McCaskill: Media Must Stop Fact Checking Joe Biden

MSNBC contributor and former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill has been one of the most vocal voices attacking critics of Joe Biden and opposing any investigations into his family or his policies. She attacked journalists and others who spoke in favor of free speech, calling them “Putin apologists” and Putin lovers. Now she is lashing out at the media for fact checking Joe Biden’s false claims . . . any false claims.

McCaskill called The New York Times “ridiculous” for a story correcting Biden’s false claims about the economy. She warned the media that they are only helping Trump by pointing out Biden’s false or misleading claims:

“What everyone says when you travel, ‘Well, you wouldn’t elect him again, would you? Hasn’t the country learned? You wouldn’t ever give this guy power again, would you? Tell us that he’s not going to be re-elected. Please, tell us you’ve learned your lesson.’ So The only blemish on the great country of America worldwide is, in fact, Donald Trump.”

She then added,

“Can I make a suggestion? I move that every newspaper in America quits doing any fact checks on Joe Biden until they fact check Donald Trump every morning on the front page. It is ridiculous that The New York Times fact check Joe Biden on something. I mean, he vomits lies, Trump vomits lies. And he, every day over and over and over again. And it’s just ridiculous that The New York Times is doing a fact check on Biden while they let Trump- they’re numb to the torrent of lies coming out of Trump’s mouth.”

It is that easy. Just stop fact checking. Of course, the media has always fact checked Trump with a certain glee. Such fact checks are a good thing and Trump has been legitimately criticized for many claims. However, McCaskill and others believe that the media must fall in line with the effort to reelect Biden.

The Washington Post previously gave Biden a rare “bottomless Pinocchio” for his false claims. According to McCaskill, that must stop at least until after the election. The public simply does not need to know such facts when democracy is at stake. It appears that ignorance is bliss when it comes to politics.

Of course, it was Benjamin Franklin who said “being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”

244 thoughts on “McCaskill: Media Must Stop Fact Checking Joe Biden”

  1. In a twisted bit of irony, McCaskill herself is being honest that she wants the media to censor Biden’s lies.

  2. Thanks everyone for your theories on why Haley is not dropping out. I have no idea which one is true, but in situations like that I usually think it has to do with money. With that said, when it comes to politicians, the quest for power is also a prime driver, so maybe she thinks that staying in the race will enhance her chances of being picked as Trump’s running mate (which before reading your responses seemed impossible to me).

  3. Trump Pops-Off To Black Audience

    Black leaders are condemning former President Trump’s recent comments about Black voters as “racist.”

    Speaking at the Black Conservative Federation (BCF) annual gala in South Carolina on Friday, Trump said his legal woes have earned him the support of Black voters around the country.

    “I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing,” Trump told the crowd. “And a lot of people said that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against. It’s been pretty amazing but possibly, maybe, there’s something there.”

    Trump’s narrative here is essentially a comedy routine. And that might play at a club where half the crowd is drunk.

    But as banter for a campaign rally this is passive aggresive; pretending to be funny while openly insulting. Senator Tim Scott was present, of course. The long-suffering Black buddy of a boorish White guest.

    1. Kids Get Schooled on Radical Politics
      “Last week, teachers at PS 321—the kindergarten through fifth grade school in Park Slope—supplied students with the coloring book, What We Believe, as part of a lesson for Black History Month. The book uses drawings and worksheets to promote the 13 tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement, under titles like “Queer Affirming,” “Transgender Affirming,” and “Restorative Justice.” Principle number 2, “Empathy,” is described as “engaging comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.”

  4. Joe don’t lie

    ”The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class,’’

    76 out of 85

    ”I won the international moot-court competition. … I was the outstanding student in the poitical science department (as an undergraduate). … I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school .
    No moot award. Not outstanding polisci student. 1 degree from Delaware

    Others plagiarized him

    He revealed last week that he committed plagiarism in law school
    (But, it was inadvertent.)

    Not the only time

    ”I went to (Syracuse) law school on a full academic scholarship.’’

    He did not.

    Got a $1,000 for being an R.A. and loans

    He did whoop Muhammad Ali

    ”I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do.”

    He’s dead

  5. With 92% of precincts reporting, Trump is leading Haley in her own home state by 21 percentage points (60 to 39). But she won’t drop out even though at this point it’s pretty clear she won’t win the nomination and there is no chance Trump will choose her as his running mate. Any theories on why she’s continuing her campaign?

    1. Haley keeps saying “Trump can’t beat Biden, but I can!” LOL. LOL. LOL.

      South Carolina Exit poll: “If Donald Trump were to be convicted of a crime, would you consider him fit to be president?”

      Yes 63
      No 34

      1. Do you have a point ?

        I would consider anyone unfit to be president if they were GUILTY of a crime.

        Today the only candidate actually accused of a real crime is Biden.

        I have zero interest in what leftwing nut lawfare can accomplish with crooked prosecutors, crooked judges and biased juries.

        Lets have two Trials – one of Biden and One of Trump. We can have Cheif Justice Roberts preside as the judge.
        WE can use the entire country as the jury pool – selecting 12 jurors from that pool at random.

        Democrats can pick whatever prosecutor they wish to prosecuted Trump, and they can try whatever alleged crimes they wish.
        But Roberts must throw the case out if a required element of the crime is not present.

        Republicans can do the same with Biden.

        With fair judges, and fair juries Trump will get aquited and Biden will get convicted.

        1. “With fair judges, and fair juries….” Haha, where oh where will Trump – or any Trump supporter – find THAT?

          1.5% of lawyers are black women.

          LSAT score average:
          White test takers, 153
          Asian test takers, 153
          Black test takers, 142

          An entire NY state Supreme Court bench is compromised of black women.

          The mathematical probability of this being random and based on merit is literally zero.


    2. Haley is the RINO/Fox candidate — Mitt Romnoid in a dress. Her sole purpose is to rally anti-Trumpers, split the “republican” vote, and help a democrat win the White House in 2024, whether it’s Joetard or anyone sustituted for Joetard at the last minute.

    3. I would not bet that Halley is out as running mate. Under normal circumstances that would be true.
      I do not think there is a chance Halley gets any other position in a Trump administration.

      But Halley is one of the best choices for Trump to bring in voters he can not reach otherwise.
      Trump has bet his own personal freedom on winning this election.
      I think he will hold his nose and pick Halley if she increases his odds slightly.

      1. The establishment power players prefer Haley to Trump, and you think they will let Trump stay alive and in the Oval for 4 years when they could “take out Trump” in whatever way they can, and install their preferred puppet Haley into number one spot? If Trump chooses a snake like Haley, he’s just put so-called bullet in his own back. You don’t think that?

    4. oldmanfromkansas said: “…she won’t drop out even though at this point it’s pretty clear she won’t win the nomination…”
      Give her a break. I saw a report that her campaign got $31MM in contributions from the Koch-knocher brothers. You know it has to take a little time to launder that kind of money into funds available for personal use.

  6. When the media fact checks Trump with their government paid goon ngo’s or their own internal fiction writers, I know Trump went too easy on them, BUT IT REALLY HURT THE NEWS BAD ANYWAY.

  7. “Can I make a suggestion? I move that every newspaper in America quits doing any fact checks on Joe Biden until they fact check Donald Trump every morning on the front page…”
    Does Claire still have those big floppy shoes, red nose and pasty face paint? Looks like she needs them again.

    1. In the final analysis, the fact-checking of no man can be conditioned by anyone but himself.

      *astonishingly, some fact-checkers, including MaCaskill, continue to believe the most investigated-prosecuted, media pillored, Twice impeached president in history has received *less* fact-checking scrutiny than Joe Biden.

  8. El Salvador President shoots down BBC reporter lecturing him on how to run El Salvador while ignoring the many atrocities in the UK

    savage take down

    1. OT


      May “Marital Privilege” or “Spousal Privilege” be applied to presidential term limits?

      May Moochhell arbitrarily circumvent the Constitution to provide Obama a de facto third term?

      If, under “Marital or Spousal Privilege,” Moochhell shall not testify against Obama, Obama shall not obtain an effective third presidential term by the fact of marriage to Moochhell.

      In the event, the spouse of Moochhell and the President are inseparable.

      Moochhell, the inseparable spouse of Obama, shall not occupy the office of the president due to term limits applicable to Obama, her inseparable spouse.

  9. OT: Media is advertising that since not very people came out to vote in SC Democratic primary (waste of time-Biden was a shoe-in), Nikki Haley is telling them to come out today and vote for HER (to stop Trump). SC is open primary


      “the people are nothing but a great beast…

      I have learned to hold popular opinion of no value.”

      – Alexander Hamilton

      “The true reason (says Blackstone) of requiring any qualification, with regard to property in voters, is to exclude such persons, as are in so mean a situation, that they are esteemed to have no will of their own.”

      “If it were probable that every man would give his vote freely, and without influence of any kind, then, upon the true theory and genuine principles of liberty, every member of the community, however poor, should have a vote…

      “But since that can hardly be expected, in persons of indigent fortunes, or such as are under the immediate dominion of others, all popular states have been obliged to establish certain qualifications, whereby, some who are suspected to have no will of their own, are excluded from voting; in order to set other individuals, whose wills may be supposed independent, more thoroughly upon a level with each other.”

      – Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted, 1775

      “[We gave you] a [restricted-vote] republic, if you can keep it.”

      – Ben Franklin, 1787

  10. Jonathan: When we say DJT is hurting for money that’s not just hyperbole. DJT’s lawyer Alina Habba asked Judge Engoron to delay the enforcement of the $454 million judgment. Engoron rejected the request and the judgment was entered yesterday. That means the 30-day clock for an appeal is running with interest piling up.

    So now Habba runs to Judge Kaplan in the E. Jean Carroll case and is asking for an “unsecured” stay on the enforcement of the $83.3 judgment against DJT until an appeal can be filed. Habba claims that requiring her client to pay about $90 million for a bond would cause DJT “irreparable injury”. Kaplan is yet to rule but, like Judge Engoron, he is just as likely to reject Habba’s latest motion. The trial is over, the jury verdict is in and the judgment entered. So DJT has two options. Either pay the judgment or post a bond and appeal hoping upon hope he can somehow get a reduction in the damages.

    So what are to make of this? Despite Alina Habba’s frequent claims that her client is a billionaire–twice over, it’s clear that’s not the case. So we need another FACT CHECK: DJT doesn’t have the money to pay the two judgments or the money to appeal them! So where will DJT turn for the money? Maybe at this very moment he is talking to his son-in-law: “Jared. Talk to Saudi Crown Prince Salman. He gave you $2 billion to start your business. Maybe he can do the same for me. But do it quickly because the interest on the two judgments is piling up!” Now there’s a plan!

    1. Normally I don’t respond to idiots but Jeez! The Saudi’s INVESTED $2B with Jared Kushner’s firm as he is a successful established investment banker. It’s a legitimate business decision Unlike giving a crackhead whoremonger millions to gain favor with the “brand”.

      1. Anonymous: Normally I don’t respond to idiots like you. In keeping with the theme of JT’s column here’s a fact check: Jared had no experience in investment banking. In fact the Saudi wealth fund directors recommended against the investment. Prince Salman had to overrule their recommendation.

        1. If there is any evidence of Trump undermining U.S. foreign policy and national security on behalf of Kushner’s Saudi employers, – say fomenting a coup, firing the Saudi Chief Prosecutor or provoking the largest major-power ground war since WWII – by all means, lets impeach them all.

        2. Anonymous, you are so dumb and in being dumb, you prove the fact-checker was spinning, trying to deceive instead of inform. Investment banks and brokerages are two different types of financial institutions. Jared requires knowledge other than that of an investment banker since the firm will be involved in a lot of things outside of investment banking.

          The Fund evaluating the deal had questions, but the entire board of the Public Investment Fund approved the agreement.

          This deal was discussed before, including the restrictions on it. You think the Saudis are stupid, but they are clever and intelligent and protect themselves like they should. It is you who is stupid.

        3. Jared has copious experience in real estate investment, and that is what he is doing for the Saudi’s – do you actually read the news reports on all of this. Jared is NOT engaging in “banking”. He has setup a real estate investment fund that the Saudi’s have put $2B into.

          I would probably recomend against investing in NYC real estate right now – but that has nothing to do with Jared. There is an over supply of commercial office space post covid in every major city in the country. There is nearly $2T in commercial real estate loans that need refinanced right now, a substantial percent of which can not be refinanced at an interest rate that makes the reinvestment viable.
          We have already seen large properties in SF turned over to the banks, and we will likely see more.

          Of course if you can afford to buy when the market starts to tank, and you can afford to hold long enough for it to recover, you can do very well.

          As to your alleged Saudi Wealth fund directors recomendations – I find it dubious that they would provide such bad advice.
          Over the long term real estate ALWAYS has a good return for a low risk. Over the long run it is hard to find a lower risk investment.

      2. Jared’s a “successful businessman “? Are you joking? His properties were on the brink of going to a Sheriff’s sale when he got bailed out.

        1. No one Bailed Jared out. He is managing a large Saudi real estate investment – if he manages it well he will personally profit.
          If he does not they will go elsewhere.

          That is how markets work. It is NOT his money.

          Separately Jared is a multi-billionaire in his own right.

          I do not know the source of your claims, but valuations of his properties – like ALL NYC realestate are all over the place.

          During the Trump administration he was reportedly going to go bankrupt because he could not refinance a major property for what he had paid for it. In the end he refinanced for almost double what he paid for it.

          People do make and lose enormous amounts of money in real estate. the US has almost $2T in commerical realestate loans that are coming due on properties whose value has crashed due to the Covid accelerated decline in commercial office space demand.

          In NYC a significant portion of the commercial office market is in serious trouble – with sales prices less than the cost of the land the buildings are on. But High end properties – such as those that Kushner and Trump own are still in high demand.

          Regardless, BEFORE the idiotic Engron decision NYC was already facing a serious problem with capital flight.

          But if You want a lesson in economics – if you have a couple of billion to invest in commercial office space that is going to sit empty for much of the next decade it is highly likely that you can make a fortune – in the long run. Because EVENTUALLY demand will rise to meet demand – just not now.

    2. Wishful thinking Trump’s investment in Truth Social is about $100M as I recall. It had a high value of $700M, it currently is worth $200M,
      BUT if Truth goes public it is estimated that Trump’s share alone is worth $4B.
      It is HIGHLY likely that Trump is cash poor. Most companies are, and particularly real estate and investing companies.
      All their wealth is tied up in non-liquid assets.

      If Trump must pay these judgements in full in a short period, he will be forced to liquidate high value assets for low value prices.
      The prices made all the lower because Engoron has raised both the risk and the cost of NYC real estate investment significantly, and that will reduce the prices in an already depressed NY market. As you celebrate Trump getting screwed, you should think about the fact that even small drops in the price of NYC real estate even small increases in Risk even small increases in cost translate into less investment, less jobs, lower wages, and a weaker economy.

      And that is only the start of your problems – Should Trump prevail on appeal – either getting the case dumped entirely or radically reduced,
      Trump will have an excellent 5th amendment takings claim against the State of NY for all his losses.

      Idiots like you claim Trump is stupid and his success is luck. Yet, the Judge Engron appointed to manage Trump’s NY businesses, lost millions before the appeals courts reigned her in. Now she may well be back in charge.

      Not only might Trump have a substantial 5th amendment takings claim against NY, but because Engron has replaced the management of the company with a judge – by law that management is answerable to the shareholders in the company for losses.

      You left wing nut idiots are playing around in things you are clueless about that are not very easy.

      When government steps in to take over businesses that are bankrupt they are as a practical matter immune from shareholder lawsuits. Shareholder value has already been destroyed or the company would not be in bankruptcy.

      It is rare to non-existent for govenrment to take over a profitable company – and the instances I can think of where that was done resulted in sound defeats at the Supreme court.

      Regardless if you take over the management of a company YOU have a duty to shareholders.

      Engoron has denied the Trump’s the ability to manage a portion of their own Wealth – if you think that will last very long your an idiot.
      And if I am wrong on that – the consequences for NY are even worse. No one is going to invest in a state where pissing off government could result in the confiscation of your wealth.

    3. Trump’s most significant problem with raising money is that like all real estate investors (frankly all investors) he is cash poor.

      I am reasonably well off, I have significantly more assets than most people my age. But I can not put my hands on $10,000 in cash without selling something or borrowing.

      And James and Engron have literally made it impossible for Trump to borrow.
      Anyone who loans Trump money will have James ranting and raving over the interest rate that Trump gets, and we will back repeating this stupidity all over again.

      This is going to be a mess, and Trump will – atleast in the short term lose a great deal of money.
      But he is going to have one h311 of a financial claim against the State of New York when he is done,

      Though my guess is that it does not go that far. At some point – likely relatively quickly the appeals courts are likely to realize that left alone Engoron is causing NYC Billions of dollars in losses. My guess is that the tax losses alone from Engoron’s decision just in the next year will exceed the fines he levied against Trump.

      You left wing nuts have ZERO clue about markets. In everything your thinking is at best first order.

      I will bet as an example that you never considered the possibility that all this lawfare against Trump would boost his polling by 6pts.
      You probably thought it would drive his popularity down.

      I personally try not to predict exactly what the impact of batschiff crazy choices will be, as they are really only understandable even by very smart people after the fact. One of the reasons that Billionaires are billionaires is that because they are very good at understanding the impact of things the rest of us – including very smart people can not.

      But you are not even capable of understanding that the consequences of this nonsense will go beyond the first order impacts you are celebrating.

    4. Requiring Trump to pay for a bond that will with certainty be reduced or completely vacated IS irrepairable injury.
      Kaplan is likely to reject her motion – because he is a partisan hack.

      Trump has far more than two options.
      I can probably think of a dozen. That does not make them good options.

    5. If either Kaplan or Engron have required more than market rate interest – they are violating usery laws.

      Do you actually tjhink about the nonsense you write ? The Saudi’s did not give Kushner $2B they invested $2B with him.
      Nor did they do so to “start a business” Kushner has been in business for decades and was a billionaire himself before Trump took office.

      You do not seem to grasp that Trump can BOTH be a multibillionaire – MAL alone is worth close to a billion dollars, and be unable to come up with 500M in cash.

      You rant about fact checking – but you are completely oblivious to facts.

    6. Lets give you a dose of reality. The fundimental problem Trump has is that far too many of the normal options that he has leave James and engron with the ability to go arround again.
      The entire Engron judgement is because James and Engron have unconstitutionally substituted their judgement for that of the market for the level of risk Trump constitutes and the interest rate he should have to pay. Trump can not borrow money from anywhere without giving them the opportunity to play this game again.

      I would guess that he will do something like get a bond at the last minute and appeal immediately which takes the case out of Engoron’s hands.
      Or he can just appeal engorons decision not to extend.

      Regardless, this is likely to take years to play out completely. It is near certain the Engoron case will be tossed entirely. The only fraud is that of james and engoron. Further there is likely to be pressure put on the NY appeals courts to fix this – before NYC hemorages capital investment.
      It is likely the lost tax revenue for NYC alone in the next year will exceed this judgement.

      One of the problems with you left wing nuts – is that you are never capable of thinking beyond the first order consequences of your decisions.

      I would note that Hoschul’s efforts to reassure NY Businesses create massive legal problems for James.

      Telling NY businesses that they need not worry that what James did to Trump can not be done to them – essentially converts Engron’s idiotic misapplication of the law into an unconstitutional bill of attainder.

      Put more simply – any law or application of the law that appears to target only one person (or a very small group) is an unconstitutional bill of attainder.

      I know this is foreign to you – but it is literally unconstitutional for government to go after a person, rather than a crime or violation of the law.

      James announced that she was going to “get Trump” as part of her campaign. Hoshul has now told businesses they need not worry that they would be prosecuted the same way under the same law – despite the fact that probably 100% of secured business loans coudl easily result in the same lawsuit with the same outcome.

  11. OT:

    “Nazis appeared to find a friendly reception at the Conservative Political Action Conference this year. Throughout the conference, racist extremists, some of whom had secured official CPAC badges, openly mingled with conference attendees and espoused antisemitic conspiracy theories.
    “The presence of these individuals has been a persistent issue at CPAC. In previous years, conference organizers have ejected well-known Nazis and white supremacists such as Nick Fuentes. But this year, racist conspiracy theorists didn’t meet any perceptible resistance at the conference where Donald Trump has been the keynote speaker since 2017. At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening, a group of Nazis who openly identified as national socialists mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed so-called “race science” and antisemitic conspiracy theories. …”

    1. Trump, prospective VP candidates, several prominent Republican congressmen, etc. were featured speakers at this conference, and they should be asked whether they condemn these Nazis or not.

      1. Why ? Do we have to play this game constantly ?

        I have never been to CPAC and likely never will, but if I did I would want to hear the speakers present their views on the issues they think are important. The tiny handful of actual white supremecists in this country are not among the issues I care about.

        If I was an attendee at CPAC I would want to here the views of participants on free markets., trade, the economy the border endless war and national security. government spending.

        I want speakers to make their own choices as the what they want to talk about – as that informs me of what is important to them.

        I most definitely do not want to have speakers forced at every public appearance to run through some progressive catchism,

        Frankly there is no consequential difference betweent he tiny number of white supremecists, and the large numbers of left wing nuts that think Racism is a consequential problem in the US today.

        The two most significant targets of hate crimes in the US are jews and asians, and the most frequent perpitrators ? Blacks.

    2. I know this is foreign to you – but Nazi’s are allowed to exist and engage in free speech in the US too.

      BTW I read your article – and it is not credible. There are a number of basic facts unrelated to the so called Nazi’s present that the reporter get stupidly wrong. Falsus in unum Falsus in omnibus.

      Or put more simply spin is not reporting.

      I am sure there were extremists at
      CPAC – The allowed Ben Goggin – the report who produced this spin piece.

      Separately actual NAZI’s are socialists – national socialist, they are not conservatives.
      But CPAC shopuld be comended for allowing a variety of views – that are not conservative – such as the author of your article.

  12. OT

    …nay, essential?

    How long did America have to wait for freedom? 

    It was three years between the Boston Tea Party, 1773, and the Declaration of Independence, 1776. 

    Only 3 percent of the population led the American Revolution.  

    Americans revolted against the “dictatorship of the monarchy.”

    America is subjugated today by the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” 

    Americans eliminated dictatorship, or so they thought. 

    “Crazy Abe” Lincoln commenced the incremental implementation of the principles of communism, the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” and mass social madness in America 164 years ago. 

    Take a good look around you. 

    The land of the free and the home of the brave were “fundamentally transformed” into the land of central planning, control of the means of production, redistribution of wealth, and social engineering, and the home of the dastardly “dictatorship of the proletariat,” per Karl Marx’s motto:  “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”  

    Communism is unconstitutional: Article 1, Section 8, allows taxation for ONLY debt, defense, and general Welfare (basic infrastructure), while it limits and restricts regulation to money, commerce, and land and naval Forces, and the 5th Amendment provides ONLY the owner with the right to “claim and exercise” dominion over private property.  

    Reprehensible slavery must have been extirpated through the constitutional legislative process.

    Take a good look around you; all you see is “Crazy Abe’s” communism. 

    America will have to abolish “Crazy Abe” entirely to regain its constitutional rights, freedoms, privileges, and immunities. 

  13. Y’all are out-of-step with the Academics/Historians — this is what you should be thinking (and just be grateful that you are paying these brilliant scholars to teach your children):

    The 2024 edition of the Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey has Biden in 14th place, just ahead of Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan. Trump comes in 45th, behind fellow impeachee Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan, the perennial cellar-dweller in such ratings due to his pre-Civil War leadership.

    I guess that they ignored what most of the country was really thinking, and Hur gave us all permission to talk about in the open: Joe is too incompetent to stand trial (but is apparently just fine to run the country).

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