My Wray or the Hard Wray: New Twitter Files Contradict FBI Director’s Testimony

Yesterday’s hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray was another maddening experience of faux contrition and open evasion. Wray apologized for violations that have already been established by courts or Congress (often over the best efforts of the FBI). However, on ample public evidence of new violations, Wray continued to use his favorite testimonial trilogy to dismiss any questions: expressing (1) lack of knowledge, (2) ongoing investigations, and (3) promises of later answers or briefings. He did, however, hold forth in detail after Rep. Eric Swalwell asked him about FBI Family Day. Despite the near total lack of substance, Wray did make one surprising denial. He insisted that the FBI does not engage in censorship efforts, focuses only on “foreign disinformation,” and does not pressure companies to censor others. Those denials are not only directly contradicted by the recent 155-page opinion of a federal court and the Twitter Files, but a new release from the Twitter Files and journalist Matt Taibbi.

Wray said that “…The FBI is not in the business of moderating content, or causing any social media company to suppress or censor.” He then added that these companies are not under any pressure in making their own decisions whether to censor people or groups flagged by the FBI.

The statement is obviously false. The FBI maintained a large operation of agents actively seeking the censorship of thousands, as discussed in my prior testimony.

Taibbi, however, has released another example of how aggressive the FBI was with social media companies. In the latest Twitter Files release, there is one email exchange where Twitter “immediately” suspended accounts flagged by the FBI without investigation.

Taibbi explained:

“In one shot, you can see the FBI asks to remove three accounts, that gets forwarded to Twitter, Twitter immediately suspends them, the accounts. But more importantly, when there’s a glitch, and the accounts remain up, the FBI immediately writes back and says, what’s the deal? We just wrote to you, why is it still up? So, that shows the nature of the relationship basically that it’s not really a collaboration. It’s much more like somebody reporting to an authority.

… [W]hat happens in these instances in the ones that I was showing, they’re just forwarding names of accounts that they say are associated with foreign threat actors. It’s very vague. And Twitter is taking them down before they even investigate. In this case, they later determined that they couldn’t find anything connecting them to any bad actors. In fact, one of them was from Canada. And so, that’s the problem. If it’s not connected with a crime, they’re just asking to take accounts down because they don’t like the profile of them.”

We also have hundreds of emails that show the FBI and other agencies targeting individuals for a wide array of disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation. The latter category is truly Orwellian. It covers true statements that can be used for a misleading purpose.

The latest email does not suggest that the FBI was the passive, helpful agency portrayed by the Director. For most people reading the email, it sounds like it is my Wray or the hard Wray.

161 thoughts on “My Wray or the Hard Wray: New Twitter Files Contradict FBI Director’s Testimony”

  1. Yellow Badge for Catholics is next

    Jim Jordan Slams FBI Director for Refusing to Tell Congress ‘Who Wrote’ and ‘Who Approved’ Anti-Catholic Memo ~ Law & the Courts
    By Ari Blaff – July 12, 2023

    Top 10 Takeaways From FBI Director Christopher Wray’s House Judiciary Testimony
    By: Margot Cleveland – July 13, 2023

  2. The vast majority of FBI employees (many former combat veterans) are brave selfless honorable government servants working in a top-down military style hierarchy – working in a highly dysfunctional bureaucratic “system” that produces both good results and sometimes really bad results.

    It’s really counter-productive to condemn the subordinate employees following top-down orders that many times violate the FBI’s oath of office – to NOT violate constitutional rights.

    If we really want to fix the FBI, we need require the top leadership to follow the constitutional rule of law – from top down – since subordinates follow orders from above.

    The Oath of Office means an American agency can’t blacklist citizens for exercising legal First Amendment activity – which includes not punishing peaceably petitioning the government for grievances and not infringing on freedom of speech.

    American history has proven otherwise. The FBI tried to coerce a Christian minister to commit suicide for the “non-crime” of supporting African-American voting rights. This same minister, the then FBI Director ordered female FBI agents to masquerade as mistresses to destroy the minister’s marriage – in retaliation for legal First Amendment activity. FBI criminal retaliation disloyal to their own Oath of Office, to counter non-criminal activity by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

    We should focus on reforming this broken “system” so lower level FBI employees have top leaders loyal to their oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution [a wartime governing charter].

    [source: book “Disrupt, Discredit and Divide” by Michael German – former FBI counter-terrorism field agent calling for FBI reforms].

    1. “The vast majority of FBI employees (many former combat veterans) are brave selfless honorable government servants working in a top-down military style hierarchy – working in a highly dysfunctional bureaucratic “system” that produces both good results and sometimes really bad results.”

      And Stasi was made up of former choir boys. Sorry, the FBI is law enforcement and they swear not to do exactly what they did do.

      1. FBI is law enforcement and they swear not to do exactly what they did do.

        Agree. Military is hard wired to follow direct commands. FBI follows the same template. EXCEPT, most FBI agents have law degrees. Those that don’t ,have MS in Law Enforcement. Meaning they are educated to understand when the Brass is coloring outside the constitutional, and statutorial lines. Unlike the military, they are far more informed when those direct commands should be challenged, and with their knowledge, smart enough to document the orders for self protection.

    2. The FBI is rotten from top to bottom. It has always been political and now it is politicized beyond repair. It cannot “rebuild” public trust. It must be torn down – not built up or empowered further. Defund and break it up into smaller pieces to be absorbed into other agencies. There is no reason to fund FBI another penny let alone build it a shiny brand new headquarters. The “work” the FBI is doing is not honorable by any stretch of the meaning of the word. Get rid of the FBI.

      1. The secret police, the Stasi, the Gestapo — this is what the FBI has devolved into and it is dangerously politicized. It is not honorable work being done by hardworking rank & file. That is a garbage “narrative” that people need to stop saying. The rank & file are going ‘woke’ and doing as they are ordered to do: like the Stasi, like the Gestapo. Please stop giving this organization the benefit of the doubt. It must be stopped.

  3. Law and Order has become so distorted it leaves me discombobulated. Are the statutes nothing more than papers with words on them with meaningless definitions, having escape hatches litter about for the authorities to avoid responsibility.

    Cities, States and the Federal Government has been high jacked by finagling tyrants, using distortions of the law to sew a cocoon around their actions while denying lawful enforcement based on their personal or political beliefs. A singular tyrannical party, having controls of the levers of justice, are ruining this great nation, The United States of America.

    God help us ALL!!!

  4. If America had courageous, indomitable and resolute leaders in 1776, it has absolutely none now, merely milquetoast sycophants.

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    – Declaration of Independence, 1776

  5. So the Global Communist Deep Deep State Swamp just gets to sit there and thumb its nose at America, its laws, its Constitution and its Bill of Rights?

    Christopher Wray must have been impeached long ago.

    Article 2, Section 4

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors

  6. “Plus, you couldn’t answer my questions which were directed at you. Your inability to answer them ”

    Anonymous, because of you lack of civility many of the responses to your questions were deleted. Don’t blame anyone but yourself. Remember, in your last response to me you admitted your ignorance.

  7. Anonymous, an entire thread of replies has been taken down because you don’t know how to behave. However, in your most recent reply I note an admission of yours. I will quote your exact words.

    “All you did was say I was ignorant.
    I believe it”

    We are finally in agreement. You are ignorant.

    1. “S. Meyer, lying doesn’t suit you”

      Those words are yours taken directly from your post. I can’t help it that you write those things and your response disappears.

      1. Anonymous writes ” into saying something I didn’t is lying.”

        Anonymous, I copied your exact words. We could see them if you were a decent individual. Then, your post would not have disappeared. It is your fault. Moreover the statement is true. You are ignorant.

        Further, if you attached a name, we could better understand where you are coming from, but you refuse. You wish not to be held to your words. Why? Because you are ignorant.

        You make others use workarounds when dealing with you and spew insults that others cannot fairly respond to. You do that because your words are mistruths. Why? Because you are ignorant.

        Get that point across. People act in your fashion, not because they are proud of what they say, but because they know themselves to be ignorant.

        I must copy your reply and post it under the last part of the thread where you have not posted. That is how members of this blog have to deal with you. Why should they be inconvenienced in that fashion? Because you are ignorant and cannot function in a civil world.

    2. “[A]n entire thread of replies has been taken down because you don’t know how to behave.”

      SM: Is there any way to know *in advance* when that might happen? It’s a bit frustrating to pen replies, only to have them taken down because of someone else’s rotten behavior.

      1. Sam, I am not unaware of the potential deletions of my posts. Most of the time, I do not care, and if I do, I can copy Anonymous’ words and reply under the last valid response. When one responds to the nasty and ignorant Anonymous postings, maybe the deletion is a good thing. The blog is for debate, not to deal with the distasteful ignorance of Anonymous postings.

        One can mostly tell the difference between the biggest offender and ATS, but one must remember that ATS has a history of using an address he knows will be removed when he wishes to become spiteful. He also has used pretend names thinking that stupid anonymous replies can enhance earlier foolishness. Both of them exist to disrupt the discussion. The Bug is more of a storyteller, and ATS is more into proving himself an intellect providing data that frequently is wrong or purposely distorted.

        The blog could make a unique icon accompanied by a name mandatory. Since the individual can remain anonymous like he is today, it is not censorship. Then, replies, without identification, could be deleted without appearing to censor the content. The enactment of that type of policy would end a lot of the gaming seen.

      2. Anonymous writes: “It’s not behavior. It’s censorship.”

        It is not censorship. It is behavior and most on the blog recognize that. The proof is that most on the blog do not have their replies removed. Are you too ignorant to understand that?

        1. Anonymous replies: “Nothing I’ve said is a violation of the civility rule. You lying about it is. It’s censorship. It’s arbitrary.”

          You are in the minority of those commenting about your removal. It is not arbitrary. Why should the blog permit you to burden others and the list manager, who likely is unpaid? You abused a tolerant free service. That is not atypical for those with your beliefs.

          Again I suggest you write to the blog manager and let him know you wish to be a good blog citizen, asking him to put you back on the blog using your email address for your unique icon and your name. Stop polluting.

          1. Anonymous writes: “This is a blog based on free speech principles”

            That is correct, but it is not a blog to be abused.

    1. “Sorry, but I’ve got a plane to catch.” Reminder of Wray’s contemptuousness that REQUIRES a smackdown called contempt charges:

  8. I’m sorry but the FBI simply cannot be permitted to be de facto more powerful than the United States House of Representatives, which is the only conclusion to be drawn by Wray’s contemptuous obstruction of House oversight. The budget of the FBI should be zeroed out the next time the GOP controls the Senate.

    1. “… Wray’s contemptuous obstruction of House oversight.”

      Contemptuous .. . that is the word I been looking for.

      *lest the United States House of Representatives confuse Wray’s affable and mild-mannered demeanor with his ‘steel spine.’

  9. Man we got some lame excusers on this blog. The Jan 6 protest was a big deal but Wray is not supposed to know if there were any FBI agents in the crowd. They give turning a blind eye a new meaning. They won’t even allow themselves to be honest with themselves. It’s funny. The left hand side of their brain lies to the right hand side of their brain. It’s like one half of a pea lying to the other half of a pea.

  10. My wife asked me where I was going with my golf clubs. First I shrugged my shoulders, then I told her, “it’s an on-going investigation, but I will circle back at a later time.”

    1. Later, “following an exhaustive investigation, authorities are unable to determine whose golf clubs they were.”

  11. My favorite case today isn’t Crooked Wray Backward but Ray Epps suing Tucker Carlosn for defamation for leading the Jan. 6th riot after Epps tweeted that he “orchestrated” the protest at the Capitol.” That and the video urging the protestors to go over the barricadde. What a moroon!

    1. Is the Complaint publicly available? Defamation requires several elements, including that the statement not only be false, but that it be defamatory. Defamatory generally means a statement so odious about someone that it would cause ordinary upstanding members of society to refuse to associate with a person. Is Epps claiming that an allegation that he collaborated with the U.S. Government is defamatory?

      1. Your wish, Alec.:


      2. Oh and the Complaint reads like a middle school girl’s diary entry. Here’s an example of the breathless Dim legal drafting that has purple prose writers worldwide atwitter and some comments from (moi):

        “In the aftermath of the events of January 6th, Fox News searched for a scapegoat to blame other than Donald Trump (who, of course, called for peaceful protest/note the

        assumption Trump didn’t) or the Republican Party. Eventually, the turned on one of their own, telling a fantastical story (maybe not so fantastical once you see the videos of Ray-Ray

        charging over the barricades, texting his nephew that he orchestrated the whole thing and then facing no charges at all when people not even there got charged) in which Ray Epps,

        a Trump supporter (believe that when you see it proven, a red hat doesn’t reveal what’s underneath), that participated in the protests on January 6th was an undercover FBI

        agent and was responsible for (maybe not so fantastical once you see the videos of Ray-Ray charging over the barricades, texting his nephew that he orchestrated the thing and

        then facing no charges at all when people not even there got charged) the mob that violently broke into the Capitol (or got let in by the Capitol Police if you believe your eyes) and

        interfered with the peaceful transition of power for the first time in this country’s history. (Guess the drafter didn’t hear about that unpleasantness at Ft. Sumpter when that guy from

        Illinois got elected in 1860).”

        And no, it wasn’t a “dark and stormy night.”

        1. I have yet to see any explanation why Ray Epps wasn’t charged, more than 2 years later, when he admitted in writing he had orchestrated the riot and trespass. People were thrown into solitary confinement for far less.

          What else are we to think other than Epps was protected?

    2. he’s counting on Fox settling to provide the propaganda ,…again, just like dominion, they settled for 5 times the value of the company, hahahahaha. the hedge fund that bought Dominion paid 80 million in 2018 or so… they made out pretty well eh?

  12. I just read that our great Secret Service decided they can’t determine whose cocaine was in the White House.
    Director Wray has not been truthful in his recent testimony at the house of Representatives.

    Am I the only person who thinks it’s time to bring back water-boarding?

    1. Sean Davis has some thoughts about Coke Gate:

      “There’s a reason the White House isn’t releasing video of when/where the cocaine was found. And there’s an even bigger reason why they’re not releasing video of that room in the days and hours before it was “found” there.

      And for those wondering: there are no fingerprints because whoever found the cocaine baggy in its original location sanitized the evidence before dumping it where it was later found, which is how you know who it really belonged to.” @seanmdav


      *but then that raises the question….when they found Hunter’s blow, instead of launching yet another coverup for the Biden crime family, why not just dispose of the baggie and be done with the whole incident?

      1. I have your answer.
        the Secret service are sick of Biden and his antics and they purposely narc’ed them out when they ‘Called in the the baggie’….the call in is the clue, because as you state why not just dispose of it ,like the two pervious drug discoveries in 2022…..this is the proverbial ‘cry for help’ from the people working at the WH.
        Remember Secret service has banned Biden from their parties after repeated transgressions….they already didn’t like him from the obama admin.

    2. At the very least, we should reinstitute the practice of tar-and-feathering.

      If that doesn’t work, we can always escalate.

  13. Wray engaged in cost-benefits analysis. How many people have heard about the Twitter files? How many people know the names Matt Taibbi, Jonathan Turley, Glenn Beck, and Dan Bongino? How many people have heard that the FBI might’ve been involved in corporate censorship? Now, let’s flip that around and ask the hypothetical question, “How many people have heard that the FBI director admitted, in Congressional testimony, to past, current, and future censorship of American citizens?” If that happened, if Wray said something along those lines, I think it would beat the lie around the world. Me thinks Mr. Wray said what he said after some careful cost-benefits analysis.

  14. Jonathan: FBI Director Wray’s testimony before Jim Jordan’s House Judiciary Committee was pretty contentious. It went 15 rounds but neither Jordan nor any other MAGA Republican on the Committee landed a knock out blow. Wray pushed back on the idea that the FBI had been “weaponized” against conservatives and was protecting the Biden administration. Wray was appointed by Donald Trump and has been a long time member of the conservative Federalist Society. Wray is a conservative with no motive to direct FBI investigations against conservatives. Jordan tried to make the case for “weaponization” by displaying doctored FBI emails. That was exposed by the Dems on the Committee. So Jordan was left empty handed in trying to prove the case for “weaponization” of the FBI.

    This is where your column comes in. Wray insisted in his testimony: “We don’t ask social media companies to censor information or suppress information. We’re very clear that it’s up to the social media companies”. That was Wray’s sworn testimony. But you claim Wray is lying. Your proof? You trot out the latest chapter from Matt Taibbi’s best selling novel “The Twitter Files” that proves your claim “the FBI maintained a large operation of agents actively seeking the censorship of thousands”.

    The Q is whether the email exchanges between the FBI and Twitter support your claim? There are several points about the emails that deserve attention. First, the email from the FBI to “Stacia” is dated 6/11/20. This inquiry was right in the middle of the 2020 presidential election cycle. US intelligence agencies, not just the FBI, were concerned and trying to prevent election interference –as happened by Russian interests in the 2016 election. So the FBI was trying to alert all social media companies about the threat by foreign actors in the 2020 election. Second, the 3 targeted Twitter accounts by the FBI might fall into that category. But Taibbi offers no explanation for why the FBI chose just those 3 accounts or whether the FBI’s concern was justified.

    Third, and more fundamental issue, is whether the FBI emails amount to “censorship”. The email from FBI agent “Elvis” to “Stacia” clearly states: “Please take whatever actions, if any, you deem appropriate”. This doesn’t appear, on its face, to be an order. The next day “Stacia” tells “Elvis” the 3 accounts have been suspended. We don’t know whether Twitter might have conducted its own investigation before suspending the 3 accounts. Taibbi doesn’t help us with that Q either.

    So we are left with a number of unanswered Qs–answers to which might help us arrive a some reasonable hypothesis. As for me, one isolated email exchange doesn’t stand for the proposition that the FBI was “actively seeking the censorship of thousands”. Speculation and conjecture are no substitute for solid evidence. I get the impression Taibbi was paid to push out the “Twitter Files” without conducting his own investigation to determine the authenticity of the files or the background for their creation. His interpretation, which you cite, of the material he had access to is just his opinion. As it is yours when it comes to all things Twitter!

    1. ” … Wray is a conservative with no motive to direct FBI investigations against conservatives. …”
      Wray would follow his Bosses agenda, agreeing with it or not.

      A zebra can’t change its stripes, but a snake can always shed its skin.

      But does D.McIntyre = Elvis, … Hummmm ? -That is the right Question-

      1. The idea that someone like Wray was a sincere adherent to a political ideology rather than a resume-builder which would allow him to slide in and out of GOP administrations is risible.

    2. You might want to read this Denny:

      Tom Elliott

      The FBI is a lawless, extraconstitutional agency that’s been violating Americans’ civil liberties & various federal laws from the get-go, yet has never been fundamentally reformed, nor have individual agents been held accountable for the most egregious crimes.

      Today is but the latest example: After whistleblowers reported the FBI was illegally targeting Americans based on their religious beliefs, the
      @FBI’s Wray said he’s super sorry & it won’t happen again — but, as always, declined to actually punish anyone or reform anything.

      Because that’s how this lawless agency’s always operated:

      — After the FBI was caught spying on the Goldwater campaign at the behest of Pres. Johnson, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — When the FBI tried to convince MLK to kill himself, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — When the FBI launched Cointelpro & seeded false rumors amongst Black Panthers to get them to start killing each other & innocent Americans were caught in the crossfire, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — After an FBI agent murdered Vicki Weaver in 1992 while she held her infant daughter, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — After the FBI murdered 75 Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — After the FBI falsely accused Richard Jewell of being the Olympics bomber, ruining his life, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — After the FBI framed four innocent men of murder, two died of whom in prison and the other two of whom served 62 years behind bars, no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — After Comey’s FBI was caught running its own NSA-style domestic snooping operation that violated Americans’ 4th Amendment rights, no one was fired, no one was held accountable.
      — After the FBI screwed up Dylann Roof’s background check, enabling him to buy a gun and thus commit one of the worst mass shootings in history, no one was fired, no one was held accountable.
      — After gymnasts complained to the FBI that Larry Nassar was sexually abusing them, the FBI failed to follow up, and then falsified witnesses’ testimony to excuse their own inaction; no one was fired, no one was held accountable.
      — After Jeffrey Epstein was known to be sexually trafficking & raping minors, the FBI cut a deal with him which traded information in exchange for enabling his trafficking & raping to continue; no one was held accountable, no one was fired.
      — I have dozens of other examples and could do this all day, but perhaps the most important of all is that so many acts of terror & mass murder have been committed due to the United States having an FBI rather than a federal law enforcement agency that competently responds to emerging threats.

      Believe it or not but the FBI has been warned about almost every mass killer/terrorist over the last three decades yet has somehow failed to stop almost every one. To wit: the 9/11 hijackers; the “Underwear Bomber”; the Fort Hood terrorist; the Boston Marathon bombers; three Americans who went to Syria to join ISIS; another ISIS-inspired terrorist in New Jersey who killed 3 in Washington; the Garland, Texas terrorists; the Pulse Nightclub terrorist; another terrorist who stabbed 2 in Virginia; the NYC bomber, Ahmad Rahani; the terrorists who struck the “Draw Muhammad” event; the Parkland, Fla. mass murderer; another ISIS convert named Corey Johnson; the Waffle House mass killer; the New Mexico terror compound; the Nashville bomber; the Boulder terrorist, Ahmad al Issa … Again, thousands of Americans would be alive today if Congress had already located the cojones to fundamentally reform & rein in the FBI.

      In the meantime, the gravest threat to Americans’ safety & civil rights is not “white nationalists” or “domestic extremists” but rather the lawless agency that commits whatever crimes it wants without ever having to worry about being held accountable.

      Ultimately, you cannot be pro “law and order” and “pro-FBI.”

      1. “…thousands of Americans would be alive today if Congress had already located the cojones to fundamentally reform & rein in the FBI.”

        This is so true. Also, I’m sure you didn’t miss the common thread to all of the crimes and criminals on your list. Those terrible crimes only happened to our *lessers* in society; none of them directly affected any Congress members (or FBI personnel for that matter) or their families.

      2. Thank you.
        You are correct – your list is just the tip of the ice berg.

        The FBI serves very little purpose.
        Name something that the FBI does that can not be handled by State and local law enforcement.
        While these are sometimes problematic – the the least we do not have the same top down corrupt conduct on a nationwide level with state and local law enforcement.

        There are very very few tasks that require the FBI, The rest of the FBI should be shutdown.
        Are there good people at the FBI ? Certainly. They will find jobs elsewhere.

        The need for law enforcement is not going away.
        The need for law enforcement as a political wing of the Democratic party must come to an end.

        The Judge in MS allowed the FBI to contact Social Media over a few specific areas – WHY ?
        Speach that is actually illegal – such as child pornography can and should be handled by state or local law enforcement – and typically is.

        I am hard pressed to think of a national security issue that involves Social Media
        Are the Russians going to set off a nuke int he meta-verse ?

        If Russian bots want to try to influence voters LET THEM.

        The only attempts to influence US elections through speach that are ACTUALLY improper – are those by the US government.

    3. Dennis: thank you once again for your thoughtful and very well-written and analyzed response. I don’t really have any questions about Turley’s piece because it’s not intellectually honest. It’s clear that today’s assignment was to try to breathe credibility into the House “investigation” of fake “weaponization” of the government. Yesterday’s hearing fell flat, so Turley is assigned to try to prop it up. How many of the disciples recall that Wray was appointed by Trump and is a member of the Federalist Society? If Biden really is a diabolical mastermind who has “weaponized” the FBI and DOJ (despite being demented, according to alt-right media), he would have fired Wray when he took office, but he didn’t. Just like Biden didn’t fire Durham, either–another inconvenient fact.

      1. “Wray was appointed by Trump” as if Wray was known by and to Trump is just stupid question begging.

    4. @Dennis McIntyre: re:”But you claim Wray is lying. Your proof?” There’s a helluva difference between ‘proof’ and ]evidence] when it comes to matters at law. Learn it. Then use it properly. You inability to do so is tiresome.

    5. Dennis, care to explain 1.4 million illegal 702 lookups. The vast majority the responsibility of the FBI? This is the 3rd SCOTUS audit of the the 702 lookups, with the same illegal use by the FBI.

  15. Dear Prof Turley,

    Am I the only one who finds congressional oversight committees divided along political party lines – in this case R MAGA majority and D Bidenomics BBB minority – disturbing? If not unconstitutional.

    I was expecting something more from the R-majority. At least the D-minority were clearly focused and unified: do you swear to tell the Trump, the whole Trump and nothing but the Trump, against all enemies foreign and domestic so help you DoJ.

    Director Wray: I do
    News Chorus: We do.

    Not one question re. whistleblower Gul Luft/meeting with 2 prosecutors SDNY/4 FBI in Brussels and, now, wanted by those very agencies for FARA violations. Burisma was mentioned in passing once, iirc.
    (note. I noticed D minority Ms Dean was wearing a duel lapel flag-pin – US/Uk – yet no one asked her if she was registered FARA?)

    The mountain of 702 ‘compliance problems’ seemed more like a mole hill to hear Dir Wray tell it.

    Aaron Matte’ still wants to know if the Ukraine SBU -> U.S. FBI -> Twitter/google global nexus has his number?

    No one even bothered to ask Dir. Wray if the FBI was, in fact, abiding by Judge Doughty’s injunction?

    I am impressed with [Trump appointed/Biden reconfirmed] FBI Dir. Wray abilities to evade legal minefields with nothing but a pocket full of mumbles. That’s the difference between mere elected officials and career appointees: formal on-the-job training. Slicker than snot.

    I know more and more about less and less .. . and eventually it will no longer matter if Russia really ‘interfered’ in our elections as Dir. Wray suggests.

    *if the choice is Biden v Trump again . .. what could Putin/Russia do worse than that?

  16. Let’s suppose that your some poor slep working at Twitter and an FBI agent asks you why you haven’t responded ti his COMMAND to censor an American citizen. There is a difference between a polite command and an order to do something. A better explanation would be, you better do what we say or else. It seems Gestapoesh to me.

  17. Another in-your-face “FO” (and I don’t mean, “far out, man”) to Congress by this wily bunch? Well color me shocked. SHOCKED!, I say. Wait, don’t tell me, Team Red ain’ta gonna do nothin’ to The Man, either. 🙄

    In other news, I dropped a few lbs somewhere. Let me know if you find them. I don’t want ’em back, just want to make sure they’re safe.

  18. I’m gone to do something that tears at the very fiber of my being. I’m going to quote Chuck Todd of CNN fame. Chuck Todd: Trust In The FBI Is Eroding… Feels Like We Need A Real “Church Committee”. I guess even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.

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