Eight People In Oregon Shown Pushing Over Famed “Duckbill” Rock Formation

rock1We have previously discussed the shameful case of the men pushing over ancient hoodoos in Utah with their children and other acts of vandalism of national and state parks. Now we have another groups of destructive narcissists who are shown on YouTube celebrating their destruction of a natural feature. Various adults filmed themselves pushing over a popular sandstone rock formation known as the “Duckbill” on an Oregon beach. For the joy of destroying the beautiful formation, these people ensured that no one will be able to see it.

When Duckbill was first destroyed, Oregon State Parks officials said that they did not think it was the work of destructive humans. Then a video by David Kalas of Portland was posted showing a group of visitors pushing over the structure on August 29 at Cape Kiwanda State Natural Area. The 7 foot by 10 foot formation was in a fenced off area so these idiots went over the barriers to destroy a natural beauty. Kalas captured the group of eight people with his video. Eight people worked on the formation until it finally broke. Three saw a crack and, when others stepped away, worked on it until it was completely destroyed as shown in the video below.

Once again, such acts of vandalism will continue until park officials begin to arrest and charge the culprits. The videotape below hardly makes identification a challenge.

Thanks to these vandals, you can now only see Duckbill in pictures like this one. These people went into a fenced off area and intentionally destroyed this iconic rock formation. The question should not be whether but how many criminal charges to bring against them.

40 thoughts on “Eight People In Oregon Shown Pushing Over Famed “Duckbill” Rock Formation”

  1. The virtue signaling keyboard peckers are out in force again. Whose liberty was harmed by pushing over a rock? Why do you totalitarians want so desperately to oppress people? Nature and the environment is constantly changing. That silly rock is a product of erosion. It’s not some sacred holy God. It’s a rock. It’s destiny was always to become dust.

    It took very little effort to overturn it. A minor tremor and your virtuous rock becomes dust. According to earthquaketrack.com there have been over 43,000 earthquakes in the last year – several on the North American west coast. It was only a matter of time before natural forces did what a few people did. But humans sped up the process, so let’s all feel virtuous by hating on them. Let’s take their liberty from them. Let’s throw them in jail. You people scare me.

      1. Ever hear of Ansel Adams? Or John Muir. Ever hear of Yosemite? Been there? The Adirondack Mountains? The Grand Canyon. The list is endless.
        Or has your face been buried in a keyboard so long that you call grandma to bring you a coke.

    1. At some point, Scott, your body will wear out and be unable to sustain your life. I doubt you’re some sacred holy God, and your destiny is to become dust. Should we use your logic if eight people accelerate your demise?

  2. Brock Turner does 90 days jail time for sexual assault, Hillary Clinton escapes Scott free after commission of several felonies and dereliction of duty, then wee xpect law enforcement and the courts to hold responsible these eight fools?!

  3. Oregon state park officials requested FBI assistance but were told by the federal law enforcement agency that no reasonable prosecutor would charge those in the video because there wouldn’t be enough proof of intent.

  4. I went to the cliff dwellings in Mesa Verde when I was a kid and picked up a rock and threw it down the hill. The park ranger came over and admonished me for doing that with the reasoning; “what if every person that visited there did the same thing?” He said there wouldn’t be anything left for others to see. I never forgot that lesson.

    Give these vandals a 5 year sentence of National Park restoration and maintenance. Make them once-a-month weekend warriors at our parks and if they fail to do the time then lock them up for a year. Then when they get out they can resume their service where they left off.

    1. That actually happened to me, at a state park beach in Ca. The action was different, but the teaching moment wasn’t. I too have never forgotten that lesson.

  5. People destroy things because they can. They get it in their head that if their friends think it’s a good idea, then it must be a good idea. That’s why guys go hunting with a group of friends. They all kill together, egging the others on, telling a friend that it’s just fine to kill the mother of two fawns. “The fawns are old enough to find their way.”

    Who hasn’t done something stupid and destructive in their life? More than once? Many times?

    That doesn’t make it right, but those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

  6. The American Idiot is alive and well in Oregon and elsewhere. History, civics, geology, and common sense can’t be found on Pokemon Go! Schools teach to the test and parents are absorbed in work and antidepressants. Kids develop little but speed typing on social media using a virtual keyboard. The results are shown i Oregon. Stupid is as stupid does. I wonder how many thumbs up, smiley faces and retweets they received. That’s all that’s important…..

  7. This is another one of those crimes that asks for a creative mind on the bench. Perhaps time in the ‘stocks’, with a basket of ripe tomatoes nearby, for a designated time, with an illustrated explanation posted above….

    The punishment should reflect the crime, include at the very least a year in prison, five years community service on the weekends, and a fine sufficient enough to pay for the advertising of these results of stupidity.

    1. Perhaps a new method of recognition for people who wreck or vandalize our public treasures.
      They would have to register as a “Public Treasure Offender”. Pattern this after the Stanford student who served 3 of a 6 month jail sentence for sexually assaulting an unconscious female on the campus.

  8. If breaking rocks is their game, I’m sure the Oregon Department of Corrections would be happy to accommodate them.

  9. Some folks need to identify each dork and then identify their parents and where they live. Then go burn down the parents’ homes. Then burn down the dorks’ homes with them in there.

    1. BLM: If you’re serious you’re as bad or worse than these morons, many sons and daughters turn out to be just the opposite of what their parents are like, are you like your parents? would they murder the innocent because they had no choice but to associate with the guilty?

  10. The perps said their friend broke his leg on this formation, so they had to have their revenge. Moronic.

    1. The famed Duckbill was inside a fenced area with warning signs to stay out. And those idiots blame the rock for their friends broken leg? If true, the person who allegedly broke his leg should be discovered and charged with trespassing.

  11. I wonder if it is possible to epoxy the formation back in place??? You would need a crane, and a device to stabilize the rock while the epoxy sets back in place.

    In the meantime, yes the criminals need to be severely punished. I mean years of prison time. No excuse for this.

    Squeeky Fromm
    Girl Reporter

    1. There is a possible way but with these moronic jerks footing the bill even if took them the rest of their sorry lives to pay for it,and of course they do the grunt work, others would have to supply the brain work. this would get national attention where a fine wouldn’t. Hopefully this doesn’t give rise to copycats who will try for something more famous.

  12. no better than the Taliban destroying those almost 2000 year old Buddhas of Bamiyan. Disgusting sub humans. They should be put away on an island somewhere far away from those of us who treasure the environment and civilization.

  13. A group of these stupids need to be made a really good example of. Then the harshness of the punishment will become a national news item, and likely will deter some of these types of acts in the future.
    Unfortunately, there is no cure for STUPID. Is there a prison sentence in these idiots future? One can only hope and pray.

  14. This kind of vandalism needs to be punished by jail time and big fine! People have decided that they can destroy anything they want. This kind of thing is irreplaceable.

    1. If I had the power I would make them put it back using their own money for whatever it takes, even it takes the rest of their sorry lives, This would definitely send a message to the morons like them, a fine would be forgotten soon with only a few people hearing about it. Now watch if this draws national attention some copycat idiots will try for something more famous.

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