Giuliani Loses Defamation Case By Default

Former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani lost a defamation lawsuit by default Wednesday in Washington, D.C. In a 57-page ruling, United States District Judge Beryl Howell shredded Giuliani for not producing evidence in the case filed by election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. She then ordered a default and the payment of the plaintiffs’ attorneys fees totaling tens of thousands of dollars as well as punitive damages.

Giuliani insisted that his failure was due to the fact that the government seized all of his files in an earlier raid. That clearly did not convince Judge Howell. The court ordered trial proceedings solely on the amount of damages.

The fact is that the lawsuit was quite strong on the merits, so the default may not have altered the outcome. Freeman and Moss were called out publicly by Trump and others as engaged in voting fraud. There was no such evidence but Freeman and Moss were relentlessly attacked and abused. These were not opinions, but false factual allegations made against them after the election.

It was clear that Giuliani was not seriously contesting the claims given a two-page statement filed earlier in the case.  He stated that he “does not contest” that his statements were “false” and “carry meaning that is defamatory.”

The lawsuit is an important victory for those who find themselves pulled into the vortex of this age of rage. These were workers who were suddenly placed into the national spotlight and found their lives disrupted by what were clearly false allegations.





135 thoughts on “Giuliani Loses Defamation Case By Default”

  1. The Democrats corruption is so deep, so vast, so bottomless, that of course their Marxist District Attorneys will do anything to change the subject and create distractions to their own pernicious lies. The stench from the Democrats is far worse than their alleged carbon dioxide climate scam. I was young but I recall Richard Nixon’s Watergate fiasco, and the deleted audio recordings by Nixon’s secretary, Rose Mary Woods. The Press Corp had a jihad against President Nixon who by all accounts was a terrific president, brilliant man, had a global presence, yet flawed like all men.

    VP Joseph Biden sent over 5,100 email messages under various fake names, as fake as his current presidency, and little to no attention has been given to this colossal example of corruption by the MSM/DNC. They are Pravda Redux by no other name. Thankfully alternative news outlets, Twitter and other sites are providing unvarnished truth of the Democrats corruption that started as early as 2016, so naturally they cry “misinformation!” Twitter and other news sources are a veritable threat to the Democrats rigging of the 2024 election, which has been underway for 2 years. They have lost the narrative, which is why DNC DAs and their unholy appointed Judges will do anything to redirect the news cycle to their favorite topic: “but Trump”

    Biden’s Secret Emails: President robinware456
    The White House won’t release emails from his pseudonym accounts. Why?

    Wall Street Journal

    The Southeastern Legal Foundation on Monday sued the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) under the Freedom of Information Act, demanding access to some 5,100 email messages in which then-Vice President Biden used a pseudonym for government business. NARA has admitted having Joe Biden’s emails from robinware456[at], JRBWare[at], and

    Meanwhile Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein are shown to be frauds while Matt Taibbi, Elon Musk, Glenn Greenwald, and others are carrying the baton of true investigative journalism.

    No wonder Turley’s forum has been sabotaged by paid DNC trolls. Alas, we come here to Professor Turley’s analysis, as do hundreds of thousands of other readers apparently.

    1. Thanks Darren. I did not know repeated use of @ symbol would trigger Word Press filters

      I went to Miami recently and thought of you. We drove via car from Richmond to Florida and stopped to stay with in-laws in Dixie County (one week before the Hurricane Idalia hit them). We had a large festive family gathering and fabulous dinner at Roy’s Restaurant in Steinhatchee now flooded from Idalia, and had fresh Florida catch to die for. In-laws were unaffected from the hurricane other than downed trees and loss of power.

      We continued our travel to South Florida via the scenic backroads routes (US 27) which offer a gorgeous view of old Florida, stopping along to sample citrus fruit and take in the vast fields of sugar cane, providing memories of Cuba. While in Miami we visited Vizcaya Gardens as my spouse is a gardener. If you ever visit South Florida again, keep Vizcaya in mind.

      It is salutary to unplug from the internet for a time, and reconnect with nature, one’s immediate surroundings and reality. We would all benefit from walking away from the internet and use only as necessary for work and research.

      Happy Labor Day weekend to all.


      1. Estovir,

        I suspect it was an @ char combined with domain name that triggers the hyperlink count, though I haven’t tested it.

        I too enjoyed Dixie County when I visited there; my preference for Florida is actually the older, less populated locations and we did dine at Roy’s and had an enjoyable dinner and sunset there. If you make it to the other side of the state the Ringling Museum and Bayfront Gardens in Sarasota is worth a visit.

    2. The forum certainly has been hijacked. They must be the same ones now hanging out in the comment section of the WSJ. Everything is about Trump. Only Trump and conservatives do bad things. Never ever has Biden et al done anything that deserves investigation (at a minimum). Truly, this is the 1930s all over again. Or the 1850s. Perhaps both.

  2. We are a filthy, disgusting hypocritical land of people. If Bill Clinton had turned his back on 1 million white people who were being slaughtered, he’d be in prison. My country tis of thee. Even our black brothers and sisters couldn’t care less. DEAR G-D

      1. I asked Bill to contact the UN. I asked him to ask them to send in more Peacekeepers And to announce to those perpetrating the genocide, that we as a nation, and the entire world community, will hunt down and hold accountable to the fullest extent of the law, everyone who is guilty of that bloodbath.

        He refused to listen and he must face an international tribunal

        1. So write the international tribunal. Whining about it here does nothing towards holding him accountable.

      2. Are you going to hold him accountable for war crimes? Why not? Read the Proxmire Act.
        Jon, does a U.S, citizen have standing to bring a claim against a president for violating U.S. and International law?

  3. Beryl Howell is another Obama judge in Washington. We have reached the point where for many that’s enough to taint the judgment and the legal system itself. It’s difficult to tell what to believe these days. Nihilism is becoming our national religion.

    Roberts says there are no Obama judges. I wonder how closely he is looking.

  4. When a physician sees a new patient, a history/physical are performed to learn the diagnosis of the ailment afflicting the new patient. Without an H/P, the diagnosis will never be learned; all else will be perfunctory.

    The Democrats (aka DAs) continue to diagnose our country’s malaise as being due to Trump’s contesting of the 2020 election results, along with Guiliani, et al. Democrats are involved in perfunctory maneuvers. One needs to go back to 2016, and certainly the 2020 presidential election campaign where Democrats poisoned the well, the patient, and the US election, to do a arrive to a proper diagnosis.

    Joseph Biden, as VP, his chosen cabinet members prior to the election results being declared, the 51 intelligence “experts”, the FBI, DOJ, and others, all should be charged with conspiracy to influence the 2020 election by the many measures all Americans know by now to have been performed illicitly. Until America has a vigorous public discussion on how the MSM and DNC manipulated voters vis a vis Big Tech, MSM, collusion, censorship, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam ad infinitum, the charges by Democrats are dog and pony circus material. None of their maneuvers mean a damn thing because it was they who colluded against Americans before the election results were even counted.

    SCOTUS could have declared the presidential election as being invalid, and ordered a new one. But that would have required a Chief Justice with cojones and well, we know that John Roberts suffers from a terrible case of undescended testicles.

      1. This individual article about Rudy is as close as he has come to telling an honest story. Unfortunately, his readers can’t handle the truth and insist on more lies. I’m curious as to whether Trump will be sued for similar attacks on the Georgia poll workers which were as bad and reached a wider audience?

    1. What the heck are you saying, that Professor Turley did not publish that Giuliani defamed, was adjudicated against and just plain wrong? Seems like that’s what Professor Turley wrote, to me.

      Not knowing the facts, or caring much, I’d say that Giuliani was discredited, embarrassed and humiliated.

      How ’bout that Biden Crime Family? That seems more egregious to me. How ’bout you? 150 SARs? How many SARs are attached to your back accounts? Oh, and Obama and the FBI had no predicate for Operation Crossfire Hurricane. How does that rate on the scandal scale, ya know, the Obama Coup D’etat in America?

      Dang! Ignore much?

      1. I’m saying that Turley might be shocked at the unwillingness of his core readership to accept the truth because they can no longer acknowledge it, even when Rudy himself said he lied.

        Turley himself bears some responsibility as he has misinterpreted facts on issue after issue. How can he expect anyone to recognize the truth when he himself distorts it so much?
        I don’t mean to ignore your comments about the “Biden Crime Family,” there may well be some wrongdoing by Hunter and even Joe. His accusers have yet to do more than say they have facts while never producing them. On the other hand, making excuses for all crimes Trump doesn’t add to Turley’s credibility. I predict that Turley will get the impeachment inquiry he wants which will lead to an impeachment vote and a Senate trial that will go exactly as expected. Turley will help finish off the Republican Party which probably isn’t good. Who knows what will rise from the ashes but Turley and Fox News will be there to explain it to us.

        1. Exactly. So sad that so many simple facts elude the trump sycophants. The modern Republican Party is dead. It is now the trump cult party. Hopefully we get a viable 2 party system in the not to distant future. When one party rules, bad things happen. IMHO, 2024 will be the nail in the repo party as they loose all national elections. Sure, they will win a few senators here and there, and certainly many house seats. But the Repo party as it was known prior to 2016 is dead.

          1. Bob, why would anyone support a corrupt person like Biden, whose policies have harmed Americans, when they could support Trump, whose policies were beneficial? One doesn’t need to like Trump to want to vote against the other guy.

            1. “whose policies have harmed Americans” Please elaborate.

              “support Trump, whose policies were beneficial” Sorry, I do not support a person that has been found liable of sexual abuse. Who has been indicted on business fraud in NY, indicted for storing classified documents in his home, indicted for election interference surrounding Jan 6 along with his keystone cops, and for interfering with a state election in Georgia. I prefer my Presidents to accept elections rather than plan an insurrection.

              Biden has many things I disagree with, fomenting an insurrection is not among those things.

              1. “has been found liable of sexual abuse.”

                Bob, the charge is dubious, similar to the others, and proven false. When a claim of this nature is decades old and has zero independent proof, one has to be braindead to convict. But what was your excuse before the charge? What do you say about Biden and his sniffing, sexual abuse, and showering with his daughter? What about Clinton?

                Your problem is you draw your conclusions and then accept anything that provides you an argument. That is not something you should be proud of.

                There was no fraud in NY, but there was an indictment. Politics is dirty. This time isn’t the first for dirt to be thrown, but have you noted that Trump won almost all his cases, wasn’t impeached, and never did anything proven to be criminal? I see Biden’s corruption doesn’t bother you, nor are you bothered by his lies to you and everyone else. You probably denied Biden ever talked to his son about business and probably thought the laptop was Russian disinformation, but now you know better. Now the business relationships with Joe Biden are being revealed.

                ” I prefer my Presidents to accept elections rather than plan an insurrection.”

                Like Hillary Clinton? Stacey Abrams? Al Gore? It is a wonder that you can maintain a straight face.

                Insurrection? No. Did you note Pelosi refused to provide the reasons for her actions and go before J6 to tell us why she didn’t permit the troops authorized by Trump? Did you note the committee refused to interview the other two most important People from J6? They were prevented from testifying even though they were willing. Did you listen to what the Chief of the Capitol Police said in his interview? Of course not. You have to hang onto things that likely didn’t happen so you can justify your support.

                “Biden has many things I disagree with”

                But a thirty-year-old claim that cannot be verified is more important than the economy, the Southern border, and our security? Are you nuts? He deals with our enemies and screwed up almost everything he handled.

                Based on this discussion, do you realize what most intelligent people think about you? Your friends will say you are brilliant to you while laughing at your performance behind your back. You don’t want to know what those with knowledge think, no matter who they vote for.

                1. Boy do you have reading comprehension difficulties. No wonder you are a trump supporter.

                  “the charge is dubious, similar to the others, and proven false” A jury found him liable. How is that proven false.

                  “There was no fraud in NY, but there was an indictment” Indeed there was an indictment. How can you say there was no fraud when a trial hasn’t happened yet? I prefer to hold my judgment until facts have been shown in trial.

                  “Trump won almost all his cases, wasn’t impeached…,” Do you understand the United States Constitution at all? Trump was impeached twice. Fact. He was not convicted by the Senate. A majority voted to convict for his second impeachment but not enough for the 2/3rd majority needed to convict. You say he wasn’t impeached. Please get some basic understanding or our Constitution.

                  ” I see Biden’s corruption doesn’t bother you, nor are you bothered by his lies to you and everyone else” Id I say that? I don’t think so. I made a brief statement about that I disagree with many Biden things. From that you make the assumption you did? Again, you have a serious reading comprehension problem. Get some help.

                  “Like Hillary Clinton? Stacey Abrams? Al Gore?” Every one of them made statements about the election but none went so far as to call a rally where over a thousand people came and then they sent those people to riot in the Capitol. And don’t give me the BS about trump saying peacefully. He also said a lot of other things to rile up the crowd.

                  “Insurrection? Yes Insurrection. Four members of the Oath Keepers were convicted of seditious conspiracy. Now you may not want to call their actions part of an insurrection, go ahead, make that assessment. I disagree, I think it was an insurrection conducted by the modern version of the keystone cops. Thank goodness they were rank amateurs and are now heading to jail.

                  “troops authorized by Trump? You have your facts wrong. please see
                  But I am sure there are many other sources debunking the lie you spread.

                  “Based on this discussion, do you realize what most intelligent people think about you? Your friends will say you are brilliant to you while laughing at your performance behind your back. You don’t want to know what those with knowledge think, no matter who they vote for.” And you know this because? The only thing you know about me is I think trump belongs in jail. And knowing this makes you nuts because you are a trump cult member. Just your one point about trump not being impeached shows how ignorant you are. Please get help.

                  1. “Boy do you have reading comprehension difficulties. No wonder you are a trump supporter.”

                    Bob, are you trying to impress us with your intellect? You failed. Not everyone bases their opinions on such low-brow thinking. I choose not the individual but policy, such as a good economy, a safe Southern border, and peace.

                    “A jury found him liable.”

                    Bob, nonthinking people might find a jury verdict is always correct. Are you nonthinking? I provided you with my rationale, but intellectually, you failed to understand the problems of the case. It was 30 years old and had no solid proof. It appealed to jurors who wanted to punish a man they disliked. Self-righteousness props up small people. You should know that, as you face it daily.

                  2. “How can you say there was no fraud when a trial hasn’t happened yet?”

                    Bob, the facts are known. Maybe there is more, but anyone with half a brain can see that the prosecutor stepped out of bounds.

                    “Do you understand the United States Constitution at all? Trump was impeached twice. ”

                    Sorry, there was no conviction. It was a BS faux case, and with the facts known today, the DOJ should investigate everyone involved and how their involvement relates to Joe Biden. Evidence of his corruption and the weaponization of the bureaucracy flows in daily.

                    You need not tell me to understand the Constitution. It is obvious I do, and you never did. Your words are absent of content and demonstrate an inability to provide factual data.

                  3. “but none went so far as to call a rally where over a thousand people came ”

                    Bob, speaking of understanding the Constitution, you again demonstrate solid ignorance. Petitioning the government is a right of the people recognized by the founders as of utmost importance. Ignorant people try to prevent that right of the people.

                    Along with ignorance, your statement is inaccurate. You are very careless with the facts.

                    “And don’t give me the BS about trump saying peacefully. He also said a lot of other things to rile up the crowd.”

                    Do you have a problem with the truth? Trump authorized 10-20,000 troops to protect the Capitol Building. Nancy Pelosi was informed and refused the troops.

                    ” Four members of the Oath Keepers were convicted of seditious conspiracy. ”

                    Some people act stupidly and belong in jail. But many were arrested and jailed for no reason at all. Others were released because they did nothing wrong. No arrest of agents from the left occurred, even though they promoted entering the Capitol Building.

                    You prefer to be blind like a jack**s wearing blinders. Your lack of knowledge shows that.

                  4. “troops authorized by Trump? You have your facts wrong. please see, ….”.usatoday”.

                    Bob, can anyone be more ignorant? You depend on fact-checkers, but as has been documented on this blog, the written summaries prepared at the time, before Jan 6, clearly show that Trump authorized the troops. There is no question of that. As previously stated, you wear blinders, so you don’t see the facts. By now, you should recognize that your supposed facts are wrong, your interpretation is naive, and you are relying on trash for your information.

                    ” And you know this because?” (what people think of you behind your back)

                    Look at what you wrote in your last reply. People on this blog debunked your facts months ago with government records while you demonstrate no ability to think.

                    Take any of the arguments provided in different responses and see if you can discuss them in depth. I divided them up to make it simple for you. Prove you are not the shallow person you presently show yourself to be.

                  5. “but none went so far as to call a rally where over a thousand people came ”

                    Bob, speaking of understanding the Constitution, you again demonstrate solid ignorance. Petitioning the government is a right of the people recognized by the founders as of utmost importance. Ignorant people try to prevent that right of the people.

                    Along with ignorance, your statement is inaccurate. You are very careless with the facts.

                    “And don’t give me the BS about trump saying peacefully. He also said a lot of other things to rile up the crowd.”

                    Do you have a problem with the truth? Trump authorized 10-20,000 troops to protect the Capitol Building. Nancy Pelosi was informed and refused the troops.

                    ” Four members of the Oath Keepers were convicted of seditious conspiracy. ”

                    Some people act stupidly and belong in jail. But many were arrested and jailed for no reason at all. Others were released because they did nothing wrong. No arrest of agents from the left occurred, even though they promoted entering the Capitol Building.

                    You prefer to be blind like a jacka$$ wearing blinders. Your lack of knowledge shows that.

                    Darren, sometimes it is a chore getting something posted so I am trying to see if the real word for jacka$$ was the cause for its rejection.

                    If it was the cause, WP needs to recognize that it is an animal and a noun that has a definition

                    1. S. Meyer,

                      You are correct, that word was the cause of the rejection by the profanity filter.

              2. Biden is a freakin’ criminal who sold his political office to our adversaries in order to enrich himself and his entire family. Biden has always been a pathological liar, who has lied to the American people his entire life, yet you think you “disagree with many things” he’s done. You sir, are what the Dem-propaganda media call a BRAINWASHED useful idiot. People as stupid as you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

              3. Michigan police memos raised concern about possible nationwide voter registration fraud scheme
                Local Michigan police and the state’s attorney general discovered a high ratio of fraudulent voter registration applications, investigated “Election Fraud by Forgery,” and referred the matter to the FBI.

            2. They support communists because the dependent parasites get tons of “free stuff” from the unconstitutional communists.

              “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

              “The dictatorship of the proletariat” (i.e. the workers) – “The lunatics have taken charge of the asylum.”

              It’s akin to a military unit that turns command over to the PFCs.

              None of this is natural or God-given.

              It is all stealing derived of coveting.

              Thou Shalt Not Steal

              Thou Shalt Not Covet

              Congress Shall Tax Only For Debt, Defense and General Welfare, No Specif and Particular Welfare or Charity.

              If Congress cannot tax for it Congress cannot fund it.

              Affirmative action in the land of the free and the land of equity (i.e. the absence of bias and favoritism)???

              America is all counterintuitively and unconstitutionally communist by communists who are direct and mortal enemies of the American thesis of Freedom and Self-Reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, actual patriotic Americans and America.

              1. “They support communists because the dependent parasites get tons of “free stuff” from the unconstitutional communists.”

                Is that the only reason? Don’t you think some of them are ignorant?

        2. Compare Trump’s sins with Clinton’s. Is there something in the water where you live or do honestly believe the Rwandan Genocide is irrelevant? Bill Clinton is responsible for a bloodbath and libs focus on Trump. The U.S. will never be clear of the consequences for slick’s lies and his granting a green light to the marauder’s who slashed the heads off innocent children and their innocent mom’s and dad’s.

          FOOLS! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.

          1. I would single out Jefferson as the worst of the worst but Trump ranks very high. Every President has blood on their hands including Clinton, Obama, and everyone else you think I might exclude.

    2. “If Turley ever . . .”

      Vampires suck your blood, at night.

      Spiritual vampires suck your spirit, 24/7. They benefit from the values you create, while defiling you.

  5. Jonathan:

    I may very well post this in every single column for a few days. I hope you will oblige. But I fear your readership deserves to know.

    I have been coming on this blog for some time now, and consitently copying and pasting the copyrighted intellectual property of others, pretty much word for word, without giving any credit to the source. I have presented these thoughts as if they were my own, including quotes from third parties who did not speak to me directly. Since I am a paid troll, obviously I am infringing on copyright law, aside from the immorality of it.

    Furthermore, I stole most of these writings from sources that most here would consider, well lets just say unreliable. To use the correct word would violate the terms of service that I love to crow about. I wouldn’t want to disrupt the intellectual discourse that I claim to want to preserve, but never engage in. Instead, I just drop in, call some people racists without basis or explanation, and waltz out like I am not in violation of the civility rules myself.

    The self righteous virtue signaling I do is the only original thought I have posted here in months. EVERYTHING else is someone else’s.

    I offer my sincere apologies for my keyboard diarrhea, lifted from Vox, Salon, Media-ite, Huff Post, and Teen Vogue. But, you can probably count on more of the same in the future. I will just have to change a few more words, so that pain-in-the-a$$ Tom guy can’t find it in 30 seconds.

    PS….I could adopt the posture of Joe Biden, and have my poor press secratary (yes, I have one, who do you thinks finds all this stuuf for me?) or Gigi, come out and lie for me in the face of insurmountable evidence, but it seems Tom has me dead to rights.

    Thanks for your time and now for the important stuff:

    There’s a red under my bed
    And there’s a little ORANGE man in my head
    And he said, “You’re not going crazy, you’re just a bit sad
    ‘Cause there’s a man in ya, gnawing ya, tearing ya into two”

  6. Another lie from the keyboard diarrhea gang. Fox did not “lose their case”. They settled. You’re free to make of that what you will, but characterizing it with those exact words makes you a LIAR, just like Dennis and Gigi. Sorry law dog, you don’t get your own reality here.

    1. Well there it is

      “I reject your reality and substitute my own.”—Anonymous

      Why should we expect anything different.

      1. People who are quick to beat up on Jon make many basic errors. Reality tells us he, probably more than anyone, is painstakingly fair to all sides. In fact, that is one of his best qualities. He is also BRILLIANT, ARTICULATE, he knows the law probably better than anyone And he allows enormous boobs to spout off total idiocy in order to support free speech.

    2. Tom, In any reality, paying out $787 million because your on-air personalities and guests repeatedly lied cannot be characterized as a victory. It’s fair to characterize that as a loss, whether you’re able to admit it or not. I see an even bigger loss in the upcoming suit by Smartmatic. You’ll be right there to claim it wasn’t really loss, just negative cash flow.

      1. The need to call something what it is technically not is called hyperbole land in the context of making a point it’s really weak sauce. You of course would apologize for that because it’s a staple of your arguments.
        Attempting to explain away, one’s use of the incorrect terminologies is just metal gymnastics. If you want to say, fox, lost money, or fox lost credibility or fox lost their number one host I will take no issue. If you want to say, they lost the case, that’s a lie and I will call you out for it. Ostensibly, we will all get to marvel at the mental gymnastics.

  7. The comments on this Board should be used as evidence in the damages phase of this trial of the great damage Giuliani’s lies have done to these women. No matter what, because of Giuliani’s and Trump’s falsehoods all these people still believe these women are guilty to this day; and nothing can ever unring that bell for them.

      1. I think you meant to link to the Georgia Record, no? True the Vote has their full investigative findings up with the police bodycam tapes of Ruby Freeman confessions, as well. All was censored before, but platforms are hesitant to remove anymore especially where official police bodycam, affidavits, etc. are involved. YouTube & Google are still trying to hide them, I believe.

    1. Why dont you go watch the bodycam footage.

      And exactly what monetary value would you put on the damage suffered by these women because CONCERNED thinks they did it?

  8. What was done with those ballots that night might or might now have been falsified ballots. We will never know. And that is a problem.

    Anyone familiar with ordinary accounting and auditing processes realizes there stringent procedures that must be followed to ensure security, whether money is involved, or votes. A set of procedures referred to as “internal accounting control” must be applied if one is to safeguard either money or votes being handled by personnel. In all cases, specific accounting procedures are required to ensure that items (money, invoices, checks, documents, etc.) legitimate, properly counted, balanced, labeled, and protected against destruction or defalcation. Everyone is suspect.

    The most important question from Georgia is why that room was cleared before counting those ballots without proper observers in place? Why not count those ballots in real time just like the others? As ballots come in containers should be numbered and logged, and all counts should occur in a proper order and with partisan observers in place. This didn’t happen.

    No matter what, this can never be fixed. It is forever suspect, and should be. No credible argument can ever be made claiming there was no improper ballot handling. It simply cannot be shown as true.

    1. There was no systematic voting fraud in the 2020 election. The majority of people being prosecuted for voter fraud are republicans.

    2. It was clear that Giuliani was not seriously contesting the claims given a two-page statement filed earlier in the case. He stated that he “does not contest” that his statements were “false” and “carry meaning that is defamatory.”

  9. OT

    Brian Kemp is fighting the war of liberal arms and the war of liberal ideas.

    Brian Kemp didn’t stand for republicans, conservatives, the Constitution, Americans or America.

    Brian Kemp fell for anything.

    Brian Kemp indicates that electoral corruption and political persecution by Fani Willis are good things, clearly defining the term unpatriotic, anti-Constitution, anti-American RINO.

    Brian Kemp approves of political prosecution by venue, under which Trump was indicted in a county that voted 72.65% Biden and 26.16% Trump.

    The GA Gov. allies himself with the African, radical, extremist daughter of a Black Panther, the Fulton County, GA, DA, who indicted the political opponent of her president.

    Never in American history has a Federal or State jurist indicted an opponent of his party’s presidential candidate or a former president for political, election “transgressions.”

    What the —- happened to Georgia?

    “If they don’t stand for something, they will fall for anything.”

    “We are fighting two wars – the war of arms and the war of ideas.”

    “We are trying to show him not only what we are fighting against, but what we are fighting for. So many of these boys have only a very hazy idea of the real issues of the war. About all they see is ‘going back to the good old days.’ This is a dangerous state. If they don’t stand for something, they will fall for anything. They need to realize that we are fighting two wars—the war of arms and the war of ideas—that other war of which the war of arms is one phase.”

    – Dr. Gordon A. Eadie, Mental Hygiene, “The Over-All Mental-Health Needs of the Industrial Plant, with Special Reference to War Veterans,” January 1945

      1. I notice you don’t dispute the fact that Kemp is distinctly not a conservative or republican even as he publishes an (R) after his name which fraudulent equivocation – that Kemp is a democrat (i.e. communist) in republican (i.e. conservative) clothing.

        Why, do you suppose, is that?

        Otherwise, start here where Kemp supports the anti- and unconstitutional principles of communism that have been incrementally implemented since 1860:

        The entire communistic American welfare state is unconstitutional including, but not limited to, matriculation affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, HHS, HUD, EPA, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Labor, Energy, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, “Fair Housing” laws, “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc.

        Article 1, Section 8, provides Congress the power to tax ONLY for debt, defense and “…general (all, the whole) Welfare…,” omitting and, thereby, excluding any power to tax for individual Welfare, specific Welfare, particular Welfare, favor or charity. The same article enumerates and provides Congress the power to regulate ONLY money, the “flow” of commerce, and land and naval Forces. Additionally, the 5th Amendment right to private property was initially qualified by the Framers and is, therefore, absolute, allowing no further qualification, and allowing ONLY the owner the power to “claim and exercise” dominion over private property.

        Government exists, under the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to provide maximal freedom to individuals while government is severely limited and restricted to merely facilitating that maximal freedom of individuals through the provision of security and infrastructure only.

        No one who is taxed to support and perpetuate the wholly unconstitutional welfare state is free.

        No elected official who taxes for or perpetuates the communist welfare state is constitutional.

        Have you ever read the Constitution, comrade?

        Do you even know what country you’re in and what constitutes America’s fundamental law.

        In a word, it’s freedom not enslavement by the state.

      2. Oh, and…:

        – Ballot harvesting probe in the Peach State. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has announced he has opened a criminal investigation into allegations that liberal activists engaged in illegal ballot harvesting, collecting ballots from voters and delivering them in violation of state law. Raffensperger said he is planning to issue subpoenas to identify a whistleblower who admitted he engaged in the operation, and there could be prosecutions. The True the Vote election integrity group says in a formal state complaint that the man, identified as John Doe, admitted his role and identified nonprofits who funded it at $10 per ballot delivered. The watchdog group also claims it has assembled cell phone location records pinpointing the alleged harvesting by as many as 240 activists.

        – Foreign voters found on Georgia rolls. An audit by Georgia’s Secretary of State has identified more than 2,000 suspected foreigners who tried to register to vote in the state, though none reached the point of casting ballots. Raffensperger says prosecutions may be forthcoming.

        – Ballot chain of custody issues. The Georgia Secretary of State’s office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state’s Democratic strongholds following a media report that there were problems with chain of custody documentation in DeKalb County.

        – Fulton County irregularities. Georgia’s handpicked election monitor for Fulton County, the state’s largest voting district, documented two dozen pages of mismanagement and irregularities during vote counting in Atlanta in November 2020, including double-scanning of ballots, insecure transport of ballots and violations of voter privacy. The revelations prompted the state to take steps to possibly put Fulton County in receivership, empowering state officials to run the elections. Most of Fulton County’s election officials have left their jobs.

        – Errant vote counting. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp referred the audited November 2020 election results in Fulton County to the State Election Board after multiple reviews found three dozen significant problems with absentee ballot counting, including duplicate tallies, math errors and transposed data. Kemp’s referral calls into question hundreds of ballots in the official count.

    1. “The GA Gov. allies himself with the African, radical, extremist daughter of a Black Panther, the Fulton County, GA, DA, who indicted the political opponent of her president.”

      George, I read this without looking at who wrote this but I soon knew it was you. If you’ll indulge me a few questions.
      1. How is she an “African” after being born in California? I was born in Minneapolis so I’m probably an African as well.
      2. What does being the daughter of a Black Panther mean? That he probably helped feed hids in a free breakfast program.
      3. How is she extremist? She’s a successful attorney, which is what her Black Panther father became. I’m wondering what your criteria is?

      1. You’re correct. That was a typo that should have been African-American.

        I’m thinking that black panthers were radical extremists; I could be wrong, right?

        “The Black Panther Party (originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense) was a Marxist–Leninist and black power political organization founded by college students Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton in October 1966 in Oakland, California.[8][9][10] The party was active in the United States between 1966 and 1982, with chapters in many major American cities, including San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Philadelphia.[11] They were also active in many prisons and had international chapters in the United Kingdom and Algeria.[12][13]…The Black Panther Party advocated for class struggle, claiming to represent the proletarian vanguard.[18] In 1969, J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), described the party as “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country.”[19][20][21]”


        To people who support the Constitution, freedom and free enterprise, those who want to subvert the constitutional government and nullify the Constitution and substitute freedom and free enterprise for the principles of communism and the “dictatorship of the proletariat” (i.e. workers) are radical extremists. Karl Marx, for example was a radical extremist to Americans who enjoyed the Constitution, freedom and free enterprise in the absence of a communist welfare state.

        Next you’ll be expounding on how secession was denied by Lincoln because secession is unconstitutional, I guess, because the Constitution prohibits secession precisely nowhere in that document of fundamental law.

        One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor right?

        Either that or the Constitution holds dominion irrefutably, secession was and is not prohibited and fully constitutional, and everything Lincoln et al. did, subsequent to his illegal and unconstitutional denial of constitutional secession, was and remains illicit, illegal, invalid and illegitimate to this day, including the illegal, unconstitutional, invalid and illegitimate “Reconstruction Amendments.” Of course, reprehensible slavery must have been abrogated through the employment of legal means, crime does not pay and nothing legal can be the result of illegal activity.

        1. I’ll include from the same source some information you accidentally left out.

          ” From 1969 onward, the party created social programs, including the Free Breakfast for Children Programs, education programs, and community health clinics.[14][15][16][17] The Black Panther Party advocated for class struggle, claiming to represent the proletarian vanguard.[18]

          You can’t honestly say whether her father was some kind of extremist or just somebody that fed kids. The Black Panthers established the template for school lunch and breakfast programs which many kids have utilized.

          1. Genocide of Christians Reaches “Alarming Stage”
            According to the BBC report, one in three people around the world suffer from religious persecution, with Christians being “the most persecuted religious group”.


            “The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East”


            What has happened to our morality?

          2. Feed your own —-ing children you —-ing idiots!!!!

            Children do not need food from the taxpayers. You portray the radical extremist Black Panthers as Robin Hood – taker from the rich, giver to the poor. Uh, huh. Right! Parents are obligated by nature and God to feed their —-ing children – how ridiculous can you be?

            The overriding opinion here would be the Head of the National Police – In 1969, J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), described the party as “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country.”

          3. Nowhere in history has a segment of any population posited a legitimate, permanent claim in perpetuity to be unable to feed their —-ing children.

            People – human beings feed their —-ing children.

            Damn! All ya’all feed your —-ing children and stop being embarrassing, supplicating dependents and parasites.

              1. “You know the primary beneficiaries from school programs are white kids, as are people on welfare.”

                Ahhh, Enigma, you were doing so well….until that little gem.

                You know that America is roughly 75% white and 13% black, right??

                  1. “Boy do you have a surprise coming in 2045 should you live that long.”

                    So, once again, rather than address my point, because its a loser for you, you want to obfuscate about the great replacement theory?
                    Well done, but not unexpected.

                    In fact, I hope I do not live that long. Aside from not wishing to wear diapers, with where this country is headed, I prefer to go sooner rather than later.

                    1. I believe I was addressing your misconception that white people make up about 75% of the population. I didn’t change the subject, you haven’t realized your error.

  10. “… found their lives disrupted by what were clearly false allegations.”

    Translation: Don’t believe your lying eyes. They didn’t really pull suitcases full of “ballots” out from under a table after everyone was sent home due to a “water pipe breaking” at the OTHER END OF THE BUILDING. And they didn’t really run the same stacks of “ballots” repeatedly through the vote-counting machine(s) over and over and over. It merely looked like that’s what they were doing — maybe because that’s what they were doing?

    This article is more than a little thin on — what’s the legal word? — Oh, yeah — FACTS — along with being top-heavy with naked assertions.
    Your bias is showing, Professor Avenatti-I-mean-Turley.

    On the flipside: Whatever skills Giuliani had as a prosecutor clearly don’t translate into skills as a defense lawyer.

  11. Unlike our lefty friends, I wont pretend to have knowledge of that which i do not and cannot. I only have a couple of questions.
    Were there R observers present when these votes were removed from their envelopes and being fed into the machines for counting? If not, why?

    1. Start with 2000 Mules since that was discussed recently. The left failed to prove the video wrong.

  12. Just one of many coming losses for Team Trump. These folks will all dread the day they hitched their wagons to this con. The entire debacle surrounding the attempted overturning of the 2020 presidential election is at a head. Lots of folks going down for that idiocy. And they ALL should have known better. This isn’t a game show. This is all very real.

    1. They all knew what they were doing; they all knew they were spreading lies; but they all thought there would be no consequences to them.

      1. Actually, WH lawyers Pat Cippolini and Hershman told Rudy and Mark Meadows that they’d be needing good criminal defense lawyers if they continued down the road to overturn the election. Their problem is zealotry — zealots are closed-minded to any suggestion of dialing things back.

      1. The one’s posting above your name don’t look at the real data. They live in a phony world. They never debate facts and when the facts are thrown at them, they pretend not to receive them.

  13. I think the media are largely to blame for this screwup by Rudy. Like millions of other Americans, I watched over and over the video recordings of the two officials in Atlanta counting ballots on the night of the election. We watched as they withdrew suitcases of documents from under a table and began processing them. We were told that what they were doing was unusual and that the Republican “observers” had been sent home earlier and that there was a report of a water main break that actually turned out to be a clogged urinal. And like millions of others, I expected the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and other relvant law enforment authorities to look into these matters and provide a public report within hours or days at the latest. Well, those reports never arrived or if they did, they never made it into the media. Perhaps Rudy had insiders info that debunked the nefarious actions we all viewed that evening and perhaps he then fraudulently continued preaching them. If so, he deserves whatever the court decides is appropriate. But I and many others have never had a full accounting of what really transpired in this videos that evening and that is why I think the media are just as responsible as Rudy may be for the defamation of these election workers.

    1. You blame the media for the lies the Rudy spread? How? He was part of the group feeding the media (FOX and OAN) the lies. If you want to put some blame on the media, put it on FOX and OAN where it belongs.

      1. Sammy: Because as I said, if Rudy was working off the same info you and I had on the night of the election, it would be hard to come to a different conclusion than the one he arrived at. Where was the media in staying on the story and explaining the next vday or day after what happened. It didn’t do this and allowed the video evidence to tell the story of that night. Unless Rudy had inside info that you and I didn’t have, he’s off the hook here. He may be guilty of other infractions for withhodi8ng evidence supoenaed by the court and that’s a separate matter entirely. FOX and OAN didn’t do anything to clarify what happened that night. It was, after all, the job of the police and election officials and as far as I can tell, they didn’t do their job.

  14. This judgment means nothing.
    You can’t register a foreign judgment in New York state if it’s a default.

    1. He’ll appeal. And lose.

      And yes they will settle, which always happens in cases like this. But he will pay.

      I wonder how this also hurts Guliani in his GA case. Does this evidence of him lying about election fraud something the prosecutors can use in that case?

      1. They’ll settle the next case where they determine the money. They’ve already won (I assume Guliani can appeal).

        1. He cannot appeal the facts found in the merits case, nor can he introduce new facts upon appeal. This is what happens when a smarty-pants lawyer decides to defend himself.

          The plaintiffs lawyer said on NewsNation that they’ll be demanding tens of millions in punitive and compensatory damages. Giuliani will be a pauper living on social security.

          Rudy’s downfall is an object lesson in zealotry. Zealots usually overplay their hand, because they won’t willingly accept limits on their power and impact.

  15. These women are on camera pulling suitcases full of ballots out from under a table and inserting them into voting machines. We have all seen the film.

    Spare us your crocodile tears for these “poor victims.” Giuliani is the real victim, of a partisan judge in a corrupt system.

      1. Bob: Unfortunately you will never convince these Trumpsters that there was no election changing fraud. They saw something on TV that looked suspicious. The fact that Trump and Rudi have had numerous chances to prove that there was fraud and have been unable to means not nothing to them. They have their story and they will stick with it until they die no matter what the evidence. They don’t get how similar they are to the Leftist who insist what took place on January 6 was an insurrection. The evidence is that it was a riot by a portion of the pro-Trump protesters, but the Left also has its preferred fantasy and will never abandon it.

        1. Perhaps you can explain why all the observers were told the counting was over for the night and sent home. This was on the news and is corroborated by journalists from all media outlets that were present. Then when there were no partisan observers to watch, they resumed counting. There is only one plausible explanation for this. They were cheating. Everyone knows it, but many deny it because they don’t care about the cheating, only about winning by any possible means.

          1. “Everyone knows it…”

            No, “Everyone” does not know it. Only trump sycophants “know” it. Stop using the BS language that trump uses. Everyone does not know things that trump says are true. Mainly because trump lies so much he can’t even tell the difference anymore. But you have a mind of your own, look into it, what happened in Georgia with these two women is a travesty, They were not part of a plan to put suitcases of votes for Biden.

            Why did Giuliani not provide any evidence? His two sentence response says essentially that I know what I said was not true but what the hey, I can say anything and now I have to pay for spouting lies.

            trump is 77 years old. Do you really think he weighs 215 lbs and is 6’3″. BS. That is a top athlete body and trump is nothing close to a top athlete. Do you really think trump had a 67 score on his golf game? Perhaps if he started each hole with the ball 10 feet outside the green I might believe he got that score. Stop believing anything trump says. Giuliani is paying the price as are a thousand of Capitol rioters, and how many lawyers that have been sanctioned?

            If what trump says is true, why has he brought no, zero, nada, zip, evidence into a courtroom?

            1. “Mainly because trump lies so much he can’t even tell the difference anymore. “

              But bob is unable to state those significant lies and then defend them. Who is full of BS? Bob is.

            2. He said his next step was to force the disclosure of the personal bank, credit card and phone records of Joe and Hunter Biden to see how much financial benefit the current president may have derived from his family’s foreign exploits. Hunter Biden is quoted in text messages recovered from his laptop that he diverted as much as half of his earnings to his powerful father. …

              But State Department records show the U.S. sent a letter to Shokin saying it was “impressed” with his office’s work and career State, Justice and Treasury officials had recommended Biden give Ukraine the loan guarantee because Shokin had made adequate progress in fighting corruption and reforming the judicial system. “With respect to this investigation, there was never any evidence that we can find that would suggest that Shokin was corrupt,”

            3. “215 lbs and is 6’3″. BS. That is a top athlete body”

              OK Dennis, pull your head out of your a$$. We see someone else has been reading Media-ite.

              Aaron Donald is 6’1″ and 280 lbs. Want to try and convince anyone here that he is not a “top athlete”?

      2. And we all thought we were ridiculing lefties who needed video of the crime in order for there to be “proof”. Apparently, thats not enough either.

      3. One can only guess, but it might be less expensive to appeal the ruling in a better setting and then settle or win.

  16. I would add that what happened to these women is pretty typical of how Guiliani and Trump operate. They really do not care about the truth or whether they are defaming people – any conspiracy theory that makes them look good is good enough for them.

    The age of rage is fueled by the MAGA-world blatant and repeated falsehoods. Holding them to account for these falsehoods is a first step in curing the divide in this country.

    1. Yea, the age of rage was started by Trumpsters.

      People’s exhibit 1

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