Senate Approves Transfer Of Additional $351 Million To Israel To Fund Its Iron Dome Missile Defense System

225px-Richard_Durbin_offici300px-Flickr_-_Israel_Defense_Forces_-_Iron_Dome_Intercepts_Rockets_from_the_Gaza_StripThe US Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee just approved the transfer of $351 million to Israel for the Iron Dome missile defense system — that will bring the appropriations this week for Israel to $621 million. There has been virtually no debate about such huge payments to another nation’s defense budget when cities and schools continue to cut back on programs for lack of fund. In Fairfax county, our kids are being placed in classes of over 30 kids with a single teacher because there is no money to hire more staff. Congress has cut historic programs and environmental projects for lack of a few million dollars but approves these transfers with little debate. It is not just Israel, as we have previously discussed, but the continuation of huge expenditures abroad in various countries from Pakistan to Iraq to Afghanistan to Egypt. It is not necessarily the ultimate appropriation decision as much as the lack of any discussion on such budgetary priorities and policies that is so striking.

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, chairman of the subcommittee, pushed through the increase which will include funding Israel’s R & D work on a new generation of rocket.

In a relative blink, the move doubled the money going to the missile defense system protecting Israel. We previously discussed the lack of debate on the spending of billions to various countries given our worsening educational, environmental, and scientific programs. In one past case, Congress spent $100 million to build a new office facility for Israel and has continued to send billions to Iraq and Afghanistan even in the face of massive corruption and the disappearance of billions in aid.

64 thoughts on “Senate Approves Transfer Of Additional $351 Million To Israel To Fund Its Iron Dome Missile Defense System”

  1. Senate Approves Transfer Of Additional $351 Million To Israel To Fund Its Iron Dome Missile Defense System

    How many gallons of potable water would the $351 million buy at $2 per 1,000 gallons price quoted by the Detroit Water and Sewage Department website?

    What a complete disgrace.

  2. Over 300 innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed at the hands of Israel and zero Israelis, the blood shed of oppressed people is continuing in epic proportions – the Palestinians have no where to go and getting bombed and slaughtered daily. Israel has committed over 62 war crimes, Iraq had committed 2 and were invaded…why is my tax money continuing to contribute to this massacre/genocide?! #gazaunderattack #stopisraelwarcrimes #freepalestine

  3. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights: Israeli military forces continue brutal ground attack on Gaza’s population: 303 Palestinians killed, of whom 249 are civilians, including 71 children and 35 women; 2,058 others wounded, mostly civilians, including 615 children and 406 women; 359 houses destroyed; approximately 50,000 Palestinians forcibly displaced:

  4. An explanation for the appropriation for Israel is quite simple: Hamas fired @1500 rockets into Israel over a period of 10 days. Israel’s Iron Dome missiles, which cost somewhere between $60 K to $100 K, have been expended to intercept those rockets. They need the money for more missiles to protect their people from those career criminals in Gaza.

  5. Просьба к администраторам форума не удалять данный пост
    ну или по крайней мере перенести его в более подходящую категорию.

    Просим помощи в распространение информации о похищении ребенка.

    Похищен Максимов Александр Евгеньевич, 10 сентября 2006 года рождения, уроженца города Бендеры, проживал с отцом Максимовым Евгением Александровичем в городе Тирасполь, Молдова, Приднестровье.

    29 мая 2014 года ребенок был похищен из спортивной секции в городе Тирасполь, похищен был биологической матерью ребенка Доага (Максимова) Кристина Федоровна, 19 октября 1984 г.р., которая в 2011 году Тираспольским городским судом была ограничена в родительских правах в отношении ребенка и практически не появлялась, не виделась и не занималась несовершеннолетним ребенком, но 29 мая 2014 года, после долгого отсутствия, объявилась в городе Тирасполь и силой выволокла ребенка за шиворот с тренировки .

    С 29 мая 2014 года по настоящее время местонахождение ребенка не известно, не известно даже в какой стране она с ребенком находится. По первой оперативной информации всплыла информация что она вывезла ребенка в Тюменскую область, Россия, потом появилась информация что её видели в Москве, а так же в Московской области (в частности в городе Калуга).
    Через несколько недель она устроила скандал и драку в городе Кишинев , Молдова. По последней информации её видели уже в городе Бендеры, Приднестровье, Молдова.
    Так же может находится в Молдове в Чимишлийском районе в частности в городе Чимишлия или Порумбрея.

    Правоохранительными органами Приднестровья гражданка Максимова (Девичья Доага) Кристина Федоровна объявлена в официальный розыск, возбужденно розыскное дело в отношении её и в отношении ребенка. Правоохранительные органы Молдовы так же объявили её и ребенка в официальный розыск по всей территории Молдовы.

    Официальная группа ребенка в одноклассниках –


    В данной группе выложены фото и самого ребенка и самой Максимовой (Доаги) Кристины Федоровны, а так же сканы документов постановлений о розыске.

  6. The U.S. taxpayer is simply an ATM for powerful, connected interests worldwide. Israeli, Saudi, even our locally grown Billionaires.The globalized, capitalist economy is one big wealth redistribution system- out of the hands of the average man and into the pockets of the guys who already have enough to buy a small country.

  7. Squeeky, well, I think society, itself, is already a tranny, and Sandy Hook is already happening.

    Annie, here is an idea to increase school funding in Fairfax County. If this gal can live on $1.50 for groceries every day, then others can also. Make food stamps good for buying staples only. That way you free up about $50 billion from the food stamp budget that can be used instead for schools. No one goes hungry and no jobs are lost. You transfer the people who make potato chips and those who kill Tyson chickens into the school system, maybe have only 10 kids for each teacher now. But wait! Any idea what you’d like to do with the 1 trillion you save on healthcare, after so many people get healthy from better food, and don’t need to see a doctor or go to the hospital anymore? Think of it, one lousy executive order fixes so many things at once.

    My $1.50 a Day Challenge: Eating a Plant-Based Diet on an Austere Budget
    By Darshana Thacker
    Posted on September 10, 2013

  8. @samantha

    My father, who retired from the Air Force, told me the military always had a lot of gays but they were the tougher more mature type who took care of business. He says Manning is an example of what happens when you let a bunch histrionic twinks join. He says you can ‘t put these kind of people around dangerous weapons because one day they will have a hissy fit and shoot down an aircraft carrier or nuke somebody.

    I kinda feel sorry for people who are this messed up but the military is no place for them. Particulary taking a bunch of hormones. Trannies are a Sandy Hook waiting to happen.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

  9. That is very funny, squeeky. My dad first explained this transgender stuff to me, a sort of variation of homosexuality, which butch-nelly model is a variation of biblical marriage, which master-servant model is a variation of slavery. As women moved into the workplace, diluting job opportunities for men, unemployed and underemployed men found improvement in lifestyle as a nelly by throwing in with a butch, not unlike women who only marry up. However, a nelly who is too nelly for any butch, believes, wishfully, he can improve his lot as a female throwing in with a straight man, without having to live in a closet. It is all about surviving in a changing environment. My dad may have had a couple of jack daniels when he explained this to me

  10. Oh, I don’t know, Annie. Lots of people quit smoking after the anti-tobacco people exposed all the lies. Of course, that happened because corporations did not get away with muzzling activists, unlike today when special interests & corporations routinely hijack the conversation. I guess if you only believe in failure, you expect only failure.

  11. $621 million this week from USA to the terrorist country of Israel….. How much terrorism can our tax dollars buy?

  12. RWL, well in that case eat, drink and be merry for in seven years it’ll all be over anyway.

  13. I should add, they should be allowed to live it as long as it’s their CHOICE.

  14. No Samantha, I didn’t miss your point and I actually agree wih you to some degree, BUT it’s unrealistic to expect people to do what you want them to do, even if your ‘way’ is the correct way. People make up their own minds and most folks, conservative folks especially, do NOT like having government control what they consume. So Samantha you can preach the healthy diet sermon all you want, bu it will fall on deaf ears, many of those ears belonging to your fellow conservatives. I don’t advocate a longer life just to live longer. Like you, I believe quality is more important than quantity. People are living longer thanks to modern medicine and despite the longer life not being perfect, I tend to believe they should be allowed to live it. You don’t believe in euthanasia do you?

  15. Yeah, all living longer in misery, disease and on life support, drugs, Depends, all on the backs of working taxpayers to the tune of 3 trillion annually. You missed a bigger point. It’s possible to live longer without health care, provided you properly.

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