Biden 2.0: Can the President Avoid the “Second-Term Curse”?

Below is my column in The Hill on a second Biden Administration and what it might entail in policy priorities. With one year before the next presidential election, the Hill asked me to project what such a second term might look like for President Joe Biden.

Here is the column:

Popular culture has curses that range from the charming (the Billy Goat Curse) to the chilling (King Tut). No curse, however, has more objective validity than the “second-term curse” of American presidents.

Only 21 presidents have stuck around for a second round. For those, the additional four years have proven the downfall of many a good president. While some have actually died in successive terms (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lincoln, McKinley), others have politically died from debilitating scandals, from Grant to Nixon to Clinton.

Some second-term presidents become far too comfortable in their second terms, allowing others to dictate decisions. For others, it is not laziness but legacy that gets them into trouble. Some feel a certain liberty and license that comes with being a lame duck president — pursuing a legacy with reckless abandon.

A second term for Joe Biden could easily repeat these common failings, particularly if the U.S. House remains in Republican hands. During the election, Biden pledged to follow a strategy that served him well over decades of politics: to pursue a moderate government that unites a divided country. He then immediately abandoned that strategy and moved sharply to the left. The general view was that Biden handed over much of governing to far-left aides, who proceeded to populate his administration with similar far-left appointees.

The decision to lead from the left will likely make this election more challenging for Biden, who could well join the other 10 presidents who lost bids for a second term. To succeed, he will have to defend those policies in this election.

It is less likely that Biden will break from his Cabinet and staff in a second term. To the contrary, second terms tend to be more ideologically aggressive, since they free presidents from the need to face voters again. Second terms are when presidents are most likely to yield to temptation.

Second-term presidents tend to have little patience for negotiations as they watch their final years in politics ticking away. If one or both houses of Congress remain under Republican control, Biden is likely to dramatically increase his controversial use of unilateral action in areas like the environment and immigration. He has already lost a number of major legal cases finding that he exceeded his constitutional authority. That is not likely to deter a second-term Biden.

On specific issues, Biden is likely to become more extreme. For example, Biden has already been criticized by industry for fulfilling his pledge to hamper domestic fossil fuel production and prioritize green technologies in the name of climate change. Even as hostile countries like Iran, Russia and Venezuela have raked in billions from oil sales, Biden has pushed for greater production by such countries rather than production in the U.S. Despite activists’ superficial complaints, he showed a remarkable level of commitment to this issue in his first term, and is likely to become more aggressive in a second term.

Specifically, climate czar John Kerry is likely to be given the ultimate “green light” in pursuing new international agreements, as the administration tries to bolster flagging sales of electric vehicles by putting pressure on increasingly jittery auto companies.

Biden has often called for gun bans and other measures to combat gun violence in the U.S. His claims have often been historically or technically challenged. The range of movement for Congress and the president is limited by the Second Amendment and the individual right to bear arms.

However, Biden has made gun control a major part of his legacy. He is expected to pursue new legislation in Congress or, if the Democrats do not control the legislative branch, unilateral action through federal agencies. We saw the latter type of measures recently when the administration imposed a moratorium on gun exports to much of the world, pending further review about where such guns would be used.

Biden has faced withering criticism over his immediate moves after taking office to dismantle Trump measures along the border and to stop any additional building of segments of the wall, despite the rusting border material left at the border. Rather than build the wall, the administration sold the wall material for scrap, at a fraction of its value. As with the fossil fuel policies, the commitment has been impressive, given the public backlash with an election looming.

It is not clear whether a second term will make Biden more or less likely to crack down on the southern border. The good money says that he will be more likely to yield to his party’s far-left in pursuing paths to employment, citizenship and other measures for undocumented persons.

Across the country, Democrats are running on abortion rights. Biden has rallied his supporters to the pro-choice cause. With a sizable number of Democratic members making this a priority, it is likely that Biden will double down on unilateral actions to target states that have passed limits on abortion, while continuing an equally aggressive effort in the courts to reverse or curtail current precedent.

The other issue that concerns me most, as someone associated with the free speech community, is the impact that a second Biden term would have on the First Amendment. Biden in his first term has proven the most hostile president toward free speech since John Adams. His administration has maintained a massive system committed to the monitoring and censorship of social media.

This elaborate system recently led to a court finding an unprecedented, “Orwellian” attack on free speech. Free of the pressure of a new election, Biden is likely to double down on such efforts to limit what his administration views as “disinformation, malinformation, and misinformation” in areas ranging from climate change to election fraud to transgender policy.

For a second-term president, what is past is prelude. Biden is likely to move even more boldly to the left, where he has laid the foundation for his presidency. In his first term, Biden had every reason to fulfill his pledge to lead from the center, yet chose not to do so despite dismal popularity levels.

A shift now to the center would muddle his legacy and make him appear opportunistic in his prior appeal to the far-left. The odds favor more of the same, as Biden seeks to seal a legacy as the greenest, most anti-gun and most pro-abortion-rights president in history.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University.

182 thoughts on “Biden 2.0: Can the President Avoid the “Second-Term Curse”?”

  1. Jonathan: No one has mentioned Ivanka Trump’s testimony on Tuesday in the NY civil fraud case. Ivanka was poised and calm–unlike the theatrics of her dad. But it didn’t go any better for her. Ivanka testified she was not involved in preparing financial statements for her dad. It was a “gotcha” moment in the trial. The prosecutor showed her emails between her and one of DJT’s attorneys that showed she was deeply involved in preparing statements of financial conditions in connection with the purchase of the Dural property.

    Ivanka was the last witness for AG James. Now it’s up to DJT to put on his defense which now appears to be a slam dunk for AG James. He wants to drag out the case as long as possible. His lawyers say they have “up to 100 witnesses”. That’s an exaggeration. Whoever they put up will have to offer relevant evidence. If not Judge Ergonon will probably dismiss them.

    Everyone knows how this saga will end. The line in Las Vegas puts DJT’s chance of prevailing at less than 1%–even on appeal. This means DJT’s real estate empire in NY is going to be slowly dismantled–including Mar-a-Lago and the golf resort in Scotland. Not a pretty picture. Business Insider says DJT still has about $425 million in liquid assets. But his days of real estate investing are over. No bank will now touch him. At age 77 what is DJT going to do? DJT claims his “brand” is worth billions. We’ll see how that works out.

      1. Anonymous: Yeah, I am “sick”. Sick and tired of having to write about DJT. Only when he is safely behind bars will I rest easy–knowing he is no longer a threat to our Democracy. The “sick” people are those who believe an insurrectionist, who tried to overthrow the government to stay in power, should be the next president!

        1. An insurrectionist.
          Who tried to overthrow the government.
          A threat to our Democracy.
          The Democrat Party is saving our Democracy I tell ya!
          Saving us from Hitler himself!

          No, Dennis. The Democrats are DESTROYING democracy.
          Whipping idiots like you into a frenzy.
          Destroying your brain by filling it with their reckless propaganda and dangerous lies.

          The MSDNC brainwashing is thorough and complete in this one.
          Terminal Trump Derangement.
          There is no cure.

          1. You wrongly assume Dennis is a human being. In fact, he is a bot, programmed to print “Jonathan: ” followed by the DNC talking points of the day.

        2. “[Trump is] a threat to our Democracy.”

          Yet again, the Left doing what it accuses others of doing.

          Nothing says “democracy” like criminalizing the leading opposition candidate. Nothing says “democracy” like telling tens of millions of voters: Sorry. We won’t allow you to vote for the candidate of your choice.

          1. Sam: no matter how many times DJT claims Biden is directing the DOJ to go after him, it is a lie. There’s no evidence of Biden being anything but hands-off with the DOJ. On the other hand, DJT promises to use the DOJ to go after his perceived enemies–THAT’S the story here. So, you have it exactly backwards–DJT. the wannabe dictator, is the one who doesn’t understand or respect separation of powers. The NYC and Georgia cases are NOT federal cases–they are state cases, so the DOJ is not involved. Jack Smith is prosecuting DJT in Florida for stealing classified documents after being told he couldn’t take them, for lying about returning them, for disclosing the contents and forcing the government to seize them. And, there is NO doubt that he did these things–HE ADMITTED IT. So, according to you, DJT should just get away with this? Why not ask Israel, one of our allies, how they feel about Trump’s handling of classified information–According to Newsweek, 10/9/23:

            “Donald Trump’s sharing of alleged classified intelligence to Russian officials in the White House has come under scrutiny amid a large-scale attack by the Hamas Islamist military group against Israel.In May 2017, the former president defended his actions after he was found to have discussed sensitive details about an alleged Islamic State (ISIS) plot with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the Oval Office. Trump said he had an absolute right to do so. The intel was said to have been provided to the U.S. from Israel.” Russia is an ally of Syria, and Israel believes that the classified information Trump leaked was shared with Hamas. Why on earth anyone could believe DJT could be trusted anywhere near classified documents is a mystery to me. His arrogant narcissism requires him to show off, and he doesn’t care that information that is classified bears this distinction because of the potential for damage it could cause to the US and its allies. DJT’s disclosure of this information may well have helped Hamas successfully attack Israel. Does DJT apologize? No–he claims an “absolute right” to disclose secrets from our allies.

            DJT is also being prosecuted in Washington DC for: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights in his relentless pursuit to reverse the outcome of the 2020 election and remain in office. Again, there’s NO doubt about the facts of this case, either, because we’ve all seen what he did–the planning for Jan 6th, the “Stop the Steal” tours calculated to whip up support for the insurrection, the “fight like hell or you’re not going to have a country any more” speech, with the promise to join the disciples at the Capitol, attempts to bully Pence into refusing certified votes–it’s all out there. Should he just get away with this too?

      2. One sick, anti-American communist (liberal, progressive, socialist, democrat, RINO, AINO) bound and determined to impose the “dictatorship of the hired help” and destroy private property, American freedom and American free enterprise.

        One sick, direct and mortal enemy of the American thesis of freedom and self-reliance, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, actual Americans and America.

    1. “DJT’s real estate empire in NY is going to be slowly dismantled . . .” (the Left says, with glee)

      The Left has a fetish for dismantling things created and valued by others: Statues, wealth, reputation, peace and safety, Western jurisprudence, education, journalism, free speech, civilized countries (Israel), business (Covid lockdowns and riots) . . .

      It is both a fascist and a nihilistic movement.

      1. Equally concerning is how many on their own side refuse to see how *they* will be affected by their ‘leaders’ crass cravings to destroy other’s success.

    2. “No one has mentioned Ivanka Trump’s testimony on Tuesday in the NY civil fraud case.”

      That should have been your first clue, numbnuts. Only you care about the little orange man in your head.

      LMAO at the stupidity.

  2. Ya Know, when you have a ‘problematic employee’ (in this case, the POTUS), you can’t fire them because of the EEOC conundrum, you can’t demote them, ditto. So your left with promoting them Up-N-Out, to get rid of them. That’s Joe Biden, sad but true, were stuck with him until High-Noon January 20, 2025 Inauguration Day. Where upon Promoted Up-N-Out and on to Retired President Status, and all the carte blanche sweetheart deals, that he and Hunter can cook up.

    It is what it Is, because He is what he Is.
    January 20, 2025 – Can’t come soon enough.

  3. A second term of Biden would be the last of any president of the UNITED States, I fear. Of course, the alternative doesn’t look so rosy either. Our enemies, as we clearly see, are licking their chops.

  4. Lies and Damned Lies

    To peddle the fiction that “Bidenomics” (read “command economy”) is working, the Left deceives you into focusing on one thing, and one thing only, about inflation: That it’s down to only some 4%.

    That rate of inflation is at best deceptive, on at least two counts: 1) That number *excludes* food and energy prices. Both of which are skyrocketing some 20% and 40%, respectively. 2) That rate *excludes* “inflation shrink,” e.g., a 12 oz. package that costs X, is now a 10 oz. package that costs X.

    The Lies Continued:

    The Left wishes for you to ignore the astronomically high interest rates, on everything from car and home loans to credit cards. When Trump left office, mortgage rates were about 3.1%. Today, they’re about 7.5%. In practical terms, that means that the person buying a typical, single-family home pays about *$800 more per month*.

    The Damned Lies:

    The Left wishes for you to ignore the only economic factor that ultimately counts: Standard of living and purchasing power. Because of Biden’s statist policies, both are plummeting.

    If you like deprivation, vote for more Bidenomics.

    1. The Left crowing about bringing down the inflation they brought about is like pushing your grandmother down the stairs and asking her why she’s running. Create a problem, solve it, and use it for a campaign point.

      1. From FactCheck.Org, 10/8/2021:

        “The statistics for the entirety of Donald Trump’s time in office are nearly all compiled. As we did for his predecessor four years ago, we present a final look at the numbers.
        The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
        Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation.
        After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.
        The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
        The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
        The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.
        Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.
        Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
        Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.
        Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.
        The murder rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.
        Trump filled one-third of the Supreme Court, nearly 30% of the appellate court seats and a quarter of District Court seats.”

        From TYT, 5/11/22 “How Trump Caused Inflation”–excerpt referring to the effect his deregulation had on the Commodities Futures Trading Commission

        Enter Trump
        The day Trump took office, CFTC member Chris Giancarlo took over as head of the CFTC. Giancarlo, a long-time veteran of the industry he was charged with regulating, had joined the CFTC under Obama.

        It’s not that Obama chose Giancarlo for the job. But presidents can only appoint so many members of their own party to the CFTC. According to Eleanor Eagan of the Revolving Door Project, which tracks federal nominations, to appoint members of the opposite party, presidents traditionally defer to that party’s ranking senator. In Obama’s case, that was Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

        Giancarlo would do McConnell proud. And he took Trump’s campaign promise seriously.

        It wasn’t Trump’s fault (yet), but by February 2017, there was “massive… [swaps trading] misconduct” going undetected, former CFTC enforcement chief Aitan Goelman told Reuters. But Giancarlo wanted less regulation, not more. In March 2017, Giancarlo told the International Futures Industry Conference, “The American people have entrusted the Trump Administration to turn the tide of over-regulation.”

        Giancarlo told his Boca Raton audience that the CFTC’s job was to help Wall Street, not restrain it. The CFTC, he said, had to “foster open, transparent, competitive and financially sound markets in ways that best foster American economic growth and prosperity.” At that point in Giancarlo’s prepared remarks, a footnote explains that, “The President’s executive orders… require elimination of two regulations for every new one issued.”

        Meaning: No way in hell would Trump’s CFTC close the footnote 563 loophole. And that fall, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin made it clear he wanted the footnote 563 loophole not only to stick around, but to take off its shoes and get comfortable.

        An October 2017 Treasury Department report to Trump by Mnuchin and his counselor, Craig Phillips, refers to the then-still-pending CFTC rule that would close the loophole. Mnuchin and Phillips write that the CFTC should “reconsider” trying to regulate swaps between foreign U.S. affiliates “merely on the basis that U.S.-located personnel arrange, negotiate, or execute the swap.”

        Mnuchin was explicitly telling Trump that the CFTC shouldn’t regulate ostensibly non-U.S. swaps merely because of the tiny, nitpicky fact that the swaps were actually done by U.S. traders for U.S. firms on U.S. soil.

        By this time, footnote 563 had totally upended commodities trading. It wasn’t yet driving wild price fluctuations, but it was Hoovering swaps trades overseas and out of regulated territory.

        By as early as August 2014, the volume of U.S. swap trades in regulated markets “had plummeted,” Levinson reported. By the spring of 2015, it was enough to shift the center of gravity. Levinson writes:

        “This spring, traders and analysts working deep in the global swaps markets began picking up peculiar readings: Hundreds of billions of dollars of trades by U.S. banks had seemingly vanished.”

        The trades were still happening, it turned out, but “the major banks had tweaked a few key words in swaps contracts and shifted some other trades to affiliates in London, where regulations are far more lenient.”

        The shift, Levinson says, “reflected an effort by some of the largest U.S. banks – including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley – to get around new regulations on derivatives…”

        By December 2014, Levinson reported, some swaps markets had lost 95 percent of their trading volume in less than two years.

        In June 2018, Greenberger’s paper came out, connecting the dots. It reads like a detective novel, albeit one written for Wall Street nerds. Spoiler alert: Footnote 563 did it.

        In the latter half of 2019, the CFTC got a new chair: Trump appointee Heath Tarbert. An industry attorney, Tarbert wasn’t just a former law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, his most recent gig had been as an acting undersecretary at the Treasury Department — working for Mnuchin. (Bloomberg later wrote that Tarbert had a “pared-back approach to policing overseas swaps trades.”)

        Not surprisingly, by the end of 2019, Tarbert had made progress on Mnuchin’s earlier recommendation. Tarbert came up with a new rule correctly interpreting what Mnuchin meant by “reconsider”: Kill the 2016 proposal to close the footnote loophole. The now-Republican-run CFTC wrote:

        “The Commission is today withdrawing the 2016 Proposal. …the Commission’s current views on the matters addressed in the 2016 Proposal [have] evolved since the 2016 Proposal as a result of market and regulatory developments in the swap markets and in the interest of international comity…”

        That last line about “international comity” alludes to European nations threatening a swaps trade war if the CFTC asserted international jurisdiction. (Never mind how much of the European swaps market was actually U.S. shell companies.)

        The two Democrats on the CFTC dissented against withdrawing the rule. One of them, Rostin Behnam, wrote that Tarbert’s new rule was coming “seemingly in response” to Mnuchin’s recommendations, which, in turn, explicitly arose from Trump’s deregulatory executive order.

        What About Inflation?
        Greenberger’s 2018 paper was called “Too Big to Fail” because the concern was (and still is) that these commodity swaps could cause another crash a la 2008.

        Without regulators checking that U.S. firms have the money to back up their bets, and with no transparency about who’s betting how much with whom, another global economic crisis is just one domino away. But a crash is just one peril of deregulating swaps.

        If a global crash is the planet-destroying meteor of swaps, inflation is the global warming of swaps. And just as you can’t quantify how much of any given storm is caused by global warming, there’s no way to tease out the exact inflationary impact of swaps on any given commodity.

        But in any industry, the pros can tell when the supply-and-demand fundamentals are out of whack with the market’s price-setting. That could mean price-gouging…but in that case, how come there’s no oil company hunting for market share by undercutting their price-gouging competitors? Those undercutters don’t exist, because everyone who actually sells real, black, gooey oil is outnumbered ten-to-one by traders who’ve never seen unrefined oil, let alone sold it.

        “You can’t do it,” Greenberger says, referring to undercutting. “If somebody came to the market today and said, ‘I’m going to sell my oil at $80, it won’t work because of the futures/swaps price.”

        So Wall Street dominates the swaps markets, which drive the futures markets (where Wall Street also bets), which drive the spot prices (ditto). Oil companies reap a benefit, for sure, but they couldn’t buck Wall Street if they wanted to.

        But if Wall Street sets the price, why run it up? Because the bigger the bet, the more money they make.

        If a Wall Street trader bets that oil will hit $80 a barrel, that bet influences how other traders bet. Someone’s likely to up the ante, even if it’s just by a dollar. “It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, so I win the bet,” Greenberger says. Left unchecked, it’s a one-way ratchet. “The prices are always going up until they’re finally caught.”

        (As TYT reported at the start of the pandemic, those Wall Street firms secretly wanted to help oil-company clients by goosing the price of oil. How? By getting people back in offices – pre-vaccine, in the middle of a pandemic – so they’d have to buy gas to get to work.)

        Greenberger told me that he was approached early this year by a Senate staffer who wanted to know whether Wall Street could be responsible for rising gas prices. Greenberger didn’t think so. After all, people were commuting and traveling again. The fundamentals of supply and demand lined up.

        But by the time I spoke with Greenberger, with the same question the staffer had asked, prices had soared. And by then, Greenberger had changed his mind.

        “We’ve got a war in Ukraine, but it doesn’t justify oil being at $100 [per barrel],” Greenberger says. And it’s not just oil. I ask him whether this dynamic applies to other commodities. He says, “Absolutely.”

        According to Greenberger, “There is a question about how unmoored the [commodity] markets are from supply and demand,” but we can’t quantify it, because no one’s even investigating the possibility that it’s happening.

        Why did I and a Senate staffer both turn to Greenberger on this question? Because he’s the one who figured it out the last time Wall Street did this.”

        So, you can try to blame Biden for “creating the problem” all you want, but Trump’s de-regulation of the commodities market is a major driver of inflation, especially as to gas prices.

    2. Sam, you are correct!

      They can apply all the new math they want. One need only go to the grocery store or do any shopping. It is bad. Housing affordability is the worst in 4 decades. Investment accounts are down and those with any growth are anemic. It is rough out there. People are getting hammered. The government now pays a trillion dollars is interest alone per year. This administration has cut nothing. Instead, it is spend spend spend.

      The border is wide open and at least 8 million illegals have flowed through, many with their hand out without working. Crime is rampant and thugs are emboldened.

      What did Biden have on his schedule yesterday? Nothing. It is rarely more than a couple of items. A typical first grader does more than Biden.

      The bus is speeding toward the cliff and the driver is asleep.

      1. Understanding how commodities deregulation by Trump has caused inflation, especially as to gas prices, is not “new math”–it’s basic economics. Investopedia defines “commodities”: A commodity is a basic good used in commerce that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type.
        Commodities are most often used as inputs in the production of other goods or services.
        Investors and traders can buy and sell commodities directly in the spot (cash) market or via derivatives such as futures and options.
        Hard commodities refer to energy and metals products, while soft commodities are often agricultural goods.
        Many investors view allocating commodities in a portfolio as a hedge against inflation.” Trump refused to close a loophole in commodities trading designed to stabilize prices on things like agricultural items and petroleum, and that’s how his incompetence is responsible for the inflation Republicans are trying to blame on Biden.

        The border is NOT “wide open”–why won’t Republicans agree to work with Democrats to pass laws limiting those seeking asylum? Because they can try to blame migrants on Biden, but US law allows migrants to come here to seek asylum. Yesterday, Biden got Israel to agree to a 4-hour per day ceasefire. That will save lives. What alt-right media outlet lied to you about Biden “doing nothing”?

        1. LIAR



          Trump is now responsible for the high gas prices…LMAO You are a sick, reprehensible, and demented being.


          In case you missed it on your alt-left news or Rachel Maddow didn’t mention it…Netenyahu said they didn’t agree to jack sh!t.


          As for you previous rant…show of hands for anyone who read it…bwahahahahahaha what a waste of time.

          1. Instead of resorting to name-calling, why don’t you cite some credible source of contrary argument or facts, if you can find any? You can’t. Trump is responsible for high prices for gas and food due to chucking regulations on commodities dealing. Read the admittedly lengthy piece above–it names those experts who explain how and why Trump is responsible for the inflation we are experiencing, and how and why it’s not Biden’s fault. I merely cited their opinions and explanations–just HOW does that make me a liar?

            1. Repeating lies makes you a liar. It has already been explained to you how inflation works and what causes it. Print more money, money worth less, takes more money to buy the same thing. Inflation. Print more money, more money available to chase fewer goods (the latter a global problem created by covid, not trump). Inflation.

              Naming names and puking up 800 lines of unadulterated bullcrap doesnt change or mitigate these facts.

              Oil prices went down under Trumps policies. period. Oil prices rose under Bidens policies. Period. Biden dumped Trumps policies on day one and predictably fuel prices rose. Manipulating obscure statistics to bolster a viewpoint is lying. Repeating lies makes you a liar.

              You can try to make it complicated to confuse and conflate but its not. And those who wont take responsibility for the repercussions of their failed policies are the worst, because they will never change.

              What happened to “gas prices are Putins fault??? Or its because “Texas makes electricity from crude oil???” Two more lies you spread and refused to own when shown the contra proof. Every time you are shown to be wrong you just say “i am just posting what other people say”. Exactly the problem. You’ve never had an independent thought that demonstrated a smidgen of intelligence. You just regurge alt-left nonsense and then belittle other peoples sources. LMAO

              You people are pathetic. You’ll believe anything that worships at the alter of orange man bad.

              Only you dont really believe it. You just repeat it because it makes u feel good. Which makes you what?

              A LIAR

            2. “Yesterday, Biden got Israel to agree to a 4-hour per day ceasefire.”


              Yesterday, Biden took a nap.

              And Netanyahu said he didnt agree to any such thing.

              1. “So, you can try to blame Biden for “creating the problem” all you want, but Trump’s de-regulation of the commodities market is a major driver of inflation, especially as to gas prices.”

                This is you making a brain dead assertion, not just “posting their views and opinions”.

                And demonstrating your stupidity again. “…of inflation. Especially as to gas prices.” Gas prices are NOT part of the inflation metric. So not “especially”. So you pick the name that best describes you, stupid, idiot, ignorant, or liar? Its one of them if not all.

                1. “Trump is responsible for high prices for gas and food due to chucking regulations on commodities dealing.”

                  More lies. You said the commodities bs caused inflation. Gas and food are NOT included in the inflation numbers.

                  More lies. Trump didnt “chuck” anything. Earlier you claimed he “failed to close the loopholes”. Which one is the lie?

                  Even this Greenbooger idiot that you quoted said he could not “quantify” the effects. But any idiot can tell you the effect of printing and dumping $6T into a $20T economy.


                  1. “The border is NOT “wide open”–why won’t Republicans agree to work with Democrats to pass laws limiting those seeking asylum? Because they can try to blame migrants on Biden, but US law allows migrants to come here to seek asylum.”

                    Then why are the numbers under Biden staggeringly higher? The asylum laws didnt change on Jan 25, 2021.

                    I will tell you. Policy. Period.

                    In his first 100 days, Biden signed 94 executive actions on immigration. None designed to stop the illegal immigration.

                    It took a little longer to eliminate remain in mexico, but he did that too.

                    Also, what US law allows is for people who cross between ports of entry to be a)jailed b)fined c)immediately deported upon release from jail.

                    You’ve been schooled on this before too. Yet you keep repeating the lies. That makes you a


  5. Abortion seems to trump fuel prices, inflation, and the general malaise coursing through America. But the good news is they are the ones who will suffer the worse if Bidenomics is allowed to continue.
    It will drive reluctant voters to the polls but i doubt it will change Trumps support for 2024. “Then vs now” is a powerful argument.

  6. I don’t agree that President Grant had “Second Term Curse”. I opi8ne that he did quite well during his 8 years in olffice.

  7. Tuesday’s Elections:

    Dobbs Backlash Still Potent

    Abortion rights advocates won major victories Tuesday as voters in conservative-leaning Ohio decisively passed a constitutional amendment guaranteeing access to abortion, while those in ruby-red Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor who aggressively attacked his opponent for supporting the state’s near-total ban on the procedure.

    In Virginia, Democrats were projected to take control of the state legislature after campaigning heavily on preserving abortion access.

    These results come right on top of polls showing Biden losing to Trump. Pollsters have to now wonder what those polls missed. Because yesterday was ‘not’ encouraging to Republicans.

    Ohio’s GOP legislature had voted to ban abortion at 6 weeks. That ban was put on hold by a judge. In the meantime, a ballot initiative to guarantee abortion rights became a runaway train that rolled right over Republicans.

    In Virginia, Republican Governor Glenn Younkin was feeling sufficiently sure of himself to propose a 15 week abortion ban. So-called ‘moderate’ Republicans have been bandying that ban as a ‘centrist compromise’. Virginians weren’t having it!

    Kentucky’s proximity to the south has to be alarming to anti-abortion forces. Red states aren’t supposed to preserve abortion rights.

    In the days to come, anti-abortion leaders will be telling their troops to ‘reframe the message’. The idea seems to be that the public actually wants abortion restrictions, but Republicans are somehow using the wrong language.

    The 15 week ban, in fact, was supposed to splinter pro-choice forces. Yet if Virginia is any indication, 15 weeks is not the wedge issue it was hoped to be.

    1. How many abortions have you had? When was the last time you had carnal knowledge with a woman? Gigi doesnt count


        Tom Nash is Estovir, our resident puppeteer. Estovir is the gay-obsessed creep who write most of the comments on these threads.

        Estovir is Thinkthrough, James, Upstate Farmer, Iowa 2, Old Man From Kansas, Guy Ventner, Ralph DeMimus, Ralph Chappell, N.N., dogsnowden, Mistress Ballhere and many, many more.

        Estovir has always had more interest in gays than political issues.

        1. I am not Estovir, Thinkthrough, James, Upstate Farmer, Iowa 2, Old Man From Kansas, Guy Ventner, Ralph DeMimus, Ralph Chappell, N.N., dogsnowden, Mistress Ballhere. I am Tom Nash, son of Gigi, kissing cousin of Wally, daughter of Concerned Citizen and niece of Bob. I am you. You are me. We are embracing this moment as an act of unity, one-ness and spreading love. Or herpes. Or whatever flips your pecker. By the way, what kind of boys you into?

        2. I do not care if you are on the left or the right.

          This X is the same as Y nonsense is just a reflection of your own cluelessness.

          I doubt that these names you list all refer tot he same poster. But even if they did SO WHAT ?

          Is your real name “anonymous” ?

          My real name is not John B Say.
          I have only posted here rarely as anonymous – usually accidentally or when I can not login to WP.
          And under my real name – again accidentally when I login using the wrong method.

          If as you claim others frequently post under multiple names – SO WHAT ?

          Personally I think using multiple names is a mistake.

          I try to consistently use jbsay specifically to establish a reputation for accuracy and trust.

          I have been attacked and insulted. But very rarely has someone demostrated a factual (or logic error) on my part and in those instances I have corrected the error.

          Making the effort to get facts and logic correct means that others can trust my posts.

          I doubt you do. But Christ could descend from heaven and you would still not beleive.

          1. John Say — I have pointed out your mistakes in physics and mathematics but you didn’t acknowledge those. So I now just skip over your screed…

            1. I did not acknowledge error because there was no error.

              You completely lust that debate.

              That you are stupid enough to bring it up again is a reflection of your own cluelessness.

              You tried to pretend that a general term was incorrect – because there was a more precise mathematical definition – if that were true – you would still have been wrong – the general term was correct as used.
              But you were not ever correct with respect to a more precise narrower context definition.

              As to Physics – you were literally trying to argue that Plank and Stephan Boltzmann are incorrect.

              Finally – while you are entitled to read or not read whatever you wish – CLEARLY you read what I wrote, you did NOT skip over it,

              Your not even capable of being honest about your own obvious conduct.

        3. Only by requiring people to post under their own names will solve the issue. WSJ did that. I’m growing weary of these posts. Used to like them, but increasingly it seems the same persons are many different screen names.

    2. Why do you think the polls “missed” something? Biden is highly unpopular. Also he’s a fed, whereas the abortion measures that won were at the state level. That is consistent with what Dobbs did: kick the issue back to the states where it always belonged.

      1. The left wing nut logic goes like this – when polls correctly note outcomes that favor them, that means that all polls in the same time frame on other issues that they do not like must be wrong.

        Personally I found the fact that Tuesdays results tracked the pools as evidence that the Trump polls are likely correct.

    3. The results of yesterdays elections closely reflect the pre-election polls.
      You seem to wish to believe that only those polls that you like are correct.

      Separately there is ZERO chance that “pro-life” leaders reframe their message.
      That claim shows your poor ability to comprehend others.

      pro-Life leaders beleive they are fighting for human lives.
      Politics is just the battlefield.

      Your argument is like saying – that Jews will reframe their position and accept that some genocide is acceptable.

      As to Virginia – it is a blue state and has been for some time.
      The FACT that it elected republicans accross the board in the executive and that it is even close in the VA house and senate collapses your entire argument.

      I would further note that pre-dobbs the abortion restrictions you write about are the consequence of pro-life forces weilding enormous political clout.

      I will personally predict that the supreme court will not touch the issue of abortion again. While I beleive Dobbs is error – so was Roe.

      Regardless the supreme court will be happy to let states do as they please in the future.

      As to the long term political consequences – outside of purple states the consequences will fade to inconsequential.

      In most of the country nothing has changed regarding abortion. In a few states it has gotten slightly more difficult.

      But Gutmacher – and arm of Planned Parenthood has data over the decades that demonstrates that restrictions on abortion have had the sole effect of getting women to make choices earlier. And that is a good thing.

      Despite idiotic ranting from the left – we are not going to see an end to birth control or the return of back alley abortions – whcih again according to gutmacher data – resulted in about the same number of deaths from botched abortions as post rowe.

      The fundimental shift as a result of Dobbs is symbolic not meaningful.

      Finally I would ask if state constitutional ammendments have so much teeth – why do we still have mailin elections ?

      38 states have constitutional provisions requiring secret ballot elections and there is no way that a mailin election can ever meet the requirements of a secret ballot.

      I will consider left wing nuts mangling state constitutions to be consequential when left wing nuts actually follow their state constitutions.

    4. So election results that pretty closely tracked the pre-election polls are somehow proof that the polls that show Trump obliterating Biden are wrong ?

  8. It’s going to be hard for Biden’s second term curse to be worse than his first term curse.

    And the first term curse isn’t over yet. God help us all.

  9. During the election, Biden pledged to follow a strategy that served him well over decades of politics: to pursue a moderate government that unites a divided country. He then immediately abandoned that strategy and moved sharply to the left. The general view was that Biden handed over much of governing to far-left aides, who proceeded to populate his administration with similar far-left appointees.

    Left wing politics is killing America, from womb to the nursing home (Biden’s COVID mandates). Now children are collapsing psychiatrically like never before. This from a first world nation with first world problems. Adults have abandoned their responsibilities as parents, and prioritized other activities over their kids. More proof that Left wing politics are killing the innocent, most defenseless: from the womb to the aged with euthanasia.

    This wasn’t a problem when Judeo-Christian religious principles were followed by Americans for 200+ years as the Founding Fathers envisioned.

    res ipsa loquitur

    Children in Mental-Health Crisis Surge Into Hospital E.R.s

    According to data gathered from 38 children’s hospitals by the Children’s Hospital Association, trips to emergency departments for mental-health treatment were 20% higher in 2022 compared with 2019. Children seeking help in E.R.s for suicide or self-harm soared 50% at those hospitals during the same period.

    Wall Street Journal

  10. “He then immediately abandoned that strategy and moved sharply to the left.” hahahahah

    Oh wait, you mean the $ Billions sent out to business and individuals in “one time” stimulus? That would certainly be a far left policy. Oh wait, that was trump.
    UHhhh, there has to be something.

    What a crock of sh–.

    Like any administration, there is good and bad. The news media picks whatever point they want and then shapes the “news” to fit that slot. You JT, are no different, and it is getting mighty old when you quickly spout nonsense from trump, that is then proven to be a lie, but never retract the lies you spout.

    On abortion, perhaps you missed it JT but there was an election in Ohio yesterday. You should look it up.

    It’s getting old JT, trump is not your friend.

    1. Absolutely Trumps Covid spending bears some responsibility for the current inflation.
      It was a mistake.

      But Biden trippled down on that mistake.

      Inflation at 2% is bad, inflation at 9% is lethal.
      Since Jan 2021 the cost of living has gone up 20%, While wages ALWAYS lag inflation and have gone up very little.
      All of us – and particularly the poor are worse off.

      You are correct – most administrations are a collection of good and bad.

      There are a few things Biden has done that I agree with.
      There are many things Trump did I disagree with.

      That does not alter the FACT that Trump was the best president in the 21st century – a century with a relentless list of bad presidents.
      While Biden is working hard to depose James Buchannon as the worst president in US history.

  11. Jonathan: Another bit of news caught my eye this morning. No doubt you missed it so here it is. “She Knows” has an article entitled “Ivana Trump’s $22.5 million NYC Townhouse Has No Buyers & Donald Trump Might Be the Problem”. After Ivana’s death last year her kids, Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr. put the 8,800 sq. ft. residence on the market. Even after discounting the price by $4 million they still can’t find a buyer.

    If you look at the photos of the interior you can see why. “Garish” doesn’t begin to describe the townhouse. Ivana described her residence as one “Louis the 16th would have lived in if he had the money”. The “She Knows” article describes the residence this way: “It’s dripping with gold fixtures, leopard-print furniture, and photos of the Trump family on the walls…” Kind of reminds you of Trump’s old Trump Tower apartment–that DJT claimed was 30,000 sq. ft when it is only about 10,00 sq. ft.

    DJT and Ivana liked the “Roccoco” style of decoration–ornamental, flamboyant and lots of gold–I mean lots of gold! Fitting for a King and Queen. That’s probably why there are no buyers for Ivana’s townhouse. Too many bad vibes from the Trump era!

    1. Or the problem might be the Roccoco design.
      Or the problem might be the very soft real estate market in NYC.

      I would further note that your post is in error.

      There are not “no buyers”.
      There are no buyers at the current price.

      The laws of supply and demand dictate that there is a price at which everything can be sold.

      WE even literally sell $hit.

      What should cause you to face reality is that AG James seems to think that Mar-A-Lago in some of the most expensive real estate int he country, is worth less than Ivana’s home.

  12. Bad news for Democrats. Expect Dem supporters to try to cancel this event while screaming anti-Semitic phrases like the Nazis they are

    Film of Hamas atrocities to be screened for Hollywood executives

    There will be two screenings: one in Los Angeles and one in New York.

    The film prepared by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, which documents in a graphic and hard-to-digest manner the atrocities inflicted by Hamas terrorists on the residents of the communities near the Gaza border, will be screened for several Hollywood executives on Wednesday at an event initiated by several Hollywood Jews, led by Israeli-American Oscar-winning director Guy Nattiv (“Golda”). The actress Gal Gadot and her husband Jaron Varsano are also assisting with the matter.

    In the invitation sent to Hollywood executives, Nattiv wrote that the video, which is about 40 minutes long, includes violent and very difficult graphic images, including documentation of murders committed by Hamas terrorists and filmed by them.


  13. Judge Chutkan has ordered Trump to notify the court of his intent to use an advice of counsel defense AND turn over all evidence he would intend to use by 1/15/2024. (DoJ had wanted it by 12/18/23.)

    1. Judge Chutkan has already been shot down once for constitutional violations by a unanimous 3 judge pannel – 2 obama judges and one biden appointee.

      Not specific to Trump – Why exactly must ANY defendant tell the court or the prosecutor what their case will be ?

      Once upon a time those on the left would join me in opposing this kind of nonsense.

      I find it odd the left today are very illiberal.

      They share an enormous amount of bad political positions with the right of a century ago.

      They are fascists.

  14. OT


    “It’s the [baby killing], stupid!”

    – James Carville

    ABORTION, aka baby killing, wins big in Virginia.

    In Israel and most other locations, baby killing is bad; in America, baby killing dominates all elections.

    The 19th Amendment, the National Suicide Amendment, killed America.

    The ridiculous 19th Amendment must be killed.

    The 21st Amendment killed the ridiculous 18th.

    America is completely invaded, conquered and insane.

    The future of the brilliant intellectuals turned out to be a disaster in which actual Americans killed off their own population – who does that?

    America needs a complete reset back to the intent of the American Founders and Framers.

    Lincoln, Marx, Margaret Sanger et al. didn’t kill America by a vote, they killed it by stealing “political power [that grew] out of the barrel of a gun,” said Mao Tse-Tung.



    PC reset:

    Right click shut down and sign out – press and (hold-lshift) – click on power button/restart – click troubleshoot – press on remove everything – reset PC – click on just remove my files – done.

    The Great American Re-Set

    The next actual American conservative president (i.e. now impossible) must pull a “Lincoln,” present a weak, lame, and convenient pretext, declare martial law, as Lincoln did, seize power, arbitrarily conduct “total war” on and utterly erase hysterical, incoherent, redistributionist, socially engineered, and baby-murderous liberalism, and completely reset and “fundamentally transform the United States of America” back to 1789, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the innate restricted vote of a republic, all of which was the intent of the American Founders.

      1. Wait, Aninny! I like women just fine. I have three in my house. They’re very nice.

        I like procreation and a fertility rate sufficient to grow and defend the nation.

        If women are now men, however, who will make Americans?

        Oh, it’s OK if there are no Americans, you say.

        Look at Japan; Japan is imploding; it’s OK if there’s no Japan, right.

        The American fertility rate is in a “death spiral”; more Americans die than are born.

        Where’s the future in that, I ask oh, Brrrrainiac?

        Oh, it’s OK if there is no America, right?

        Yes, that’s right, AI is going to eliminate this species anyway so a desire to perpetuate American existence is moot in the end, right, and this is the end because American women aren’t making anymore Americans.

        Thank you so much, Ladies.

        That’s all, folks!

  15. Jonathan: It looks like you have given up trying to impeach Joe Biden. Otherwise, why are you writing about the policies Biden would pursue in a second term? You claim Biden will pursue a “far-left” agenda in a second term and “seeks to seal a legacy as the greenest, most anti-gun and most pro-abortion rights president in history”. Like all of that is bad! So let’s go through each of your claims and see if are really “far-left” or reflect the priorities of most Americans.

    Biden has made “green” technology a top priority. Polls show two-thirds of Americans support prioritizing the development of renewable energy sources over gas and oil. They believe climate change is a threat to the planet and support carbon neutrality by 2050. It’s not a “left/right” issue.

    As to gun control Biden continues to lose in the courts–especially with the conservative Supremes. And while gun control remains a controversial issue, a recent Gallop poll shows 57% of Americans believe the sale of firearms should be strictly controlled–especially assault-style weapons frequently used in all the recent mass shootings.

    On abortion Biden clearly supports the right of a woman to make her own reproductive decisions. After the Dobbs SC decision many states passed anti-abortion laws. But since then there has been pushback against Dobbs in many states. A great majority of Americans support the right to abortion. That was evident in yesterday’s off-year elections. Despite efforts by Republicans to keep the measure off the ballot, voters in Ohio overwhelmingly passed the measure to preserve abortion rights. In Missouri, where the GOP was the first state to abolish abortion after the Dobbs decision, there is now voter pushback. Through mass organizing voters are proposing a ballot measure next year to retore abortion rights. As in Ohio the GOP controlled legislature in Missouri is trying to keep the measure off the ballot because they know it will probably pass.

    Abortion rights were front and center in other elections yesterday. In Kentucky, Dem Gov. Andy Beshear was reelected by 26%. His opponent, AG Daniel Cameran was a big supporter of banning abortion. That was a big issue in the election yesterday. In Pennsylvania Dan McCaffery won a seat on the state SC on a platform of defending abortion rights. Abortion is going to be a big issue in the 2024 elections. When given a choice voters support the right to reproductive freedom. That’s bad news for the GOP and why Biden’s position is not “far-left”.

    That said, what you apparently don’t want to talk about is DJT’s agenda if he is re-elected next year. With all his legal troubles that’s not assured. He might not be on the ballot in some states. DJT and his think-tank loyalists have already set forth the agenda for a DJT second term. It’s a blueprint for authoritarian rule and revenge. From day one DJT plans to invoke the Insurrection Act to use the military to go after those who would oppose his policies. DJT wants to turbo-politicize the DOJ to prosecute his former aides and officials who turned against him over the 2020 election–like John Kelly, Bill Barr, Ty Cobb and Mark Milley. DJT thinks Milley should be prosecuted for “treason”. DJT has told his supporters he would go after Joe Biden and his family. In March DJT addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference. He promised his supporters who had been “wronged and betrayed” he would be their “justice” and “retribution”.

    DJT’s plans are for political prosecutions, imposition of military rule and dismantling of our democratic system of governance. That is a “far-right” authoritarian agenda. The Q for you is this: Would you be comfortable if DJT prosecuted your good friend Bill Barr for saying the emperor had no clothes–that the 2020 election was not “stolen”?

    1. Biden has made “green” technology a top priority. Polls show two-thirds of Americans support prioritizing the development of renewable energy sources over gas and oil. They believe climate change is a threat to the planet and support carbon neutrality by 2050. It’s not a “left/right” issue.

      Except for the fact the math does not work.

      European countries are abandoning the phony climate change Long Con. Not having unlimited money other nations are forced to follow the science and call BS on green energy.

      1. Iowan2,
        2 major off shore wind projects have been canceled as they have shown not to be economically viable. The Biden admin is considering a bailout for some of these wind companies.
        Remind you of a certain solar company during the Obama admin?
        Also within the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which has nearly nothing to do with inflation even Biden admits he wished he never called it that, actually has a multi-billion dollar slush fund for green energy companies.
        You can read about it here:

        Honda and GM recently canceled a joint venture for EVs as consumers are not buying it. Former Toyota CEO also has stated EVs are not economically viable. The real cost of a EV, from base metals and rare earth elements to the cost of disposal at end of life is $120k to $170k.
        A recent study says the US grid would need an 50 million miles of transmission lines to get to the green economy. That is enough to go around the earth at the equator 2,000 times.

        You are right. The math does not add up.

        1. The debate over “green energy” is irrelevant.

          The core problem is government.

          Get government out of this. No subsidies, no bailouts and let the chips fall where they may.
          Maybe most of us will have solar panels on our roofs. Maybe not. Whoever makes the wisest choices will benefit.

          If you are right about electric cars, wind turbines, solar panels, …. – you reap the rewards.

          And being right is then determined by making the choice that ultimately proves to work the best – not the choice that your ideology pushes.

    2. Dennis – this kind of fear-mongering is not going to work. You people tried this before the 2016 election and it was not accepted. Now your fantasies are refuted by an entire four years in office, in which Trump ruled sensibly and moderately. But it does show your desperation and the willingness to say anything to stay in power.

      1. Fear mongering is all Leftist Dems know. They propagate Anti-Semites, Nazis, bodily mutilation of children’s genitals, stock pornographic books in children’s public school curriculums, etc

        White House denounces lawmaker Tlaib’s use of pro-Palentinian cry ‘from the river to the sea’

        By REUTERS

        NOVEMBER 8, 2023 21:28

        The White House on Wednesday denounced US lawmaker Rashida Tlaib’s use of a pro-Palestinian rallying cry “from the river to the sea,” which is viewed by many Jews as antisemitic and calling for Israel’s eradication. “As it relates to that term, we’ve been very clear we strongly disagree,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said. The US House voted on Tuesday to censure Tlaib, Congress’s lone Palestinian-American lawmaker, for comments she made regarding Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.

    3. DJT has policy ambitions? News to me. The 2020 Republican platform under trump was…, oh wait there wasn’t one.

      You’re correct in what DJT has said he will do. I hesitate to call them actual policy positions. It is simply hate. And there are an awful lot of hateful people in this country right now. Hypnotized by an orange man in a red tie. Hopefully they will wake up some day.

      1. Bob – The haters are the people who are using the legal system to put their opponents in jail. They hate democracy, fair play, honest elections, Western civilization ,and, most of all, the American people. They have hypnotized themselves by creating one conspiracy theory after another, until reality has been lost in a haze of self-righteous hysteria.

      2. Bob, what was the worst about Trump? The Peace??, Energy independence? The Abrahm accords spreading peace across the Middle East, Jews and Arabs engaging, but not fighting. Or maybe its the prosparity that has your panties all in a twist.

    4. It is unlikely that Biden will be impeached in this term. The purpose of the impeachment inquiries is to publicly expose his malfeasance.
      There is no chance of getting enough democratic votes in the senate.

    5. “DJT’s plans are for political prosecutions”
      Likely – turn about is fair play.
      If you do not want political prosecutions by republicans do not engage in them as democrats.

      ” imposition of military rule”
      Do you think before you post ? The US military leadership is heavily Woke. Trump has ZERO intention of giving the military any political power.

      I am constantly flabbergasted by the incredibly stupid claims left wing nuts make.

      “and dismantling of our democratic system of governance.”
      Correct, we are not a democracy. Trump will attempt to return as best as possible to constitutional government.

      “That is a “far-right” authoritarian agenda.”
      Trump is not “far right” – most of his policy positions are shared by super majorities of americans.
      He is a centrist and a populist. You do understand that populist means someone who reflects the will of the majority ?

      “The Q for you is this: Would you be comfortable if DJT prosecuted your good friend Bill Barr for saying the emperor had no clothes–that the 2020 election was not “stolen”?”

      Trump is not going to prosecute Barr. He is not going to prosecute anyone for what they have said.
      They will be prosecuted for what they have DONE.

      It is democrats that prosecute people for what they say.

      As to Barr specifically – Ultimately though I respect his efforts Barr was a failure as AG.
      He took the job to clean up the DOJ and FBI.
      He failed.

      Further he was wrong about the 2020 election – people in his own department were using the power of government to compell social media to engage in censorship.

      If he did not know what was happening in FBI and DOJ – why should he be trusted about the rest of the country.

    6. “. . . Andy Beshear was reelected by 26%.”

      5%, not “26%.”

      But I suppose that in the Leftist universe, 26 is close to 5.

    7. You say Trump is the one “dismantling” our democratic system?
      Who rigged the 2016 Democrat primary election for Hillary and screwed Bernie voters? Democrats.
      Who bombed in the 2020 primaries until Clyburn threw him a lifeline? Biden.
      Who is rigging the 2024 Democrat primaries and screwing their voters? Democrats.
      Who is using lawfare to interfere in the 2024 election? Democrats.
      Who is trying to arrest their opponents? Democrats.
      Who is weaponizing government against its political enemies? Democrats.
      Which party has actual communists and terrorist sympathizers sitting in Congress? Democrats.
      Which party cheats, lies, and steals elections? Democrats.
      You have Terminal Trump Derangement.

    8. One of Trump’s biggest mistakes was campaigning on Locking Her Up and then once he got into office essentially told his voters, ‘aw shucks, folks, we don’t do that, she’s a good person, let’s move on.”

      At least NY AG, Tish James campaigned on going after Trump and finding something to pin on him and by God, she’s following through on her campaign promise.

      Trump should have done the same. When he is reelected in 2024 he will not make the same mistake. Retribution is coming and it is necessary for the good of the country.

  16. We are witnessing a passing of the torch. The old mindset was that votes were based on the pocketbook and comments like “it’s the economy, stupid” had the ring of truth. No longer, More and more, young voters vote on their “feelings” without any apparent rational thought as to how the results affect their pocketbooks, the pocketbooks of others, or the nation as a whole.

    The Dems, this cycle, appealed to that mindset by pounding on the abortion issue. I suspect that an analysis of the results will show a discordant number of younger than 35 voters and a significant number of young female voters in the turnout.

    1. KenB5602,
      Well, when you have nearly half of Gen-Z still living at home with mom and dad, or the parents are paying some of their bills, a lot of young people the “it’s the economy, stupid” does not apply.
      But their feelings sure do.
      There was a move called “Failure To Launch.” Used to be seen as an embarrassment. Now it is an entitlement.

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