“Blatantly Misogynistic”: UC Berkeley Students Declare That They Feel Unsafe After Professor Shares Dating Advice

This week, parents of students at the University of California at Berkeley took the extreme step of hiring private security to protect their children at the school after years of complaints over rising crime and anti-police policies. The university, however, is focused this week on another threat that has led students to object that they no longer feel safe on campus: the dating advice offered by Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Professor Jonathan Shewchuk in response to a query from a student.

Professor Shewchuk is known as a bit of a quirky character at the school, as illustrated by his long maintaining that he identifies as a “Smith & Wesson 460XVR .45 caliber revolver.” He has also suggested pronouns for himself that are a bit unconventional: “death/deathem/deathself.”

None of that has endeared the tenured professor with the far left faculty and students at Berkeley.

Recently, however, this all came to a head after a student asked for advice on both the inability to find a date in the Bay Area and the fears of finding work in computer science. On the dating question, Shewchuk pointed the student to prospects “out of the Bay Area.” He explained that “you’ll be shocked by the stark differences in behavior of women in places where women are plentiful versus their behavior within artillery distance of San Jose and San Francisco.’

That comment was immediately declared offensive and “blatantly misogynistic.”  CS 189 student Rebecca Dang was interviewed and reportedly said that she felt unsafe on campus due to the advice.

The university quickly condemned the comment as “threatening” to students and women. UC Berkeley spokesperson Roqua Montez declared “We want to be absolutely clear that the offensive content of the original post goes against the values and Principles of Community we adhere to at UC Berkeley. The comment was hurtful and threatening to students – particularly women – in his class and beyond.”

Shewchuk removed the posting and apologized to the school.  He has previously won teaching awards at the school. However, many want him fired as a threat to students.

Junior Noemi Chulo has reportedly begun the process of drafting grievances on behalf of Academic Student Employees through the local UAW 4811 against UC Berkeley, as creating a hostile work environment by employing Shewchuk.

Shewchuk’s own teaching assistant Lydia Ignatova denounced him as furthering discrimination against women and nonbinary people in EECS.

I can certainly see why the comment was offensive to many. However, the call to fire the professor stands in sharp contrast to how controversial comments on the left are often handled in higher education, including in the California system.

Radical professors are often lionized on campuses. At the University of California Santa Barbara, professors actually rallied around feminist studies associate professor Mireille Miller-Young, who physically assaulted pro-life advocates and tore down their display. 

We have also seen professors advocating “detonating white people,” denouncing policecalling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservativescalling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters, and other outrageous statements. University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis defended the murder of a conservative protester and said he saw “nothing wrong” with such acts of violence. The university later elevated Loomis to director of graduate studies of history.

Berkeley has a long history of treating liberal and conservative speakers and academics differently in such controversies. The blog is replete with examples of the intolerance and bias at Berkeley. It has lost major court rulings due to its unconstitutional treatment of conservative speakers.  Nevertheless, student groups at Berkeley have pledged to block pro-Israel speakers for years as threatening to many on campus. Even liberal speakers with pro-Israeli views have been cancelled at Berkeley.

We previously discussed how a Berkeley physicist resigned after faculty and students opposed a presentation by a UChicago physicist due to his questioning the impact of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs. The school has long employed faculty with radical left ideologies, including professors like Professor Zeus Leonardo who has discussed the need “to abolish whiteness.” That is not viewed as making white students feel unsafe. Conservative sites have previously criticized Leonardo for inflammatory statements, including a guest lecture at George Washington University where I teach. At GWU, Leonardo argued that children are born “human” and then are “bullied” into becoming white: “They were born human. Little by little, they have to be abused into becoming white humans. This abuse is sometimes physical … such as being bullied into whiteness. But also it’s psychological and cultural.”

The students on the campus newspaper have defended for violent resistance against the right. That is particularly threatening after conservatives were attacked on campus.  Faculty has joined in declaring that some views are not protected on campus in seeking limits on free speech.

None of this means that comments from conservative or libertarian faculty are not worthy of criticism, but the response to such comments appears far more pronounced in controversies involving conservative, libertarian, or contrarian faculty.


194 thoughts on ““Blatantly Misogynistic”: UC Berkeley Students Declare That They Feel Unsafe After Professor Shares Dating Advice”

  1. “Ronna McDaniel, Former R.N.C. Chair, Joins NBC News”

    “Her new role as a commentator on NBC and MSNBC programs comes shortly after she stepped down as the leader of the Republican National Committee.”

    – New York Times

    What the —- is the republican party doing?

    It has been the RINO party all along.

    I sense something akin to a pole shift emerging.

  2. What the professor said is true. In places where women are more plentiful and less politically coddled a male can easily make more pleasant and enduring contacts and more easily foster a lasting marriage. An example of this is in Thailand, where eligible females outnumber the non-gay and non-celibate males. These women are delightfully feminine. They make themselves attractive, have very pleasant and accommodating personalities, are very smart in ways in which females are best, have a strong appreciation of loyalty in males, and are not afraid to raise a family and keep close family ties.

    The professor is entirely objective, as his area of expertise demands. Those who disagree with his objectivity are truly emotional basket cases who huddle together with other emotional basket cases. They would be utterly clueless in the face of societal changes, such as what happens in wartime or periods of anarchy. Every male worth his salt needs to know that there are many undesirable women in the Bay Area. And there are many women of great and enduring character elsewhere. It’s the latter whom we would like to attract to the next great nation (www.unitedfreestates.com).

    1. I like the way you think…”the next great nation”. I believe we are on the cusp of being required to construct such. I recommend you read “Attack” by Kurt Schlicter. Terrifyingly realistic and 100% possible (and likely) given the treason we are being subjected to currently by those who are carrying out our enemies directives.

  3. Males who say they identify as female, they’re still male, right? I mean if we can talk about reality instead of being forced to participate in someone else’s fantasy. But have you noticed the media always refer to them as “she”?

    That’s just ridiculous and we should oppose it. It may seem like a trivial matter, but it has to do with a much bigger issue: are we going to live by the truth or by lies? Are we going to be free people or enslaved by someone else’s demand that we pretend that non-reality is true?

    If you want to be free people, never accept the media going along with calling a biological male “she.” Here’s a fairly example:


    1. OMFK, “Fake” women – “Fake” asylum seekers – “Fake” Supreme Court – “Fake” freedom.

  4. I visited the Bay Area right before the pandemic. I found the women generally nice but politically conspicuous. Their attitude was intended to make sure nobody questioned the narrative.

    Even other Californians complained to me on several occasions about the political bullying in the state. I have friends there who are not very political, but they’ve thought about quitting California.

    We had a movie when I was a kid about American presumption called The Ugly American. In my school, the teachers made us watch it. I think we need a new movie called The Ugly Liberal, and the teachers should be forced to watch it.

    1. Diogenes, I can so relate. My daughter who is somewhat conservative was dating a liberal guy. They really had a budding love affair going, but then time after time he got upset that she wouldn’t just agree with him that some conservative public figure was the devil. He had no interest in hearing what she actually thought about that person and what her reasoning was. In the end she realized it just wasn’t going to work out, and ended it.

  5. Professor Shewchuk may have exposed another pattern in modern dating norms.

    If you are a young black male cavorting in public in women’s lingerie you can get away with “grabbing them by pu$$y or peni$”
    while if you are a straight cis white person – accidentally bumping someone could get you fired, canceled expelled.

    People respond to incentives. 50 years ago – I probably would have worn a skirt if that would have made it easier to have a conversation with women.

    1. lol – “50 years ago”
      You still can in Berkeley. That reminds me of a Man named ‘Dress’.
      Dress is a perfectly normal Heterosexual Male with a lovely wife Kayla, whom live in Berkeley/Emeryville.
      He just preferred to wear a Dress, like a Corporal Maxwell Q. Klinger thing (M.A.S.H.), Nothing Queer about Him.
      He’s a brilliant man, One of the first to establish a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in California.
      His brother, an Attorney was instrumental in getting a Cannabis License for Dress and Lee passed in Sacramento. He worked endlessly to get it done. And they come from a good Jewish Family.
      So don’t be fooled if you come face-to-face with a bearded Man wearing a Dress in Berkeley California.
      He’s most likely is doing quite better than you.

    2. Forget about getting fired. Today, if you are a straight white male, you are lucky if you can even get hired.

      *prefer not to use the word cis around here either, just sayin’…
      don’t use their language, unless to use it against them.

      1. Straight while males are now checking the box on applications that says “Gay” or “Gender Fluid” or whatever other lie they need to tell in order to even get in the door.

        1. It would not be lying. The left has decided that your identity is whatever you say it is.
          So you can be the straightest whites male on the planet and check boxes for gay and black and that is who you are because you say so.

  6. At one time, not long ago, the model American male was the “strong, silent” type who was not afraid of anyone or anything. After years of efforts of the Left to nurture a culture of victim-hood among various groups of Americans, it is now viewed as admirable for us to assert, in colleges at least, that we are frightened by certain “wrong” words. Our motto is now “America, home of the unfree and frightened.”

    1. It’s funny. Women in America have been trying to become men – or at least to have all of the powers of men added to their own female advantages. Meanwhile, they’ve been using lawfare to turn men into pansies. Maybe that’s so the women can look more like men in comparison. What they don’t know is that they have given up the feminine advantages they would otherwise have, and they have greatly weakened the nation in the face of foreign adversaries.

  7. Here is the America Joe Biden and the Democrats have brought to you, the America they want. Illegals trafficking drugs on the street corner, flipping off American citizens because they hate us and they know nobody will stop them. They don’t even fear having their license plates recorded since they know nothing will happen with a soft on crime Soros prosecutor:


  8. In Other News: “Berkeley Students Demand IUPAC Rename Element Berkelium to Racistium Because Whites Dominate Element Etymologies
    Students at Berkeley were outraged to a larger degree than the baseline today when a lecturer in Chemistry 101 stated that many elements were named after individuals. Three classmates immediately jumped up and declared the professor a racist, stating the namesakes of Curium, Seaborgium, Bohrium etc were named after whites and claimed that no people of color were so accorded.

    This prompted student government to declare the elements’ naming another outrage and demanded the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry either change the designation of these elements to those of upstanding members of color, genders, and ethnicities or that the IUPAC rename Berkelium to Racistium to identify the effect of colonialism, sexism, *.*ism and so forth.

    1. Darren Smith said: “Berkeley Students Demand IUPAC Rename Element Berkelium to Racistium Because Whites Dominate Element Etymologies”

      If that is a parody, my compliments, it’s pretty good. If it isn’t. I think the staff members of the Babylon Bee need to find a new line of work, because it is no longer possible to exaggerate the insanity of the real world to elicit laughter.

      1. Darren does parody around here so not to worry, the Babylon Bee staff positions are secure 😊

    2. It’s not an element but a compound, but nonetheless maybe it would smooth a few ruffled feathers if they rename carbon dioxide to carbon BI oxide.

  9. 𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞
    Aging members and scant vocations have presented an existential threat to the Paulist Fathers, who expect to number just 31 active priests by 2034.

    The Paulist Fathers expressed their sadness that 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐔𝐂 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐲, where they have run the campus ministry since 1907, at the end of the 2024 academic year.

    By: J-P Mauro ~ Mar. 18th 2024

  10. I’m not sure what makes these students feel “unsafe.” Was it his reference to “within artillery fire” as a measure of distance (which would be a bit further than “within a stone’s throw”)? Or was it his statement that women in the Bay Area may not be desirable as dates? But the same is true of males. When I lived in the Bay Area there was an article in a major newspaper there stating that Bay Area males are “Peter Pans” (boy-men who refuse to grow up), and that if a woman wants to date a real man or get married, she should move to the Sacramento area. Did that make the men in SF and Berkeley feel “unsafe”? I doubt it. They’re probably just as childish as ever, lol.

    1. ‘Men’ moved out to the Burbs – Walnut Creek, Santa Rosa, Sonoma, San Jose, Milpitas, Pleasanton, … (North & South Bay)
      Jobs have a lot to do with it. If you intent to support a Heterosexual/Traditional relationship (Marriage | Marriage w/Children) then you have to go where the jobs are. The City can only support so much in terms of sustainable income for these purposes.
      Following the Dot.Com Bust and 9/11 the sustainability has entirely dwindled to the mess that is San Francisco today.

  11. Candice Owens Leaving Daily Wire Over Gaza Remarks

    The far-right commentator Candace Owens left the rightwing Daily Wire website amid tensions over her alleged antisemitism and opposition to US funding of Israel’s war in Gaza.

    “Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship,” said Jeremy Boreing, co-founder of the site with the rightwing commentator Ben Shapiro, who has clashed with Owens and is a strong supporter of Israel and its actions.

    Owens has criticised US support for Israel but also mused about “political Jews” and a “very small ring of specific people who are using the fact that they are Jewish to shield themselves from any criticism”, remarks Shapiro called “absolutely disgraceful”.


    Rightwing media is willing to dump their Black beauty queen of a mouthpiece the moment she veers off script and presents viewpoints reflective of most Blacks.

    1. Candace Owens is free to speak as she pleases.

      At the same Time Daily-Wire was founded by Ben Shapiro who is incredibly jewish. And is dominated by others who are jewish and strongly in favor of Israel.

      But for the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 Shapiro and Owens would have been fine. But that issue has become important enough that it harms their relationship.

      Shapiro will do fine without Owens.
      Owens will do fine without Shapiro.

      This is NOT some major split among republicans.
      Owens and Shapiro share much more in common than they have in conflict.
      This issue is just beyond their ability to resolve.

      So Be it.

      I do not agree with Shapiro on everything.
      I do not agree with Owens on everything.

      I am not going to side with one over the other.
      Nor will their problems with each others views effect their followers – including those who like BOTH.

      This is not even a tempest in a teapot.

      The entire Israel Palestinian issue is complex.

      Barri Weiss did an excellent speech on this at 92NY.

      Post 9/11 the US invaded two Mideastern countries. between 200,000 and 2million civilians were killed.
      In 2003 nearly all of both parities supported this.

      Most of us would like to see Israel eliminate Hamas entirely without a single palestinian casualty.
      We would like to see peace in Israel and Palestine.

      Unfortunately that is NOT going to happen. There is room to criticize Israel and Palestinians.
      There is NOT however any moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel.

      1. Israel and its Lobby in the USA are staunchly against a Palestinian State. Ask the relatives of the Jews waving white flags attempting to flee Gaza whom the IDF intentionally shot if they agree with Israel’s anti-Palestinian State policy. This political position is only bad for Israel and Israelis.

    2. “Rightwing media is willing to dump their Black beauty queen”

      Nope. Shapiro and Owens are just going separate ways.

      I fully expect both to be successful in the future.

    3. It is interesting that Left wing nuts think that a Jewish graduate of Harvard law, and a successful and articulate Black Woman are “far right”.

      1. As soon as you see the phrase “far right” to describe mainstream conservatives, you know the commenter is a troll. You can basically stop reading at that point since nothing of any value will follow.

  12. The school my government sent me to when I was 19 shaved my head, ran my butt off, and talked all day long about 7.62 M-14s, 5.56 Colts, M-60s, M2s, M-67s, M-79s, M18A1s, Assault Hueys, Eagle Flights, Bushmasters, 105, 155, and 175 Howitzers, Cobra Gun Ships, 7.62 Mini-Guns, etc., and all the “professors” drilled into the “students” was terminate with extreme prejudice (i.e. there are two kinds of bayonet fighters, the quick and the dead).  Anyone who deviated from the curriculum was corrected by being ordered to double-time around the campus, screaming, “I am a flying s—bird; I have s— for brains” over and over.  Oh, and the dark-of-night Escape and Evasion Course Director admonished us that if he caught us, he would break our d—s!  Dang, man!  We turned out OK.  The kids are alright.  As for dating, one of the zealous professors was adamant that if we went to town on a pass and got a —- job, we had to bring one back and give it to our buddy.  I can assure you that this never happened; however, we did have some “imaginative” faculty.

    Ah, to be 19 and in “school” again.

    1. there are two kinds of bayonet fighters, the quick and the dead

      That’s a gold nugget right there.

  13. Timing coincidences are rare if they exist at all. So . . . just after Trump clinches the GOP nom, Republican members of the House start dropping like flies, to eventually pass control back to the Dems. Coincidence? No. It’s all about removing Trump from the ballot, which in turn is all about preventing him from interfering with the military industrial complex’s cash flow. They will now be concentrating billions on the most susceptible remaining GOP house members to do like Gallagher, and resign (and make millions as a defense consultant), but make the timing of their resignation just beyond the deadline to refill the seat in a special election. So how does this relate to removing Trump from the ballot? After the Scotus decision, Congress can do that, but they will only do so if the Dems control both chambers. Explained here:


    1. Our United States Government has been captured. Corruption at every level.
      We have no “representatives” representing our interests….just LOL if anyone thinks we do.
      We have no functioning “justice” system …. just look at the faces of Judge Engoron and AG Tish James and tell me you do not see two power-abusing, power-tripping psychopaths. They are just two of hundreds more thru out the “system.” LOL.
      Does anyone believe Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is guided by integrity and his oath of office, and not solely by his “ideology”? LOL.
      We have no “fair and fair” elections …. again, just LOL if you still believe Biden “won” in 2020.
      Go back to sleep now. Let yourself slip right back into your smartphone/social media/TikTok trance.
      And make sure you are up to date on all your CDC recommended “vaccinations.” LOL.

    2. Let’s not forget that Kevin McCarthy chose to leave mid term after he was ousted as speaker. He could have stayed thru his term for the good of the party. He is now a Fox News “contributor.”
      Repubs pushed out Santos, giving Dems another seat — because “principles”…
      Ohio Rep. Bill Johnson checked out before the end of his term to go be president of Youngstown State.
      Ken Buck of Colorado left mid term saying ‘screw you.’
      Now Gallagher shoves it in ‘your’ face by timing his departure to do most harm to the party.
      And so goes the “plan” of treasonous RINOs to deliver the House to Democrats before the election.
      Who is going to stop them?
      Even if the House called a vote to expel Gallagher now, they wouldn’t have the votes to do it.
      We live in a lawless country, with a captured government, being taken over by Communists.

      1. Yup, you said a mouthful of truth my friend. The things you describe show that the elites are at war with the American people. GOP = Dem = Uniparty = Blob = America destroyers

        1. The Russians are said to have apprehended the terrorists who killed 115+ people in a theater outside Moscow, are torturing them in public and parading them in the streets. Some might be tempted to think that America’s political leaders might deserve such treatment. It would be unfortunate of course but understandable given that Democrats / Republicans continually treat voters like battered spouses.

    1. the pendulum is slowly swinging back in the direction of sanity in academic circles. You may have seen it but there was a scientific article published recently in a low impact medical journal known as “Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology”. It caused a riot amongst medical science academic researchers but in a good way, and served as a launching point in how fakery has permeated sciences while journals allow it. That dovetailed in how medical science and US universities have turned Far Left with stupidity in spades.
      You particularly would have enjoyed it. The article was retracted a few days after being published online which is unheard of. The outcry (of laughter) crushed the reputation of the journal. It is a laughing stock today. The article seemed to have been written by AI, the labels in the graphics were complete gibberish, the images cartoonish. The topic of the article was cell signaling in Spermatogonial stem cells in mice. One image of a mouse had a humongous appendage with the obligatory label indicating “dck”. The image of cell signaling looked like a box of Dunkin Donuts or Fruit Loops. The other images were just as idiotic. I was disappointed the journal removed the offending “research” article because it served as a teaching moment for aspiring young researchers and trainees. The authors were “scientists” in China. But of course

      Ars Technica covered it and saved the original article as well in PDF

      Guo X, Dong L and Hao D (2024), Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 11:1339390. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2023.1339390

      PDF found here: https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/fcell-11-1339390-1.pdf



        1. One has to wonder about the review process at that publication. Rats with giant schlongs must be quite prevalent and therefore not noticeable within their headquarters to not draw attention toward such an image on an article. I suppose all that matters is to make it appear as something technical or scientific and a lab monkey will approve it for publication.

  14. Jonathan: Poor conservatives! Poor libertarians! Poor “contrarian faculty”! And poor Prof. Shewchuk who is being maligned by “far-left faculty and students at Berkeley”. And you want us to be sympathetic for a guy who identifies as a Smith & Wesson gun and engages in what you admit are misogynistic comments toward his female students? Really? Those kinds of frequent complaints are getting a little stale. Really stale!

    So let’s move on to some really interesting news. On Tuesday Ivanka Trump made it official. She’s joined Melania. She’s not going to campaign for dad. She’s had it with her father and politics. She rather spend time with the kids and socializing. And this ties into the problem dad is having in finding the money to post the $500 million bond. How so? Read on.

    In a previous comment I raised the possibility of DJT asking Ivanka and Jared for a few hundred million to help with the bond. And it’s not because they don’t the money. Ivanka and Jared came into the WH as special advisors already worth about $750 million. While there they made a lot more money. In 2018 alone Ivanka reported $55 million in assets. After leaving the WH Jared got an infusion of $2 billion from the Saudis–payback for Jared protecting the Saudi Crown Prince from international criticism over his murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Now we could talk a lot about “corruption” in the DJT WH. But I’ll save that for another comment.

    So why haven’t Ivanka and Jared stepped up to the plate to help dad with his bond money? They are worth an estimated $1 to $2 billion! Why hasn’t Ivanka gone to her financial advisor and asked for a few hundred million to help out dad? Probably for the same reason no one else will lend DJT money. He’s a deadbeat and very poor credit risk! When your kids won’t lend you money you know you are in trouble! Ivanka and Jared both know that if they loaned money to dad he would probably never pay it back.

    I don’t have much sympathy for Ivanka. She barely escaped being prosecuted by AG James for her involvement in dad’s business fraud. Ivanka’s only salvation was the statute of limitations. No wonder Ivanka wants to get as far away as she can from her dad’s financial problems and his criminal cases. She would rather play socialite “Barbie doll” in Miami, posting Instagram photos in fancy and expensive clothes, sitting courtside at NBA games and hanging out with the Kardashians–and, of course, spending time with the kids when she’s not flitting around the Miami social scene. Someone needs to write a book on the dysfunctional DJT family… but I guess Mary has already done that.

    1. Den: You should be prepping for the chagrin and chapping of DT being elected Nov 24 as POTUS> JB will not even be a candidate. YounDems will not accept DT election and much chaos and Un-Civil W II will break out in USA> Zuckerberg et als, are building out their bunkers. But, hey, your great wit will console those losers. LOL

    2. Dennis – you are free to chriticise, to attach Shewchuck or anyone else you want.

      I do not see anyone here challenging your right to do that.

      But you go beyond criticism – you and to SILENCE anyone you do not agree with.

      That is IMMORAL.

      I do not speak for Turley – nor Shewchuck. But NO I do not see his comments as mysoginist – and if they are I DO NOT CARE.

      Shewchuck’s “identity” and pronouns are poking fun at woke idiocy. If Shewchuck actually identifies as a Smith and Wesson – he needs psychiatric treatment. Most of us understand satire and sarcasm. Most of us understand that those whith the mental health problem are NOT those poking fun at Woke identitarian victim culture – but those afflicted with it.

      As to Shewchuck’s advice – it is pretty self evident that young adults are failing under the “standard” of the woke left that they have adopted.
      Shewchuck’s suggestion that they might want to look elswhere – if actually mysoginist would make mysoginy superior the addled woke nonsense they are being fed.

      Should we return to the 50’s, the 60’s, the 70’s, …. ?
      Normally that should be a no brainer. Nearly always the present is an improvement over the past.

      But in oh, so many ways right now – that is obviously not so.

      There are many today advocating for a return to the past – Make America Great Again reflects the perception of a majority of americans that this country has lost its way – that the LEFT is taking it somewhere that is WORSE than its past.

      That perception is CORRECT.

      That said it is RARELY the right choice to return to the 50’s.

      That does NOT however means that in a head to head comparison the value of the 50’s do not prove superior to those of the modern left.

      That is how badly the left has done.

      ShewChuck is responding – with elements of biting sarcasm that YOUR values have failed young adults.

      Forget all the other measures – They are UNHAPPY. They are anxious, they are depressed, they are unfullfilled.

      What has changed ? The fundimentals of math and physics have not changed. The nation -0 Contra the left has not actually gottem MORE racist, mysoginist, …. The Skokie case was about actual Nazi’s marching in Force through a jewish community. Where is it you think you can find enough actual nazi’s today to march anywhere ? The extreme right did NOT make the current mess. It is NOT responsible for the fact that students at Berkeley can not find dates, form relationships. It is not responsible for the fact that they are lonely, anxious and depressed.

      YOU did that to them. Prof. Shewchuck’s advice may be sarcastic, but it is all the more biting because it has elements of Truth.

      They WOULD be better off with the racism, and sexism of the 50’s. That is how badly YOU have failed.

      Regardless, you are free to disagree. What you are not free to do is to demand Shewchuck’s firing or to silence him.

    3. Melania has already said she will be on the campaign trail. She was asked by a reported this week and answered that she would.
      I saw that personally on video.

      I highly doubt Ivanka has said otherwise – but you are free to provide an actual quote backing your claim – in context.

    4. Just yesterday Trump’s SPAC deal involving Truth went Public. It will be listed on the Dow as DJT on monday morning.
      Trump made between 3-4B on that deal. While SEC rules – and issues with investors require him to hold MOST of that stock for atleast 6 months before selling it – still in the blink of an eye Trump’s net worth has increased by 250%.

      Absolutely Trump has problems coming up with 1/2 a billion dollars in the 22 days that Judge EnMoron gave him.

      On Monday we will find out whether he can – or WANTS to do that.

      I am not making predictions. There is a very good argument that this could be an incredible opportunity for Trump to “Walk Away” from New York. That he could let James take over his NYC properties – let her make a fool of herself.
      It is my personal expectation that if Trump chose to do that – if he decides NOT to offer a bond on Monday – that there will be Swift and severe consequences for NY.
      I could be wrong. But it would be incredibly unwise for NY Courts to gamble Trump’s half Billion against the enormous economic carnage that could result if the entire world decided that the financial capitol of the world was unsafe to do business.

      Regardless – I am watching with interest – but not that much concern.

      Whether you like it or not this is a Win-Win for Trump – no matter what he does and a big lose for those on the left,
      And you do not seem to grasp that.

      Nearly everyone understands the Trump lawfare is entirely about the election. YOU rant and rave that these trils MUST proceed before the election.

      YOU make it clear that your goal is not to enforce the law – that can wait for due process.
      While you have NEVER made a secret about your desire to Destroy Trump.
      Even that is NOT what this is about.
      This is about the FACT that you are losing the election.
      And the goal is to use lawfare to overcome your inability to win a free and fair election.

      This is not ME saying that – it is the perception of the majority of voters.

      Lets Presume that Trump does nothing on Monday – and the courts allow James to seize properties in NY – just to be clear – Trump has more than enough assets in NYC alone. James can try going after other Trump assets, but that will take years and she will likely lose.

      Lets Presume that Trump is unable to appeal. That Judge EnMoron’s decision ends up unchallenged.

      Lets presume – which is a reach that the financial markets do not punish New York with a vengence on Tuesday.

      The perception of millions of undecided voters will be that Trump was willing to lose 1/2B dollars of his own money to become president.

      I would separately note that the Billionaire Republican donors that were backing Halley and DeSantis – are returning to Trump.

      Democrats will have a major financial advantage in the next election – But then again they outspent Trump nearly 3:1 in 2016.
      But Trump WILL have plenty of cash to fund his campaign.

      I would separately note that DESPITE claims to the countrary from you.
      It has been reported – and it is evident by FACTS that Trump did NOT seek money from his supporters for this judgement.
      That he did NOT seek money from other Billionaires. Trump met with Musk at MAL recently and Muck confirmed that Trump did Not ask for money and he would not have given any had he asked.

      Billionairs do not ask Billionairs to get them out of debt.

      Trump has had plenty of places to go for this money – as YOU have noted – he woul dhave no problems getting 500M from the mideast.
      Less noted is that he could get 500M from Chinese investors.
      But he can not do either of these without harming his political campaign.

      Trump has CHOSEN not to get money from the places that he can easily – BECAUSE it will interfere with his presidential campaign.

      Failure to provide a bond on Monday – buts the Ball in NY’s court. It is my GUESS that is what Trump will do. He has giant brass balls and that is actually a huge political win for him.

    5. Dennis – do you think before you post ?
      Trump’s net worth increased by 3.4B on Friday. – that is 7 TIMES the amount he must pay to be able to appeal.

      You ask why won’t X loan Trump money ?
      The answer is because he has not asked.
      Musk has confirmed that though they met – Trump did NOT ask for money.

      My gaze into the crystal ball is that Trump is NOT providing a bond on Monday. That he is going to play chicken with the New York courts.

      That he is going to Dare James and EnMoron to try to take his NY assets. That he is going to dare the NY courts to refuse to allow him to appeal.

      My prediction is that it is NOT Trump who will cave.

      I am betting that he chose to pay the Carrol Bond – because beating that case on Appeal is more important to him.

      We are playing ouija boards here.

      I have ZERO doubt that NY will be the big loser on this in the long run.
      But there is a good possibility that NY will get Biden slapped by the Free market on Tuesday.

      Planet Fitness cancled the membership of a woman who provided a photo of a Trans man shaving in the women’s locker room at a Planet Fitness while a 12yr old girl was present.

      Planet Fitness lost 400M in market capitalization overnight as a result.

      Do you think that NY is immune from the markets ?

    6. DM – No Ivanka’s “salvation” was NOT the Statute of limitations – that applied to Trump also – and the appeals courts ALREADY rules that most of James case is void for Statutue of limitations violations – Judge EnMoron did not care. He went forward anyway.
      He is in violation of atleast 4 orders by higher courts.

    7. Which member of the Trump familiy is cavorting with prostitutes ?
      Which Member of the Trump family has a million dollar a year drug and alcohol problem ?
      Which member of the Trump family is sleeping with his dead brothers wife ?
      Which member of the Trump family has children out of wedlock that they are refusing to support ?

      1. “…cavorting with prostitutes”
        That gave me a bit of a laugh, imagining a painting of the Three Graces dancing in a flowery field but as prostitutes in the style of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

        1. I appreciate your imagingation.
          I wish I could say I had such an image as I wrote.

          There is plenty of dysfunction in Trump’s family – but people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
          I have 3 siblings
          one is a sociopath – she scores in the upper 20’s on Hoares scale.
          Another is a functional paranoid schizophrenic.
          And the last is a narcissist.
          Trying no to provide Dennis with too much ammunition – I would NEVER call myself normal.

          Regardless – today as families go – especially wealthy one’s Trump’s family is relatively normally dysfunctional.

          Regardless, no democrat on earth should be touting family values with the Biden family as an example.

          1. Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s Allegory of Good and Bad Government, a fresco that he painted in the town hall in Siena, would also do nicely. Professor Turley has written fondly about Siena in the past so he might appreciate this.

            Of course, The Garden of Earthly Delights works perfectly.

    8. Trump has filed a lawsuit in Southern Florida against George Stephanopolis and ABC for Defamation.

      How that goes will depend on what Judge he gets – just as Trump’s NY cases were rigged by judges.

      Presuming Trump can get past the judge to a Jury – it is entirely possible that a SFL Jury may well decide to punish ABC and Stephanopilis.

      Staphanopolis will be a horrible defendant – afer all he was Clinton’s hitman engaging in character assassination of women like Paula Jones or Joananee Broderick or Kathleen Wiley or the numerous other women who alleged that Clinton had raped or sexually abused them.

      Stephanopolis’s past defamation will be admissible in a trial.

      Can we expect a Billion dollar award against ABC in a could of years as voters in a red state decide that turn about is fair play ?

    9. Also revealed last week is that she and her office are complicit in a scheme to radically overvalue another property in return for a loan,
      and that She and her office are fighting tooth and nail to avoid repaying the fraudulently obtained loan.

    10. “Former President Donald Trump is expected to net a $3 billion windfall from his social media company Truth Social’s merger on Friday, providing the former president a massive financial boost ”

      While Forbes correctly noted that it may be impossible for Trump to use that to address his problems with Judge EnMoron,

      and the stock price is volatile and could go way up or down before Trump will be able to liquidate it, and that trying to liquidate it will drive the value down.

      Lets presume that in the next 9months the DJT stock loses 2/3 of its value.

      That is still a gain of $1B over the next year.

      We have major free speech cases in front of SCOTUS right now.

      Interestingly – if those go WELL for the Biden administration – and the Left – the Value of Trump’s stock will SKYROCKET – Trump’s holdings in SM stock could easily tripple in value as would the Value of Twitter – a ruling by SCOTUS against free speech increases the value of platofrms that deliver free speech.

      Conversely if SCOTUS upholds the FL/TX laws and the lower court rulings against the federal government – Trump’s stock value will decline.

    11. If this is not about political lawfare rather than actual law enforcement – the why are democrats going after third party candidates too (except libertarians so far).

      The DNC is actively trying to keep RFK jr and Cornell West off the ballot everywhere they can – especially swing states
      Libertarains are generally being left alone because democrats understand that if you give libertarains no choice – they vote heavily republican.

      While RFK jr. and Cornell West purportedly hurt Biden more than Trump

      If People do not want Trump – they should be free to vote for any other candidate they wish
      If People do not want Biden – they should be free to vote for any other candidate they wish.

      If these actions are not political lawfare – then WHY is RFK Jr. or Cornell West being targeted ?

  15. “O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!”

    – Sir Walter Scott, Marmion

    The American Founders were certainly deceived. 

    One of the ideas behind the immigration law of the Founders, the Naturalization Act of 1790, was to avoid cultural clashes such as this.

    The Founders understood the boundless import and value of natural and God-given gregariousness and homogeneity. 

    They also understood the value of temporarily allowing workers with no path to citizenship and voting into the country.

    Something tells me that Rebecca and the Whole Dang Family came to America to obtain as much “free stuff” and “free status” as they could get their greedy little hands on.

    Whoever destroyed restricted immigration, that fundamental pillar of America, put an end to the nation’s future and its very existence as the Founders imagined, designed, legislated, and knew it. 

    The names of the nemeses of foundational American immigration law were Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln, who was Karl’s fellow traveler and staunch supporter. 

    Next up for final extirpation are the Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

    “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in [America] anymore.”

    – Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

  16. Professor Shewchuk is known as a bit of a quirky character at the school, as illustrated by his long maintaining that he identifies as a “Smith & Wesson 460XVR .45 caliber revolver.” He has also suggested pronouns for himself that are a bit unconventional: “death/deathem/deathself.” ~ Turley

    Gotta be honest. This professor sounds pretty weird. The liberal cesspool otherwise known as UC Berkeley notwithstanding, I have a feeling Professor “Quirky Character” would be sanctioned, suspended, or terminated at just about any college.

    1. Ruben Navarro said: “This professor sounds pretty weird.”

      Did it occur to you that Shewchuk might merely be baiting the denizens of that liberal cesspool? It which case, the worst you could say about him is that he isn’t very sporting.

    2. The left has dictated that you can not be “sanctioned, suspended, or terminated” for your identity and pronouns.

      I strongly suspect that is the point of Professor Shewchuk’s identity claims.

      To hoist the left by their own petard.

  17. The same people that are feeling “unsafe” due to the professor’s remarks are the same idiots that are too scared to date or go for job interviews. We are doomed.

  18. For anyone who’s as tired as I am of this nonstop, fruitless political bickering, a more-profitable way to spend your Saturday afternoon might be to watch this documentary blowing the lid off of the “climate-change” hoax:

    But be forewarned: The information is provided by renowned scientists, not lawyers or politicians, so its facts and logic are apt to make far too much sense and be too truthful for most people’s taste these days.

    It’s brilliantly divided into two basic themes — first the actual SCIENCE, and then beginning near the 42-minute mark, the pseudoscience known as Politics. One of the things that I found interesting was what I noticed in the first 2 1/2 minutes serving as an introduction, where much of what was said could just as easily be referring to the COVID Hoax as the “climate change” hoax — BOTH global hoaxes being peddled by basically the same charlatans to scientifically-ignorant populations worldwide for the same political goals — to control everyone else’s lives.

    1. This is all related.

      The “experts” who are telling us the climate is going to h311 and that we will all die if we do not lock down, mask, close the schools and get jabbed, are the same people graduating from Berkeley without the skills needed to get a date.

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