Over Two Dozen Poor People Reportedly Left Blind After Free Cataract Surgery In India

220px-Eye_iris41twSGMP1SL._SY300_We recently discussed a horrific case where 10 women died and dozens were injured in India after a mass sterilization. Now, authorities are investigating a case where over 24 poor and elderly people went blind following cataract surgeries performed at a free medical camp in northern India.

The blinded individuals were among some 130 patients who were all older than 50 and living in either Amritsar or nearby Gurdaspur, in Punjab state. Patients later complained that they had developed infections or had lost their eyesight. They blinded patients are not expected to regain their vision.

The head of a charity has been arrested in the aftermath of the botched operations.

8 thoughts on “Over Two Dozen Poor People Reportedly Left Blind After Free Cataract Surgery In India”

  1. I have a feeling that the problem here is dirty instruments etc due to a damage sterilization unit or units. Sad, so very sad for all involved.

  2. Terrible news, and sure to raise the mistrust of those poor who could truly benefit.

  3. Yep. Also, Isaac, your request has been fulfilled. You want articles on “the perversion of the Constitution”? Go to Categories in the lower right of your screen; select any one of his 2,901 previous articles on Constitutional Law.

  4. I’m inclined to inform Isaac he is likely to find his “preferred” stories routinely posted on the weekends; if that is not sufficient, then he is under no obligation to continue following this blog.

  5. Turley,

    I am inclined to ask, why these snippets from around the world? This one in a thousand similar incidents that take place all around the world. My request is that you delve into the undemocratic activities taking place in this the self touted most democratic country in the world. The perversion of the Constitution, the manipulation of law by left or right leaning self styled authorities, the tactics of the private sector health care insurance industry in manipulating costs, the profiteering of corporations due to the ACA when someone is laid off a job at $14 an hour with health benefits and then rehired at $12 for the same job without benefits, what does the corporation do with the extra $1,500 a month. Dig it.

    Res ipsa loquitur ‘pablum’

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