Oh Canada: The Parliament Moves to Impose Potential Life Imprisonment for Speech Crimes

We have previously discussed the unrelenting attacks by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his allies on free speech. There has been a steady criminalization of speech, including even jokes and religious speech, in Canada. Now, the Canadian parliament is moving toward a new change that would allow the imposition of life imprisonment on those who post views deemed supportive of genocide. With a growing movement calling Israel’s war in Gaza “genocide,” the potential scope of such a law is readily apparent. That appears to be its very draw for anti-free speech advocates in the country.

The Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63 increases the potential penalties from five years to life imprisonment. It also increases the penalty for the willful promotion of hatred (a dangerously ill-defined crime) from two years to five years. The proposed changes constitute a doubling down on Canada’s commitment to reducing free speech for citizens despite criticism from many in the civil liberties community.

There is also a chilling option for house arrest if a judge believes a defendant “will commit” an offense. In other words, if a judge thinks that a citizen will be undeterred and try to speak freely again.

Justice Minister Arif Virani employed the same hysteria to convince citizens to surrender their freedoms to the government. He expressed how terrified he was with the potential of free speech, stating that he is “terrified of the dangers that lurk on the internet for our children.”

It is not likely to end there. Today the rationale is genocide. However, once the new penalties are in place, a host of other groups will demand similar treatment for those with opposing views on their own causes.  This law already increased the penalties for anything deemed hateful speech.

The law comes after Canada blocked a Russian dissident from becoming a citizen because of her violation of Russian anti-free speech laws. In a telling act, the government said that the same conduct (i.e., free speech) could be a crime in Canada.  Indeed, it may now be punished even more harshly.

114 thoughts on “Oh Canada: The Parliament Moves to Impose Potential Life Imprisonment for Speech Crimes”

  1. Dictators despise free speech because they cannot defend their actions against truth. If they cannot subdue their citizens by means of propaganda and subversion, then they “must use” force?

    We are now at the your year mark of the COVID debacle and gross mismanagement and abuse by government actors against fair minded people, especially those with scientific credentials, who DARED questions the authorities.

  2. And Canadians put up with this? Then again, we’re arresting and trying people here in the USA for posting funny memes. Time for people to rise up against these tyrants everywhere.

  3. There have been times in recent decades when my family gave serious consideration to moving from Southern California to Canada. Trudeau the Younger has made that a very unwise option.

  4. Peter Navarro should refuse to go to prison.
    Refuse to participate in their political retaliation.
    Just refuse.
    This Biden DOJ corruption must STOP.
    J6 Committee frauds, Liz Cheyny and her corrupt comrades MUST be prosecuted for their crimes AND do prison time. There is no other option.

    1. It was taking dumb advice from morons like you that got Navarro sentenced to prison to begin with.

  5. Canadians are so thoughtful!

    “Toronto Police have given advice to residents worried about the city’s spiraling auto theft problem – just let thieves steal your car by leaving them the keys.

    Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi said, “To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your [key] fobs at your front door because they’re breaking into your home to steal your car. They don’t want anything else.”

    And believe it or not, some people are actually taking the advice.

    “Spoken or not, though, some Torontonians have evidently taken the advice to heart,” reports the Drive.

    “Like one person who—after having their vehicle broken into three times—opted to leave their car unlocked (along with a big, handwritten note indicating this) so that would-be thieves don’t break the window again.”

    Respondents on X expressed their anger at the idiocy.

    “This is what an unarmed society looks like,” remarked one.


    1. “Toronto Police have given advice to residents worried about the city’s spiraling auto theft problem – just let thieves steal your car by leaving them the keys.

      Brace for the increased cost of auto insurance.

  6. America no longer has a functioning justice system.
    America has no rule of law, no more Constitution.
    DC is completely lawless.
    America is now a 100% lawless Banana Republic run by Tyrants.
    FYI for those of you not paying attention.

    1. I llike Navarro, but it was foolish of him to refuse to show up when he could have just as easily shown up and pleaded the 5th — OR just jerked around the questioners by giving vague non-answers. Not showing up was a pretty dumb move for such a smart man. Maybe next time he won’t take advice from Steve Bannon.

  7. “Today, with visible signs that the United States in decline—largely from self-inflicted wounds—our citizens and the world are discovering what results from an unserious, self-loathing America. It is a hellish present with even less hope for future generations.
    What constitutes a serious country? One characteristic would be that it clearly defines and protects its sovereign borders from harmful outside forces. On that count, America is failing badly. The number is rapidly increasing, but approximately 8 million foreign nationals have illegally entered the United States from its northern and southern borders since January 2021.
    A serious country would also value its children and do everything possible to protect them from harm. . . . Fentanyl, largely manufactured in Mexico with materials shipped from China, has become the leading cause of death among U.S. adults 18-45 years old.”

    1. From the article you cite:

      “We must demand better from both or America as we know it will perish.”

      Good article, but the last line is wishful thinking. America has already perished. There is no way to right the ship. The scavengers are already plundering it as it founders on the rocks.

  8. O T Did you know that in 2017, Joe Biden met an executive of a Chinese energy company at a hotel in Washington DC, along with his son Hunter and Jim Biden? The Energy Company had already paid Hunter and Jim millions of dollars.
    “In March, 2019, one month before Joe Biden announced he was running for president, and nine months before the FBI took possession of his wayward son’s abandoned laptop, Luft went to the DOJ and told them about the millions of dollars CEFC was paying Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden.
    He told them Joe had attended a meeting with Hunter and CEFC executives at a Four Seasons hotel in Washington, DC, at around the time that Hunter received a “multimillion dollar payment” from CEFC.”
    The Four Seasons meeting with Joe in February 2017 was confirmed by Hunter’s former business partner Rob Walker in a 2020 interview with the FBI and again in congressional testimony this year.
    Luft also warned the FBI in Brussels that it had a mole in its midst who had tipped off CEFC executives that they were under investigation.”
    What is the innocent explanation for this meeting?

    1. Ikd-0but let’s remembercanada had a law for bad assisted suicide – that genocided – it could be they cleaning that up/

      1. All I know is my spouse is working a hit on me via ore bills, and the cgulz are allowing it-

    2. This part, at your link, sounds a lot like the Smirnov thing:

      “Luft describes himself as “patient zero of the Hunter Biden investigation [and] a key witness to a national security breach.” Yet his warnings went unheeded.

      He points out that he was not charged with making false statements in Brussels about the Bidens, “which implies that on the issues of the Bidens and the arrest warrants leak the DOJ believed I was telling the truth.”

      The false statement charges relate to his answers about his own dealings with CEFC, through a think tank that held energy conferences with a CEFC think tank, run by Ho.

      “Only later, when its coverup was about to be blown, the DOJ decided to impugn my credibility by charging me with two counts of making false statements which they manufactured in Brussels. If the government charges you with making a false statement, it means you are a liar. Nothing you say to them can be taken seriously, right?”

      He questions the timing of his indictment, one week before the 2022 midterm elections that delivered Republicans the House majority and subpoena power to investigate Biden corruption.”

    3. Anonymous…I think you meant to say “what is the latest lie to explain this meeting?”

  9. Henning W. Prentiss Jr. asserted, “Popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within.”

    The Prentis Cycle

    From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to freedom; from freedom to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency ; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to fear; from fear to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more.

    – Henning W. Prentiss Jr., 1946

  10. When they were putting many people in prison for denying 6 million were gas chambered even though it is a big fat lie, no one cared. It was all good, just like when every college was hating on whites, until the worm turned, then it was the end of the world, as we saw recently.
    Now the lying chicken has come home to roost again, what you denied others, you are now being denied, and the same creatures are crying it’s the end of the world.


    1. Say what now?! You claim the gas chambers are a lie?! Another nazi self-identifies. Go to Hell, literally and soon. There is no room in decent society for nazis. It is outside the range of acceptable opinions.

    2. Or we can use it against them, since we have heard a lot of them promote the genocide of people in Gaza.

    3. Shakdi, why do you want people to believe you are so dull? The six million killed is well documented, but that figure might be a bit low. The proof is considerable based on numbers before the war and based on the Nazi’s records. The trials revealed massive amounts of documents.

      What is your proof? A dumber-than-a-brick anti-Semite told you so based on no information? Are you that dumb?

  11. There was good news today, and I wonder how this would be received in Canada 2.0 – The UK had banned puberty blockers for children. So, if you are against transing kids, is that hate, or if you are for transing kids, is that misinformation and hate??? Maybe the Canadian Parliament can give us guidance? Look at some of the tweets for the ideology component:

    1. No, the UK has not banned them. The NHS will no longer prescribe them at gender clinics, that’s all. Real doctors can still prescribe them for real medical conditions, and the NHS will pay, which is a good thing. And those who are willing to pay for them can presumably get them prescribed for “gender” conditions as well.

      1. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/england-nhs-halts-puberty-blockers-transgender-youth/story?id=108077330#:~:text=England%27s%20National%20Health%20Service%20has,gender%20incongruence%20in%20transgender%20minors.

        “England’s National Health Service has banned the use of puberty blockers for the treatment of gender dysphoria or gender incongruence in transgender minors.

        The NHS has not stated it will restrict puberty blockers for non-transgender children and young people.”

        So, no, puberty blockers cannot be prescribed for “gender” conditions in the UK any longer. They will still be available for other medical conditions, such as to treat prostate cancer or endometriosis.

        I predict that within 10 years, a great many former supporters will disavow ever having supported surgical or chemical castration or gender reassignment of minors. The more information that comes out on the terrible harm done, the more people will pretend they never fought for it.

        1. You said, “I predict that within 10 years, a great many former supporters will disavow ever having supported surgical or chemical castration or gender reassignment of minors. The more information that comes out on the terrible harm done, the more people will pretend they never fought for it.”

          I think you are 100% right! This stuff is headed the way of lobotomies. And, it never made any sense. If you think that gender is a social construct, and that you can be born male, but are actually a woman, then why get yourself castrated? Just be a woman in a man’s body, right? Because supposedly the physical body parts have nothing to do with it. But then, they turn around and claim that the body parts are so essential to them being what they are, that they must castrate themselves. I find that stupid, and contradictory.

        2. Karen, puberty blockers can still be prescribed for “gender” conditions in the UK. Since when does the NHS have the authority to ban it? When a report says that the NHS has “banned” something, it obviously means that it won’t pay for it. What else could it mean?

          If you saw a report that the New York Times has “banned” the term “Russia hoax”, do you imagine that it is now illegal to use it?! You understand immediately that the report means only that the NYT will no longer use that term on its pages, not that you or I must watch what we say! So why would you think the NHS can make a drug illegal, or make it illegal for a doctor to prescribe it?

    2. Big L for trans movement = big W for children. Let them decide as adults. Teenage is the most rebellious time in a person’s life. What’s the height of being rebellious against one’s parents other than to mutilate the body one’s parents gave him/her?

  12. Would I be considered a newcomer, given all the perks and prizes those on the southern border get, if I was to cross into the USA as a refugee from Canada? I could claim persecution from the Liberal Government for having a free thought!

  13. While scan reading about Eric Hoffer today, I came across this.

    Israel’s Peculiar Position
    By Eric Hoffer (LA Times 5/26/1968) — Eric Hoffer was an American social philosopher. He was born in 1902 and died in 1983, after writing nine books and winning the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His first book, The True Believer, published in 1951, was widely recognized as a classic.)

    The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

    Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russian did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it, Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese-and no one says a word about refugees. But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees.

    Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis.

    Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious, it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world.

    Other nations when they are defeated survive and recover, but should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed. Had Nasser triumphed last June, he would have wiped Israel off the map, and no one would have lifted a finger to save the Jews.

    No commitment to the Jews by any government, including our own, is worth the paper it is written on. There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or when two [black men] are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews no one remonstrated with him.

    The Swedes, who are ready to break off diplomatic relations with America because of what we do in Vietnam, did not let out a peep when Hitler was slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice iron ore, and ball bearings, and serviced his troop trains to Norway.

    The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts. And Jewish resources. Yet at this moment, Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has only to imagine what would have happened last summer had the Arabs and their Russian backers won the war to realize how vital the survival of Israel is to America and the West in general.

    I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel, so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish, the holocaust will be upon us.

    1. Actually Israel continues to slaughter the original residents of Palestine because of the resources it gets from the USA. Without that it would end tonight.

      1. I don’t want it to end tonite. I want Israel to kill those rascals until there is no fight left in them. I want the Gazans and Palestinians to say, we will fight no more forever, and mean it.

        We lost about 3,500 people on 9-11, to 19 people, and we went to war for over 20 years. The Israelis lost at least 1,200 people to thousands of terrorists, and you think it should end in a couple of months?

        No! FAFO!

    2. Floyd, thank you for the Hoffer piece. I woke up this morning with an email from a friend in Manhattan, NY. He took a picture of a large sign, probably produced in mass and probably adhered to more walls in the city. The following is what it says. It was a professionally made sign.

      Rape is Resistance
      Free Palestine by any means Necessary.

      This sign shows the type of animal seen today on the streets of NYC and this blog.

      The animals talk about peace, but when there is peace, they murder 1,200 unarmed Jews while having sex with dead bodies and while cutting up babies. Will there be a temporary cease-fire? Of course not, because the Palestinian leader Sinwar prefers to make sure Palestinian women and children die as they send rockets toward Israel because they can convince the stupid like DGSnowden that Hamas is peace-loving.

    3. Judge Barbier writes: “Actually Israel continues to slaughter the original residents of Palestine because of the resources it gets from the USA. Without that it would end tonight.”

      There is a good chance that this post will disappear, as there is an equally good chance it is from someone who is banned and might still need to make the trip to Starbucks, which changes his IP address. That would be the Bug. If it isn’t him, he can let us know.

      Many in the world and the US support the Palestinians financially and emotionally in their anti-Semitism. There is no such thing as an original ‘Palestinian’ resident because earlier, after WW2, the people called Palestinians were the Jews living in the area. The stupidity of Bug, DGSnowden and some others is fantastic. They do not know their history and cannot think.

      If any of you anti-Semites out there think you have a point that holds water, discuss it. You can’t because when you get down to the nitty-gritty, you find a separate state, Jordon, where the people are nearly identical to the Gazans. One can call Jordan a Palestinian state, but take note Jordan killed and threw out the ‘Palestinians’ we are talking about, as did Lebanon and Egypt.

      You Hamas lovers of murder and dismemberment of human bodies are cowards. Make your arguments and defend them instead of sounding stupid all the time. The Israeli people and the Jews treat life with respect and want no harm to other people except when they must protect their own. You guys are ignorant cowards who do not understand the sanctity of life.

  14. Knowing what we now know about Hitler’s proclamations about destroying Jewish people, I would have crushed his skull with my bare hands before he hand the chance to scream bloody murder on God’s Chosen.

  15. We won’t have the luxury of debating topics like free speech in 5 years. The most powerful military and economic power in world history will have overtaken our grotesque mishandling of the freedoms we once enjoyed. 62 million lives destroyed to spare women the inconvenience of missing their tennis matches.

    China is poised to complete her mission of world dominance.

    1. The American fertility rate is in a “death spiral.”

      More actual Americans die than are born.

      Women make Americans – or not.

      The global communist Deep Deep State is replacing America’s population.

  16. Since 2016 Democrats have been hyperventilating about “protecting US Democracy” from foreign players

    Few likely have noticed that Biden’s handlers have forced the leader of Haiti to resign and selected a group of individuals to run Haiti until they can have elections. The US hasnt learned from their long and documented history of influencing elections and selection of political leaders in other countries so why stop now?

    Thus it is in keeping that Democrats are now interfering in yet another country’s political forum like Israel.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has lost his way” and called for new elections aimed at choosing a new government, a sign of growing U.S. pressure on Israel over the war in Gaza.

    Fortunately the New York Democrat was not expressing a consensus view in the U.S. Congress. Ms. Andrews notes:

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) took to the floor to blast Schumer’s speech.
    “It is grotesque and hypocritical for Americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of a democratically elected leader of Israel,” he said. “This is unprecedented. We should not treat fellow democracies this way at all.”

    – WSJ

    Democrats cant quit their lust for power and influence peddling schemes, both foreign and domestic

    1. I’d love to know the source you are relying on that shows the US had anything to do with the resignation of the Haiti prime minister.

      1. next time do your own internet searches. The following links took me less than 30 seconds to find not that you’ll change your talking points

        Haiti’s prime minister is pressured by U.S. to resign…..

        The Biden administration had been proposing for months that Henry, in power since the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse nearly three years ago, lead a political transition toward democratic elections. With gangs now overrunning Port-au-Prince, time had run out. Henry was midflight when the administration asked him to agree to a new transitional government — and resign.

        ….it was an about-face that few in Haiti were expecting from a White House that had long pushed back against calls for Henry’s resignation, only now to press for his hasty departure in a moment of peril.

        Haitian leader, unable to return to country, faces pressure to resign

        PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — The United States is urging Haiti’s embattled prime minister to clear the way for the election of a new president, a position vacant since 2021, amid growing pressure from armed rebels at home and governments abroad.

        Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters Wednesday that the U.S. government has asked Prime Minister Ariel Henry to “move forward on a political process that will lead to the establishment of a presidential transitional council that will lead to elections.”


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