World Economic Forum Declares “Disinformation” to be the World’s Greatest Threat

The World Economic Forum has surveyed the world’s experts and issued its 2024 “Global Risks Report.” The international elite of experts have declared that the number one threat to humanity is not terrorism or pandemic or even climate change (which is second), but “misinformation and disinformation.” Of course, that means that the only hope for humanity is censorship and speech controls. The report shows just how engrained this anti-free speech movement has become among the world elite from media to business to politics.

The absurd finding is consistent with the warning of other international figures and groups. We previously discussed how WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has supported censorship to combat what he calls the “infodemic.”

So “1,490 experts across academia, business, government, the international community and civil society” looked at all of the world’s military, economic, and environmental threats and concluded that the greatest threat to humanity is too much free speech. A “global risk” is defined as “the possibility of the occurrence of an event or condition which, if it occurs, would negatively impact a significant proportion of global GDP, population or natural resources.”

We have seen how during the Covid crisis “experts” supported censorship and blacklisting when their views were challenged by colleagues and the public. Earlier positions treated as gospel in the press have been discredited. For example, a recent scientific review by  12 researchers from leading universities found little support for the claims that masks reduced Covid exposures.

The Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) initially rejected the use of a mask mandate. However, the issue became a political weapon as politicians and the press claimed that questioning masks was anti-science and even unhinged. In April 2020, the CDC reversed its position and called for the masking of the entire population, including children as young as 2 years old.  The mask mandate and other pandemic measures like the closing of schools are now cited as fueling emotional and developmental problems in children.

The closing of schools and businesses was also challenged by some critics as unnecessary. Many of those critics were also censored. It now appears that they may have been right. Many countries did not close schools and did not experience increases in Covid. However, we are now facing alarming drops in testing scores and alarming rises in medical illness among the young.

Masks became a major social and political dividing line in politics and the media. Maskless people were chased from stores and denounced in Congress. Then-CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said during a Senate hearing that “face masks are the most important powerful health tool we have.”

For years, scientists faced censorship for even raising the lab theory as a possible explanation for the virus. Their reputations and careers were shredded by a media flash mob. The Washington Post declared this a “debunked” coronavirus “conspiracy theory.” The New York Times’ Science and Health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli was calling any mention of the lab theory “racist.”

When a Chinese researcher told Fox News that this was man-made, the network was attacked and the left-leaning PolitiFact slammed her with a “pants on fire rating.”

The extensive censorship and blacklisting that has occurred over the last four years protected such experts from scrutiny and criticism. Many of those same experts are now listing what they deem disinformation to be the world’s greatest threat. The obvious solution to this existential threat is, of course, to allow “experts” to control or regulate what people read or hear to eliminate harmful disinformation. The question is whether the public can be, again, spooked into surrendering this core human right by world elite.

87 thoughts on “World Economic Forum Declares “Disinformation” to be the World’s Greatest Threat”

  1. JONATHAN TURLEY writes:
    “The World Economic Forum has surveyed the world’s experts and issued its 2024 “Global Risks Report.” The international elite of experts have declared that the number one threat to humanity is not terrorism or pandemic or even climate change (which is second), but “misinformation and disinformation.” Of course, that means that the only hope for humanity is censorship and speech controls.”
    If those finally identified BIO-TERRORISTS & MASS-MURDERERS with their STEALTH DEPOPULATION AGENDA now have come to FEAR “The Bill of Rights” & the natural human RIGHT to free speech – this will make our work to clear up the mess, that these MAFIOSI created, much easier – all we have to do is to concentrate our investigations on those People trying to CENSOR & SILENCE free speech, under their favorite CAMOUFLAGE of “misinformation and disinformation.”
    As usual – GERMANY has a dirty tradition of GeStaPo under the NAZI-CRIMINALS & the StaSi under the COMMUNISM-CRIMINALS – they are again using GOVERNMENT BRUTALITY & VIOLENCE to shut up GERMANY.

  2. The courts u say? THE COURTS ?
    Without a witness, or an exact date,
    On her feeble testimony alone,the comedy ,BS, and satire writer
    EJCARROL was awarded 5 mill $, plus,
    And because the accused, reiterated his innocence , he will be extorted for more of his hard earned $
    The courts, u say ?

  3. The irony is that with all the WEF efforts to “rebuild trust” by shutting up any speech that challenges them only makes them less trustworthy and their “science” less likely to be believed by anyone.
    The othe irony is in their very tag line …
    “Rebuilding trust in the future” is an admission that they themselves have destroyed what trust there has been previously by their own blatant lies and actions.
    Especially over Covid.
    The mis and disinformation they speak of is called TRUTH by everybody else and their pontifications LIES.
    In the upside down and Satanic inversion world of the WEF and their ilk truth is lies and lies are truth… to them – and everybody else if they know what’s good for them.
    The scariest thing for them is that Lies cannot stand up to the truth and lies us all they have. Truth is self evident and always asserts itself eventually.
    In closing I’ll leave you with a quote from the Bible that is very applicable….

    John 8:44
    New International Version
    44 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

  4. Be on alert whenever and wherever central authorities are allowed to decide and then mandate what is “misinformation” and “disinformation.” When any authority dictates what information is true or false, that authority’s purpose must always be carefully considered. In such instances it is wise to recall the work of Joseph Goebbels who once said: (1) “Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose,” (2) “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play,” and (3) “It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”

    1. OK, keep these decisions (sorting out fact from fiction) out of he hands of centralized authorities.

      What about decentralizing that function? That’s what our Civil Courts are for.

      Consider when CNN and WaPo decided to paint Nicholas Sandmann as an Indian-hater. That’s an example of political disinformation — the phenomenon we’re up against. Because of our defamation law, a single individual was able to stand up to giant corporations and challenge their public fraud. Knowing that you cannot lie in Court, and a jury of 12 Americans would be deciding the facts, these media infowarriors backed down and paid damages.

      Note how deceitful infowarfare was successfully challenged, and in full keeping with the 1st Amendment. Yes, 1A precludes govt. prosecution as a counter-infowarfare tool. But that doesn’t leave us powerless to push back against public falsehoods. The Sandmann case points the way out of this quagmire.

      By carefully expanding the civil torts toolset to public frauds where nobody’s reputation is being sullied by the whopper — but still the intention is to dupe the public into forking over “the consent of the governed” — there could be an means of deterring outright deception as a tool of political competition. With such a new tool, it’s possible the unnecessary Iraq War could have been prevented. Or, the Hunter Biden laptop cover-up could have been sued immediately, and rapid discovery employed to expose Biden campaign operative Tony Blinken, and ex-CIA Michael Morrell as the architects of the whopper. Think of how better a country we could have if powerful actors had to think twice before “nudging” us with fabricated narratives.

      It’s just plain small-minded to argue that the only choices are 1) putting up with public deceptions of major consequence, or 2) government censorship. Both are recipes for mind-control. There is a smart middle path — based on using civil lawsuits and courts as the place where lies go to die (and liars go to be held liable). Could this be the best way to decentralize the power to sort out fact from artful fabrication?

      What would Nick Sandmann have to say?

  5. Be on alert whenever and wherever central authorities are allowed to decide and then mandate what is “misinformation” and “disinformation.” When any authority dictates what information is true or false, that authority’s purpose must always be carefully considered. In such instances it is wise to recall the work of Joseph Goebbels who once said: (1)”Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose,” (2) “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play,” and (3) “It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”

  6. the WEF is laying the foundation for censorship by the wealthy elite and globalists. This is an outrageous power-grab by the Left and a clear violation of the freedom of speech provision…the First Amendment…of our Constitutiona!

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