Minnesota Bar Owner Roasts Black Bear To Show Contempt For Chicago

The rivalry between the Bears and Packers and Vikings is intense but largely good-natured. Some, however, take it to a new and disturbing level such as Blake Montpetit, the co-owner of Tiffany Sports Lounge in St. Paul, who announced that he would roast a black bear to show his hatred for Chicago. This comes on the heels of a restaurant owner in Tucson grinding up a lion for tacos.

The bear in question was shot by one of Montpetit’s friends. I realize that there is a legitimate bear hunting season but there is something truly off-putting about using a bear to make this gruesome point. After all, I did not try to grill neighbors of Nordic heritage after the Bears destroyed the Vikings recently in Minnesota. While we certainly had a daily Packers Joke, I did not seek meat packers for a cheesehead fondue.

Montpetit was planning to serve the bear meat to customers but was stopped by health inspectors (there is no department for good taste). A Packers fan, he sent the meat to a party in Wisconsin when he could not serve it in Minnesota.

Source: ESPN

26 thoughts on “Minnesota Bar Owner Roasts Black Bear To Show Contempt For Chicago”

  1. Now what state was Jeffrey from? Oh yeah….Ben’s and Frank’s…..

  2. I don’t like Rahm anymore but this seems ridiculous. He owned the home, and he was leasing it because of federal service. Not enough known yet to see if he can get it reversed.

  3. If ever there was an example of “be careful what you wish for”Rahm is the perfect example,Bill Clinton ruffled a lot of feathers in the Black Community there also with his endorsement of Rahm.

  4. Hey, cheer up Chicago! Not all the news is bad. Rahm Emmanuel isn’t going to be able to run for mayor after all.

    “DEVELOPING: The Chicago News Cooperative is reporting that an Illinois Appellate Court has overturned a decision regarding Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago residency. The court reportedly decided Emanuel is not eligible to run for mayor of Chicago because he has not been a resident of the city for one year.”

  5. Elaine,
    You could be right that Michelle Bachmann is probably behind all of this! Actually, this is too tame for her to be involved. I could be wrong, but aren’t the Chicago Bears depicted by a Brown Bear? Normal Packer and Viking intelligence!

  6. “While we certainly had a daily Packers Joke, I did not seek meat packers for a cheesehead fondue.”

    lol … best joke of all

  7. Blake Monpetit is a packers fan, and the bear was taken to a private cheesehead party in Wisconsin.

  8. Elaine: He probably is one of her supporters, but his bar is in a very liberal democrat’s district. Love the “Camem-bear” cheese.

  9. It’s time for another animal mask poem. This is one about a black bear talking to Mr. Montpetit:

    By Elaine M.

    I’m a big black bear. I’m fierce and fat…
    And dangerous. Remember that!
    My teeth are sharp as sabers.
    My curvy claws can cut like saws,
    And when I prowl the woods I growl
    And frighten all my neighbors.

    I rule the land. This forest’s mine!
    I ain’t NOBODY’S valentine!
    Don’t think that you can be my friend…
    My dinner?

    The End

  10. You don’t suppose Montpetit is one of Michele Bachmann’s “armed and dangerous” supporters, do you? Couldn’t he have made his point by eating crackers with Camem-bear cheese?

  11. As I was saying…


  12. Kind of always figured sports guys were a bit off dead center, thanks for the proof of that. What a jerk off, roast a black bear, grow up will ya.

  13. The dude clearly stepped over the line. But there was MUCH feasting on bear flesh of the metaphorical kind last night.

    Did you hear the one about how the Packers were so far ahead of the Bears in the second quarter of a game that the Packers defense just walked off the field and left the Bears offense out there by themselves?

    Three plays later, the Bears tried for a field goal.

    They missed.

    And then there’s the announcement over the Soldier Field intercom.

    “Whoever left the Cub Scout Troop #45 unattended, please collect them down on the field. They’re beating the Bears 35-0.”

  14. Having lived in both Chicago and St Paul, I never noticed that much animosity. The mere mention of the Dallas Cowboys back in the day sent them all into a frenzy.

  15. If he wanted to show contempt for Chicago, why not roast a much much less noble and far less useful creature like Rahm Emmanuel?

    (Pun intended.)

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