The Age of Rage: Police in Minnesota and Georgia Charge Individuals Pretending to be Members of the Far Right and Far Left to Fuel Race Tensions

We often discuss our age of rage and how many people seem addicted to rage. That concern was evident this week in two stories in which individuals are facing criminal charges for fueling rage by pretending to be KKK or BLM supporters.

In Minnesota, Ivan Harrison Hunter, 24, pleaded guilty to a count of rioting. He is a member of the far right Boogaloo Boys group so that is hardly surprising. However, he was not rioting as a Boogaloo Boys member but rather pretending to be a Black Lives Matter member.

Hunter fired 13 rounds from an AK-47-style rifle into the 3rd Precinct police station as rioters set the building alight in May 2020. He was then filmed yelling “Justice for Floyd!” He was later identified by a distinctive skull mask that matched to a video on his Facebook page.

In the meantime, in Georgia, Terresha Lucas, 30, is charged with eight counts of making terroristic threats. In a release posted on Facebook, the Douglasville Police Department in Georgia alleged that she left “racially-charged” notes in mailboxes in December posing as a KKK member.  The note threatened to burn down homes and kill people.

The notes also described the author as “a six-feet-tall white male with a long, red beard who did not live in the neighborhood.” According to news reports, one note “threatened to burn their houses down and kill them and said that they didn’t belong in the neighborhood.” Lucas is African American.

There are many who traffic in rage today in politics and the media. It can drive votes and ratings. There are others who simply enjoy watching rage tear apart society or see it as a means for social change.

The question is how the vast majority of society will respond to such efforts to convert them into rage-filled marionettes. The people driving much of our divisive news and politics are on the extremes of our politics. Yet, this country remains distinctly moderate and non-violent. It is that vast center of our politics and society that protects this country from this type of orchestrated chaos.


139 thoughts on “The Age of Rage: Police in Minnesota and Georgia Charge Individuals Pretending to be Members of the Far Right and Far Left to Fuel Race Tensions”

  1. Uh, the Boogaloo Bois are not a “far right” group. The only thing approximating a coherent political philosophy they hold is a belief the country is on the brink of civil war. I don’t see how that puts them in any particular partisan or ideological camp.

  2. The people driving much of our divisive news and politics are on the extremes of our politics. Yet, this country remains distinctly moderate and non-violent. It is that vast center of our politics and society that protects this country from this type of orchestrated chaos.

    The moderate and non-violent majority in this country are on the clock. We’ve got one year until the midterms. On our current trajectory, will we even make it? I don’t know of a time when we had an executive branch this hostile towards United States. Is there any department within that branch that has done one thing positive for our individual and national security?

    I served in the Navy during the Cold War. I had a healthy distrust of communism and so did the country I swore to defend. When Aldrich Ames, Jonathan Pollard, Robert Hanssen, John Walker and others were caught spying, this country was shocked and outraged. Had a sitting US Senator at the time been found to have had a Soviet spy as a chauffer, or a Congressman on the House Intel committed been found to have had an affair with a Soviet spy, or a Vice President flying his son into the Soviet Union making business deals with banks controlled by the communist party, at a minimum, their political careers would have been over. No one would have defended the USSR if there was a remote possibility that a pandemic originated from one of their labs. But now, every move this administration is making is hostile to our national security. There have been some very questionable nominees made by this administration, but Prof. Saule Omarova, President Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, has got to be the most outrageous. With the Democrats trying desperately to pass a bill expanding the IRS and monitoring banking transactions of $600 or more, is there any doubt the United States is losing the Cold War?

  3. … rioters set the building alight in May 2020.

    So what happened to the rioters who set the building alight?

    Kamala Harris: They are not going to stop nor should they

    So Trump incited violence on the 6 of Janiary but Kamala did not for all throughout 2020. Wow.

  4. Fred, You obivously haven’t read much about BLM or gone to their web site to see what they really stand for. BLM has little to do with really making Black LIves Matter. Their title is only a front. You also haven’t studied Antifa as they are not far right, they are far far out right. So far that no Republican wants to be associated with them. The Antifa movement is far more dangerous than the neo-Nazis. The neo-Nazis, KKK and other white supremacists are repugnant, ignorant, racist morons. Nobody takes them seriously politically. But Antifa, make no mistake, is violent and far more fascist than the people they purportedly protest. They’re part of the George Soros cabal that hates America and wants to rip it out by its foundations. If we go to Civil War again, they will have reached their goal as well as BLM’s. Both are radical orgainazations focused on destroying our freedoms and our republican government.

    1. Holdcraft says:

      “They’re part of the George Soros cabal that hates America and wants to rip it out by its foundations.”

      It wouldn’t be a believable cabal unless there is a nefarious Jew behind it all. When in doubt, throw in a Jew- the eternal scapegoat

      1. “It wouldn’t be a believable cabal unless there is a nefarious Jew behind it all. When in doubt, throw in a Jew- the eternal scapegoat”
        What’s this – an audition? Oh and Soros was a Hitler Youth and hater of Jews. The self-loathing always gives the Nazi away.

        1. Mespo says:

          “Soros was a Hitler Youth and hater of Jews. The self-loathing always gives the Nazi away.”

          Man oh man, until this moment, I had not realized how lost in hate you are. Despicable.

          1. Don’t blame others just because you’re either lazy or reckless with the misinformation.

            Pro Tip: CBS- Happy Making Time.

          2. Don’t believe me, believe that laughing hyena Soros in his infamous 60 Minute interview:

            My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson,” Kroft said.
            “Yes, yes,” Soros answered.
            “Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews,” Kroft continued.
            “That’s right. Yes,” Soros responded.
            “I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?” Kroft asked.
            “Not, not at all. Not at all,” a smiling Soros said.
            He was then asked if there were any feelings of guilt. “No,” Soros responded.

            1. Soros did what he had to do to survive; you, on the other hand, probably would have done what he did with glee.

              1. One can certainly imagine a desperate situation in which normal sense of morality would be overwhelmed by the desire to survive at any cost. However, Soros got me with his reply that there were no feelings of guilt after the fact. That lack of empathy, lack of feelings of remorse, is a sign of psychopathology.

                1. Are you a real psychiatrist or just pretend to play one on this blog, Dr. Edo,

                  1. Well, are you perhaps trying to insinuate that, from your point of view, there is absolutely nothing to be remorseful about when you help steal belongings from Jewish oppressed people, even upon reflection at an age when most have developed human understanding and emotional depth?
                    Is that how you could imagine you would feel in the same situation? Or have you no empathy, either?

                    1. Also, you can find the characteristics of “lack of empathy” and “lack of remorse or guilt” attributed to psychopathy by just Googling “signs of psychopathy” — this is no secret information and requires no particular medical degree, but is rather common knowledge, if you don’t try to ignore it for the sake of perpetuating a losing argument.

                    2. Soros was asked if he felt “guilty,” not “remorseful.” The former is one thing, the latter is quite another. If he did not feel remorseful, I would agree that there is something not right about him.

                    3. Gee, Jeff, honey, next time I meet George, I’ll ask him if he is aware of these academic niceties of meaning, and if he is being as precise as possible in following dictionary definitions (note to self, also need to ask what dictionary he is using, or if perhaps he is also following the APA dictionary of psychological terms), or is he speaking in normal, relatively loose conversational style. Perhaps he made an exception to his preferred level of strict observance of lexical details on the day of the particular interview in question, or perhaps he was even stricter than usual. Heaven forbid, he may have forgotten what tolerance level he was abiding on the day of that particular interview, in which case, we will never be able to resolve this earthshaking, epochal problem of whether he would interpret “feel guilt” and “feel remorse” more or less equivalently or with fine distinction. How will I ever sleep again, with that heavy doubt on my shoulders.
                      To be guilty is different from to be remorseful. But to feel guilty is to feel responsibility for the results of what one has done, which sounds suspiciously like “to feel remorseful”, where Google defines remorse as “deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.”
                      You are quite the time-wasting sophist, aren’t you?

                      I apologize in advance, that I will not be able to waste more fun time on this conversation. You can continue as you wish, however, shouting in an empty room, which seems as useful as the majority of your comments here.

                    4. Edo,

                      It’s elementary: “Guilt” is acknowledging a crime or a harmful action while “remorse” is regretting actions and taking steps to undo damage. They are NOT synonymous. Nice try!

                      I understand your pique. No one likes to be shown to be wrong especially publicly. You’ll get over it.

      2. Jeff, Soros being Jewish has nothing to do with it and you know it. Anti Semitism is not in play here. Soros has stated , and this is not verbatim ,that it is his desire to destroy America in it’s current form. He has passed that goal on to his son who has happily embraced that doctrine. Anecdotally there is evidence. He has supported financially virtually every far left D.A. in this country. Gascon in L.A., Krasner in Philly ,Gardner in St. Louis and in my home town Foxx. With the election of these far left idiots crime, especially murders and car jackings have gone up exponentially. I don’t believe in coincidences. A good weekend in Chicago is only 40 shot and 20 killed. When I was growing up we all knew where the ” bad neighborhoods” were. Now there are murders and carjacking in areas where that never happened before. This is because the criminals are emboldened. And Chicago’s idiot mayor is totally inept. I still have family in Chicago. I actually fear for their safety.
        Soros does hate America. He has proven it by both of his words and deeds. There are other examples but I don’t have time to go into that now. I just focused on Soros’ desire to make Americans less safe. I didn’t FEEL less safe. I said less safe. Which I think rips at the core of what keeps us united as Americans. Nothing divides us more than when we begin to feel that our loved ones are not safe. And unfortunately we almost always become divided because we feel the need to act against those who threaten our safety.
        I realize all of these ” officials” were elected. But you know as well as I that money is a major , if not most important, factor in getting someone elected. And Soros’ millions helped every one of these candidates to outspend their rivals. In most cases by more than 2-1
        Be well.

        1. I stopped reading your reply when I got to this accusation: “Soros has stated , and this is not verbatim ,that it is his desire to destroy America in it’s current form.”

          You had better back-up this statement with a citation. Until then, enough said.

          1. Ok fair enough. But any comment on his financial backing of far left D.A’s ? And the record of those D.A’s? That is public knowledge. Do I have to produce every one of the campaign donation records?
            I also do not have the official police statistics citations for my Chicago violence claimed. Does that make them invalid? If this is going to turn into a link based forum, I am out. I am here to discuss, not research. That is why I put in the caveat ” not verbatim”. I said my evidence was anecdotal. So we can’t discuss?
            Ok you are a lawyer. My statement about Soros’ statement has been objected to and sustained. How about the rest of my post?
            Are you going to selectively not engage on the elements because of one ” mistake” ? You are better than that.

            1. Paul,

              I literally stopped reading further your post when I read that Soros accusation. I was not joking. That is one hell of an accusation even if not verbatim. Can you provide any evidence to back it up?

              Why is it that Soros has become the go to Evil Jewish Mastermind pulling the strings behind the scenes? Aren’t there any other Jews that you conspiracy theorists can finger? It used to be that the Rothschilds were the root of all evil. What happened to their pernicious world domination?

              If you can’t find any evidence that Soros is destroying this country, ask around, there are plenty of Jewish billionaires that may serve your purpose of finding a scapegoat.

              (I guess dinner is off?)

              1. First of all I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. And if you say you didn’t read any further I believe you. But the trial doesn’t stop because of one sustained objection. Please find it in your heart to read the rest of my post. Because I made one ” mistake ” that invalidates all that comes after that? And my outrage at Soros comes from his actions anyway. Do you dispute those? Or is the FACT that he has financed DA’s that are more concerned with the perpetrators’
                claims ( excuses) rather than those they victimize not concern you?
                Does the name Smollett ring a bell?
                My outrage has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he is Jewish. And you know it.

                And dinner offer holds.
                If don’t recind offers because someone disagrees with me.
                Actually I put forth the offer because we usually see things from a different perspective.

                1. Paul,

                  I read the rest of your post. You make a lot of claims about Soros:

                  “He has supported financially virtually every far left D.A. in this country. Gascon in L.A., Krasner in Philly ,Gardner in St. Louis and in my home town Foxx. With the election of these far left idiots crime, especially murders and car jackings have gone up exponentially.”

                  Why should I take any of this at face value? Do you have any evidence beyond Trump’s favorite assertion, “people are saying, a lot of people!”

                  All I know is that Soros seems to be the favorite Jewish Capitalist that the Far Right blames for most everything sinister.

                  1. Ok Jeff. As stated before I am not going to spend my time searching for links. Maybe later I will. And if I provide ” evidence ” you will just dismiss it as an ” anti Semitic ” rant.
                    But because I don’t like to lose, maybe I will do some research. But in the back of my mind I think that you realize that my statements involving Soros’ donations are true. You just want me to work for it. And don’t insult me. I never said ” people are saying. But congratulations on putting the name Trump into a discussion that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with him.
                    I am winning again.

                    1. This is what I do know about Soros:

                      If you got some verifiable dirt on him, let’s see it. I was teasing you about using Trump’s “people are saying” bullsh*t. I just can’t help myself reminding people what a bs artist ! he is. Nowadays, some Trumpists are trying to distance themselves from Trump by saying they only supported his policies…. But all of them nonetheless believe the Big Lie- that is Canon!

                  2. Jeff, Can’t reply to you post of 6:02 yesterday. Because I am still waking up from residual surgical pain, I decide to do a little bit of research. And you can dismiss it if you like. But again I am not going to turn this into a ” link war” I am terrible at technology but I do know one thing. For every link you can find I can find one that contradicts it. So I guess it comes down to who has the ” trusted sources ” Another topic open to subjectivity. So just for the sake of argument, with your permission, let’s assume what I am about to put forth is factual. And with your permission I put the onus of disproving on you. And I don’t know if this constitutes dirt but in my opinion, it does show an agenda.
                    If we go with the crime facts that I have put forth, and if you don’t want to admit that violent crime has gone up exponentially in the cities that I have previously stated, you can stop reading now, here we go.
                    Soros’ donations:
                    To Kim Gardner: Per the Missouri Times- 116 K
                    To Kim Foxx : 408 K through Super Pac Illinois Safety and Justice , per Chicago Tribune.
                    To Larry Krazner – $ 1.7 million according to official campaign records submitted as of Feb. 2020.
                    To George Gascon- $ 1.5 million through Super Pac California Justice and Public Safety
                    Keep in mind Soros does not live in any of these districts.
                    If you insist on actual copies of documents you can also stop reading now.
                    In my opinion this constitutes evidence.
                    The evidence is in support of my claim that Soros helps to elect radical left wing D.A.’s in districts in which he does not live. In order to support weakening the ability of the legal system to protect it’s citizens from violent crime.
                    And again, this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Soros is Jewish. You can use that red herring on someone else. Not me.
                    Dinner offer holds

                    1. Paul,

                      I hope you feel better. You should not have stressed yourself in your condition on my account. I won’t question your claims of Soros’ contributions. But what if it?

                      You claim:

                      “The evidence is in support of my claim that Soros helps to elect radical left wing D.A.’s in districts in which he does not live. In order to support weakening the ability of the legal system to protect it’s citizens from violent crime.”

                      It’s just your opinion that these are “radical” D.A.’s! I have no idea who they are and what they stand for. I do a college lawyer friend whose opinion I trust, and I’ll ask him about these individuals. But just on the face of it, I every reason NOT to believe that they are deliberately weakening the legal system to protect citizens from crime! Why would anyone in their right mind do such a thing? It makes no sense! You may not agree with their strategies, but to suggest that they are betraying their oaths to serve and protect their constituents is impossible to believe without overwhelming evidence. And why would Soros care to undermine the law? What is in it for him? You really think he could be so evil? A man you don’t even know. At his advanced age, you really think that increasing violent crime in Chicago is what he thinks about?

                    2. Jeff, cannot respond to your post of Oct. 6 6:27 PM. Just the ” like ” option available. Maybe it is me.

                      On the ” triggered” etc. – I think you mischaracterize this as a ” tactic”. There is no strategy here. It is WEAKNESS. This is part and parcel to the Left’s mantra of embracing victimhood. Someone SAYS something, and I am not including a threat of violence, and your FEELINGS are hurt, and you need to literally retreat to a physical area to FEEL safe??? I would love to have this type of person across the line of scrimmage, on the other side of the negotiating table, competing for the same market share or as opposing council. I would win EVERY time.

                      Consequences vs. wanting the streets to be less safe- Ok we can disagree on motivation. But that FACTS are that in these cities the streets are less safe. And I am not a ” lock them up and throw away the key” guy. I am going to get a little personal here. I volunteer for an organization called ION. Which stands for Inside Out Network. Feel free to research this entity. One of my functions is to provide service providers for inmates when they are released. Things like housing, drug rehab ,legal services. I do believe in law and order. I also believe in second chances and redemption. I can tell you more over dinner. And how can you say that I dismiss counter arguments as being out of hand when you admit you have no knowledge of what those arguments may be ?
                      Attempt to admit testimony not in evidence, I think is the proper objection.

                      On family members emotional testimony- you are correct ,inadmissible. However that same objection should hold with the D.A’s attempt to get sentences reduced after the fact. If the sentencing was done under lawful guidelines at the time of the trial, I am inclined to believe that any attempt by the D.A.’s office
                      to get a reduction down the line would be based on emotion/ what is now consider to be unfair in present times. A good example of this would be those imprisoned for minor drug offenses. In cases like these I am certainly open to redress. But in the case of Gascon specifically, he wants reductions in the cases of violent crimes. That I am not for. And as you know I am against the death penalty. Here is one example of Gascon’s policy as it relates to enhancements.
                      A babysitter was charged with the of beating a 6 month old with a blunt object. Shattering the baby’s skull and causing severe brain damage. Baby is now blind and has to eat through a feeding tube. Under Gascon’s directives, the baby sitter cannot be charged with the great bodily harm enhancement .
                      I used Gascon, because you have indicated that you are in California and he is the L.A.D.A. Is this ok with you?

                      On the Soros aiding- I am going to do something here that you should enjoy. I am going to invoke the name Trump in my rebuttal. Let me propose a few scenarios and tell me what you would infer.

                      If I told you that my grandfather donated to the American Bund , but never picked up a weapon to fight on the side of the Nazi’s attended a meeting, and never said or did anything anti Semitic, what would you infer as it relates to his motivation for the monetary donation?
                      If my father donated to the KKK and never went to a rally, never said or wrote a racial epitaph, and certainly never harmed anyone because of their skin color or heritage, what would you infer as it relates to his motivation for the monetary donation?
                      If I, and this is a hypothetical it never happened, donated to the Trump campaign, never promoted the big lie, never went to Washington on Jan. 6. never publicly endorsed any of his policies, or anything else that would be offensive to you as it relates to Trump, what would you infer as to my motivation for the monetary donation?

                      As far as other oligarchs, I am not aware of any others who are financially aiding those in power who can directly effect the safety of the citizenry in a negative fashion through their policies. If I could identify any others I would be equally outraged.
                      In the case of Soros, you know that providing a motive is nice to have but not a prerequisite to a guilty verdict. Circumstantial evidence suffices in most cases.

                      In legal parlance, I think that I have built a viable circumstantial case. If you can put yourself in the position to be unbiased, what do you think?
                      My guess is that your answer would be no. But for me this is really fun. Not the subject matter, but the debate.

                      It might take more time than one dinner.

                    3. Paul says:

                      “This is part and parcel to the Left’s mantra of embracing victimhood.”

                      The Conservatives also play the victim card as in “The Forgotten Man,” “Flyover Country,” and “”Replacement Theory,” and “immigration invasion.” All these narratives are designed to elicit pity on the common folk at the hands of those damn elites.

                      Paul: “I used Gascon, because you have indicated that you are in California and he is the L.A.D.A. Is this ok with you?”

                      I don’t know the facts of that case! How can I be a judge? I just know that D.A.’s as a rule tend to be pro-cop because they work with them and tough on criminals because it appeals to public sentiment. Those are the usual inducements. Now you are telling me that Gascon would risk getting the ire of the community by being soft on crime for no reason? Can you provide a reason why he would be soft on such a vile babysitter? It doesn’t stand to reason unless you are leaving out some material facts that would explain his actions. Maybe there is a technical legal reason Gascon cannot charge the babysitter as you see fit. I’d have to hear his side of the story.

                      Given your hypotheticals, I would say that these donors are supporting bad causes. You are asking me to presume that Soros gave money to these D.A.’s in order to let criminals off the hook? What exactly would be the purpose of that? Do these D.A’s put any criminals in jail? Do they refuse to prosecute everybody? What are you claiming is the goal of Soros? To achieve utter lawlessness in Chicago? Has he ever explained why he gave money to these candidates?

                      You will have to send me articles- not from fringe websites- but mainstream reporters who question Soros’ contributions and intentions. I am not convinced yet.

                    4. Jeff, replying to your post of Oct 7 4:14

                      On the left’s embracing of victimhood- You are literally doing here what you said you NEVER do. WHATABOUTISM!!!

                      On the babysitter case- Do I have to provide transcripts, investigative notes, internal documents in order for us to have a conversation? How about you give me the same courtesy that I afford you. Assume that my suppositions are made in good faith and accept them on face value? If you disagree then state your case. Can you just assume that I am innocent until proven guilty. Not beyond all reasonable doubt, but maybe on the preponderance of evidence?
                      As I said before, I am not going to engage in a ” link war” or a ” Cut and Paste” adversarial relationship. If that is a condition of interaction it has been nice knowing you.
                      I won’t go down the road of, ” Is it photoshopped”? Is the witness lying? Is it being taken out of context? Was there evidence tampering? Is the recording doctored? ” Is it a left or right leaning website? That depends on what the definition of is, is. We could do that ad nauseum.
                      How about we just pretend that we are at our dinner? With no technology available. We could use the old ” I agree”, ” I don’t agree and here is why”,
                      or heaven forbid, ” I don’t know”.
                      On D.A’s being pro cop- In these instances you could not be more wrong. In each case the police declined to endorse any of the 4 D’A’s in question.
                      And I know that there are other factors involved, but in each of these districts, the amount of cops outright quitting or taking early retirement is at an all time high. And recruitment is at an all time low.

                      Ire of the community- in the case of Gascon, there was a recall attempt less than 90 days into his term. That attempt fell short. 579,062 signatures were required. They got about 312, 000. But in 30 of the 88 cities in the county he was given a vote of no confidence. The main focus of his campaign was
                      ” to change our criminal legal system that is deeply embedded in the institution of slavery”. L.A. county is extremally liberal. Yelling RACIST!! usually
                      helps one to get elected.
                      As far as being soft on the babysitter, I have no idea. No Self defense available. No insanity plea proffered. But on it’s face it seems ” Soft”. I could offer a theory here, but I won’t. I can’t imagine any reason not to charge in the most aggressive nature possible. Political?

                      As for Soros, our original subject matter- He has supported these D.A’s with large amounts of cash. That is a fact. In each case violent crime has gone up exponentially in the districts where these D.A,’s now preside. That is a fact. Because you did not disagree with the definition of ” radical” that I put forth it is also true that the policies of these D.A’s have been a major factor in the rise of violent crimes.
                      Therefore, Soros would be ” donor supporting bad causes”.
                      If you don’t think this is linear thinking, please let me know why not.

                    5. Paul says:

                      “On the left’s embracing of victimhood- You are literally doing here what you said you NEVER do. WHATABOUTISM!!!”

                      I am NOT disputing your correct accusation that the Left plays the Victim card. Nor am I claiming that it is not a problem by pointing out the Right’s play the same game. I am only exposing the hypocrisy because both sides like the power of playing the victim. Neither side should rely on grievances.

                      You say:

                      “How about we just pretend that we are at our dinner? With no technology available. We could use the old ” I agree”, ” I don’t agree and here is why”,
                      or heaven forbid, ” I don’t know”.”

                      You are asking me to accept your facts about the nefarious motivations of the DA’s and Soros. I am a skeptic by nature and tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until the facts are unmistakeable. If your facts bear out, I would agree with your arguments, but I need more evidence to condemn someone.

                      As much as I distrust Trump, I can’t say whether his norm breaking behavior was motivated by a desire to be an autocrat or simply a result of his idiocy. I don’t know if he knew half the things he said were false or just repeated what he was was told without asking probing questions to make sure they were true. I suspect he did not want to know if things were true so that he could deny that he knew they were untrue when he said it. Some things he knew were untrue, but I suspect he kept himself deliberately ignorant and relied upon his sycophants to tell him what they knew he wanted to hear.

                      A few links to articles takes no time and would go along way to possibly convince me, but I will consider the source of the articles.

                      You say:

                      “Yelling RACIST!! usually helps one to get elected.”

                      That’s a bigoted accusation. You are presuming that the Left thinks all the cops are racists. The cops are people too. And they can be just as racist as anyone else. You may be right about what you are alleging. How did we get so far off on this tangent. I forget now what was your larger point. Was it your accusation that Soros is the hand behind the scene moving the pawns on the Chicago chessboard like some GrandMaster of Evil? Let’s stick with that conspiracy theory. Is there any other evidence of his motivation?

                      You say:
                      “Therefore, Soros would be ” donor supporting bad causes”.
                      If you don’t think this is linear thinking, please let me know why not.”

                      Correlation is not causation. Elementary my dear Paul. You’ll have to excuse me, but this is how a lawyer thinks. Take nothing at face value and don’t jump to conclusions. In law school, they told the spouses of lawyers that it won’t be easy to live with them after their legal training.

              2. Jeff, don’t know how reliable Quotes Gram is.
                But the quote is” destroying America will be the culmination of my life’s work”
                That is what I remember.

                  1. Jeff, can’t respond to you post of 6:36. Just have the ” like” option again.
                    Thank you for your concern. And I am not ” stressed out” . I find this time debating with you healthy and productive. It makes me feel better. And thank you for referring my potential condition as ‘stressed out” rather than the woke ” triggered” . As stated before, I am never ‘ triggered” by a ” microaggression” to the point of needing a ” safe space”. Like many of our young friends on the left.
                    I think that we have made some progress here. I am happy that you accept my donations facts. And I will try to answer your questions. Some answers will be conclusions that I draw empirically.
                    First let’s define terms.
                    Radical- Relating to or effecting the fundamental nature of something.
                    All of these D.A’s have supported fundamental changes in how their offices have dealt with criminality in the past.
                    Some examples are these but not limited to, no cash bail, the abolishment of sentence enhancements and prioritizing resentencing for inmates already convicted to whom they perceive as being given ” excessive prison terms” . I would term these priorities as ” radical”. Especially as it related to crime victims, their families and potential victims. I think these actions make our citizens less safe. Keeping citizens safe should be the priority of the D.A’s office. Certainly not relitigating sentences already rendered.
                    And maybe these policies are not deliberately weakening the system ( which I believe they are deliberate in the name of ” social justice” , quotes on purpose,) but the system has certainly been weakened because of them.
                    I don’t know if this meets your ” overwhelming evidence” criteria, but my guess is that the family members of those who have been murdered at an ever increasing rate under these D.A’s would think so.
                    As for Soros, it is true that I don’t know what is in his head .But, if he is aiding in the elections of the people who are allowing violent crime to increase, which I think that I have given substantial evidence to establish, by using more than one example, what conclusion would you come to as to his motivation?
                    To answer you question, If my suppositions are true, yes I believe he could be that evil. And I don’t need to know someone personally to come to that conclusion. I am NOT comparing Soros to past evil people but there have been many that I have not met. Actually, I have never met anyone that I would term evil so that point is moot.

                    1. Paul says:

                      “As stated before, I am never ‘ triggered” by a ” microaggression” to the point of needing a ” safe space”. Like many of our young friends on the left.”

                      I agree that people on the Left can falsely use this tactic to push back against the Right not unlike a football coach “working the refs.”

                      You say:

                      “Some examples are these but not limited to, no cash bail, the abolishment of sentence enhancements and prioritizing resentencing for inmates already convicted to whom they perceive as being given ” excessive prison terms” . I would term these priorities as ” radical.”

                      You may disagree with the reasoning behind these imitatives, but it is unfair to accuse the D.A.’s of wanting to make the streets less safe. That may be a *consequence* of their decisions, but it is not their desire. I can’t argue the pros and cons of these policies because I have not heard the arguments of both sides, but I’m sure there is some argument to be made to support these policies which you appear to dismiss out of hand. Your attitude seems to be “lock all of them up and throw away the key.”

                      Paul says:

                      “my guess is that the family members of those who have been murdered at an ever increasing rate under these D.A’s would think so.”

                      Well, that kind of evidence is inadmissible in a court of law. That testimony is suitable at a defendant’s sentencing, not in determining his culpability because the victims’ family are biased. We should not allow emotion to overrule our reason.

                      You say:

                      “if [Soros] is aiding in the elections of the people who are allowing violent crime to increase, which I think that I have given substantial evidence to establish, by using more than one example, what conclusion would you come to as to his motivation?”

                      Again I dispute that they are motivated to allow violent crime to increase. Presumably they are redressing unfairness in the criminal justice system. It would not be the first time that the criminal justice system needed redress. It is not my nature to presume that people are doing things for the wrong reason until the evidence otherwise is unmistakeable.

                      You say:

                      “If my suppositions are true, yes I believe he could be that evil. And I don’t need to know someone personally to come to that conclusion.”

                      I don’t suggest you have to shake Soros’ hand. I simply suggest that you reserve judgment until you have made an investigation into him. Supposing is not good enough.

                      Are there any other oligarchs that you distrust other than Soros? He seems to be a bogeyman of the Right. I suspect his Jewishness does not help his credibility among some on the Right.

                1. Jeff, replying to your post of yesterday 5:38
                  I think that we have exhausted ourselves here. Good debate.
                  On to the next interaction. Your respectful demeanor is appreciated as always .I have a few more thoughts but this started on Monday. Have to do my handicapping now.
                  Good luck
                  Talk to you later.

                  1. Good luck this weekend. I forget. Did you say you bet on College games as well as the pros? I watch a lot of college ball. I can DVR upto 16 games simultaneously, and watch them commercial free at my leisure. The only problem is the scrolling of the winners of games I have yet to watch underneath the score of the game I am currently watching!

                    1. A few college games just to keep them interesting. Much more NFL. In both number of plays and amounts invested.

                    2. I’d like to know how much money holds your interest! 😉 I am pretty good handicapper. I guess what the spreads are in upcoming games to compare with the Vegas lines, and I am damn close most of the time. Isn’t it a better bet to wager on the underdog (unless Alabama is the favorite or an FCS team is the underdog)

  5. The difference between the extremes?
    The right hunts down, tries, convicts, and executes the extreme right terrorists, Tim McVeigh.

    The Left?
    Biden puts them in his cabinet.

    The left takes their terroists and hires them as professors in their colleges Bill Ayres, and Bernadine Dorne. The left will cancel you for a funny tweet from 10 years ago. But Bernadine Dorne is on the FBI 10 most wanted, and is awarded a professorship.

  6. Jonathan, you clearly don’t understand the Boogaloo Bois. Boogaloo Bois are not a group. They are generally libertarians and as such believe in individual rights and liberties. They also believe that these rights are under attack by the establishment and a civil war is inevitable. Some may be working towards that civil war but most are only preparing for it. More specifically, they can be on both the left and right of the traditional political spectrum. None of them favor centralized authoritarian government like fascism or communism. All of them favor decentralized government that doesn’t infringe individual rights and liberties. That means the ideology fits well with both the anarchistic/antifascists as well as the patriots. Don’t get caught up in the false media narrative that only the right wing bears arms.

  7. The Boob-a-luau boys are some weird mix of . . . who knows what (I have met one, he is an idiot).
    I dont even think they know. They are all over the place.
    Anti-government seems to be their only common main beliefs.
    One of the idiots who allegedly plotted to kidnap MI governor Whitmer, posted two videos with the Anarchist flag displayed behind him.
    As I understand it, Oath Keepers, 3percenters, Proud Boys do not want anything to do with these idiots.
    Same goes for antifa and BLM.
    They are their own brand of crazy.

    1. Upstate:

      I never paid much attention to them other than that they are hard to bring into focus and seem to be, as you say, “their own brand of crazy.” Sounds ike they are a recruiting pool for the next FBI Big Plot. Natural Born Screwups.

    2. Boogaloo boys are basically libertarians and are against authoritarian centralized government. They are smart enough to realize (unlike you) that now, the important distinction in American politics is establishment and anti-establishment rather than right and left.

      1. Anonymous,

        The one guy I talked too, would not know the difference between a Libertarian and a Librarian. You would never catch him in a library either, nor his open mouth breather Boob-a-luau boys.

  8. Jonathan: The mug shot of Ivan Harrison Hunter is a reminder that in this “age of rage” most of it is coming from far-right white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys, encouraged by Donald Trump. They are trying to stoke racial tensions and divisions by pretending to be BLM or Antifa. They have been encouraged by right-wing GOP politicians who falsely claimed Antifa participated in the Jan. insurrection. In various columns and in Congressional testimony you have falsely claimed Antifa is the most “violent” grouping in the country. No one associated with BLM or Antifa has been charged with murder, like Lyle Rittenhouse, or the crimes now charged against Hunter. Fox News, your employer, is also stoking “rage”. Tucker Carlson, now a full-on racist, has been promoting the racist “replacement” conspiracy theory that the Biden administration is trying to “change the racial mix of the country” to replace white people. Aren’t you just slightly embarrassed that Fox is promoting the “rage” you complain about in others?

    1. Dennis — it wasn’t the Proud Boys, or any other right-wing group, that burned Portland for 100 days in 2020, or set up “autonomous zones” in Seattle and Minneapolis that banned cops and turned deadly and crime-ridden, or that started this insane “defund the police” movement that has crime spiking all over the country. It wasn’t the right-wing that looted and burned small and large businesses after Floyd’s death. The rightwing groups only came out publicly after months of leftist violence, and even then, they were not the ones who initiated attacks. As for the Boogaloo Boys, they pretend to be right-wing, but they are vicious cop-haters and worked hand-in-hand with Antifa during the Minneapolis riots, helping them burn down the 5th precinct. Antifa has been the single-most group attacking journalists, photographers, conservative speakers, politicians, and ordinary people while dining out. Along with the more violent elements of BLM, Antifa has harassed politicians at their homes, including setting fire to the Portland mayor’s condo, forcing him to move out. Antifa shows up at all peaceful conservative rallies and instigates violence — and they arrive armed, so no one can second-guess their intentions. If you have any doubts as to their agenda, check out their websites — they make no bones about wanting to kill cops and tear down the system. To claim that all this violence is coming from the right is laughable….and ignorant.

    2. “No one associated with BLM or Antifa has been charged with murder, like Lyle Rittenhouse, or the crimes now charged against Hunter.”
      Yeah BLM and antifa are choir boys. Wonder how much of the stuff you say is believed by you:

      1. It is telling one has to go to an Australian news outlet on Youtube to find any videos showing ANTIFA BLM rioting, looting, acting like the anarchists they are terrorizing Americans from sea to sea. Youtube has deleted most of the videos. If one does a search for ANTIFA BLM on YT, the algorithms direct the searcher to Proud Boys, Trump supporters, etc.

    3. reminder that in this “age of rage” most of it is coming from far-right white supremacist groups
      Steve Scalise could not be reached for comment. Rand Paul is busy preparing to hold the next bureaucrat to account during sworn testimony before his committee, and did not return phone calls

      Near as I can tell, FBI and local police, while undercover, are committing more crimes than ‘boogaloo boys’ what ever that might be. Likely greater than 60% are paid informants or undercover officers
      Lets not forget the unarmed Veteran assassinated by Capitol police.

    4. I could almost agree with you until you tried to tie Trump to the Proud Boys. That is just as much a stretch as tying Biden to BLM. Our problem, real problem, is politicians trying to separate us based on arbitrary race criteria when it is a scientific fact that we all are one race (Human) just with different levels of melanin under our skin. Democrats push Trump Derangement Syndrome, while Republican’s push election conspiracy theories. Now both could be true or false, but the sad fact is we get less than the best people running for office because the slots for those jobs are decided by political parties that are radical on both sides. Trump wasn’t elected because he was lovable, he was just the lesser of two evils. Biden wasn’t elected because of his honesty and brilliance but because the Democratic party radicals saw him as manageable for their agenda. Reelect No one! Strict Term Limits to get the entrenched “careerist politicians” out of DC. Otherwise we will be driven to another civil war literally. Stop the hate talk and look at what is really going on. Tucker Carlson is no more a racist than Rachel Maddow! Both are on opposite ends of the political commentary contest for one reason – getting us mad gets them rich!

      1. Dave Czonke says:

        “Tucker Carlson is no more a racist than Rachel Maddow!”

        Maddow did not travel to Hungary to kiss the ring of strongman Victor Orban who is converting Hungary into a Christian illiberal democracy. Turley had not a word to say about that disgraceful act as well.

        1. “Victor Orban who is converting Hungary into a Christian illiberal democracy. Turley had not a word to say about that disgraceful act as well.”
          I’m a big Orban fan. If he wants a Christian democracy and his people agree, who are you to tell THEM they’re wrong? Arrogance they name is Jeff.

          1. Mespo says:

            “I’m a big Orban fan.”

            Your praise for Orban somehow does not surprise me! Birds of a feather flock together. He is a vicious anti-Semite who paints Soros as the root of all evil in Hungary.

            I wonder what Turley thinks of Orban’s strongarm tactics. I’m guessing that he would condemn Orban, but doing so would put him at odds with his Fox colleague, Carlson, who lavishes praise on Orban and his policies. So, predictably, Turley bites his tongue because he knows what is not good for him to say. Pathetic.

            1. Orban and other East European leaders are standing up against the EU dictators who are trying to fill up the traditional European populations with Islamic refugees who will not assimilate but insist on pushing their tribal & religious laws on the host cultures. Only a self-absorbed professional Jewish “victim” would focus on what you point out. Look at the countries that have naively followed the EU rules, and see what great benefits the refuge influx has provided. Hungary, Poland, et al. have cultural memories of the horrible results of Islamic invasions, and are not likely to welcome their return.

              1. Edo says:

                “Orban and other East European leaders are standing up against the EU dictators who are trying to fill up the traditional European populations with Islamic refugees who will not assimilate but insist on pushing their tribal & religious laws on the host cultures.”

                I take it then you are against ALL subcultures that refuse to assimilate to the host country’s normative culture and laws?

                1. Look at the actual, reported results instead of arguing abstract “talking points”

                    1. Good. Are you against ALL subcultures that refuse to assimilate to the host country’s normative culture and laws?

                    2. I don’t see any reply option below your reply after my 11:49 PM reply, so replying here.
                      You asked 2 questions, the 2nd being whether I am “chicken” to answer it.
                      Kind of a childish taunt, isn’t it?
                      But my point is that such a matter is not suited by a one-sze-fits-all answer.
                      Some cultures are more open and adaptable than others, which may be quite inflexible and exclusionary.
                      Some cultures are clan-oriented, some have stricter moral values, and even if equally strict, the moral values can differ widely. In case of wide differences in cultural values, integration into a foreign culture can be very difficult.
                      Do I really have to write a cultural anthropological treatise here to get the point across?
                      Some fit well, some do not, those which do not can lead to varying levels of friction that can be damaging to the fabric of society. You can ask for examples, but that would prove you to be a person of rather limited understanding and awareness of the ways of the world. As a simple example, just look at the problems that Sweden has with the Islamic refugees who feel they can treat Swedish non-Islamic women as their toys, and that they can impose their Islamic laws on the naive Swedish citizens once their refugee population reaches a certain percentage.
                      How many Afghan refugees have you invited to live near you, or even in a spare bedroom in your house?
                      Anthropologists speak of the real and the ideal in a society, and keeping the conversation on the level of the “ideal” is not going to address the actual reality of a situation.

                    3. So I take it that the Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews and the Amish subcultures which respectively do most everything they can to shield themselves from modern American influences and reject assimilation is not a problem for you? Personally, I like seeing all these different subcultures maintaining their isolation. It’s a free country.

                    4. Again, no reply option below your recent mail.
                      I am not talking about assimilation as the only criterion. I am talking about actual clashes. An example would be the “Woke” attempt by whatever American genius decided to make critical gender theory or whatever it’s called a main pillar of secondary education in Afghanistan. That is trying to force a foreign country’s people to assimilate into one’s own (in this case, demented) worldview. Similarly, Muslim refugees trying to force sharia law on Sweden and other European countries is also not a recipe for a healthy society. Your examples are not generally confrontatory and tend to leave others alone and desire to be left alone. They are also productive, self-sufficient, and morally very respectable people (generalizing here, I haven’t personally met all of the them so please don’t fault me on this).
                      I think you are nitpicking, trying for no productive reason to misunderstand my point of view because you don’t want to agree with it. This may be a fun game for you, but it is boring for me. Can’t you perhaps read more and get up to speed a little?

                    5. Edo says:

                      “Muslim refugees trying to force sharia law on Sweden and other European countries is also not a recipe for a healthy society.”

                      Please cite your evidence of Muslim refugees trying to force Sharia law on any European country? Is it like the Ultra-Orthodox trying to assert its Halakha Law over secular society in Israel?

                    6. Once again, no, “Reply ->” under your new comment.
                      I don’t have time to dig into old links (this was reported some months ago & I haven’t particularly followed it since), so I am just grabbing the first link I found on Google. DuckDuckGo may reveal other links Google buried in later search pages.


                      The above takes its info from an interview reported on RT, which is not a site I would necessarily trust about Russian news, but which does offer a voice to journalists summarily shunned by your run-of-the-mill mainstream media official party line parrots.

                      l read elsewhere about such reports (not just from Sweden, also the U.K. and other EU countries where the Muslim economic etc. refugees are collecting and taking over small communities), so I know other sources exist. The police are required to be “woke” about it, and for this insane reason (being more considerate to unlawful refugees than to law-abiding citizens), it often goes unreported except for the occasional local politico or reporter or citizen attempting to stand up for his/her rights.

                      If you are authentically interested in this and not just looking for something else to argue about, you can certainly find more on your own, and I invite you to do so and welcome your personal initiative.

                    7. Look, you made these paranoid assertions of Sharia law taking over countries in Western Europe, not I. It so happens that the Ultra-Orthodox have their own Halakha law which they observe religiously. If you are interested in learning about a *genuine* struggle between secular law and Jewish law, read this:


                      Nothing like Israel compares with respect to Sharia Law in Western countries. BTW, I’m against all religious laws countervailing secular law.

    5. Interesting take given the violent protests we saw all last summer from BLM and Antifa. The Proud Boys are nothing compared to those groups. The “insurrection”, if you actually bother to watch the video, was a bunch of people wandering through a building they paid for. I’m still waiting for someone to identify these right wing “extremist” groups that are apparently so dangerous; most of the so called hate crimes, we later find out, are fakes perpetrated by liberals looking to create a boogeyman so the media can stoke more anti-white “rage”.

      As far as Tucker’s comments on the border, why was it secure right up until Biden came into office, and why is Biden not doing anything about caravan after caravan of Haitian migrants that the government is responsible for simply turning away? There is no reason to allow any of them into our country, why aren’t they doing anything?

    6. The mug shot of Mr. Ivan Harrison Hunter is a vast improvement over that other Hunter, the “artist wif da crack pipe”

    7. Dennis asks:

      “Aren’t you just slightly embarrassed that Fox is promoting the “rage” you complain about in others?”

      ANSWER: “More than slightly, I’ll admit, but lawyers often take on clients that they despise. I’m paid very well to be a hypocrite.”

  9. I am frustrated by the conflation of organizations of the Left and the Right.

    I am a conservative who has never heard of, supported, or seen evidence of a group called “The Bugaloo Boys”. I have no idea of their ideologies or predilections. I’ve never heard a single conservative politician who has ever supported, urged on, or justified any actions by a group called the Bugaloo Boys. I would have no way of sending them money or providing support even if I did know about them.

    Meanwhile, almost every single liberal I know and EVERY Democrat politician has supported Antifa, justified their actions, and promoted their agenda of violence across the US and insurrections in a variety of cities. The same goes for BLM, a Marxist organization, who has called for the overthrow of our democracy and our economic system and who has destroyed property and co-opted our public streets. The democrats who support BLM have sent them millions of dollars.

    THESE ORGANIZATIONS ARE NOT THE SAME … Bugaloo Boys IS NOT A FAR RIGHT organization related in any way to the conservative movement. My guess is it is a gang. Antifa and BLM are ACTIVE ARMS of the Democrat party and supported by liberals across the US.


    1. highlyeducatedsuburbanwoma — you are 100% correct. I have been researching right-wing groups for several years, and there is one thing for sure: they are fractured, not at all organized or coordinated, highly infiltrated by the FBI, lack serious funding, and full of egos. The left, on the other hand, is well-organized despite the silly notion that Antifa is just an idea — they operate on the “cell” structure, just like the old communist party, and they manage to move their troops around the country where needed because they make extensive use of social media. They are also well-funded: BLM raked in millions in 2020, and Antifa is a beneficiary of one of the Soros foundations. Soros has also heavily funded the “defund the police” movements in Minneapolis and other cities. And lastly, as you noted, Antifa/BLM has the backing of Democrats. Kamala Harris contributed to a bail fund that turned Portland’s judicial system onto a revolving door…activists who burned federal buildings, sometimes with people inside, were caught and bailed within hours. Interesting how the burning and looting vrtually stopped after Biden was inaugurated. You’d almost think these thugs got their orders from the DNC.

      1. Giocon1:

        “BLM raked in millions in 2020, and Antifa is a beneficiary of one of the Soros foundations.”

        That’s right. All good conspiracy theories have a secretive Jew behind the scenes to give that added nefariousness. The Jew- the eternal scapegoat.

        1. In the meantime, you ignore the fact that he brought up the Democratic party, Kamala Harris, etc. etc., only noticing the widely-reported reference to Soros — really, you professional Jewish victims are something else…

          1. Edo says:

            “really, you professional Jewish victims are something else…”

            You attitude reminds me of those present day Germans who refuse to forgive the Jews for the Holocaust…

              1. Your ilk won’t forgive the Jews for being victims of Christian persecution from Medieval conspiracies of the “Blood Libel, the Spanish Inquisition, Tsarist Pogroms in the Pale of Settlement, the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion up to The Holocaust. It’s always same from time immemorial- Jews are the scapegoats of Christians.

                  1. Why is that you lying Trumpists resort to making fun of Leftist personal names? Grow up!

    2. “. I have no idea of their ideologies or predilections. I’ve never heard a single conservative politician who has ever supported, urged on, or justified any actions by a group called the Bugaloo Boys.”

      I submit you have heard their ideologies and predilections and if you haven’t heard a single conservative politician supporting them you aren’t nearly as highly educated as you claim. I’d say compare their views to the Republican Platform but Republicans did away with their platform at their last national convention and decided just to follow a man and his cronies espousing exactly those views. BTW, you use the word conservative like a shield as if people dislike you because you are conservative. Republicans haven’t followed what used to be conservative policies in some time whether it be fiscal responsibility of small government. Although this message was sent to the Proud Boys specifically and not the Boogaloo Bois, I think it was meant generally to include all the groups Trump pandered too including the skinheads and Neo-Nazis. “Stand Back and Stand By!” -DJT

  10. One shoots up a police station the other leaves notes. Neither should be engaging in the behavior they are accused of but there is a distinction. The BOOGALOO boy used a weapon designed to kill the other did not. That is a distinction with a difference but I guess that doesn’t matter to the professor. .

  11. This problem has been around for some time, consider the Brawley Sharpton hoax in 1987. At my University the campus police have been plagued by phony race and politics incidents. One recent one was anonymous flyers placed all over campus saying JOIN THE Ku Klux Klan and it was determined to be a hoax.
    There are double fake cases of hoaxes that claim hoaxes. The majority of Kuwaiti’s cliamed the 9-11 attacks were a devious murderous hoax by the Israelis to gin up anti-muslim sentiment. This was 10 years after the US liberated Kuwait. Some racists and left wing groups claim a James Earl Ray conspiracy setup by the FBI to deflect FBI involvement in the murder.of MLK.
    Of course what is needed is a healthy skepticism of extreme claims, plus reserving judgment until the facts are in and the guts to say “I don’t know.” when you don’t know. Al Sharpton still asserts the hoax. In fact, most phony incidents are still believed by a considerable number of people despite the de-bunking.

  12. If there’s one thing that the last 1.5 years should have made evident to everyone by now, it is that Left and Right no longer mean anything (if they ever did). The only distinction that matters anymore, is Freedom versus Tyranny.

    At freedom rallies, you will see people from every political tribe. People who just want basic freedoms, such as free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of medical choice – things we’ve always had but are being taken away now.

    People who want a decent society, in other words, not one in we’re on a slippery slope to state despotism. Leftists used to believe in these things. Then some became pro-authoritarian, just as conservatives had been at one time. Fascist and Communist are pretty much the same thing: state authoritarianism with very minor differences.

    A lot of Leftists don’t recognize that they’re endorsing fascism, but they are if they want the state to run all our lives, tell us what to think and say, even tell us we have to inject experimental drugs into us that we know might have some adverse side effects — all for an unremarkable disease that has a 98.5% recovery rate on average and relatively low transmission rate (about ~2.5 RO).

    “Useful idiots of the revolution” end up supporting tyrants, as Orwell’s novels (based on the USSR) should illustrate. Many eastern Europeans warn us we’re heading to real tyranny, but having never been through that before, a lot of people in the West naively embrace it. They have no idea how dangerous it is to willingly give up basic freedoms to the state.

    Those freedoms will never come back, once surrendered. If you think this is going to end soon and don’t see what’s happening at this stage, it’s because you don’t want to. Using the phrase “conspiracy theory” is both morally and intellectually lazy.

    I see Leftist petitions asking me to silence courageous scientists willing to give up their careers, to tell the truth about pharmaceutical corporations using media propaganda to push drugs onto children in clinical trials for a disease the children have a 99.997% recovery rate from – an 86% adverse reaction rate to what’s in the needle. But that’s good for profits.

    Pushing drugs onto those who don’t need them and making them ill in the process — and in many cases forcing people to do this against their will (take our drug or get fired) — all for the sake of profit. And scaring people into believing that this disease is more deadly than it really is, and pushing hatred and fear to accomplish all this. It’s like a dystopian sci-fi novel.

    But many Leftists are supporting these lies, at least in North America. In Western Europe, not as much: there, thousands of Leftists have joined freedom rallies. I never thought I’d see the day when people in the EU loved freedom more than in the USA or Canada.

    Some conservatives are too have become rather foolish. For example, why did Donald Trump and Rev. Franklin Graham push the ‘vaccines’? They don’t provide immunity, as Israel fourth wave proves. And dividing society over this is a negative social and political result. Scapegoating the unvaccinated unjustly based on false media reports is another evil to add to the list.

    As one person commented:

    “I never had to worry about cardiac issues and/or blood clots and sadly more, I didn’t have to worry about death. I was never judged if I didn’t take it. I was never discriminated against for travel or other regular services. The vaccines I have listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking it, or taking it for that matter.

    I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between a family member or a close friend. Never seen it used for political gain and never seen it used to persuade children in favour of free ice cream or teenagers going into a nightclub. I have never seen a worry about a mix and matching and yet told it’s OK to do it one day and not the next and on and off again.

    “I have never seen a vaccine threaten someone’s livelihood, job, school, etc. I have never seen a vaccine that allows a twelve-year-old’s consent to supersede his/her parent’s consent. So after all I have said, can someone tell me how on God’s green earth I am a racist or conspiracy theorist. Non educated, non researched because I am not willing to take this vaccine. And the clinical trials will not be over for at least two years from now.

    “Finally, after all the vaccines (shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society such as this one. So much information is censored, deleted and removed from the internet. So many doctors, scientists, are censored and forbidden to speak out or ask legitimate questions when what is being allowed or not allowed does not make sense.

    “This sure is one powerful vaccine. IT does all of these things that I have mentioned and yet? It doesn’t do what all the other vaccines that I have mentioned earlier were designed to do. That is to fight off “COVID”, a virus with a natural recovery rate of 99% thanks to our miraculous immune system!”

    Left and Right are gone now. Now it’s just a matter of do you want to live under medical tyranny and an authoritarian state (like Communist China) for the rest of your life, or do you want an imperfect system in which you and your neighbors still enjoy some modicum of freedom – of the kind that make life worth living. A society in which state and corporate power are kept in check by the people.

    1. Unge:

      “If there’s one thing that the last 1.5 years should have made evident to everyone by now, it is that Left and Right no longer mean anything (if they ever did). The only distinction that matters anymore, is Freedom versus Tyranny.”
      Amen, brother. But that said, the Left just recently became fascists about the time the Right became the freedom-loving hippies. Ain’t “goes around-come around” politics grand?

    2. Ungekrzte says:

      “Left and Right are gone now. Now it’s just a matter of do you want to live under medical tyranny and an authoritarian state (like Communist China) for the rest of your life, or do you want an imperfect system in which you and your neighbors still enjoy some modicum of freedom – of the kind that make life worth living. A society in which state and corporate power are kept in check by the people.”

      Let’s cut to the chase- do you or do you not believe that the election was stolen from Trump by means of massive voter fraud?

      That is the acid test of everyone’s rationality nowadays. Answer that question first, then we can talk.

    3. Excellent comment, and the comment you quoted is laser-focused and correct. Can you share the source of that comment? I want to read it and upvote it in person.

  13. Meanwhile, in the real world, away from those who stir up trouble, most people get along just fine.

  14. “the far right Boogaloo Boys”

    Is there some proof that “Boogaloo Boys” are far right? I’ve never heard of any.. My guess is that they’re mostly astroturf created by the US state security organs. The name “boogaloo” suggests the feds were looking for marks who disdain thinking and reading.

  15. It would be nice to see justice met out to all the rioters ANTIFA, BLM, BOOGALOO and especially those involved in the Russia Russia Russia hoax and FISA abuse.

  16. Turley says:

    “The people driving much of our divisive news and politics are on the extremes of our politics.”

    You a want an example of rage, Turley? Open your ears to your extremist Fox News colleague:

    But Turley condemns RAGE, don’t you know, while turning a blind eye to such an unhinged tirade the likes of which can only be compared to Alex Jones. This is why Turley is an unmitigated hypocrite to appear on Hannity’s show which features Mark Levin.

    And I’ll not waver in that accusation until someone some day confronts Turley and asks, “What about Levin?” and gets an explanation.

    1. JeffSiberman, Levin’s outrage over Biden’s sickening operational failure in the Afghanistan is far from excessive or extreme, and I would suggest that if you believe it be so, it is you that is misaligned to America’s finest historical values.

  17. hose people are entitled to due process and a fair trial, but one can hope that their actions have some adverse consequences. Like jail

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