Poll: Majority of Americans Distrust in the Media

A poll from  the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center has found that a majority of Americans are extremely worried or very concerned about bias in the media and the reporting of false or misleading information. Only 48% of Republicans and 34% of independents still receive their news from national news outlets and expressed the greatest trust of the media.

The poll shows that 47% of Americans have serious concern that news outlets would report information that has not been confirmed or verified, and 44% worry that accurate information will be presented in a way that favors one side or another.

For years, the journalists have sawed on the branch upon which they are sitting. Even National Public Radio, which receives federal funding, is unrepentant in the face of criticism over its overt political bias.

Former New York Times writer (and now Howard University journalism professor) Nikole Hannah-Jones declared recently that “all journalism is activism.” Advocacy journalism is all the rage in journalism schools and on major media platforms.

A recent series of interviews with over 75 media leaders by Leonard Downie Jr., former Washington Post executive editor, and Andrew Heyward, former CBS News president, reaffirmed this shift. As Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle, stated: “Objectivity has got to go.”

But that objective seems to depend heavily upon what ideology you are advocating.

The result is that the mainstream media is increasingly speaking to itself and a dwindling number of viewers and readers. NPR is again a good example.

NPR’s audience has been declining. Indeed, that trend has been most pronounced since 2017. The company has also reported falling advertising revenue and, like many outlets, has made deep staff cuts to deal with budget shortfalls.

Yet, while tacking aggressively to the left and openly supporting narratives (including some false stories) from Democratic sources, NPR and its allies still expect citizens to subsidize its work. That includes roughly half of the country with viewpoints now effectively banished from its airwaves.

The result is that about half of Americans rely on social media for their primary source of news. That is why it is not surprising that the censorship of social media has been a priority among many liberal groups. The effort is to eliminate sources of information and regulate what citizens see and read.

Despite this effort, the trend is likely to continue. Recently at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, the host Colin Jost remarked how he could not believe the race was tied despite all of the bad coverage of Trump. At events like the dinner, there is disbelief that citizens are not just following their narrative and shaping of the news. The fact is that many are no longer listening or watching. The MSM is “playing to the house,” not to the public at large.

So we are left with the variation of a common Zen-like question: if the media reports and no one is listening, does it still make a sound?



206 thoughts on “Poll: Majority of Americans Distrust in the Media”

  1. Jack Webb. Dragnet. Detective Joe Friday: “just the facts, Ma’am, just the facts”. That’s where trust in the press awaits.

  2. Jonathan: With your life-long Democratic roots in Chicago you don’t want to talk about that with your chums at Fox where you work. That might get back to the “big guy” Rupert Murdock. Speaking of the boss he attended a big
    “anti-Biden” party hosted by Elon Musk at the $125 million mansion of David Sacks in Hollywood Hills last month. In attendance with Murdock were other billionaires and people like Michael Milken, who DJT pardoned after Milken was convicted of insider trading. Steve Mnuchin, DJT’s former treasury secretary was also at the party. It seems all the grifters were there–those who would like to play a role in the next possible DJT administration to protect their tax cuts and other interests. Wealthy oligarchs don’t recognize nationality. You can find them in Russia where they are protected by that country’s version of DJT. And you can find them here–living the good life in Hollywood Hills.

    Now although Musk claims he voted for Biden in 2020 he won’t this time around–even though DJT called him a “bull…. artist” in 2022. At the time Musk responded: “I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat and sail into the sunset”. Musk is singing a different tune now. He knows where his interests lay.

    Now I have an idea. I’d like to host an “anti-Musk” party at my mansion next month. I don’t suppose you would like to be a co-host for the party–seeing that you are tight with Elon. But anyone else on your blog like to co-host the party? Anyone?

    1. Dennis – your anti-Trump screeds are becoming very weak. You may get thrown out of the Troll Farm. We need hysteria, fulmination, rabidity, screeching, carpet-chewing, lunacy, and any similar behavior indicative of a vision of the nearness of the end of the world. Maybe you should quote from Revelations.

    2. “. . . Milken was convicted of insider trading.”

      If you’re going to smear by association, try to get the facts right.

      Milken was not “convicted” of anything. He pled guilty to various accounting “crimes.” He pled guilty because the government put the screws to his brother and other family members. (A favorite intimidation tactic of tyrants.)

      Insider trading was *not* one of the “crimes” he pled to.

      1. Sam: I stand corrected. Milken was accused of insider trading but plead guilty to only securities and reporting violations, paid fines and restitution of $600 million, sentenced to 10 years (later reduced to 2 yrs) and permanently barred from the securities industry. He was pardoned by DJT in 2020. Milken’s problem, like that of DJT, is that he didn’t believe the laws applied to him. Guess who was one of those who pushed DJT for a pardon? It was Rupert Murdock. Birds of a feather flocked together at the party at Sacks’ mansion!

        Milken’s fall came about because Rudy Giuliani was aggressively using the RICO statute to go after fraud in the securities industry. In an ironic twist DA Willis is using her RICO statute in Georgia to go after Giuliani. What goes around comes around!

      2. Well put……and for those of us who lived through the 1970’s and early 80’s when the junk bond ‘king’ was in full reign, even Mike Milken would admit quite a bit later that his biggest mistake was that Drexel Burnham Lambert did not invite any of the other big Wall St. underwriting houses to participate in his giant bond offerings — had he invited some of them into those underwritings, and shared some of the wealth in the good old boy network, those other much more well-known firms would not have willingly testified against Milken, and privately cheered when Mikey went down —

    3. Dennis

      I really want to talk about NY election laws. You claim nobody want to talk about the law Trump violated

      So teach me how a New York election law that only covers people running for State of Local Laws, is the felony triggering accounting laws of executing NDA’s

      Ive been asking you since Tuesday

      1. “Ive been asking you since Tuesday”

        And, as you know, you’ll be asking again next Tuesday. And the Tuesday after that. And . . .

        1. Sam that cant be right.
          Dennis just yesterday was bemoaning the fact that conservatives did not want to talk about the laws DJT is accused of violating.
          The defense and Dennis have both stated NY election law was violated.

          I’m sure Dennis will explain what actions taken by DJT violated the law Dennis identifies.

      2. iowan2: See my comment reply to S. Meyer–4/29/24@5:40 pm–under Turley’s column “Alvin Bragg and the art of not taking law too seriously” (4/29)

  3. OT: (Heads Up: Why the Shadow Faction is heading U.S. into a War (WW-III)- They need one to guise the clearing of the Slate)

    Wall Street’s Megabanks Have Trillions of Dollars Off-Balance Sheet, in a Replay of Accounting Hubris that Led to the 2008 Wall Street Collapse
    “… According to financial data at the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), as of December 31, 2023, JPMorgan Chase held $3.227 trillion off-balance sheet, of which $528.5 billion is undefined and marked as “other.” To put that in perspective, $528.5 billion is the size of the assets of the seventh largest bank in the United States and yet the public has no idea what the $528.5 billion off-balance sheet at JPMorgan Chase is made up of or what kind of risks it presents. …”
    By: Pam Martens and Russ Martens ~ May 2, 2024

    [P.S.: This doesn’t included the CRE debt-bomb waiting to hit U.S.]

  4. MSM literally portrays Biden as a good man, a decent man, a compassionate man – just trying to save the soul of the nation. Trump is literally worse than HITLER.

    This is the dumpster fire garbage that Dennis listens to every day:

    Morning Joe:
    “What [Trump’s] going to do … is have the FCC report to him so he can control shows like this.
    He wants to bring the Insurrection Act back so we can turn military troops on his own people.
    He wants to weaponize the DoJ to go after his enemies.
    He wants to put women on a registry in red states”

    Scott Adams calls MSNBC the Mental Illness network.

    1. You left out deny not prohibited and fully constitutional secession, commence an unconstitutional war of aggression against a sovereign foreign nation without Congress, impose martial law, “suspend habeas corpus,” jail political opponents, smash the political opposition’s printing presses, confiscate legally deeded private property, violate 73-year-old and extant immigration law, install a foreign 4-million-man standing army on U.S. soil, etc.; otherwise, it sounds just like “Crazy Abe” Lincoln. 

    1. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

      – William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

  5. What seems to fail to register with these elite pieces of *bleep* is that the rest of us have actual, real, values, nt something we adopted to avoid the embarrassment of being out of step (seriously: you’d think values were this season’s runway collection with these idiots). Honestly. We just do. We *actually* care about one another. For real. and we care about the future of our country (if you have ever watched ‘Schitt’s Creek’, pay particular attention to the Alexis character. That is all of these clowns). This will be forever lost on those born and bred in the echoing void of extreme privilege, and these days that is a whoooole lot of people in the West, the gap is probably unbridgeable. Thankfully, they are getting so absurd that even the people that used to just want to be part of the club vs. my life on the ground is spinning out of control because of them, are starting to see a tiny peek of the light. It’s tiny. Small cracks are enough for a dam to break under pressure, though, and that would appear to be what’s happening. Once the break happens, no force on earth can stop it.

  6. It’s nice to hope that there is still a majority of Americans who can still think at all.

  7. Jonathan: Speaking of polls, the latest PBS News Hour/NPR/Marist poll shows 54% of Americans think DJT is getting a fair trial in Manhattan. That said, DJT thinks he is the master of trial tactics. He’s not. According to NT Times reporting DJT is “furious” with his attorney Todd Blanche. Why? Because Blanche is not “aggressive” enough at trial–especially in cross examining witnesses. DJT wants Blanche to act more like Roy Cohn, DJT’s “fixer” back in the 1980s who never took prisoners.

    DJT has continued to claim he never had a 10 month affair with Karen McDougal nor casual sex with Stormy Daniels. DJT wants Blanche to act like Roy Cohn–to show that McDougal and Daniels are both “liars”. Blanche knows the truth–that his client did have extra-marital affairs and nothing is to gained at trial by trashing McDougal and Daniels because the jury will find their testimony believable.

    This is why DJT’s trial tactics won’t work. It would be better to admit the obvious–the sex with McDougal and Daniels. But to admit that will put DJT’s credibility in question–on other issues. What will his MAGA supporters think if DJT were to now admit those sexual trysts that he has long denied. That’s why Blanche is between a rock and a hard place. He’s stuck with his client’s lies that won’t help with his defense.

    1. Dennis – Could Joe Biden shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and you would STILL vote for him?

      1. Could Kristi Noem shoot a dog, a goat, a pig, a couple of horses on Fifth Avenue and you would still vote for her?

            1. I’d say Joe Biden kicking and mistreating his dogs is far worse. Biden’s dogs (both of them!) bit and attacked his Secret Service detail DOZENS of times. Biden KNEW IT and DID NOTHING TO STOP IT until the story became a political liability for HIM. He didn’t give a sh*t about his protective detail being attacked or his dogs being mistreated. What does that say about a man? Holy crap.

        1. Very Bizzarre hypothetical. Without lots of details it is impossible to tell whether this hypothetical is Noem doing a good thing are a bad one.

          Animals do not have the same protections as humans. Generally Cruelty to animals is prohibited.
          But myriads of animals are killed everyday. Unless you are a really dedicated vegan – it is certaint hat animals have been killed for your food and your clothes, and probably for your beauty products.

          Then there is why do you posit that Noem would kill a collection of animals ? Rural people value animals. As pets, as property, as part of their livelyhood. They kill animals when they are sick, when they are in pain, or when they are headed to slaughter.

          They do not randolmly kill animals.

          1. Read the news reports regarding Noem and you will find a listing of her farm animals she gratuitously killed. Cricket the wire terrier was shot because it was too energetic as a hunting dog, attacked the neighbors’ chickens and bit Noem, which I can understand. The Gov doesn’t know how to train dogs, apparently. “I hated that dog”, she said.

            Noem shot a goat because it smelled bad.

            I’ll give the Governor a pass on the three horses she shot. They were twenty-five years old and probably sick.

            One wonders if one of Ms. Noem’s childhood pastimes was pulling the wings off flies.

            “Who Knew Americans Liked Puppies?”
            —-USA Today leader headline for April 29.

            1. “She shot an old goat because it smelled bad.” That explains why the Secret Service is keeping her away from the White House.

              1. “We really saw this as an opportunity to grab the senseless-dog-execution demographic, and maybe even make some inroads with independent sociopaths and future serial killers.”

                —Excerpt from Rex Huppke’s satiric opinion piece in USA Today regarding Noem’s hypothetical PR team.

        1. Dennis nearly everyone here, knows that you can take any story – and if it is about
          Trump – you will paint it as a story of evil, fraud, criminality, lawlessness.

          And if it is about Biden or any other democrat – even with identical facts – you will paint it as virtuous.

          We all know that If Joe Biden was at SCOTUS claiming immunity because he shot someone in cold blood for no reason – you would be arguing presidential immunity.

          You do not care about the facts or the law – ever.
          You care whose oxe is getting gored – that is all.

          You will claim walking little old ladies accross the street is a crime – if Trump does it.
          And raping children is not – if Biden or other democrats do it.

          You have not been credible in years.

          Few beleive the facts asserted in your posts. We do not beleive them – because you have been caught lying – pretty much ALWAYS.

          “A CNN poll found that only 44% of respondents were confident that the jury in his Manhattan criminal trial would be able to reach a fair verdict, while 56% were not.”

          “a majority of Americans (56%) are not confident that the jury would be able to reach a fair verdict in the hush money trial, and only 13% think Trump would be convicted.”

          “The (CNN)poll, which began fielding a few days after the trial’s jury selection phase kicked off April 15, finds only 44% of Americans express confidence that the jury chosen for the case will be able to reach a fair verdict, while 56% more skeptical that a fair outcome is in the cards.”

          “[an ABC poll] found that 49 percent of registered voters believed the charges against Trump were politically motivated, while 46 percent said the proceedings were out of “genuine interest in applying the law.”…”

          “The Quinnipiac University survey found that 62% said the grand jury inquiry has been “mainly motivated by politics,” while just 32% said the probe was “mainly motivated by the law..”
          Two-thirds of Democrats (66%) said they thought the liberal DA was motivated by the law, compared to just 26% of independents and 5% of Republicans.”

          1. John Say: Hey, Jon, I do care about the facts and the law. DJT was found liable for the sexual assault and defamation of E. Jean Carroll–not just once but twice. That’s a FACT. My view about the jury verdicts is my OPINION. DJT was also found liable for business fraud in NY–not just once but twice. That is a FACT. How I feel about those verdicts is my OPINION. See the difference?

            I know it’s difficult for you to get your head around the two things–the distinction between FACTS and OPINIONS because you claim “Few believe the facts asserted in your posts”. I don’t have to “assert” facts, Jon. FACTS are stubborn things. They exist independently of what I think about them. Here’s a example of what I mean. You think DJT is innocent of the criminal charges in his trial in Manhattan. I think the charges are justified and he will be convicted. Those are our OPINIONS. Once the jury verdict comes in one of us will be wrong. That FACT won’t change our OPINIONS about the fairness of the trial. Now do you see the difference?

    2. Or in other words, even the Dem-leaning folks are barely 50% in favor of it.
      If those numbers are even legit. They have been known to lie/slant things.
      Just like Dennis does.

    3. Dennis – The criminal in this miscarriage of justice is Merchan, the “officer of the court” who is acting as a Democrat Party hacktivist. Merchan the Marxist is doing all he can to trample Trump’s rights and get a sham conviction hung around Trump’s neck asap for The Good of The Party. Merchan the Marxist is the one who belongs in prison….right next to Fat Alvin Bragg, Biden DOJ Colangelo, Big Tish, Big Fani and the rest of these criminals. There need be just one juror –in all of corrupt New York– who sees it, too.

    4. Dennis: thanks. I read that when Blanche agreed with Judge Merchon who said that DJT went out of his way to go where the reporters had congregated so he could make the comments that are the subject of his latest contempt motion, instead of departing a less conspicuous way, Trump shot him a withering look and mouthed “no”. Trump’s mad becuase his lawyer isn’t willing to lie for him about something so basic and easily proven–that Trump deliberately chose to go in front of the cameras and violate the gag order, after just being sanctioned for attacking witnesses, jurors and others.. Trump might have actually have been paying attention when his lawyers explained that there’s no guarantee that he’s going to win and that he might just lose–he’s scared and not in control, according to his niece, Dr. Mary Trump, so he lashes out. One of the outbursts that is the subject of the contempt citation is Trump’s claim that 95% of jurors on his case are Democrats. He has no way of knowing the political affiliation of any juror, but he’s doing this to attack the outcome of the trial even before a verdict. He’s spreading doubt about the results of the November election–he’s already saying he won’t accept the results unless he wins. So, the trial and election are only “fair” if he wins.

      Turley talks about people distrusting media when he works for an outlet that not only constantly spreads disinformation, attacks the Biden family and Democrats–it also endlessly attacks mainstream media. Funny thing is–mainstream media do NOT attack MAGA media–what does that tell you? Turley attacked NPR–if you click on the link, it is the story about demonstrators by the Episcopalian church getting tear-gassed to clear the way for the Trump-Bible photo op. That story is true, according to Episcopalian clergy and seminarians who were there serving snacks and water. Turley just can’t let that story go–this is twice this week he’s brought it up–the first time was once again trying to defend the conduct of Bill Barr, who marched along with Trump–way out of line and unprofessional for the Attorney General to be involved in a political photo-op, especially involving a church and a Bible. There was tear gas used, and the photo op was to push back against criticism of Trump hiding out in the WH bunker. He had Secret Service hiding in trees and behind bushes–just in case. It’s noteworthy that few prior members of Trump’s administration want anything to do with him.

      You are correct about Trump being his own worst enemy because his ego just won’t let him admit he’s wrong. He can’t give in. He could have settled the case with the NY AG for far less than the judgment amount. He could probably have settled the current case by accepting some kind of plea for a misdemeanor charge, paying a fine–something–but he has to attack the Judge, the District Attorney, Daniels, McDougall and Cohen. He could have avoided the classified documents case if he just would have returned the documents any one of the multiple times the NARA politely requested their return–something his lawyer pleaded with him to do–but no one tells The Donald what to do–and that’s why he’s dangerous. If he somehow gets into office, he’s going to direct the DOJ to go after his enemies–to fire any Deputy AG who refuses to do his bidding, any agency head that doesn’t do what they are told, he’s threatening to refuse to abide by the treaty with NATO, perceiving himself to have some discretion to decide whether another member country has paid enough for their defense. He’ll do everything possible to help Putin destroy Ukraine. Zelenskyy would be a dead man unless he goes into exile. More tax breaks for the very wealthiest–one of the current drives of inflation we are still suffering from is the first round of these cuts. it will be utter chaos.

      1. Gigi: No, thank you. Notice that many of the usual Neanderthals on this blog don’t respond to you or me with anything close to a civil discussion of the issues. While they drag their hairy hands in the dirt and beat their chests all they can blurt out is that you are the “dumbest kunt on the planet” or “YAWN YAWN”. I get the same type of gibberish. It’s all pretty old by now. As Mark Twain famously said “No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot”. So ignore the idiots and keep focused on our job– to poke holes in Turley’s columns. And you continue to do that well. Keep up the good work!

        1. Dennis, do you EVER address an actual argument ?
          You hurl insults at Turley,
          You hurl insults at everyone else.

          Plenty of people have eviscerated your shallow and ignorant nonsense with facts.

          There is a reason few hear think any assertion you make stands a snowballs chance of being half true – because we have checked the few facts you offer over and over – and each time – nonsense.

          Her we are with Idiots like you and Gigi frothing because you think somehow this nonsense in Manhattan which is blowing up in your face is going to save you from the complete disaster you idiocts elected.

          Bill Clinton slept with everything that moved. He sexually harrased every woman arround him and likely raped at least one.
          All BEFORE getting elected president – George Stephanopolis who ran Clinton’s War room paying off, burrying and slandering the so called “Bimbo erruptions” – Women far more proifessional and far more credible and far less nuts than E. Jean Carroll.
          That George Stephanopolis thinks it is OK to Shame an actual rape survivor ?

          I have no idea what this Manhattan Jury is going to do – odds are they convict. We see that all the time with left wing nuts.
          Never heard of the constitution. Have no clue how to engage in logic and reason.

          I do not care what degrees you have, if you EVER though the Russia Collusion story was credible – Your an IDIOT.
          Hillary Clinton PLAYED YOU. It was ALWAYS implausible, What is really disturbing is that it took almost 4 years to establish that it was a HOAX.

          Are you so stupid that you do not understand that Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Orr, Mueller, Weisman, and all the rest of those in the FBI/DOJ/SC did not know in 2016 or 2017 THAT IT WAS A HOAX ?

          And these are STILL the people YOU are stupid enough to beleive.

          You rant about Right wing conspiracies – What right wing conspiracies have not ultimately proven to be True ?

          What is it that YOU have beleived and shilled that has NOT proven to be tin foil hat nonsense ?

          You have Trump on Trial in Manhattan for Things that in many cases the very people going after Trump were doing with Clinton or Biden.

          Clinton used every trick in the book – including payoffs and NDA’s – Staphanopolis details it with PRIDE in his book.

          There is NOTHING that Trump or those close to him have done that is 1/10000th as egregious as what Clinton and his Campaign did.

          Yet, you were OK with that.

          And that is all BEFORE Clinton as president was felated by an Intern. And before he was racking up the frequent flyer Miles on the Lolita express.

          And Joe Biden had the FBI Arrest prosecute and Jail people in an effort to bury the damning Diary that his daughter wrote that documents Joe showering with her when she was a pre-teen. That’s OK with you ? Using the Govenrment to try to Hide that is OK with you ?

          But paying off a porn star and Playboy model that you may or may not have had by THEIR story relatively normal relations – that should result in 34 Felonies in Left wing nut world – If trying to cover up sex is a crime – why isn’t Bill Clinton serving Life ?

          Just ot be Clear – this is NOT about Bill Clinton, This is not “what about ism”

          This is about your idiocy and hypocracy.

          Idiots like you think a public after the fact deal between Jared Kushner who has made Billions investing in Real Estate and Qatari
          ‘s looking to invest in US real estate – Where Kushner gets paid – based on how successful his investments are – That you idiotically think is public corruption – You do Know that Though Kushner did negotiate the Abraham accords, he NEVER was paid by the federal govenrment ? Regardless, Kushner was an incredibly successful investor before and on leaving the WH he went back to very successfully investing. Unloike so many – democrats and Republicans alike in Public service – he returned to what he was doing before.
          He is NOT selling access to his connections in DOD. He is NOT cashing out on past government service. He is just returning to the life he had before – after negotiating the only and biggest peace deal in the mideast since Jimmy Carter. What do Left wing nuts have ?
          TWO Incredibly stupid Deals with Iran – which you are not even smart enough to admit where a huge mistake.
          A $hitstorm in Ukraine with nearly a million dead – because Left wing nuts and neocon deep staters love nothing more than provoking conflict with Russia. Russia is not the good guy in Ukraine – But Clinton, Obama, Biden and a whole raft of left wing nut deep staters – including purported “whistleblower Eric Ciaramello are the “bad guys” – the idiots that seem to think poking elderly fading bears is a good idea.

          Meanwhile – don;t look at the corruption of Joe Biden and Hunter In Ukraine and much of the rest of Eastern Europe or China.
          Nothing to see there. No evidence ? Just a long long long list of lies, and actions by VP Biden that are either corrupt are stupid beyond beleif or BOTH.

          Obama told us all – never underestimate Biden’s ability to F$%K things up – and Boy oh boy has he.
          James Buchannon has lost his spot as worst president ever.
          We had 3 years of consistent steady quiet peacefule growth (and a peachful world) under Trump – just under 3% each qtr, each year,
          No yoyo like Bush and Obama. Now we have Biden – 4% growth one qtr -0.6% the next. After inflation it appears that Biden’s economy is going to resemble Obama’s – chaotic and with poor growth overall.

          Obama should have had a boom coming out of the Financial crisis. Biden should have had a big boom coming out of Covid.
          One was already underway. Now we have high interest rates, choatic growth and poor average growth,
          and Economists are using words like “stagflation” that we have not heard for 50 years.

          But then again we have the same student unrest as the 60’s and 70’s – except students are NOT protesting for peace. They are protesting in support of a terrorist organization and ranting about killing jews – all while accusing everyone else of being fascist nazi’s.

          You keep trying to terorize people about how horrible it will be if Trump is re-elected – but on issue after issue people support Trump policies by supermajorities. The only people scared about Trump getting elected are Left wing nuts who are affraid he will do to them wheat they are doing to him.

          So Why can’t DA Bragg be charged with illegally trying to influence and election ? Or Colangelo, Or James, or Merchan or EnMoron, or Weissman ? Just like the Trump Trial – such efforts should fail on appeal – But lets hold the trials in Upstate NY or Long island and bankrupt these political hacks anyway. After all idiots like you do not give a schiff about the rule of law – why should republicans ?

          The only difficulty Republicans would have – besides being more morally uncomfortable with lawfare than left wing nuts, would be finding Deep red jurisdictions and Conservative Judges willing to ignore the law to dish out political payback.

          It is my honest hope that SCOTUS ends this nonsense. Because if they do not. If they do not end left wing nut Lawfare – then we will have the same mess that happened as Democrats in the house tossed out the rule book, as Democrats in the Senate pitched the Fillibuster.

          Both parties can engage in Lawfare.

          Regardless, most of us will Give a schiff what you say when you can pass Dershowitz’s “the shoe on the other foot test”
          When your claims regarding the law do not shift depending on what benefits your prefered political party.

          Trump’s lawyers did NOT argue that presidents and ex-president can not be prosecuted without impeachment and removal first.
          But that is what SCOTUS should conclude – that is the most rational read of the constitution. That would end this nonsense.

          Nor is that about Trump. Beat Trump in a free and fair election if you can. But get a clue – whatever SCOTUS decides regarding immunity – THAT is going to be how further Republican executives will treat outgoing democrats.
          And unless you are brain dead – you had better hope the “rules” are not the ones you want regarding Trump.

        2. ‘with anything close to a civil discussion of the issues.’

          Dennis, you post your OCD-like TDS BS here
          and have been asked direct questions MANY times
          but you very rarely ever answer or ‘discuss’ any of them.
          And now play the ‘victim card’ while acting like you’re above others
          knowing deep down how many hours of your life you’re wasting here.

      2. Gigi.

        The Gag order is unconstitutional. Trump is going to violate it over and over. Frankly it is so rediculous that violating it is impossible.

        You idiots think Trump did something wrong by posting a link to an article by Turley.

        How completely stupid can you get ?

        Bragg is going to continue to press this stupid issue.
        Whjile it is not possible to not violate this gag order, that is not all that Relevant – Trump is GOING to DELIBERATELY force the issue.

        Why ? Becaus Bragg constantly ranting about the gag order is good for Trump. Because Merchan constantly ranting about the Gag order is good for Trump. Because Yanking Merchan’s chain and getting Merchan to do something stupid is GOOD FOR TRUMP.

        Merchan can not impose a fine greater than 1,000 per violation – NY Law.
        But he can Jail Trump.

        Trump is pretty much Begging Merchan to do something that stupid.

        If you want to GUARANTEE that you lose the election – jail Trump for violating the gag order.

        Trump is doing everything in his power to prove this trial is the political farce that it is.

        Trump WANTS Merchan to behave stupidly.

        I would note that Merchan backed down on letting Trump go to Barron’s graduation.

        That was NOT out of the kindness of his heart. That was because he looked like the Biased fool he was in denying that.
        And because the odds were really really good Trump was going anyway.

        Everyone KNOWS this is not a normal Trial.

        The truth is most judges are not all that honest and not all that good on the law.
        Though they are as arrogant as Merchan.
        But they are also nearly always dealing with people who regardless of whether they committed the crime they are accused of, have made a mess of their lives and no one cares about.

        When a Judge finds an out of control defendant in contempt and jails them – no one cares.
        Not even if the judge is way out of line.

        But Trump is NOT a typical criminal defendant who has made a mess out of his life.
        He is the most successful person in the court room. He is the most successful person in Manhattan right now.
        He is one of a handful of living presidents.
        Merchan does not have personal security. Trump has an army of secret service. Merchan arrives at court by car or subway.
        Trump arrives in a Secret Service Convoy.

        Despite the fact that Merchan is the judge – the actual balance of power and credibility is heavily in Trump’s favor.

        Trump has to be careful about his behavior – but not because he must do what Merchan demands. Quite the opposite. Trump has to be careful that whatever he does to Piss off and challenge Merchan will be perceived by most voters as reasonable.

        Trump has painter Merchan as a corrupt bully – and whether you like it or not – with the majority of people that has Stuck.
        Trump can absorb $1000 fines forever. Further – outside of YOUR bubble they just make Merchan look more corrupt.

        Recent stories noted that Cohen is litterally taking about the testimony of other witnesses. That may be a crime.
        It is absolutely contempt of court. If you are a witness you MAY NOT listen to other witnesses.
        If Merchan was honest- Cohen would not be allowed to testify – but then if Merchan was honest – Coehn never would have been allowed to testify and this case would have been dissmissed long ago.

        Regardless, this trial is NOT about Trump’s guilt – you already lost that. Outside your bubble this is a giant nothingburger.

        There is the soap opera story of whether there is a single honest juror on this jury but other than that reality tv none of this matters.

        The purpose of this trial is to allow MSM talking heads to say “Convicted Fellon” over and over for the next 6 months.

        Trump’s purpose is to prove to voters he is being politically railroaded.

        Trump WANTS Merchan to behave stupidly.

        This is a giant game of chicken – and what YOU and the left do not realize – though I think MErchan does, which is why he is angry, is that Trump can not lose.

        Lots of fines for free speech – Trump wins.
        Merchan jails Trump – Trump wins the lottery.

        Nothing proves this is a star chamber Trial more than gagging and Jailing Trump.7

        1. @John Say,

          That’s a lot of talk smack talk to show irrelevant claims about Trump or Merchan.

          First, gag orders are not unconstitutional. No case law shows they are. They are used to ensure the trial proceedings are not disrupted with threats, taunting witnesses and jurors, or deliberate sabotage of the proceedings endlessly.

          Trump is free to say what he wants. But there are consequences. Putting Trump in jail may be risky, but it is not going to be a mistake by the judge. Judges have a lot of power over their courts. Merchan can put Trump in jail and cut off communications with anyone except his lawyers.

          Im sure Trump wants merchants to put him in jail so he can play victim and milk it for political gain. But it can also backfire unexpectedly.

          1. “Judges have a lot of power over their courts.”

            You forgot to add the obvious:

            Policy “judges,” like Merchan, abuse that power to throttle and punish political opponents.

      3. Gigi.
        Do you live under a rock ? The left, Democrats, the media NEVER FAIL to malign conservatives, conservative media.

        But that is all fine. What is NOT fine is that NPR receives tax payer funds.

        If you want to support MSNBC – with money, with viewership. If you think Rachel Maddow is a god – that is your buiness.
        You are free to do as you wish with your own time and money.

        What you are NOT free to do is make more than half the country support a fringe left outlet.

        Universally you are NOT free to steal money from americans to fund left wing nut causes.

        I do not give a schiff how George Sorros spends his money. If He wants to buy tents for astro turf pro hamas protests – that is his business.

        But left wing nuts like yourself are NOT free to take money from the rest of us to support YOUR political causes.

        Breitbart, NEwsmjax, OAN are not receiving federal funds. NPR should not either.

        Separately – you play these stupid word games all the time.

        Absolutely you, the left, the MSM, NPR “attack” conservatives all the time.
        That is your Right. It is even your right to do so ignorantly wrongly and stupidly.

        Just as it is the right of Turley, and other actual liberals, as well as conservatives and libertarians to “attack” you – for your stupidity, error, immorality.

        Free speech means the only punishment that you incur for what you say is private actors making private choices – like not hiring idiots like you, based on what you have said.

        People who went to DC to protest “Stop the steal” should be judged by their employers and communities when they return home.
        People in NYC who chant “death to jews” – should be judged by the colleges they attend, and their future employers, and the donors to those colleges should judge those colleges based on what the colleges themself do.

        Regardless, you are free to give a tongue lashing to whoever you wish.
        You are free to do so, if you are on the left, or the right.

        But if you are on the left – you should not be too surprised when large parts of the country think you are idiots and wants nothing to do with you.

        What you are NOT free to do is use government to censor.

        To steal from us and then use our own money to weaponize governemtn against us.

        Look arround you. We have heard for over a decade that there is some great threat of right wing terrorism.

        Is that what is happening on our campuses ? Right wing domestic Terrorism ?

        Regardless, the MSM is being attacked, you are being attacked – because you have been WRONG and STUPIDLY wrong about pretty much every major issue in decades.

        Your ideology is a dissaterous FAILURE.

        This election is the most consequential in Recent US history – unless Biden wins, and then it will be the next one.

        Regardless, the only question in 2024 is how much failure will people tolerate before they change course.

        Because without ANY doubt a course change is going to happen.

    5. Your poll appears to be an outlier. The polls I have seen think the prosecution i political by a 70% margin and that Merchan is biased by 60%.

      Though frankly it does not matter what the 40% of the country that is in the bubble left wing nut Biden voters beleives.

      All that matters is whether the trial effects voters.
      So far Trump’s numbers are going UP since the Trial started.
      Biden got a brief 2pt gain coming close to Trump in the polls after the SOTU that might haveve been a SOTU Bump or it it might have been poll noise. Regardless. Trump is bank to a 2pt lead, and Back to winning in ALL Swing states.

      That means – either your poll is wrong, or those people who think Trump is getting a fair Trial – do not care about the outcome.

      Or many other things.

      So far – though Merchan/Bragg are nuts and heavily biased – the Trial is going badly for them.

      While it really does not matter if Bragg’s theory of the facts is correct – it is still NOT A CRIME.

      The trial is so far going bad for Brag/Democrats.

      Pecker confirmed that Trump has been doing this long before the 2016 election – therefore the claim this is SOLELY election related fails.

      Pecker – and the Other Attonery’s Confirmed that this was all Micheal Cohen’s show – that Trump had pretty much no involvement with the daniels deal or the McDougal deal. That Pecker dealt with Cohen on the Daniels deal – that Trump knew very little of it.

      That while Trump paid to kill stories – many of them FALSE stories, he did not really beleive it worked. They always came out anyway.

      That the question all of use pondered for the last 8 years – Why hire Micheal Cohen ? was answered. This is what Cohen did for a living.
      He is essentially an entertainment lawyer, and he knows all the other entertainment lawyers, and he negotiates entertaimnet contracts, and he buys stories and sells stories. and sometimes kills stories and sometimes promotes stories.

      That Daniels visited Trump tower – To try to get on the Apprentice.

      That is just a short list of things that have gone wrong for Bragg – there are more.

      Few beleive that a Manhattan Jury will acquit Trump – I know this is hard for you. But that means they do not beleive Trump has a fair jury.
      But the odds of a hung jury have increased dramatically – and that would be a big win for Trump.

      Further – you say Trump is getting a fair Trial – but the list of errors by Merchan grows with the Day.

      AGAIN the NY Supreme court just threw out the Harvey Weinstock conviction – because the judge allowed evidence of uncharged crimes into the trial.

      You have that on steriods here. In fact The indictment is not sufficient to go to trial.
      Trump is charged with misdemeanors escalated to felonies to overcome the statute of limitations problem – purportedly because the misdemeanors are to cover up a felony.

      But no other fellony was in the indictment. Colangello has added a new charge in his opening – one that is either facially or as applied unconstitutional under NY law and constitution (as well as the US constitution). NY case law and constitution requires that laws alleging Fraud (not charges, but the actual laws) Must SPECIFICALLY identify the fraud – i.e. “influencing an election” is NOT specific.

      Anyway, I am only covering a small fraction of Merchan’s problems.

    6. If we are supposed to beleive NYT knows What Trump thinks of Blanche – should we not also take NYT seriously when on MULTIPLE occasions they have reported that Joe Biden is in the WH Ranting that DOJ/FBI/ Democrats are not doing enough to “Get Trump” ?

      I do not beloeive NYT in either case. What I do beleive is the now unredacted communications that were acq1uired through FOAI and are now evidence in the FL case that The WH has been driving ALL these prosecutions – especially the classified documents case from the start.

      That it is NORMAL for it to take as long as 2 years for NARA and ex-presidents to come to agreements on what the president is keeping and what he is not.

      That in fact the departure of a president is messy and that documents are sent all over with little thought – that expresidents often get lots of documents they do not want and have to sort out, and do not get the documents they do want and that has to be sorted out.

      That Shortly before the FBI Raid that NARA send Trump unsolicited 15 Boxes of documents. And we have no record what was in those boxes.

      Turley’s article is about why we do not trust the press.

      And here you are citing NYT – which has burned its once impeccable record to ash.

      While in the Real world there is direct evidence that is actually Damning to all your idiotic conspiracy theories.

      AS best as I can tell Blanche is doing fine. He has turned every prosecution witness so far into a Trump witness.

      Oh. BTW Micheal Cohen has actually further F#$Ked up.

      One his podcast he has been commenting on what has been happening at the trial.

      Cohen is a witness, he has not testified yet. He is Barred from reading about the trial, and especially from reading transcripts.
      If Merchan was an honest Judge – Cohen would be barred from testifying.

      WE do not allow witnesses to hear the testimony of other witnesses – because that allows them to shape their testimony.

      yet, you seem to think a trial where all the rules and all legal and judicial ethics are thrown out the window is somehow a fair trail.

    7. “DJT has continued to claim he never had a 10 month affair with Karen McDougal nor casual sex with Stormy Daniels. ”

      So ? Why does that matter to you ?

      Personally I am dubious – specifically because the amounts these women were paid were paltry, and because atleast in Daniels case – SHE came looking for money.
      We know as an example that Trump paid a doorman 30K for a bogus story about an illegitimate child with a maid.
      So we know Trump will pay to kill false stories.

      But ultimately it does not matter.

      Say Trump had an affair with McDougal and a one night stand with Daniels – So what ?
      We know Trump paid to kill false stories., does it matter if he paid to kill true stories ?

      Unlike Biden/Tara Reade – Trump did not rape either of them. Unlike Ashley Biden Trump did not shower with preteen Ivanka.
      Unlike Biden Trump did NOT send the FBI to try to kill the story that Joe was showering with Ashley.

    8. “Blanche knows the truth–that his client did have extra-marital affairs and nothing is to gained at trial by trashing McDougal and Daniels because the jury will find their testimony believable.”

      No Blanche does not know the Truth. Only Trump McDougal and Daniels know the truth.
      The only person who has been consistently telling the same thing has been Trump.

      I thought you claimed to be an attorney ? Criminal defense attorney’s almost NEVER ask their clients whether the allegations are True.
      They only care about what will help them win the trial.

      I doubt Blanche is going to “Trash” either McDougal or Daniels. There are complexities in this trial. First we are dealing with a criminal trial for a non-crime, then we are dealing with a political trial. And finally we are dealing with Trump trying to protect Melania.

      The Criminal trial and political trials are best served by ignoring the sexual claims, not treating either Danieals or McDougal as hostile and getting them to confirm with Pecker and McGougals attorney have already testified to – which is Trump had nothing to do with these agreements.

      I fully understand that Trump wants McDougal discredited. But it is irrelevant to this trial whether they had sex with Trump or not.
      There is no reason for a criminal defense attorney to beat up a witness for something that does not effect the trial.

    9. I have no idea whether the Jury will find Deaniels and McDougal beleiveable.

      What is disturbing is that they are testifying to a legal conduct – both the alleged affair and the alleged hush money, in order to try to prove to the jury that another uncharged non-crime occurred and they can pretend that was a felony – because otherwise the crimes actually charged have past the statue ot limitations and the case must be dismissed.

      If Merchan was honest – none of this would be let in.

      Trump is not charged with having an affair.

      Trump is not even charged with paying hush money.
      He is not charged with covering up the affair.

      HEs is not charged with violating FEC laws.

      He is not even charged with breaking this bizzare NY Law that magically appeared in Colangello’s opening.

      He is charged with a bookkeeping violation that is a misdemeanor, and that the statute of limitations has expired on.
      The indictment alleges that was done to cover up a fellony – but no fellony was alleged in the indictment or in the charges/

      By NY (and all states) law – you can not be tried for crimes you are not charged with. Read the bill of rights.

      Even evidence of actual crimes that you really committed but have never been charged with – or have been found not guilty of can not be admitted in a criminal trial.

      Having consensual sex is not a crime. Lying about it is not a crime. Paying for silence about things that are true or things that are not – is not a crime.

      The entirety of this trial so far has had nothing to do with anything Trump has been charged with, and it is all inadmissible and irrelevant.

    10. “This is why DJT’s trial tactics won’t work. It would be better to admit the obvious–the sex with McDougal and Daniels. But to admit that will put DJT’s credibility in question–on other issues. What will his MAGA supporters think if DJT were to now admit those sexual trysts that he has long denied. That’s why Blanche is between a rock and a hard place. He’s stuck with his client’s lies that won’t help with his defense.”

      Dennis. I know this is hard for you. But Trump voters do not care. It is not important. Even independents do not care.
      Democrats only care because they are under the delusion that independents and even Trump voters care.

      Before this trial I thought it was more likely than not that The Stormy Daniels story was true. Now I think it is more likely than not that the Daniels and McDougal stories are false. Why – fundimentally because they were paid so little, and because the doorman got 30K for a bogus story about a love child. If a dorrman’s false third party story about a bogus love child is worth 30K then a bogus story about an affair with McDougal and a one night stand with Daniels is worth 130K.
      If these stories were true – they would be worth more.

      But lets say you are right and the McDougal and Daniels stories are true. SO WHAT ?

      Bill Clinton Denied true stories under oath TWICE as well as multiple times publicly.

      Bill Clinton paid women off, when that did not work he defamed them and made their lives hell.
      Most of the claims regarding Clinton are of ACTUAL Sexual harrasment – as well as ACTUAL rape, and they are far more credible than E Jean Carroll.

      Yet, Voters still voteed for Clinton in 1992 and 1996, and he was not removed from office after lying under oath twice.
      Nor was he criminally prosecuted after leaving office by some hyper partisan DA and a political hack judge.

      Lets be clear – Clinton ultimately ADMITTED to lying under oath – and the consequence ? He voluntarily turned over his bar license for a few years.

      1. Here it is

        Dennis McIntyre says:
        May 2, 2024 at 5:40 PM

        Anonymous: +100. But notice many on this blog aren’t interested in actually looking the NY criminal statutes

        I am so exited, there has to be a pony in this pile of horse manure!

    11. Dennis is just fine with 46% of Americans dont trust the Governments persecutions of Trump.

      I personally cant wait until the Biden administration tosses his political rival in Jail.

  8. Through misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, and handmade tales, the Fourth Estate serves its master and selfiesh interests.

  9. One thing that is becoming crystal clear from the current Trump trial is that Trump conspired with media to suppress unfavorable stories about him and to promote and in some cases invent unfavorable stories about his political opponents. This is all during an election. This is the very definition of fake news, although Trump (and Turley) spend all their time and energy accusing everyone else of fake news.

    So when Turley is pooh poohing biased coverage from {checks notes} NPR, he is really missing the actual fake news out there. The fake news is generated by those helping Trump.

    1. One thing that is becoming crystal clear from the current Trump trial is that Trump conspired with media to suppress unfavorable stories about him and to promote and in some cases invent unfavorable stories about his political opponents.

      We have had 5? days of testimony and the the indictment charges have yet to surface.
      We have yet to get an identified crime.

      1. This is for the idiots who won’t read the indictment and say there is no crime. The charges against Donald Trump relate specifically to the statute of falsifying business records in the first degree under New York Penal Law § 175.10. This statute addresses the intent to defraud, alter, make, or cause a false entry in the business record of an enterprise, and when the intent includes committing another crime or aiding or concealing a crime. This is a class E felony in New York, which can carry a range of penalties including imprisonment. In Trump’s case, the allegations are that the falsification was part of a scheme to influence the 2016 election, which could involve violations of federal campaign finance laws, state election laws, and state tax laws.

        1. False. In testimony today, it was learned that “consideration” which means (in this case) fee for service was the classification of the fees paid to MULTIPLE attorneys (Cohen and his partner Keith Davidson) who appear to have been running an extortion scandal of wealthy prominent people, including Trump.

          Consideration = Legal fees

          There is no case.

        2. which could involve violations of federal campaign finance laws, state election laws, and state tax laws.

          New York DA cannot prosecute a federal crime.
          New State law ONLY applies to people running for State or Local office.

          You still dont have a felony.

          The accounting is not a crime. NDA’s are a legal expense.

          (If I were Trump, I would personally ask the Judge in open, court how he needed to categorize his Gag order fines. That would be comedy gold)

        3. Lock up the corrupt criminals hiding behind the titles “officers of the court.”

        4. Anonymous: +100. But notice many on this blog aren’t interested in actually looking the NY criminal statutes. As Mark Twain said: “No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot”. An there are idiots galore on this blog!

          1. @Dennis McIntyre,

            You’re right about the Mark Twain quote. They are not interested in having a good faith discussion. They don’t want to make an effort to honestly find out for themselves. They are only interested in insults and ridicule.

          2. Dennis is lying
            But notice many on this blog aren’t interested in actually looking the NY criminal statutes
            NY election law only applies to those running for State and local offices.
            How is Bragg applying a New York State election law to a Presidential election?

        5. “. . . the statute of falsifying business records . . .”

          Notice how the lawfare Left keeps evading the fact that the statute of limitations on those misdemeanors expired long ago. As such, there is no chargeable crime.

          Without a chargeable, underlying crime, there is no “scheme” or conspiracy.

          In other words: The prosecution has yet to articulate a chargeable crime. And a traffic court judge would have thrown out that case long ago.

          Care to try again?

  10. Fox News is boring…it’s a constant diet of stories chosen to make Biden / Dems / Progressives look bad (evil), and make Trump / Repubs look good. Entirely predictable comfort-food for those looking to confirm their conservative viewpoints. Discordant information and voices are included to give a veneer of balance and to set up a straw man argument.

    The worst thing about FN is that they celebrate leaders who cause chaos, but who don’t want to take responsibility for the consequences of their proposals and thinking. Example: cutting support for Ukraine is never discussed in terms of long-term global strategy, only short-term distractors like the southern border crisis and govt. overspending.
    It’s as if they don’t care about militaristic empire-building.

    1. pbinca:

      You said, “Fox News is boring…it’s a constant diet of stories chosen to make Biden / Dems / Progressives look bad (evil), and make Trump / Repubs look good. ”

      Well, that’s because that is the REALITY today.

      Biden does suck, and progressives and Dems ARE bad, evil people. What else could you say about a party that supports castrating young boys and cutting the breasts off young girls? Jesus H. Christ, but that is Joseph Mengele level stuff. Add an Abortion Addiction, soft on crime, soft on borders stance to the mix, and again – Democrats are BAD EVIL and STUPID people – bitterly clinging to their racist past by ramping up the race baiting to be divisive and get votes.

      Darn near every story every day on this blog is another example of how bad and evil and stupid the Democrats truly have become, and the blog is run by a person who was or still is a Democrat.

      1. I’m a conservative which is completely different than being MAGA. Conservatives have positions on issues that matter such as agricultural policy like price supports and cross border ag operations. We have positions on science and math education. Positions on natural resource management such as water, fishing, etc. Positions on medical research funding. MAGAs don’t have jack sh*t. They have NO positions. Except for one: they hate liberals. MAGAs are not for anything. They just want to block what they perceive liberals want. Just watch the dumpster fire losers who attend Trump rallies. Those people are not conservatives… by a long shot.

        1. Anonymous: thank you. I wold add that not only do they hate “liberals”, they are so blindly devoted to a deeply-flawed person that they are immune from reality. I’ve always respected actual conservatives, like Mitt Romney, even if I didn’t always agree with their positions, I respected them.

  11. Jonathan: There is another Zen-like quote I like: “The truth knocks on the door and you say, ‘Go away. I’m looking for the truth’, and so it goes away. Puzzling” (Robert M Persig).

    We all seek the truth. But where is it these days? I’m not surprised by the poll you cite. Almost half of Americans don’t trust some in the media because they can’t be trusted for what you call news that is “confirmed or verified”. The AP/NORC poll apparently does not breakdown which news media outlets they trust and those they don’t. But there are other polls that do show American preferences.

    A year ago YouGov did conduct a poll of American news preferences. At the top of the list was the WeatherChannel (+53) followed by PBS (+30). NPR came at (+16) followed by ABC, CBS, NBC, the Washington Post and the NY Times–all in the plus column. At the bottom of the list, but still barely in the plus column, were Newsmax (+6), the far-right alternative to Fox, followed by Fox (+3). In the minus column were the Daily Caller (-4) and Info Wars (-16)–both outlets are at the extreme right that promote bizarre wild conspiracy theories.

    Now you work for Fox. How do you explain that NPR (+16) gets a higher rating with Americans than Fox with only(+3). And how do you explain that News Max has a higher rating (+6) than Fox? Looks like you are losing the rating wars with your competition. The above poll indicates that most Americans don’t trust either Fox or News Max to provide objective facts that can be “confirmed or verified”!

    1. Dennis McIntyre, here to pimp for and try to hide the criminality of Bribery Biden, comes here parroting CNN fake news like the Soviet Democrats’ “Russia Dossier”… and straight out, it becomes BBBUUTTTTT….. MUH FOX!!!!!”

      1. Can you believe these idiots with their FOXNews fixation??? Sheeeesh – haven’t they been stung enough by MSNBC, for example, and the blatantly false Russian Dossier story? The NPR story? The “let’s not report on Hunter’s laptop” story.

        They are like NPCs mindlessly intoning tripe over and over.

    2. It’s more Like Dennis knocks on the door and we all say go away we’re looking for the truth.

      1. Anonymous: You apparently are not into Zen poetry. See, in my quote TRUTH knocks at the door but the guy inside won’t answer the door. He doesn’t want to hear the TRUTH. You’re the guy inside! Get it? Or is that too dense for you?

        1. How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb?
          None, they’re too busy changing their gender.

          Get it?

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