Hunter Blows Away His Own Counsel’s Sobriety Defense

There is a lot of chatter this morning about the interview of Hunter Biden with Axios before his appearance in Congress for testimony on the alleged corrupt activities of his family. The interview has powerful moments as Hunter describes his struggle with addiction and the pressure that he feels to stay sober in light of the election. However, one line stood out in the interview where Hunter confirms that he has been sober since June 1, 2019. That is notably after the date that he signed the gun form at the heart of his federal indictment.

Hunter states that his “initial sobriety date” was on May 17, 2019. That was the date of his marriage and the day before his father declared for the presidency.

The relapse is no surprise and Hunter’s struggle resonates with many in this country. His recovery is a huge personal accomplishment and the trauma for his entire family, including President Joe Biden, was obviously horrible through these years.

The admission, however, reaffirms what has long been known. Hunter’s recovery came long after he signed the form. The Firearm Transaction Record, ATF Form 4473, expressly asked if he was an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance. He answered that he was not. The date was October 12, 2018.

Previously, Hunter’s counsel Abby Lowell pushed a defense that the statement was truthful because Hunter may have been sober at that time. Lowell maintained that “at the time that he purchased this gun, I don’t think there’s evidence that that’s when he was suffering.” Lowell said that Biden had already emerged from rehabilitation when he signed the form.

That defense is further contradicted by testing on the pouch of the gun that showed a coating of cocaine.

It is becoming more and more difficult to claim a window of sobriety for the signing of the form when he is claiming that his sobriety date came over eight months later.

Hunter is now reconfirming what was obvious in his book: his addiction continued to rage until after his father announced for the presidency.

That may be why the defense is moving now to adopt some surprising arguments used by gun rights organizations and potentially challenging the gun control law that his father supports.

It would not be surprising if this interview finds its way into filings by the government as the court considers defense pre-trial motions.


133 thoughts on “Hunter Blows Away His Own Counsel’s Sobriety Defense”

  1. The only reason Hunter is sober now (possibly) is that he has Secret Service protection babysitting him and cutting him off from his source of supply. Especially after that incident of cocaine being found in the White House library.

  2. The next public hearing in the Fani matter has been moved up to today (Tuesday 2/27 at 2 PM EST from 3/1.

    Jon, sorry we seem to have hijacked your topic.

  3. White Punks On Dope (e.g.: Hunter Biden)
    [The Tubes]

    The Tubes – w/lyrics:

    1. Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die Ninas deutsche Version bevorzugen
      [z.B.: Herr Hunter Biden]

      Nina Hagen / White Punks on Dope

  4. So does it matter? I asked at bass pro shop the details of the form and he said ‘if I smell alcohol” on you or you go to the resurant and have a beer ‘ I can’t sell you a gun (that’s when pro shop had a resuraunt) the point being people have a 5th amendment right and a 2nd amendment right and I don’t think the laws on perjury signing can Trump those rights. That is sellers certified consider having a beer the bar to purchasing a gun . That dqs most Americans and mocks our second amendment.

    1. Hun?
      You’re conflating two things.

      The store has a right to refuse selling a firearm to anyone if they have an issue.
      The person when they buy a gun fills out a 4473 where it states that false statements would be perjury and against the law.

      You have no clue.


  5. OT

    Catholic and other NGOs are, and have been for a very long time, surreptitiously facilitating the deleterious illegal alien invaders who have among them drug dealers, security assets and terrorists.

  6. This is good. Nathan Wade’s former law partner must testify to what he knows of Fani and Wade and their affair. The privilege argument didn’t pass the reek test.

    I wonder if in camera the former partner said, “Look judge, I’m in a bind here. Do me a favor and order me to testify.” Could be, but whatever happened this pigeon must climb on the stool and sing.

        1. Young:

          After watching this inveterate “I can’t remember”er, ” I was speculating” “I don’t recall”er I’m now convinced Bradley was gotten to by the Dim machine. He’s pathetic as a witness and his demeanor would lead me to believe he was honest at first but now is totally fabricating.

      1. Persoanlly, I’d prefer a charge of conspiracy to violate a defendant’s rights with a political prosecution. That would end Trump’s indictment, get Fani and the other Dims indicted and maybe bring about a multi-billion dollars claim against Biden, his flying m,onkeys and the DNC. But alas I dream!

          1. That is correct, there is no hope of actual justice at law in any of the left wing nut enclaves in this country.

            Fortunately stupidity does not work.

            Regardless of the outcome of Engoron’s folly – capital flight form NY is accelerating.
            This will cost NY Billions. Gov. Hoschul is already pleading with investors – telling them not to worry – their only after Trump.

            We have Nipple Judge Engoron claiming that Trump fraudulently valued MAL at 700M, that it is really only worth 18M.
            It took 4 years to build in a927 and cost 8M – almost 100 years ago. The NYTimes reported that its value in 1983 was 20M – that is 2M more than the nipple judge asserted as a finding of fact. Currently several nearby 2acre properties are selling for 200M – MAL is 27 acres.
            Arguably the land value alone is worth $2B. Yet if Trump tries to use MAL to secure EnMORON’s ludicrous judgement – he will find himself in court again with James claiming fraud because the court found that MAL is only worth 18M.

            Do you people understand how completely stupid you look ?

            The value of ANYTHING is what a willing buyer and sellor agree to – NOTHING ELSE.

            Courts have no business interfering in voluntary transactions.

            It is the courts business to adjudicate despites – it MAY NOT create them.
            The State of new york has no interest at stake in this case, James has no standing to bring this to court.

            Yet here we are with a judge that has already been told by the appeals court he is out of line 4 times.
            Trying to manipulate the law to preclude getting slapped a 5th time.

            Recently Biden bribed voters with another 1.5B in debt forgiveness that he has ZERO constitutional authority to do.
            He has already been slapped by SCOTUS on this before – and despite being told he was violating the honstitution he has continued his lawless actions, AND continues to expand them.

            And you bird brains call Trump authoritarian ?

    1. Sources credit Jeff DiSantis, the county’s Deputy District Attorney, with colluding with the White House to target Trump.

      “DiSantis did this.”

      “He’s the one. He is the one pulling all the strings. He was the one that walled her [Willis] off. He was in every important meeting. He is the brainchild behind this. That is the connection to the White House.”

      – “Sources”

      DiSantis is the connection to the White House, to Susan Rice, to Valerie Jarrett to Barack Obama’s former staff, to Barack Obama, who continues “…fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

    2. I wonder with this news if Fani is getting into Epstein territory, knows too much and no longer of value.

      1. We have many many many allegatiosn – compounded by lying.
        Falsus in unum,
        Falsus in omnibus

        Many of the allegations dovetail and support each other.

        Regardless, the most serious problem you have is that the Willis mess undermines the entire lawfare effort against Trump.

        It undermines pall the prosecutors credibility with the courts, with the juries.
        That may not matter in corrupt jurisdictions like DC and NYC and GA, but it matters accross the nation.

        Trump has said somewhat joking that he is one indictment away from a landslide.
        One part he is correct about is that democratic lawfare against him is more damaging to the left and democrats than Trump.

        Democrats have bet it all on polls that claim that Trump loses 10% of his support if convicted.

        What those polls are not saying is that is ONLY true if the process is perceived as fair.

        We are all familiar with star chamber trials in kangaroo courts in totalitarian states.

        It is really odd that Biden’s is decrying the political prosecution of Putin’s rival Navalny and his death in prison, at the same time as he is trying to do exactly what Putin has done.

        You do not seem to understand that if people do not beleive you it does not matter.

        Further – it is not like the mess in GA is in a vaccuum. It is not like Biden is not doubling down of lawlessness.

        whether it is failure to uphold his oath of office to uphold the constitution and enforce the laws of the land.

        Like by following immigration law rather than making it up as you go.

        Buy administering student loan programs not lawlessly transforming them into unauthorized federal give aways.

        You do not understand how much you are pissing lots of people off.

        low skilled workers who are losing their jobs to illegal immigrants.

        People who worked hard and sacrified to pay for college or trade school, or learn valueable skills and to pay back their loans who are watching as others are given Billions for politics.

    3. Thank you. Looks like Breitbart has some good sources; I hadn’t heard much about this development. This case is amazing, peel back one layer and a new one crops up! Based on Fani’s testimony, I guess it’s not a huge surprise that someone else was really running the show behind the scenes. It will be interesting to learn more about WH coordination of the various cases. And of course, Biden can’t be held responsible due to being an old man with memory problems. But he’s just fine to run for another term! I can’t believe that this country has come to this! Is Obama the real puppet master? Who else could it be?

      1. He was the Manchurian candidate all along. Does anybody REALLY know anything about him that he didn’t make up or lie about??

  7. “Democratic Party elites such as those on CNN are not just angry but genuinely confused by the fact that American voters don’t obey them.” — Glenn Greenwald

    Kunstler latest piece starts with that quote and then ends with:

    This event became known as the Thermidorian Reaction. The insane Jacobin program of terror and social derangement was swiftly abolished. Nothing like it was seen again until the Bolsheviks, the Maoists and the Khmer Rouge came along in the 20th century, and now, in our time, The Party of Chaos as led by “Joe Biden” (or whoever and whatever is behind him), with their open border, their lust for another world war, their drive for censorship, their sadistic lawfare, their race and sex hustles, their compulsive lying, and their sick destruction of every norm and boundary in daily life.

    America is headed for its own Thermidorian Reaction. It’ll end up being called something else, of course, because it is a different time, place, and set of circumstances. But it feels close, doesn’t it? Everybody I know or correspond with mentions this feeling that something is going to blow in our country, and pretty soon. The air is alive with it, just as the air is alive with portents of spring. Are you waiting for it?

    1. And, of course, the Founders never intended for all of them to vote in the American restricted-vote republic.

      Voters must have been self-reliant, vested, of maturity, of age, of means, of accomplishment, of success, and, last but not least, of good character, oh, and, by way of extant immigration law, homogeneous.

      “the people are nothing but a great beast…

      I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value.”

      – Alexander Hamilton

      “The true reason (says Blackstone) of requiring any qualification, with regard to property in voters, is to exclude such persons, as are in so mean a situation, that they are esteemed to have no will of their own.”

      “If it were probable that every man would give his vote freely, and without influence of any kind, then, upon the true theory and genuine principles of liberty, every member of the community, however poor, should have a vote… But since that can hardly be expected, in persons of indigent fortunes, or such as are under the immediate dominion of others, all popular states have been obliged to establish certain qualifications, whereby, some who are suspected to have no will of their own, are excluded from voting; in order to set other individuals, whose wills may be supposed independent, more thoroughly upon a level with each other.”

      – Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 1775

      “[We gave you] a [restricted-vote] republic, if you can keep it.”

      – Ben Franklin, 1787

      Democracy has been of the restricted-vote-republic variety since inception in Greece.

      One-man, one-vote democracy IS the “dictatorship of the proletariat” of Karl Marx.

      States shall and do impose voter restrictions, starting with age.

  8. OT

    Google must be taken for public use under the principle of eminent domain. 

    Google constitutes an essential element of “general Welfare” and imperative basic infrastructure.

    Google search engine capabilities must be taxed for and provided to the public by Congress, State, or local government in the same singular manner and by the same singular methodology as roads, water, electricity, airports, railways, mail service, rubbish collection, sewers, etc., and goods and services required by all, or the whole of the population, that are not readily provided by free enterprise in free markets. 

    Google is not subject to competition; competition against Google is not possible.

    Google is adverse and deleterious, if not utterly treasonous, in that Google promotes ideologically adverse antithetical ideas, concepts, and hypotheses designed to influence and brainwash weak-minded voters as are in so mean a situation, that they are esteemed to have no will of their own, and who are under the immediate dominion of others, and to diminish the American thesis of freedom and self-reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and America, while advancing collectivism, socialism, perversion, anarchy, and the principles of the Communist Manifesto. 

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