“Preppie Killer” Robert Chambers Heads Back to Jail

Robert Chambers, the so-called “preppie killer,” is heading back to jail for over 19 years after pleading guilty to drug and assault charges. This is his second long stint after spending 15 years in jail for killing Jennifer Levin in Central Park in what he claims was rough sex.

Chambers was arrested in October 2007 in an undercover sting at his Manhattan apartment on charges of dealing cocaine. He had been arrested only a year after his release for misdemeanor heroin possession and unlicensed driving — he received only 100 days in jail.

The current charges are running concurrently, so he received 19 years and four months on a deal with prosecutors. He was facing a life sentence. What is interesting is the disparity with his girl friend, Shawn Kovell, who was sent to a drug rehabilitation center, and upon completion of her program, will be allowed to withdraw the guilty plea and plead to a lesser charge to receive a sentence of probation.

What was also notable is the degree of Chambers’ drug addiction. His attorney stated that, by the time of his arrest, he was using up to 12 bags of heroin plus other drugs each day.

CHambers will be actually sentenced next year. At 41, Chambers will emerge even with good time close to 60.

For the full story, click here and here.

2 thoughts on ““Preppie Killer” Robert Chambers Heads Back to Jail”

  1. I can’t beleive someone can kill someone and only get 15 years but for drugs and hitting a cop you get 19 years. Our laws are screwed up we need an average Joe to run the damn USA.

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