American Taliban: Florida Pastor Burns Qur’an After “Trial” By His Church

Florida pastor Terry Jones is back. If you recall, he caused an international sensation in pledging to burn a copy of the Qur’an (Koran) and then backed down in exchange for a new car. Well, Jones has now proceeded in holding a trial of the holy book and proceeded to burn it after his flock found it guilty. Jones serves as the judge for the trial at the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Fla.

In a demonstration of public insanity, Jones insisted that it was all particularly legal because “[w]e had a court process. We tried to set it up as fair as possible, which you can imagine, of course, is very difficult.” The trial featured a Christian convert as the prosecutor and a Dallas imam as the defense lawyer. If true, what imam would agree to participate in such a hateful and ridiculous display.

The sentence was carried out by soaking the book in kerosene for an hour and then burned. The church chose burning over “drowning.”

The church then took a stand against intolerance and violence by burning a religious book. With the exception of recruiting Taliban in Islamabad, it would be hard to find a jury of their peers.

In the video below, Jones accuses the Quran of such crimes and “rape” and “deception” and challenges the “so called peaceful Muslims” to appear to defend the book.

Source: USA Today

Jonathan Turley

76 thoughts on “American Taliban: Florida Pastor Burns Qur’an After “Trial” By His Church”

  1. I was going to retaliate but my cheap lighter died. I’ll tell you one thing for sure…a bible makes really terrible toilet paper.

  2. Just for the record, Terry Jones and his church moved to Tampa. He/they are no longer associated with Gainesville!!! Please, we have had enough of him!!!

  3. rafflaw,

    I bought about 15 retro rock cd’s this past week….including even the names of people that I have never heard of before but I recognize the music… There might have been an interlude to memory impairment….not sure…somethings are a little bit hazy….but how am I to know….because if I knew then they would not be hazy….

    Did you see how stiff the lead singer was…..

  4. Gyges
    1, March 22, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    I’ve had Cannabis beer. It tasted like something went horribly wrong with the hops.

    Smoked beer just uses a percentage of malts that have been smoked at some point in the malting process.


    Sort of makes you wonder what Moses’s famed shrubbery did.


    Something is funny about this post….I have had Cannabis and Beer as well…Sometimes at the same time and sometimes together…sometimes it just…well you have the point…..then again….I also had Bud and Bud….so….after too much of one, I did not care for the other….or was it the other I cared too much for….I am not sure….they were just pipe dreams or were they….

    Then I’ll take you back in time to……

  5. Gyges,


    Check carefully, A tree by any other name might be Bush.

    Maybe it is a terrorist tree.
    You know it started a “splinter” group.”



    Maybe it’s a pagan tree and should rightfully burn for heresy.

  6. Gyges

    Sort of makes you wonder what Moses’s famed shrubbery did.

    What, you don’t think they were Bushes too do you?

  7. AY,

    I’ve had Cannabis beer. It tasted like something went horribly wrong with the hops.

    Smoked beer just uses a percentage of malts that have been smoked at some point in the malting process.


    Sort of makes you wonder what Moses’s famed shrubbery did.

  8. Stamford Liberal 1, March 22, 2011 at 4:10 pm


    “I’ve got to figure out what the wood I’m using is guilty of”




    Check carefully, A tree by any other name might be Bush.

    Maybe it is a terrorist tree.
    You know it started a “splinter” group.

  9. Gyges,

    “I’ve got to figure out what the wood I’m using is guilty of”


  10. Gyges,

    Yeah…and when you get to the last part of the styne….pour it out….more fiber than you bargained for…… there is a reason that it has a blip lip….

  11. Please forgive this man. You shall not Judge and Ye Shall not be Judged. I have a message for all of you sinners. Repent and live in the way that Our Lord Jesus and taught us and talk first and then use the means to justify the end. You are all welcome to attend our rally in Charleston.

    We have rallies planned for the Charleston area which are scheduled between March 22nd -24th, in ten different allocated locations.

    Do Attend.

  12. Catch22oy, good posting. I agree, all holy books and every other book and flag is fair game. It may be stupid but it’s still legal.

  13. Gyges: “Apparently these people think it’s illegal to burn things without a trial.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some pork-chops I want to grill tonight and I’ve got to figure out what the wood I’m using is guilty of.”

    Causing pollution, Reagan said so. Burn those suckers and think of me while you eat that pork-meat, om,nom,nom. 🙂

  14. AY,

    Apple and Cherry for me. I know people who have both sorts in their yards, I trade a couple of smoked trout for their clippings.

    This weekend I got to judge the “Smoked beer” category.

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