“I Am Too Young To Die”: Pregnant Syrian Rape Victim Allegedly Murdered By Father And Brothers in Muslim “Honor Killing”

2D28C45D00000578-3262990-image-m-18_1444205953837We have another alleged “honor killing” in Europe. Rokstan M. is a woman who was gang raped by three Syrian soldiers and fled for freedom in the West. Her family however treated her as unclean and guilty for being gang raped. She reportedly feared being killed by her father and brothers. The young pregnant woman was found stabbed to death and her Syrian father is believed to have fled back to Syria. Police are also seeking her brothers who are believed to have participated in the savage murder. Rokstan wrote on social media shortly before her death that “I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die.”

Rokstan was employed as an interpreter on a book project on Syrian refugees. She recounted before her death that “I was taken by three men. Ever since that time my family has regarded me as unclean. My mother and my brothers mistreat me. They say that I deserve to die.” She lived at Papatya, a crisis center for girls and young women and the director, Eva Kaiser, believes Rokstan was killed by her family “because she was no longer a virgin and was raped in Syria.”

Her body was found behind a living area for Syrian refugees in Berlin. The father appears to have fled to Turkey and likely back to Syria — leaving his wife who is under investigation in Germany. The mother denies involvement but friends of the Rokstan say that the mother threatened her and once allegedly tried to hire a hitman to kill her.

There have been at least 129 documented honor killings in Germany in the last 20 years. Police documented an average 13 honor killings a year in the country and tie the large number to the 1.5 million refugees, mainly from Muslim-majority countries.

201 thoughts on ““I Am Too Young To Die”: Pregnant Syrian Rape Victim Allegedly Murdered By Father And Brothers in Muslim “Honor Killing””

  1. Here is something I was going to post before the big brouhaha.


    Exposing the secret of domestic abuse in Egypt

    Culture plays a huge part

    In my case, my father never learned how to treat women. It wasn’t because he was Muslim; he was far from upholding the pillars of his faith. In fact, Islamic teachings preach the exact opposite: They state that you must be loving, caring, and attentive as you raise your children. It was because he grew up in a chauvinistic society that taught men they could do whatever they want and get away with it—simply because they did not have a hymen. My father would often boast about how society would never put the blame on him as a man if my mother asked for a divorce. He said it is the woman who is always shunned. And he was right.

    My mother eventually left my father, but the damage was already done. She was blamed for ruining her marriage, even though she told her brothers and family that he had done deplorable things.

    My father grew up in an authoritarian, impoverished system that treated women like objects—a system that still exists today under the rule of a military-backed government and a relentless patriarchal regime. Although my father was an educated man and a doctor of medicine, the system in which he was raised left an odious imprint on his character.

    This system continues to leave the same impression on Egyptian youth. In a recent video, young Egyptian boys are asked why they think women are harassed so much in Egypt. Their answers were shocking: Each said women who are harassed are asking for it because of how they dress.

    Men who cling to archaic Middle Eastern values continue to patronize the women of their culture. Many of these men are self-proclaimed moderates, yet when it comes to women, they have constructed different rules for themselves, restricting women to the specific roles of mothers, daughters, or wives—roles that are defined only by serving the men in their lives. They tell us how to dress so we do not get raped. They tell us not to raise our voices so as not to tempt men. They tell us not to be ambitious so we don’t intimidate the men who will pursue us for marriage.

    Looking back on my own experiences, I have learned that it is imperative that we start teaching our Middle Eastern sons that they do not own the women in their families; rather, they owe these women. It is also crucial to start teaching our daughters that they control their own destinies—not the man or the father, simply because he pays the bills. As women, we must stop being afraid

  2. Here, not herd obviously. I make lots of typo’s that might be what got this whole circus started, lol.

  3. Now can we get back to the subject matter? I think in the vultures on India and the ME, and even herd in the US we see these traits of the abusive man. Most moms herd in the states teach our daughters to look out for the characteristics and too steer clear. In the cultures of India and the ME women have a far road to travel.


    Characteristics of Abusive Men


    Control is the “overarching behavioural characteristic” of abusive men, achieved with criticism, verbal abuse, financial control, isolation, cruelty, etc. (see Power & Control Wheel). The need to control may deepen over time or escalate if a woman seeks independence (e.g. going to school).


    Entitlement is the “overarching attitudinal characteristic” of abusive men, a belief in having special rights without responsibilities, justifying unreasonable expectations (e.g., family life must centre on his needs). He will feel the wronged party when his needs are not met and may justify violence as self-defence.

    Selfishness & Self-centredness

    An expectation of being the centre of attention, having his needs anticipated. May not support or listen to others.


    Contempt for woman as stupid, unworthy, a sex object or as a house keeper.


    Seeing a woman and his children as property.

    Confusing Love & Abuse

    Explaining violence as an expression of his deep love.


    A tactic of confusion, distortion and lies. May project image of himself as good, and portray the woman as crazy or abusive.

    Contradictory Statements & Behaviours

    Saying one thing and doing another, such as being publicly critical of men who abuse women.

    Externalization of Responsibility

    Shifting blame for his actions and their effects to others, especially the woman, or to external factors such as job stress.

    Denial, Minimization, & Victim Blaming

    Refusing to acknowledge abusive behaviour (e.g. she fell), not acknowledging the seriousness of his behaviour and its effects (e.g., it’s just a scratch), blaming the victim (e.g., she drove me to it; she made it up because I have a new girlfriend).

    Serial Battering

    Some men are abusive in relationship after relationship.

  4. bam, Thanks for the info. It’s horrible what is happening in the Mound City and many formerly great US cities. Give Dems a monopoly and see what occurs. Prudent to not engage them.

  5. Uh oh. There’s going to be TROUBLE.

    bam bam’s article says St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the nation.

    The Chief Inspector is not gonna like that…..

  6. And BamBam, your comment @7:01 is insulting. I’m going to have to complain. Plus I’m bookmarking it.

  7. I wasn’t alluding to you, Annie; however, perhaps it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to read articles which don’t necessarily support your narrative. You and your disgruntled and sour pal could learn something.

  8. bam bam

    I’ll have you know I have been self identified for several days now!

    I’ve been BOOKMARKED!

    Maybe you, too, can soon be bookmarked.

    Keep those articles coming….

  9. I’ll have you know BamBam I am a voracious reader. I just finished a War and Peace in two days.

    1. Inga – I’ll have you know BamBam I am a voracious reader. I just finished a War and Peace in two days.
      Did you just read the war or the peace?

  10. Crime is out of control in St. Louis! Save your wives and daughters! Better move to Syria!

    Reports are that Obama will move to St. Louis for retirement. But first he has to take away all your guns.

    PEOPLE OF ST. LOUIS! Watch out for the Jade Helm marauders! Report them all the the Chief Inspector.

  11. It’s quite obvious from the incorrect punctuation and numerous misspellings that certain people do not read–especially anything too long and without color pictures. Thanks for the laugh. I love when people self-identify what the rest of us already knew.

  12. Oooops, I meant Darren. My iPad might just be possessed. It’s gotten me in a lot of trouble.😬

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