eTyranny: Islamic State Has The Perfect Match For You

Islam-Yaken_2999102cIslamic State jihadists have worked hard to establish the image of murderous extremists who slaughter innocent people and destroy ancient religious temples and shrines. However, various newspapers are reporting, the group appears to be eager to show on social media that they are also domesticated as well as hip in recruiting new followers. Appearing across social media are images of Islam Yaken, a young Egyptian law student who left his affluent family in Cairo to become a soldier for Islamic State with signature sword and slaughterous slogans. At the same time, the ladies of Islamic State are recruiting Western and European women to come and hook up with jihadi in a bizarre version of eHarmony or JDate. JihadDate is a bit different. It promises that, if lucky, you can watch your loved one martyr himself — I kid you not.

11011634_2999101cYaken is a product of the best schools in Egypt and lived what seems a Westernized life, which makes his emergence as an extremist all the more unnerving. The “hipster jihadi” was educated at the French Lycée in Heliopolis and speaks English and French as well as Arabic. He then went on to the prestigious Ain Shams University to study law. He was then obsessed with his body and, while a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, seemed largely secular in his outlook. After graduating law school, he appears to have taken a turn that none of his friends now understand. The student who once loved Western music and posting about how many calories are consumed by kissing is now trumping the “Caliphate” of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and posting gory pictures that Islamic State seems to relish of its victims. In one posting, Yakin showed two heads in a basket and jokingly compared to the heads of sheep that can be ordered for the table in some Egyptian restaurants.

He has been trying to convince his family to come to Raqqa, a city in Syria that the Islamic State has controlled and cleansed according to its view of Islam. When he told her that she could stay in this flat on the Euphrates and eat and drink and study,” he says she responded: “My son, what would happen if the owners of the flat came back? What will you do then?” Yaken then told her “not to worry – they are dead and gone.” A real hunkocidal catch.

Mothers are not the only people being recruited. Islamic State women are trying to recruit Western and European women and girls — apparently at the request of Islamic State men. Notably, these social websites targeting women do not show the signature gore of the Islamic State of hacked off body parts and corpses. That apparently is a turn-off for JihadDate. Instead it describes the paradise for women to be married to Jihadi and to be part of the community of “sisters” within Islamic State. They are told that they are not excepted to be martyrs but mothers. The “Bird of Jannah” explains: “Women are not equal to men. It can never be. Men are the leaders & women are [so] special that Allah has given them entire chapter in the Qur’an.”

One supposed English woman named Umm Layth gushes with delight about how “I will never be able to do justice with words as to how this place makes me feel.” She adds “Allahu Akbar, there’s no way to describe the feeling of sitting with the Akhawat [sisters] waiting on news of whose Husband has attained Shahadah [martyrdom].” The pitches have succeeded. Two teenage girls, 15 and 16, from Austria have gone to Syria for Jihadi marriages as did two 16-year-old British twins.

Just as a tip, girls, homicidal hunks like Yaken appear to prefer decapitating swords as gifts and their favorite subject is the Caliphate followed closely by the slaughtering of non-believers. As for the standard “likes”: beheadings, Shrine desecrations, and martyrdom. As for standard “dislikes”: Shia, human rights, and most art and music. Under the Islamic State’s view of Islam, you very incompatibility with with modern world makes you compatible — if not ideal — for a Mujahideen match up.

230 thoughts on “eTyranny: Islamic State Has The Perfect Match For You”

  1. Samantha, Those 2 devout Christians who just arrived home w/ Ebola. Meriam Ibrahim who just arrived here from Sudan. Yes, there are many examples of the good of religion, just as there are of the evil. Intellectually honest people see both. Haters, well they just gotta hate.

  2. If religion has the power to direct people in evil ways, then it certainly must have power to direct people in good ways, too.

  3. Karen, I read a comment recently where a woman fantasized about putting a bullet in her dad’s head. That dad must have been horrible, but some people carry that resentment their entire life, poisoning every relationship they ever have w/ a man. Sad.

  4. Karen, Your son and husband are fortunate men. You speak fondly and respectfully of your dad. You respect all people, showing the patience of a saint. You don’t allow sophomoric comments to bring you down to that level. Keep up the great comments.

  5. My point is that you should try Wikipedia, or at least click a link or two, before spouting “facts.”

    ISIS is the rebel; not the ruler. A good warmonger shouldn’t so obviously demonstrate such a complete lack of knowledge of the players.

    And confusing the Russian Bear with the United States is just, well, silly.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Karen, I have the “There is someone wrong on the Internet” syndrome and I get carried away for hours sometimes, I see this in you also. My suggestion for a cup of tea with a splash of rum, was in response to this observation and what I do at times to chill out a bit. Just trying to be helpful.

  7. Good lord Karen, I wasn’t telling you to lighten up about the 40,000 trapped people. How you like to spin things, tsk, tsk.

  8. fiver:

    Shiite and Sunni are denominations of Islam, not a political party.

    ISIS has overthrown several cities and is now the ruling party of those cities.

    Putin has the nickname of “The Bear of Russia.” Historically, the US was seen as a sleeping bear you didn’t want to poke with a sharp stick. There have been many political allegories about strengthening America so that it would be viewed as lunacy to provoke it.

    And many historical figures have been known as a Bear or The Bear. Take Teddy Roosevelt, source of the Teddy Bear.

    What’s your point? If 40,000 men, women, and children are surrounded by ISIS, who has promised to kill them, and has the severed heads to make that a viable threat, are you saying it’s not a problem because Putin is the Bear of Russia, and a sleeping bear is not an appropriate analogy for the US? Or that it’s OK because not all the cities have fallen to ISIS yet?

  9. 40,000 people are trapped on a mountaintop by murderous Islamists and Annie tells me to lighten up?

    Gotta love the Party of Tolerance. They do have trouble answering facts.

  10. I don’t see how emergency air drops would help much, if the ruling party of a country is trying to kill you.

    Ummm. No. Not the ruling party.

    The ruling party in Iraq, installed by the U.S., is Shia. The ruling party in Syria, opposed by the U.S., is Shia. ISIS, the group opposing both Shia governments in Iraq and Syria, is Sunni. It is fighting the ruling parties.

    And, BTW, the sleeping bear was not the U.S. The Bear was, and is, Russian. Just ask Hitler or Napolean.

  11. Karen,

    The question is, has Obama been tested for Attention Deficit Disorder?

    I’m also following military blogs about that Army 2 star general who was killed in Afghanistan (Last one killed at that rank in was in Viet Nam).
    If the 82nd airborne and 101st airborne come to Wash DC, it will make US news interesting.

    Pssssst….Military folks have steam coming out of their ears, retired and active.

  12. Lighten up Karen, life is short. Before you know it you’ll be 62 with a few grandchildren.

    Laser, I’ll report back later.

  13. Paul;

    The difference is – the facts (other than the I’m not going to run againBS), all add up to the issue that he is.

    He’s about power & money and will do a Cheney on U.S. 10 times worse.

    The fact my fellow Progressives leave me hanging in the win, on my battle against the RICO tyrant –

    is mind-boggling!

  14. Just to refresh people on the severity of the problem, please re-read Professor Turley’s post above. There is an excellent section on how this young Egyptian Jihadi posed with 2 severed heads and made a joke about kaleh pacha (a dish made of sheep’s brains, eyeballs, etc). Sure, what’s there to be worried about when ISIS has 40,000 non-believers stuck on a mountain top? I’m sure we can just drop them some rice and they’ll be fine.

  15. Never MIND!

    but, But, BUTTTTT

    You grabbed BIG attention from him on having for dinner

    (Okay, I confess – it was really upon you stating
    ————————- No, I don’t mean, I’m having HIM for dinner)

    I’m just sayin………

    —————————– don’t leave us hangin…..

  16. Annie – so you think dropping food is a super plan? We should all just drink spiked tea? How empathetic.

    I hope we actually do something.

  17. But we didn’t get involved in the genocide of Jews until we were attacked at Pearl Harbor, so who knows if we’ve learned our lesson not to let an enemy strengthen with delays.

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