New York To Sue Bus Companies … For Busing People

New York City Major Eric Adams announced on Thursday that he is suing bus companies for over $700 million for busing undocumented persons to the state. This is truly a thing to behold. It is a frivolous lawsuit based on an absurd law motivated by raw hypocrisy. In the meantime, the Biden Administration has been flying migrants to outside the city but no lawsuit is expected.

New York City politicians have long heralded their status as a sanctuary city. Yet, it is now taking various methods to prevent migrants from seeking sanctuary by threatening anyone who brings them to the city.

The lawsuit will rely on New York Social Services Law § 149, which requires that “[a]ny person who knowingly brings, or causes to be brought, a needy person from out of state into this state for the purpose of making him a public charge…shall be obligated to convey such person out of state or support him at his own expense.”

Of course, these companies are not transporting people to make them a public charge. They are transporting these people because they or a third party paid the fare for transport. That statute expressly allows the commissioner of the New York City Department of Social Services (DSS) to sue to recover costs.

In seeking to impose crippling fines and damages on transportation companies, the lawsuit will likely be challenged as unconstitutional due to its vagueness, curtailment of interstate travel, and a host of other glaring problems.

This is clearly an effort to grind companies financially. It is doubtful that anyone in New York seriously believes that they can force bus or airline companies to pay for migrants coming to a self-proclaimed sanctuary city. It is a cynical effort to impose litigation costs on companies to get them to refuse to accept such contracts. Yet, how is a company supposed to determine if someone purchasing a ticket is a potential “public charge.”  Does that apply to anyone who is impoverished? What proof of support is needed from the passenger? Such inquiries could themselves violate legal and constitutional protections.

Transportation companies sell seats for transport.  They are not responsible for those who purchase the tickets for their ultimate support. They are not responsible for the costs that a traveler may impose on a given city. If that were the case, I would sue the airlines everytime they fly the Packers to Chicago to play football. (Now that I think about it ….hmmm)


96 thoughts on “New York To Sue Bus Companies … For Busing People”

  1. very nice
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  2. Right.

    Rural areas have been the dumping ground for illegal aliens, the consequences of open border policies, for decades. Democrats who fight to keep those illegal aliens coming in have denounced Republicans as racist xenophobes for saying that illegal aliens strain resources, require budget cuts to needed programs, lower the quality of education in schools that struggle to meet the needs of too many ESL at once, increase crime and drug addiction, overwhelm ERs to the point of closure, take entry level jobs, lower wages as legitimate businesses that pay good salaries and benefits cannot compete with businesses that hire illegal aliens under the table. In addition, if you import a random cross section of regions infamous for human rights abuses, antisemitism, and violence against women and gays, then those people continue that behavior here. It is a fundamental right of any country to decide what the qualifications are for immigrants, and how many.

    They’ve called us racists, regardless of the fact that we support legal immigration, of which a majority are non white.

    When 10 million illegal immigrants came to the US under Joe Biden’s catastrophic open border, when border states were forced to bus or fly illegals to the Democratic states that voted for these policies, to make them do a fraction of their fare share to help.

    That’s when Democrat governors and mayors started saying exactly the same things. Without a shred of irony, NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced, in shock, that they have received so many illegal aliens that the budgets to all services would have to be cut to help pay for it.

    He is an idiot. We have been saying this EXACT SAME THING.

    Instead of acknowledging that he was wrong, and apologizing, which would have been the decent thing, he and the rest of the Democrats who have awakened to the downsides of illegal aliens STILL BLAME REPUBLICANS. They blame Republicans for taking sanctuary cities up on their offer of refuge. Martha’s Vineyard wanted to virtue signal, not actually receive illegal aliens in their neighborhoods and expensive schools. NIMBY.

    Jewish people in NYC are not having to hide their religion or risk getting assaulted or murdered by the antisemites the US allowed to arrive from antisemitic regions.

    There are individuals in every part of the world that would be assets in the US. They actually want to live in Western Civilization, with individual rights, and they will tolerate living near and working with other faiths. A responsible immigration system selects individuals who would assimilate with our culture and follow our laws. Totally irresponsible immigration allows everyone to come, overwhelming the entire country, wrecking budgets, overwhelming housing and jobs markets, and destabilizing the entire country. Shouldn’t we be allowing the people advocating for women’s rights in the ME to immigrate here, rather than those who murder them?

    China and Russia must be absolutely delighted to see the US implode like this.

    1. So well said. It’s appalling that we’ve come to this! The DNC has been an enemy of the United States my entire lifetime! Getting us into Vietnam, then siding with the traitorous Hollywood glitterati; discarding and demoralizing soldiers to capture the affections of dirtbag, drug-addled children; Calling for a childish and idiotic nuclear disarmament by U.S.; stealing pentagon money to pay off social dirtbags for votes; Supporting the absurd demands of corrupt mafia-led unions in order to bankrupt U.S. car manufacturing; Using tax dollars to bailout the factories they themselves bankrupted for votes, then imposing NAFTA, despite the obvious destruction to American workers, now lying supine as the Chinese extort U.S. corporations and threaten the U.S. economy. All the while they (the DNC) pander to whinging, “aggrieved” minorities they portray as “victims” when they are only victimized by the economic policies of the morons they’ve elected!

  3. There were a reported 24M illegal interlopers in the US prior to GE Bush, since then the following administrations have let that number continue to climb. With Joe Biden that number is now approaching 40M. That’s more than the entire population of many States. Taxpayers are paying for it all, think of the money that could be reallocated to infrastructure, education, social services, VA and Social Security if we secured our own House.
    Trump 2024

    1. The communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs) are “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

      Actual Americans are allowing them to do it.

  4. Just because I repeatedly assured my relatives that help was never further away than my door, Uber had no right to deposit my worthless and untrustworthy nephew at my doorstep. I’m going after Uber… matter of fact, I’d be at my lawyer’s office right now if my nephew hadn’t stolen my car.

  5. Remember when Turley was a respected lawyer?
    No? It was before he got on the Trump train.
    When he asked “how is a company supposed to determine if someone purchasing a ticket is a potential “public charge.”” – the answer which is obvious to anyone that hasn’t had 3 drinks before lunch is that the express purpose of the bus charter – as stated by the Governor of Texas – was to transport people into New York to make them a public charge.
    His “curtailment of interstate travel” is equally stupid. The law is analogous to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act which is not only reflected in *Texas” law but at the federal law was re-authorized by that notorious leftwing ANTIFA Donald J. Trump.
    Now – maybe you don’t *like* antitrafficking laws.
    That’s fine, in America you can like or dislike anything you want.
    But if you want to make a *legal* argument against antitrafficking laws you have to sober up and analyze the law as a lawyer would.
    And if Texas wants NY to help more with those migrants, the *legal* way to do it is get a bill through Congress so all 50 states will pay the way. Unfortunately, MAGA is standing in the way of border funding because they need a crisis to keep power in November.

    1. Remember when the Constitution and Bill of Rights held dominion and Americans were free?

      Oh, yeah, tell “Crazy Abe”:

      The legal way to end reprehensible slavery was through Congress and State legislatures – not by illegally and unconstitutionally denying not prohibited and fully constitutional secession and killing one million Americans.

    2. ATS, the law itself is stupid.

      Though even as the law is written the Bus company did not break it.

      First no one bringing a person to New York, is “making” anyone a public charge.
      If they are unable to support themselves when they arrive, they were unable to do so when the started.

      The Bus company Moved a public charge – which is entirely different.

      These people became a public charge when they cross the US border.
      And what Made them a public charge is stupid laws. You can not make anything that makes into a right anything that imposes a positive duty on others.

      There is no right to food, to shelter, to healthcare.
      These are things each of us must provide for ourselves.

      If you personally wish to provide for another as charity – do so. That is your business.
      But when you use government to impose a duty to provide for others what they have not provided for themselves,
      You are stealing.

      Regardless, the bus company merely provided a legal service.
      It is not their duty to do anything beyond transport people who they have been paid to transport.
      It is not their duty to determine if they are wealthy or indigent.
      It is not their duty to decide if they are saints or sinners.
      It is not their duty to decide if they are gay or straight.
      They have taken money to perform a task, and their duty is to do that.

      The NY law does not does not apply, and even if it did the law would be an unconstitutional restraint on the right to travel.
      A right which even indigent people have.

    3. “. . . antitrafficking laws.”

      So when the Biden administration does it, it’s enlightened transport. When the governor of Texas, it’s “trafficking.”

      Words are tools for apprehending reality. Not for deceiving people.

  6. Turley just gets worse and worse. The bus companies will be sued for violating an Executive Orde requiring them to give notice before simply dumping people on the streets of New York. So, to avoid this Order, the bus companies are dropping them off just outside the limits of NYC. They deserve to be sued, and, hopefully, closed down for good. Meanwhile, Republicans refuse to work with Democrats for any kind of reasonable solution to the problem. Under current law, these people are entitled to come to the US and seek asylum. Republicans won’t do anything to help solve the crisis because they are using it for political purposes. It’s immoral. They also send them ONLY to Democratic states–none are going to Kentucky, Indiana, North Dakota or any other Republican stronghold. Republicans prove, every single day, what total a-holes they are and the depths to which they will stoop to score political points.

    1. The person writes:

      “Under current law, these people are entitled to come to the US and seek asylum.”

      That is incorrect under both current U.S. law and UN Treaty.

      “These people” are overwhelmingly INDIVIDUALLY seeking a better economic environment. They say that every time they are interviewed. Under current U.S. law such people are entitled to go to the nearest U.S. consulate in their home country and apply for a visa. That’s it.

      Under U.N. treaty and current U.S. law, some people are entitled to asylum if part of a GROUP that has been persecuted for political or religious reasons in their home country.
      – Under U.S. law, such people must present themselves at an official U.S. border crossing and apply for the asylum there. To do otherwise (wade across the Rio Grande or overstay a tourist visa) violates about five U.S. laws and pretty much makes them ineligible for entry into the U.S. for any reason for 5-10 years under current U.S. law
      – Under U.N. treaty, the person in the persecuted GROUP maust apply for asylum in the first country that they come to outside their home country

      1. Excerpted from the ACLU’s website:

        “Elected officials and news outlets often mischaracterize those seeking asylum at the border as breaking the law or failing to seek protection “the right way.” However, under U.S. law, a person seeking asylum may do so by arriving at the border and asking to be screened by U.S. officials at a “port of entry,” or by entering the U.S. without prior inspection and then declaring their fear of persecution.

        In either case, people seeking asylum at the border are subjected to a criminal background and security check. They must then navigate a complex and lengthy process, involving multiple government agencies, in order to prove that they have a well founded fear of persecution. Those who lose their cases and any appeals are ordered removed and are deported. Since March of 2020, most people seeking asylum at the border have been denied the right to do so under normal rules, and have instead been expelled from the U.S. under Title 42, described below.”

        You can ask for asylum no matter how you entered the country. Regardless of what they say in interviews, if they claim persecution, this is sufficient. Democrats have tried, without success, to get Republicans to sit down and hammer out some kind of solution to this problem. Republicans refuse because they think they can use the border crisis for political gain.

        1. No you may not ask fopr asylum no matter how you entered – that was adjudicated during the Trump administration – that is NOT the law. If you cross illegally, the law allows you to be charged with crossing illegally, to have a hearing on the crime of crossing illegally, and when found guilty to be deported and deprived of any right to enter legally in the future.
          Further, if you are caught – you can be detained indefinitely pending that hearing. Trump was holding hearings within 90 days.

          During Trump illegal crossers who were detained were given the option to leave the US voluntarily without a hearing.
          If they did so they would not be convicted of crossing illegally and they could seek asylum in the future.

        2. The ACLU website is incorrect – this has already been litigated. They lost.

          Asylum grants come through the state department – not CBP.

          And no a claim of persecution is not even close to sufficient. As I recall prior to Biden who is ignoreing the law, Only about 23,000 people are granted asylum per year. To be granted asylum you must PROVE that your life is in danger from your government in the country you come from. It is not sufficiernt to claim persecution. Even if you can prove legitimate reason to fear for you life – unless the persecution is government persecution and it rises to the level of threatening your life – you will not get asylum.

          I would note that Biden has only about doubled the number of successful asylum requests. Getting asylum is very hard.
          What he has changed is he is allowing illegal border crossers to request asylum when they can not legally.
          He is not detaining them and he is not prosecuting and deporting them for illegally crossing. He is not getting them to agree to leave voluntarily in return for not prosecuting. And finally he has allowed those who are not legally entitled to request asylum to do so – thus MAYBE allowing them to remain in the US for years before their case is heard.

          One of the legal fights when Biden loses will be over arresting these people immediately, briefly detaining them, holding a hearing because they crossed illegally and then deporting them. There will be a court fight over whether their requests for asylum were legally obtained. That will delay things a bit, but with near certainty that lawsuit will be lost.

          Regardless, you do not get to make up the rules.
          We actually have real immigration laws and they DO NOT say what you claim.

          It should be self evident they do not – they were mostly written in the 80’s .

          We went through all this nonsense over immigrants from el salvador at the time.

          Al most all immigrants from El Salvador were denied asylum., because they could not prove the El Salvadoran government was trying to kill them.

        3. Gigi

          I can’t tell from where on the ACLU web site you excerpted your excerpt but apparently you were pretty selective in your excepting. As much as I hesitate to use ACLU as a source, they have it correct and agree with me and disagree with your excerpt in the very first paragraph on the very first ACLU page that comes up when I google ACLU and asylum

          The key word is GROUP. You are not entitled to asylum because your brother’s best friend promised you an under the table paying job on a roofing crew.

    2. Gigi, executive orders are orders from the cheif executive to the rest of the executive directing them how to impliment the law.

      The scope of an executive order is the executive. No cheif executive can create an executive order that directs people not part of the executive.
      Those things are called laws and must be passed by legislatures.

    3. Your angry at Bus companies – Why ? What is different from the borders of NYC or NY from those of TX or AZ ?
      If NYC can bar these people from entry – then so can TX. The bus companies are merely providing a legal service.
      Travel is actually a right in the US and if this law means what it says – then it is unconstitutional.

    4. Request for assylum are through the State Department – not the border patrol. You make them at US embassies and consulates – not when crossing the border. CBP is not the state department. Requests for asylum are made OUTSIDE the US and you are not free to enter until they are granted. And very few are granted – because long ago we passed laws specifying the criteria for granting asylum, and Few people meet those criteria.

    5. Under surrent law these people are permitted to seek asylum – asylum is not an entitlement.
      With near certainty they will be told no.
      Whether they are seeking asylum or not, they are not entitled to enter the county – that is something democrats have done on their own.

      The crisis is that Democrats have thrown open the doors and are not following the law.
      About a million people legally immigrate to the US each year – there is a process for that – these people did not follow that process.
      We are a nation of laws – and these people may not legally enter this country. About a million people each year legally can – s it is clearly possible.

      Should we have more immigration – probably, so change the law. But democrats refuse to entertain reasonable changes to the law. They would rather join the lawlessness. If you want to allow asylum requests by those who illegally cross the border – then change the law.
      If you want more asylum requests to be granted – change the laws criteria for granting asylum.

      Regardless, follow the law as written, and work to change it if you do not like.

      UYou know that Trump will deport these people when elected. There will be a big leagal battle over it, and that will delay things, but ultimately Trump will prevail – because they are not here legally and very few of them are entitled to asylum.

      I would further note that according to the actual law – if you cross illegally – you may not seek asylum, and you can be found guilty of illegally crossing the border and deported immediately and barred from ever returning.

      The primary obstacle to Trump deporting millions in short order is that once in the US they are entitle to due proceess.
      For illegal border crossers that requires about 90days – if there are enough ALJ’s to hear the cases.

      Regardless those in the US illegally can be detained indefinitely until a hearing can take place.

      And if you actually cared about the law – you would have built the wall in 1986 when a bipartisan immigration bill required it.

    6. Of course they will be sent to only democrat states – only democrats claim to want them. Only democrats offer sanctuary cities.
      Further the proportion of illegals already in read states is about 95:5 already.

  7. Its all Trumps fault!
    Everything is Trumps fault!

    Adams should Sue Trump !

    No! That is not enough! He should indict him!
    Atleast once for every illegal immigrant in NYC.

    He should confiscate Trump’s properties – and use those to house Illegal immigrants.

    Everything is Trump’s fault!

    Get Trump! Get Trump! Get Trump!

    1. Trump has done incalculable damage to America and everything it stands for. The worst thing is his endless lying and using his celebrity to get gullible people to believe his lies. Using his lies, he got his fans to attack our Capitol to try to prevent Joe Biden from taking office. Via his lies, he has gotten people to distrust the integrity of our elections–only because he lost, just as polls predicted, following 4 years of disaster brought about by his utter incompetence and ego. Going on 3 years now, multiple recounts, investigations and audits prove he’s a liar—but his followers still believe his lies. He got people to commit felonies by signing false Electoral College certificates, and got members of Congress to refuse to accept certified results of the 2020 election, which disqualifies them from serving. He has gotten Americans to distrust our public health system because Dr. Fauci made a fool of him by exposing his lies, ignorance of public health and phony cures, so now, Dr. Fauci, a genuine American hero who helped conquer AIDS, is treated like a pariah. He alienated our EU and NATO allies and has gotten people to distrust those organizations and our mutual reliance on one another to maintain peace and promote trade and public health because he’s stupid and doesn’t even understand world history and the importance of ties with allies to deter aggression from countries like Russia. He decimated our thriving economy with his stupidity–dumb tariffs when he couldn’t bully China–thinking, in his stupidity, that the extra cost of doing business would fall on China instead of American consumers–that has helped drive inflation that Republicans try to blame Joe Biden for. He stole classified documents, lied about having some possessory right to them, lied about returning them and disclosed the contents. We and our allies now have to worry that information about our sources and methods might have fallen into the wrong hands. We don’t know, and can’t know, how many people might have gotten into those boxes at MAL.

      Now, it turns out that, based on just a couple of years of records regarding only 4 countries, Trump’s businesses were receiving millions from China and other countries while Trump was stinking up the White House (literally, apparently, according to Adam Kinzinger). Trump refused to divest his interests, unlike virtually every other president, and Republicans quickly shut down that inquiry, even though it is incomplete, to focus on trying to come up with something, anything, to hang on Joe Biden.

      Yeah, Trump’s a victim all right. Just how far up your anus is your head shoved, anyway that you can’t see reality?


        “Crazy Abe” did colossal damage to America, destroying the constitutional republic, that persists to this day, demanding correction with extreme prejudice.

      2. “Trump has done incalculable damage to A̶m̶e̶r̶i̶c̶a̶ the Military Indutrialist Complex and everything it stands for.”

        And boy are those sell-out generals, craven industrialists and principle-free robber barrons pissed!

        “War is the most profitable business on earth”
        ― Kenneth Eade, Beyond All Recognition

      3. Gigi,
        Trump turned over the operations of his businesses to his son Don Jr. While he was president.

        He had no coltrol of note time to involve himself in the affairds of his businesses.

        What he did not do is put his businesses in blind trust. Few members of congress do that.
        There is no requirement to do so.
        Most prior president do not have millions of dollars of businesses.,

        MAYBE they have some investments.

        Joe Biden received money from the assorted shell companies that are being delt with in congress – he reported this on his taxes.
        He did not put his interest in Biden Inc in blind trust.

        A news story this week reported on the “whales in congress” those essentially engaged in insider Trading. Of the top 10 most profitable investment portfolios in congress – 8 are democrats.

        As to the Trump china nonsense -old news being regurgitated today. Trump’s left was taken apart – by congress, by the FBI/DOJ, by Mueller, By democratic lawfare. By every press in the world, and you found nothing.

      4. Whether you like it or not presidents have the full power to declassify whatever they wish. Nor is there any law or executive order regarding classified documents that Can apply to a president,. contra your claim EVERY president has taken classified documents with them – and kept them. Clinto kept classified recordings in his sock drawer, and judge ABJ found that those tapes were Clinton’s property.

        Presidents may take whatever peopers they wish from the WH as they leave – Presidents have done so since Washington

      5. Gigi, spin is not fact.

        You nonsense has been debunked many many many times.

        Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomena.
        Milton friedman.

        This is both historically true as well as logically true.

        The LAWS of supply and demand make inflation impossible when money supply is fixed.

        War, drought, supply chain issues, fosil fuel polices absolutely positively can make the price of SOME commodities rise.

        Buy you can not get an overall rise in price level without debasing the currency.
        If you have a $20T economy and the price of oil rises by 10%, and the price of many things dependent on oil rise by 10% or more,
        Either people buy less oil, or they buy less of other things. Because the money supply is fixed.

        I post as John B Say – that is a pseudonym. It is the anglicization of Jean Baptiste Say.
        Say was one of the pre-eminent economists of the 19th century.
        He is famous for “say’s law”
        Which most of us know as “The Law of Suply and Demand”
        After nearly two centuries economist have found only 3 exceptions to the law of supply and demand.
        Two of those are theoreticial and have never and problem can never happen and are quite small if they ever were real.
        The one known real exception to the law of supply and demand is prestige goods. The very small subset of goods that are of great value specifically because they are rare, and people buy them litterally to prove they can afford them.
        Things like million dollar watches. If they were ever mass produced – which would not be difficult, few people would buy them.
        No one owns a million dollar watch to tell time. They own a million dollar watch so that their peers – preferably their lessor peers KNOW they can afford to spend $1m on a watch.

        Regardless, the laws of supply and demand are immutable.

        The only way that the price level can go up – not one price, or a few prices but neartly all prices, is if money supply increases.

        Our recent wave of inflation was caused because to fund the $7T that we unnecescarily blew on Covid, the FED “printed” massive amounts of money

        Here is a graph of US money supply over the past 20 years.
        Note that money supply went nearly vertical starting in 2020.

        If you wish to blame Trump’s Covid releif for part of that – be my guest. Trump bears SOME of the responsibility for inflation.

        It should be clear to all now that we would have dealt far better with covid by doing NOTHING – and in fact there is a massive and gorwing body of data proving that.

        Regardless, The economy was in recovery from Covid effects BEFORE Biden took office – and most people knew that.

        Whatever Trump’s responsibility for inflation – Biden unnecescarily through gasoline on the fire.
        The lions share of inflation was easily predictable and was Biden’s fault.

        Right now the economy is in a mixed state. We have not had the recession that is normally how we clear inflation.
        The Fed has brought inflation down to 3 times modern historical norms. That is still high but no where near 10%.

        So far everytime the fed has hinted at backing down on tightening money supply inflation has returned.

        Separately we have a credit problem – part of which has been growing for a long time but exploded under Covid.

        We have a massive oversupply or retail spaces, Malls, strip malls, etc. and we have a covid driven massive increase in work from home that is causing a massive oversupply in comercial office space.

        Like homes all these proprerties are mortgaged, and much of this property is coming up for refinance.

        Many of these places are not economically viable. Some are viable, but only at low interest rates. and some will weather this fine.

        It is estimated that there is currently a $2T credit bubble in commercial real estate. Absent inflation that might have taken many years to unwind.

        Now everyone in my world is waiting for the other show to drop.

        BTW this bubble is about 4 times the size of Case Shiller’s estimate of the housing bubble.

        Nearly everyone knows that biubble is going to burst. The questions are:
        Will it burst before the election.
        Will it burst all at once or will it hit us gradually over time.
        That is much like do you rip off the bandaide or try pulling it off milimeter by milimeter.

        Regardless, it is coming.

        Democrats also have the problem that they have been cooking the books for the past 3 years.

        Biden repeatedly tells us how great bidenomics is.

        Yet the perception of ordinary people is radically different from these figures.

        Put simply – people do not beleive the economic data coming from Biden.

        This should not surprise you.

        Trust is something people earn.

        You say Trump has told many lies – and yet half the country trusts him and republicans on important issues like the economy, the border, world peace. …

        Somewhere between 14% and 30% of people – depending on the issue – Trump Biden.

        Why ? Because you have been caught lying so awfully much.

  8. Illegal aliens are an obnoxious nuisance. They are in restaurants, laundromats, and buses yapping away into their phones in Spanish at a billion decibels.

  9. “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races.”

    “A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together.”

    “If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas.”

    – Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois, June 26, 1857

  10. “If all earthly power were given me, I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution of slavery.”

    “My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land.”

    “[Should blacks be made] politically and socially our equals?”

    “My own feelings will not admit of this, and [even] if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass of white people will not.”

    “We can not, then, make them equals.”

    – Abraham Lincoln, Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854



    – Rasmussen


    “Blacks are a hate group.”

    “As you know, I’ve been identifying as Black for a while – years now – because I like – you know, I like to be on the winning team.”

    “The best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people.”

    “Just get the f*** away.”

    “Wherever you have to go, just get away because there’s no fixing this.”

    “You just have to escape, so that’s what I did.”

    – Scott Adams, “Dilbert”


    “There’s no fixing this” even for the deranged, hysterical, incoherent, bleeding-heart, anti-American communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, RINOs, AINOs).

  12. It is false to call the illegal migrants “undocumented” except for the “got-aways” – they are likely undocumented. All of those illegal migrants that are processed by the border patrol have been given documents – arrest warrants and notices to appear in court some many years hence. TSA would not allow a truly undocumented person to fly on any of the charter flights that the Biden administration has arranged – they do allow arrest warrants a acceptable documentation. I really doubt that any of the “got-aways” have been bussed or flown to NYC. So please do not refer to these individuals as “undocumented”.

    Separately it does appear the height of hypocrisy for NY to 1) proclaim a general welcoming of illegal immigration with food and housing and then 2) pass a law effectively making getting there on commercial transportation illegal. This is truly legal dissonance. Is no one aware that the Mexican cartel human traffickers strip the migrants of their money. I suppose NY is opening its arms to all of those migrant billionaires but not the wretched.

    1. Calling them ‘migrants’ is an another slight-of-hand. US Code correctly calls them Illegal Aliens. “Invaders” is perhaps the most apt description of their actions. Government is failing both it’s citizens and *lawful* immigrants.

    2. it is also false to call them migrants.
      Migrants are people who travel cyclicly – usually seasonally – as in migrant farm workers.
      Immigrants are people who travel to somewhere with the expectation of staying.

      We need to stop this Orwellian newspeak.

      These people are illegal immigrants – their are immigrating – illegally.

      It does not make them bad people – though some are.

      But we could atleast not engage in newspeak.

  13. But not to worry NY, Mayorkas said that they are just in the system and they will be processed in the next 5-7 years. So these ILLEGALS aren’t permanently in NY, they will be “deported” in 5-7 years.

  14. The bus companies are being paid by NGOs like Catholic Relief Services who are making millions. The money to pay the NGOs — who recruit all over the world — comes from the $1.5 trillion “supplemental” package passed last year by Congress. The American people elected these fools to Congress. So we have no one to blame but ourselves for the invasion of our country.
    The failed policies of the unhinged progressive left are coming back to haunt morons like Eric Adams who promoted them. This country is on the middle of a massive trauma brought about by mass cognitive dissonance of half the population, who will see their cities and organizations collapse under the weight of their own stupidity.

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