Lawyer Sues Church For “Religious Malpractice” In Failing To Rid Home Of Flatulent Demons

220px-The_Papal_BelvedereThere are demon infestation problems and then there are problems like the one in the home of lawyer Madalin Ciculescu, 34. Ciculescu went to four priests to rid his home of farting demons that he and his wife insist are making their life miserable. When the flatulence continued, they sued the Bishop and church for “religious malpractice.” Putting aside the chance that this could be an “inside job” of one of the couple, it does highlight the fact that, even though money is exchanged, it is virtually impossible to hold religious officials to any objective standard for malpractice. Ciculescu was denied and hit with costs by the court.

Ciculescu told the court “If they (the accused) represent the way of God then God’s ways are crooked. They did not remove the demons that made these bad smells as they promised to do, and I still see all sorts of demons in the form of animals, usually crows but also other such things, that are making my life miserable. When I am at home they switch the TV on and off all the time, they make foul smells that give me headaches and basically roam unhindered around my house and my business.”

The priests insist that the tried to exorcise the home. Ciculescu named bishop Constantin Argatu as the person ultimately responsible for the poor exorcism skills of the priests in Romania.

This sounds more like a case for those meddling kids on Scooby Do than the Archdiocese from Arges. However, it is important to note that, if you consider Ciculescu perfectly insane, the church still sent four priests to tackle the farting demons.

Source: Daily Mail

25 thoughts on “Lawyer Sues Church For “Religious Malpractice” In Failing To Rid Home Of Flatulent Demons”

  1. Keeping w/ my scatological sense of humor, farts are simply a funny part of our bodily function. Why are women so reluctant to fart w/ pride. A healthy diet is often the cause of flatulence. It’s a positive proclamation of consuming vegetables, legumes, and fruit. And, I love the different odors. There’s quite a range from sulfuric to fecal. And, “Never trust a fart.” They are sometimes sharts, to which I proclaim, “That’s going to leave a mark.” I hope my prim and proper friend from Florida appreciates this comment. He needs to loosen up and get that stick out of his ass. Maybe he’ll then fart like everyone else.

  2. Mine, too, rafflaw. Previously, I thought it was the barking spiders, but now it is clear to me that there is something demonic in my home.

  3. You can’t hold them to any civil standards (in both sense of the word)
    I sued a minister who verbally and emotionally abused me, provably. Court said under first amendment no right to sue the minister even though this was a clear issue of professional malpractice and not doctrinal;

  4. I apologize but I’ve been waiting a long time for a post on Romania to do this. This song engenders warm memories of my childhood at various weddings where it was a standard, usually accompanied by a very difficult dance called the kazatski and the memories bring warm tears to my eyes, especially the second, unexpectedly by Tom Jones:

  5. If this is an example of Romanian Lawyers and Romanian mores, than my forebears were crazy to sing this longing song:

  6. I could this happened in Haiti or Kenya but then they don’t have TV in those countries do they?

  7. When I was a child……… many years ago, we used to always blame it on the ‘DOG’…….. in our house.

  8. Don’t try this at home. And Pat Robertson’s the demon expert, anyway.

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