Biden’s Break-The-Glass Option: Pardon Hunter and Withdraw from the 2024 Election

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Below is my column in The Messenger on what I called Biden’s “break-the-glass” option after the disaster in Delaware. After the column ran, Fox News asked White House Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre about the possibility of a pardon. Jean-Pierre cut him off and responded  unequivocally “no.” I hope that proves to be true but it would have been more assuring to come from someone who did not clearly misrepresent the President’s earlier denial just a day earlier and change his long-standing position. The President previously denied a series of facts that have been proven, including the fact that his son did make money in China and President Biden did have knowledge of (and interact with) his son’s business dealings. The real question is whether the fix in this case will fail and leave the President with the pardon option behind the glass.

Here is the column:

The collapse of the Hunter Biden plea bargain has left many in Washington shocked. After all, this is a city that knows how to fix a fight. After five years, the Biden corruption scandal was supposed to die with a vacuous plea bargain and no jail time. Most everyone was in on the fix, from members of Congress to the media to the prosecutors. The problem was the one notable omission: Judge Maryellen Noreika of the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware.

The sentencing hearing was a moment that made the Hindenburg disaster look like a seamless landing. Noreika asked a basic question on the implications of the agreement, and the entire deal immediately collapsed.

Now the Justice Department is in a bind. It could not admit in the hearing that Hunter Biden could escape future liability for a host of uncharged crimes. Yet, when a defendant backs out of a generous plea deal, federal prosecutors ordinarily will pursue all of the available charges — and jail time.

While President Joe Biden once declared, in more colorful terms, that no one messes with a Biden, the Justice Department may now find it has no choice. It could be forced to actually treat Hunter like an ordinary citizen.

The debacle in Delaware still could result in a plea deal. The parties have a month to “work things out,” and most judges sign off on deals, given the discretion afforded to the executive branch on criminal charging decisions. They just need to be clear about the terms, and clarity is something neither side seemed eager to establish publicly during Wednesday’s hearing. However, an agreement would require prosecutors either to fight to preserve a sweetheart deal — one without additional future charges — or to proceed, as they would in most cases, with a full prosecution.

That would include obvious potential charges under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Noreika forced the Justice Department to admit that it still could charge Biden as an unregistered foreign agent. That was the charge used against onetime Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and the similarities between the cases are striking. It took little time for the Justice Department to use the charge against Manafort. Yet, in the Hunter Biden investigation, five years have passed, and the Justice Department seemed mired in doubt over applying the same standard to the president’s son.

A FARA charge could further expose Hunter’s alleged influence-peddling operations, with what House GOP investigators say were millions in foreign payments from a virtual rogue’s gallery of foreign officials. The Justice Department also would face pressure to seek the same long jail sentence given to Manafort; he was sentenced to 73 months of imprisonment, which included the statutory maximum 60 months for a conspiracy to violate FARA. (That same year, political consultant W. Samuel Patten pleaded guilty to lobbying and consulting on behalf of the Opposition Bloc, a Ukrainian political party, and received 36 months of probation.)

That is not even including potential felony charges for the original gun violation, money laundering, or other crimes. If the Justice Department were to show the same aggressive effort toward Hunter Biden that was shown to figures like Manafort, Hunter could be looking at a real possibility of years in jail.

There is, however, the ultimate “break-the-glass” option that I raised previously if the Bidens and their supporters could not rig the process: Joe Biden could pardon his son and then announce that he will not run for reelection.

Facing an impeachment inquirylow public support, and a son in the legal dock, Biden could use the case to close out his political career. Of course, a pardon would be what I consider another abuse of the pardon power for personal benefit. President Bill Clinton waited until the end of his second term to pardon his half-brother. Biden could do the same by acknowledging that the pardoning of his son is a form of raw self-dealing. However, as he has said throughout the scandal, he loves his son and blames his crimes on his struggle with addiction and grieving.

With that, Biden could bow out of the election without admitting (as many on both sides are saying) that old age has taken its toll on his mental and physical capacity. He would end his political career with an act as a father, which some would condemn but most would understand. That would clear the way for a new generation of Democratic candidates who would have a better chance of defeating Donald Trump or another Republican presidential candidate.

President Biden could even give Hunter a preemptive or prospective pardon. That would effectively end any federal investigation, although the pardon would need to cover the waterfront of possible charges. By resigning and becoming a lame-duck president, Biden also would undermine congressional Republicans’ impeachment calls. And it would allow his own allies to declare the scandal over, with Biden taking responsibility by giving up a second term in office.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the congressional investigation would end. Even if such a move dampened the demand for an impeachment inquiry, it would not likely stop Republicans from pursuing answers about the official handling of this investigation and claims of political interference.

Yet, any damage would be contained by Biden offering himself up as a sin-eater for his family. Democratic candidates would not likely face backlash for their opposition to investigating the scandal; their chances of retaking the House could be substantially increased. Likewise, the media would not have to face the mounting evidence that it has steadfastly ignored for years.

The pardon-and-apology approach might appeal to Biden not only as an effort to convert vice into virtue but to justify his withdrawal from the election as a selfless act.

Everyone in Washington would win — except, of course, the public: The Bidens would keep alleged millions in influence-peddling profits; Hunter would not even have to pay his full taxes; members of Congress and the media could avoid taking responsibility for burying the reports of corruption.

That is what is called a “happy ending” in Washington.

Jonathan Turley, an attorney, constitutional law scholar and legal analyst, is the Shapiro Chair for Public Interest Law at The George Washington University Law School.

224 thoughts on “Biden’s Break-The-Glass Option: Pardon Hunter and Withdraw from the 2024 Election”

  1. Jonathan: With the cascading criminal indictments of DJT he is becoming more desperate and rattled. DJT says the meeting yesterday between his lawyers and Jack Smith’s team re the pending Jan. 6 indictment(s) was a “productive meeting”. On Truth Social DJT said this: “My attorneys had a productive meeting with the DOJ this morning, explaining in detail I did nothing wrong–and that an indictment of me would only further destroy our Country”. That is probably not how the meeting went down.

    Now I am pretty sure that after listening to DJT’s attorneys complain that another indictment would “further destroy the Country” Jack Smith’s teams pointed to the “target letter” and patiently explained that whatever happened to the Country the indictment(s) are going to be issued. That was probably the only “productive” part of the meeting yesterday!

    And what is DJT’s response to the looming indictment over Jan. 6? He is one scared dude!. So is desperately pleading for the MAGA Republicans in the House to protect him from Jack Smith. On cue Trump supporter Rep. Matt Gaetz says he plans to introduce a bill to defund Jack Smith’s investigation. Now that is another desperate and futile ploy because Congress has no power to interfere or stop an ongoing criminal investigation. You know, “separation of powers”. So when the MAGA Republicans in Congress complain the Biden administration has undermined the rule of law, Matt Gaetz needs to look in the mirror!

    1. Thanks for your post, Dennis. Since I consider you to be one of the more intelligent and articulate defenders of the Biden family on this board, your 100% focus on Trump, who is actually irrelevant to this story, indirectly establishes that the defenders know that the Biden family is guilty of the charges. That leaves diversionary tactics as the only “defense.” That said, your diversionary comments, however non-substantive, were well written.

      1. JFeldman: Thx for the compliment. Yes, I often go off-topic. I am not aware of any rule on this blog against it. And I spend a lot of time discussing DJT. That’s because he is the first former president to be criminally charged in so many cases–both state and federal. In case you haven’t noticed DJT is in the news 24/7 these days. Almost every other legal authority, legal scholars and former federal prosecutors, are on TV discussing the legal issues involved. I spend a lot of time on other legal blogs and they are focused on DJT. The Q is why JT is not part of the public discussion of DJT’s legal problems. There are a lot of legal issues that need analysis. I think there is a reason JT chooses to mostly ignore DJT. He is paid by Fox to divert attention away from DJT and focus on the alleged “Biden family corruption scandal”. It’s part of the GOP strategy of diversion to try to take the focus off DJT, who is the leading GOP candidate, and put it on Biden. It’s a pretty transparent propaganda campaign and JT is leading the charge in his columns. So pardon me I am a contrarian.

        You say the “Biden family is guilty of the charges”. What “charges”? What “charges” of actual crimes has JT or the MAGA House Republicans been able to prove? None. You have apparently been drinking too much of the JT cool aid!

        1. “I think there is a reason JT chooses to mostly ignore DJT. He is paid by Fox to divert attention away from DJT and focus on the alleged “Biden family corruption scandal”.

          Dennis provides unadulterated nastiness against our blog host. Dennis cannot deal with legal events as they happen. He is too much of a narcissist plagued with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

          Let us get together and buy Dennis a nipple to satisfy his needs while we discuss the legal issues.

    2. This is TDS on full display. Dennis is so blinded by hate and rage for Trump, he can’t even see that DJT going to prison is the worst thing that could happen to his party. Conservative Populism is here to stay, and whoever steps into the void for the Republican ticket will have all of the pearls of Trumps policies, without the baggage that turns off otherwise conservative leaning voters who want none of your woke, global marxist ideology.

    3. “the rule of law”

      Only a Leftist would use Jack Smith as the poster boy for the rule of law. It is Jack Smith who violated the rule of law, when he used the IRS to target conservatives.

      But by all means, let’s put an arsonist in control of the fire department.

  2. The truth slowing comes out when people feels it is safe.
    Jill’s Ex Claims Joe Biden Has Been Weaponizing Government Against Enemies For Decades
    July 27, 20237059 views0

    Jill Biden’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson, claims that Joe Biden has been weaponizing the federal government against enemies for decades. He should know, he says the Biden (Crime?) Family has been doing it to him for years.
    Married to the First Lady from. 1970 to 1975, Stevenson said during an interview with Newsmax that he was “targeted” by Joe Biden for getting in way of his ambitions much in the same way that Donald Trump and other conservative activists have been over the past few years.
    “Frankie Biden of the Biden crime family comes up to me and he goes, ‘Give her the house or you’re going to have serious problems,’” Bill Stevenson told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly Wednesday night of the moment President Biden’s brother Frank allegedly approached him when he and Jill divorced in the mid-1970s.
    “I looked at Frankie and I said, ‘Are you threatening me?’ and needless to say, about two months later, my brother and I were indicted for that tax charge for $8,200.”
    Stevenson — who married the future first lady in 1970, when she was still a college student — claims that Joe Biden, who was then a young senator in Delaware, sicced the charges
    “[I] could not believe the power of Joe Biden and the Department of Justice. I couldn’t believe it,” he lamented to Kelly.
    Kelly then noted that Stevenson and his brother were reportedly charged with two felonies for less than $10,000 in unpaid taxes, while his ex-wife’s stepson, Hunter Biden, has so far only been slapped with two misdemeanors for a staggering $2.2 million unpaid tax bill.
    When Kelly asked Jill’s former lover to clarify if he believed then-Senator Biden was behind the tax charge he faced, saying, “I not only think it, but I know it.”
    Stevenson compared his situation to that of President Trump, who is currently facing charges of conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, and appears to be on the verge of receiving even more charges based on his actions to prevent the Electoral College from convening on January 6, 2021.
    ‘I was on the wrong side of them and they have literally come after me for 35 years in a row,’ Stevenson, a staunch Trump supporter, continued.
    “It’s hard to believe what they’re doing to President Trump… I can’t let them do this to a president I love and respect… This is the only reason I’ve come forward,” The Daily Mail noted.
    “It’s like I said, nothing about the divorce, no bitterness, but Jimmy, Frankie, and President Biden are very dangerous, and it’s tragic. I can’t let them do what they did to me to President Trump. I can’t do it.”
    The Bidens’ “love story” has been called “legendary” by much of the media. The story goes that the couple triumphantly discovered true love in the wake of heartbreak. After enduring the loss of his wife, Joe Biden, then a senator, met Jill on a “blind date” before falling head over heels for each other. Stevenson claims that, like much of Joe Biden’s claims about his history, it’s entirely made up.
    The owner of a local music venue in Delaware called the Stone Balloon, Stevenson says that both he and Jill met Joe Biden when Biden was a county councilman in New Castle, Delaware after they asked for Biden’s help obtaining a liquor license. Stevenson also says he threw a fundraiser for Joe’s campaign years before the alleged “blind date.”
    “We got married in ’70, I introduced Joe to Jill in ‘72. Right before the election in ‘72, Jill, Joe, Neilia and I were in his kitchen. How do you forget that?” Stevenson told Inside Edition.
    “Stevenson says his first inkling something was up came when Jill refused to go with him to meet Bruce Springsteen, who was booked to appear at The Stone Balloon.
    “She said, ‘Joe asked me to keep an eye on the boys.’ And I just thought in the back of my mind, ‘hmm!’” Stevenson continued.
    Things got really interesting for Stevenson when Biden allegedly sent a tough guy to ask him for money after Joe apparently crashed Jill (and Stevenson’s) car.
    “He looks at me and he says, ‘Oh, she wasn’t driving.’ I said, ‘Her beloved Corvette, she wasn’t driving it?’ He goes, ‘Senator Biden was driving it.’ And I went, ‘What?’” Stevenson explained.
    Stevenson claims that Jill tried to take part of The Stone Balloon away from him after their divorce, but a judge ruled against her.
    Despite the alleged harassment, however, Stevenson said that he voted for Barack Obama twice before switching to Donald Trump in 2016.

  3. “The White House said Thursday that there is no possibility that President Biden would end up pardoning his son, Hunter Biden.”
    I imagine Biden thinking to himself ‘That kid is so freaking stoopid. Let him rot in jail for a while. I can pardon him at anytime I want’

    1. The problem with letting Hunter doing any jail time, even a short stint like 30 days, is that he will almost certainly OD in jail. The Deep State will have a guard show him a bag of crack and a glass pipe and he will take it. Then they give him the fentanyl laced stuff. Joe and Hunter are a problem for the DS, and they have to make the problem go away. Joey can’t let his son die.

  4. Bye Bye, Biden!!!

    Kamala just handed her puppet strings to Obama.

    Now it’s time for Congress to impeach Merrick Garland and for the Supreme Court to “determine the legitimacy of the acts of the executive branch,” stop the corruption at the Department of Justice, and stop the political persecution of the Democrats and President Biden’s 2024 opponent, President Donald J. Trump.

    Marbury vs. Madison, 1803

    Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that [the judicial branch and Supreme Court] have the power to strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution of the United States.

    Judicial Review in the United States

    The legitimacy of judicial review and the judge’s approach to judicial review are discussed.

    The doctrine of judicial review holds that the courts are vested with the authority to determine the legitimacy of the acts of the executive and the legislative branches of government.

    – Department of Justice, Office of Judicial Review

    1. Another story the press will cover up: Joe Biden’s controversial Iran envoy had his security clearance revoked.

      1. “As the top diplomat involved in talks with Tehran, Malley’s failure to appear before Congress drew questions from lawmakers and senior staffers. At the time, Biden administration officials told lawmakers that Malley was on extended personal leave, sources say.

        Just a month later, it became clear that Malley was the subject of an investigation into his alleged mishandling of classified information, a charge so serious that the probe was later handed off from the State Department office responsible for diplomatic security to the FBI. Washington’s national security rumor mill has been swirling ever since, though details about Malley’s alleged transgression remain unclear.”

  5. He went on four day beach vacation two weeks ago. Then three days after that, spent four days in Delaware.
    Today, Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is retreating to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, for the next ten days.

    When is the last time President Biden stood before the press and answered questions directly?

    Aside from the fact that Biden can’t answer questions without his cheat sheets, he is a lifelong, utterly corrupt POS politician, who actually thinks HE should not be questioned….and is acting exactly as if he believes he is some kind of dictator.

    Joe Biden misunderstands his position…HE is the public servant, answerable to the people, NOT the other way around.

    Fifty years of self-dealing, corruption, entitlement, and brazen criminality as evidenced by the criminal shake-down operation Biden, Inc. is reason enough to implement term limits.

    He needs to be impeached, removed, prosecuted AND go to prison.
    THAT would be justice served.

    Joe Biden deserves nothing but our contempt and We The People must get louder and louder about it.

    1. And all his incompetent, lying, affirmative action hire press secretary says, day after day is: “I’m not going to speak to that.”

  6. Joseph Ziegler is proud to be a federal law enforcement officer who fulfilled his vow of performing his duties with integrity, professionalism, and impartiality. That he is a married gay man, a Democrat and an IRS Agent, make it impossible for the DNC/MSM to refute him. Consequently, censoring his story is their only strategy, because it comes naturally to the DNC/MSM. Since he is not a LGBTQIA+ freak, they cancel him for not reflecting their caricature of gays. Like blacks, the DNC/MSM insists that their puppets stay in line.

    Joseph Ziegler however will not be censored which is why the conservative WSJ Editorial Pages gave him a platform. One suspects there are many more federal law enforcement officers just like him. Perhaps some in the DOJ and FBI will take note of Ziegler’s whistleblowing, and take over the leadership of their burning agencies. No doubt there are many Americans who want politicians to follow Ziegler’s example.

    Hunter Biden Whistleblower: A Special Counsel for Hunter Biden
    The Justice Department obstructed the IRS probe of the president’s son.

    Things reached a breaking point when Gary Shapley and I were sidelined after a disagreement with U.S. Attorney David Weiss. Four assigned prosecutors and Mr. Weiss had agreed to recommend the approval of misdemeanor and felony charges for 2017-19 before Mr. Weiss ultimately claimed he wasn’t the deciding person on whether to file charges. When Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys in the District of Columbia and the Central District of California declined the case after only a brief review, and refused to allow Mr. Shapley or me to brief them on our findings, I knew I had to blow the whistle.


    When I took my oath as a federal law enforcement officer, I pledged to perform my duties with integrity, professionalism, and impartiality. As I sat before Congress I thought about my vow. I can confidently say that in sharing my story, I fulfilled it.

    Wall Street Journal

  7. Obama knew.

    Obama was President when the Biden Crime Family engaged in corruption.

    Obama is still President.

    “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

    – Barack Obama

    “[Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.”

    – Lisa Page to FBI paramour Peter Strzok

  8. If you have followed this from what we thought was day one. The laptop told you that Joe would take a long walk off a short pier. Just before hitting the water the pardons would fly. Not only Hunter but Jim and any family member who is also dirty. JT even proba bly had an inkling of where this was going. Joe does not have to give himself a pardon as he is demented. Soon he will be like that guy in NY with the mob who walked around in his bathrobe for a couple years. A mafia boss pretending he was bent. In joes case their will be no pretending. He has been perverted his whole life and demented for 3 years that we know of.

  9. Well the French basically Guillotined all of the elite and said “let god sort them out” but instead ended up with Napoleon . Do you have to destroy the Republic in order to save it? That is the question on many minds these days. I don’t know the answer.

  10. Biden , Feinstein, McConnell. Youth was waisted on the young and wisdom was waisted on the old. But that’s ok, we’ve got John Fetterman.

    1. All high government officials who stare at the camera in a daze and can’t remember where they are or what they’re supposed to do, let alone speak. With that said, Biden does stand out from the crowd in the fist-clenching arena.

  11. Jonathan: I agree that the Hunter Biden plea agreement that failed “left many in Washington shocked”. Normally, misdemeanor plea agreements are routinely approved by judges. But this one was no routine plea agreement because it involves Pres. Biden’s son and the judge is no ordinary judge. Judge Noreika was appointed by Donald Trump. Given this mix Judge Noreika seemed to want to bend over backwards to find “constitutional” problems with the deal. If it had been anyone else but Hunter Biden the deal would have been approved and rubber stamped by now.

    As to possible charges against Hunter under NARA don’t you think that if David Weiss had any proof he would have filed and indictment Hunter by now? I mean, he had 5 years to do that but could come up with only the gun and tax violations. I am not a betting person but I would imagine the parties will come up with a compromise the will get Norieka’s approval. But I was surprised the first time around–as were you–so all bets are off when it comes to Judge Noreika and the son of the President.

    The bizarre part of your column is your suggestion that Pres. Biden simply pardon his son and not run for reelection. Why do you think he would do that when the President has stated he would not? Biden is not like DJT who issued a slew of pardons for his political cronies–right up to the last days of his administration. He even pardoned Jared Kushner’s father who had been convicted of serious crimes. DJT has said that if reelected he might pardon himself. Now if that is not an “abuse of the pardon power” I don’t know what is!

    In contrast, Biden has issued only 3 pardons so far and none involved political allies or family members. Now I can understand why you would make the “pardon-and-apology” suggestion. Get Biden off the playing field and pave the way for Trump or another GOP candidate to win the presidency. Nice try but no cigar on that little ploy. If you think Joe Biden will take your suggestion to heart you will be sorely disappointed.

    Now you say the “pardon-and-apology” would permit the Bidens to “keep alleged millions in influence-peddling profits; Hunter would not even have to pay his full taxes; members of Congress and the media could avoid taking responsibility for burying the reports of corruption”. FACT CHECK: “Alleged” is not proof. That’s why it is called an “allegation”. As an experienced attorney and law professor you should know that. But you throw around “allegations” because you hope your non-lawyer followers will accept them as proof. And the House MAGA Republicans have offered no proof of the “allegations” you throw around like confetti! Here’s another FACT CHECK: Hunter has already paid ALL his back taxes. What kind of “full taxes” could you be alluding to?

    In a previous column you posed some “Thorny Questions” about “misinformation”. I would say this post of yours is choked full of it!

    1. Joe Biden & family have spent years selling political influence and likely state secrets. He took confidential material out of the white house when he left as VP, which is NOT covered under the presidential records act, like DJT was. In short, the Biden’s committed TREASON against the US of A. BTW, you have to use “alleged” until it’s proven in a court of law. If you don’t think the Biden’s took millions it’s because you have your head up your ass or you get your news from the MSM.

      1. You have proof of these statements, yes? Something akin to what the government has against Trump?

    2. Dennis: thank you once again for another fine and factual analysis. I disagree with Turley’s claim that Karine Jean-Pierre “clearly misrepresented” anything. Turley is paid to spin the facts this way. She said Joe Biden “wasn’t in business with” Hunter–so how is that a lie? Where’s the proof? More importantly, how is this substantially different from his denial of knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings? It isn’t–but Turley is paid to spin this as some kind of major change in position AND a lie, so that’s what he does. And, the disciples lap up the red meat, unquestioningly. Turley is a major contributor to the “age of rage” he decries–what a hypcrite!

      As to the plea deal, Turley has the raw audacity to claim: “Most everyone was in on the FIX from members of Congress to the media to the prosecutors.”. What friggn’ “fix”? There wasn’t one.Hunter did not receive special treatment at all. First time offenders would get the same deal if they paid their taxes and pleaded guilty–no matter how much whining Republicans come up with. They actually tried to “intervene” in a criminal prosecution to try to prevent the plea deal from going through–Turley doesn’t have anything to say about that. They want to milk this “scandal” for all its worth, since all Republicans have to push back against the serious crimes Trump committed, they have to literally harp about Hunter Biden. If Joe was the crook that Trump is, he would have pardoned Hunter already. He did not, and would not, nor would he or has hne interfered with the DOJ. Joe Biden didn’t ask for the resignation of the prosecutor and appoint a political crony, which he could have done–all of which proves he’s hands-off the DOJ–something Trump wasn’t and wouldn’t be if he could cheat his way back into power.. The special prosecutor denies that his hands were tied or that Joe Biden interfered or attempted to influence him in any way. Does that satisfy Republicans? No.

      According to Andrew Weissmann, the reason the plea deal was not immediately approved is that the Judge was concerned that if Republicans got into power some day, the wording of the plea agreement could be twisted so as to allow some Republican prosecutor the ability to re-prosecute Hunter Biden to score political points. The issue was the scope of what Hunter was pleading guilty to and the preclusive effect of this plea as protection against double jeopardy for future attempted prosecutions. The plea agreement, to my understanding, contained language that would require a Judge to review any attempts to re-indict Hunter Biden on any conduct that was or could have been brought by the special prosecutor. That’s the meaning of this phrase: “Noreika asked a basic question on the implications of the agreement, and the entire deal immediately collapsed.” That’s because the issue of the preclusive effect of the agreement was unclear–no “fix” involved. The Judge asked the parties to brief this unusual procedure–she wasn’t signalling that there was any “fix” involved–she showed her wisdom. For Turley to claim there is some “fix” involved, is disgraceful and beneath someone who is a member of the bar. He DOES know better. And, given the fact that Republicans just can’t let go of the “Hunter Biden Scandal”, and think they can still milk some political points by using Hunter’s foibles to smear his father–despite ANYTHING resembling evidence–given the political implications and the Republicans’ obsession with Hunter Biden, the judge was wise to make sure that the benefit of the bargain Hunter would receive by pleading guilty was perfectly clear before approving the agreement. The plea deal WILL go through–there’s no “fix”, and Turley’s spin is both disingenuous and disgraceful.

      Turley has the unmitigated gall to throw in suggestions that Biden should pardon Hunter and then resign from public office. Why? The special prosecutor had unlimited discretion to investigate and charge Hunter with any crime he could prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Turley claims there should be all sorts of other charges, then whines about Manafort getting a 73-month prson sentence, implying that Hunter did the same things–based on what–other than the rants of Hannity and Levin? Turley bends over backward to ignore Trump’s crimes. More charges were filed yesterday–including proof that Trump directed staff to disable and erase footage captured by the security cameras to cover up the fact that he told staff to hide documents he should have returned, before his lawyer came to retrieve additional documents. The 800 lb gorilla is that Trump is desperate to avoid prison over the crimes we’ve all seen–he’s counting on beating the criminal charges and pardoning himself, a position Turley is on record previously claiming was improper. If anyone should withdraw from the 2024 race, it’s Trump. Contrary to his fantasy beliefs, there are NO polls showing he would beat Biden. And, contrary to Turley’s suggestions, Biden has done a wonderful job of turning around the disasters created by Trump. Our economy is thriving once again.

      1. Gigi Thriving so well the economy is….that if Biden doesn’t erase student loans it will implode.

      2. Gigi rides again! Wow, just wow. One thing is for certain…it is impossible to have anything resembling an intelligent conversation with a toad who doesnt understand the stark contrast between these two statements…
        “I have never spoken to my brother, or my son, or anyone else about my family’s overseas business dealings.”
        “He was never in business with his son”

        But then, you think the “economy” is thriving LMAO. 95% of the country disagrees with you.

    3. I dunno mcintyre….it’s all wicked. The whole lot of them. But as to taxes….there are to me still issues. Because the statute of limits for fraud isn’t as short as msm is parroting. And then there is gift taxes. So if as I read his attorney paid hunters tax bill…. Well that’s a gift. Perhaps the generous man also paid the gift tax. Idk. Also perhaps the “income” from foreigner holdings was just a gift and no real work done by hunter or it was shareholder distribution …. So a different tax % due. Idk. Idk how zealously hunter represented his clients either. But I do know starving artists who are not sure if their productions will sell. And they don’t live in laps of luxury with bookoo “expenses” . Anyhow. Like the fella above Feldman stated any trial is going to be rigged anyway. Especially if they only brought misdemeanors….and therein lies the rub…..most ppl plea precisely bc the book is being thrown at them first. So he’ll be pardoned bc for trial they wont be misters. c if they ain’t even throwing the book at him certainly they don’t intend to prosecute vigorously. Either.

    4. Ahh, Dennis, open mouth, insert foot again. What unpaid taxes?? The unpaid taxes on all of the unclaimed income that is continuing to show up, now its offshore bank accounts. Latest estimates have it at over 50 million. Granted, all of it didnt go to hunter, but do you think Joe, Jim, Hallie, and “unknown” Biden paid taxes on their shares??? The only Biden that isnt going to prison is the first one who turns and gains immunity for spilling the beans on the others.

  12. Disgusting. He needs to resign. The White House is not an assisted living facility. The people’s work has to get done. If he pardons his degenerate family members, he needs to leave the White House immediately.

  13. When you break it down, the sweet heart deal that was proposed for Hunter was in effect a pardon.

    1. True enough .. . buried deep in the legalese of the firearms charge is a preemptive ‘get out of jail free’ card that Trump MAGA hats could only dream about.

      Which begs the question why, according to public statements by DoJ/Weiss, the Hunter investigation is ‘ongoing’, clearly limiting the scope of immunity?

      *it’s like DoJ/Weiss want their cake and eat it too.

  14. Interesting theory.

    Bidens Wanted Billions, Not Millions, From Burisma
    Was Joe Biden planning to buy his way back into the White House using Burisma’s money?

    July 28, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

  15. There must be something very strange In the Churchville water system….perhaps the Well is too close to the Septic Tank or something.

  16. These feckless leftist politicos fear the optics almost as much as truth itself. It is reasonable to assume as Turley does here , that Biden may have a semblance of grace left in him to do such a pardon and drop out …but considering he really is not the one making the decisions it all follows back to optics. The swamp still has uses for their puppet and feels itself immune to any such biden drama…. they will still be there in the shadows to stab another oppo candidate in the back whom does not bow to their authoritarian sickness.
    Our “constitution” was to be a rule book to limit govt power , and has been turned upon it’s head to allow the govt to weave a web of “laws” in direct contradiction of the constitution to extend its control over “the people”.

    1. I can’t see a reason why Biden would not preemptively pardon his and still run again – he enjoys the full cover of Garland’s DOJ, Wray’s FBI, the media and his party. He is as corrupt as they come.

    2. Ithe big guy joe is so delusional I could see him do the pardon and not drop out route ….shit this guy is capable of anything Dr. Jill likes the White House too much to let it go ,plus this 2024 fix is starting form up ..

  17. In other news, a “liberal” university placed a gag order on a Christian student and wouldn’t let her fully participate in class. Why? Because she expressed conservative views. Oh, the humanity! The university violated the First Amendment and now it has to pay up and reform itself, including taking remedial classes on free speech:

  18. Can Biden pardon himself? We know who the Big Guy is. Look at how much money he made in those years. The father’s corruption is one hundred times worse. It is treason.

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