New Mexico Man Arrested For Moving From a Dumpster To Homeless Shelter Without Prior Notice To Police

In Albuquerque, Charles Mader has been arrested for moving from his domicile without notifying police under sex offender registration rules. That is not particularly newsworthy until you consider that his previous address was an industrial dumpster. That’s right, police arrested Mader for moving out of the dumpster and into a homeless shelter.

Of course most people are astonished that you can give a dumpster as an address, though (as we have previously discussed) sex offenders are increasingly finding that exclusion areas are forcing them to live in forests and under bridges. For Mader the only option appeared to be the dumpster at 8th and Central.

I can certainly understand why the police wanted to keep track of the man. In 2000, he was convicted for trying to rape a six-year-old boy. However, I fail to see how you can register a dumpster as an address in the first. It is hard to see how gong from a dumpster to a homeless shelter should be viewed as a matter warranting arrest.

Source: Guardian

40 thoughts on “New Mexico Man Arrested For Moving From a Dumpster To Homeless Shelter Without Prior Notice To Police”

  1. Well if a lawyer is having sex with his baby, that is proof of neural impairment. Maybe medicine will figure out how and where to drill and cut and these problems will be eliminated. With the money that is spent now, some medical research is justifiable.

  2. Here, a real sex offender – taped an act with a 3 month old baby.
    A former West Point Grad, a Major and an Attorney,

    Oklahoma disbarred him recently.


    We have no background on the case of the homeless man – and what his true crime was. It seems as if he was living in shame. And, if there were kids in the homeless shelter – and he is truly an offender – than he should be kept away from them.

    Between, dumpster, shelter and jail.
    Jail sounds better.
    Shelter must be in by 5, in bed by 8 and out by 5 am.
    Dumpster living needs no description.

    Jail appears to be the best of all choices – except for the fact that those there that are truly bad – try to justify themselves be saying the offender is worse and abusing him.

    I do not understand what goes on in the mind of a sex offender – how they can let self indulgence take them so far away from sound reason.

    But, I do know, it is just as ugly as the banter in comments here. That go off the deep end of decorum, for the sake of hate and worse.

  3. Apparently there are new developments in brain surgery that can eliminate depression. If brain surgery can eliminate depression then probably it can eliminate inability to control and inappropriate sexual urges. This would allow people to become former pedophiles and live normal lives.

    Even if you have no compassion for pedophiles, you should have compassion for their families. Plus all this chasing sex offenders is really expensive. It looks like about 1/3rd of federal arrests are related to pedophiles and regulation of registered sex offenders. So if brain surgery is an option, it would be much less expensive.

  4. You can agree or disagree w Tootie, but she is definitely sincere and honest.

    And she was on subject too, whereas dumping on her is not.

    I met someone who said that their parents were approached by a neighbor about a sex offender in their neighborhood who turned out to have been dating someone 5 years younger.

    When I was 16 I was dating someone who was 22 and my parents thought it was great.

    When it comes to people who are trying to have sex with 6 year olds, obviously a different matter, one point is that when people think that the results of reporting a sex offender are so severe, sometimes they just won’t report. It isn’t clear that the drastic remedies actually reduce the number of children who are victimized.

    To the best of my knowledge, there isn’t actually much real research on why some people are sexually attracted to children — their own child experiences, porno, fear of adults etc.

  5. Tootie-

    Some people think it’s normal to eat the body of Christ and then wash it down with a glass of his blood.

    Tootie has chores to do- Friday is the day she fumigates her soul.

  6. Mike Appleton,

    “Easy question. The state demands punishment. Private groups lobby and organize rehabilitation programs …”

    With the wave of private enterprise taking over state prisons, will they offer rehabilitative programs for sex offenders? Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t necessarily see a private corporation spending funds on such services. Additionally, time and again we’ve seen how well private corporations police themselves and how eager GOP controlled legislatures are to impose regulations …

    “And here in Florida the legislature is attempting to destroy the independence of the judiciary by restructuring it as a new political subdivision. …”

    ??!! Would this be allowed under the FL constitution?

  7. Mike A,

    So the answer is: Yes.

    Maybe a more interesting phrasing of the question would involve “should” instead of “is.”

  8. Gyges:

    Easy question. The state demands punishment. Private groups lobby and organize rehabilitation programs. Judges attempt to use wisdom and discretion by incorporating rehabilitative provisions into their sentencing decisions. Outraged legislators respond by imposing ever more draconian minimum sentencing laws.

    And here in Florida the legislature is attempting to destroy the independence of the judiciary by restructuring it as a new political subdivision. Bills are pending to place judicial nominating committees, currently a function of the Bar, under the complete control of the governor; to bifurcate the Supreme Court by creating a separate criminal appeals court that can then be filled with the governor’s appointees; to eliminate the rule-making authority of the Supreme Court; and to require judicial nominees to receive confirmation by the state senate. It’s a bleak picture.

  9. Oh good the Tootie’s show’s back.

    I mean who can get sick of turning a potentially nuanced discussion about balancing the rights of sex offenders versus the safety of children into a bumper sticker like debate on if Tootie is a bigot or not.

    So seriously, how exactly DO we balance those two factors? Bonus question: Is our system of justice about punishment or rehabilitation?

  10. mespo said, “My point was contained in the last sentence of my comment. That’s where you usually will find it.”

    True that, true.

    However, as a matter of contrast, Tootie’s point is usually found on her head.

    Premise, exposition, conclusion . . . bah!

    Who needs grammatical structure when you’ve got belief?

  11. kay,

    “If you are calling me names, “Stamford Liberal”, maybe acting against Pro Se rights will help you get another paralegal job. Have to remember which side your bread is buttered on, right?”

    Paranoid much? If you would bother reading any posts outside of your own, you would clearly see that my comment was directed at Taliban Tootie a/k/a Taliban Trash.

    P.S. – I already have a full-time paralegal job … but your “concern” is touching …

  12. If you are calling me names, “Stamford Liberal”, maybe acting against Pro Se rights will help you get another paralegal job. Have to remember which side your bread is buttered on, right?

  13. “My next best solution?

    A rational one.”

    Holy shit! Has hell frozen over??!! Ah … didn’t think so. It’s just Taliban Trash talking out of her ass … as usual.

  14. Tootie:

    My point was contained in the last sentence of my comment. That’s where you usually will find it.

  15. Tootie wrote “Extremist right wing and left wing fascists are criminalizing every aspect of life and this is causing people to easily get a criminal record which, no matter how minor, makes it next to impossible to get a second chance and make a life for themselves.”

    As many here know I was imprisoned by USMS without a criminal charge and without a bail hearing. I also want to live which requires buying food and shelter.

    I recently paid for a national data base search on myself. It found absolutely no criminal records for me but it did find the Colorado Pols website which included republications of the Steamboat Pilot website which accused me of being a criminal. I was prosecuted there based solely on the signature of a drug dealer’s wife who was upset because I accused her of violating the zoning. The Pilot told me they can print anything they want about me and that there is nothing I can do about it. That is also recorded in verified attorney bills filed by their attorney Christopher Beall. See D of Colorado 02-cv-1950 document 755-1.

    I wrote to the FBI and the U.S. Attorney about getting the FBI record that I was imprisoned for civil contempt expunged. They wrote back that they weren’t involved. I called the federal court in the District of Colorado and they said that the only knowledge they have of civil contempt is related to divorce. But I have never been divorced.

    Anyone can get a copy of FOI/PA 2011USMS17314 stating that the USMS has no records responsive to my request for “vexatious litigants”. Anyone can get a copy of FOI/PA 2011USMS17351. USMS has no record of “authority for arrest or detention of litigants for engaging in noncriminal ‘contumacious’ litigation”.

    So now people’s lives are ruined by fabricated records of criminal prosecution.

  16. I think Tootie’s idea of an adults only community for those who are sexually attracted to children is a good idea. Adults who aren’t sexually attracted to children could live there too.

    I also think that the laws on statutory rape should be modified to exempt people with an age difference of 5 or less years. It used to be common for teenaged females to date men that were five years older.

  17. Fellow regulars and others,

    I have stated several times since Tootie’s first postings within this blawg that I welcome her and that she has the same posting privileges as we all have.

    I am an atheist (well over 40 years–before that I was a devout Southern Baptist) so Tootie and I have nothing in common regarding religion. I ask that you soundly refute any of her claims because we all learn from logical refutations. However, I humbly request that we remember our respect for Professor Turley and that we reside here in his space by way of invitation only and not by any unmitigated, inalienable rights.

  18. Stamford Liberal (aka Malik the Shabazz, aka Brown Separatist Grand Dragon)

    You are such a freaking moron.

    I don’t believe they should live in the streets and that is why I said with all seriousness that they should live with you. Because clearly you have no solution for them. All you have is a lot of big-flapping lip service.

    My next best solution?

    A rational one.

    Thus, you will not understand it.

    I propose, and have done so for some time now, an Old Testament solution of sorts. A city of refuge; but not exactly so. Cities around the country designated for these types of criminals (more accurately ex-cons). They must by law live in them. And no children are allowed to be there. They run businesses or work in businesses. They have courts. Jails. Cops. Post offices. Each other. But no children.

    AND THEY CANNOT LEAVE THEM unless it is proven they can live among the civilized members of society if ever. And this should be very difficult for them to achieve.

    Since fascists in America (on the left and right) are quickly turning all Americans into criminals, we probably need real cities of refuge where the accused and those convicted of non-violent or pseudo crimes can find work AFTER serving sentence so they can find a means to eat and pay rent. These cities of refuge should be separate from the cities where the perverts are.

    Start a new city. Some states could pay other states to have such cities in their states. A lot could be done. At least it should be tried.

    This speaks of a larger problem. Extremist right wing and left wing fascists are criminalizing every aspect of life and this is causing people to easily get a criminal record which, no matter how minor, makes it next to impossible to get a second chance and make a life for themselves. Technology prevents them from making a semi-anonymous new start as their electronic record is impossible to overcome.

    Crime or welfare becomes their only option (unless they have good business acumen or rich parents).

    The other option (as far as our having the highest incarceration rate in the world and our head-long dive into police-state insanity is concerned, is to STOP being fascists who want to arrest everyone in sight for everything including being a carbon-based organism which expels CO2.

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