Jenna Ellis Admits to Criminal False Statements in Ominous Plea for Trump

The image most of us had of former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis was a remarkably cheerful mugshot after her arrest in the RICO case brought by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Ellis made a very different appearance today in state court as she pleaded guilty to intentionally interfering in the election process in the state of Georgia. While the impact of earlier pleas by figures like Sidney Powell is hard to judge at this stage, this plea has more ominous implications for the former president.

Ellis offered a sobbing apology for her role in challenging the 2020 election and stated  that

“as an attorney who is also a Christian, I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously and I endeavor to be a person of sound moral and ethical character in all my dealings. … In the wake of the 2020 presidential election, I believed that challenging the results on behalf of President Trump should be pursued in a just and legal way. I endeavored to represent my client to the best of my ability…What I did not do, but I should, was make sure the facts that the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true. In the frenetic pace of attempting to raise challenges to the election in several states, including Georgia, I failed to do my due diligence.”

As with the other former Trump counsel, she will not face jail time and was charged with one charge of aiding and abetting false statements in writing.

As part of the plea deal, Ellis will have to serve five years probation and pay $5,000 in restitution to the Georgia Secretary of State within 30 days.

She will also have to complete 100 hours of community service, write an apology letter to voters in the state of Georgia and testify truthfully in future hearings regarding ongoing cases.

Ellis is the type of plea that tends to concentrate the mind.  Powell pleaded to relatively minor charges involving unauthorized access to voting machines and areas. Those charges tend to be easy to prove. It is not clear if she would tie Trump to a conspiracy or racketeering.

Ellis pleaded guilty to false statements that could conceivably implicate the President if she claims that he was aware of the falsity and facilitated the crime. Moreover, Ellis recently broke with Trump. She called him a “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes — and said that she would never vote for him again.

The question is now whether Ellis will implicate Trump in this conspiracy. What is clear is that her plea will hold particular interest of Special Counsel Jack Smith in his parallel federal prosecution.


217 thoughts on “Jenna Ellis Admits to Criminal False Statements in Ominous Plea for Trump”

  1. Professor Turley,

    How is pleading guilty to a felony a “relatively minor” charge?

    For an attorney, especially, this is probably the end of her professional career

    Why mislead your readers?

    1. “How is pleading guilty to a felony a “relatively minor” charge?”

      You butchered his quote. Imagine that.

  2. At this rate, the United States citizenry will go mano-a-mano against each other with the rise in violent crime, the US government will become paralyzed, the US Treasury fiscally bankrupt, the US judicial system impotent since few Americans have faith in them anymore, and Congress-critters will have to get real jobs. This is all a win-win situation.

    Headlines from today’s NY Post:

    Joy Behar calls out Rashida Tlaib for repeating falsehoods about Gaza hospital blast: ‘lies like Trump’

    Biden has doubled the deficit, putting us on a drive to disaster

    House speaker election live updates: Tom Emmer drops out as House speaker designate just four hours after winning GOP vote

    Nearly two-thirds of New Yorkers blame Biden for migrant crisis: poll

    DC mayor proposes rolling back progressive police reforms amid spike in violent crimes

  3. Like Powell, Ellis knuckled under to the prosecution. She pled what she did to avoid a long and lengthy courtroom ordeal which in all likelihood would have bankrupted her.

    1. We should not fees as the sole form of intimidation used by the DA’s office. We should also consider the prospect of spending time in the company of Democratic voters in prison.

    2. Exactly. Lawfare. Use the unlimited power of the public purse to personally bankrupt regular citizens. Threaten them with prison too. “Justice” run amok.

  4. One million slaughtered because of Bill Clinton. And our Lefty’s? Silence, Nuthin to say. Not a peep. Yea Right, Black Lives Matter alright.

  5. They have underestimated Ms Powell. Huge mistake. She is The One with the integrity and the smartsd to turn this disaster around. And, she will.

    Remember when our dear friends in the media locked Christie up for life over Bridgegate? Not one of them ever apologized. Some Americans those bums.

  6. Someone please explain what her crime was. If she were representing a murder suspect who admitted killing someone, would it be a crime to tell the media that her client is innocent? Isn’t she obligated to do her best on his behalf? So many high-powered lawyers tell us they don’t concern themselves with their client’s guilt. Why is she so remorseful for defending Trump just because he lost in court?
    John G.

    1. “Obligated to do her best” does not mean commission of a felony.

      Should defense attorneys be able to murder star witnesses? That’s also a felony.

      She pleased guilty to a felony.

  7. So, what rate did the state torment her with to break her?

    This 1984.

    And we won’t be voting our way out of it.

    1. @Anonymous

      Agreed. These are scary times. Anyone that thinks the Republic stands and dems just need to be reasoned with needs to wake up. They are a regime, they are a regime, they are a *regime*. 1984 and 1930s fascism combined. Someone threatened her with something that brought this about, something we will never be privy to, and it is very concerning. The dems, across the board, do far too many ‘nobody else allowed’, cloistered, we wish you didn’t even know this was happening, dealings that we are apparently supposed to be just fine with. Even the Professor could not possibly be this naive. We are leading up to something very, very ugly, something we thought would never happen again, and it is 100% these scum’s fault. If you value personal freedom at all, even if all you do is work, make babies, and shop at Wal-Mart or Amazon, the time has come to stop voting dem for anything whatsoever. The only way we can eradicate them is either through voting or through force, and I’d greatly prefer the former. Wake. Up.

      Visible progressives like Bill Maher will call all of this out and yet praise Obama to the skies – we are stupid, stupid people, very actively sowing the seeds of our own destruction. Again, I say this as an Independent, I am not a Conservative. it is beyond spooky that believing in the Constitution has somehow become the act of a Nazi, it is generational, and it is not going to just fade away into the background. This is not 1968 with yje acknowledgement of excesses or misguidance later on, there is zero consciousness or self-awareness here, and there will be no balance if we don’t actively work for it, mightily, starting right the eff now. The time for partisan pettiness or fence sitting is long, long past. If anyone at all is still thinking they will not vote out of protest for some stupid, personal bugaboo – for Pete’s sake. Wake. Up. Those days are gone forever. And if you are a hardcore religious Conservative that honestly believes this is the rapture, **** you, we are all going to have to live in this world we are creating day by day. This is not a concept, it is *happening*, and I promise you, you will have the same tomorrow as the rest of us, whether you like it or not. 😐 Your compassion is a canard, maybe even a delusional self-protection device. Wake. Up.

      1. It was DANGEROUS when Trump was in office–disclosing our classified secrets, siding with Russians over our US intelligence, leaving classified documents laying around all over the place, and then, when he lost, concocting a plot to steal Joe Biden’s victory by lying and getting others to lie, by getting fake electors to sign false certificates claiming Trump won when he lost, and then starting an insurrection to try to bully Congress into refusing certified vote totals. Trump got attorneys, who should know better, to lie to courts for him. He got otherwise law-abiding people to sign false Electoral College Certificates, claiming he won when he didn’t, all because they fell for him, a proven con man. THESE things are dangerous for the future of democracy. What would have been exponentially worse would have been for all of these people who broke our laws to get away with it. The reason it would be exponentially worse is because they’d do it again if they got the chance.

  8. “[Ellis] called [Trump] a “malignant narcissist” who cannot admit mistakes — and said that she would never vote for him again.”

    Wonders never cease. I actually agree with Ellis about something.

  9. On the face of it, the guilty plea of Ellis doesn’t seem to have all the elements of the crime.
    I didn’t see willful, knowing commission of the crime which is are elements.

      1. And that is the DA’s scheme. Overcharge and plea down if they tell you what you want to hear.

        She did not make deliberate false statements and the validity of the statements is still being disputed. Her choice is to read the script on camera or be bankrupted.

        Her lame excuse of being just a lil ol’ inexperienced lawyer falling in line is bogus.

    1. Crime? CRIME? Every lawyer in America must be guilty. Failure to do due diligence? What a joke. How about all the lawyers donning black nightgowns? The MOST corrupt entity on the face of the earth: our judiciary, our judicial system. They are in bed together protecting one another using laws and rules they created to prevent anyone from even challenging who and what they really are.
      Look. I’m an idiot and I know all about their corruption. How much more does everyone swimming in that stinking cesspool know exactly what’s up with these vile gangsters

      1. Darren Smith, why don’t the YouTube images appear, rather than simply the URLs?

        Which URL does this site require? The one at the top of the PC page, one of the few that pop up on the video itself; by all means do tell!

        1. I believe it is your url “issue” with youtu dot be.
          A trad youtube link is : youbtube dot com / etc

          for instance – this one – it also has the start at 3 seconds provision so not sure it if will post properly but

          1. htt ps : // www . youtube . com / watch ? v = zrazXS2f34Y&t = 3s

            There it is spread out for you as an example

  10. If the Supreme Court can flip abortion, the Supreme Court can flip political, communist (liberal, progressive, socialist, democrat, RINO, AINO) “show trials.”

    1. The SJC didn’t flip abortion…they just returned the governing of it back to the states where it rightly belongs. The words “NO abortions” is not in their ruling. It’s the Federal Govt. governing that flipped abortion from what was originally passed, rare & limited. Now it’s up to the states to determine how their constituents want them to deal with abortion. The Federal Govt. does not have the right to dictate how a state handles its business. The SJC also has to start reigning in the out of control lower courts and demand they follow constitutional principles.

  11. Indeed:

    “Trump campaign cuts Sidney Powell from president’s legal team” (condensed)
    The abrupt shake-up comes as Sidney Powell makes far-fetched and unsupported claims of voter fraud in the 2020 elections. 11/22/2020 06:45 PM EST

    President Donald Trump appears to have cut ties with Sidney Powell, a key member of his legal team who also represents former national security adviser Michael Flynn in his long-running attempt to unravel a guilty plea for lying about his 2016 contacts with Russia. The abrupt shake-up came in a terse Sunday evening statement from the Trump campaign that offered no explanation for Powell’s removal. “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own,” Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis said in the statement. “She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.” Powell had made headlines in recent weeks for her increasingly outrageous and unsupported claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, repeatedly vowing to “release the kraken” of evidence, only to refuse to produce it when asked by reporters. Powell, in a statement, indicated she intends to keep litigating despite her separation from the Trump team. “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth,” she said. “I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud or our votes for President Trump and other Republicans to be stolen by foreign interests or anyone else.”

    – Politico

    1. How do you know? You haven’t seen their Grand Jury testimony. They’re smart enough to know that Trump wouldn’t go to prison for them, so why should they risk going to prison for him?

  12. “Ellis pleaded guilty to false false statements that could conceivably implicate the President if she claims that he was aware of the falsity and facilitated the crime.”

    The statements, by their nature, cannot be known to be true or false. Accordingly, there’s no way she can implicate him.

    1. Sure there is. Her testimony under oath is one way to implicate him. She can corroborate the evidence against trump. She can do a lot of damage to Trump’s defense.

  13. I plead guilty to parking on the pavement for a speeding ticket. Although I have parked on pavement many, many times since and not been fined. This is our legal system.

  14. So a client hires a gaggle of attorneys to take on a case where the client believes he was wronged. That’s not unique. What’s also not unique is a client believing they were wronged, but also not having a legal case to pursue. So if the client insists they want to still pursue the case, also not unique, aren’t the attorneys responsible for how that pursuit is conducted, and not the client? I haven’t been following this closely, but having a “malignant narcissist” for a client is not an excuse for being an incompetent lawyer. On it’s face, it would seem as though the plea deals are proving the client innocent of some grand conspiracy and instead the client had attorneys willing to pursue a bad legal strategy.

    1. “. . . client had attorneys willing to pursue a bad legal strategy.”

      And, to boot, since when is a client responsible for the attorney’s due diligence? And worse, for the due diligence of the attorneys that the client’s attorney relied on?

      And that’s all assuming that one can make any sense of this hash: “What I did not do, but I should, was make sure the facts that the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true.”

      What “facts” is she talking about? Dominion? “Water leaks?” Poll observers? Mail-in ballots? Ballots altered? Is she talking about facts that at the time she believed to be true? But now, in the light of new evidence, she doesn’t?

      1. “What I did not do, but I should, was make sure the facts that the other lawyers alleged to be true were in fact true.”

        It was a bizarre statement. She admits she failed to due her job. At this point, it appears by these plea deals that Trump is guilty of bad judgment in hiring attorneys.

        1. “It was a bizarre statement.”

          As was this: “I failed to do my due diligence.”

          If my attorney admitted that, I’d demand a refund.

        1. “And to which “new evidence” is she referring?”

          This (with scare quotes around evidence):

          Door #1: Plead guilty to something-or-other. Issue an incomprehensible mea culpa. Be home for dinner.

          Door #2: Risk bankruptcy and years in jail, at the hands of a political prosecutor and a Fulton County jury.

    2. Good post, Ollie. She didn’t act, look, or seem like an experienced attorney. How can she blame the client? What does narcism have to do with this? She is not a psychiatrist. She is a lawyer who may or may not have dotted all her I’s and t’s. She and the others were railroaded, something not supposed to happen in a free and lawful society. But it happened. What does that mean?

      1. She didn’t act, look, or seem like an experienced attorney.

        No, she didn’t. Someone mentioned earlier that she read that statement like a traumatized hostage. For all we know, she was crying for the shame felt for having to give up to this police state prosecution.

        1. “crying for the shame felt for having to give up to this police state prosecution.”

          Good point that we shouldn’t forget.

  15. Try to restrain your glee, Turley. Jenna didn’t want to go to jail and she would have gone to jail with a kangaroo jury in a kangaroo court. Hence her guilty plea. This whole thing is a disgusting abuse of power by your Democrat pals.

  16. I assume she plead guilty to save on attorneys fees and put this matter behind her. I don’t believe her plea deal means Trump is guilty of anything. These prosecutions of Trump are police state stuff, just disgraceful. These prosecutors, Smith, Willis, James, and Bragg all deserve to get the bar cards yanked. The are clearly going after Trump for political reasons, to interfere with an election. They appear also to be working in tandem too, like a tag team in wrestling. The public believes that, that’s why Trump’s poll numbers are through the roof. It’s an abuse of power for Bragg, Willis, Smith, and James to do what they are doing, prosecuting a former POTUS for made-up crimes to keep him off the ballot. This is an affront to Democracy. I recall feeling the same way when Schiff and the other Democratic house members made these false claims that Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election, and later when they tried to impeach Trump – also for made up crimes. The voters voted for Trump, Hillary lost – we had a new POTUS, the voters had spoken. But with Democrats it was a not-so-fast-kind-of- thing. Can we come up with something that will over-rule the voters? That was the thinking of Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and other Democrats, sadly. Trump, I should mention, later had a bit of the same mind-set himself, can we come up with some excuse to negate Joe Biden’s win? So he’s no saint either, but the Democrats – who tried to circumvent the will of the voters with the Muellar investigation, and later with the fake impeachments of Trump, are now charging Trump for doing the same thing. The hypocrisy of the Democrats is just unbelievable. The proper mindsight for responsible members of Congress ought to be this; if the voters elected Trump, then we wait four years for another election and then vote him out, if we can. This scorched earth stuff the Democrats did, and continue to do – has no place in a well functioning Democracy. The voters get to pick who the POTUS is, once the decision is made you move on. These indictments of Trump are just more scorched earth politics by bunch of partisan Democrats – irresponsible people who are doing damage to our Democratic norms. i myself am so mad about these Trump indictments I’ve switched my support from DeSantis to Trump, the American voters need to send a message to these tin-pot prosecutors – we voters get to vote for who we want for POTUS.

    1. @Anon,
      The issue isn’t if the court could prove Trump guilty… its using her plea deal to implicate and imply Trump’s guilt.
      That’s the problem.
      If she didn’t take the plea deal… she’s risking a lot instead of what?
      A statement that she took another lawyer’s word at face value?

      The good news is that we have a back up plan w the other candidates still debating and in the run.

    2. Ellis’s plea deal affects Trump to the extent she will tell the truth–something that should worry Trump. WHY do you Trump fans keep on repeating the same lie about Russia helping him cheat to get into office? Why? A REPUBLICAN -led Senate Committee agreed with Mueller that Russia did, in fact, help Trump. Trump’s poll numbers are not “through the roof”–polls predict he will, once more, lose to Biden. Hillary WON the popular vote. Because Trump found a way to rig the Electoral College vote to benefit him, he stole the White House in 2016. Russians spread lies about HIllary on social media in targeted districts where Trump campaign officials knew, based on insider polling, that support for Hillary was soft enough that lies about her would turn the tide. That’s called “cheating”–and Adam Schiff had nothing to do with it. Trump WAS impeached–and, rightfully so–for trying to leverage aid to Ukraine in exchange for getting Ukrainians to gin up lies about Biden, and for starting an insurrection. He wasn’t removed from office because Republicans put party before country and it takes a 2/3 vote to remove. Nevertheless, he WAS impeached.

      Everything Trump is charged with came as a result of indictments handed down by a Grand Jury. Trump DID deliberately steal classified documents after being told he couldn’t take them, lied about returning them and forced the government to seize them. And, as it turns out, he disclosed contents to persons not entitled to receive the information, including an Australian–Trump disclosed the capabilities of nuclear submarines and how close they could come to Russian submarines without being detected. He also disclosed to Russia information about Israeli defenses. Russia is an ally of Syria, which supports Hamas. Why on earth anyone thinks Trump could be trusted ever again with classified information is truly puzzling. And, most puzzling of all, you think it is DEMOCRATS who are “doing damage to our democratic norms”–not the lying narcissist who cheated to get into office, who tried to leverage aid to Ukraine for political reasons, who stole and disclosed classified information and who started an insurrection by lying about nonexistent election fraud? You don’t speak for “we”–meaning MOST Americans, who never did, and still don’t want Trump.

      1. Why? A REPUBLICAN -led Senate Committee agreed with Mueller that Russia did, in fact, help Trump.

        Your proof? You got nuthin, huney. I should be a lawyer.

            1. Kind of hard to find evidence when you’re not willing to actually look for it.

              But to be fair…
              The election was rigged but in a different manner. 😉

              The issue is that you have guys like Barr who are looking for a quick simple single attack that could flip the election.
              He never considered the long game.

              The Dems took advantage of COVID along w a couple of other things including using ERIC and things like MOTOR VOTER law(s) to get an artificial increase in voters.

              The Michigan Police investigation that ended up in the FBI lap where they sat on evidence actually helps to explain how the election was lost.

              It gets even better when you can bully away the investigators during the count along w reducing the scrutiny on signature matches. Add in ballot drop boxes where people dump 100’s of ballots in states where ballot harvesting is illegal.

              So much more… even the lawsuits from 2022 in AZ help to shed some light.

              The sad thing… using data and some basic ML / AI could in fact reduce the likelihood of fraud if the politicians were so inclined.

              1. Trump lost the election in 2020 because more Americans voted for Biden. This outcome was predicted. He set a record for low approval ratings. He was a lousy “president”–he mishandled COVID, he alienated our EU and NATO allies, he started a trade war with China that has caused shortages of computer chips and consumer goods, he drove out national debt to a new record with his tax cuts, and insulted other world leaders. Most Americans did want Trump in 2016, either, but he found a way around the will of the American people. THESE are facts. There never was any widespread fraud–Trump made up this lie even before Election Day, and still won’t admit he lost.

    3. Good point about the false claims made about the Trump campaign & Russia. Trump campaign adviser Papadopoulos was convicted of lying about his contacts with Russia. Roger Stone was convicted of lying to Congress about his contacts with Russians & obstructing a Congressional hearing into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was convicted of hiding $75 million which he & his assistant Rick Gates received from their lobbying work in Ukraine. Gates was sentenced for helping Manafort conceal the $75 million in foreign bank accounts.

      Those Trump campaign officials were all convicted when Trump was POTUS. And here’s what Trump’s Attorney General said about the 37 indictments filed against Trump in June:

      Bill Barr: “It’s a very detailed indictment, and it’s very, very damning. And this idea of presenting Trump as a victim here, a victim of a witch hunt, is ridiculous.”

      BTW, 7 Senate Republicans voted to convict Trump in the 2nd impeachment trial. Romney said a number of other Republican Senators wanted to convict Trump but didn’t because they feared for their safety. 10 House Republicans voted to impeach Trump.

      1. I don’t think Barr is credible when he claims these indictments are warranted. He is trying to distance himself from Trump, he’s has been doing that for several years now. I think highly of Barr, he was a fine AG. but I don’t blame him for trying to distance himself from Trump. Trump is very unpopular with wealthy elites, including influential media types, by distancing himself from Trump Barr is improving his standing with the media, and with important elites, CEO’s, big time legal firms etc. – Barr is part of the wealthy elite class. This class, I should mention, is very anti- Trump – Trump’s popularity is with blue collar workers, Christians, middle class people, rural people, small business owners etc. I want to say again these prosecutions of Trump are ludicrous. I recall the Clinton’s stole US property when they moved out of the White House, they shamelessly took home gifts given to the American public, tried to keep them for themselves. They got caught, had to give them back. The Clinton’s were not prosecuted for theft, although they clearly stole the items. Why not? It would be a bad look for the Justice Department to do that, it’s also a waste of tax dollars, but also arresting a former President looks very bad internationally. The Clintons, arguably did a lot of good while in office; given this why would you want prosecute them for a minor crime after they term out? A better solution was to ask for the gift backs, as the authorities did. Trump, apparently, took home classified govt. documents, the authorities asked for them back, Trump was trying to facilitate that but then he was arrested by the the Department of Justice. I think arresting Trump for a minor crime like they did – which may have not been a crime at all – is Banana Republic stuff, it’s beneath the dignity of the Department of Justice. But also, this arrest is destabilizing our political system – a sitting POTUS gave the greenlight to arrest his top political rival, a former POTUS one year before an election – this is sleazy beyond belief, a horrific abuse of power. We settle our differences in America with elections, not fake indictments. The other indictments of Trump, by Willis, James, and Bragg are circus stunts by three GOP hating publicity hound DA’s; these indictments are so phony the press should be completely ignoring them. In another article Professor Turley is saying more people say we need to resort to violence to settle our political differences – these indictments of Trump are, in my view, are fostering some of this climate, we need to keep in mind we have a tradition of settling political and policy differences with elections, not indictments. or fake impeachment for non-crimes. Also, the press needs to stop fanning the flames of division, but they are doing the opposite, covering breathlessly the fake indictments, while Fox news trashes the indictments. Had there been no indictments at all, no troubling press coverage. In politics, it’s always the best to take the high road, to do what’s best for the USA. Sadly this generation of pols doesn’t get that (see Adam Schiff).

        1. Clintons didn’t intentionally steal anything–there was a misunderstanding as to what gifts were personal to them and what belongs to the American people. They returned the items without incident. Trump, on the other hand, deliberately STOLE classified documents, lied about returning them refused to return them and forced a search warrant. Trump was NOT trying to “facilitate” the return or “negotiating” to return them. You can’t “negotiate” to return stolen property–you don’t have any possessory right to someone else’s property. He kept lying about the documents. He lied about mentally “declassifying” them. He lied about the PRA being a defense. He lied about them being his personal property. And, stealing our most-sensitive national secrets is NOT a minor offense. There is absolutely NO evidence the Biden had any involvement in Trump’s prosecutions–none whatoever. The alt-right media that tells you these things is lying. His “arrests” are not destabilizing our system–Trump is. Trump has always been known as a con artist and bully. He lied in NY to get more-favorable loan terms and to juice up his rating with Forbes, which is illegal. He got Georgia citizens to sign false Electoral College certificates, which is a felony. He got his fans to attack the Capitol because he thought he could somehow bully and cheat his way into office. He goes on TV every day, attacking our justice system, prosecutors, witnesses, and THAT’S what’s driving us apart. All of the charges he faces were first vetted by a Grand Jury. It is wrong for Fox and other media to attack our justice system.

    4. “The hypocrisy of the Democrats is just unbelievable. The proper mindsight for responsible members of Congress ought to be this; if the voters elected Trump, then we wait four years for another election and then vote him out, if we can.”

      You do realize Donald Trump ;lost in 2020 and has been lying about it ever since?

  17. This topic has an elephant in the room that no one is addressing, and the question is why?

    There is absolutely no reason for any of these defendants to plead guilty, because they cannot put you on trial and convict you of breaking an invalid law, regardless of the egregiousness of the behavior that led to you being indicted. All election laws are invalid because they violate Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Constitution of the United States which specifies unalterably all the election processes, and modes of selection, to assemble and operate our government as a legislative assembly, the united States, in congress assembled.

    So this is as easy a defense as could even be imagined, you attack the invalid laws, the only problem is that by admitting that the electoral processes are unconstitutional leaves the parties and their faux leaders in a precarious position, admit to the unconstitutional nature of the current embodiment of our governing system, which would be accompanied with the loss of power over that system, or offer up sacrificial lambs to allow them to continue to perpetuate this unconstitutional abomination.

    I would suggest the latter is the true case of what we are seeing!

    1. For crying out loud, man!

      “Crazy Abe” Lincoln committed a wholly INVALID and unconstitutional act by denying secession, causing every subsequent act of Lincoln and his successors to be similarly invalid and unconstitutional.

      Secession not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, is reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

      America lives with the disastrous consequences, intended and unintended, of “Crazy Abe’s” entirely unconstitutional “Reign of Terror” to this very day.

    2. I may be missing something, but isn’t the entire purpose of indicting all these folks is to “bribe” them into turning on Trump. Shouldn’t that be illegal?

      1. You’re missing the possibility that they’re guilty of the crimes for which they were indicted.

      2. the demoncrats always do what they accuse others of doing, only 10 or 100 times worse

        These are their endless 10,000 perfect phone calls to ukraine used to dig up made up dirt – like their russian brookings institution foreign spy tinkle dossier

        the cat is long out of the bag, the demoncommies are taking this whole place down
        they wrecked TV
        they wrecked the universities
        they wrecked grade and middle school
        they wrecked the economy over and over again
        they wrecked the gov budgets
        they wrecked the Christian white character of the USA

        They’ve wrecked the whole place and it appears it is going asunder forever.
        One used to be proud because gov officials spoke common sense
        almost no pride left

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