Christian Recruiters Target Religious Rabbits in Race for Inter-Species Faithful

cute_04Recently, we saw the growing fight over canine Christians as religious organizations fight to augment their ranks with recruitment of other species.

The inter-species move may reflect recent polls showing a sharp increase in Americans who say that they are not part of any religion.

Given the known violent propensities of this species, the effort to recruit religious rabbits may alarm some citizens.

It is not simply a matter of Baptist Bunnies hopping into Sunday services. The move sparks a race for the rabbits with different faiths claiming particular breeds, struggling over American Fuzzy Lops and American Sables.

charley-prayingThe Britannia Petite and Sussex rabbits has been claimed by the Anglicans.

The Florida White is an Evangelical breed.

The Californian Rabbit is strictly New Age.

The German Grey is a protestant stronghold.

The Siberian Rabbit is known Russian Orthodox. pippin-counting

As herbivores, the Hindu faith may hold a certain appeal for the mammals.

[Kudos to Patty C for the three additional pictures of observant bunnies]

82 thoughts on “Christian Recruiters Target Religious Rabbits in Race for Inter-Species Faithful”

  1. Clint,

    I think you answered your own question:

    “those who claim to follow him.”

  2. Mike,

    “Too many of the faithful don’t understand that what those people preach is cherry-picked from the Gospels and the Torah and turned into a religion of selfishness, greed and hatred.”

    I am in full agreement with you. It is far easier and more prevalent to use Jesus than obey Him.

  3. Clint,
    The problem is that Jesus teachings and life have been thrown out the window by some prominent Christian movements in favor of a political philosophy that is antithetical to his teaching. The Jesus of “render unto Caesar….let he who is without sin….” has morphed into Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and Hagee. Too many of the faithful don’t understand that what those people preach is cherry-picked from the Gospels and the Torah and turned into a religion of selfishness, greed and hatred.

  4. Patty C:

    Great finds as usual. I have added them to the post with attribution. Thanks.

  5. To Everyone,

    What makes Christianity so detestable and contemptible to you all? From my conversations with you, there seems to be some semblance of respect for Jesus but a disgust with those who claim to follow Him. Is it some general stereotype or personal experiences? Please limit the emotionally-charged insults. I really just want to understand.

  6. pardon me?,
    Zodiac and Snow Crash are good books. Stick with Quicksilver until about page 350, when the real hero “Half-Cocked” Jack Shaftoe comes on the scene. He is one of the great picaresque characters I’ve ever read and is the real hero of the series. Also his sometime lover Eliza turns up shortly after. Up to then Stephenson is setting the scene and the backdrop when the interesting stuff and swashbuckling takes place.

  7. For sure and for certain, all non-human animals—domestic or wild—in a ‘praying’ pose, or a natural prayer-like stance, are completely innocent and delightful. One of my favorite invertebrate arthropodal animals is the Praying Mantis.

  8. Peter Griffin: “Damn Longears, trying to take Easter away from Jesus. Anyway, what was that you were saying?”

  9. Great one Kytain! That bunny’s got to feed her hatchlings somehow.

    The lord will provide.

  10. “Dear Lord, could I please have a chocolate human for Easter. . .and not a one of those cheap hollow ones either. . .Amen.”

  11. I want to see how the movement will deal with the lack of rabbit monogamy, or else there be a lot of sinning bunnies to deal with.

    Buddha, hope you like Cryptonomicon.

  12. Formally indicted and convicted of the assault of field mice, after not one, not two, but three chances, Little Rabbit Foo-Foo has converted to goddess/Good Fairy worship in his new life as a goon.

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