The Biden Administration and Media Accused of Another False Claim on the Border

The Biden Administration went all in on the false claim as a cudgel to use against Texas for trying to secure the Southern border with its own personnel to stop the unprecedented surge of illegal migrants.

A spokesperson for the Department of Homeland Security said that Border Patrol agents were made aware of a mother and two children struggling in the river by the Mexican government but were unable to enter the area from the U.S. side due to Texas National Guard troops:  “On Friday night, a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.”

The White House also released a statement that “In responding to a distress call from the Mexican government, Border Patrol agents were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area.”

Once again, the media eagerly spread the false story without much apparent interest in checking if it was true. People were outraged when NBC and other outlets reported “a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande on Friday night in Eagle Pass, Texas, after U.S. border agents were prevented from responding, federal officials said Saturday.”

It was not the media but the Justice Department that would inadvertently disclose the true facts. The three migrants had drowned an hour before the government was notified.

According to a Justice Department filing with the Supreme Court, there were three drownings an hour before the Border Patrol was called after the fact that the drownings had occurred. The account supports Texas officials who said that they responded to the calls but could find nothing. The reason is that Mexican authorities had already rescued two individuals in distress and the bodies of the woman and the children were also recovered earlier.

The incident was reminiscent of what occurred earlier with the accused border agents.

The media went into a frenzy despite a videotape showing that the story was clearly false.

A photographer captured the scene, which showed agents using bridle reins to guide their skittish horses. The entire videotape clearly shows the agents using the reins on their mounts, not on the migrants. Not only did the photographer quickly deny seeing any officers whip migrants, the videotape clearly refuted that allegation. However, for many in politics and the media it did not matter because it played into a racial-justice claim of the “whipping (of) Haitian asylum seekers.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) condemned “the inappropriate use of what appear to be whips by Border Patrol officers on horseback to intimidate migrants.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) decried “images of inhumane treatment of Haitian migrants by Border Patrol — including the use of whips.” Vice President Kamala Harris emoted on “The View” about how the brutality “invoked images of some of the worst moments of our history, where that kind of behavior has been used against the Indigenous people of our country, it has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.” Reps. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) described the incident as “worse than what we witnessed in slavery” and “white supremacist behavior.”

President Biden rushed to express his own revulsion and rage, too: “It was horrible what — to see, as you saw — to see people treated like they did: horses nearly running them over and people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.”

At the time, some of us objected that the president had, once again, declared the guilt of accused persons without evidence or investigation. The possible innocence of these officers simply did not matter to the president or to many in the press.

The pattern seems to have repeated itself: the false claim of the Administration, the massive media coverage spreading that account, and then the barely reported corrections showing it was untrue.

The Justice Department did present the true facts in arguing that such state personnel can interfere with rescue operations, even if this was not a case where they could have prevented the deaths. There was no need to claim that Texas actually caused the deaths to highlight that state barriers can interfere with federal responses and operations. In reality, the government may not need such arguments of exigency given the deference afforded to the federal government at the border by the Court.

Below is the DOJ’s filing:


103 thoughts on “The Biden Administration and Media Accused of Another False Claim on the Border”

  1. It does not matter at all. The base facts are still pretty bad. That the guards did not know they were already dead does not make it any better,

    1. What do you mean by “the base facts?” Isn’t the base fact that Biden and the press lied and claimed the Texas National Guard was involved in something that happened at 9pm when that event – per Biden’s on Department of Justice – actually happened at 8pm and the Texas National Guard was not at all involved (assuming that is who you are referring to as “the guards”)? In fact, no one in the United States was even aware of the event that happened at 8pm. In fact, the event did not even happen in the United States.

    2. I don’t think you understand the story. Biden and the media lied saying that the lives could have been saved by the Border Patrol, but for the Texas Guard. That is simply not true. Incidentally, there are reports that drownings happen in this area on nearly a daily basis. Why do you think this fabricated story was picked up by Bide and the Media?

  2. I lived on the Mexican border in Del Rio in the late 1970s. The border was quiet. We sometimes walked across to Ciudad Acuña for dinner and safely walked back in the evenings. I have also been to at least a half dozen or more border towns through the 1990s.

    The illegal crossings were always there but not excessively. Those who did illegally cross got little to no assistance, so they stuck together and were some of the hardest workers I have ever seen.

    Fast forward, those who are pouring through the border by the millions are getting free healthcare, phone service, housing, SNAP food cards etc. They don’t have to work necessarily.

    I see where New York is budgeting 2.5 billion dollars for illegal aliens. New York is already the highest taxed state. That won’t turn out well.

    I love the Mexican culture as a whole. I love their devotion to family and love of God. Their work ethic is amazing. But, it isn’t Mexicans who are necessarily pouring through. If I came from bedraggled country and had no hope and I found out I could just cross into United States of America and get free stuff, I would be first in line.

    As for the U.S. citizens, good luck getting into an ER or scheduling with a PCP. Here, many doctors are scheduled out six months or more or are not taking new patients. The cost of living is 17% more since Joe Biden took office, housing, cars, groceries are much more than that. Welcome to “Bidenomics.”


    “Asylum” is complete fraud and every person in the world knows it.

    There is no possible way that 10 or 20 million illegal Mexicans et al. need “asylum” from the government their countrymen live under.

    Every last illegal border-crossing alien must be deported if it is determined by opponents that the “asylum” seeker is as safe as the general population in his country of origin and that asylum is unnecessary.

    Every illegal alien “asylum” seeker who ever returns home for a visit must be refused reentry.

    Asylum fraud is a crime for which compassionate repatriation is the penalty.

  4. This Obama/Biden/DNC/MSM spinning frame is producing a terminally weak thread.

    Almost as weak as the thread spun by Dennis.

  5. OK, so those reporting were given incorrect information, but what IS apparently true is that Texas does block Border Patrol agents attempting to assist migrants, which they have NO right to do. Those reporting DIDN”T make it up–they were unaware that the migrants had drowned before Border Patrol got there. And, Turley, we’ll start worrying about disinformation once you start addressing the daily lies put out by Trump and the disinformation peddled by your employer, including the lies about Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic that resulted in multi-million dollar payouts. How about addressing Trump’s refusal to comply with the the Judge’s order to keep down his comments during the E. Jean Carroll case because he’s trying to get a mistrial and/or get thrown in jail? Then, there’s his attorney model who told the judge that she didn’t like being talked to like he did when he told her repeatedly that her motion was denied and to “sit down”, which she refused. How about addressing that blatant lack of respect for our legal system and the judge by both Trump and his attorney model? How about Trump’s lie that he “won” 3Xs in Iowa, when he lost in 2016 to Ted Cruz? He told that whopper just yesterday. Why not ask rhetorically why someone who thinks he’s entitled to be the leader of the free world just can’t stop lying and can’t stop attacking E Jean Carroll, and claiming he never met her when there’s photographic proof? Oh, that’s right–you’re only paid to throw mud at mainstream media and Democrats. I forgot. Yeah, your job is to try to bolster the credibility of the alt right media who pay you by jumping on every possible criticism of mainstream media, all to help Trump peddle lies.

    1. NUTCHACHACHA, is terrified and in need of commiseration, sympathy, and pity. Her whole world of welfare, affirmative action, quotas, forced busing, admissions affirmative action, grade inflation, unfair “fair housing,” discriminatory “non-discrimination,” Obamacare, other people’s money, and other people’s status is threatened with extinction. Whatever will she do?

    2. CBP is not supposed to ASSIST illegal immigrants, it is supposed to STOP illegal immigrants,
      and if it can not do that it is supposed to ARREST illegal immigrants.

      Illegal immigrants who are stopped at or within 100miles of the border are subject to expedited processing.
      They can be held until a hearing that must occur in less than 90 days. If they are found to have crossed illegally they can be deported immediately and they will be convicted of a crime which will permanently bar their entry into the US.
      Alternately to avoid conviction they can voluntarily agree to leave immediately.

      If the Biden administration allowed CBP to do their Job and follow the LAW there would be no Texas officiers at the Border.

      If you do not like the law – work to elect people who will change it, or work with those already in office to change it.
      If you have sworn an oath to uphold federal law and the constitution and you do not follow the law – then you can be fired or impeached – which is what is being done with Mayorkas.

    3. Gigi – you STILL have the story Wrong. The illegal immigrants drowned while the CBP was watching – Texas was not present at the time.

      Further this is NOT unusual. Approximately 1000 illegal immigrants have drowned each year of the Biden administration – that is about 3 per day. That rate is lower when the our president is not begging immigrants to cross illegally.

    4. Judges orders that restrict ANYONE’s speech are violations of the first amendment.

      As a matter of Actual law, the authority of a Judge to limit speech is specific to maintaining order in the courtroom
      A judge’s authority over the parties in a lawsuit evaporates with distance from the court.

      This is not new. This was first addressed in 1838 and has applied to federal courts since. In the early 20th century it was extended to state courts.

      These gag orders are unconstitutional.

    5. Absolutely Trump’s attorney’s are working overtime to demonstrate on the record the blatant lawlessness and bias of the courts.

      Beleive it or not that is relatively common place in courts – though far more so when Trump is involved.

      Locally Judges have contacted court reporters – who are under the Judges direction and had them removed improper remarks by the Judges from the records. This is one of the reasons that we need court proceedings to be recorded by the press or public – whether it is Donald Trump or the local shoplifter.

      The addition of body cams, dash cams and people with cell phones have radically altered policing in the US.
      With a few exceptions – such as the Floyd case where politicial prosecutors and even the Mineapolis cheif threw officers under the bus. lied under oath altered autopsies, and refused to provide the defense with police body cam footage during the trial

      MOSTLY the fact that nearly everything is recorded today has improved policing.
      It has improved police conduct, but it has also reduced police misconduct charges.
      It has increased the likelyhood of convicting the guilty and decreased the odds of convicting the innocent.

      It is not perfect, but it is a massive improvement.

      We need the same in our courts.

      Habba is trying to build a record of error and bias on the part of Kaplan.

      Whether you like it or not that is a part of her job.

      The task of administering actual justice fairly is the Judges job.

      Kaplan has already said in court that Trump was found guilty of Rape – that is FALSE
      The Jury int he first carol case rejected the rape claim.

      Words actually matter – espeically in court.

      A judge getting his own prior case wrong is massive error and a reflection of bias.

    6. Gigi the current case should not be in court.

      Carrol is claiming defamation because Trump said “She is not my type”.
      Technically that is a statement of opinion. And therefore can not be defamation.

      Equally importantly – Trump’s tastes in women are incredibly well known.
      Carrol is NOT Trump’s type, which has always been a problem with this case.

      But lunatics like you are so intent on “getting Trump” you will beleive anything.

    7. Trump and his attorney’s are allowed to try to get a mistrail or even to get Trump thrown in jail.

      It is the judges job to prevent a mistrail. Mistrails are caused – not by the defendant, but by either the plantiff or judge stepping out of line.

      Kaplan’s job is to follow the law, and to avoid bias. Habba is free to object to anything she wants. In fact it is her duty to object when there is error on the part of thec court, and her duty to object is determined by HER subjective understanding of the law – NOT the judges.

      The judge can overrule her objections. If he does so improperly – Habba will likely get a mistrial or even a dismissal.
      That is how this works. My wife is a criminal appelate attorney and her problem is that defense attorney’s do not object when they should.
      A lawyers failure to object when they should prevents an appeal. You can not appeal errors on the part of the judge if you do not object.
      In my state that is addressed after all apeals are exhausted by the PCRA process – in that process another appelate attorney will raise an appeal based ont he errors of the Defense attorney, such as a failure to object.

    8. Trump was photographed at an event that Carrol was present at.
      That is the only photograph of them ever.
      That is the only evidence they have ever been in the same place at the same time prior to these trials.

      However it is NOT evidence that they MET.

      If you and I go to the same resturant at the same time and a securtity camera catches us both in one frame – does that mean we met ?

      Do you have evidence that they talked ? Shook hands ? even knew each others name ?

      It is possible that they may have met. But there is no actual evidence they did.
      Only evidence they both independently attended an event.

      I would also ask you – lets say that Trump actually shook her hand, asked her name, exchanged a few words.

      Or lets say that Biden did. Both of them do precisely that with possibly over 100 people a day.

      Is that the same as Met ?

      Tara Read has accused Joe Biden of sexual assult. Her accusation is more recent than Carrols.

      Read actually worked for Biden – there is ZERO doubt they “met” There is zero doubt that Biden had the oportunity to digitally penatrate Reid.
      Read claims that she reported the incident – but the senate refises to provide records.

      Did Biden sexually assault Read ? I do not know and the statutute of limitations precludes Read from charges or defamation claims.

      The same statute of limitation was supposed to preclude much older and far less credible claims by Carrol.
      But the left wing nuts in NY breifly poked a hole in the statute of limitations.

      Do you really expect these cases to survive appeal ?

      The only question is how far will Trump have to appeal to overturn them.

      I would further note that before claiming Trump raped her, a claim she has repeatedly retracted, modified, contradicted herself on,
      Carrol wrote a book accusing over 40 other men of raping her. Not one of which was Trump.
      You would think in a book were Carrol accused 40 men of raping her that Trump would be noted had he done so.

      Carrol is not and never has been credible.

      You are free to beleive whatever you want regarding Carrol or Read.

      You are not free to weaponize the legal system for political purposes.

    9. Gigi,

      One of the huge reasons that this political lawfare is failing miserably is because while Trump has the reesources to fight this and ultimately prevail. The rest of us are looking on and noting that those of you on the left would be doing this to DeSantis, or Cruz or Cotton, or any other political figure on the right you do not like.

      You have already done this to J6 protestors by the thousands. Including people who NEVER entered the capitol or did so peoacefully.

      You have done it to pro-life protestors,
      You have done it to parents compaining to school boards that their kids were raped in school.
      You have done it to catholics whose crimes ? supporting abortion laws, immigration laws.

      Ordinary people know that you could do this to them – if you offended them politically.
      Do you think there is a man on earth that can not be accused of rape 30 years after the fact and convicted based on the nonsense you called evidence in the first Carrol case ?

      You can beleive or disbeleive Carrol. But based on the actual evidence – what you have done is a CRIME.

      It is weaponizing the legal system against those you hate,

      And you can do it SUCCESSFULLY to anyone – no matter how innocent they might be.

      I am sure there is a photograph of some women somewhere that I encountered 30 years ago, that I do not recall and did not actually meet,
      who could claim that I raped her in the local Bombergers as local department store that I have almost never been in.
      There is no way I could prove this did not occur.

      Once you admit – as democrats have that Trump must be defeated by any means necescary – you lose credibility in everything you do.

      You rant about voting machines and celebrate a settlement – that cost fox a Fraction of what firing Tucker Carlson has cost them.

      Yet why shoudl anyone beleive you about voting machines ? About anything ?
      DVS executives said they would assure that Trump would not win. You can claim that is just rhetoric – but why should you be beleived ?

      Those of you with power in social meadia were perfectly happy to censor truthful speech about covid, truthful speech about the bidens in order to win an election.

      Former intelligence officials were willing to sell out their reputations over an obvious lie.

      The MSM censored multiple true claims to help their prefered candidate win an election.

      The FBI/CIA/DHS contacted media companies and told them to block true content that would harm their prefered candidate.

      The Federal government gave money to non-profits for the purpose of censoring political opponents.

      We are increasingly finding that the Whitehouse has lied repeatedly about not being involved in the Trump prosecutions – we now have records of many meetings with the WH.

      According to your own impeachment of Trump – it is illegal to seek the prosecution of your political opponent – yet Biden is doing so on national TV.

      The FACT is Biden is free to do that – and you are free to lie about whether that is legal or not.
      But you are not free to turn your lies into criminal prosecutions or impeachment – that is the rule of man, not the rule of law.

      Biden involving himself and the WH in Hunters Art Sales, in Trump’s prosections is all Legal. Just as it was for Trump.
      Just as it was for Trump to involve himself in the election in GA or on J6.

      It is not a crime to challenge an election. It is not a crime to try to overturn one. It is not a crime to lie – or nearly all politicians would be serving life. It is not a crime to have policies you do not like.

      It is a crime to use government to censor others. It is even worse when what is censored is the truth.

    10. Gigi,

      Why do a majority of people beleive the 2020 election was stolen ?

      Because you have lied about so many things and been caught.

      Because you lied about the collusion delusion.
      Because you lied about the Hunter Biden laptop.
      Because you lied about Fracking.

      A recent report from the FBI labs reveals that Cocaine residue was found in Hunter Biden’s gun case.
      That makes the gun charges against Hunter proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

      Because you lied about WH contact with GA, and NY.

      Because you lied about the CBP whipping hatians.
      Because you are lying about Texans interfrering with CBP agents trying to prevent an illegal immigrant from drowning.
      Because you lied about internet censorship
      Because you lied about “russian disinformation”
      Because you lied about Covid – over and over and over.
      Because you continually lie about Joe Biden’s competence.

      Because you have said that you will gain power by “any means necescary”.

      And because your long list of very serious lies and some crimes, leads us to beleive you.

      When someone shows you who they are – beleive them, the first time
      Maya Angelou.

      We beleive that you would forge ballots, and all kinds of other criminal conduct in elections,
      because when you told us who you are – we beleived you.

      1. John Say

        You illustrate in your five-six comments above (not that I agree with or can vouch for everything you wrote) how hard it is to debate the lying left. The OP throws up five-six nonsensical off topic sentences and it takes a separate comment of five-six paragraphs each to refute the leftist lies. Congratulations for trying but your wizzing into the wind as they say

        1. I would disagree.
          John Say efforts show exactly how much we need to refute and debunk the many lies people like Natasha says over and over again.

          To John Say,
          Well done!

  6. Once again, the media eagerly spread the false story without much apparent interest in checking if it was true.

    There is no *apparent* interest in the truth, because there is no *actual* interest in the truth. Truth simply is not a concern for the media; advancing the left-wing narrative is the sole concern. This has been the case for years now, so please don’t act surprised.

    1. …says the guy who uses Just the News as a news source.

      This is a problem on both sides of the aisle.

      1. The bothsides-ism doesn’t work so well here. Why? Because over 90% of the media are on one side, and less than 10% on the other. And with the other, there is a variety of levels of truthfulness, and in fact many truthful, with a few more exaggerated and simplistic . . . whereas on the 90% side there is wall-to-wall leftist propaganda. FWIW, I rarely consult Just the News. Where’d you get that idea?

  7. “How long before the evil pathological propagandists who have hijacked the Swamp claim the drowning vics were horse whipped back into the river by Texas military?” he asked rhetorically. No, we haven’t forgotten. “The d!p$h!ttery will continue until such time as there are consequences.” – John L. Armstrong

  8. Jonathan: I second the comment by Anonymous (1/17@8:37am) regarding Gov. Abbott’s antics in refusing US Border Patrol access to the Eagle Pass border crossing frequently used by migrants. A mother and her two children died as a direct result of Abbott’s policies.

    But you seem to want to whip up your own “frenzy” by referring to the earlier incident in which Texas troops on horseback herded Haitian migrants like cattle when they tried to cross the Rio Grande. That inhumane treatment of migrants is a violation of international humanitarian law. But you bizarrely think such treatment is OK and Abbott should be able to stop US Border Patrol from carrying out there federal responsibilities.

    The SC should immediately stop the senseless loss of life at the border. Abbott has no authority to stop migrants from entering the US. That is is the sole responsibility of the federal government. Texas has no role in immigration policy. Abbott’s policies are in violation of the law–cruel, dangerous and causing the loss of human life. Abbott needs to be put in his place!

    1. You may object to what Abbott did, but it had nothing to do with drowned migrants. Why are you perpetuating a falsehood?

    2. Dennis – did you read Turley’s column? The mother and children drowned on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande. Texas had nothing to do with it.

    3. Daniel please

      Dennis still believes the migrants were whipped and the pee tape is real.

      He lives in fantasy land.

    4. DM you do know that your claim has been debunked by Court filings by the Biden admin.

      Regardless, I am sure the TX NG would be happy to leave the CBP to do their job – if the Biden admin would allow them to do their job – as they did under Trump.

      There the difference between the CBP and the TX NG – is the TX NG is following orders to enforce the law.
      The CBP is following orders to NOT enforce the law.

    5. I am not sure what the SC will do here.

      But SCOTUS has no role in Policy. The Supreme courts role is the constitituion and the law.
      CBP has been ordered to not follow the law.

      Again I do not know what the SC will do.

      As keeps happening with left wing nuts.
      We once again have SC trying to decide an issue that has never come before them before – because no president has ever tried to play games like this before.

      I have little doubt that if CBP were enforcing the law – that SCOTUS would stop the TX NG.

      But CBP is NOT enforcing the law. It is enforcing a policy that is a violation of the law.

      I would further note that you might want to be careful what you wish for.

      If the SC says that TX can not interfere with immigration policy – then neither can Chicago or NYC or Martha’s vineyard.
      That would make sanctuary cities and states illegal.

      That would mean that Abbott can bus every illegal immigrant in TX to Marthas vineyard and MV can not do a thing about it.

      TX may not be able to act on “the borders.” – particularly if CBP prempts them.
      But they certainly can enforce state law 100yds past the border or a mile past.

      Once illegal immigrants are in TX – they are subject to TX laws and TX law enforcement.

    6. “A mother and her two children died as a direct result of Abbott’s policies.”

      Dennis can’t get the news straight. He listens and then repeats junk. Dennis likes to lie. The truth is completely different. Most know the truth so they should remember that Dennis is a liar not to be trusted.

  9. If the Biden adminstration, and Democrats generally, really cared about the lives of these unfortunate drowning victims, they would not have encouraged them to come here from distant places to cross our border illegally. Like thousands of others, their lives were sacrificed for political expediency. Who cares how many people suffer or die if it helps Democrats win even more one election 20 years from now?

  10. Oh, if only, if only….
    If only the government hadn’t been blocked in establishing the “Disinformation Governance Board”….
    If only that had not been obstructed by MAGA Republicans… then stories like this, full to the brim with misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation would have never been allowed into the public’s eye….
    Oh, if only….

  11. At this point in time it is clear that there are 2 camps in opposition; You either want to MAGA or you want to destroy America and replace it with a socialist progressive tyranny. There is no middle ground here for compromise. What astounds me are those squishy moderates who can’t make up their mind which side they will support – always holding out for a Neville Chamberlain deal that will make everything “alright” but refusing to actually acknowledge the stalemate that exists and the futility of thinking otherwise.

    1. Whimsical (appropriately named), every time I read your comments, I see despair, hopelessness, fickleness (whimsicalness), darkness and reasons for the unreached to run away from you. Prove me wrong.

      1. Estovir/Tom
        Every time i read your self righteous comments i see another priest cornholing a young boy.

        Prove me wrong.

        1. Director of Modesto LGBTQ+ organization among those arrested in child predator sting

          Former president of northern B.C. pride organization charged with committing child-sex crimes

          Seems to be a trend going on. As Gays Against Groomers points out, there are people within the gay community who are using their positions to sexually exploiting children. These groomers need to be called out.
          Note, this is nothing against the gay community, but those sick individuals who prey on children.
          If this is not fought against, given enough time, woke leftists who try to use the gay community to groom children, they will exceed anything those priests did.

          1. Note, this is nothing against the gay community, but those sick individuals who prey on children.

            Thinking the worst about people that define their existence on their particular fetish, is just common sense.

      2. We all k now that the prog/left indoctrinate are incapable of acknowledging facts but live in that soon-to-be-realized utopia of socialist/progressive control (in many ways you remind me of the desperate islamic jihadist who is willing to do the despicable in order to attain a promised paradise of 100 virgins) In fact, I find little difference between the twisted illogic of hamas and their supporters and the virulent hate emanating from most prog/left indoctrinated fanatics roaming our streets and obstructing our livelihoods all in the name of their imagined belief in whatever nonsense the prog/left uses for their brainwashing.

    2. “whimsicalmama” we are not all obligated to be in one camp or the other.

      We are not obligated to anything.
      But when the election comes we only have the choices that are on our ballots.
      We have Trump with his flaws.
      And Biden with his.
      As well as the other candidates that have their policies and no chance of being elected.
      I likely will vote my conscience, and that means not voting republican or democrat.
      That is what I did in 2020 and 2016.
      And I am proud of that.
      I voted for people who would have been far better presidents than either of these two.

      But presuming that you are not going to vote for the candidate that most reflects your values, but the one likely to get elected that most reflects your values – then you are correct – the only choice is Trump.

      But most any measure – Trump is the lessor evil.

      We can make abortion illegal from the moment of cenception nationwide.
      We can make homosexuality illegal again.
      We can entirely eliminate affirmative action.
      We can never convict a police officer of police brutality.
      We can return to the 50’s

      And we will still have far less of a mess than with Biden

      But that is NOT what will happen if Trump is elected.

      We know exactly what will happen if Trump is elected,
      He will do his damnedst to do exactly what he says he will do.

      Secure the border, deport illegal immigrants.
      Extract us from the neocon role as policman of the world, and quit using the US military as the means of fixing foreign policy mistakes.
      Contain china.
      Unshakle business.
      End as much of this woke nonsense as possible.

      That is not my idea of the perfect president.
      But it is a damn site better than Biden.

  12. Little can be done about a corrupt media. However, politicians and lemmings, like schumer, pelosi and brandon who repeat the narrative, should be held to account after the truth is confirmed. They should be confronted at their next press conference.

    1. Sharks don’t attack each other…the corrupt media will never confront Team Blue leadership about Blue or media corruption.

  13. The entire federal government is taking on the persona of joe Biden. Lie about everything and let the press magnify or cover it up.
    As far as J6 select committee is concerned, why were the private depositions which were filmed now unable to be found and all we have is the “written record” that is heavily abridged if even available. That’s like the FBI taking notes in an interrogation instead of filming it. If we can have videotaping done in civil depositions out in the real world, why is the FBI so reticent to film interrogations. Obviously it is not illegal to do so as multiple police departments around the country film their interrogations.
    Seems to me it would be within the right of any person interrogated by congress or the FBI would to have a videotape of their testimony and custody of said tape copy afterword.
    The only exception to this that I could see was if national security was involved.
    Having reviewed thousands upon thousand of pages of records of medical records, depositions, medical panel discussions, (required in some states before a malpractice suit can be filed), and given court testimony, there is a lot of information lost in not viewing the person as they are interrogated. Body language and voice analysis can give a wholly different impression from a dry written record. Especially in a CUT and PASTE world.
    When you sit in a room and interrogate 20-40 people per day about a medical condition or conditions, how they react is about as important as to what they say.

    1. I was involved in a dispute once and when I received the investigation report, the cop had completely mischaracterized what i had said. Even misquoted me several times, on very substantive points that completely changed the narrative.

      The report also documented that somehow, his body cam had “turned itself off”.

      1. It’s shocking how misleading and sometimes just plain false many police reports are, as if the officer that wrote a report wasn’t paying attention to the witness at all, or just decided to write up a report based upon some other agenda rather than an accurate account of what actually occurred.
        Being an armed enforcer subject to unexpected dangers at any moment while simultaneously being a stenographer is a tough job — a VERY tough job — but it seems like there are a signifiant number of police officers that make it tougher than it has to be.

    2. Perfection is not possible – but we can do better.

      I have ZERO problems with Hunter Biden being deposed in private.
      But the transcripts should be released, and video should be recorded for the record.

  14. With each passing day, it seems that the Joetard administration — especially the degenerate DOJ — and corrupt media are sinking lower and lower — politically, intellectually, and morally.

    In the process, they’re making critics of Trump look pretty stupid. It’s like they go ballistic over Trump having mustard stains on his shirt (figuratively speaking) while ignoring that virtually everyone in the Joetard administratioin as BLOOD stains on their own shirts (not necessarily figuratively speaking).

    1. The trouble is that apparently sentient Americans seem to be a rapidly diminishing segment of the population. If people WON’T think, there’s no way to make them.

      You can’t fix “stupid,” especially if you won’t.

  15. What Biden’s team and the media, especially NBC, did should be criminal or at least actionable legally. To say that the Texas State team wouldn’t allow the rescue of a drowning woman and her children is defamation of the worst kind. Think it is bad to be called a racist, homophobe or anti-Semite? Which of course it is. Well imagine having the world told that you allowed people, kids no less, to drown and having it done so that Biden can make a lame case in order to facilitate more illegals entering our country.

    As I have said before, the economy will fix itself at some point, crime will abate after locals wake up, the Ukraine-Russia war will conclude somehow, Israel will prevail in Gaza and the fake “Climate Crises” will dissolve of it’s own weight and absurdity. But after all those issues are past us we will still have Biden’s 10 MILLION illegals here forever. The country is being destroyed from within by Biden, Mayorkas and the leftist little girls running the Biden administration.

    1. HullBobby,
      They will never be held accountable. They will just spread their lies, then when confronted with the facts, they will just ignore it and move on to their next lie.

  16. The reason for the open border is not to recruit new Democrats for a fading party, although this may happen to some small extent, nbut, instead, is intended to flood cities like NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, etc. with migrants who then are counted in the official census. It is that census that determines how many seats in Congress are afforded those cities and even though the migrants, as illegal aliens, cannot vote (in most instances), their presence ensures that the Democrats that run these crime-ridden cities do not lose their seats because citizens are fleeing the cities. As former FBI agent Peter Strock might say, “It’s an insurance policy.” But the next census is years away and there’s plenty of time to turn this around and send the migrants home.

    1. JJC, that’s a good point. While deportation is my preferred choice, perhaps another 3/5ths-style compromise is in the works.

      1. Interesting. I see opportunity where you see deportation. Evangelization, showing them the Way, remodeling, mentoring, accompanying, teaching immigrants who fled tyranny are easy pickings. But then again, according to whimsicalmama and wendybar, Im squishy and live in futility.

        1. Estovir, you’re by no means ‘squishy’. However, if my swiss cheese memory serves correctly today, there’s a US policy that allows Cubans to establish an asylum claim simply by arriving on US territory. No other foreign national has that policy/promise available…each must establish that asylum claim via a port of entry or US embassy/consulate in their home country. With that said, are you asking those who immigrated here via the legal process, including your own family, to overlook the illegal part of newcomers arriving without paperwork and allow them to stay so long as someone legally here ‘accompanies, mentors, and teaches’ them? Is there any line to be drawn when it comes to who’s allowed to stay after they’ve set foot on US territory?

          1. However, if my swiss cheese memory serves correctly today, there’s a US policy that allows Cubans to establish an asylum claim simply by arriving on US territory.

            Swiss cheese indeed! Barack Obama cancelled that asylum law. Why? Out of concern of refugees safety. What a guy! Meanwhile no word from Biden’s Handlers on the thousands of illegal immigrants dying in transit to the US Border

            On January 12, 2017, Barack Obama announced the immediate end of the policy following concerns about the safety of immigrants risking their lives to cross the straits of Florida into the U.S.[2][3][4]


            If anything I’ll gladly take 10 immigrants in exchange for every sociopath like Tom “you rape them, I corn-hole them” Psychopath, and drop him in the middle of Nicaragua. He wouldnt last 15 seconds without the internet.

        2. I see opportunity where you see deportation.

          Estovir, I also saw an opportunity through compromise. Sanctuary states should not be rewarded with increased representation in Congress and businesses should not be rewarded with the influx of cheap labor. I would place the entire burden of illegal immigration on the states adopting sanctuary status and their citizens. Additionally, I would shutdown any business paying illegal immigrants outside of a recognized payroll system and impose fines at twice their annual total payroll costs for any illegal immigrant paid less than the wages paid to that of the highest paid legal citizen employee. Arbitrary? Sure, I don’t f*cking care.

          Evangelization, showing them the Way, role-modeling, mentoring, accompanying, teaching immigrants who fled tyranny are easy pickings.

          Easy pickings, eh? They’re here, currently protected by the federal government from deportation. Protected by sanctuary cities and states. In essence, they are more secure in their “rights” right now than the average citizen. What incentive is there for them to in effect, assimilate?

          1. Olly, assimilation is critical, but there is no assimilation when immigrants are permitted to break the law and obtain money, healthcare, and education that, in essence, is stolen from our citizens. The first thing I would do is remove all benefits to illegal aliens. If they have family here, the family can pay for them. I would deny their children citizenship.

            I am not happy with this situation, but the blame belongs to Biden for permitting such a disaster to happen. Let those glad to see the illegal entry to America provide the charitable care for them that these people desire. They have impoverished some Americans and made it so other immigrants will not be permitted LEGAL immigration.

            There is a way to handle many of these people today. Permit them to obtain temporary worker status, which permits them to remain in the country on a temporary basis. Return those without that status to their home countries.

            We need immigrants, and for the most part, immigrants who are desirable and screened are valuable, but we don’t need those who violate our laws the second they illegally set foot in the nation.

            1. Seth, I don’t believe for a second that the Democratic party has concocted this immigration scheme for humanitarian purposes. Since we know by their actions that they care about one thing and one thing only…power, then cut off any path their illegal immigration scheme would lead to increasing their power. I would start by prohibiting the counting of illegal immigrants for representation in federal, state and local governments. I would require any sanctuary jurisdiction to cover the “humanitarian” costs for the illegal immigrants. ZERO federal funding for illegal immigrants. I would punish employers that hire illegal immigrants in two ways: 1. if they’ve been provided temporary worker status, require the employer to pay them a minimum wage equivalent to the highest hourly wage earner. 2. any employer that pays an undocumented worker “off the books”, will be subject to immediate civil asset forfeiture and their business practice will be suspended until the case is resolved. Before you know it, sanctuary jurisdictions will be sending their illegal immigrants on chartered 737 Max airplanes back to their country of origin.

              1. I agree with your comments. Another thing I would add is to force employers to cover healthcare costs of non-citizens so that the costs are reflected in the finished product.

                We need to construct a plan for temporary work status that does not permit costs to be born by society.

              2. Denying citizenship to children born here would require a constitutional amendment. So would excluding certain people from the census. And that means 2/3 of the house and senate, as well as majorities in both houses of 38 state legislatures. Not possible without support from the Democrats.

                Though if you did somehow get the numbers for an amendment to the census, don’t focus it on illegal immigrants, do it the way it should have been done in the first place: only count people who are eligible to vote under their state’s laws. If they’d done it that way there would have been no need for amendments to limit the states’ control of the franchise. It could be up to states whether to allow black people to vote, or women, or felons, or under-21s, under-18s, etc. But the more they limit the franchise the smaller their counted population, and thus their representation.

                The 14th amendment groped towards something a little like this, but unnecessarily complicated, and in any case that clause was never implemented because it was overridden by the 15th before the next census.

          2. So no evangelization. Got it. Understood.

            They’re here, currently protected by the federal government from deportation. Protected by sanctuary cities and states. In essence, they are more secure in their “rights” right now than the average citizen.

            The Feds policy regarding current open borders is inhumane towards immigrants and Americans, esp for health reasons, as I have stated many times. But to portray them the way you and conservatives do, would be akin to someone arguing that over 50% of Americans are dead weight, suck the resources out of working Americans and are bankrupting the medical system.

            What incentive is there for them to in effect, assimilate?

            What incentive is there for you to grow as a person, to evolve, to be wiser, holier, more perfect as a Christian? Because its the right thing to do. Likewise with immigrants. They wish to assimilate because they dream just like you do. They wish to maximize their opportunities in America. Immigrants assimilate in the best way they can just like my parents did with a 3rd grade education, no English, no marketable job skills, and no family / friends in America. How did I turn out?

            My patients are largely immigrants, many undocumented for years, and work harder than most Americans I know. They never complain, they attend church, care for their own and are honorable people. Are some law breakers? Are Americans? By and large immigrants with whom I interface regularly are good people. Help them and that will pay off in spades for America down the road, just like with all immigrants historically. We are immigrants who came here out of desperation

            1. “What incentive is there for them to in effect, assimilate?”

              What incentive is there for a person to get a job if welfare exists? Permitting illegal immigration gets rid of the incentive for people to enter this country legally. All the perks incentivize illegal immigration.

              “They wish to assimilate because they dream just like you do.”

              Many do, but assimilation requires the use of the English language and following the law. Illega entry into the US is teaching everyone that lawbreaking is acceptable.

              ” Immigrants assimilate in the best way they can just like my parents did “

              So did my wife and many members of my family. All of them entered legally. Some were not permitted to enter because the US had quotas on the number of immigrants permitted to enter. My wife lived in a tent during the winter waiting for entry and she could prove that she was escaping from political retribution. She even smuggled classified documents from the east to the west. When the borders were closed many others like her ended up in Canada, Israel and many other countries of the world.

              Your case is nonsense. The US cannot be responsible for the billions of people around the globe.

              Most immigrants are wonderful people, but that doesn’t give them a right to break laws.

            2. Estovir, there’s a time and place to discuss the many ways to evangelize, but extending that compassion is not my first concern when those that want it don’t wait for it lawfully. My primary concern is the law. My philosophy on the law is best explained by Frederic Bastiat. This quote from him is just a sample:

              The Complete Perversion of the Law
              But, unfortunately, law by no means confines itself to its proper functions. And when it has exceeded its proper functions, it has not done so merely in some inconsequential and debatable matters. The law has gone further than this; it has acted in direct opposition to its own purpose. The law has been used to destroy its own objective: It has been applied to annihilating the justice that it was supposed to maintain; to limiting and destroying rights which its real purpose was to respect. The law has placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish, without risk, to exploit the person, liberty, and property of others. It has converted plunder into a right, in order to protect plunder. And it has converted lawful defense into a crime, in order to punish lawful defense.

              How has this perversion of the law been accomplished? And what have been the results?

              The law has been perverted by the influence of two entirely different causes: stupid greed and false philanthropy. Let us speak of the first.

            3. Estovir, your parents followed US law to immigrate legally, correct? They were required to be economically self-sufficiant or sponsered by a charity willing to provide basic needs until they became self-sufficient and legal citizens, correct? Within this thread you don’t give any indication you share your parents value judgements. You rhetorically asked, “Are some lawbreakers?”. There’s simply no way to get around the fact that yes, those who don’t arrive legally are by definition “law breakers”. Everyone on this blog supports and encourages people who come here by following US law including (what should be obvious) your parents, since they did just that. Millions of invaders are not following US law yet that appears to be ok with you because most are “good people”. We disagree that ‘good people’ can start their new lives with their very first action being ignoring their new countries immigration laws then never be held accountable for that. It tells me more about their character than any number of contributions they may eventually produce. It’s encouraging to hear you say that you’d personally support 10 “legal” immigrants get their start and you should be applauded for doing so. That’s already built into US immigration law. Where we disagree is if you mean any/every illegal alien should be supported by taxpayers for breaking US law to get here regardless of how ‘good’ they might be, regardless of how much they may one day contribute to the greater good. Surely, as a law-abiding citizen yourself, you can appreciate that perspective.

              1. You’re doing switch bait, which tells me you are not interested in an intellectual discussion on this point. You threw in my face “wet foot, dry foot”, provided you with the facts in how Obama killed that law, you failed to mention it, then moved on to the usual shtick of “legally arrived”

                Every Cuban who arrived in the US did so illegally. We simply showed up. The Feds processed us over time, Miami’s Freedom Tower in my case. The Catholic Diocese of Miami provided us the guidance. Decades later Cubans came to run Miami

                Every immigrant that flees their nation and shows up at our shores, ports, airports and borders, does so illegally – they have no US Customs permit, no US papers, no sponsors, etc to be here, e.g. Italians, Irish, Poles, Cubans, etc. The “legal immigration” argument is a red herring.

                As for the usual “learn English” canard, also red herring. People can not learn a second language if they dont know their original language as to grammar, rules, etc. Dezi Arnaz knew no English when he arrived illegally to Miami and lived in a warehouse infested with rats with his father, illegally, until he made it big as a singer in Miami Beach

                Olly, God shows us compassion and mercy, in spite of our not deserving these.

                Get off the internet, go volunteer for one week at a clinic, shelter, food bank, where immigrants are being processed. Come back and tell us what you learned.

                Today was my day in clinic. All of my patients except one were immigrants, all hard workers, support their children, traditional family values, humility, God fearing, never complained about anything. They are the hope of America.

                Now Im off to campus to teach a grad course in the medical sciences, 20+ students, most of whom are children of immigrants.

                1. That’s quite the high horse you’re riding, friend. “Every immigrant that flees their nation and shows up at our shores, ports, airports and borders, does so illegally…The “legal immigration” argument is a red herring.” If that’s true, then why did your family immigrate legally?

                  I never once mentioned “learn English”. But since you brought it up, the fastest way for any foreign national, legal or not, to assimilate in any other country is to learn the dominant language as quicly as possible. Would you be as succesful a doctor today if you didn’t speak the dominant language here? That you kept your heritage language is commendable but not unexpected.

                  There was no bait and switch on my part. I responded to what you said. Not everything, of course, but living in flyover country doesn’t require me to prioritize the Cuban crisis the same way you might. Obama was wrong to stop the policy. From what I see online today, it was resumed in 2022.

                  The part I don’t understand is why you come accross as so personally defensive, almost angrily so, against people who want other people to respect US law to come here legally. Does this attitude make you a better person than those who disagree with you?

                  1. JAFO immigration is good. We need it, but we need it done legally based on the nation’s needs. The initial Cuban influx was fantastic. That is when one part of my family came to the US. Later, Castro dumped the undesirable, criminal, and sick population, which wasn’t so good for America.

                    My wife came from another part of the globe. When the numbers permitting access expanded, she went to the US. That was not a guarantee of entry. They examined each applicant for asylum to make sure that people would be healthy and could support themselves. Today, we have to worry about terrorism, drug and sex trafficking, and disease.

                    You probably worked all your life and put more into the nation than you took out. You are likely charitable as well. Olly served in the Navy, and then working in the private sector put more money into the nation than he likely took out. No one should be telling either of you to work in a food bank. If that is what you want, that is good, but your productive capabilities are what increase America’s standard of living. I know this is true based on what I learned about you on the blog.

                    What I find notable is Estovir’s ability to devalue what both of you have done and tell us that “They [immigrants] are the hope of America.” Good Americans are the hope of America, and when immigrants come to our nation and perform spectacularly, it is because Americans created a country that could magnify the talent that came to our shores. If they migrated to Cuba, Russia, or North Korea, we would not see such spectacular results.

                  2. That’s quite the high horse you’re riding, friend. “Every immigrant that flees their nation and shows up at our shores, ports, airports and borders, does so illegally…The “legal immigration” argument is a red herring.” If that’s true, then why did your family immigrate legally?

                    I wasn’t aware that English was your second language. Is pig-latin your first or just gibberish? I wrote, and this time read it slowly:

                    Every Cuban who arrived in the US did so illegally. We simply showed up.

                    We. Unless if you’re Woke, “we” is first person plural which is to say my family is included. ayUn-ay-der-aystand?

                    Seems like the horse you’re riding threw you off and I suspect that happened when you scolded Professor Turley starting months ago, and numerous times since then, that he needed to leave the Democrat Party because …..JAFO says so. No, that wasn’t a high horse you were riding. You were just being an ass. As if you were in any position to demanding anything from anyone, never mind scolding our host as to which political party he should support. If you had first hand experience with Marxism you’d know better.

                    …the fastest way for any foreign national, legal or not, to assimilate in any other country is to learn the dominant language as quicly (sic) as possible.

                    Would you be as succesful (sic) a doctor today….

                    You see, JAFO, it doesn’t take a special talent, a high IQ, a great ethos, to insult, be crass, disparage or otherwise demean. Anyone can do it. On rare occasion, I can be especially good at it given I’ve had to fight bigots like you since I was a child. You may not be Christian, at least I have seen no evidence to support that crazy notion, but Confucius had some wise words that you should consider:

                    People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks

                    It’s bigots like you that get me going, for which I thank you. Truly

    2. @JJC

      Oh, there are many benefits to the dems. The only downside to the party is if the people in question don’t stay in what the dems have decided are approved, demarcated areas. Prior to the likes of Abbott their ivory towns were secured, hence the resulting Biden admin’s animosity. They wouldn’t be cutting razor wire if it were up around the boroughs or DC, and they’d likely be just fine if it were on the *northeastern* side of Texas rather than the south. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  17. Now do Jan 6.
    Viewing the released Jan 6 video, it has revealed Testimony by Pelosi’s head of security against Oath Keepers,
    ” While Lazarus testified that he saw Dunn with the Oath Keepers — a claim that Baker said “bolstered” Dunn’s testimony — Baker reported that Lazarus “couldn’t have” seen Dunn with the Oath Keepers because the CCTV videos show Lazarus “was in another building a quarter of a mile away” at that time.”

    Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
    False in part false in total

    Purjury in a criminal trial. That’s just how the Dems roll

    But trust them. The Jan 6 committee was 100% legit, Honest, it was.

    1. Is this enough to seek to overturn the convictions? In any event, this apparent perjury warrants further investigation and possibly prosecution.

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