Farewell Mary Tyler Moore: Actress and Activist

Like many, I was saddened to see the passing of Mary Tyler Moore, who I grew up watching on the 1970s television series “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.”  She passed away at 80.  I liked Moore both on and off the screen. Indeed, her passing made me think about this older generation of celebrities, perhaps the greatest generation.  While some were high maintenance or unhinged, it seems like so many of our younger celebrities are raw, vulgar, and downright nuts.  I know that that makes me sound like an older geezer. Perhaps I am, but I just watched the vulgar protest “speech” of Madonna and the rave of the actor.  Moore was as big, if not bigger, in terms of her celebrity status. Yet, she always maintained a sense of grace and decorum.  I shared her belief in animal rights and she was a great advocate for both animals and combatting juvenile diabetes.  She was a force for good, which is more than I can say for so many celebrities that followed her.  I cannot help but think of women like Ariana Grande licking donuts or Madonna screaming about burning down the White House or Charlie Sheen drinking “tiger blood” on some rooftop.

Moore struggled off camera with Type 1 diabetes since she was 33.  In 2011, she went through a harrowing surgery to remove a benign tumor of the lining tissue of the brain.  Yet, she remained a positive force in our society.

I am not sure how some people like Moore can attain international fame and yet remain so well grounded and positive. That seems to be something missing with so many of our current celebrities. I am not sure if they were unhinged before attaining stardom or whether stardom unhinged them. Either way, it often seems the exception rather than the rule to find well-grounded celebrities.

Take Madonna’s profane speech at the recent Women’s March:

Then there is Shia LeBeouf in a signature moment:

Moore was a model for women in my generation. She showed an ambitious independent woman fighting to make her way in the big city. She was a great actress and a great person.  She fought for animal rights and children without becoming some profanity spewing maniac with a cause.

I will miss her artistic presence and her elegant advocacy. She gave back much to her fans and her country.

37 thoughts on “Farewell Mary Tyler Moore: Actress and Activist”

  1. Like JT himself the followers act the same. Fail to engage in the substance of my post (I specifically said I didn’t speak to Shia’s acting prowess).

    You’re pretty good at mimicking JT’s vapid approach though.

    1. It might serve you well Chip to understand that broadcasting volumes of denigrations against revered individuals does not automatically elevate you toward being an equally regarded opponent to the ones you continue to insult.

    2. ChipKelly – each school in a university sets different levels for the score needed to get into graduate school. The lowest scores are taken at the school of education. Second lowest scores are the school of fine arts. Within all that, the actors have the lowest IQs. The directors and writers have the highest IQs. Shia is at the low end of the pool at both talent and IQ. Emma Watson is at the high end.

  2. Mr. Schulte,

    I’d still take the honesty over the superficial legacy of JT…. I didn’t speak to Shia’s acting prowess or overall career success (even though he has done quite well for himself). Some people care more about methodical actions and there consequences than mere status within the Empire. JT clearly isn’t one of those folks, he’s intrinsically consumed with status.

  3. I feel like Turley is about to waive his cane at some kid walking within 50 feet of his lawn as he writes this article. “In my day…”

    I’ll take Shia Labeouf’s authenticity over your priggish superficiality any day of the week.

    1. ChipKelly – Shia is going to be committed one of these days. As an actor his days are numbered. He has less of a career trajectory than Lohan. Shia is a legend in his own mind right now.

  4. “You know, Mary, you’ve got spunk.” – Lou Grant (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065314/quotes).

    Indeed, she did.

    Ms. Moore was not only a passionate advocate for those afflicted with Type 1 Diabetes, but lived with it herself.

    As one respondent already pointed out here, Ms. Moore used her speech not for her own self-aggrandizement. In this case, she used her speech for constructive purposes: to help the suffering. A truly honorable legacy.

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