Come for the Education, Stay for the Amputation: Iran Offers Free Scholarships to U.S. Students

Now this could truly be educational. Students protesting on our campuses have been offered free scholarships at Shiraz University in Fars. So, while Northwestern has reached a settlement with protesters to give scholarships to Palestinian students and positions to Palestinian faculty, U.S. protesters can now go to Iran for their education.

Mohammad Moazzeni, head of Shiraz University told media that “students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion can continue their studies at Shiraz University and I think that other universities in Shiraz as well as Fars Province are also prepared [to provide the conditions].”

This could be the single most transformative educational experience of their lives. Of course, Iran is better known for floggings than free speech.

Iran is particularly prone to such contradictions like executing homosexuals while denying that there are any homosexuals in Iran or objecting to the treatment of protesters in the West while jailing, beating and killing protesters.

Warning: vegan meals are not available at Iranian protests. Instead, it has ordered the arrest and killing of writers and artists while holding such fun events as a cartoon competition on the Holocaust.

While expungements are not a common feature of the criminal justice system, it does have unique elements like judicially ordered blindings. Likewise, where else can you go where a criminal defendant was ordered to be executed by being tied into a burlap bag and thrown down a cliff with sharp rocks?

Some universities clearly have space after students were arrested for protesting the death sentence given a rapper. That includes Shiraz University where the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) arrested students for protests.

The good thing is that U.S. students are already covering up their faces. Iranian women have faced arrest for being photographed without hijabs.

Students like Khymani James, the Columbia organizer declaring that “Zionists don’t deserve to live” have the right viewpoint but may find that the Iranian officials are less supportive in other respects.

Just a year studying abroad in Iran is worth a lifetime of education.

So Iranian universities are making the ultimate pitch to come for the free education and stay for the free amputations.

115 thoughts on “Come for the Education, Stay for the Amputation: Iran Offers Free Scholarships to U.S. Students”

  1. This speaks volumes to the insanity of these so called “protests” that are in reality a mob of mindless lemmings who are serving professional activists as their useful idiots. They have no idea.

    I traveled through Iran in the pre revolution era. Like most cultures, the folks are largely amazing people. Even then, their secret police SAVAK were ruthless. They have been overtaken by a radical cadre who offer no sympathy nor have any tolerance for anyone who does not tow the line. Many Iranian students were my classmates in university and many stayed away after the revolution.

    I am reading also that a number of the “student protesters” are not actually students. This whole violent mob is an orchestrated and contrived.

    I wonder how many “studies” classes are offered in their curriculum?

    1. E.M. said: “I traveled through Iran in the pre revolution era. Like most cultures, the folks are largely amazing people. Even then, their secret police SAVAK were ruthless.”

      So you were ther post-coup, pre-revo;ution. That must have truly been an interesting jourbey, and I have no doubt that the people of Iran were as impressive as you say. Yes, Savak were ruthless. I have a pretty strong suspicion that the folks who trained them were from the same outfit that fomented the 1953 coup there to overturn an election, and put Reza Pahlevi on the Peacock throne. Which, it could very well be argued, led directly to the revolution you mentioned, and to the present situation there. NTM providing a template for many subsequent and similar actions in various other corners of the world, including Victoria Nuland’s recent Orange Revolution adventure in Ukraine. Actions have consequences, some actions have much more persistent consequences than others.

  2. The Putin-Trump loving crowd here on Turley’s site is mad scholarships aren’t being offered in Russia. And the MAGA crowd would love how to destroy democracy even faster from lessons from Iran.

    1. Fishstick, are you too dense to even acknowledge the FACT that Iran is offering free scholarships to you pro-Hamas leftists? What? You just going to ignore that little FACT?
      The only people who are trying to destroy democracy is leftists. We see it every day. Now we are seeing it on college campuses all across the country. It is the leftists who want to destroy America. They are the ones who chant “Death to America!” Or are you ignoring that uncomfortable FACT too?

      1. Do you wanna-be-be fascists take lessons in projection? It wasn’t leftists flying Trump flags who stormed the capital to overturn democracy. And were yelling “death to Pence” Ignoring facts and reality is what the MAGA cult does, or do you just feel uncomfortable with facts?

        1. Fishstick, you got it all wrong.
          It is the leftists who are the fascists.
          No one “stormed” the Capital to overturn democracy. That is just another failed leftist narrative. Every one knows it except you brainwashed leftist cultists.
          No one here is a Putin-Trump loving crowd. That is just another fake narrative you made up. It is clear the pro-Hamas protesters are very big fans of not only terrorists, but Iran.
          Those are just facts you cannot deal with. We are seeing them play out on college campuses all across the country.

  3. “Love U.S. or leave U.S.”, a chant I remember from 70s college days, when PLO-Israel conflict was the topic for opinion writing for professors. Indoctrinations of youth still persists.
    “The mind is a terrible thing to waste” was another chant. I can also remember Biden’s quotes regarding the prejudice he felt toward, as he said, “those who would turn our schools into a jungle”. He has proven to me that after 50+ years of government employment, he is stuck in his ways and continues a sad reflection that “a skilled politician is the one who lies and gets away with it.”

  4. So then are you saying Jonathan that, We should burn The Great Library of Alexandria that it may give advantage to the U.S. Digital Roman Empire, to wit History, Theology and Science can be written in the Western ideology ?

    Admittedly YES. Iran and Other Semite States have overt theocratic and governmental rules to control: The State, The Sanctimony of the Religion (Non-Separation of Church & State), The Freedom of Speech (the Blasphemy of the State & Religion), and that these are enforced with severe penalties the worst imaginable in cases.

    BUTdose all that not allow People (The Individual) to Flourish? Become Educated, Grow Wise to the Ways of the World, Mature with Age? Of course it does not those lessons of Life from happening.

    Many Societies today are and have surpassed us, because of blind faith in the system of the U.S..

    Your previous post suggest that the U.S. Citizen are rejecting the projected (News) status quo, as they begin to realize that Other Societies and Civilizations are in the leading position.

    Some time back I read that China graduates 150,000 PhD’s per year, India graduates 150,000 PhD’s per year, that’s 300,000 per year
    (times the past 10 years = 3,000,000. PhD’s), then add the Other Countries of the World.

    Americans are a Minority, whether; White, Black, Hispanic, Asian …. And it won’t matter how much A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) you’ll have to compete with that. It’s gonna be that way. In addition, remember that Money/Wealth is not a measure of Intellectual Capacity. America is Broke, in more ways than one.

    Globalization has opened up the World to “Competition” – If you were able to wager a Bet online (Draft Kings/Fan Duel), my money might be on; Iran, or China, or Russia ….

    Military Might, the ability and fortitude to Slaughter, Ethnically Cleanse, and Erase from History is not a viable answer to compete with Intellectual Competition (The Race of Humanity).

  5. Brandon says that the national guard is not necessary. Just keep the demonstrations peaceful. I don’t think our president has had his oatmeal yet.

  6. Funny. I was thinking just yesterday that this is what every “Death to America” protester needs. A free trip to Iran.

  7. There’s not a chance that one of them will accept the invitation. Remember although they hate America, our way of life and our religious beliefs they fear a life in the muslim world. They come here say and do things they would never be able to do in Iran without being the guest to their own necktie party. We are the fools for standing by and let them hide under privileges given to us by those who have sacrificed all. To be quite vulgar we have become the urinal that those who hate us use right before our eyes.

  8. They couldn’t do it safely in Jordan, but perhaps Iran can empathize and tame Hamas et al. Two-state solution revisited?

    1. OldManFromKS,
      Well, I guess Biden was able to unite Americans, just not the way he thought he would.

  9. Sounds like fertile ground for the Soviet Democrats’ Anti-Semitic Hitler Youth Socialist Sisterhood to advance their careers as visiting professors… Another Odd Communist, Ilhan ‘Hajji’ Omar, etc.

  10. Unfortunately no one will take Mr. Moazzeni up on the offer. It is just like people who said that they would leave the US in 2016 if Trump was elected (and promise to do so again). Unfortunately, they stayed.

  11. Uncle Joe wants to bring refugees here from Gaza. Maybe they’ll resettle at Columbia University.

  12. Fantastic! The ‘alphabet people’ should travel to Iran to support ‘Colonel Sanders’.

  13. I would also suggest free one way tickets to gaza for ALL protesters, including faculty, staff, news media personnel supporting the protestors and all government officiials of that stripe. Fumigate our nation.

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