California Repeals “Disinformation” Law Targeting Doctors with Opposing Views of Covid

For over a year, I have been writing and commenting on California’s unconstitutional Covid gag law for physicians and other medical professionals. The law allowing the revocation of licenses for “false or misleading information” on Covid-19 was a frontal attack on free speech. Nevertheless, many lawyers supported the law and Gov. Gavin Newsom signed it. Now Newsom has quietly signed the repeal of the law after it was headed for an almost certain rejection by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. All of the supporters of the law seem to be shrugging and moving on after the waste of money and time on a facially unconstitutional law.

The bill authorized the state’s medical board to revoke the licenses of any medical professional if they “disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine.”

Judge Fred Slaughter (C.D. Cal.) in McDonald v. Lawson held that this statute was likely constitutional and rejected a motion for a preliminary injunction. I disagreed with Slaughter. Then, Judge William Shubb (E.D. Cal.) reached the opposite conclusion in Hoeg v. Newsom, granting an injunction.

The reception by the Ninth Circuit was chilly for the state.

Newsom’s office did not respond to inquiries.

The law was enacted despite the fact that many doctors who questioned aspects of Covid treatment (and were attacked for their views) have been largely vindicated. Among the suspended from social media were the doctors who co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated for a more focused Covid response that targeted the most vulnerable population rather than widespread lockdowns and mandates. Many are now questioning the efficacy and cost of the massive lockdowns as well as the real value of masks or the rejection of natural immunities as an alternative to vaccination.  Yet, these experts and others were attacked for such views just a year ago. Some found themselves censored on social media for challenging claims of Dr. Fauci and others.

As the prior “consensus” over the efficacy of masks or other Covid measures was being placed in greater doubt, California moved to make future dissenters even less likely by threatening their licenses. While the law only limits comments to patients, it sends a chilling message to physicians to toe the line on Covid statements.

Newsom was heralded for his signing of the law that he just repealed.

The bill was part of a push by Democrats to censor or ban opposing views on subjects ranging from Covid to climate change to elections.

The legislators slipped the repeal into a new bill and none of the sponsors who supported the original bill could be found for comment. The greatest disgrace, however, falls on the California Medical Association which supported the original bill over objections from doctors and legal analysts like myself.  The CMA leadership was also silent over its effort to gag or censor doctors with opposing views in violation of the First Amendment.

172 thoughts on “California Repeals “Disinformation” Law Targeting Doctors with Opposing Views of Covid”

  1. A physician typically follows the “standard of care” when providing services. He or she is also free to give advice based on clinical experience, drawing from literature, training and inference. Most self regulate based on what is best for their patients. They are free make their own suppositions. That is what drives innovation, the ability tor read the data and draw conclusions.

    This law, in my view, was mandated in order to clip the wings of those who would dare think for themselves and not fall in lockstep with Big Pharma or government agencies who are not down in the trenches, day by day, week by week, patient by patient. It was apparent that Big Pharma and the thirst for profits was one of the driving forces during COVID.

    I thought it was hilarious when many within the news media attacked the President for taking Plaquenil when he had COVID, as if he took that on his own. This was given by the 26 member team that provides care for the President and the Whitehouse which was headed by Commander Sean Conley, D.O., FACEP, a combat veteran and served for a time as head for research at the Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth.

    1. Covid makes it clear that the old cliché about teachers should apply to doctors: Those who can, do. Those who can’t, work for the government.

  2. “The law allowing the revocation of licenses for ‘false or misleading information’ on Covid-19 . . .”

    The government’s power to license (which shouldn’t exist) is the power to control and destroy an individual’s life. In this case, it is an attempt to criminalize those with opposing opinions.

  3. Bogus Covid Treatment Sold By Bogus Church

    A Florida man and three sons who used a business masquerading as a church to sell more than $1 million of a deadly bleach solution that they claimed was a “miracle” cure for Covid-19 and other diseases were each sentenced on Friday to several years in prison, federal prosecutors in Miami said.

    The solution contained sodium chlorite and water, which becomes chlorine dioxide when ingested orally, prosecutors said. Chlorine dioxide is a strong bleach used for industrial purposes.

    The church’s website described itself as “nonreligious church” and Mark Grenon had said he founded the church to “legalize the use” of the dangerous treatment, prosecutors said.

        1. Look at it like chemotherapy. “If the covid dont kill ya, the treatment will”


    1. ” Chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant for bacteria and viruses. The byproduct, chlorite (ClO2-), is a weak bactericidal agent. In water chlorine dioxide is active as a biocide for at least 48 hours, its activity probaly outranges that of chlorine.
      Chlorine dioxide prevents the growth of bacteria in the drinking water distribution network. It is also active against the formation of bio film in the distribution network. Bio film is usually hard to defeat. It forms a protective layer over pathogenic microorganisms. Most disinfectants cannot reach those protected pathogens. However, chlorine dioxide removes bio films and kills pathogenic microorganisms. Chlorine dioxide also prevent bio film formation, because it remains active in the system for a long time.

      How much chlorine dioxide should be dosed?
      For the pre- oxidation and reduction of organic substances between 0,5 and 2 mg/L of chlorine dioxide is required at a contact time between 15 and 30 minutes. Water quality determines the required contact time. For post- disinfection, concentrations between 0,2 and 0,4 mg/L are applied. The residual byproduct concentration of chlorite is very low and there are no risks for human health. ”

      Another lib dumb dumb decided to believe the NYT and the stupid gov agencies.

  4. By repealing the law any challenges are now moot, thus, the Leftist authoritarian California government can use the draconian law again in the future. A lot of damage is done as a result of destructive Leftist policies until the courts catch-up with the lawless California government.

    1. It’s really bad, however, when a liberal governor’s legislation is in danger of being shot down by the NINTH circuit.

  5. I don’t think Turley has anything to do with this silly website. I think he just licenses it to post his opinion pieces and that’s it — never reading or caring what goes on here among the plethora of trolls hired by the website and managed by the webmaster.

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