The Covid Lab Leak is a Scandal of Media and Government Censorship

Below is my column in the New York Post on the Wall Street Journal revealing that the Department of Energy has concluded that Covid-19 likely originated from a Chinese lab. According to the report, American intelligence has found evidence to support the long-dismissed “lab theory.” This has led to another media “my bad” moment where news outlets are shrugging that the theory may not be a conspiracy or racist theory after all. As usual, there is little attention to the experts who were shredded for raising the theory or the reporters who insisted that this was a debunked conspiracy theory.

Here is the column:

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak.

The conclusion is reportedly based on a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. Many will be exploring why the scientific evidence of a lab leak was so slow to emerge from intelligence agencies.

However, for my part, the most alarming aspect was the censorship, not the science.

There will continue to be a debate over the origins of COVID-19, but now there will be a debate.

For years, the media and government allied to treat anyone raising a lab theory as one of three possibilities: conspiracy theorist or racists or racist conspiracy theorists.

Academics joined this chorus in marginalizing anyone raising the theory. One study cited the theory as an example of “anti-Chinese racism” and “toxic white masculinity.”

As late as May 2021, the New York Times’ Science and Health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli was calling any mention of the lab theory as “racist.”

She embodies the model of the new “advocacy journalism” at the Times. Reporters who remained wedded to the dated view of objective journalism were purged from the ranks of The Times long ago.

Mandavilli and others made clear that reporters covering the theory were COVID’s little Bull Connors. She tweeted wistfully “someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here.”

However, one former New York Times science editor Nicholas Wade chastised his former colleagues for ignoring the obvious evidence supporting a lab theory as well as Chinese efforts to arrest scientists and destroy evidence that could establish the origin.

Others in academia quickly joined the bandwagon to assure the public that there is no scientific basis for their theory, leaving only racist or politics as the motivation behind the theory. In early 2020, with little available evidence, two op-eds in The Lancet in February and Nature Medicine went all-in on the denial front.

The Lancet op-ed stated, “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin.”

We were also supposed to forget about massive payments from the Chinese government to American universities and grants of some of these writers to both Chinese interests or even the specific Wuhan lab.

No reference to the lab theory was to be tolerated. When Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) merely mentioned the possibility in 2020, he was set upon by the usual flash media mob. The Washington Post ridiculed him of repeating a “debunked” coronavirus “conspiracy theory.”

In September 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a virologist and former postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong, dared to repeat the theory on Fox News, saying, “I can present solid scientific evidence . . . [that] it is a man-made virus created in the lab.” The left-leaning PolitiFact slammed her and gave her a “pants on fire rating.”

President Joe Biden accused Trump of fanning racism in his criticism of the Chinese government over the pandemic and his Administration reportedly shutdown the State Department investigation into the possible lab origins of the virus.

When Biden later revived an investigation into the origins, he was denounced as “sugar-coating Trump’s racism.”

The categorical rejection of the lab theory is only the latest media narrative proven to be false. The Russian collusion scandal, the Hunter Biden “Russian Disinformation,” the Lafayette Park “Photo Op” conspiracy, the Nick Sandmann controversy, the Jussie Smollett case, the Migrant Whipping scandal.

On the lab theory, media like the Washington Post piled on senators like Cruz and Cotton for mentioning the lab theory only later to admit that it could be legitimate.

All of those experts and writers who were called racists or suspended by social media were simply forgotten in media coverage.

That is why this is really about censorship.

The media guaranteed that we did not have a full debate over the origins of the virus and attacked those who had the temerity to state the obvious that there was a plausible basis for suspecting the Wuhan lab.

None of this has diminished demands for more censorship. Even after Twitter admitted that it wrongly blocked The New York Post story before the 2020 election, Democratic senators responded by warning the company not to cut back on censorship and even demanded more censorship.

Recently, the Twitter Files revealed an extensive and secret FBI effort to censor citizens on social media.

This included undisclosed efforts by members like Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Cal.) to get Twitter to ban a columnist and target critics. In a House hearing, democratic leaders like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md). called for more censorship and opposed investigations into the censorship efforts.

These same figures in politics and media are just moving on to the next approved narrative.

President Biden previously called for more censorship and accused Big Tech of “killing people” by not censoring more views deemed “COVID misinformation.”

The opposite is true. By suppressing alternative scientific and policy views, the public was denied a full debate over mask efficacy, vaccine side effects, COVID origins and other important issues. Many of those questions are only being recognized as legitimate and worthy of debate.

Censorship does not, as President Biden claims, save lives.

It is more likely to cost lives by protecting approved views from challenge. It does not foster the truth any more than it fosters free speech. Whatever the origin of COVID-19 may be in China, the origins of our censorship scandal is closer to home.

Jonathan Turley is an attorney and a professor at George Washington University Law School.


229 thoughts on “The Covid Lab Leak is a Scandal of Media and Government Censorship”

  1. Here is the list of “scientists” dictating that SARS-CoV-2 (covid19) did not and could not have originated in a laboratory. They degraded and canceled any scientist of dissenting opinion on the origin of the virus which disagreed with their dictate that it originated in nature. They wrote this in a dishonorable letter published in the equally fraudulent journals “Nature” and “The Lancet”. These individuals and journals should be remembered for their deliberate fraud of the public if they are ever cited again in scientific literature.
    Charles Calisher (Colorado State University, Fort Collins), Dennis Carroll (Texas A&M), Rita Colwell (U MD), Ronald B Corley (NEIDL Institute, Boston), Peter Daszak (EcoHealth Alliance, New York), Christian Drosten (Charité – Universitatsmedizin Berlin), Luis Enjuanes (National Center of Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain), Jeremy Farrar (The Wellcome Trust, London), Hume Field (University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia), Josie Golding (The Wellcome Trust, London), Alexander Gorbalenya (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands), Bart Haagmans (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands), James M Hughes (Emory University), William B Karesh (World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Working Group on Wildlife, New York), Gerald T Keusch (Boston University), Sai Kit Lam (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), Juan Lubroth (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy), John S Mackenzie (Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia), Larry Madoff (Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA), Jonna Mazet, (UC Davis), Peter Palese (Icahn School of Medicine, Mt Sinai Hospital, New York), Stanley Perlman (University of Iowa), Leo Poon (University of Hong Kong), Bernard Roizman (U Chicago), Linda Saif (Ohio St, Columbus), Kanta Subbarao (The University of Melbourne, Melboune, VIC, Australia), Mike Turner (The Wellcome Trust, London), Kristian Andersen (Scripps), Robert F. Garry (Tulane), Edward Holmes(University of Sydney), Andrew Rambaut (University of Edinburgh), W. Ian Lipkin (Columbia University)

      1. the NYT won a Pulitzer for Walter Duranty’s “investigative” report on Stalin’s Russia not having a genocide under starvation.

        The entire elite news corps lied to Americans by peddling Hillary’s Russia hoax

        Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop being a Russian plot

        If you really need these few examples to alert you how communication firms are beyond broken, perhaps you should send your CV to the FBI

      2. Not any more. ALL the medical journals are corrupted by pharmaceutical companies. With Fauci and his disciples at the helm of the corruption. They are all on the take. Period.

    1. Kristian Andersen and several others had concluded as of January 31 that this virus was likely not natural in origin. They were turned around in the course of four days following a February 1 conference call including Collins, Fauci and Farrar. By February 4 Andersen was characterising lab origin as a conspiracy theory. After publishing his Proximal Origins article in Nature he received a further grant from NIAID of several million dollars.

  2. China is liable for death and damage caused by the wilful or accidental leak of “China Flu, 2019,” aka COVID-19, from its Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China.

    China must proportionally recompense all nations of the world in the amount of $100 trillion, future damages to be determined.

    1. Did it disproportionately affect whites/Caucasians and seniors? Ah, this is the Age of Global Reparations (before the entire Earth tumbles off its axis)!

      1. Lin,
        I do appreciate your intellect and wit.
        As to seniors, I would say, only if they had a guy named Cuomo as governor.
        Might be able to add a woman named Whitimier.

  3. Don’t even know what to say. My wife and I were saying to each other quite literally everything that has borne itself out, and that was way back in May of 2020 after we had both had covid, when it went from two weeks to over the summer to indefinite (at least where we were). I’ve said it before, but having had that original strain, myself, and many, many others, were IMMUNE the entire time. No cause for alarm of any kind. If the covid response on the part of our government at all levels was not one of the most egregious crimes against humanity in history – I don’t know what is. This can NOT happen again. Bring on the Fauci files, please.

    Abuse of privilege and power does not begin to describe it, and it still infuriates me that younger people today think they are fighting against this sort of thing, when actually, they are embracing it in the name of personal comfort, so rotted or undeveloped are their minds. This is and has been insanity, and I will never trust a government agency again. I had already dumped the MSM in the 90s; now the rejection is complete. I will never again comply. None of us should.

    Fauci is more than a crook – he is basically a modern Josef Mengele. Let us not, please, pretty please, have another Operation Paper Clip. This has GOT to stop, and *because* there are are so many of us now on earth struggling. Let’s kick these globalists to the curb so we do not have to at some point literally behead them in the public square. The spoiled children of millennials and gen z be damned, we will move past them and the nonsense they espouse. They will bring us to the brink, though, and it is not going to be easy.

    i got the first vaccine because in my city if you didn’t you basically did not exist, and have refused all else since. Our restrictions did not fully end until February of 2022. and that is why our house will be for sale in a matter of weeks.

    To get back to the article: I would be comfortable saying that 75% of us have no idea what the 1st amendment even states, let alone means; and those goes for crusty oldsters that still think it’s 1992 and never read the Constitution to begin with unless they had to pass a high school exam back then. The majority of us, and it’s worse with the advent of social media brain, have no idea, and simply do not care. So long as their flowers still grow in the summer when they water them, they literally do not give a s***, and I do not know how to solve that. And I’m talking people *60* and below. We as a nation are so satisfied in our modern comfort and insular bubbles (funny how many of those turn out to be red districts where ignorant blue people live) we have all but lost touch with what gifted us with that in the first place, and the fact of the matter is – most of us don’t give a s***.

    End of rant. Trolls: get bent. You are probably employed or the inheritors of generational wealth, and i could give a toss about your ‘opinions’.

  4. Jonathan: I don’t know what you are crowing about. The Energy Dept. in its latest report, has concluded only with “low confidence” that the Covid-19 pandemic originated from a lab leak in a laboratory in Wuhan. And when the “lab leak” theory was first pushed by you and many GOP politicians who claimed the leak was the result of a Chinese bioweapons experiment. Did you find any support for that in the new ED report? And the ED’s updated findings run counter to reports of 4 other US intelligence agencies that concluded the epidemic started as a result of natural transmission from an infected animal. Two US agencies remain undecided–including the CIA. The fact is that among the 18 government agencies in studying the problem there is still no consensus. The WHO has not changed its view that the lab theory was unlikely.

    When Covid-19 first emerged in 2020 it was turned into a political football with lots of anti-Chinese hysteria and propaganda. Trump termed it the “Chinese virus” over and over again. The scientific community expressed concern the pandemic was being politicized by politicians–amounting to racial profiling. You continued to make unfounded claims in columns about the origin of Covid-19. In this column you make the unfounded claim that the media ignored the “obvious evidence supporting a lab theory as well as Chinese efforts to arrest scientists and destroy evidence…”. Funny, I didn’t see any support for this allegation in the ED report. If the evidence is so “obvious” why hasn’t it appeared as part of any government agency consensus? From your column I can only conclude there are still efforts to politicize the issue as part of an anti-Chinese campaign.

    You then segue into one of your favorite subjects–the issue of censorship, e.g., Adam Schiff’s attempt to get Twitter to censure a critic. What you ignore is that Twitter refused Schiff’s request–their commitment to “free speech”–at least under the former regime. And you still assert that there was a “secret FBI effort to censor citizens on social media”. Where is the evidence? Former Twitter executives have already testified before Congress the FBI didn’t request that any specific person be censored.

    What you ignore is when it comes to censorship Trump practiced that in spades during his administration. He tried several times to silence his critics. Huffpost is reporting today about Trump’s running feud with late night TV critics. Take Jimmy Kimmel. At one point in 2018 Trump was so livid about Kimmel’s mocking jokes about him that he had an administration official call Disney executives to demand action to silence Kimmel. The word went down to ABC officials who asked Kimmel to ease back on his jokes about the Trumpster. Kimmel refused. But Trump continued to rage against comics like Kimmel, Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. Trump even asked the FEC to investigate and even asked his DOJ to prosecute his critics. So what Adam Schiff tried to do pales in comparison to Trump’s efforts to silence his critics. That’s the part you conveniently ignore when discussing government censorship.

    1. Dennis: thank you. Turley is slowly morphing into the same level of dishonest punditry as Ingraham, Hannity and Carlson, who admitted they KNEW they were lying about Trump winning in 2020. The facts you provided are correct–there is no scientific consensus as to the origin of the virus, and the DOE is the only agency that concluded there is cause and effect, and conclusion came with the lowest-possible level of confidence–with 17 other agencies and multiple scientists disagreeing. The fact that Turley tries to turn this weak leak of cause and effect into a “scandal ” of “censorship” is beneath someone of his education and credentials. No court would allow him to get away with such grandstanding and distortion of facts.

    2. Dennis, you bit at the bait.
      The DoE report found the lab leak source was highly probable….with a low confidence level. I have seen the Intelligence Community (IC) issue the exact same kind of determination.
      In context I think it means there is lots of circumstantial evidence, but no proof. And, that intel analysts are not in full agreement.
      Conversely, there has been zero evidence of covid found in over 200,000 animal samples taken. That alone is strange for a virus as virulent as covid

  5. Professor you are right on point when yo say “Whatever the origin of COVID-19 may be in China, the origins of our censorship scandal is closer to home.” We have high officials in the U.S. Senate and the House calling for even more censorship. I ask you. Which of the high officials calling for more censorship belong to the Democratic party? Which party says that they are all for Democracy yet call for the curtailing of one of our most important freedoms? When you vote for the members of this party you are putting the tape over your own mouth. They promise that on occasion they will let you have a breath of fresh air if you will just play along.

  6. The only scandal here is that anyone takes this conspiracy fantasy cooked up by anti-China zealots seriously. There is, to date, zero credible evidence of a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2. This is fact.

    Buried under the headline is that the non-virologists at the Department of Energy and the intelligence agencies examining this lie have low confidence in the gathered data, meaning they are unable to substantiate the claims being made, but they want to drum up more anti-China sentiment and so are dutifully pressing forward with the propaganda.

  7. Jonathan Turley, even you ought to recognize that the DoE is not a so-called intelligence agency. Nonetheless, the prez asked so the DoE provided its assessment with a stated ‘low confidence’. The so-called intelligence agencies state that the origin was to market, but with ‘low confidence’. Only the FBI is a holdout, stating that the origin was the lab and with ‘medium confidence’.

    Your chiming in on something you know nothing about only serves to lower my confidence in all your writings; you become a ‘low confidence’ source.

    1. David B. Benson, I understand your frustration. For so long you went along with everything they said on CNN and MSNBC. Now you are being shaken to your very core with the possibility that you may have been duped. Your resistance continues because you realize the pain that you will suffer if you admit even once that you may have been wrong. You may have to admit that censorship did indeed occur on Twitter. It’s so painful when you have to admit that Reality sucks. I understand your pain.

      1. Thinkitthrough,

        Did you feel shaken to your core when you found out that Fox News has been lying to your face about the election fraud claims? I suspect you are not. But it’s ironic that you wouldn’t recognize the fact that you were also taken for a ride by Fox News.

        1. Svelaz, were you shaken your core when Democrats lied to you about a stolen election. Were you shaken to your core when you found out that RussiaGate was created by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. You were not and you willfully joined in on the subterfuge. You were all in when Hillary tried to convince the nation that Trump was a Russian spy in order to steal an American election. When it didn’t work you still stuck with it until the bitter end. I understand. It is not possible to shake your core.

          1. How many times does it have to be explained to you that the “Steele Dossier” is NOT what started the investigation into how Russian hackers helped Trump cheat his way into office? How many times? I’ve corrected you multiple times. And, the “Steele Dossier” was started and initially financed by a REPUBLICAN named “Singer”, who opposed Trump’s nomination–he turned over the information to her campaign after it was well underway once Trump got the nomination.

            Do you think if you keep lying about the “Steele Dossier” being the reason for the investigation, that somehow this will be true? As you as delusional as Trump and Giuliani, who decided to just start saying the eleciton was rigged, and then tried to come up with facts to support what they knew was a lie?

            1. Gigi: You’re right. It wasn’t the Steele Dossier, it was Adam Schiff.

              “…from the earliest days of the collusion narrative, Mr. Schiff insisted that he had evidence proving the plot. In March 2017 on MSNBC, Mr. Schiff teased that he couldn’t “go into particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now.
              “In December 2017 he told CNN that collusion was a fact: “The Russians offered help, the campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help and the President made full use of that help.” In April 2018, Mr. Schiff released his response to Mr. Nunes’s report, stating that its finding of no collusion “was unsupported by the facts and the investigative record.”
              “None of this was true, and Mr. Schiff knew it. In July 2017, here’s what former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told Mr. Schiff and his colleagues: ‘ never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.’ Three months later, former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch agreed that while she’d seen ‘concerning information, “I don’t recall anything being briefed up to me.” Former Deputy AG Sally Yates concurred several weeks later: “We were at the fact-gathering stage here, not the conclusion stage. And it wasn’t just Schiff who lied and pushed the false collusion narrative. Members of the deep state……”

              “The House Intelligence Committee last week released 57 transcripts of interviews it conducted in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. The committee probe started in January 2017 under then-Chair Devin Nunes and concluded in March 2018 with a report finding no evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with the Kremlin. Most of the transcripts were ready for release long ago, but Mr. Schiff oddly refused to release them after he became chairman in 2019.


              1. lin;
                What you did is exhibit the difference between spewing invective laced, stale, leftist talking points, and a calm recitation of the facts.

        1. Clearly you have the internet.
          Hence you still get your news/misinformation/disinformation from the likes of CNN and MSNBC.

          BTW, before you attempt to link me to Fox News, 1) I cut the cord back in 08′. 2) I get my news from alt-media/independent media like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss and her The Free Press, Charles H. Smith, and Sharyl Attkisson to name a few.

            1. That is where you are wrong.
              I do everything I can to not take a dime from the DOA.
              I have not since I dove into farming. Gave up a really good paying job that was killing me.
              I practice holistic farming. I use Management Intensive Grazing, aka mob grazing. I use a follow on grazing. I use two years of aged compost/manure for fertilizer on my fields. I know and understand the usage of low till, no till crops and the earthworm relation.
              I take pride that I have not taken any kind of support from anyone. Have I made a profit? Not really. I aim to break even. But what I do take pride in is I support my neighbors and community with my products. My neighbors will not starve or pay $9 for a dozen eggs.
              So if anyone is to Stop Just Making Stuff Up, it is you.
              Without a doubt, you are the most ignorant person when it comes to farming.
              I would say for you to get educated, informed, but you are a brainwashed Leftist.
              But you cannot. You are too misinformed, disinformed, lied too by MSM to even know reality.
              I thank you for posting your ignorance and compliance to the MSM narrative. You have proved your compliance to the MSM narrative. Without a doubt, you have proved your ability of critical thinking.
              Bow down to your MSM masters. Bow down to those who would be your betters.

              1. Alas, here I am surrounded by farmers as far as the eye can see and I know nothing at all, it seems.
                Do none of your neighbors use food stamps which you cash in? What about subsidies for fertilizers? Farm equipment purchases?
                Inform me, please. Around here the producers are at least indirectly subsidized by various government agencies. There are at least 47 state and federal offices…

                1. You know nothing at all of UpstateFarmer’s experience as a farmer nor his personal journey as a person who toils the land, which eclipses yours as a has been electrical engineer from the 1960s, trolling on your computer at your late age. You embarrass yourself daily pretending you are a fountain of wisdom. Luckily for you others put you in check.

  8. Years ago, there appeared to be some exposure of “grant money” sources in research studies at least partially funded by persons/entities with vested interests in the outcome. Just before leaving office, the Trump administration published National Security Presidential Memorandum-33, addressing revelations “amid a crackdown on violations of existing disclosure policies that has led to the sanctioning, firing, or arrest of dozens of U.S.-based scientists after they were found to have undisclosed ties to foreign institutions, mainly in China.”
    I don’t recall the media giving Trump credit for this, or even reporting it.

    Instead, the Biden administration grabs it:
    (At least it mentions the Trump administration)

      1. On January 1, 1863, specific and particular persons must have been compassionately repatriated per extant immigration law, the Naturalization Act of 1802, in full force and effect, which required “….That any Alien [NOT] being a free white person…may [NOT] be admitted to become a citizen….”

        Naturalization Acts of 1790, 1795, 1798 and 1802 (four iterations – they meant it)

        United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,” March 26, 1790

        Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof….

  9. There was little doubt that the WIV was involved, and this was apparent to those watching early on. Why?…because the CCP came in and confiscated all the lab notebooks right off the bat, before the WHO international scientist investigators could get their hands on them.

    Still, if they showed that the U.S. NIH went around its own rules to contract out gain-of–function research in overseas labs, then wouldn’t China choose to publicize the US violating its own law?

    Well, no, not if these lab notebooks also showed the PLA was working to possibly weaponize a virus, a clear violation of the Biological and Chemical Weapons Treaty.

    Form your own conclusion. Both the US and China are looking pretty dirty.

  10. This is an outlandish theory admittedly. Imagine that Joe Biden is owned, lock, stock and barrel by the Chinese, either because of the millions already paid or because they have devastating information about him. After all, why else would he do China’s bidding on Covid, actively providing media cover for them and supporting the censorship of American scientists who pointed the finger at China? Against this backdrop, we know that China has refused, so far, to arm Russia in its battle with Ukraine. China also knows that we are spending ourselves into the poor house, providing aid and our own stock of weapons to the notoriously corrupt Ukraine for the sole purpose of knocking Russia to the mat. In a new world order where Russia and the US are severely weakened because Ukraine has drained us, is it possible that all along Biden has been intentionally moving us in that direction so that China can and will at last become the most powerful nation on earth? I have no doubt that Biden and his family are corrupt enough to sell out their own country. The only reason something like this is outlandish is because of the assumption that there are enough patriots around Biden to stand in the way. But then again…

    1. honestlawyermostly,
      I would go with the corrupt part.
      But is there a Mastermind in the Biden family capable of understanding the degree China manipulated them?
      I think they just saw the money and went all in.

        1. honestlawyermostly,
          Weak? Weak is right.
          Though I would not put it past your assessment that China has something (and Zelensky) on the Biden Crime Family.
          This could be the most compromised WH admin ever. And national security threat.
          Note how many press conferences Biden has had, or not.

          1. To expose us of the communist black lesbian who puts the cray in crazy?
            Think of the children!!!


  11. MMR: Take a look at this:
    For those wanting the summary, Dr. Charles Lieber, “the former Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, was convicted by a federal jury today in connection with lying to federal authorities about his affiliation with the People’s Republic of China’s Thousand Talents Program and the Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in Wuhan, China.”
    How much media coverage did this get?
    It was the Trump administration that was investigating him:
    “Under the terms of Lieber’s three-year Thousand Talents contract, WUT paid Lieber a salary of up to $50,000 per month, living expenses of up to $150,000 and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT. In 2018 and 2019, Lieber lied to federal authorities about his involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan and his affiliation with WUT.”
    What else don’t we know?

    1. Lin, some believe that WW3 has already started. The conviction is one of many of our best acting in China’s best interests to the disadvantage of our own. The CCP is infiltrating America. They are constantly trying to help those in power gain more, and gradually making them into intelligence assets for the CCP. We have seen this in many of our legislators who legislate in favor of China. We see this in the universities and the Confucius schools that provide money to our institutions teaching people to like China and its CCP denying them money when they talk about things the CCP doesn’t want to hear. They manufacture Fentanyl to destroy our children killing over 100,000 people per year and rising. They destroy the fabric of our children with drugs, Tik Tok and the like. They infiltrate spies into our country along with criminals during the time the border control is chasing the druggies.

      The left is gradually destroying this nation and is happy about it.

      1. S. Meyer: Biological warfare has always been the most frightening to me. Particularly the development of a mutable viral contagion capable of infecting/killing humans but not polluting or destroying the living environs (mammalian/aquatic/plant/vegetation species). IF there were to be WWIII, I hope that the first thing destroyed would be the originating research facilities. Let them succumb to their own Frankenstein creation(s).

        1. Lin, one bomb, properly placed can be an EMP attack that can destroy our grid leaving America without power, having Americans die of starvation and disease while leaving the rest of the infrastructure intact. This threat has existed since the 50’s and the recent failure to handle the balloon shows how vulnerable we are today.

          1. The same effect will and has occurred naturally by a coronal mass ejection as in the Carrington Event when telegraph wires, etc., were fried.

            Critical infrastructure must have been protected multiple decades ago but America was compelled to fund the dependents and parasites instead due to the vote in the American restricted-vote republic being absurdly expanded, creating an insane one man, one vote democrazy.

            One man, one vote democracy produces the same result as no man, no vote communism – dictatorship – the lunatics running the asylum.

            America was established as a severely restricted-vote republic, under a severely limited and restricted government, all of which was under the dominion of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which provided maximal freedom to individuals.

            1. George that was a long time ago before we were so dependent on electronics. We are due for another natural one, but we might find an EMP attack much sooner. Based on slothful activity seen in many of our politicians, the EMP attack might be sooner than expected.
              … . … … . … … . …

  12. And even now, the government and fascist corporatists will attack anyone who tells the obvious truth.
    Genocide for cash.
    Americans tolerated and even applauded a police state
    The sane are much too nice.

  13. OT:Former U.S. ambassador for human rights alleges Biden has created humanitarian crisis at border

    Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died due to lack of border control over a couple of years. The dead on the border, especially children, is astronomical underestimated in this article. Thousands of children have died but it is hard to get a number after the bodies are torn apart by wild animals and disappear into the dessert. The left has caused this carnage, and we can see the lack of morality they have on this blog.

    1. Alan, you have NO documentation here regarding real numbers. ‘Hundreds of thousands’ is pure disinformation.

      1. You idiot Costco Chicken, start with the over 100,000/yr dead from drug overdoses.

        The idiocy you display on a daily basis is noticed as much as the idiocy you displayed with your prior names.

        1. “The dead on the border, especially children, is astronomical underestimated in this article. Thousands of children have died but it is hard to get a number after the bodies are torn apart by wild animals and disappear into the dessert.”

          “You idiot Costco Chicken, start with the over 100,000/yr dead from drug overdoses.”

          S. Meyer. That’s big load of BS from you. Your post was about border crossings not drug overdoses. S. Meyer the liar strikes again.

          1. Svelaz, you are brain-dead. You lack reading skills and intellect. The issue and quote were “Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died due to lack of border control over a couple of years.”

            Find something different. You can’t. You are too used to your errant paste-and-copy that you can’t get anything right. This problem is continuous with you, so all you do is provide untrue facts, and when you get caught in your errors, you lie.

  14. Good and important information and opinion down until about the 5th graph from the end that begins “None of this has diminished demands for more…”

    I would add that the good and important part of the blog post should have also mentioned the Fauci/Collins effort along with Eco-whatever to quash the story by spawning the Lancet article in the spring of 2020 that is menitoned. All the racist conspiracy theory stuff drew from that original Fauci/Collins effort. Conversely, the article differs from the report this morning on Good Morning Mickey with George Stephanopoulus that reported that the Energy Department only has a low confidence in its finding.

    Then you ruined it Professor by branching back to Hunter Biden. No one cares.

  15. Wow, Turley certainly chose a very meaty chunk of chum for his chumps, his most gullible readers.

    The DOE report is not definitive. Even Turley makes that clear by making sure he emphasizes that it’s alleged.

    “People who read the report said the assessment was made with “low confidence,” according to the Journal, referring to the lowest of three confidence intervals in the intelligence community.”

    There were indeed a lot of conspiracy theories floating around and many were certainly taken seriously by none other than Fox News who is known for deliberately lying to their audience and giving them what they want. Conformation of their wacky conspiracy theories so Fox News can keep their stock prices high and their brand intact.

    It’s ironic that Turley claims any mention of the origins of covid coming from a lab was censored by the media because it was “covering up the truth” Except a few such as Fox News, newsmax, and OAN. The same right leaning media that engaged in deliberate censorship of the truth by lying to their viewers when it came to the election fraud claims.

    This report does not confirm anything. It’s not even known what the classified report really says, but that doesn’t stop Turley from speculating and giving his gullible viewers something to harp about without any context or substance. Just more to feed those conspiracy theory hungry minds something to chew on.

    1. “People who read the report said the assessment was made with “low confidence,”

      Note how they use the word people and don’t state names. That is to convince the naive without lying. People like Svelaz that have no critical thinking skills believe “the assessment was made with “low confidence,”

      Tell us the people Svelaz.

      1. The other day just reading a few of Svelaz’s postings and not reading them in their entirety I came up with eight significant comments to demonstrate he has no critical thinking skills, frequently relying on poorly paraphrased copy-and-paste.

        Here they are again.

        8) Svelaz practices libel on almost a daily basis.
        1) He is used to changing the words of others
        2) He doesn’t understand the ideas behind intellectual and real property.
        3) He has no morals.
        4) He has no understanding of free speech or amendment #1
        5) He has no understanding or research, medicine or the law.
        6) He has no understanding of off-patent generic vs high cost new drugs.
        7) He has no idea of what insults and ad hominem are. He insults everyone.

        1. “The other day just reading a few of Svelaz’s postings and not reading them in their entirety”

          S. Meyer. That explains a lot. You didn’t read them in their entirety. Meaning you are making a a lot o assumptions due to being deliberately ignorant.

          “7) He has no idea of what insults and ad hominem are. He insults everyone.”

          Ummm, that’s what YOU do S. Meyer. It looks like you made a list of things YOU do. Projection seems to be your only answer to everything.

          1. ” You didn’t read them in their entirety. Meaning you are making a a lot o assumptions due to being deliberately ignorant.”

            I read everything that pertained to my list of eight, and I did so one post at a time so you wouldn’t get confused. It was your choice not to respond and a good one. You can only prove yourself more ignorant as you have been doing today.

      2. Those “people” who read the report which is classified means congressmen and staffers. Those people. Since it was leaked to the media it’s certain it came from republican members who read the report but can’t disclose the actual report.

        Whey they use “people” S. Meyer, they mean those who have read the report. Seriously man, you reading comprehension skills are atrocious. How did you even graduate high school with that level of education?

        What’s funny is that you do the same thing when you say. “We” or “other’s”

        By the way the link is there for you to go the source where MORE information will give you the context and substance that can let you comprehend exactly what that statement meant. Surely you are smart enough to do that, right?

        1. “People who read the report said the assessment was made with “low confidence,”

          Who are the people? You still can’t explain.

          Intelligence agencies might have things classified and described based on levels of confidence, but that doesn’t mean what you are talking about is classified. You are repeating rubbish and further degrading it. You don’t have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. You are paraphrasing a cut-and-paste without understanding what was said. You lack intelligence and critical thinking skills.

          “they mean those who have read the report.”

          Let us hear who read the report.

          “the link is there for you to go the source where MORE information “

          Why go to the link when we already have your nutty summary of it.

    2. With the U.S. Energy Department now believing the virus was “most likely” the result of a Wuhan Lab leak, would we all now not benefit from full CCP transparency on the matter? Reveal all their records so that one way or the other the never ending free-for-all between all “chumps” on both sides of the political divide might mercifully come to an end. Surely everyone can agree that the ball has been served into the CCP’s court.

    3. Svelaz, as always attempts to shift the discussion into meaningless areas

      The core of the “origin” debate, was the US govt, and WHO shutting down examination and debate.
      WHO and USA determined that is was animal based, despite failing to identify the animal/s. Discredited any talk about a lab leak, again without supporting evidence.
      We know the WHO leader was bought and paid for by China to get him installed. We have enough circumstantial evidence to believe the same is true of Biden, Fauci, and others in the US Govt.

      The nut of the story is the govt shutting down investigation and debate.

      1. Iowan2, nobody knows with certainty where Covid originated. There is no consensus. That’s the only fact currently true. This report only alleges with minimal confidence that covid may have originated from a lab.
        Nobody knows what the report says and nobody is sure that it’s contents are confirmed. All there is is pure speculation and rampant conspiracies enabled by those peddling the idea including Turley who has no idea what the report says either.

        1. Iowan2, nobody knows with certainty where Covid originated

          I’ll type slow and use small words.
          This discussion is about the US Govt, and the WHO, shutting down investigations and debate about the origin.

          As always you attempt to redirect the debate, because you lack the intellectual capacity to address the real issue.

  16. As conspiracy theories become facts, full truth is nearer at hand.

    Until the viral host that kicked off the pandemic now three years after the fact is discovered, there can be no conclusive evidence that the Covid19 virus was not a product of gain-of-function research. Now that greater certainty has arisen as to the Wuhan Lab being the point of origin the next question to be answered is what exactly were the technicians at the lab working on and why. That will require western governments, corporations and their media to pressure the Chinese Communist Party to allow access to Wuhan’s records. However, judging from their track record thus far that is likely never going to happen.

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