Saudi Court Sentences Four Men To Up To 10 Years and 2000 Lashes For Dancing In Public

220px-Singin_RainThe Saudi legal system is back in the news today with another report of an abomination from the Sharia-based courts in the Kingdom. It appears that Saudi judges do not want to be outdone by the punishment against woman videotaped dancing in the rain. According to this report, a Saudi court has sentenced four men to up to 10 years in prison and 2000 lashes for the crime of dancing “naked” in public. Like the women in Pakistan, the men were left exposed due to a posting on YouTube. The medieval Sharia legal system took it from there.

The sentence was handed down by a court in Buraydah with one defendant given up to 10 years in prison and 2000 lashes, and another given up to seven years in prison and 1200 lashes. The other two men were given three years and 500 lashes.

Reports indicate that the men do not appear naked on the videotape. However, they were found guilty of “dancing on a vehicle in public and posting a video online, encouraging vice, defying norms of the society and violating public morals.” Two of the men turn out to be security officials.

Saudi religious police (those not still fleeing the scene of their last crime) are still looking for this individual and would appreciate any tips on his identity:

22 thoughts on “Saudi Court Sentences Four Men To Up To 10 Years and 2000 Lashes For Dancing In Public”

  1. I was going to post the scene from Clockwork Orange, but that’s tasteless, even for me.

    Speaking to the original topic, there are a lot of people that shouldn’t be allowed to dance.

    Case in point: Elaine dancing, on “Seinfeld.”

    Ewww…do that at home, wouldja?

  2. So.. Of they are all 4 guilty… Why the difference in sentence…. The bigger the schlong….. The longer sentence…. And lashes….

    Guess this was a pubic display…..

  3. Very good, I got the Clockwork Orange reference. In high school we had film study. All 4 classes would watch a movie en masse and then discuss it in English class. An American in Paris was one of them[photo on post here]. Oscar Levant is in this movie. Well, this was the late 60’s when we viewed the movie and by that time Oscar Levant had become a caricature seen on the Mike Douglas and Merv Griffin shows. For you youngsters, Levant was a gifted pianist who become a heroin addict and man did he look like one during his appearances. When Levant appeared on the screen in our high school auditorium there was a gasp and then muffled laughter. We only knew the man as a talk show guest just like Monty Rock, the third[Google him kids]. I had a great English teacher nun who incorporated Levant’s personal life into the discussion. Too many of the nuns didn’t allow it. So much of life is serendipitous. I was lucky in for Sister Margorie.

  4. Sell them more advanced weapon systems. That’ll open the floodgates of freedom.


  5. Religious Police………… If some of their bodies started showing up on the streets, that would be a very good thing………..

  6. Too bad they weren’t dancing on the graves of the ‘Relious Police’!!!!!

  7. Yeah, they do break them up, but I also suspect that medical treatment in a Saudi prison isn’t exactly top notch either, Darren. I’m betting high risk of infection.

  8. Gene

    I read somewhere that lashigs are carried out over time if so many are proscribed. Debatable which is worse, get it over with and die or the agony over time.

  9. I suppose the good news is the 2000 lashes will probably kill them before they can serve the prison time.

  10. Yep. LK there are ample reasons to go green. If only for starving out the totalitarian government in SA was the reason it would be reason enough.

    Seems like anything fun is against the law there, unless you are part of the royal family.

    If the world boycotted their oil exports the country would collapse in a month.

  11. And we still shaking hands with these guys! It is pretty ridiculous. Remind me now. We saved them from Saddam because……. oh, yes I remember now ExxonMobile and those other “poor victims” of the working people of the US. And now they want us to do their dirty work in Syria…..

  12. The best reason for going totally green as fast as possible is so the nation doesn’t have to have anything to do with these barbarians. It’s interesting that a couple of them were security officials, maybe if they didn’t live in the most conservative province in the kingdom (srsly, “kingdom”, in the 21st century) a two tired justice system might have worked in their favor. No ‘professional courtesy’ from the religious police in Borayda.

  13. Tell me again why Saudi Arabia is our ally?? I know about the oil, but this stuff shouldn’t happen in the 17th century, let alone the 21st!

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