Say It Ain’t So, Joe: The House Formally Invites President Biden to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry

House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer has sent a seven-page letter (below) to invite President Joe Biden to testify in the Republican impeachment inquiry. The letter is the latest, and best, reduction of the glaring contradictions in the President’s past statements on his family’s well-documented influence peddling operation. President Biden is not expected to testify. However, the media should be interested in his answering the questions presented by the Committee. It is now clear that the President lied during his campaign and during his presidency on his lack of knowledge of his son’s business activities as well as his denial of any money gained from China. Yet, the White House responded, again, with mockery — a sense of impunity that only exists due to an enabling media.

Chairman Comer reduces the past testimony and evidence acquired by the Committee in the corruption scandal. In the last hearing, Democratic members simply refused to acknowledge that evidence. There was a bizarre disconnect as members mocked the witnesses for not supplying evidence of the President’s knowledge or involvement. They then did so and the members declared that there was no evidence.

Various members also misrepresented my earlier testimony during the hearing on the basis for the impeachment inquiry. Members like Rep. Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) stated that I joined other witnesses in stating there was nothing that could remotely be impeachable in these allegations. That is demonstrably untrue. My testimony stated the opposite. I refused to pre-judge the evidence, but stated that there was ample basis for the inquiry and laid out various impeachable offenses that could be brought if ultimately supported by evidence. I also discussed those potential offenses in columns. The purpose of the hearing was not to declare an impeachment on the first day of the inquiry. Unlike the two prior impeachments by many of these same Democratic members, this impeachment inquiry sought to create a record of evidence and testimony to support any action that the House might take.

Now, the Committee has laid out the considerable evidence showing that the President had lied, knowingly and repeatedly.

Interspersed with specific evidentiary findings, the Committee presents ten questions that the President should be able to answer directly and unequivocally:

  1. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Jonathan Li of Bohai Industrial Fund and/or Bohai Harvest Rosemont?

  2. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Ye Jianming of CEFC?

  3. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Henry Zhao of the Harvest Fund?

  4. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Vadym Pozharskyi of Burisma Holdings?

  5. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Mykola Zlochevsky of Burisma Holdings?

  6. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Kenes Rakishev of Novatus Holding?

  7. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Yelena Baturina?

  8. Have you met, spoken to, or otherwise interacted with Yuriy Luzhkov?

  9. Did you ever ask your brother James Biden about the source of the funds he used to pay or repay you?

  10. Did Eric Schwerin have insight into all your bank accounts until December 2017?

In response, the White House Counsel’s office again responded with mockery and taunting. I have previously discussed (including in my testimony in the Biden hearing) how the role of the White House staff in these denials can raise serious questions under the impeachment inquiry.

That has not deterred White House Counsel spokesperson Ian Sams, who has been previously accused of misrepresenting facts and engaging in heavy-handed treatment of the media. Sams responded to the letter:

“LOL. Comer knows 20+ witnesses have testified that POTUS did nothing wrong. He knows that the hundreds of thousands of pages of records he’s received have refuted his false allegations. This is a sad stunt at the end of a dead impeachment. Call it a day, pal.”

The involvement of a member of the White House Counsel’s staff issuing such a disrespectful and taunting message would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Yet, the media has enabled such denial and deflection by showing no interest in the answers to any of these questions. It is part of the genius of the Biden management of this scandal. The White House quickly got reporters to buy into the illusion, making any later recognition impossible for these reporters. It is Houdini’s disappearing elephant trick applied to politics.

Even if most of the media refuses to demand answers, the public has a right to hear directly from the President on these specific questions. President Biden can still deny all of this countervailing evidence and “say it ain’t so,” but he should say something.

Here is the letter: 2024-03-28-CJC-letter-to-JRB

183 thoughts on “Say It Ain’t So, Joe: The House Formally Invites President Biden to Testify in Impeachment Inquiry”

  1. I know this is not related to the article, but can someone please explain to me why the New York case with the deranged judge and hussy AG was not a jury trial? I thought the Constitution guaranteed trial by a jury of one’s peer. Seems like Trump was railroaded in Stalinesque Soviet show trial.

      1. WRONG! After the adoption of the 14th Amendment, the 7th Amendment applies to State Courts

    1. Apparently, prior NY courts have ruled that since the statute is primarily an “equitable” statute with administrative remedies primary, and monetary remedies secondary, there is no right to a jury trial. However, given that the primary remedy here was an enormous monetary remedy, this is an issue for the appellate court, either the monetary remedy is problematic in the context of prior reasoning that no jury of right because monetary remedy is secondary, or the lack of a jury is problematic given the enormity and primacy of the monetary award.

    2. It was an action brought under a consumer protection statute. The statute allows the AG to simply declare a company is committing fraud, with not even a bench trial. Then the AG petitions the court to determine the monetary punishment for the pre-judged fraud.
      It really is a crazy law.

  2. Bug, under the name of Jon, posted two more idiotic responses that demonstrated a brain destroyed by normal decay, alcoholism, drugs or all three and more. He has shown a lack of reading ability and understanding of crime, testimony, lying, and fraud. Bug, I feel sorry for you. You need help.

    1. “Meyers, who is Bug?” writes Jon who is likely Bug.

      The answer is that Bug is an idiot with no manners, morals, or ethics. This response is written above the post because Bug is deleted when not at Starbucks.

  3. Since the post was deleted and the Bug is so stupid, Jon is likely the Bug trying to hide himself.

    “Meyer, I assume you didn’t bother reading the settlement. It does not show Governor DeSantis having a victory.

    Bug, you are as stupid as they come. I read at least some of it, and you failed to do so. That is part of your stupidity. Tell us what DeSantis lost. Nothing. Tell us what Florida lost. Nothing. We all know how much money, power, and prestige Disney lost. You are too stupid to understand the issues of the settlement.

    “Disney ensured the district cannot make any changes without Disney’s ok.”

    Go back to school. You are an idiot!

    1. Bug, under the name Jon, writes, “Meyer, so you didn’t read all of it. Reading some of it. Likely because you didn’t or couldn’t understand it and gave up after a page or two. I know for a fact that you didn’t understand it at all. Have a good Easter holiday.”

      I can do nothing about your stupidity. My posts remain on the blog, while yours are trashed like they should be. That is all that needs to be said.

  4. Jonathan: Seems there was no way to provide a comment to you latest column “Sams, I am”. So permit me to respond in this comment section.

    Yes, DC is full of “flacks”. But Ian Sams’s response to Jim Comer’s latest desperate attempt to to keep his “impeachment inquiry” alive, by asking Pres. Biden to testify, was just stating the obvious. Comer needs to pack up his tent and move on. But you keep insisting Comer’s over a year of investigation and hearings is still an “impeachment inquiry”. Really? Comer has given up on that and so should you. He now admits he doesn’t have any credible evidence of impeachable offenses by Pres. Biden. He doesn’t have the votes–not even in the MAGA controlled House. So Comer now throws a “Hail Mary” pass by saying he is going to throw the mess he made over to the DOJ!

    But you keep trying to keep the patient alive. Why won’t Joe Biden just answer those 10 questions? Give it up Jonathan. Nothing you have claimed in a year of columns about the vast “Biden family corruption scandal” has been proved by Comer–no “basis for actual impeachment articles”. By keeping up this charade you risk being labeled yourself as a “prototypical” flack in DC!

    1. Joe Biden is losing so bad in this election campaign that he needs to call in not one, but two retired POTUS’s to prop him up … in addition to the federal prosecutors his White House has enlisted to do his dirty work … in addition to the Fake News Media lying to protect him day in and day out. It’s disgusting to the average American.
      Biden is a criminal and a liar.
      The entire world knows it.
      Why don’t you?






    “Before Gloria was born, her mother, Ruth, then age 34, had a “nervous breakdown” which left her an invalid, trapped in delusional fantasies that occasionally turned violent.[17] She changed “from an energetic, fun-loving, book-loving” woman into “someone who was afraid to be alone, who could not hang on to reality long enough to hold a job, and who could rarely concentrate enough to read a book.”[17] Ruth spent long periods in and out of sanatoriums for the mentally ill.[17] Steinem was ten years old when her parents separated in 1944.[17] Her father went to California to find work, while she and her mother continued to live together in Toledo.[18][17]”

    – Wiki

    “the people are nothing but a great beast…

    I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value.”

    – Alexander Hamilton

    “The true reason (says Blackstone) of requiring any qualification, with regard to property in voters, is to exclude such persons, as are in so mean a situation, that they are esteemed to have no will of their own.”

    “If it were probable that every man would give his vote freely, and without influence of any kind, then, upon the true theory and genuine principles of liberty, every member of the community, however poor, should have a vote… But since that can hardly be expected, in persons of indigent fortunes, or such as are under the immediate dominion of others, all popular states have been obliged to establish certain qualifications, whereby, some who are suspected to have no will of their own, are excluded from voting; in order to set other individuals, whose wills may be supposed independent, more thoroughly upon a level with each other.”

    – Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 1775

    “[We gave you] a [restricted-vote] republic, if you can keep it.”

    – Ben Franklin, 1787

  6. Okay, every body: this is how bad it’s getting when Joe Biden declares Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” I am not kidding.

    Happy Easter to all who know what Easter really is about. Affection to all. yours truly, lin.

    1. “NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.”

    2. Only next to Duke helping some guy hormone up to breast feed his grandchild. Disgusting
      Sick on so many levels

    3. The date of Easter Sunday changes each year. This year, 2024, Easter happens to fall on Sunday, March 31, 2024. Each year it is determined by occurs the Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox — the start of spring in the northern hemisphere. So Biden did not declare Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility” he declared March 31, as Transgender Day of Visibility.” But, I agree, the optics is obvious and a revolting example of the current epidemic of gender insanity.

      1. He could have changed the celebration/recognition of the day to MONDAY, just like we do every year for holidays that fall on the weekend (Sunday).

      1. Nice 🙂 — if you’re gonna have a “Transgender Day of Visibility” … April Fools day would be perfect. But that would require a sense of hummer among crazy gender nuts.

  7. No President has ever testified in an impeachment inquiry and to change that precedent here for this completely bogus inquiry would be just weird. I do not ever remember Turley advocating for Trump answering questions before Congress in an impeachment inquiry or otherwise. If “the President lied to the American people” was enough to haul a President before Congress, then Trump should have been there over 20,000 times when he was President.

    1. I have no expectation that Biden will answer questions before congress.

      It is bizzare who – atleast when it serves them left wing nuts take everything litterally.

      Comers letter is not targeted at Biden. It is a reminder to the people, the media, and democrats of the questions regarding Biden that there are no good answers to.

      Comers questions are Rhetorical – Biden is not going to answer them.
      But atleast some voters may think about those questions and they likely answers and determine for themselves what the answers are – absent answers from Biden.

      This is all part of the pattern involving the left.

      Did Joe Biden violate the letter of the law and accept bribes ? I think it is clear that he did. You are free to disagree.

      Did Joe Biden through his family engage in dangerous entanglements with dubious foreign powers and entities for dubious purposes ?

      The Biden family did not lease commercial office space, Sell Condo’s rent hotel rooms, sell oil.
      What they sold was influence. What they sold was the ability of dropping Joe Biden’s name to make things happen that would not have otherwise. Does that meet the narrowest defintion of the crime of bribery ? You get to make your own choice. As do voters.

      Broad Brush we all KNOW what the Bidens did. The only open question is did they actually violate the law.
      That is NOT the standard that voters are going to care about.

      We have the same standards in reverse regarding Trump. We KNOW that Trump believed the election was stolen – as do the majority of Americans. We know that some people told him it was not, and that he did not believe them. We know that he said things and took actions to “stop the steal” – pretty much no one disagrees with that. Those of you on the left are trying to spin tiny details of otherwise legitimate acts into technically crimes to prosecute Trump.

      The problem is there are really no secrets here. We KNOW what Trump did and said. And the majority of americans do not care.

      Most of us grasp that it is pretty dubious to take money from really sketchy foreign powers.
      Most of us grasp that it is OK to be unhappy with the outcome of an election, to beleive the other party cheated, and to try to find that cheating and undo it. That it is infact OK to do so – even if you may ultimately prove wrong.

      Those on the left are under the delusion that if they succeed in splitting hairs that most people do not understand or care about – that they can with biased prosecutors, judges and jurrors get a conviction, and that will change the minds of voters who already know all the facts and have decided for many reasons that Trump is the lessor of two evils.

      Joe Biden’s BEST claim is “My Family perpitrated a fraud on sketchy foreigners and kept them coming back for more, in return for money.”
      Esentially that the Biden’s are not guilty of selling out the country they are guilty of defrauding our enemies.
      At the very worst Trump is guilty of over zealousness in his beleive that Joe Biden stole the election. Given what we know that democrats DID do = that they have admitted, That is not something many people are going to care about.

      1. The inquiry is nothing more than political theater. Despite all the huffing and puffing, there is no evidence to support impeachment and Comer knows it. That is why he pulls stunts like this.

  8. No one here seems to be paying any attention to the messy democratic primary election in Chicago.
    10,’s of thousands of ballots gone missing and then being found. tens of thousands of Blank ballots being transported without records prior to the election and left unattended.

    All this in a primary that is producing a razor thin result.

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