Fani Willis Accuses Wife of Alleged Lover of Being an Adulterer and Political Conspirator

In a surprising filing, Fulton County’s district attorney Fani Willis has accused the estranged wife of her alleged lover of conspiring to undermine the Trump prosecution by seeking her deposition in the messy divorce case of Nathan Wade. Willis, again, does not deny having an affair with Wade, who she appointed lead prosecutor in the case. Instead, she accuses Joycelyn Wade of an affair that broke up the marriage and suggests that she is coordinating with Trump forces to interfere with the prosecution.

Willis is accused of major ethical violations in appointing her alleged lover to the position as she went on lavish vacations with him. She previously denounced those raising obvious ethical concerns as being racist due to the fact that both Willis and Wade are black. She did not, however, deny the intimate relationship or the allegation that Wade paid for her vacation expenses.

At issue in the filing is the demand for a pretrial deposition in the divorce case of Nathan and Joycelyn Wade on January 23. Willis’ counsel leveled a full attack on the motivations and associations of Joycelyn Wade. She accused Joycelyn Wade of  having an adulterous relationship with a longtime friend of Nathan Wade’s.

Willis’ counsel Cinque Axam then added that Joycelyn Wade “has conspired with interested parties in the criminal election interference case to use the civil discovery process to annoy, embarrass and oppress District Attorney Willis.”

The filing noted that the allegations against Willis were used by Trump codefendant Mike Roman to seek judicial review and remedy for the alleged conflict of interest. A hearing has now been set by the court for Feb. 28th.

Willis bases her conspiracy theory on the fact that, on January 8, Roman’s filing was made public and on the same day, she was served a subpoena and there was a move to unseal the Wades’ divorce case.

That certainly makes this all a bit different from the usual “other woman” element in the divorce case. However, it is not a smart move. The level of animus and vexatious language in the filing only magnifies the concern over the Willis-Wade relationship. By attacking the estranged wife of her alleged lover, Willis only increases concerns over the professional separation between Willis and Wade in making decisions in the case.

Accusing the estranged wife of your alleged lover of being a political conspirator is about as compelling as accusing people raising ethical concerns of being virulent racists.

For example, if Wade were to exceed his authority or act unprofessionally in the case, Willis would be forced to take action against not only an alleged lover but someone she has had to defend as the ideal choice for the position. Their personal relationship would presumably weigh in the balance in any supervisory review or decision.

Likewise, if Willis was taken on vacations by Wade and their relationship is continuing, the termination of his contract could have an economic impact on Willis.

In the end, the accusatory motion was a mistake in my view. Willis could have objected to the necessity of the deposition on factual and legal grounds (as she does) without escalating the rhetoric and recriminations.

Here is the motion to quash: Cobb_Superior_21108166_Motion

122 thoughts on “Fani Willis Accuses Wife of Alleged Lover of Being an Adulterer and Political Conspirator”

  1. Fanni Willis, Alvin Bragg, and Letticia James – all deserve to be disbarred from the practice of law. It’s not ethical for Prosecutors to use their offices to go after people for political reasons. These crimes Trump has been charged with are all made up crimes, you’ve got these GOP Trump hating prosecutors dreaming up reasons to file charges on Trump, criminal and civil. This is Banana Republic like stuff, being done by prosecutors who are so wacky I would describe them as something out of a comic book.

  2. Jerry Springer has gotten really boring lately.
    What? This isn’t the Jerry Springer Show?
    I could’ve sworn this was the Jerry Springer Show…


  3. If you have seen the ex-wife you would see that not only is he involved in a kickback scheme with his sugar mama, but he actually downgraded in doing so. And by the by, since the ex is also black, how is that racist? Oh wait, it is like Al Sharpton once said of Clarence Thomas. “Yes, Clarence Thomas is a black man, but he’s not the right kind of black man”.

  4. No person sins in private and such actions always have consequences and usually hurt others. I am amazed at politicians who think that they are not under a microscope and those who email private thoughts and information with no concern how that information might be intercepted and published. I never voted for Bill Clinton, but I happen to think he is one of the most gifted politicians in recent history. For any good that he did during his Presidency, his reputation will always be scarred by him abusing his office to have sex with “that woman” and for his Potomac two step, “It depends what the definition of is, is.”

    I sat on a national board and our attorney told us at the beginning of each year, “When you call, write, or email anyone, assume that the information you are transmitting will be in the front page of the New York Times.

    Now, we know that Mr, Wade was getting “preferred treatment” both financially and in other ways. The taxpayers must demand that this witch hunt be shut down and the misused funds restored. If any crimes were committed, they should be prosecuted. There must be a detailed audit done for every penny spent by that office.

    What is “fun” to watch is when a politician gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar. They behave like a first grader trying to avoid doing the right thing by simply saying, “I own my behavior. I accept responsibility. I apologize. I will resign and if any funds have been misused, I will restore them to the tax payers.” But, that will never happen as politics attracts narcissists who can never accept personal responsibility.

    1. Um, of course daughter of ex-black panther, fani willis is in the country. Where ELSE would she be? After all her lover’s here.

    2. More from Willis: “Ahh, but the strawberries! That’s – that’s where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with – geometric logic – that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist!”

  5. Cruise photos – delete, delete, delete. No more pictures of their margaritas, no twerking shots, no baked alaska shots. It’s like a floating Waffle House out there.

  6. Is Wade’s wife a public official? I thought not. She is not obliged to further the prosecution or to spare Fani embarrassment.

    Somebody needs to tell Fani that the divorce is about money and if she is directly or indirectly the beneficiary of the money paid to Wade, she is fair game. It’s a lot of money.

  7. Anyone care to bet Willis and Wade are right now deleting emails and text messages or destroying their phones?
    Perhaps getting advice from a certain person on the use of Bleach Bit?

    1. Call “Hillary’s Iron Mountain Services” at 1-800-BleachBit

      Guaranteed Destruction or Sandy Berger Will Retrieve all Pertinent Records

  8. I will eagerly await her written statements to the judge and her hearing later in February, if she does not resign between now and then.

  9. This isn’t about an affair. She laundered vacations through this unapproved special prosecutor, who billed her for meeting with Joe Biden to discuss how to nail Trump. His billing is evidence of Biden lying about this lawsuit not being political. This woman is as stupid and corrupt as Biden and just like Biden, has no problem using the race card or lying like Biden

    1. Say, I was just wondering. Do Affirmative Action Law students have to study the law of unintended consequences?

  10. Complete trash!

    I am judging them on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

  11. “In the end, the accusatory motion was a mistake in my view. Willis could have objected to the necessity of the deposition on factual and legal grounds (as she does) without escalating the rhetoric and recriminations.” ~ Turley

    But it isn’t a mistake when Willis is more interested in trying the case in the court of public opinion.

  12. Oh come on Professor Turley, you can’t expect black women to be perfect. Isn’t that Fani’s defense? Perfection is only required of white male Republicans.

    1. I’m sorry to have to correct you but the propaganda narrative is that Republican white males are unredeemable and should therefore be removed from society.

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