Wisconsin-Madison Under Fire Over Mandatory Anti-Racism Training

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is at the center of another controversy this week over its diversity training program. The mandatory diversity training at Wisconsin instructs students that “people of color” are incapable of being racist. That claim has long been voiced by radical elements in academia, but its incorporation into a mandatory training program has raised new questions over the leadership of President Jennifer Mnookin, a former UCLA law professor, and Law Dean Daniel Tokaji.

This training is part of the ABA Standard 303’s requirement for all law schools and was presented by consultant Debra Leigh, Vice President for Cultural fluency, equity, & inclusion at St. Cloud Technical & Community College.

The controversy was featured on a couple of conservative sites such as College Fix  after law students complained about the first-year law student training. Leigh has long been controversial for her views, including that those who claim to be “colorblind” are racist.

The required reading list for student “Re-Orientation” includes instruction on indications of “white guilt, denial or defensiveness.” It then explains how “People of color, as a social group, do not have the societal, institutional power to oppress white people as a group. An individual person of color abusing a white person – while clearly wrong, (no person should be insulted, hurt, etc.) is acting out a personal racial prejudice, not racism.”

Thus, people who have accused figures like Leigh of being racist in her own writings are categorically wrong and racist themselves. No matter what Leigh says about white people, she cannot be racist.

The explanation in the material is self-serving and shallow. The idea that racism is premised on the ability to yield power is not accepted by many, if not most, citizens. Racism is a matter of prejudice, not power. It is racism whether it is in a country, state, or city dominated politically by whites or racial minorities. It is an expression of ignorance and hate that uses the racial identity of others as the basis for claiming inferior or dangerous qualities.

The site also identified other controversial claims, including how seeking to learn about racism can be racist. Leigh explains that “I want to stop acting like a racist, so please tell me when I do something you think is racist,” is a “common racist [attitude]” or behavior.

She is quoted as adding “While it is vitally important for white anti-racists to work with other white people, this detour again results in white people controlling the direction and focus of anti-racist work.”

The controversy could not come at a worse time for the university, which recently agreed (after considerable debate and pushback) to cut down on its diversity-related materials in exchange for $800 million in funding from the state. The board originally refused the money rather than cut back on the training before finally yielding to the pressure.

The immediate responsibility for the training material falls on the shoulders of Tokaii, whose staff approved this mandatory training and presumably reviewed the material in advance. If they did not, they are equally at fault.

The University issued a response to the College Fix that stated:

“The session was interactive, with ample opportunities for students to engage in dialogue with each other. A core goal was to help students develop their critical thinking skills with respect to these topics.

We do not expect students to automatically accept the views expressed in the document referred to, any more than they would the reasoning of a legal brief, judicial opinion, or their professors… Accordingly, we welcome and encourage vigorous debate over important questions of law and policy, and this session provided a forum for such discourse.”

However, the pamphlet does not present these claims as springboards for discussion, but as facts to be learned in the mandatory training. The pamphlet entitled “Common Racist Attitudes and Behaviors that Indicate a Detour or Wrong Turn into White Guilt, Denial or Defensiveness,” lists 28 potential hazards for well-meaning white people on their redemptive journey.

It starts with the affirmative statements:

“Below is a list of 28 common racist attitudes and behaviors that indicate a detour or wrong turn into white guilt, denial or defensiveness. Each is followed by a statement that is a reality check and consequence for harboring such attitudes.”

It rails against “colorblindness” as a tool of white racial evasion that “negates the cultural values, norms, expectations and life experiences of people of color” and “denies the people of colors’ experience of racism and your experience of privilege.”

These are controversial and contested views that the University of Wisconsin is training law students to accept. There is no indication in the material that these are offered for debate.

Universities are facing increasing legal action for the diversity programs. Recently, we discussed how Penn State lost a critical motion in a lawsuit brought by a faculty member.

Likewise, at Johns Hopkins Hospital chief diversity officer Sherita Golden issued an apology after an outcry over her “privilege” list from the Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity program.

The newsletter stated

“Privilege is an unearned benefit given to people who are in a specific social group. Privilege operates on personal, interpersonal, cultural and institutional levels, and it provides advantages and favors to members of dominant groups at the expense of members of other groups…

In the United States, privilege is granted to people who have membership in one or more of these social identity groups: White people, able-bodied people, heterosexuals, cisgender people, males, Christians, middle or owning class people, middle-aged people, and English-speaking people.”

What is most disturbing about the Wisconsin material is the inclusion of political viewpoints as categorical examples of racism, including objections to reverse racism. They include statements that:

A. “People of color are just as racist as white people.”

B. “Affirmative action had a role years ago, but today it’s just reverse racism; now it’s discriminating against white men.”

C. “The civil rights movement, when it began, was appropriate, valuable, needed. But it’s gone to the extreme. The playing field is now level. Now the civil rights movement is no longer working for equality but for revenge.”

For a law school to train students that such viewpoints are inherently racist, including the very premise of reverse racism, is chilling for free speech and inimical to the academic duty to protect a diversity of viewpoints on campus.

The material also tells students that reference to the “Rugged Individual, the Level Playing Field and the Bootstrap Theory” are all racist tropes. Indeed, they are present as the “three of the crown jewels of U.S. social propaganda.”

How is that fostering “discourse,” as claimed by the university? They are stated affirmatively as the object of the training. The suggestion is that students are to adopt and recite, not debate and challenge such viewpoints.

The suggestion that this is a sounding board for discussion is refuted by even a cursory review of the material. Students are given facts to be learned and the material attacks those who question these facts as demonstrably racist. Even those who espouse anti-racist viewpoints are reminded that they remain racist:

“You righteously consider yourselves white people who have evolved beyond our racist conditioning. This is another level of denial. There are no ‘exceptional white people.’ You may have attended many anti-racism workshops; you may not be shouting racist epithets or actively discriminating against people of color, but you still experience privilege based on your white skin color. You benefit from this system of oppression and advantage no matter what your intentions are. This distancing serves only to divide you from potential allies and limit your own learning.”

To question such material on campuses today is to invite cancel campaigns and a pariah status. Few professors want to risk such controversy, which can sharply curtail academic opportunities and even the renewal of academic contracts.

Yet, this training is now being replicated in many other schools. It is part of a rising orthodoxy in higher education. There are important elements to this material which should be part of a dialogue on campuses. Those, however, are lost by the heavy-handed indoctrination shown in this material.

113 thoughts on “Wisconsin-Madison Under Fire Over Mandatory Anti-Racism Training”

  1. This is absurd. If I were a black person, I would hate white people, and in this country they have every right to. Sorry, fellow honk-person Americans. As a race, we suck (except for you and me, of course…).

  2. No racism without whites?

    How do they explain rampant racism in black Africa, Hutu v Tutsi or Somali v Kenyans?

    As for the Pygmies, they aren’t even considered human by many black Africans.

    The country was making progress on this issue before Obama was elected. That progress was why he was elected. But it was a terrible mistake and racism as a focus of nearly everything has only increased since his ‘fundamental transformation’ of America.

    They may be dancing on a seismic fault. Increasingly whites, Hispanics and Asians are thinking they have had enough of this black crap.

  3. Abduction, detainment, bondage, servitude, slavery, etc., must not exist and are illegal in America.

    Americans enjoy the freedoms of speech, press, thought, opinion, discernment, perspective, choice, discrimination, etc.

    The American thesis is freedom and self-reliance, under severely limited and restricted government.

    Americans enjoy the freedoms of travel, pilgrimage, research, inquiry, sabbatical, discovery, serendipity, etc.

    It is said that Congo is nice this time of year.

  4. “. . . mandatory diversity training . . .”

    Nazis to Jews: No matter what you do, you’re guilty — because genetics.

    Diversity hucksters to whites: No matter what you do, you’re guilty — because genetics.

    Someone care to explain the difference? Or to consider the consequences.

  5. Jonathan: Many on this blog reacted strongly to your previous column attacking the LA Times. Some call CA a “failed state” dominated by “progressive” snow flakes who don’t know the first thing about running a state. Now if you want to look at a state that has actually “failed” its citizens you need look no further than the state of Florida. What’s that about?

    Earlier this week FL Sen. Ileana Garcia, a firm DJT supporter who won her last election by only 47 votes, proposed a bill to use $5 million in taxpayer money to pay for DJT’s legal bills. That’s right. Garcia dubbed her bill the “Grants for Victims of Political Discrimination”– thinking the innocuous title would fool voters. It didn’t fool other FL politicians nor the press who were all over Garcia for her antics. But Garcia said the fund was necessary because “left-wing prosecutors” are trying to steal the 2024 election from DJT.

    Gov. DeSantis quickly intervened and said he would veto Garcia’s bill if it passed. He finally had the good sense to realize that voters in FL would be outraged by such a proposal. After his disgraceful exit from the GOP nomination, DJT had some kind things about the Gov. That temporary detente is now over.

    And some other FL politicians had their own take on Garcia’s attempt to use taxpayer money to aid DJT. Dem. Party Chair Nikki Fried, had this to say: “Back at home…people can’t afford property insurance, kids will go hungry over the summer, teacher pay is 48th in the nation, yet this is how the Republicans want to spend YOUR money!”.

    Now back in California you would never see a State Senator proposing a bill like that of Garcia’s. That’s because CA politicians don’t want to waste taxpayer money. That’s the difference between a “progressive” state and a “failed” state like Fl.

    1. “Gov. DeSantis quickly intervened and said he would veto Garcia’s bill if it passed. “

      That demonstrates how fast and correctly the State of Florida acts. Yet, in California, with big rivers, snowy mountains, and a long coastline with the Pacific, decades go by without making sure there are adequate water supplies.

      Dennis, thank you for showing how beautifully the State of Florida reacts. DeSantis is great as well. Newsom is articulate but dumber than a pile of bricks.

      1. 🤣 That’s a perfect response to that idiotic nonsense. He had one thing correct; Now back in California you would never see a State Senator proposing a bill like that of Garcia’s. They would never propose a ridiculous tax that would be of benefit to hardworking taxpayers. This state (my state) is run by communists. So yes, with big rivers, snowy mountains, and a long coastline with the Pacific, decades go by without making sure there are adequate water supplies. Additionally, our California ISO has a power grid that routinely fails demand, leading to rolling blackouts. And while our idiots in the state government are trying to force EV’s on our population, the state is so vulnerable to those blackouts that they are begging EV owners to refrain from charging them. The list of their idiocy is endless.

        1. OLLY,
          Didnt the failed state of CA also spend the taxpayers money to get rid of words like “manhole covers,” and other nonsense like that?
          Was there not some push by CA law makers to normalize sex between a 13 year old and a 23 year old?
          There also was a proposal to use EVs plugged in to charge at home, but when the failed CA electrical grid could not produce enough “green” energy, they would just pull the energy from those EVs.
          Failed state is right.

          1. Yes sir, that and many, many more. The voted down multiple attempts to build desalination plants that would have compensated for their failure to build new reservoirs. One of the most egregious recent projects that was approved is the High Speed Rail. The project estimate that was initially approved was $28 billion to run in the central valley, from Merced to Bakersfield. If you’ve ever been there, that’s a low density population, agricultural area. The traffic running on the I-5 or Hwy 99 do so to run through that corridor, as those areas are largely not destinations for anyone other than truckers. The estimate now on this effing boondoggle is at least $100 billion. There are some entities vacuuming up money that is bankrupt state doesn’t even have.

            1. OLLY,
              Thank you for pointing out all the failures of Democrat ran states and cities.
              There are so many.

              1. Oh, too many to count. And where do these idiots get these ridiculous ideas in the first place? I would suggest we look no further than the globalists at the WEF. The entire lot of them are like a composite of every worst of the worst movie villains gathering in Davos to brainstorm every imaginable way to either control or more likely reduce the global population. Now they’re coming for my coffee! 🤬 “Off with their heads!”

            2. 1998 was the start of a decade-long drought in Israel, which is a desert nation but green with farmland. Israel, far less rich than California, created desalinization plants along with water-conserving management. California is dry, and Israel solved their problem. What is wrong with rich California?

              Yet some non-thinking people want California’s governor to be President of the US.

              1. The thing is Californians know what the problem is, but they’ll continue to vote for these communists because they identify themselves as Democrats. Their voters cannot connect the dots between the failed policies and the totalitarian ideology. Tragically, their wake up call will only come when they experience the full force of this regime.

                    1. My apologies. However, with the exodus from California, an exodus of good minds is also happening. Some fine minds like yours remain to rebuild California when it completely fails

                    2. Unfortunately I’m not still here to nobly hold down the fort. My wife insists we have to stay here for her aging mother.

      2. S. Meyer,
        The failed state of CA is a perfect example of what and how Democrats want to turn the rest of America into.
        You can look at other Democrat ran states and cities for their failures as well.
        With Rampant Public Drug Use, Oregon Backpedals On Decriminalization Law

        They’re Black Democrats. And They’re Suing Chicago Over Migrants.
        “The city greets new arrivals with resources like health screenings and rent support. ‘They’re giving migrants all the things we’ve been asking for since we came here in chains.’”
        Note in this article, many black Democrats are considering sitting out this presidential election or even voting for Trump. That is how Democrat policies in places like CA and cities like Chicago have failed.

      3. S. Meyer: For months DJT pummeled DeSantis with insults and negative ads–forcing him to bow out and withdraw in disgrace after his dismal showing in the Iowa caucus. A good reason for the Gov. to hold a grudge. But even in disgrace DeSantis recognized that endorsing Garcia’s bill would have spelled disaster. There is no way way that FL voters would have endorsed a bill giving DJT taxpayer money for his legal expenses. DeSantis probably talked to Garcia to get her to withdraw her bill so he could claim victory afterwards. DeSantis is a coward. Always has been.

        Now, you say “Newsom is articulate but dumber than a pile of bricks”. How can both things be true?

    2. The biggest Hoot of The Day. Calif is dropping off the clift and $68 billion deficit. “Now back in California you would never see a State Senator proposing a bill like that of Garcia’s. That’s because CA politicians don’t want to waste taxpayer money. That’s the difference between a “progressive” state and a “failed” state like Fl.
      This tells that you have cataract judgments. People are leaving Calif like rats leaving a burning ship.
      US has had a black President for eight years, black DOJ AGs, black congresspeople, most of the US cities have black (mostly Dem females mayors) black chief of police, lck county board of commissioners and black city council members, and the litany could continue. So just cancel the bovine fecal matters. US has since 1964-1965 Acts, spent about $29 TRILLION on welfare, had affirmative actions, tokenisms, reduced standards, reduce testing and no testing, just participation trophies.
      That is one generation of digressing and reducing standards. America is no longer systemically racists. Bur hey you will continue to beat that dead horse. Now for DIE that is simply WOKE socialists communism. If you are concerned about US being white , then go to Africa. Then you be like Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali who when first visited Africa said; “thank God my great great g-father got on that boat”. So now for the real chapping and nerve grating; just condition and reconcile yourself to the fact that if not assassinated, DT will be next elected POTUS. The Dems will never accept that and America will have Un-Civil WII. Remember the flyover people in this nation, as that will be vital to the out come.

    3. Dennis, Your President called Terry McCulliff the REAL Governor of Virginia. Claiming Terry actually won the election, not Youngkin.

      But sure lie about some bill proposed in Flordia

  6. Jonathan: You call what is happening at Madison a “heavy handed” DEI indoctrination program–even though it is mandated by ABA requirements for all law schools. Madison could lose its accreditation if it doesn’t comply. For you, I guess, that might not be a bad thing.

    Never mind. You think, contrary to all the documented evidence, that “[r]acism is a matter of prejudice, not power”. It’s PERSONAL prejudice. Perhaps, you would benefit from taking a course at Madison where you would learn that racism is not just about how you might feel about Black people. Systemic racism has been built into our economic system and social relations since the founding. Racism is ALL about White POWER and privilege. As a White person of power and privilege you are apparently blind to that reality!

  7. I fell asleep reading that tripe. “Critical thinking skills” is advocated by those who can’t.

  8. It would be interesting to know if there is any solid evidence that these training sessions result in expected changes – what ever they may be. The indoctrinational methods employed would seem to be counter productive for all but those that are already receptive to their message.

  9. Everything and anything woke is poison to humanity, and it could only have come from a generation that grew up in the most peaceful and prosperous time on earth. They really do have nothing better to do, and they are privileged little s***s. See the LA Times debacle for evidence (or the NY Times; their former editor put his millennial son in the position), or the fact that Fauci’s daughter worked at Twitter, or Hunter, the poster child for privilege and spoiled brats. We are at the mercy of entitled children in our institutions. It’s our fault.

    Nobody paid attention 15 years ago when it might have made a difference – pay attention now. If you keep electing these elites, this is what we are going to keep getting. Globally. Stop being a ‘progressive’ because it assuages your flimsy conscience (the modern day equivalent of virtue signaling by slapping a sticker on your bumper and thinking you’ve ‘done your part’) in your own comfort and start actually *caring* about other people, *especially* the ones you don’t like very much, because they are also flesh and blood, and what is happening in the world. Human well-being was never intended to be th province of spoiled and delusional young people. Take your dang power back.

      1. @Upstate

        I don’t have to ask that question because I am in years and maturity over the age of fourteen. 😂 No doubt. Really: I think we are seeing the result of people living in prosperous and peaceful times and forgetting what foraging used to mean, literally or metaphorically. My mom, a depression baby, was given ‘health tonic’. These privileged babies can bite me. Sorry to be so blunt, but I don’t care where a person is from, this is madness, and we should know better. I am ashamed of the better part of my entire generation. Trump is a no-brainer. I cannot fathom how self-deluded anyone must be to think otherwise, and that is just objective fact; it doesn’t matter what one thinks of Trump’s personality. We have gone over a cliff with the dems in a way we used to think was impossible in the West. Somehow the hippies and their progeny became the deep state, and it renders whatever came before that absolutely inert. they have destroyed decades of progress through their entitled petulance. The trolls here only prove that at magnitude, every day.

        1. James, that was very well-stated and it obviously comes from your heart. There’s no need to apologize for being blunt. We need to speak in plain terms that clearly describe this battle we are in. As Bongino often states, cutesy time is over.

    1. James,
      I too, like you, am beyond the reach of this nonsense that is destroying the very fabric of America. I too was born to parents that lived through the depression and felt the results of that ordeal as I was growing up. This is not just a bit of child nonsense that we can laugh at.
      One day these law students will become politicians, leaders of corporations and judges. If this anti-hite racist fraud is ingrained in the coming generations, we can fully expect that future generations will suffer the consequences

      What is being discussed today, is something my son faced about fifteen years ago, while attending graduate school in psychology. Since he had lots of common sense, he knew that it was wrong to say that only whites could be racist. This was a class that was forced upon him and both the book for the class and the black professor, were pushing the same kind of horrible lie. When he told me about this class, I told him to repeat the hogwash that was being taught, or he would suffer with a poor grade that could hurt his chances at a graduate degree. He did so, passed the course, but has never forgotten and neither have I. After my son got his Doctorate and had a number of research papers published, his desire was to teach psychology in that same institution.

      He had no chance. They were then using DEI for hiring and because he was a white male, and could not check all the necessary boxes he was precluded from that hire.

      The racism against whites, especially male, has become so all encompassing, I have little hope for the future of whites in America. We have come a long way from the ugly hatred and racism of the Ku Klux Klan, however, racism is now in reverse and welcomed by the woke culture who totally rejected the KKK in its original form ( and rightfully so), but cannot see that they are now the new KKK.

      1. Anonymous, I make it a point to scroll by anonymous comments. That being said, I stopped at your first two words and decided to give it a read. Damn, that was good! Please find a way to uniquely identify who you are, because I and likely many others would benefit from your contributions.

        1. Olly, the same with me. I bumped into a post probably by this writer which involved Federalist 10. I didn’t read the above anonymous post until you wrote about it.

          I too suggested he take a name and an icon so he would not be associated with the crazies. If it is the same person, he prefers to remain anonymous and be treated like the rest of them. Too bad.

  10. The response to these idiots has to be derision, as this nonsense is being taught. With the warning that any adverse consequences from said derision will result in serious consequences.

  11. FBI crime statistics show that on a proportional basis, blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks. Since “People of color, as a social group, do not have the societal, institutional power to oppress white people as a group,” they just kill them.

  12. Professor Turley notes, “The University issued a response to the College Fix that stated:
    ‘…. A core goal was to help students develop their critical thinking skills with respect to these topics.'”

    “Critical thinking skills.”
    yeah, right. A strategically-inserted buzzword-phrase, -used by the University to create the impression that students, (after being bombarded with authoritative fact-like propaganda), -are then allowed/permitted to “find” the OTHER side of the story (the alternative viewpoint(s), challenging concepts) ON THEIR OWN,– because, well, that’s what fosters “critical thinking skills.”

  13. Does anyone else, as you read this post from JT, physically “feel” the depth of just how horrible this DEI training is for any culture? I get a similar feeling when I read or hear other content that runs against my conservative nature. It’s difficult to describe, but I sense the wrongness long before I can explain it.

    1. Olly – Follow your gut on this. Propagandists are clever. They specialize in getting people to believe lies. Their sophistry often starts pulling me in intellectually, and then my gut warns me that something is wrong. That’s when I start to look for fallacies and falsehoods, and I always find them.

      The appropriate response to this kind of deceitful propaganda is: You lie! Remember, it is important to “live not by lies” (to quote a famous Russian dissident who refused to drink the Kool Aid of soviet communist propaganda). When your gut warns you something is wrong, remember to oppose the lie, and oppose it vigorously. That is the only way truth will win.


      1. Their sophistry often starts pulling me in intellectually, and then my gut warns me that something is wrong. That’s when I start to look for fallacies and falsehoods, and I always find them.

        Oldman, that’s an excellent way to describe the critical-thinking process. The gut feeling you identified is what I call “the peace of principles.” I admit that before I began my self-education process into our country’s founding, I did not have a visceral reaction to that sophistry. Now, that sophistry immediately disrupts that peace and that is my cue to breakdown their fallacies. I know they are there, and as you say, I always find them.

        1. Not-so-old and Olly: That visceral sense that you both reference is something I clearly associate with an inherently primal, intuitive sense going back to survival of the species–only now genetically elevated to a widening core of cerebral applications, most appropriately simplified into: “something smells fishy here…”
          P.S. Olly, love your “peace of principles” thought.
          P.S. Not-so-old: saw your responsive “juice” and “cheeses” today; ditto/equally funny; touche!

          1. Ha! Thanks Lin. Then I saw someone else come up with what seems like it must have been your sister’s intent: “bowl of jewels” right?

            1. Apparently so. But it’s not like my mother had a “bowl full of jewels” just sitting around the house to inspire sister’s imagery (she does not recall her inspiration). (I think of when you take a night flight into a large metropolis and see all the lights twinkling as you approach landing. But my family never took a plane at night time that I know of…) In any event, it’s always a good laugh at family gatherings. It was one of those big (5×7?) tourist postcards with Disneyland on the other side; hard to miss reading it as it traveled across the country.

              1. Lin – that reminds me of a story my uncle told me when I was a teenager, he claimed it was a true story. He had written a note on a post card that had a racy image as its picture, but he didn’t have a stamp. He went to the post office to buy one, and when the clerk asked, “foreign or domestic,” my uncle said “domestic.” Then when the clerk saw the picture he said, “You call that domestic?”

      1. Commit yourself irredeemably to the pursuit of personal excellence,” he says emphatically. “Be the very best that you can be. If you do that. . . our color becomes more relevant, because we demonstrate ‘black is beautiful’ not as some slogan, but black is beautiful because of its commitment to personal excellence, which has no color.

        Upstate, thank you for providing the link to that interview with Clarence Jones. That quote by Mr. Jones defies the racist ideology behind DEI. He’s asserting that we can still be proud of our immutable characteristics, but not because of anything other than merit.

    2. Olly, you are not alone. Those not cowered or brainwashed feel the same as you. In my mind this is a power play where many different groups participate as seeing this as a way to their ends.

      1. Seth, would you agree that those cowered still have that feeling in their gut what they “support” is wrong? And those brainwashed are more like the walking dead? Both are tools for this Marxist ideology, but only those cowards still have a chance at listening to their gut, instead of the propaganda.

        1. OLLY,
          I would say it is more like a cult but where some of the members quit drinking the kool-aid and are seeing reality for what it is.
          Now, how to escape the cult of wokeism?

          1. Now, how to escape the cult of wokeism?

            Upstate, if what Yuri Bezmenov or Mattias Desmet describe about those in this “cult” is true, (and I believe they have it exactly correct), most of members are a lost cause. At least those that have been in it the longest. The tragic thing is that group are now the thought leaders in the military, education, corporations, government institutions. They control much of our media and entertainment. This war against the existence of our culture is more like the 18th century war that founding generation had against the established British regime. The major difference is that generation didn’t have to fight the regime as a civil war in England. So this war is a revolutionary and civil war combined.

            Our greatest danger is that this revolutionary/civil war is also a global war. This Marxist ideology was a foreign “pathogen” that was allowed entry into our country and it has metastasized as described above. It is our right to “alter or abolish” this Regime that is destroying our country. This will require courageous leadership capable of taking on the Regime while it can still be done by relatively peaceful and constitutional means. If that fails, then what comes next will be have to be by other means.

            1. OLLY,
              Well said and I agree.
              Reading this: Trump. Again. The Question Is Why?
              to me points out the real difference between Democrat/progressive elites and the rest of us.
              They are the real threat to democracy. They are the real threat to the Constitution. They are the real threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
              By their words and actions, they are the real threat. And they seem to have no problem with pushing the rest of us to civil war.
              As I have stated many a time here on the good professor’s blog, civil war must be avoided at all costs as there will be many who want nothing to do with it, will die without so much as hearing a shot taken in anger.
              But that is where the woke leftists and the DNC are driving us to.

              1. By their words and actions, they are the real threat. And they seem to have no problem with pushing the rest of us to civil war.

                Unfortunately that article is behind a paywall. Regardless, your comment is spot on.

              2. Below is a link to a short podcast by Glenn Beck. Regardless of your opinion of Beck, this episode regards a recent survey of the “general class,” “elites” and “super-elites.” While he has opinions on the survey, he reads verbatim the results from this survey. It is worth every second. The enemy of our existence are these people. Here is how he opens:

                A new poll has revealed some shocking beliefs held by the majority of America’s elite class. The poll, conducted on behalf of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, split the American public into the general class, elites, and “super elites” and asked a range of questions. Unsurprisingly, the majority of elite and super elite respondents considered themself Democrats. But disturbingly, they admitted to multiple beliefs that might shock even the Democrats in the general class: “77% of elites and 89% of super elites support strict rationing of meat, gas, and electricity.” Glenn reviews this shocking find, as well as others that shed light on why elites seem so out of touch with the rest of America: “They’re supporting Biden because they’re getting richer. You’re feeling pain.”

  14. When we stop and really give thought to the ultimate goal, it then becomes apparent that ultimately, racism according to the ones fomenting the ideology will end up being a crime with fines and prison sentences for anyone accused of and convicted of racism according to the narrative of a select few. The indoctrination of our young children and immature older teenagers and twenty somethings is taking hold and this is a dangerous path this nation is going down. It is also an indirect way of paying reparations to the academics who teach the DEI agenda with $100K+ salaries.

  15. Look, many hard science people at the ivies are being exposed as frauds, what do you expect from the social ‘science’ people? There is a reason that logic, reason, experimental data, controls, etc are excluded from all of these discussions. This entire field of anti-racism is simply anti-science. Moreover, it is an admittance that 70 years of social engineering and public education have failed.

    1. What a massive database of retracted papers reveals about science publishing’s ‘death penalty’
      25 OCT 2018

      6 years later……

      Errors found in dozens of papers by top scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
      Harvard-affiliated research institute seeks retractions on six papers and corrections for 31 others
      22 JAN 2024

      NB: One study = nada. when reading a scientific paper, critically digest it, review the intro, methods, results, conclusions, numbers and types of citations (reviews vs original research) and always look for the limitations that the authors themselves list. Authors of original research are obligated to list the limitations of their findings. If you read a research science article that does not list their limitations, ignore it. If they can’t be honest about their work having limitations, then they have a limited perspective on facts. However, as you can see from the above two Science articles published 6 years apart, the publishing world of scientific research can be sketchy. It takes scores of scientific research articles to provoke a paradigm shift, e.g. atherosclerosis as a lipid storage disorder —> inflammatory response to endothelial damage. Until then, one research article is simply a “meh” or an FYI.

      As for the social sciences, double “meh”. If the physical sciences have become so unreliable as to publishing bullet proof papers, then the social sciences frankly aren’t to be taken seriously. I wouldn’t bother with them personally.


  16. Are we to experience a “The Emperor Has No Clothes” moment shortly? ow else can we explain the societal insanity of just less than half of this nation?

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