Texas Sheriff Sends Transgender Porn To Political Opponent By Mistake

Awkward. Primera (Texas) Police Chief Joe Rodriguez recently sent his opponent for the office of constable, Robert Lopez, text that contained transgender porn. Oops.

Rodriguez insisted that he “accidentally” texted the porn . . . he wanted to send transgender porn to his cousin. Don’t we all? What a better way to say “thinking of you” than two or three transgender people having sex on a couch?

Now here is the kicker . . . In 2007, Rodriguez was fired from the Rio Hondo school district amid an investigation that he allegedly searched for adult content on school computers as a district cop. Rodriguez’s prior problems are now the focus of the controversy.

He is now on paid administrative leave.

I am not sure giving Rodriguez MORE leisure time will make this situation better.

Source: Valley Central

7 thoughts on “Texas Sheriff Sends Transgender Porn To Political Opponent By Mistake”

  1. anon nurse,

    Gotta agree … sometimes our blog owner’s humor catches me off guard. 🙂

  2. This is a man who should also have the “Reply to All” function disabled in his e-mail client.

  3. That some people are more upset by this than reports of excessive force and bogus “wiretapping” arrests is pretty telling.

  4. “I am not sure giving Rodriguez MORE leisure time will make this situation better.” -Professor Turley

    And I didn’t think that anything would make me smile today…

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