Hiking in the Clouds of Colorado Springs

As a lifelong backpacker and hiker, I often use speeches to explore state and federal parks in different states. This weekend was a particular delight. I was able to take a day after speaking at the Tenth Circuit judicial conference in Colorado Springs to explore some of the trails in the North and South Cheyenne forest and the spectacular Seven Falls areas.  Colorado is paradise for hikers and Colorado Springs has endless choices within an hour or so drive. It was raining but the effect was spellbinding as I hiked among the clouds at around 7500 feet in elevation. I wanted to share some of the photos.

While the weather was not ideal for mountain hiking (particularly with heightened lightning strike dangers on these trails), it worked out wonderfully in terms of the almost Monet-like surroundings. The Broadmoor controls the Seven Falls park and it costs $17 to enter. It is worth the money. You have a steep set of stairs for the first leg and then you are on your own.

The Cheyenne trials are next to Seven Falls. I started out on the Chamberlain trail but wandered around the park area in the north and south trails.

I have done Seven Falls before and it always reminds me of my favorite movie growing up Jeremiah Johnson in its incredible views.

Here are some of the photos:

64 thoughts on “Hiking in the Clouds of Colorado Springs”

  1. Photos are beautiful, and i am glad the weather didn’t stop you from enjoying the stunning sites of Colorado Springs. Of course, today is a chamber-of-commerce picture perfect day! A great place to live!

  2. Great pictures. I grew up in Idaho, fought forest fires in the Rockies, fished the clear streams and lakes. My work kept me in Maryland but I do miss the mountains. I did get a visit to Idaho in June.

  3. “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower…
    The force that drives the water through the rocks…”

    God bless America, sweet land of liberty. Of thee, I sing.

  4. Spent 7 years in that area. The first involved intense physical activity as a cadet, and the second as an associate professor of physics and senior attached instructor pilot. As a pilot there is nothing more beautiful than skimming the tops of fluffy clouds except when a new student is totally terrified that he/she might actually kill themselves from stupidity.

    1. This is some of the best flying I have ever seen in a film. Not sure how much of it was authentic though.

      I trained in the late 1980s under USMC DIs at AOCS NAS Pensacola, and DOR’d one week before getting my commission as an O-1. The USN wanted me to be a Pilot but the recruiter promised me beforehand I would be a Flight Surgeon. He lied, I bailed, but at times wish I had gotten the experience to fly F-14s

      Semper FI

    2. Like america is doing….that kind of stupitidy? Making cadets actually feel…..the power of the sun….then go to bed at night in disbelief…..And play make believe that it’s them and their ancestors making weather patterns?……yeah gas lighting and cognitive dissonance are alive and well. Ap -parently!

        1. Am i? I only routinely drink beer….because science says…the only way to stave off als….is to keep drinking beer. So I imbibe. But you can’t change the “weather” and every air force cadet gets glider training. That is worth a mountain. Every cadet learns about ….. Solar power. In connection with the sun. Yet all you all gaslight them…..as though they don’t understand the premise. …which is both short sighted and current toy gas lighting them! They despite “forsham” et al…will be out next generals.!

  5. Think you missed your calling. Your photographs bring to life for so many of us the majesty of this incredible country. Thank you for including us on your truly amazing journeys.

    1. Both JT and Darren have a real talent for photography. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  6. Easy does it Professor. I live near Colorado Springs and you’re selling it with these pictures. The last thing I want is more people deciding that they just have to move here.

  7. Absolutely spectacular, Dr Turley! Thank you very much for sharing your experience and photos. God bless you.

  8. Thanks for sharing your pictures. It was nice to just see and not have to read something that we might or not might not agree own.

    1. I’m waiting for one of the crazy Turley haters to think of something disparaging to say

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