“Innovating Ways to Resist, Heal, Liberate”: California Educators Defend Contract for “Woke Kindergarten”

We have been discussing the decline of public education as more families are seeking alternatives in home schooling and voucher programs. Public school boards and the teachers unions are killing public education by lowering standards while pursuing social and political agendas. Those issues have come to the forefront of a “Woke Kindergarten” program in the San Francisco area. Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward, California, spent $250,000 in federal funds, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. After two years with “Woke Kindergarten,” students’ scores declined but a quarter of million dollars went to this controversial group.

Woke Kindergarten” is headed by Akiea ‘Ki’ Gross who markets herself as “an abolitionist early educator, cultural organizer and creator currently innovating ways to resist, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy, Woke Kindergarten.”

Gross has long been an advocate for extreme views. She has declared that “I believe the United States has no right to exist. I believe every settler colony who has committed genocide against native peoples, against Indigenous people, has no right to exist. Y’all the demons. Y’all are the villains. We’ve been trying to end y’all. Get free of y’all.”

She has also declared that “When I think about a world free of state violence… I think about a world free of the U.S. empire. I think about a world free of Israel.”

She has even advocated the elimination of schools: “I think about land back to Indigenous peoples globally. I think about the fact that we would not have to participate in these systems, because none of these systems would exist. That means kids wouldn’t have to go to school because the world would ultimately be their classroom,”

The curriculum materials from Gross and Woke Kindergarten promise to reinforce the “commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-black and queer and trans liberation.”

So the California teachers and administrators selected this group to teach in schools that were already failing their students by not teaching basic subjects like math and English. According to the Chronicle, less than 12% of the students can read at their grade level and under 4% are proficient in math. It fell even further after giving them the indoctrination material with Woke Kindergarten.

Educators like Glassbrook Elementary teacher Tiger Craven-Neeley raised concerns over the material but they were ignored.

Hayward Unified School District Superintendent Jason Reimann actually defended the contract and insisted that it was successful because attendance has gone up almost 20%.

So it seems that kids are attending more classes and learning less.

This is why states are moving toward offering alternatives to parents. Faced with school boards and teacher unions resisting parental objections to school policies over curriculum and social issues, states are on the brink of a transformative change. For years, boards and teacher unions have treated parents as unwelcome interlopers in their children’s education.

That view was captured in the comment of Iowa school board member Rachel Wall, who said: “The purpose of a public ed is to not teach kids what the parents want. It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client is not the parent, but the community.”

State Rep. Lee Snodgrass (D-Wis.) tweeted: “If parents want to ‘have a say’ in their child’s education, they should home school or pay for private school tuition out of their family budget.”

Many are now agreeing with figures like Snodgrass and taking their kids out of failing public schools and seeking more classic educations for their children. What is remarkable is that years of failing public schools, declining scores, and flight of families makes no difference for boards or unions. They are still spending public funds on programs like Woke Kindergarten. It is still career enhancing for these administrators and teachers to support social and political agendas even as their schools fail.

The result is another lost generation of students who are being processed out of public education without basic skills.  Of course, there is apparently a fortune to be made if they want to replicate the curriculum of the Woke Kindergarten.

64 thoughts on ““Innovating Ways to Resist, Heal, Liberate”: California Educators Defend Contract for “Woke Kindergarten””

  1. The optics of the reporting are that the national government has tampered with the human right to freedom of expression that existed before the government. Forbidden by the First Amendment. The tampering is viewpoint discrimination. Let us recall Jeff Goldblum’s line from Jurassic Park: You spent so much time wondering if you could do it, you spent no time wondering whether you should do it. Carry that thought into the voting booth.

  2. Congressman Tom McClintock voted against the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas on moral grounds, calling it a “stunt.”

    Tom does not want to win. Tom won’t fight fire with fire. Tom wants to lose. Tom is a loser. Who wants to vote for a loser. Tom is ethereal. Tom should train for the priesthood.

    Tom McClintock concluded that LAWFARE is immoral when done by republicans while LAWFARE is wholly acceptable when committed by democrats.

    Alejandro Mayorkas presided over the illegal invasion of America by 10 million Mexicans, Haitians, and various and sundry flotsam.

    President Trump was immorally, incoherently and irrationally impeached TWO times.

    Support McClintock’s opponents with financial contributions.

    “Primary” McClintock for supporting the invasion of America by 10 million illegal aliens.

  3. “The purpose of a public ed is to not teach kids what the parents want. It is to teach them what society needs them to know. The client is not the parent, but the community.”

    There’s some truth to that. But that truth only goes so far. How do we know what “society” needs them to know? Who decides that? By what standard? By what burden of proof?

    We all see and know the problem here. Children are pawns, pawns being turned against the player-parents by the hand of activists. A game enabled by the state.

  4. If the ambiguous term “Woke” had been invented in the 1920’s, anyone supporting voting rights for women would have been called Woke – now women are roughly 50% of all voters.

    Anyone promoting allowing young girls to participate in sports teams, supporting Title IX, would have been woke.

    Anyone supporting interracial marriage would have been called Woke. Many Republican leaders today would be Woke.

    1. Anonymous is equating interracial marriage with having a man box with a woman and then shower in her locker room.

      This juvenile is equating women voting with having a woman getting concussed after being beaned with a ball hit by a MAN playing volleyball.

      This deep thinker equates actual civil rights with mandating that a man convicted of rape be sent to a woman’s prison because he now says he is a woman.

      Keep talking genius, I can almost see all the new voters we will be gaining in the suburbs.

  5. More purchased Turley BS. Turley takes one example of some extremist and tries to metastasize it to anyone and everyone who is not pro-Trump. He knows better and he knows that the disciples DON”T know better, but they need their daily affirmation that “the Left” is stupid and they are smart. What Turley is doing is wrong–he is using his credentials to prop up the alt-rigth pro-Trump movement that is undermining democracy–their latest gambit–trying to sell the idea that the POTUS has absolute immunity for life. He buys into their hateful tropes, of which one is “woke” or “wokism”, which really does not have any specific definition, but is used by the alt-right to justify racism, xenophobia and misogyny, and Turley cites extreme examples as if they represent some entire group, which isn’t true. I sincerely don’t know how or why any university can conscience having someone like Turley on their faculty. If he sinerely believes the offal he shovels for pay, then he lacks the intellectual integrity to teach at university because the MAGA message is anti-democratic, anti-American, racist, misogynistic and xenophobic. If he’s just doing it for the money, then he’s equally flawed because he’s selling his credentials to an anti-democracy movement trying to put a putative dictator into our White House and Congress to shove their views down the throats of the rest of us.

    1. I knew there was such a thing as Artificial Intelligence, but I was unaware, until after reading this post, that there was also such a thing as Artificial Stupidity. 🙂

        1. I apologize. I just assumed that no real human being could be that dumb. I mean, you have an article that literally points out how stupid Miss Gross is, and how the proficiency level fell even lower than the already awful rate after the woke stuff, and still GiGi (garbage in, garbage irrelevant???) rails against Turley?

      1. NUTCHACHACHA, you have been proclaimed the inverse of AI.

        NUTCHACHACHA will, from this day forward, forever be known as AS.

        I “LIKE” it.

  6. Surely someone in this group can ready and pilot a plane for Akiea ‘Ki’ Gross and her like-minded “friends”, take them to their country of choice (may I suggest Somolia?) and give them the “GO!!” to parachute out at the appropriate time (or not), right? They’ll be happier. Taxpayers will be happier. The kids will be better educated…I mean, what’s the downside?

    1. Good idea, but can we just save the money on the parachute, or maybe donate it to the homeless drug addicts to make tents out of???

      1. Nah, we don’t want any physical harm to become them during any part of their journey to their Promised Lands. Simply landing them where they’ll be among friends is the message they should ‘get’ (and be happy for the free ride).

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