Amnesty International Issues Report Accusing Israel of War Crimes

Amnesty International (winner of the Nobel Peace Prize) has issued a 430-page report accusing both Israel and Hamas of war crimes. While few have any illusions about Hamas and its violation of international law, the accusations against Israel are quite damaging and join those of the United Nations investigation by the Goldstone Commission.

The report confirms war crimes allegations during Operation Cast Lead, as well as its treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank. During the operations, the report concludes, “[a]mong other things, they carried out indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks against civilians, targeted and killed medical staff, used Palestinian civilians as ‘human shields’ and indiscriminately fired white phosphorus over densely populated residential areas.” Israel is also accused of maintaining an “illegal blockade” — a growing controversy with countries like Turkey this week demanding that its humanitarian shipments to Gaza be allowed through the blockade, here.
The report states that “[t]he restrictions included a military blockade of the Gaza Strip, which effectively imprisoned the 1.5 million residents and resulted in a humanitarian crisis.

Here is the full report on all countries, including Israel: AmenstyReport

For the full story, click here.

18 thoughts on “Amnesty International Issues Report Accusing Israel of War Crimes”

  1. “We know for a fact that AIPAC and other Zionist organizations troll the web looking to promulgate their Israel-can-do-no-wrong point of view.”

    You simply lack the ability to separate assertions of your point of view, from facts. Other than asserting your facts with something that slightly even resembles a debating point, you just make more assertions

    Besides that, you show yourself to be paranoid by stating:

    “perhaps you work for them in your free time? Good thing more Americans are waking up to the problem of dual loyalties and the FACT that our boys and girls are being asked to die to fight Israel’s wars.”

    Really! Problem with my being an AIPAC agent is that I have a long history and much writing here that would disprove your paranoid fantasies. Not only have I criticized AIPAC openly here on many occasions, but I have categorically stated that I have never supported it, or its’ like organizations.

    Secondly, if you think the Iraq wars and the Afghanistan wars are the result of Israel’s bidding, than your really are delusional. Iraq I, was for the Saudi’s, Iraq II was for the oil rights (and companies) and Afghanistan was a sham to give some credibility to Bush since Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. The CIA actually gave rise to Al Quaida during the Russian incursion in the 80’s.

    “Pedants like you love to bask in your own smugness and self importance”

    There is nothing pedantic in my dealing with you, unless you accept the broader meeting of actually being knowledgeable about what I state and being willing to do more than asserting my pre-judgments on issues. You, on the other hand aren’t “pedantic”
    because you don’t have the slightest idea of what discussion, or debate is about. You’re simply a parrot of your point of view and I would guess you follow the “party line” be it “left or right. The difference between you and me is that I actively question my own viewpoints, constantly and am willing to change them if proof arises. You on the other hand, just based on your writings, are unable to look and assess differing views, to perhaps modify your own.

    Finally, as far as “dual loyalties” go, I am a proud American, whose loyalties are to this country first. That I support Israel, some of the time, is a reflection of the fact that I
    have affinity for fellow Jews and relatives who live there. Is that odd to you? Congressman Peter King of NY has been tied to support of the IRA. Columbus day in is a celebration of American’s with Italian heritage, etc. Are they’re loyalties to this country questioned?

  2. There are obviously arguments one might find to support any side. To act as if you come to this with no bias is somewhat naive my friend. Those with ‘prejudgements’ are those who would disagree with you. Ahh, I see how it works.
    We know for a fact that AIPAC and other Zionist organizations troll the web looking to promulgate their Israel-can-do-no-wrong point of view. perhaps you work for them in your free time? Good thing more Americans are waking up to the problem of dual loyalties and the FACT that our boys and girls are being asked to die to fight Israel’s wars. But dont let that fact influence you either. and as for the Huff post article…try reading the posts after it. To site this one article as ‘disproving your unbacked thesis….’ uhm…ok.
    What does it mean to you that the US will not vote against Israel on any UN resolution? is that reasonable? Israel gets a free pass for any action it takes in the world? Pedants like you love to bask in your own smugness and self importance. glad it works for you but maybe it would appear that only the equivalent of another 3 MI’s would be able to effect change in one as open as you….maybe.
    good day.

  3. Macfly,
    My remarks toward you were meant to be snide because you are a man ignorant of a subject, yet postulating it because it agrees with you uninformed pre-judgments. Curiously there is an article in Huffpost today on the subject written by an American Muslim, who is conservative and no friend of Israel.

    As for Murdoch if ones Mother is Jewish, then you are a Jew. However, we don’t know if he was Bar Mitzvah’ed. His family did not practice Judaism and he was brought up as a Christian. Do yourself a favor so you won’t sound so ignorant and refer to Google to discover how much Arab and Chinese money has gone to
    Newscorp. I notice that you ignored my other points because you can’t refute them. For you, argument only means assertions, rather than factual points, as below.

    “it is plain and clear that the Zionist lobby has undue influence on the politics of this country and not for the better.
    and as for murdoch”

    While I could refute any argument you make, simply because you are uninformed, I refuse to respond to blatant unproven assertions on a more intelligent level and your use of assertions as facts, earns you little respect in my book. Therefore ridicule is appropriate.

    Also I must note that your original post on this thread directly followed mine which was hardly uncritical of Israel.

    “try reading books by former congress people who openly acknowledge these facts. They Dare to Speak Out might be a good place to start.”

    My guess is that the people whose books you read, but whose names you don’t cite (forgot them already?) are also adept as making assertion into fact and you are unable to differentiate since they agree with your pre-judgments. Sarah Palin has written a book also, but I don’t think many students are utilizing it for their College Theses.

    Article by James Zogby in Huffpost does a good job of disproving your unbacked thesis try reading it and learn something.

  4. So Mr. Spindell,
    are you really trying to suggest that congress has not been completely captured by AIPAC and the Israeli lobby? Really?! your knowledge of my lifetime reading list aside, surely you jest.
    I would venture that you have no idea of my reading habits, so trying to make your points by some snide and ignorant comment says plenty.
    Your reading habits aside, it is plain and clear that the Zionist lobby has undue influence on the politics of this country and not for the better.
    and as for murdoch…
    “Rupert’s father Sir Keith Murdoch [see below] attained his prominent position in Australian society through a fortuitous marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family, née Elisabeth Joy Greene. Through his wife’s connections, Keith Murdoch was subsequently promoted from reporter to chairman of the British-owned newspaper where he worked. There was enough money to buy himself a knighthood of the British realm, two newspapers in Adelaide, South Australia, and a radio station in a faraway mining town. For some reason, Murdoch has always tried to hide the fact that his pious mother brought him up as a Jew…

    And that, as I am sure you know, makes him a Jew according to the law of the Talmud, and indeed according to the present laws of Israel.”

  5. “…Well, if you would like to live in the same world of facts that the rest of us do…”

    Tell us more about those “claims” of world-wide oppression, macfly, we need the facts from that world you live in. Are they, perchance, mere claims, not really supported by real-world facts?

  6. “I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that the leadership of both the US and Israel are more concerned about short term personal greed than the long term common good.”

    We agree, with my only addition being sometimes these leader are so anxious to consider themselves “grown ups” geo-politically, that they confuse defense with protection. Bibi by the way is just plain stupid and corrupt. His career proves it.

  7. So let me get this straight, just for my educational edification of course. Jews own the media. Rupert Murdoch is Jewish? GE which owns NBC is run by Jews? Walt Disney, notably anti-Jewish founded a company taken over by Jews, ABC for instance. CNN with 40% Saudi ownership is secretly pro-Israel?

    There is a case to be made about Israeli excesses, however, you seem to have swallowed propaganda unthinkingly. I wonder how you feel about Blacks and Latino’s and their “control” of the media.

    “try reading books by former congress people who openly acknowledge these facts.”

    I daresay that your reading is limited to that you have pre-judgments about. I read more books from all points of view a year than you’ve done in your entire life. When you talk of “facts” you don’t seem to differentiate between what is reasonably provable (or arguable)from unproven statements by those you agree with.

  8. Mike S.,

    “Curiously, regarding your discussions on some threads a few weeks ago, Israel began to fall down morally when it stopped being a socialist democracy. Any relationship you think?”

    Yes I do. Anytime you remove the common good from public policy and decision making you’ve lost your way as a government. The Neocons that infect our government are of the same cloth as the Neocons in Israeli government and their common elements are their inflamed egos and personally vested interests in perpetual warfare. “There is no instance of a nation benefiting from prolonged warfare.” – Sun Tzu. It was true then and it’s true now. And just like Sun rightfully teaches that battles are won in the mind first, that is where they are lost as well. I think it’s becoming increasingly clear that the leadership of both the US and Israel are more concerned about short term personal greed than the long term common good. Eventually this spectacle of non-responsive and self-serving governance will end where it always ends – with stale cake and bloodied guillotines.

  9. Well, if you would like to live in the same world of facts that the rest of us do then yes, in fact, they DO own the media. The biggest media giants are zionist oriented organizations. sorry. facts are hard to deal with when they dont support your view. and try reading books by former congress people who openly acknowledge these facts. They Dare to Speak Out might be a good place to start.

  10. “what a country. Great that the country founded after its claims of worldwide oppression has learned such valuable lessons in how to treat others.
    good thing they own the US congressfolk so we dont ever have to hear any criticism.”

    Claims” of worldwide oppression??

    PS – you forgot to mention that “they” “own” the media, another reason why “…we dont ever have to hear any criticism”.

    As if the US would do any better under the same circumstances.

  11. would we call it a continuing crime against humanity that no aid ships are being allowed into gaza…STILL?!
    what a country. Great that the country founded after its claims of worldwide oppression has learned such valuable lessons in how to treat others.
    good thing they own the US congressfolk so we dont ever have to hear any criticism.

  12. Buddha, unfortunately for humans, memory is short. Bibi is a thug and was when he was in office before. As a supporter of Israel the current dynamics sadden and shame me as a Jew. I could probably develop counter arguments to this, but my heart wouldn’t be in it.
    As to memory when I had my first MI at 36 I stopped smoking for only two years. After my second one 5 years later I went back to my only addiction and again after the third. It was only Cardiomyopathy that got me to quit.

    Curiously, regarding your discussions on some threads a few weeks ago, Israel began to fall down morally when it stopped being a socialist democracy. Any relationship you think?

  13. The irony of becoming that which you fear is not sweet in the case of Israel. Merely sad. Merely sad that the six million Holocaust dead didn’t teach Israel’s government the proper lesson about state sponsored religious based oppression. You know. State sponsored religious based oppression. That thing that ended so well for Nazi Germany.

    Because that isn’t the kind of irony that makes one say, “Sweet.” It’s the kind of irony that makes one say, “Dumbasses.”

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