New Mexico Loses Another Key Fight Over Ban on Concealed Weapons in Public Parks

We previously discussed New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s effort to effectively ban guns (both open carry and concealed) with a flagrantly unconstitutional public health emergency order last year. After triggering a court fight, Grisham backed down and scaled down her order to ban concealed weapons in parks and playgrounds. The park ban was enjoined by U.S. District Kea W. Riggs as presumptively unconstitutional, leaving only a small fraction of Grisham’s original effort. Now, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has rejected her bid to lift that injunction in a key decision on appeal.

The demands for injunctive relief are based on a substantial likelihood that a party will prevail on the merits.  While the gun rights advocates were clearly able to establish that before Judge Riggs, Gov. Grisham had no success before the Tenth Circuit in dislodging that presumptive finding. The rejection of the challenge to the injunction suggests that the appellate court is equally unimpressed by the legal and historical arguments put forward by the state.


208 thoughts on “New Mexico Loses Another Key Fight Over Ban on Concealed Weapons in Public Parks”

  1. In Other News: “American Politicians Declare Russian Presidential Election as Example to Measure U.S. Elections against”
    A Congressional Spokesperson said, “The Russians took the top opposition candidate, threw him in prison where he died under questionable circumstances. But here in the U.S., we only file lawsuits against such a contender, attempt to bankrupt him, and have state supreme courts toss him off the ballot….proof that by comparison we have the moral high ground with fair and legitimate elections.”

    1. But certain persons with dangerous knowledge might die under mysterious circumstances, or others may be hounded to death: Jeffrey Epstein, Julian Assange..

    2. On the contrary, to the regime, Russia’s efficiency in dispatching political opponents is proof that merely filing lawsuits is amateurish. The blob sees the US as falling behind in the election rigging race. There is now an election rigging gap that must be closed, with even more urgency than we closed the missile gap in the 1960s.

    3. We have the moral high ground, but too many on the left prefer Russian tactics. I worry about Trump being assassinated in a country where JFK, RFK, MLK and many more have been assassinated. Do we know the people behind the man that did the killing?

  2. Jonathan:
    There’s this idiot troll that constantly posts his TDS briefs on here. Jonathan, they are complete BS and nothing more than an opinionated diatribe of nothingness. Jonathan, I think it uses various aliases and has conversations with itself. Jonathan, I believe in free speech but I also believe in asswhoopins in support of free speech. Jonathan, I loathe Communists and Marxists. Jonathan, 58,150 Americans and 1M Cambodians would agree if they were not dead.

    1. LOL — you only used “Jonathan” SIX times in six sentences.
      Are you afraid Turley forgets what his own name is every 3 seconds?
      Is it because you can’t remember your own name?

  3. Jonathan: So far is has been a terrible legal week for DJT:

    —DJT still hasn’t come up with the cash to post the $464 million bond. Last month his followers set up a GoFundMe account to pay his legal bills–the ambitious goal was to raise $355 million. So far the fund has raised only about $1.5 million. Just a drop in in bucket for what DJT needs to post his bond or pay his legal bills. And the clock is ticking, Donald!

    —Then, Peter Navarro finally went to prison to serve a 4 month sentence for defying a congressional subpoena. His last minute appeal to the SC was just rejected. Navarro claimed he was prosecuted by “Trump haters”. Now if you believe DJT and some of his loyal followers on this blog Navarro is a “political prisoner”. Go figure. Not even you would make such a ridiculous claim!

    —Also today Judge Merchon, in the Stormy Daniels/election interference case, rejected DJT’s attempts to prevent the testimony of Daniels and Michael Cohen. In one minor win for DJT Merchon did rule that the actual “Hollywood Access” tape could not be played for the jury but the prosecutors could provide the jury with written summaries of DJT infamous talk about grabbing women by their private parts. Not a big win for DJT. Other than that Judge Merchon is holding tight to his trial schedule–delayed for at least 30 days over the massive doc dump by the NY SD prosecutor’s office. That may still end up being the first criminal prosecution of the Trumpster to go to trial before the election.

    There’s a lot more whirlwind of bad legal news for DJT. I’ll save that for another comment.

    1. Dennis – Value is subjective.
      There is no such thing as “lying about the value of YOUR realestate”

      Trump and Deutche Bank negotiated a mortgage. Trump asked for what he wanted.
      DB either gave Trump what he asked for, said no, or countered.
      Trump was free to walk away if he wanted.
      DB was free to walk away if they wanted.

      Trump has claimed he is worth as much as 10B. He is free to claim that.
      He is free to demand $5B for MAL if he wants.
      If you wish to buy a property from Trump – you either pay what he asks, or you get him to accept a lower value, or you do not buy.

      No one in this country is obligated to sell something if they do not want to,
      or even if they do to sell at a price other than the one of their choosing.
      No one is obligated to buy something if they do not want to,
      or to pay a price other than the one of their choosing.

      Often we DO buy for more than we wanted or sell for less than we wanted – that is called negotiation.
      You are Never OBLIGATED to do so.

      Engoron and James are both violating fundimental rules of economics – they are also infringing on property rights and individual liberty.

      If DB beleives they have been harmed – they have recourse to the courts. But no third party including the State of NY is entitled to step into a private deal that both parties agreed to and change the terms. That literally violates the constitution.
      It is also a violation of free will and of the social contract.

    2. You cite more evidence of illegal lawfare.

      Holder refused a congressional subpeona and was held in contempt. As did lehrner,
      Hunter Biden refused a congressional subpeona.
      None of those suffered any consequences – as Navaro told the media today – there is a long list of democrats who have refused congressional subpeona’s and been held in contempt that have not been prosecuted by DOJ. Not one of which has executive priviledge as a basis.
      Conversely there is a long list of presidential advisors – dating all the way back to Nixon atleast that have refused congressional subpeonas.
      None have been prosecuted.
      The process – “Due process” is that when Executive priviledge is raised, Congress goes to court and the question of whether the testimony or documents sought are priviledged is addressed by the courts. Sometimes the courts find priviledge. sometimes they do not.
      Regardless, the courts then issue an order compelling that testmiony or documents that are not priviledged.
      That was NOT done with either Navarro or Bannon.

      You do not seem to care – but it is highly likely that Trump will be president in 2025.
      Many many Biden admin officials refused to testify to the house in the past year. Some have refused subpeonas.
      Further the house and/or senate can subpeona former Biden officials in 2025 – just as they did Bannon and Navaro.

      Trump’s DOJ will have no problem prosecuting those Biden officials that failed to testify to congress, or refused to provide documents or answer questions. The Navaro decisions – establishes essentially that executive privildge does not exist.

      Have fun.
      Turn about is fair play.

      Even a few Left wing nut legal scholars have weighed in on the fact that in many instance the Biden DOJ has been incredibly short sighted.
      In their zeal to punish political enemies – they have steam rolled their own defenses when their political enemies take power.

      Trump will be elected. Navaro will be Pardoned and likely serve in the Trump administration.
      He and large numbers of prior Trump staff that have been hounded by the DOJ will be look seeking their own form of justice.
      Turn about is fair play.

      Hunter is currently safe – his father is president. The power to pardon sheilds all his malfeasance.
      But Biden will not be president in 2025. While he can Pardon Hunter on the way out the door – will he make that pardon broad enough to cover all the potential charges against Hunter.
      IK am sure that Navaro and Bannon will be happy to help Hunter into a cell.

      The gods sometimes punish us by giving us what we ask for.

      1. I have also been thinking of prosecutions that Trump could bring: obviously, as to Biden, unlawful possession of classified documents; as to Biden, tax evasion for not reporting income from his share of the foreign payments (which probably can be shown); as to Biden and Hunter, extortion by using the implied threat of unfavorable action by Biden (“he’s sitting next to me”) to get $5m from a Chinese businessman; as to Adam Schiff, the leaking of classified information; as to Bragg and Willis (or their offices) malicious prosecution. So many other possibilities. All actions should be filed in Texas or Florida.

    3. DM – the actual bond required is over 500m.
      Several have reported that no 500M bond has EVER been provided.
      I actually find that hard to beleive. Regardless it is being reported.

      Also reported is that the insurance companies and bonding companies have refused to accept real estate as collateral.
      I doubt that is a norm. I know that local bail bonds are often secured by realestate.
      My guess is that if the Bonding companies are refusing to use Realestate to secure the bond, they are doing so because of the risk that James/EnMoron have created.

      I have no idea what Trump will do – nor do you.
      It is possible that Trump will try to force the courts hand and not provide a bond. You are free if you wish to beleive that will go well for NY and bad for Trump – but I highly doubt it.
      I am not going to make specific predictions – except that all that is being addressed here is how badly NY gets clobbered by the market.

      Be careful what you wish for – you may get it.

    4. ” in the Stormy Daniels/election interference case”
      There is no such case. This has already been decided by the FEC.
      I would note that the documents that Bragg and the SDNY withheld are those specifically related to why they previously did not go forward with this case – that is exculpatory information. Trump was recently provided with 100,000 pages from SDNY and Bragg detailing precisely what THEY think is wrong with this case. Esentially Trump just received 100,000 pages that will be the basis of multiple pre-trial appeals.
      Appeals in which Trump will be using Bragg, and SDNY’s own legal arguments from the past against them.

      Have fun.

      Regardless, your characterization and Mechpn’s decision is WRONG.
      The election interferance issue is DOA – If Merchon attempts to move forward – that will with near certainty result in motions to exclude and appeals of bad decisions by merchon.

      The entire core of this case has NOTHING to do with Danieals or “elections”.
      It is Braggs claim that Trump’s payments to Cohen are improperly reported on his taxes – that they are not legal fees.

      Bragg has an enormous legal problem because Cohen has already plead guilty to illegally making the payments himself.
      Either the money came from Trump or it came from Cohen. It can not have come from Both.
      I would further note that arguing that it came from Trump – makes this a federal case. not a state one.

      You keep trying to shill the election into this – the problem is that if you make it an election case – you make it a federal case and both SDNY and the FEC are on record that there is no such case.

      At its core – either Trump’s payments are for legal services – and the case goes away – or they are for the NDA – and the case goes away.

      You can have all kinds of Fun with Cohen as a witness. Merely putting him on the stand raises many grounds for appeal.
      Cohen is a convicted puerjurer who has admitted repeatedly to perjuring himself – including in the recent Enmoron case.

      But you go ahead and use him.

      As to Danieals – that poses you further problems. Daniels has already LOST to Trump – Merchon is going to be stuck with those decisions as a matter of law. You ranted about Estopple in the Carrol Case – now it is back to bite you.
      Danieals can not testify in anyway that contradicts prior testimony or the findinds of fact of the prior court.

      Though frankly – the Access Hollywood, nor the actual relationship between Trump and Daniels as legally admissible in this trial.

      I know that you are slow – but again – this si NOT a hush money case,
      It is NOT an election interferance case – attempting to make is one – gets it dismissed immediately

      Bragg has been trying to thread the needle by making it into a false business records case – and he is stuck with that.
      Mercon allowing Bragg to go beyond the indictment is error.

      So have fun.

      You say that the access hollywood transcript is in – if so – I am sure the appeals are already in the works.
      Have fun.

      I would separately note that – The Bragg case is far WORSE than the EnMoron case – there is LOTS of case law that all of this is legal.

      Several legal scholers noted recently – maybe Turley was one, That NY has had a reputation of having among the best courts in the country regarding business. They are burning that reputation to the ground.

      Lawfare has consequences.

      As to the rest. The access hollywood tape did not prevent Trump from defeating Clinton – everyone has heard it.
      Everyone knows about the Stormy Danials affair.

      While it is legal error to try to bring this into this court – you may have serious problems – because to a large extent it is already adjudicated by other courts. Trump’s lawyers are likely to have a field day working on creative ways to delay this – and you are giving them many ways,

      But what is most odd is that you think Daniels testimony will harm Trump.
      Maybe it will make for some frosty nights with Melania, but it has played well with Trump supporters.

      Bill Clinton got blown by an intern in the oval while in office, lied about it to the american people and under oath, p[aid money and gave gifts and obstructed justice to keep it quiet And somehow became MORE popular.

      Trump as a private person with a reputation as a playboy cheated on his third wife while she was pregnant – With a Porn Star.

      You think this is going to get you somewhere ?

      I would separately note that John Edwards got an intern pregnant with his wife in the hospital dying of cancer while running for president – paid her FAR MORE hush money than Trump, was prosecuted and won against ……. Jack Smith.

      If you frame this as an election case – you lose, you do not even get in front of a jury. Federal law takes precidence than the FEC and Federal prosecutors as well as prior precident have found there is not even a slap on the wrist election violation.

      Regardless, as you proceed you can expect to hear alot about Bill Clinton, and John Edwards – and All Franken,
      Even about Joe Biden and Tara Read, and groping teens, and hair sniffing.

      Not to mention Bragg spending a fortune on a democrat political vendetta that is going to fail – While NYC drowns in crime.

      Regardkless the drumbeat that you will hear will be
      political prosecution,
      selective prosecution.

      And the core of your case is that Trump had an affair, and legally paid Daniels to be quiet.

      Where is the great evil act that you think is going to change peoples vote ?

      I highly doubt this case goes to trial.

      But lets say it does and Trump is convicted.
      Do you honestly think that voters will care ?

      My bet is that no matter what the outcome – this strengthens Trump.

      This case is better for Trump than the Carroll case.
      There is not the hint of unconsensual behavior here.

      I would note that thoroughly undermines the carrol case.

      As law enforcement is well aware of people have MO’s patterns of behavior.
      It is Highly unlikely that the Carrol claims and the Daniels claims are BOTH true.
      They involve radically different behavior.

      Anyway – while I am attacking Merchan’s decisions – because they are lawless garbage,
      and I highly doubt this case goes before a jury.
      Regardless it is a loser – because even if you win you lose.
      And you have assured Trump of months more free publicity and months more evidence of the political corruption of the left.

      So have fun.

    5. Dennis McIntyre, lead Bribery Biden Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Idiot, tried today’s latest BBBUUTTT… Muh Trump! deflection
      Jonathan: So far is has been a terrible legal week for DJT:

      Dennis (or should we more accurately call you Biden’s Baghdad Bob?) it has been a terrible week for Soviet Democrat police state fascists, not just you and the NM Governor:

      “House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry evidence proves Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family cashing in on the Biden name. Multiple witnesses have testified then Vice President Joe Biden conspired with his family to sell him as ‘the brand’ around the world to enrich the Biden family”

      “Oversight impeachment Inquiry releases new video showing President Biden and impeachment witnesses’ contradictory testimony”

      “Hunter Biden demanded $5 million to have his father quash indictment for Ukrainian oligarch, ex-partner testifies”

      “Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump”

      “President Biden Contradicts Hunter Biden’s Testimony”

      My off-topic post is WAY more interesting than yours, Baghdad Bob.

  4. 100 killed by active shooters in the U.S. in 2022. 

    43,000 killed by highway vehicles in the U.S. in 2022. 

    Americans enjoy the right to keep and bear cars in America. 

    The MSM constantly plasters the screen with reports on active shooters and never mentions vehicular highway deaths. 

    The MSM are direct and mortal enemies of the American thesis of Freedom and Self-Reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, actual Americans, and America.

    1. “Americans enjoy the right to keep and bear cars in America.” Possibly among the dumber posts out there.

      Driving a car is not a right, it is a privilege. Big difference. Not everyone can drive legally. You need to pass a written test and a driving test. Your privilege to drive can be revoked for a number of reasons, all boiling down to not handling a car well on the public roads.

      Your comparison, and statement in particular is completely without facts. There is no “right to keep and bear cars”.

      More guns causes more gun crimes, not less. look it up while your looking up if driving is a right.

      1. To be pedantic.

        You dont need a license to drive, or need to by license plates for a car. You must have both is you venture onto Government roads.

      2. Another cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat police state fascist tried this common Marxist Useful Idiot lie about guns
        More guns causes more gun crimes, not less.

        That common lie is patently a lie on it’s face. Trying “don’t believe your lying eyes” in hopes of defending it against reality isn’t going to work.

        I live in Montana. Where more people have multiple AR-15s than people who have a second vehicle. Where you can walk down main street with a belt fed machine gun (if you have the price of a house down payment to buy it) in your arms and a silenced pistol on each hip like Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, without needing so much as a city permit.

        To our west is Idaho with similar gun laws and rates of gun ownership. Bordering us to our north are the Canadian provinces of BC, AB, and Sask – where their police state fascist in chief has done an Obama and declared all handguns and almost all semiautomatic rifles to be prohibited weapons that cannot be purchased or if already owned used. Not by a vote, but by an Obama-style stroke of his pen.

        You police state fascist Soviet Democrats always love apples to oranges comparisons to Canada. So here we go: those Canadian provinces we border have a fraction of the guns per capita that we do. Their gun control laws are so strict that Anonymous cowards and Soviet Democrats in general have orgasms imagining getting them passed here.

        However – exposing you as the liar you are – those Canadian provinces have a higher murder rate despite having far fewer firearms than here in Montana and next door in Idaho. Which stamps your claim that more guns cause more gun crimes as the flat out childish lie that it is.

        Would you like to double down on your lie that more guns equals more gun crimes by comparing Montana and Idaho to your favorite American states run by your fellow Soviet Democrat police state fascists? Want to compare Montana and Idaho gun ownership, laws, and murder rates to those of MD, IL, DE… maybe DC?

        There’s a reason you pathological Soviet Democrat liars hide behind using “Anonymous” for your username.

  5. The wails of our resident Soviet Democrat police state fascists: allowing citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights will lead to bloodbaths in public parks and near schools… how awful! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

    Weird how that’s not happening here in Montana (or next door in Idaho). Where you can walk right through a playground with a belt fed machine gun in your hands (if you have the equivalent of a house down payment to buy it) and a silenced pistol on each hip like Laura Croft, Tomb Raider – without so much as a city permit, much less a state carry permit.

    And right next door up north are the Canadian provinces of BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan (gun banning commies love apples and oranges comparisons to Canada, right?). Neighboring provinces- where the murder rates are HIGHER than they are here in Montana and Idaho. DESPITE the fact that Bolshevik Barack’s Son He Never Had and Bribery Biden’s fellow police state fascist, Prime Minister Racist Black Face Trudeau has completely banned citizen ownership of all handguns and almost all semiautomatic rifles. Nine years now of minority police state fascist government, enabled by the Dippers, Canada’s communists, giving PM Racist Black Face their votes in exchange for Free Stuff For Us.

    Dennis McIntyre or any of the other resident Soviet Democrat liars and party apparatchiks have an explanation of why Montana and Idaho have lower murder rates than the neighboring Canadian provinces while not having gun bans like the Canadian provinces we border?

    Or better yet, an explanation of why free states like Montana and Idaho have lower murder rates than police state fascist American states with those gun bans and carry prohibitions that they love and worship so dearly?

  6. As a resident of New Mexico, and a member of the executive board of a large gun club, I am pleased to see this development. First of all, the Governor used her emergency powers under the PHERA, Public Health Emergency Response Act, to claim the power to ban guns. The PHERA was designed for public health emergencies such as Covid. She simply asserted that gun violence was a public health emergency and therefore she could make up law on the fly by executive fiat, even overriding both the U.S. and New Mexico Constitutions. The NM Constitution has an even stronger RKBA.

    This was beyond executive overreach. And our Democratic dominated legislature sat on its hands and watched.

    Thank you for the article. I missed it but a friend pointed me to it.
    Khal Spencer
    Board member, Los Alamos Sportsman’s Club (speaking for myself, not for the board)

    1. Khal Spencer,
      Thank you for your real world, on the ground boots reporting on the subject.

    2. Post Covid it should be self evident that these broad Public health emergency powers are stupid, and harmful.

      In PA post Covid we amended the state constitution such that all the governors emergency powers require legislative renewal after 30 days.

      Personally I think there is a better solution – which is that executive emergency powers only exist while the legislature is not in session.

      But even that – history teaches us that executive emergency powers have never been used for good and always for evil.

      We do not have constitutionals and laws only for the good times. If they do not work in emergencies – then they do not work at all.
      Someone is always able to find a reason to claim an emergency.

      Specifically addressing emergency health powers – can someon cite an instance EVER where those were necescary ?

      Whether it was the 1918 spansih Flu or Covid – Govenrment was ineffectual and on net harmful.

      There is no reason to expect that will change.

  7. Mr Turley: is a concealed carry license more or less important than a marriage license being given to homosexuals by some states? SCOTUS enshrined – forced – recognition of marriage licenses for homosexuals throughout the entire country in Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644.

    You would think that if a marriage license issued by a state to homosexuals must be recognized in every state, then the same justification for that would also extend nation wide to concealed carry permits issued by states. After all marriage, homosexual or heterosexual, isn’t explicitly mentioned in the Bill of Rights: the right to bear arms is not only mentioned, but includes “shall not be infringed”.

    Seems to me that a reasonable question is why homosexual marriage licenses are enforced throughout the country by SCOTUS – but concealed carry permits are not.

    1. Homosexual couplets? Transgender is trendy in the Democratic fashion of DEI (e.g. affirmative discrimination) and their Pro-Choice ethical religion practiced in Progressive sects with their violent orientations.

      Repeal the disRespect for Marriage Act.

      Oh, and the albinophobic Rainbow images and rhetoric should also be aborted henceforth. #HateLovesAbortion

      That said, civil unions for all consenting adults? That would be inclusive. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

  8. Utter nonsense. Tax assessors don’t rely on your valuation of your property, they do their own assessment. See, this is how I know you guys don’t own anything and don’t pay anything significant in taxes.

  9. However, their legal losses met with political success. Even though courts have found that they are violating the Constitution and these cases only expand countervailing precedent against gun controls, such measures remain popular in their states.

    It should be obvious by now that this is the only objective – political success. What else does a politician do but try to attain political success? She doesn’t care one way or another whether the ban is upheld or is even wise or foolish policy. Like other elites, she is immune from the consequences of her policies . . . other than the electoral consequences. This is not complex at all. Attributing a desire to actually effectuate change to these types of political actions amounts to living in a make-believe land.

  10. Jonathan: DJT is another one who will be pleased with the 10th Circuit ruling. He loves guns in the hands of his loyal MAGA followers. Which brings us back to his controversial use of the word “bloodbath” at the Ohio rally. I re-watched the video of that rally. DJT clearly stated: “Now if I don’t get elected it’s going to be a bloodbath”. I don’t believe for a minute DJT was referring to tariffs on Chinese cars–despite the claims by his campaign. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what DJT meant by his statement.

    Now if you believe DJT he has never called for violence. But what about his statement to the Proud Boys: “Stand back but stand by”? What did that mean? That they should at all times remain peaceful? The Proud Boys and the other right-wing paramilitary groups knew exactly what DJT wanted. They led the military-style violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6.

    DJT’s statements fit a pattern. “Stand back but standby”. If DJT loses again this year what is his plan? If you follow the posts of his followers on “X” or other right-wing websites it’s pretty clear. It will be Jan.6 all over again but this time it really will be a “bloodbath”. Many of DJT’s loyal followers are even calling for a second Civil War! Even some on your blog are loading up on ammunition so they will be prepared. Insanity, but what we have come to expect from the wannabe dictator and his followers!

    1. @Dennis

      Definitely not taking this from you today. My family goes back 100+ years in NM, and you can bite me. You have literally *zero* idea of what you are talking about. What is less than zero? Spend less time in your cave/bubble/basement and more time actually talking to other humans. You are a disgrace, and I am almost certain you live in a wealthy urban place, supported by someone else, or are the inheritor of a legacy that reflects the same. Nothing you have said is relevant to anything but a conversation that apparently takes place exclusively within the confines of your mind and for some reason you feel compelled to broadcast it to the rest of us as though we would give a s***. You are the classic definition of an idiot. The dawn of web 2.0 unfortunately revealed a lot of these. Put your phone down, dude. If you are being paid, I hope it was worth it, and that I highly doubt, in the long run. We all know you at this point, we all think you are a clown, and heaven help you when the scales tip, because they will. The racket you are a part of had a limited shelf-life, and the expiration date is pretty much upon us. We have all had enough of this boosheet.

      Nobody cares, Dennis. Nobody. We are real people living real lives and making real contributions, and you can eat our dust. Sorry your brief moment in the sun when totalitarianism ruled the roost and you thought your privileged *ss would triumph tuned out to be a blip because most of us are not insane or preternaturally stupid. Grow up and deal with it.

      1. James,
        He brags about his neighbor, the same idiot who claimed shooting a deer with a AR15 would “ruin” the meat, has something like a 8,000sqft manicured lawn with some high end mansion, and said this to me as if I were to be envious of it.
        8,000sqft lawn that produces . . . nothing. Us farmers look at those people as the same thing as their lawns; That which produces nothing.
        Their mansions they are so proud of, have a carbon footprint consumes easily three to four or more times energy as the average American family and some ten times more than the average person world wide. IF we are to go along with the Biden admin climate change mandates, everyone would have to reduce their quality of living by some 86%. That would include Dennis and his 8,000sqft manicured lawn neighbor. While they like to think they are among the elite, they are not and will have to suffer along with the rest of us. Only the 1% of the 1% will still have their elite lifestyle eating real meat, AC, etc.

        1. ” has something like a 8,000sqft manicured lawn with some high end mansion”

          Upstate, you can believe Dennis and his 8,000 square foot lawn. Its real and you can visit him 8AM-5PM at the mental hospital. That is the lawn where he sits and dreams in between his ECT treatments.

    2. Dennis McIntyre, the Soviet Democrat police state fascist who worships the blood on Bribery Biden’s hands tried this off-topic deflection
      DJT is another one who will be pleased with the 10th Circuit ruling. He loves guns in the hands of his loyal MAGA followers

      Dennis loves the blood soaked hands of Bribery Biden, who left Americans to be murdered in Benghazi and then in Afghanistan. Dennis loves the blood soaked hands of the Biden DoJ who REFUSE to prosecute Biden Identity Politics felons caught as prohibited possessors of firearms – while most of the gun murders in America are committed by those violent criminals who Biden allows to go out and murder, rather than throw them in jail with the mandatory five year jail sentence.

      And that would include the family cashier for Biden White House Crime LLC, The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid.

      Just as Dennis loves the blood soaked hands of his fellow Soviet Democrats in their street thugs in Antifa and Black Liars & Marxists, during their year of communist Red Guard like Summer of Mostly Peaceful Insurrection.

      Dennis has nothing to offer to promote The Big Guy, Bribery Biden and the Soviet Democrats other than BBBBUUUUTTTT…. MUH TRUMP!

    3. Dennis – shilling the “bloodbath” hoax – again.

      You lost. You can spray us all with 100,000 words explaining why you do not beleive – what is obvious to nearly everyone who sees the video of the actual remark.

      You expect people to beleive that right smack in the middle of a long diatribe regarding Chinese cars being built in Mexico that Trump inserted an entirely unrelated call to murder democrats if he was not elected – and that he did so in “coded” speech so that he could claim it was about Chinese cars ? Oh, AND that despite the fact that it was in code that only MAGA deplorables could understand – that YOU have the magic decoder ring ?

      As with every other Trump quote that you fixate on all the time – you can find plenty of instances of Pelosi or Biden or Obama using the SAME word – in in actual calls to arms.

      Even if your bizarre interpretation was correct – it would still be standard rhetorical political speech. that is acceptable to the electorate and protected by the first amendment.

      This is the wrong time to be shilling more of the “rules for thee, but not for me” nonsense.

      If you expect anyone to take your attacks on Trump’s language seriously – it would be wise to attack him for rhetoric that he uses that Democrats do not.

      1. DM is generating way too much attention. He’s an idiot troll seeking attention. He refuses to engage to defend his idiocy.
        Let’s treat him with benign neglect.

    4. “I re-watched the video of that rally. DJT clearly stated: “Now if I don’t get elected it’s going to be a bloodbath”. I don’t believe for a minute DJT was referring to tariffs on Chinese cars–despite the claims by his campaign.”

      Then you truly are a leftist Democrat cultist and an idiot.
      Anyone with any degree of common sense can tell he was speaking to the auto industry and the economy at large.
      For someone who claims to be so smart, you are a moron.

      1. What exactly is an economic bloodbath?

        I think the framing from both the left and the right is wrong on this latest Trump quote. The appropriate takeaway is that this is the latest example of Trump’s incoherent rambling, making any reasonable voter question his mental fortitude for office (same as one should question Joe Biden).

          1. So, would you say Trump’s US-Canada-Mexico Agreement created this “economic bloodbath”? By building plants in Mexico (just like American car companies!), Chinese companies are simply responding to market conditions created by Trumpian policy when he was president. If this is your opinion, why would we re-elect him?

            Even if “bloodbath” is used by overly dramatic financial journalists to describe a sudden market crash, it would be inapplicable to describe a long term event like a reorganization of the auto manufacturing sector which such a term.

            But, hey, keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

    5. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what DJT meant by his statement.”
      Correct, Trump was clearly saying – before, during and after the clause you cited that if China is not contained in Mexico, that the US auto industry and US auto workers will be decimated.

      That was the topic of the speech.

      You expect everyone to beleive that right smack dab in the middle of a speech entirely about sino-mexican cars coming into the US,
      That Trump randomly inserted and unrelated a call to arms top MAGA deplorables ?

      And of course you also expect all to beleive that rhetorical terms in politics – such as “bloodbath” are only to be taken litterally when Trump says them – not Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, … ?

      “The left takes Trump literally, but not seriously;
      his supporters take him seriously, but not literally”

    6. “They led the military-style violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6.”
      So many errors in so short a sentence.

      There was a “military-style violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6”
      Please – show us the video. I missed the tanks, and artillery ?
      Show us the assault weapons ? How about a handgun ? Can you find a single handgun in or arround the Capitol on J6 that was not in the possession of law enforcement ?

      Possibly as many as 250,000 Trump supports came to DC on J6 – and yet, through the entire city The Feds have found that there were less than half a dozen guns brought to DC by Trump supporters – none of which were at the Capitol.
      Pick a random block in DC and you will probably find more Illegal guns possed by DC residence.

      The IRA was paramilitary. They smuggled automatic weapons, and they engaged in military-style violent attacks attacks – on the British military and the RUC – using automatic weapons, and bombs. They actually trained in military tactics.

      Further they were relatively successful – they established a free and independent Ireland, and even in Northern Ireland they ultimately ended the dual system of justice and acheived political equality, and ultimately control of the government of northern ireland.

      Inside of the US – there are actual paramilitary groups – like the Virginia Militia. These were not involved in J6.
      They do not initiate violence. They aggressively train for the future collapse of the US into anarchy. They Train defensively for the expected conflict with US government forces when those forces come after them. They are defensive not offensive.

      There are many of these groups and there have been conflicts involving them – ALWAYS initiated by the US govenrment – whether it was the ATF raiding David Koresch or the FBI raiding the Weavers at Ruby Ridge or the various federal conflicts with ultra conservative mormons in Utah and Nevada. These people are nuts, but they are harmless nuts – so long as you leave them alone.

      Conversely the Proud Boys are NOT Paramilitary. They are more like body building Frat boys – they view their role as providing body guards to protect protestors from Antifa. Whether that is standing up to Antifa counter protestors at protests by groups like Patriot prayer, or protecting Journalists that cover left wing violence like Andy Ngo from Antifa thugs.

      The proud boys train for and are itching for a fight – not with law enforcement – but with Antifa very specifically.
      They planned to come to J6 – not to “lead a military-style violent attack on the Capitol”
      But to deal with large scale anticipated Antifa interference. Absolutely they planned to do that. They conspired to do that.

      But absolutely no one planned “a military-style violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6”
      and there wasn’t one. As anyone with eyes would know.

      Chanting the right words does not alter reality.

    7. Dennis is the perfect example of my oft-repeated comments about “selective” editing, messaging, reporting, publication, etc.
      Here is the complete, unedited Trump statement:

      “Trump, March 16: ‘China now is building a couple of massive plants where they’re going to build the cars in Mexico and think, they think, that they’re going to sell those cars into the United States with no tax at the border. Let me tell you something to China, if you’re listening President Xi, and you and I are friends, but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now, and you think you’re going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans, and you’re going to sell the cars to us? No. We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath, for the whole — that’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars.'”

      “If you actually watch and listen to the section, he was talking about the auto industry and tariffs,” Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told the Washington Post, adding that ‘Biden’s policies will create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and autoworkers.’ That explanation seems the most plausible, given the context of Trump’s comments….”

      1. Lin,
        As always, a great and epic take down of Dennis with facts.
        How does the burn feel Dennis? Can you say, ouch?
        Of course not! You have drank the leftist kool aid, you even gargle with it!
        What a loser!

      2. Trump 2.0 continues to resort to mercantilist economic policy, as if this was the 18th century.

        I am consistently surprised self-respecting members of the GOP now think import substitution industrialization (a la Latin America in the 80s) is conservative economic policy. What happened to the Chicago Boys? What happened to the free market?

        US car companies have plants in Mexico too. How is Ford assembling a car in Mexico less bloodbath-y than China doing the same thing? The GOP lost its backbone a long time ago. It no longer wants to compete and would rather cheat by imposing stupid tariffs that can passed down ultimately to consumers anyway. How sad.

        1. “US car companies have plants in Mexico too.”

          Nice moral equivalence.

          Such are the horrible consequences of severing economics from morality, from political philosophy — and from the fact that China is a communist *dictatorship*.

          A free or semi-free country should not trade with a dictatorship. To do so sanctions the dictators and betrays their victims. There should not be tariffs on this or that Chinese product. There should be a *total* economic boycott of that bloody regime.

            1. “You must idea who the Chicago Boys are!”

              Nice ad hominem.

              Though you do not deserve a rational reply, here it is:

              Those Chicago Boys, esp. Friedman, held the false dichotomy: “normative economics” (moral values) versus “positive economics” (economic facts). That severing (and in fact inversion) of economics from morality is based on the premise that to make economics “scientific,” it must be shorn of moral values.

              That the Chicago Boys got in bed with a butcherous dictator (Pinochet) illustrates the bloody consequences of elevating “positive economics” over political philosophy.

              You and others are repeating those tragedies by arguing that China should be free to sell its products to the U.S.

    8. “But what about his statement to the Proud Boys: “Stand back but stand by”? What did that mean?”

      Why do you presume that because it is not clear to you that you are entitled to presume it was a coded nefarious message ?

      Biden utters jabberwocky all the time. People do not try to read coded messages into it.

      When Biden wants to issue a fascist call to arms – as he has done on many occasions – he is perfectly clear about it.

    9. “If DJT loses again this year what is his plan?”

      I would imagine it would be the same as any sane person, insulate oneself from the obamma government by any means necessary – likely leaving for green(er) pastures, like sane people have done for millennia in the face of idiotic oppressive leadership. No one is gonna put up with the EU/feminist/blm/marxist bullcrap that the morons up FJB’s a$$ are doing and planning.

      The democrat vision is not beneficial to sane and productive people, it is a parasite’s vision and the hosts are gonna move on, one way or the other.

    10. Derp. We could decrease the gun homicide rate to below european rates by simply getting rid of democrats. And that effect is not nearly the most beneficial one.

    11. “If DJT loses again this year what is his plan?”
      The plan is not to lose.
      So far that is going well.
      Trump is up by about 8million popular votes and growing.
      He leads in all swing states in nearly every poll.
      He leads by double digits in some.
      He has gained 12pts with black voters.
      He is claose to even with hispanic voters.
      He has had large gains with jews, and asians.
      He leads in almost every age cohort – including voters under 30.
      He dominates with men only among black men does he have less than majority support – and even there it is 40%.

      All these gains are long term trends – though Trump has been a significant accelerating factor,
      They are trends that predate Trump. Democrats are increasingly becoming the party of single college educated elite white women.

      What is the plan if Trump loses by fraud and election rigging again ?
      The Plan is 2025 and 2028. The trends all favor MAGA.

      While it would be very bad for the country – the best thing for MAGA would be 4 more years of Biden.

      Those of you on the left still have not grasped this – you lose even when you win.
      Because your ideology is so self contradictory and corrupt that you fail as you impliment it.

      Willis was not removed in GA. As Numerous pundits – including some on the left have noted – THAT was a victory for Trump

      You personally fixate over every minor setback of Trump – failing to grasp that.

      “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
      Obi-Wan Kenobi

      You indict Trump – his polls rise.
      You drag him into court – his polls rise.
      You gag him – his pols rise.
      You brow beat him – his polls rise.
      You convict him – his polls rise.
      You fine the crap out of him – his polls rise.

      Those of you on the left do not realize that by Targeting Trump after 2020,
      YOU made sure that he would be the GOP candiate and that he would win.

      When you go after Trump – you make him stronger.
      You make him more important.
      You make it clear that he is your kryptonite.
      You make it clear – he is what you fear the most.
      You unite everyone that opposes you on anything – even in little ways – behind Trump.
      The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

      There were many excellent republican candidates in this election. They may have attacked each other,
      but for the overwhelming majority of voters – any one of them would be far better than Biden or Harris, or Newsome of
      anything that democrats have to offer.

      Trump won primarily because DEMOCRATS made it clear they were most terrified of Trump.
      And you still are.

      Everyday you are here with some idiotic rant that you presume should compel all of use to vote for Biden.

      People are not listening.

      You and I argue daily about the merits of these different prosecutions – but most of the country has made up its mind.
      They do not care. They have heard nothing that undermines their perception that Trump is a better choice than Biden.

      I doubt that the majority of americans fully grasp the degree to which you have trashed the rule of law.
      They do not know that Trump’s departure with classified documents was lawful – and even the SC has admitted that.
      And Joe Biden’s was not.
      What they do see is that those on the left and the right are CLEARLY not being treated the same.
      And that this problem ONLY exists in the tiny parts of the country that are deep blue.

      Ordinary people do not know or get all the details that damn you even further.
      But they get the broad strokes.

      And it is a theme that pervades the left.

      democrats make up their own rules for dealing with the border, they do not enforce the law – and they fail horribly, and idiotically blame it on republicans – treating people as if they are stupid.

      Every where you turn it is rules for thee and not for me.
      Holder was held in contempt for failing to honor a congressional subpeona, as was Lehrner, Hunter ignored one altogether.
      Yet, NAvaro and Bannon are headed to jail.

      Rules for me but not for thee.

      Biden is found to have engaged in a patteron fo criminal conduct for 50 years – willfully and recklessly, and he has lied under oath, – but because he is not competent he gets to skate AND remain president. President demensia.
      But the law is bent spindled and mutilated to argue for the first time ever that presidents can not take documents – classified or not with them as they leave something all 44 prior presidents have done.

      People know double standards when they see them.

      They know that MAL is not worth $17M as Engoron claims. They know that it does not matter if Trump was worth 1B or 10B that DB was going to loan him lots of money are favorable interest rates. They know that – because if they could do so – most of them would have themselves.

      They know that if those of you on the left – open your mouth – you are lying.
      The see rules for me and not for thee.
      They see prosecutors that can not be trusted, courts that can not be trusted.
      And as they have the malfeasance of these prosecutors and courts shoved in their faces,
      they doubt more and more all the other courts that all went one way.

      You are actively – and deservedly undermining faith in all our institutions.

      You are a libertarians dream come true.

  11. Governor Lujan-Grisham will continue to double down on gun control. She’s auditioning for a position in the next Biden Administration.

    1. @skyraider1717

      Part of the problem with her is she is not particularly skilled or bright. She pretty much does what she is told. She is part of a dynasty and was ‘installed’. I am ecstatic the courts are sitting precedent with her. Idjits like her, setting precedent, are basically undermining the dem party, writ large, officially. She is too dumb to realize this, as most aristocrats are. All this tool sees is her own privilege and why she should get her way, because she is *better* (and she her lineage is Mexican, not American, or even early immigrant American. the old families in NM are Spanish*, as in Queen Isabella and European). It really is toddler level stuff, when one has been coddled their entire life in an extraordinarily insular place. That she has been considered for DC, and Deb Holland is already there under Biden, should be reason enough to give one pause, but most of us are addicted to our phones at this point and live in a fishbowl that couldn’t even sustain actual fish. Wake up. The fact that people are afraid of different shades of melanin, which we all have, in the 21st century – we have been dragged backward by literal decades. Stop supporting it.

  12. Jonathan: Let’s get this straight. The 10th Circuit is saying it’s OK for anyone to carry a concealed weapon into a public park or playground in Albuquerque? Let’s say I am a parent of young children and frequently take them to the playground. I sit down on a bench to watch my kids and a guy comes up and sits next to me. I look over, he opens his jacket and I see a Glock barely visible underneath. I suppose you could consider that “concealed” but it would make me very nervous. I would probably gather up my kids and leave immediately. That’s totally crazy!

    Judge Riggs seemed to think “historical analogies from the late 19th century and the early 20th century is insufficient to establish a historical tradition of firearms regulation…” I have some personal knowledge about gun regulation in the late 19th century. My great-great uncle was on the Dodge City Peace Commission in the 1890s–along with Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and Luke Short. In an attempt to clean up the “wild west” image of the town the Commission passed an ordinance–cowboys and and anyone entering the town had to first deposit their guns at the Marshall’s office. Those who resisted were arrested and put in jail. The ordinance was strictly enforced. Many other towns in the Midwest and Southwest had similar ordinances.

    So gun regulation has a long history in this country. Judge Riggs apparently chose to conveniently ignore that history!

    1. “I look over, he opens his jacket and I see a Glock barely visible underneath. I suppose you could consider that “concealed” but it would make me very nervous. I would probably gather up my kids and leave immediately. That’s totally crazy!”

      I agree 100%. That is the thing the gun nuts don’t understand. The presence of a gun can be very unnerving. Just think of all the parents that have lost their kids to school shootings. There are places guns do not belong in a civilized society.

      Is that a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun? Please pass a law that says good guys must wear a white hat when carrying a gun and bad guys must wear a black hat. All will be solved.

      1. Another cowardly, feckless Anonymous Soviet Democrat police state fascist tried this line:
        The presence of a gun can be very unnerving.

        The existence of police state fascist Soviet Democrats who claim their emotional hysteria takes precedence over the Second Amendment – or any other right – is even more disturbing.

        Equally disturbing is they vote for police state fascist Soviet Democrat politicians who live in a secure bubble provided by gun carrying bodyguards, while doing everything in their power to make it impossible for ordinary citizens, particularly black Americans living in neighborhoods filled with predatory dangerous criminals, to carry their own gun for self defense. The tried and true Soviet Democrat system of laws: “I can be protected by guns – but you can’t protect yourself with the same kind of gun”.

        Just think of all the parents that have lost their kids to school shootings.

        Just think of the vast majority of children slaughtered outside of school every single day in their gun banning utopias where they WILL NOT jail their identity politics felons caught carrying a firearm. Like… Chicago for example, that paragon lab rat for the success of “gun control” police state fascist gun banning.

        84 shot and murdered so far this year; another 360 shot and who survived their wounds. Don’t you just love the success of “gun control” in Soviet Democrat run cities being on display!

        And cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrats don’t care in the slightest about the daily slaughter of kids outside of schools. That’s because they’re mostly BLACK kids, and Soviet Democrats have no use for black Americans until they’re old enough to vote.

    2. Dennis McIntyre, the firearms expert who repeatedly assured us an AR-15 would completely destroy a deer, now wants to offer further expert firearms testimony concerning concealed carry. And of course, his version of historical precedence in carrying firearms in America. Oh… and we’re supposed to believe he’s so expert he could apparently see a “barely visible” handgun and go “OMG IT’S A GLOCK!”

      And the most powerful argument he has is that in Dodge City, where there was no such thing as respect for 4th Amendment rights and numerous other rights by the city politicians, they also decided the 2nd Amendment did not apply as well. Nope, straight to jail without any trial by your peers in good ol’ Dodge City under Dennis’s police state fascist politicians running the city.

      Which would make sense: that lawless, unconstitutional Dodge City lawmakers is emblematic of the Soviet Democrats in power today that have no respect for the First Amendment, The Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, etc.

    3. You would be nervous over an inanimate object that has no will of it’s own? Does a car make you nervous? More people are killed in auto accidents than by guns.
      How about fried chicken? More people die of heat disease related to poor diets than by guns.
      How about this rifle: 132-year-old Model 1873 found against a tree at Great Basin National Park has a new home.
      If you saw it leaning up against a tree, would you be nervous?
      Of course you would! You are a Hoplophobe!

    4. I saw Tombstone, too. It’s like Star Wars for conservatives. I really liked Val Kilmer’s Doc Holliday.

    5. “I have some personal knowledge about gun regulation in the late 19th century. My great-great uncle was on the Dodge City Peace Commission in the 1890s–along with Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and Luke Short.”

      How is that personal knowledge? Did your dead great-great uncle share his recollections with you? Were you on mushrooms?

    6. “Let’s say I am a parent of young children and frequently take them to the playground.”

      What playground are you planning to take them to? Is it in the Bronx? If so, you should probably think about packing heat:

      U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “For years, Nicholas Joseph actively participated in the Castle Hill Crew, a violent gang that infected the Soundview neighborhood of the Bronx with guns, drug dealing, fraud, and violence. These crimes included a shooting in a crowded playground next to an elementary school, which seriously injured a 12-year-old child. Today’s lengthy sentence sends an important message to gang members who commit crimes that they will be apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

      How are you planning to take the child? Are you going to walk? You should probably think about packing heat:

      1. Thank you, Floyd. I was feeling homesick, so you provided a video of where I was born. Thank you. When I first got married, I was living in a different section of NYC but felt at home in our slum where the first night we lived there, there was a rape-murder. Yes, I have some wonderful memories of NYC.

    7. I have a better idea though. Take your kid to a park in east or west or north or south Baltimore and have a seat on a bench and ask yourself what are the odds, unarmed, you’re getting out of there alive. Now go to my hair cutter where a few of the ladies carry and ask yourself if you’d rather be on that park bench in Baltimore.

      You can live in fear all you like, but stop being a crab and pulling the rest of us into the boil with you.

  13. So on the day when Trump’s pal, Peter Navarro, becomes the first White House official in US history to be jailed for contempt of Congress, Fox News contributer Turley devotes his time & energy to a Democratic governor. Of course, we all know the Professor definitely wouldn’t remain stone cold silent if Hunter Biden was the one being jailed for contempt of Congress.

    Trump’s Vice President just said he will not endorse Trump. After hearing Trump called J6 convicts “hostages” & “patriots” Pence said: “I think it’s very unfortunate at a time that there are American hostages being held in Gaza, that the President or any other leader will refer to people that are moving through our justice system as hostages. It’s just unacceptable.”

    Turley knows he’s on solid ground to stick with the stories which will fire up his Trump loving supporters.

    1. Another cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat police state fascist went completely off topic with this gloat:
      So on the day when Trump’s pal, Peter Navarro, becomes the first White House official in US history to be jailed for

      Bribery Biden’s family cashier, The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid is NOT being prosecuted by this Biden DoJ at the same time for ignoring a subpoena. Now how weird and unusual is that!

      Just like the previous Soviet Democrat DoJ didn’t prosecute Killary for destroying evidence under subpoena! Just like the previous Soviet Democrat DoJ didn’t prosecute Eric Holder for ignoring a subpoena!

      In other off-topic news not mentioned by the cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat police state fascist:

      The Soviet Democrats J6 Committee police state fascists face prosecution for obstruction of justice and concealing evidence:

      Liz Cheney and the police state fascists on the J6 political show trial concealed and suppressed exculpatory evidence:

      Another Biden White House Crime LLC mobster confessed under oath that The Big Guy was the deal closer from his White House office:

      An imprisoned Biden White House Crime LLC mobster said that The Big Guy demanded $5 million to quash a US indictment of his son:

      Hunter Biden faces perjury charges after The Big Guy says what he said under oath was a flat out lie:

      Why is it cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat apparatchiks have nothing but off-topic BBBBUUUTTTTT…. MUH TRUMP moments to defend The Big Guy, Bribery Biden and the Soviet Democrats?

    2. They are hostages in a sense. They were denied the right to a speedy trial and are not being bonded out. Political prisoners.

  14. OT: I keep wondering which will be worse for NYC? The ~half a billion dollars Trump has to pay out, or the next terrorist explosion in NYC. We can thank Democrats for both.

    Captured illegal immigrant from Lebanon says he was member of Hezbollah hoping ‘to make a bomb’: CBP

    U.S. Border Patrol agents captured an illegal immigrant from Lebanon who allegedly said he was a member of the terrorist organization Hezbollah and that he hoped to make a bomb and end up in New York, according to documents from the agency.

  15. Here is an example of what happens when Liberals are not mentally ill, when their minds still function. So sad that this is Sweden, and not America:

    “A Swedish MP who advocated for open borders during the 2015 refugee crisis said she has completely changed her mind and now wants to see a significant number of deportations. “Specifically, she pointed to the fact that “serious, organized crime is committed to a large extent by people with foreign assets,” that new arrivals are “not self-sufficient,” and that the “culture of honor, separatism, and Islamism is limiting and dangerous.”

    Meijer asserted that integrating large numbers of migrants has been a total failure for Sweden and “for integration to work, people who both want to move here and who already live here need to adapt to Swedish society and our values.”She is now calling for a strict limit on migration in the near future and dedicated herself to ensuring that the country begins a large deportation campaign.

    “You need to work, speak Swedish, and do your duty before you demand your rights. Those who do not want to adapt and integrate should not stay in Sweden either. Deportation or repatriation should then be a real option,” said Meijer.

    After being one of if not the safest country in Europe, Sweden now records the second most bombings out of any country not at war besides Mexico.Violence and criminality caused by migrant gangland violence is so chronic, last year the Swedish Prime Minister met with the head of the military to try to formulate a plan to deal with it. Riots and civil unrest have become commonplace, and in 2021, Germany’s Bild newspaper ran the headline: ‘Sweden is the most dangerous country in Europe.’

    1. Floyd,
      The difference between her and our woke leftist friends is she has the capability, critical thinking, logic and reason to see the situation for what it is, how it has impacted Swede society and culture and changed her mind!
      Our woke leftist friends double down on the crisis of their own making, spin, blame someone else, or just ignore the crisis is happening.
      Quite a difference.

      1. UpstateFarmer said: “I could see some manufactured crisis with half of the country believing it”

        We recently had an example of a manufactured crisis (elements of which were, at the same time, all too real) that had far more than half the country believing every bit of it, because many of the proponents of that crisis were public and quasi-public medical organizations that we had been thoroughly indoctrinated to trust without question (NIH; AMA; CDC; NSF; to name a few) with few, if any, of us realizing that some of those organizations were serving as CIA fronts, and the rest were willing or coopted sycphants of the Deep State.

      2. Old Airborne Dog said: “will SCOTUS ask Soviet Democrat ruled states why they aren’t recognizing Concealed Carry Permits from all states”

        One or more of our purported 2A advocacy organizations *should* be pursuing just that topic, irrespective of your marriage license analogy, in the form of challenging whether there were any (properly scoped re Bruen) historical precedent restrictions on armed citizens of one state crossing into another state without obtaining special state government permission to do so. Unfortunately, I sometimes (more and more frequently since Bruen and Heller, to be honest) wonder how many of those organizations (if any) have as much actual passion for 2A rights as they do for collecting donations.

  16. OT: Trump has not been able to post a bond as required to appeal in NY. He is asking for leave to appeal w/out posting. Can anyone explain why he has not sought to access Federal court to set aside the judgment and the requirement to post such a large bond on eighth amendment and due process grounds?

    1. Daniel, you asked a similar question a few weeks ago, and I pointed you to the anti-injunction act. 28 U.S.C. § 2283. With that said, I’m not entirely certain it would apply, although facially it does appear to. Do you have any opinion on that?

      The act states: A court of the United States may not grant an injunction to stay proceedings in a state court except as expressly authorized by Act of Congress, or where necessary in aid of its jurisdiction, or to protect or effectuate its judgments.

        1. Though 42 USC 1983 has been held to be an exception to that. Not sure if 1983 can be used with respect to ongoing state court proceedings.

  17. One of these days the SC will ask how the militia is being regulated. When they do, all these cases that give people the right to carry their gun anywhere at any time will be gone. What the SC gives one day can be taken away tomorrow. Anybody remember about the right to an abortion that the SC said all women in all the states have? Likewise one day the SC will look out on the land and realize that the militia is not so well regulated and will allow laws that restrict when and where guns can be carried.

    1. “. . . these cases that give people the right . . .”

      A government entrusted with the protection of individual rights does *not* “give people” anything. It acknowledges and protects rights against those (especially in government) who attempt to usurp them.

    2. At the time it was written, “Well regulated,” meant the militia was its own independent entity that had a captain, would drill on a regular basis, each and every militia member had their own rifle, a degree of shot and powder.
      When called up, they would bring their own rifle, shot and powder. Once their supply of shot and powder was used up, the state would provide additional shot and powder.
      Rifles were expensive and the state could not buy them in quantity, required maintenance, storage, whereas shot and powder did not.
      It was more economically feasible to put the onus on the militia members to pay for, own and keep maintained their own rifles.

      1. UpstateFarmer said: “At the time it was written, “Well regulated,” meant the militia was its own independent entity that had a captain, would drill on a regular basis, each and every militia member had their own rifle, a degree of shot and powder.”

        Not to mention that the “well regulated militia” reference is merely an explanation of why it is vital not to infringe the right to keep and bear arms. It in no way invalidates that right upon a claim about the absence of such a militia, even should that claim be substantiated.

      2. Sam said: “Tyrants love emergencies (real or imagined).”

        Oh, it’s worse than that. If an real crisis doesn’t happen along at the opportune moment, and it happens not to be convenient to fake one, the tyrants will gladly cause a real crisis to get their way, no matter what the cost to the people.

        1. Number 6,
          Well said.
          Take the recent “bloodbath” hoax. MSM and the Biden admin just kept repeating it, over and over again to great hysteria.
          And their cult followers then picked it up in a panic and screamed, “Look at what he said!!!”
          Meanwhile, the rest of us normal people, very calmly, watched the video, and said, “Well, MSM took it out of context and so badly only a moron would believe them.”
          And yet a whole bunch of morons did exactly that.
          I could see some manufactured crisis with half of the country believing it, while the rest of us say, “Settle down. Here is what actually happened. There is no crisis.”
          But they will ignore that.

    3. When they do, all these cases that give people the right to carry their gun anywhere at any time will be gone.
      Witnessing your ignorance is overwhelming

      Its called the “Bill of Rights”

      The first 10 amendments were drafted and added to the Constitution, after the Constitution was sent to the Stated to ratified. The motivation was feed back from State Legislatures, and citizens, they feared the massive power being created in this ‘Federal Government’

      The Bill of Rights enumerated Rights possessed by all people. These Rights were identified, and then the Federal govt was barred from taken specific actions against the People, or against the States.
      The body of the Constitution, grants enumerated powers to the Federal govt. If not enumerated, the powers rest with the States, or the People.

      This is basic American Civics, and its astounding you have zero curiosity to learn our history,

    4. Another cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat expressed his deepest police state fascist wishes with this:
      One of these days the SC will ask how the militia is being regulated.

      They’ve already covered that “regulated” at the time meant “well equipped”: not the Soviet Democrat demand that it means government controlled. Note to Soviet Democrat police state fascists: the Bill of Rights is a list of prohibitions on GOVERNMENT – not a list of how government can prohibit the actions of citizens.

      Weird that a cowardly Anonymous Soviet Democrat wouldn’t wonder if SCOTUS might ask Soviet Democrat lawmakers if they understand what “shall not be infringed” means.

      Or perhaps more interestingly, as SCOTUS has ruled homosexual marriage licenses issued by any state must be recognized everywhere in America, will SCOTUS ask Soviet Democrat ruled states why they aren’t recognizing Concealed Carry Permits from all states.

      A marriage license is more relevant than a Bill of Rights amendment that explicitly mentions a right?

      1. Was the article not correct? Please provide a correct interpretation to what was reported. Don’t just make childish comments without saying what the problem with the article was.

        or is that asking to much of your snail brain?

        1. huffpo lies about everything. I assume they are misrepresenting the lies of Brazil media.

          So yes. The whole thing is a lie.

    1. Another feckless Anonymous cowardly A hole Soviet Democrat tried this off topic line:
      Interesting, turns out right wing A holes is not just an American thing.

      Does that HuffPoo article have anything to do with A hole Soviet Democrat police state fascists getting shot down with their A Hole gun bans?

      Please provide a correct justification for what that has to do with a police state fascist 2nd Amendment violation being shot down. Don’t just make childish, completely off topic comments like the typical Soviet Democrat A Hole because you’re having an emotional breakdown that the 2nd Amendment violation was struck down.

      Or are you so brain damaged from years of your Mommy giving you her hair dryer and the kitchen toaster for your bath toys, that you can’t do any of that – including being on topic?

    2. You mean turns out the CIA isn’t just meddling in internal US politics.

      Grow up or take a leap, but your cowering is boring and your want to have other suffer as you do is repugnant and worthy of the worst the world has to offer.

  18. For Mr. TURLEY:

    Sir, You mentioned that Democratic led states and cities are bring a lot of bad cases to the courts. Does that mean in your opinion that many of these cases can be used as precedents in future cases, and if so how strong are they for the 2ndA advocates?

    1. The professor doesn’t read the comment section. To answer your question: yes, you have the right idea, and some of them are very strong for 2A, such as the Bruen case (New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen (2022)).

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