Bangladeshi Woman Dies After Caning For Adultery

Sufia Begum, 50, has become the latest victim of Sharia justice. The Bangladeshi woman died after being publicly caned for an alleged extramarital affair with her stepson.

Begum was sentenced by an Islamic court in her village and whipped 40 times on Nov. 12. The caning was carried about by a Muslim cleric and a local woman. Police reported that village elders “tied 10 canes together and beat her legs.” She was left swollen and her kidneys were badly damaged. Her family was trying to raise money for medical treatment when she died.

Bangladesh outlawed punishments in the name of religious edicts and two people have been arrested.

Source: AOL

Jonathan Turley

82 thoughts on “Bangladeshi Woman Dies After Caning For Adultery”

  1. Your right to personal profit does not trump the inalienable rights of others. Same goes for hiding behind the corporate veil. Any assertion to the contrary is anti-democratic. If it’s anti-democratic, it’s anti-Constitutional.

    Just like you.

  2. We do have a republic. A democratic representative republic, you simpleton. What part of democratic don’t you understand? Aside from all of it?

  3. Nice try Rove, but I’m not the one who just quoted Mussolini in protecting their Libertarian ideals.

  4. Bubbha:

    I thought we had a republic.

    So now you revise the very essence of our government to be in line with your conception of democracy, that of mob rule.

    Who is the revisionist?

  5. So you admit you’re a fascist?

    My, how very direct from someone who has run in circles.

    You do know that Hitler and Mussolini both ended up dead, one at the hands of his own people, right?

  6. Bubbha:

    I am not a corporatist but you are and you cant even understand why. You are so friggin clueless it is almost pathetic.

  7. “Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.”

    “Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity (11). It is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State became the expression of the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual; Fascism reasserts”

    the bottom quote from Mussolini himself.

    Seems pretty much the same to me. And anyone else who isn’t a fascist/socialist/communist apologist.

  8. Now why don’t you wheel around and give yourself a pat on the fascist back for a job poorly done.

  9. As to ignorance? Again, I point to yours on the Ron Paul thread for a through debunking of your propaganda that socialism is fascism when – BY DEFINITION – it’s diametrically the opposite of fascism.

    You know, Goebbels taught you well on the issue of repeating lies.

    Too bad some if not most people see through your corporatist bullshit.

  10. I’m not the anti-democratic fascist here, Chan. Nor am I a historical revisionist who would compare “disappearing people” to the proper coercion exercised by a democratic government in keeping criminals and civil wrongdoing in check when they threaten the social fabric.

    That would be you.

    If you oppose a democratic form of government, which you demonstrably do, then you oppose the Constitution. If you oppose the Constitution, then you are an enemy of the Constitution.

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion”.

    That even means against you.

  11. Bubbha:

    you can deny it all you want but fascism and socialism are almost identical.

    Your protestations to the contrary are funny if not ignorant.

  12. Bubbha is Laughing:

    “Merely restrained from harming others out of their myopic and pathological greed before things get out of control guillotine-style. Sociopaths need to be restrained from harming others be it with a pen or with a sword just like violent psychopaths need to be restrained.”

    Typical NKVD/Stasi/Gestapo/MSS tactic. One used far and wide by totalitarian governments to stifle dissent.

    We can add another goon squad to the long list of “state security services” protecting marxist/socialist/fascist ideology.

    The BIL Security Service.

    Bubbha the French Revolution was gang warfare it wasn’t a revolution comparable to ours. You would like that though, see all those “greedy” business owners get a close shave. Right up your little totalitarian alley.

  13. You can drop “socialist” from that, Chan. Socialism is by definition antithetical to fascism, a form of oligarchy.

    You know.

    A corporatist oligarchy.

    That thing you favor.

  14. We’re hypocrites. We torture. And we’re torturing our own — not only on the streets of America, but even been in the homes of some individuals — those whom the state has arbitrarily declared “suspicious” or “enemies of the state.” And we’re using the same techniques and tools that are being used in Afghanistan, confirmed by certain Washington Post reporters.

    The story “Monitoring America” (Washington Post) is a fluff piece, considering what’s really going on. Still, I appreciate that someone’s is nipping at the heels of this nightmare in America. I continue to trust that the truth, over time, will come out.

    bdaman: Take a good look at the link supplied by mespo. Read every word, look at the links and the pics… There’s no justification for any of it — and, in fact, it’s only making things worse…


    “Chan: And the culture of the Oklahoma City bombers was?”

    I believe he was some sort of neo-fascist/socialist/white supremacist.

    and your point is? That neo-fascist/socialist/white supremacists are bad? I agree that is a pretty bad culture.

  16. Chan,

    When you can’t succeed in rationalizing your greed, are you gonna keep inserting premises into my arguments?

    What part of Jeffersonian Constitutionalist and “Amendment 8 – Cruel and Unusual Punishment. – Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted” don’t you understand?

    Apparently all of it.

    Just because I don’t want corporations and the uber wealthy screwing over everyone for their (and your) venal profit motive doesn’t mean I want them tortured.

    Merely restrained from harming others out of their myopic and pathological greed before things get out of control guillotine-style. Sociopaths need to be restrained from harming others be it with a pen or with a sword just like violent psychopaths need to be restrained.

    The more you try to paint me (or anyone else who is an egalitarian) a villain, the worse it’s going to be for you, fascist. Greed is never on the side of good. This is a battle you cannot win.

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