The Covid Lab Leak is a Scandal of Media and Government Censorship

Below is my column in the New York Post on the Wall Street Journal revealing that the Department of Energy has concluded that Covid-19 likely originated from a Chinese lab. According to the report, American intelligence has found evidence to support the long-dismissed “lab theory.” This has led to another media “my bad” moment where news outlets are shrugging that the theory may not be a conspiracy or racist theory after all. As usual, there is little attention to the experts who were shredded for raising the theory or the reporters who insisted that this was a debunked conspiracy theory.

Here is the column:

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak.

The conclusion is reportedly based on a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. Many will be exploring why the scientific evidence of a lab leak was so slow to emerge from intelligence agencies.

However, for my part, the most alarming aspect was the censorship, not the science.

There will continue to be a debate over the origins of COVID-19, but now there will be a debate.

For years, the media and government allied to treat anyone raising a lab theory as one of three possibilities: conspiracy theorist or racists or racist conspiracy theorists.

Academics joined this chorus in marginalizing anyone raising the theory. One study cited the theory as an example of “anti-Chinese racism” and “toxic white masculinity.”

As late as May 2021, the New York Times’ Science and Health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli was calling any mention of the lab theory as “racist.”

She embodies the model of the new “advocacy journalism” at the Times. Reporters who remained wedded to the dated view of objective journalism were purged from the ranks of The Times long ago.

Mandavilli and others made clear that reporters covering the theory were COVID’s little Bull Connors. She tweeted wistfully “someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here.”

However, one former New York Times science editor Nicholas Wade chastised his former colleagues for ignoring the obvious evidence supporting a lab theory as well as Chinese efforts to arrest scientists and destroy evidence that could establish the origin.

Others in academia quickly joined the bandwagon to assure the public that there is no scientific basis for their theory, leaving only racist or politics as the motivation behind the theory. In early 2020, with little available evidence, two op-eds in The Lancet in February and Nature Medicine went all-in on the denial front.

The Lancet op-ed stated, “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that Covid-19 does not have a natural origin.”

We were also supposed to forget about massive payments from the Chinese government to American universities and grants of some of these writers to both Chinese interests or even the specific Wuhan lab.

No reference to the lab theory was to be tolerated. When Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) merely mentioned the possibility in 2020, he was set upon by the usual flash media mob. The Washington Post ridiculed him of repeating a “debunked” coronavirus “conspiracy theory.”

In September 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a virologist and former postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hong Kong, dared to repeat the theory on Fox News, saying, “I can present solid scientific evidence . . . [that] it is a man-made virus created in the lab.” The left-leaning PolitiFact slammed her and gave her a “pants on fire rating.”

President Joe Biden accused Trump of fanning racism in his criticism of the Chinese government over the pandemic and his Administration reportedly shutdown the State Department investigation into the possible lab origins of the virus.

When Biden later revived an investigation into the origins, he was denounced as “sugar-coating Trump’s racism.”

The categorical rejection of the lab theory is only the latest media narrative proven to be false. The Russian collusion scandal, the Hunter Biden “Russian Disinformation,” the Lafayette Park “Photo Op” conspiracy, the Nick Sandmann controversy, the Jussie Smollett case, the Migrant Whipping scandal.

On the lab theory, media like the Washington Post piled on senators like Cruz and Cotton for mentioning the lab theory only later to admit that it could be legitimate.

All of those experts and writers who were called racists or suspended by social media were simply forgotten in media coverage.

That is why this is really about censorship.

The media guaranteed that we did not have a full debate over the origins of the virus and attacked those who had the temerity to state the obvious that there was a plausible basis for suspecting the Wuhan lab.

None of this has diminished demands for more censorship. Even after Twitter admitted that it wrongly blocked The New York Post story before the 2020 election, Democratic senators responded by warning the company not to cut back on censorship and even demanded more censorship.

Recently, the Twitter Files revealed an extensive and secret FBI effort to censor citizens on social media.

This included undisclosed efforts by members like Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Cal.) to get Twitter to ban a columnist and target critics. In a House hearing, democratic leaders like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md). called for more censorship and opposed investigations into the censorship efforts.

These same figures in politics and media are just moving on to the next approved narrative.

President Biden previously called for more censorship and accused Big Tech of “killing people” by not censoring more views deemed “COVID misinformation.”

The opposite is true. By suppressing alternative scientific and policy views, the public was denied a full debate over mask efficacy, vaccine side effects, COVID origins and other important issues. Many of those questions are only being recognized as legitimate and worthy of debate.

Censorship does not, as President Biden claims, save lives.

It is more likely to cost lives by protecting approved views from challenge. It does not foster the truth any more than it fosters free speech. Whatever the origin of COVID-19 may be in China, the origins of our censorship scandal is closer to home.

Jonathan Turley is an attorney and a professor at George Washington University Law School.


229 thoughts on “The Covid Lab Leak is a Scandal of Media and Government Censorship”

  1. The abusers tend to have selective amnesia for their behavior. People were called racist xenophobes for discussing the lab leak theory.

    Dr Fauci deliberately lied about US taxpayer money going towards gain of function research in a Chinese lab. That’s absolutely insane. China is not our friend, but our adversary. The country is systematically getting leverage over the entire planet. The CCP controls most Cobalt mining in The Congo, which is used to produce batteries for electric cars. It uses slave labor of men, women, and children, to provide electric vehicles to American elites. Since China controls the Cobalt supply, the rest of the Western world just shrugs it off. China controls a hefty chunk of medical and technological manufacturing, including masks, and precursors to produce many pharmaceuticals. They control microchip manufacturing. Our military heavily relies upon China for critical components for military weaponry and technology. The CCP has bought up prime farmland, land near military bases, and prime real estate. It now owns many rental properties in the United States.

    China is actively engaging in genocide against the Uighur, and slave labor in The Congo, while it releases anti-American propaganda claiming the US is irredeemably a racist country. They are infamous for hacking and stealing proprietary intellectual property from private businesses. They place spies in politicians’ inner circle, such as Swawell. They fly spy balloons across the country.

    If the US caused a lab leak that created the Covid Pandemic, we would be on our knees begging mea culpa, paying billions of dollars to other countries. China wrecked global economies with a pandemic it lied to conceal until it had global legs, and then denied responsibility for.

    We’re fools to allow China to outmaneuver us like this. They already have tremendous leverage over our country.

  2. This topic is an example of the complete inversion of the Democrat party from what it was 50 years ago. Back in the 60s and 70s, especially in the days of the Vietnam War and flower power, the Democrats were the party that mistrusted anything the establishment said or did. The establishment was particularly represented by large, multi-national corporations together the agencies of the federal government having to do with foreign policy, defense, law enforcement, and the like (as opposed to the human services agencies).

    But now? The very aspects of the federal government the Democrats used to mistrust so vehemently are aligned in lockstep with corporate America to censor, coerce (as with mandates), and otherwise exert power over ordinary people to the maximum extent possible. And today’s Democrat party is not only cheering that on, but willingly taking a prominent role in bringing it to fruition.

  3. But NPR told me the lab leak theory was debunked! Do you mean to tell me that NPR was not telling the truth???

    1. Congress has the power to tax for ONLY debt, defense and general Welfare, aka infrastructure.

      Congress cannot tax for or fund NPR, National Parasite Radio, aka National Welfare Radio.

  4. Why did the WSJ accept the U.S. Department of Energy as a source of accurate information on the origin of the COVID-19 virus? I happen to have come to the same conclusion based upon information from other sources.
    However, based upon the views of DOE in its own field of endeavor, it’s views on the COVID virus origin are hardly more respected than the views of the Deparments of Justice, Education, and Transportation.

    1. I believe as early as April 2020 the Lawrence Livermore Lab, connected to DOE, considered the lab leak theory highly plausible and published a paper on the topic.

  5. Immediately after 9/11, the globalist, Deep Deep State communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs) ordered the mainstream media (MSM) to stop presenting images of the actual planes loaded with passengers flying deliberately into the World Trade Center buildings. Videos of crashing planes were censored to protect the guilty from harsh vindictive responses.

    Immediately after the release of “China Flu, 2019” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China, the globalist, Deep Deep State communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs) ordered the MSM to stop presenting statements affirming the activities of the Wuhan Institute of Virology related to the release of “China Flu, 2019” in and around Wuhan, China to protect the guilty.

    Immediately after the release of “China Flu, 2019” from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China, the globalist, Deep Deep State communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs) ordered their dutiful soldier, Anthony Fauci, to obfuscate the involvement of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and blame the “wet markets,” which have existed innocuously for millennia.

    1. Fauci and Collins had their own motivations to lie — they didn’t need to be “ordered” to do so by some imagined conspiratorial “organization”. After pushing gain-of-function virology research off-shore, for good intentions we can surmise, that decision turned into a nightmare when Covid-19 escaped from the Wuhan Lab. They lied, and most others in their position would have too, since admitting the truth could have exposed the United States taxpayers to massive global liability.

      Or, you can believe some conspiracy theory where everything works perfectly as the conspirators plan it, and they hold all the power and you none. I prefer a messy, real-world scenario.

      1. Are you ——- kidding me?

        Fauci et al. are independent of the communist (liberal, progressive, socialist, democrat, RINO, AINO) American Deep Deep State “Swamp?”

        OK. The bugs get out, Xi Jinping and Joke Biden are not informed in their “daily brief” and global damage control is left to Fauci, his Chinese counterpart et al. globally?

        Dang. Call me stupid, stupid!

  6. Prof Turley,

    What happened to your constant refrain regarding the problem of leaked documents to the media?

    It seems you only care about that when the news supports your political beliefs.

    Sometimes the omissions in your commentary are just as important as the substance.

  7. ABC News reports today that four elements of the U.S. intelligence community said in 2021 that they had “low confidence” COVID-19 was initially spread from an animal to a human, while one element assessed with “moderate confidence” that the first human infection was the result of a “laboratory-associated incident, probably involving experimentation, animal handling, or sampling by the Wuhan Institute of Virology,” and pointing to the “inherently risky nature of work on Coronaviruses.”

    ABC News reports further that in a declassified summary of their work, released in August 2021, U.S. intelligence agencies said they remained “divided on the most likely origins of COVID-19” but that the two key hypotheses remain possible: either natural exposure to an infected animal or an accidental lab leak.

    A first good question is why after three years has an animal not yet been identified as the viral host? A good follow up question then is why, after that unusually long period of time, the lab leak hypothesis has not been resolved? It’s one or the other that without the animal identified only Beijing knows.

  8. History repeats itself. That Biden and his handlers dress in Mao suits is no coincidence

    “China Reports SARS Death Caused by Lab Leak”

    April 23, 2004 — Chinese health officials have confirmed four suspected cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), including one death, which appear to have been caused by a safety breach at a laboratory studying the SARS virus.

  9. “The Wall Street Journal reports that the Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak.”

    Well, you’d have to be bat shit crazy to believe anything else.

  10. Reasoning with an ostrich whose head is stuck in sand would be easier than reasoning with a Democrat. Logic and Facts be damned. Their blinders remove any temptation to see peripherally from the Mantra of a Utopian State at any cost, including the base documents of our Government. I can only Hope and Pray that the proverbial Cane removes these fools stage left, their Act of Horror is not acceptable.

  11. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

    Faucci and others in the government suppressed that this was lab made and not a natural mutation because they didn’t want to admit that the US via Faucci was funding labs in other countries to carry out ‘gain of function’ tests which were banned in the US.

    So yet another black eye for Faucci under Obama and even Trump, who probably wasn’t aware of this research that was already going on…

    There was never any question of racism at all.
    That’s just a smoke screen to get people to back off.
    The issue was that the Chinese lab was not capable of handling the work and the accidental exposure is proof of that.

    The more we learn… the more troubling this becomes.


  12. Blah, blah, blah–more Turley paid tripe that I didn’t bother to read in detail because Turley’s disgraceful BS and pandering to the interests of his employer, the propaganda outfit known as Fox (fake) News, isn’t worth my time. The DOE ONLY concluded that a lab leak was implicated, and the level of confidence is the lowest possible. OTHER scientific agencies and scientists disagree, some very strongly, that there’s enough evidence to firmly conclude that there was a lab leak versus the wet market as the source, and there are more of them than there are in the DOE. THE EVIDENCE IS NOT CONCLUSIVE, NOR ARE SCIENTISTS IN CONSENSUS. That’s the bottom line, but never let the truth stand in the way of Fox-paid attacks claiming censoship or a “scandal”, relyiing onTurley’s purchased credentials. THERE IS NO “SCANDAL”, AND THERE WAS NO “CENSORSHIP”, because it simply hasn’t been PROVEN CONCLUSIVELY that a lab leak is the cause. You would need scientific consensus to draw such a conclusion–and there is NO consensus..

    1. blah, blah, blah. I thought Prof Turley unnecessarily drew a distinction between ‘media and Government Censorship’, but he’s not stupid. .. I don’t care what they say.

      “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too .. .” ~ Karl Rove, aka The Turd Blossom

    2. How many times has the idiot Gigi started off her diatribe with, I didn’t read the article…… But here is my stupid libtard opinion?

    3. This f—— psycho NUTCHACHACHA in full b—- mode has got to be banned for life.

      Her hysteria and incoherence are not productive.

      Her rubbish is purely boorish ad hominen with no other discernible value or contribution to debate.

      “Wet markets” have been there forever without producing “China Flu, 2019” or influenza of any other year.

      Of course, “China Flu, 2019” came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan China, and China is responsible for the full payment of compensation for global deaths and damage.

      “China Flu, 2019” is precisely what the Wuhan Institute of Virology was working on.

      1. George: is it “boorish ad hominen (sic)” to point out the actual facts? Turley takes a lowest-level-of-confidence opinion of one of 18 agencies evaulating the source and promotes it as absolute scientific truth that the lab was the source, and uses that faulty conclusion as a springboard to create a “scandal” and false claim of “censorship”. That’s disingenuous and beneath someone working at any university, but also dangerous, because if the source is natural virus mutation from an animal, which many more scientists believe that it is, then we won’t be looking in the right places for the host or other sources of future mutations. Of course, the loser Republicans in Congress will try to use this to score political points.
        It’s xenophobic to call COVID 19 the “China Flu”–that’s hateful rhetoric from the one your worship, who lies as a matter of course.

        1. Gigi – the virus was first noted in Wuhan near the lab and a doctor there warned the world of the occurrence of a new disease outbreak there. The CCCP then cleared documents, artifacts and people involved in the GOF research. Do we really need more evidence?

        2. You are a ——- dependent parasite.

          May we get rid of welfare and affirmative action now or do you still need it to appear to be a real person?

    4. @gigi

      Gigi. Rhymes with . . . nothing of any consequence whatsoever. At least as Natcha you invoked the spy image. Now you are just a raving loon to the extent that I wonder if you are posting from a padded room. Either that, or a data center where you are surrounded by other paid peers doing the same.

  13. All the conspiracy theories are turning out to be true, no surprise to anyone who was paying attention. In 2020, Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier said the Covid virus was the equivalent of a dog with the head of a lion and the tail of a snake or something like that. In other words it was obvious 3 years ago that the virus did not and could not occur in nature but nobody was listening, including on this site. When will we be allowed to question the results of the 2020 or 2022 elections? In 100 years?

    1. deboluccia: you just articulated the conclusion Turley is paid to help create, and that’s based on his spin of incomplete facts. Turley is part of the effort to deflect away from Trump’s lies and the efforts to try to steal the presidency in defiance of the will of the American people, to create an illusion that there’s government censorship of the truth–which is whatever Republicans want to claim is the truth–like the origins of the COVID virus. The DOE “conclusion” is, by admission, weak, and there are 17 other agencies and multiple scientists who disagree, some strongly. But the “deboluccia”s of this world believe that “conspiracy theories are turning out to be true” because Turley cherry-picks facts and tries to turn them into unwarranted conclusions..

    2. I believe Dr. Li-Meng Yan was saying the same thing. She likened it to a “Franken-virus” that nature would not make and this was obvious to any virologist who would look at it.

  14. You forgot to mention the Russian bounties, joe and hunter did not discuss business,…

    Forget it, there are too many to list. Progressive clowns will believe anything, they are that stupid.

  15. I heard from within the bio research community that Fauci’s people went over there with US money to harden and increase the level of their BSL-3 bio security to BSL-4. But instead the Chinese folded the money into their budget and made few if any upgrades.

  16. Of course it escaped from the lab . . . the Chinese quickly scrubbed the on-line records, and lab personnel who might be embarrassing disappeared. The WHO delegation who went to Wuhan to investigate the origins was led by Peter Daszak, head of EcoHealth Alliance, the cut-out which funneled funds from NIAID to Wuhan to conduct gain-of-function research on bats who lived a thousand miles to the south. The Lancet article was organized by Fauci, who persuaded most of the authors to change their opinion of the origins of the virus. Ralph Baric, a virologist at North Carolina, apparently helped Wuhan design its research on bats, and the American Embassy in China warned that the lab lacked proper security well before the leak.
    It was already apparent to anyone looking at raw statistics in the spring of 2020 that most of those dying of the virus had two or three comorbidities and were into their 70s and 80s (which did unnerve me a bit), but it was also obvious that the actual fatality rate was a factor of ten lower than the CDC was claiming, even counting those who did not die ‘of’ COVID.
    As Mulder might say, the Truth was Out There, but nobody was looking for it. Sweden, the perfect ‘control,’ was vilified and smeared in the media, or just ignored, even though its kids continued to go to school and neither they nor their teachers had any problems. The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration of October 2020 wrote the only rational diagnosis and suggested the only sensible course of action, but nobody listened, just as the British government did not listen to the Cark Heneghan at Oxford’s Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, and the Italian government ignored the doctor in Bergamo who urged people to separate those who died “of” COVID from those who died “with it.”
    And on and on. Nobody paid attention to the Diamond Princes — the whole ship should have died if the misinformation that Fauci, Birx, and the media were spreading was true.
    Fauci and Birx did irreparable harm to children and the elderly and everyone who did not need to get a therpeutic masquerading as a vaccine. The media suppressed information and lied, and the politicians and academics were as disingenuous, and poorly informed as could be, but nobody will be fined or jailed or lose their jobs, or be punished, save perhaps for a tsk tsk and a gentle slap on the wrist. No mea culpas, no perp walks for these people. Welcome to Brave New World (with a bit of 1984 thrown in for good measure).
    As for the trolls, the misinformed, and the true believers, really? I mean, really?

    1. Obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence constitute empirical proof of guilt.

      China is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt and according to the preponderance of evidence.

      China is the sole responsible party in the case of $100+ trillion of global death and damage caused by “China Flu, 2019,” aka “COVID-19.”

      China must be compelled to proportionally recompense all countries, and China must be excluded, banished and ostracized from international relations and global economic activity until it does so.

      Norfolk Southern railroad is demonstrably and unequivocally responsible for the damage, destruction and environmental pollution in East Palestine, Ohio.

      China is similarly demonstrably and unequivocally responsible for the death and damage caused by “China Flu, 2019,” aka “COVID-19.”

      1. George,

        “China is similarly demonstrably and unequivocally responsible for the death and damage caused by “China Flu, 2019,” aka “COVID-19.” ”

        With all do respect our statement is False!

        Go do your due diligence, go to & type in search Dr Francis Boyle & find the Alex Jones interviews of Boyle from Jan/Feb 2000 on forward.

        You’ll find the blood trail goes back before China to Chapel Hill NC, Harvard, then going back to Bill Gates & Obama 2014-15 & crew that still are running plays now. It goes back further if you’ve the time. Think Globalist NWO’s Great Reset (Their kill plan).

        With the US’s 46 admit illegal Bio-chem weapons labs in Ukraine & 300 plus elsewhere (Like China) the World’s/US’s Gen Pop may already be total screwed before enough people wake up to their attacks.

        And we’ve yet to find out how many people in the US are now completely Sterilized from the CV19 mRNA clot/death shots, but we do know many are!

        People are still gathering the facts from the crap as fast as they can.


        5.14 min:

        1. If you can prove initial, absolute origin and intent, by all means do it.

          Suggestion: Don’t put Alex Jones on the stand or otherwise make mention of his name or anything associated with it – save yourself the embarrassment.

          In 2019, “China Flu, 2019” leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China.

          China is responsible for the resultant death and damage.

          1. George,

            I like many of your post, but not on a few of the issues like this one.

            Alex Jones has already been proven correct on so many issues so the detractors can just shove it up their back side.

            I’ve already pointed you/others as to the proof about where & who bears responsible regarding CV19 & Big Pharma’s mRNA clot/death shot, Dr Francis Boyle over 3 years ago & now again with one his many public interviews with others & Alex Jones regarding CV19 roots, etc.. Mush of the proof is of public record.

            But no, many didn’t, wouldn’t look, took mRNA shot quadrupled boosted & I’m sorry say many more are still screwed over.

            Or remain uninformed & don’t research it back, you’re choice.

            Take notes.


            Dr. Francis Boyle, The Man Who First Exposed COVID-19 As Lab-Made, Drops New Bombshells
            Coronavirus exposed as chimera concocted in Communist Chinese laboratory

            Alex Jones breaks down the growing medical tyranny around the globe as Australia moves to arrest ‘conspiracy theorists’ and Facebook censors a credible Chinese virologist whistleblower that runs counter to the globalist authoritarian control narrative.



            1. Shove it up your backside, dude. Alex Jones is a tub of lard who sells crap on the internet for beta males like you, he is a failed husband, a failed father, a failed businessman, and like you a “performance artist”. Alex is a disgusting POS


              Not Fake News: InfoWars’ Alex Jones is a ‘Performance Artist’

              The Alex Jones who told his legions of “Infowars” listeners that bogus stories about the U.S. government being behind the 9/11 attacks and about Hillary Clinton operating a pedophile ring out of a Washington D.C. pizza joint is really “a performance artist.”

              That’s according to Jones’ own lawyer — not the mainstream media that the right-wing radio jock derides as “fake news.”

              “He’s playing a character” and is nothing like his online persona, attorney Randall Wilhite reportedly insisted in a Texas courtroom at a pre-trial hearing ahead of the right wing radio jock’s custody battle with ex-wife Kelly Jones.

              Kelly Jones is seeking sole or joint custody of her three children with her ex-husband, an ardent supporter of President Trump who broadcasts from his Austin home.

              “He’s not a stable person,” she reportedly told the court. “He says he wants to break Alec Baldwin’s neck. He wants J-Lo to get raped.”

              1. Por favor Senor, your machismo is just oozing, but if it’s not to much trouble could just save the Jones’ family’s puzzy, Mushu?


                BTW: One Jet plane holds X amount of jet fuel, two planes, one each hit 2 buildings, jet fuel burns at temp Y, most of the fuel burned off in a flash fire, the buildings steel, Y, was rated far above 3000 degrees, what brought 2 110 story sky scrappers down at free fall speed on 911? Well, there’s that.

                Building #7 wasn’t hit by a plane, it also fell at free fall speed, it wasn’t hit by a plane ! What’s up with that?

                Do you still believe Jet Fuel brought down the twin towers + plus building #7 on 911?



                Richard Gage, AIA is an architect of 30 years from the San Francisco Bay Area, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (now independent). He, along with his courageous wife and assistant Gail, continues to lead the charge toward a real investigation into the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 with video podcasts, webinars, and speaking engagements.


                1. I am the junior author of a paper in which we explained why and how the tallest WTC towers fell. Wasn’t free fall. As for WTC 7, the building was severely damaged by large portions of WTC 1 falling onto it, destroying its integrity. The illegally stored diesel fuel in the building caught fire, multiple tanks of it, and floor 7 first fell apart. The upper portion of the building then crushed down on the lower part. It wasn’t possible to fight the fires because other portions of WTC1 fell into the street and destroyed the water mains.

                  Richard Gage is flatout wrong.

                  1. David,

                    Have you ever built one building from planning, ground up in your life. I’ve built more then I can remember over 30-40 yrs.

                    Your full of crap. Buildings don’t fall like the govt says about 911 (.)

                    Now maybe aliens from the planet Poptart attacked them & if that’s the case make the case.

                    1. Oky1, it is quite similar to the current demolition technique used to bring down buildings ‘in their own footprint’. One or perhaps two stories in the middle of the buildings are torn up to the edge of collapse. Explosives then remove the remaining supporting columns and the top crushes down on the bottom. The top then crushes itself when the bottom is compacted rubble.

                      You can find numerous videos of demolitions using this method.

          2. George,

            I haven’t found the correct interviews of Dr Boyle by Jones in/around Jan/Feb 2020. I’m still looking for the better interviews.

            It takes time to go thought the ones I can find.

            That said, start @ the beginning & Ck @ 13 mins plus a few mins into this one is interesting review to me about UNC/China GoF of CV19.


            Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to expose how forcing the untested lethal mRNA vaccine on the public violates a Nuremberg ruling against Nazi medical experimentation cruelty.


          3. Further while I’ve have this up I’ll share it with you.


            6:36 / 13:24
            Douglas Macgregor: An Aggressive onslaught
            Begin Your Journey
            2.12K subscribers
            41,999 views Feb 27, 2023

    2. “It was already apparent to anyone looking at raw statistics in the spring of 2020 that most of those dying of the virus had two or three comorbidities”

      This. We actually had a death in our family, and yes, they had a laundry list of comorbidities. I do not think personally that covid itself killed nearly anyone, crap general health did. It’s why I was against Obamacare – I will help subsidize a broken arm; I will not help subsidize chronic cheese burger/booze consumption. Those books are likely cooked forever, though.

      1. As is always the case, it devolves to the survival of the fittest.

        It’s not complex; it’s every man for himself.

  17. There was an article “Origin of Covid – Following the Clues” written by Nicholas Wade April 30, 2021 that explained why the science strongly suggested a lab leak. The “virus possessed an unusual enhancement, a furin cleavage site, which is not possessed by any other known SARS-related betacoronavirus, and this site included a double arginine codon also unknown among betacoronaviruses.” The author asked what more evidence could you want? This was known almost two-years ago.

    1. There were also detailed articles on this in January 2021, including by Nicholas Baker if I recall, and Steve Hilton did several pieces on his Sunday night Fox program in January 2021 documenting the financing links between NIAID, Ecohealth and the Wuhan lab on gain of function research. Elements of the Trump administration had been discussing this since the spring of 2020. It was the public health establishment led by Collins and Fauci and the virologists they funded that promoted the idea that this was a conspiracy theory. And the media followed their lead.

    2. The most damning FCS aspect, the DRASTIC proposal that wanted to do an experiment that created the exact FCS that leaked.

  18. What we have here is a distraction about the report not having any veracity. The distraction is designed to make you forget that any question of the origins of Covid was not allowed to be discussed. Don’t be distracted. If you had any questions you were painted as Putin puppets and racists. This is what they don’t want you to remember. Now the same thing continues if you have any questions about Jan 6 you are a Putin puppet and you are a racist. They have nothing left but Russia, Russia, Russia and you are a White Supremacist. I guess they still think it works with some people but most see it only as an act of desperation. See Adam Schiff. He can show it to you in writing.

    1. Well said.
      Desperation is right.
      People are seeing through their distractions. Questioning the narrative. And when people start to ask questions, then they resort to “RACIST!”

  19. Has anyone ever ever tracked patents for covid at the University of North Carolina under Fauici’s leadership. This is from around 1999
    This was said to be a money making idea.

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