Teacher Suspended Over Picture With Stripper at Bridal Shower on Facebook

A Pennsylvania high school teacher has been suspended after someone at a bridal party posted pictures on Facebook. One such picture showed the unnamed teacher with a male stripper.

We have been following a disturbing trend of teachers, police officers, and other employees being disciplined or fired for conduct in their personal lives.

In this case, the Brownsville High School teacher merely participated in a pre-wedding ritual for many bridal parties. What is most striking is that she did not post the pictures herself but is being punished for her participation in a completely lawful activity. She will lose 30 days without pay.

Despite the clearly outrageous assault on the rights of association and privacy, Board member Stella Broadwater not only supports the decision but has publicly defended it. Member Nena Kaminsky added her support for the discipline, stating “Everybody has a right to do what they want on their own time, but once kids and parents see it on the Internet, it becomes the school district’s problem.” That is a curious rationale since it was a third party who posted the sexually suggestive picture. Since when did teachers sign on to having their personal lives monitored and governed by parents? That is a “right” that seems dependent on your only exercising it in a way to avoid any third party or observation.

This is an abuse of power that should be opposed by all of the teachers in Brownsville and beyond.

For the story, click here and here.

24 thoughts on “Teacher Suspended Over Picture With Stripper at Bridal Shower on Facebook”

  1. anon nurse
    Anybody heard anything about the murder of the census worker several months ago? (Sorry. Off-topic.)

    Anon nurse: The last I read about the census worker was that the FBI said it was suicide. Sorry, no time to find a citation.

    I also read that and don’t believe a word of it. It struck me while reading that the NCIS determined that three detainees at Gitmo simply couldn’t have committed suicide based on the physical circumstances while major elements of the census workers death are the same as the detainees.

  2. Elaine –

    Re: “I doubt he’s got the “right stuff” to satisfy us females who lean to the left.”

    Well said.

  3. AY–

    Very funny! But it wasn’t a REAL man-date. Speaking for myself and women like me: Scottie’s a lightweight. He’s going to have fewer than three years to show us progressive gals what he’s REALLY made of. I doubt he’s got the “right stuff” to satisfy us females who lean to the left.

  4. Elaine M,
    I had the same thought when I read this story. For any enployer to penalize an employee for these “off-duty” legal activities is atrocious. What if the activity took place in the teacher’s home and someone illegally taped the activity and posted it online?

  5. Anon nurse: The last I read about the census worker was that the FBI said it was suicide. Sorry, no time to find a citation.

  6. I can’t help but wonder if the same action would have been taken against a male teacher who was photographed at a bachelor party standing in the vicinity of a female stripper.

  7. Anybody heard anything about the murder of the census worker several months ago? (Sorry. Off-topic.)

  8. AY: Regarding, FBI Takes Over W.Pa. Cross Burning Investigation:

    Where ARE we headed?

  9. AY wrote: “Now if she were have sex with a student acting as a bed warmer then I could see the up roar.”

    Thanks for the comic relief.

  10. Duh,

    How can you and bdaman be so intelligent in some of your writing and troll butter the next?

    Oh yeah Troll Savant. Sorry, we must comply with the ADA and civility of this site.

  11. Professor,

    How can you claim this to be a “clearly outrageous assault on privacy”, when the discipline was not due to something that was kept private, but for something that was made public?

    What if the teachers contract contains a clause that would penalize off-duty conduct that reflects adversely on the employer, impairs relations with the public, or creates friction within the workplace?

    “An employer can discipline an employee for off-duty conduct if the employer can establish a “workplace nexus,” i.e., a connection between the off-duty conduct and the employer’s legitimate interests. This “nexus” can be established by showing
    that the employee’s off-duty conduct (1) harms the employer’s business; (2)adversely affects the employee’s ability to do his or her job; or (3) leads other employees to refuse to work with the offender.”

  12. [Board] Member Nena Kaminsky added her support for the discipline, stating “Everybody has a right to do what they want on their own time, but once kids and parents see it on the Internet, it becomes the school district’s problem.”

    I guess so long as it fits within the “Norm” but this is clearly a legal activity. Off School on her Off Time.

    Now if she were have sex with a student acting as a bed warmer then I could see the up roar.

    Today, I have learned that it is home to one of the oldest Drive In still in operation today. Ya never know what can happen at one of them. hehehe

    The racial makeup of the borough was 85.95% White, 11.41% African American, etc.

    And about 10 miles away from Brownsville also in FAYETTE COUNTY is home to a Cross burining

    “FBI Takes Over W.Pa. Cross Burning Investigation
    PITTSBURGH (AP) ― The FBI has taken the lead role in the investigation into a cross burned outside the home of a white western Pennsylvania family that took in a black foster child.”

    Link: http://kdka.com/wireapnewsfnpa/FBI.takes.over.2.1442696.html

    Gives you that real warm and fuzzy feeling.

    And now the stupid story makes sense. Not

  13. While they are at it they should find anything remotely sketchy in the board members life and be sure to post it on Facebook, Myspace, etc.

  14. Can she seek legal redress from the Board and from the individual members who chose to address the matter publicly? Perhaps her union can help in financing such an action. I know that in many states School Boards enjoy a “Thus sayeth the King” status but such invasions of privacy need to be legally challenged if for no other reason than to cause School Boards to think and move with greater caution.

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