of overgrown weeds, it has the makings of a lasting home for Raven Ministries and Repent Amarillo.

    The pews and carpet are in good condition, as is the chandelier that illuminates the church’s foyer.

    You see in the gentlemen’s eyes that they are genuinely excited to finally have a conventional place of worship in their future.

    The Croghan’s friendly dog, Lilly, a tawny pit-bull, makes her way around the den, searching for any free hands that will pet her. As members fill the room, sitting on couches and folding chairs, they talk about everything from that night’s NBA playoff match-ups to a discussion of sugar-free cookie recipes.

    Soon enough, Grisham takes his place in front of the fireplace with a foldout television dinner stand serving as his makeshift pulpit.

    The rustling of turning Bible pages fills the air as Grisham asks those in the room to turn to Luke 1:1. He glances into his Bible and back out into the crowd as he begins to read the passage. Grisham’s sermon contains no less than 20 scriptures that are read and referenced.

    Looking around the room, all eyes are on Grisham as he expounds on the recurring theme of “shadows and substance” throughout the Bible and in everyday life.

    Grisham’s attention to detail and knowledge of scripture only confirms his dedication to serving the Lord.

    Although Grisham is definitely in charge of the sermon, Croghan and other church members share comments and pose questions to Grisham. Not many pastors or preachers have the humbleness to let others lead the conversation. Grisham, on the other hand, loves that the small group in his den is not just going through the motions of church.

    The sermon lasts for a little more than an hour, but Grisham and his congregation never really stop talking about the message.

    The conversation makes its way down the hall and into the kitchen, where members begin filling their plates with pork chops, mashed potatoes, asparagus, winter squash, and dinner rolls. In the dining room and connecting living room sit three large tables topped with napkins and salt and pepper shakers.

    The scene is a stark contrast to the February article “He Who Casts the First Stone,” which was written by Forrest Wilder and published in the “Texas Observer” magazine. Wilder wrote that during his visit to the Grisham home “several men in their teens and early 20s show up dressed in camouflage pants. They sit staring at their laptops and don’t say much.”

    This Sunday’s evening dinner and dessert is filled with much more than just the pounding of laptop keys and vacant, staring eyes that Wilder described.

    “Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows”

    After first poring over blogs about Grisham and Repent Amarillo, and then spending some time with Grisham, Croghan, and their undersized congregation, one may begin to question the integrity of bloggers who have little to be held accountable for.

    Text Box: The Crystal Pistol was once Amarillo’s longest operated strip club in the city. It is now an abandoned building after Repent Amarillo alerted city officials. SARAH NICOLE VAUGHN / PLAINSMAN PRESSPerhaps Internet bloggers should be viewed less as journalists and more as “journalers?”

    When we walk into the Hastings coffee shop where we had arranged to meet the pastors, they are both seated near the door in leather armchairs. Both men are wearing jeans and black shirts. Croghan’s shirt has the Raven Ministries logo embroidered

    directly over his

    heart. Grisham’s

    black t-shirt

    proclaims boldly,

    front and center, “Jesus is Lord,” with the words “Raven International Street Team” in smaller print just below the declaration.

    Grisham and Croghan are neither David Koresh nor Jim Jones wannabes. They are not even Amarillo’s version of the “Boondock Saints.”

    They stand up to greet us warmly. Behind their eyes, we see no vestige of lunacy as one might have expected after reading the many descriptions of the group that were found during research prior to the interview.

    As we are setting up our recorders and pulling out our notes, another member of the church’s leadership, Pastor Todd Bohn, enters the coffee shop.

    Bohn, 45, is a burly man with a white beard and strong, workingman’s hands.

    After our introduction to Pastor Todd “13 burger” Bohn, he declines to participate in the interview. That is, until we begin talking about all of the recent press attention.

    “People have come just like you,” says Bohn. “They’ll say, ‘We’re not gonna be judgmental.’ And then they’ll write almost the exact same thing [as the blogs].”

    The men get quite stirred up when the Texas Observer story finds its way into the conversation.

    The story says that Repent Amarillo has used the city’s laws and employees as a weapon against legally-operating businesses while waging their war against the sin-filled city of Amarillo.

    “Mr. Forrest Wilder spent a week interviewing all of the people opposed to us,” says Grisham. “He spent two hours with us and then barely quoted anything [we said].”

    As for accusations of inciting violence, Grisham explains that Repent has a strict policy that its members do not touch anyone, even to pray for them, unless they have received permission.

    Bohn claims that security tapes from Repent’s stand at the Route 66 club was cut up and spliced back together, painting an unflattering picture of the group.

    Grisham adds that bloggers who have never seen them, spent time with them, or talked to them, simply get on the Internet and begin “spewing nonsense.”

    The men are also quick to passionately refute accusations that they have had people fired from their jobs.

    “We’re not there to get people fired,” says Croghan. “We’re not there to sue people for money. We’re not there to make people look bad. We’re there solely to preach the word.”

    Grisham also fervently decries blog comparisons to radical Muslim terrorist organizations, as well as Christian Militia groups such Hutaree, a Michigan-based “end times” militia movement that recently saw several of its members arrested for allegedly plotting to kill police officers.

    “The people from Hutaree, they’re not Christian,” Grisham explains. “If you’re gonna plot to kill police officers, you’re not a real Christian, and we will rebuke those people as quickly as we will rebuke anyone else.”

    Repent Amarillo has been portrayed by bloggers and others to be a group of gun-toting, Bible-thumping, “radical fanaticals.”

    Grisham explains that the group is only radical in terms of preaching, not in politics or acts of violence. In a recent blog of his own, Grisham writes in a sermon-like style, that, “We serve a radical God. We will radically preach, radically pray, and radically worship. We will radically serve our Lord and King, Christ Jesus, because we serve a radical God.”

    As for blogs that have stated that Hezbollah roughly translates as “Army of God,” a theme on Repent’s website…

    “Hezbollah does not mean ‘Army of God,’” says Grisham. “It means ‘Party of God,’ [as in a political party.]”

    Croghan says that all of the negative feedback simply comes with the territory.

    “All of the backlash that we’ve gotten as a ministry is all because of our stand for righteousness,” says Croghan. “People say, ‘Why are you pressing your morality on me?’ Well, it’s not my morality. I didn’t write the book, God did. It’s God’s morality.”

    “A Walk-on Part in the War”

    An element that has garnered almost as much attention as Repent’s actions is their website. The site has been called into question by many because of its militaristic overtones.

    Text Box: Amarillo’s downtown bar scene provides entertainment for some and a place to witness for Repent Amarillo. THOMAS D. MOONEY / PLAINSMAN PRESSA young male dressed in camouflage adorns the top center of the page, with “Army of God” and “In God we trust, Repent Amarillo” to his right and left respectively.

    It is easy to see why so many bloggers, reporters, and others make the jump from “Grassroots Christian Organization” to “The American Taliban” as you scroll up and down the site, clicking different icons such as “Mission,” “Soldiers,” and “Warfare Map.”

    Each time you click a link,

    a soundbite plays that is

    more “Call of Duty:

    Modern Warfare” than


    Grisham says that the website design will change soon, and the new layout will not contain any military imagery. He explains that the intent of the imagery was to modernize the depiction of the Armor of God from the book of Ephesians.

    What has caused the biggest commotion is Repent’s map of the region that features 39 different flagged “areas of darkness” in the Amarillo area. The locations include everything from sex shops and strip clubs to New Age bookstores and palm readers.

    Also marked are places of worship such as the Islamic Center of Amarillo, the Wat Lao Buddharam, the First Church of Practical Christianity, and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, which the site describes as “gay friendly.”

    Grisham and Croghan understand that there has been some significant confusion about what the map’s purpose is, but they also do not feel a need to take it down.

    Repent’s lack of consistent lingo on their site, such as a link labeled “Warfare Map” that leads to a page titled “Spiritual Mapping,” has only heightened the conflict and controversy.

    “The map is for prayer; it always has been,” says Grisham. “What it was designed to do was to educate Christians in Amarillo about areas of darkness in their city, so they don’t get a false sense of spiritual security. Just because you have a church around the corner doesn’t mean the devil isn’t working in the alleyways.”

    “Prayer is everything, and if we know what we’re praying for and what we’re praying against, that means everything, because prayer changes everything,” adds Croghan.

    Despite its original intentions, their map has been interpreted by many as a blatant and calculated attack on Amarillo’s sexually-oriented businesses, liberal Christian churches and religious practices outside of Christianity.

    “Stuck in the Middle With You”

    Repent Amarillo has seen more than a few law enforcement officials during their events, and so they have studied most of the laws concerning their rights to witness in the streets. Whenever a situation arises where members must interact with police, you might say, “It’s not their first rodeo.”

    The Amarillo City Police Department and the Potter County Sheriff’s Department are no strangers to the group either.

    Sergeant Jimmy Johnson, an evening shift supervisor for the APD, says that he has been on calls made by property owners who have complained about harassment from the group, as well as calls from members of Repent for complaints of verbal and physical assault.

    According to Johnson, no citations have ever been issued to members of the group, and no one from Repent has ever been arrested.

    “The members of Repent Amarillo have always been cooperative,” says Johnson. “I don’t know of any times when they’ve been uncooperative.”

    Grisham says that Repent members do their best to abide by the law, and that most of the APD have been very professional in their dealings with them.

    “They handle things in a manner where they do not try to violate our rights,” says Grisham. “I had one police officer tell me in person, ‘You guys know your rights better than anybody I’ve ever met.’”

    Chief Deputy Roger Short of the Potter County Sheriff’s Department echoes Johnson’s statement that members of Repent have been cooperative with authorities.

    Short describes a call concerning a protest by members of Repent at a private property in the county. He says that when members of the Sheriff’s Department arrived, the group was not breaking any laws, and left after speaking with the authorities.

    “We observed no violations of the law,” says Short. “They were on the public road and bar ditches. They were cooperative with Sheriffs.”

    “God Only Knows What I’d Be Without You”

    As for local business and churches, opinions on Repent Amarillo range from “well-intentioned but misguided” to having no problem with the group at all to “no comment.”

    Dr. John Benson, pastor of Amarillo’s Unity Center, one of the churches that has been “tacked” on Repent’s map of “areas of spiritual concern,” says that they have not had any problems with the group and believe that everyone is free to choose their own spiritual journey.

    “We have no problem whatsoever with what certain individuals think about our Unity church,” says Benson. “Everyone is free to think as they choose.”

    Benson also explains that Unity churches are sometimes mistakenly considered to be cults because of their differences from most of the world’s religious systems.

    “Practical Christianity is not a term applied to the arbitrary theory of human origin,” says Benson. “Neither is it a revelation to humanity from some prophet whose word alone must be taken unquestionably as authority. Its students are not asked to believe anything that they cannot logically demonstrate to be true.”

    Another church on Repent’s map, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, is rebuked on the group’s website because: “They do not tell homosexuals who attend this church that they must repent of the sin of homosexuality. This is a serious violation of scripture.”

    When contacted for a statement, church representatives refused to comment. The representative would only acknowledge that they have had problems with Repent Amarillo in the past.

    But, it is more than just churches that have been targeted by the group for prayer and witnessing.

    Businesses that are considered “places of sin” are also trying to deal with Repent “shining their light” on them.

    “We don’t have anything against them,” says David Bernhardt, owner of Adult Video Gallery in Amarillo. “[We] think they’re a little misguided.”

    Bernhardt, who has owned Adult Video Gallery for six years, says that there has not been any confrontational encounters around his property. But he is fully aware that one could happen at some point in the future.

    “I just know that we were placed on their ‘Spiritual Warfare Map’ and that they’ve gone to other places,” says Bernhard. “So it’s not out of the question that they could come here. I don’t really believe in the way they’ve gone after certain businesses. I think they’re going a little too far.”

    Although Bernhardt does not agree with Repent Amarillo’s tactics, he does not harbor any hard feelings toward the group either.

    “I have no problem with them,” says Bernhardt, “but you know, they can have their beliefs, [just] let me have my beliefs.”

    David Mesza, manager of Studio One Bookstore, says that members of Repent Amarillo once demonstrated in his parking lot about two years ago. Mesza says that the group stood outside, shouting about sin and telling people that they were going to hell.

    He says that the only influence they had at his business was when a few customers left because members of Repent told the customers that they would contact their wives and tell them they were at the adult bookstore.

    “I think the way they’re going about it is wrong,” says Mesza. “Everyone has their opinions, but they shouldn’t be protesting like that.”

    Another business that has seen similar actions from the group is an Amarillo strip club, The Jungle.

    General Manager Randy Preciado says that the group came out last summer with a giant wooden cross and bullhorns. He says that Repent wants to close The Jungle’s doors because they are “the devil’s work,” and that Grisham told Preciado that his goal in life was to make sure the strip club was shut down.

    “It upsets me and makes me sad, because they’re one-minded about the whole thing,” says Preciado. “As a Christian man, I know the establishment I work at is not what the Bible says, but it is still a business.”

    When asked if the group’s witnessing has ever made him second-guess his job, Preciado says that he knows he is working for the right reasons.

    “I know I’m doing this for a living,” says Preciado. “I’m supporting my family. Jesus understands that I’m making ends meet for my family.”

    He explains that The Jungle employs 93 people, an important contribution to the local economy, and also pays taxes that help fund new streets, school improvements and city programs.

    Preciado says that he has had to call the police because Repent members were on the street after 10 p.m., and although the police came out, they did not issue any citations or make the group leave.

    According to Preciado, customers have never been deterred by the presence of Repent. He adds that everyone has a conscience and does not need “someone on a bullhorn” telling them that what they are doing is sin.

    “To me, Repent Amarillo is working for a good cause,” says Preciado. “They’re just not going about it the right way.”

    Copyright 2009 South Plains College

  2. Does not surprise me. I found out a doctor friend was running off to Montreal and Toronto for years so he could play with Transexuals.

    Hell, different strokes for different folks but I have no tolerance for people who exist in high and mighty or holy roles. If they play with the salami and like to pack the fudge in private in this day and age then they have real head issues.

    These are the sickest-not those who just live their lives out in the open where we can all accept that while they may not share our preferences, they are honest and good people, not closet freaks.

    Yes, I agree it’s a step up from little boys.

  3. Looks like the Gentlemans’ Brother, da leader of the organized Gang in Germany is being asked questions about abuse(s)


    typical bullshit, he saw nothing and can offer nothing to assist the investigation of abuses.

    “Pope’s brother says he would testify in abuse case”

    If German justice officials “ask me to give testimony, obviously I’d be very ready to do so, but I am not able to provide any information on any deed that could be punished, because I don’t have any, I never knew anything about it,” the former choir leader told La Repubblica.

    “We’re talking about another generation, of another generation than that of my years, and respect to the generation that leads the foundation and chorus now,” the pope’s brother told the paper.

    Makes my heart go pitter patter….

  4. Someone sent this to me this morning. Timely… I don’t know exactly who’s behind some of the garbage that I’m witnessing, but if these guys were involved, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

    The Oath Keepers: The Militant and Armed Side of the Tea Party Movement
    Meet the fast-growing “patriot” group that’s recruiting soldiers to resist the Obama administration.

    Mother Jones / By Justine Sharrock

    (Off-topic, but in keeping with the “militia”/right-wing extremism comments. Now I’ll get off the “militia” bandwagon for awhile.)

  5. Elaine M:

    “Wow, a bunch of old cialis-dependent white guys trying to prove they’re still producing testosterone!”

    I’m still laughing and “out loud”… And given that I’m laughing less these days, thank you.

  6. anon nurse–

    Thanks for the link to the Maddow site. I had heard a report about that militia group–but had missed the segment about it on Maddow’s show.

    Wow, a bunch of old cialis-dependent white guys trying to prove they’re still producing testosterone! 🙂

    Oh my aching head!!!

    Remember when Janet Napolitano was castigated by some for her report last year titled “Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment?”

    Don’t tell me what I don’t want to hear. Better to shoot the messenger!

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