From Riot to Insurrection to Terrorism: January 6th Continues to be a Tragedy in the Eye of the Beholder

For years, I have maintained that January 6th was a disgraceful riot but not an insurrection. That issue came to a head with the litigation over disqualifying former president Donald Trump and similar calls to block dozens of Republican incumbents from ballots. Now, the protest that became a riot has been elevated from an insurrection to a terrorist attack.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other democrats are using the description despite no one being charged with insurrection or terrorism.

On Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez declared to CNN host Jake Tapper that “We’re talking about an individual who ordered essentially a terrorist attack on the Capital of the United States in order to retain power.”

In fairness to Ocasio-Cortez, she is not alone in such characterizations. For example, many of us were surprised when FBI Director Christopher Wray condemned the January riot at the U.S. Capitol as “domestic terrorism.” From a strictly legal basis, it was wildly inaccurate, in my view.

Liberal publications like Politico have railed against the Justice Department for not charging terrorism. That has been supported by some law professors.

Those charged for their role in the attack that day are largely facing trespass and other less serious charges — rather than insurrection or sedition. While the FBI launched a massive national investigation, it did not find evidence of an insurrection. While a few were charged with seditious conspiracy, no one was charged with insurrection. Trump has never been charged with either incitement or insurrection.

The media has fueled these claims. One year after the riot, CBS News mostly downplayed and ignored the result of its own poll showing that 76 percent viewed it for what it was, as a “protest gone too far.”

They argue that this riot could simply be treated as “calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct.” However, so could other protests that result in property damage and criminal acts.  We have seen other legislative proceedings shutdown by protesters with members removed from the floor. The question is where to draw the line to avoid the arbitrary classification of some protests as terrorism and others as unlawful access or trespass.

Nancy Pelosi called protesters at her home Russian plants. Politicians called a protest on the Tennessee House floor “an insurrection.” Such rhetoric excess easily inflames the public, but it creates lasting erroneous views of the law. That in turn can pose a real threat to free speech as the line between demonstrations and terrorism are blurred.

Ocasio-Cortez’s view of what constitutes the crime of terrorism is dubious for many, particularly after she declared that racketeering is not a crime. However, there is pressure to ramp up rhetoric as we approach the 2024 elections. To start to call opponents or critics terrorists has long been a problem on both ends of the political spectrum.

234 thoughts on “From Riot to Insurrection to Terrorism: January 6th Continues to be a Tragedy in the Eye of the Beholder”

  1. How have Republicans managed to become the Sin Eaters of the Democrat Party? In olden times, when someone died, their loved ones would lay a piece of bread, and coin, on their body. A sin eater would enter the house, eat the bread, and thereby “take on” the sin of the dead, a pagan remnant if ever there was one. Then he would take the money in payment, whereupon the grieving relatives would set upon him, beating him if they could catch him, and driving “sin” away. Only the most desperate would become Sin Eaters, as it was a universally reviled profession, while also in high demand. They were shunned when not performing their services, as sitting with a Sin Eater was considered sitting with sin.

    Nowadays, Republicans are punished for Democrats’ sin.

    Joe Biden bragged on camera about his quid pro quo with Ukraine, withholding US aid until the prosecutor was fired, who was also investigating Burisma, which employed his son for millions. Trump was impeached for inquiring about it, accused of a quid pro quo.

    The Biden family profited off selling Joe Biden’s political favors, for millions of dollars. Trump was accused of violating the Emoluments Claus because foreigners were allowed to pay the going rate to stay at a Trump hotel.

    Democrats rioted, looted, and committed arson across America, for a year. They lobbed homemade bombs at federal buildings, burned a police precinct to the ground, assaulted and murdered police officers, flipped police cars, threatened to burn entire cities down if juries did not decide the way they wanted, and they seized entire city blocks in an “autonomous zone” called CHOP/CHAZ. This was lauded as fighting the good fight. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris personally donated to bailing rioters out of jail, so they could go riot again. Kamala Harris said, “It will continue, and they should continue.” The riot was the albatross hanging firmly around Democrats’ necks, until Jan 6, a group of people broke off from a peaceful Trump rally. Most of them were let in my Capitol police, who instructed them not to break anything. Most of them strolled around smiling and taking selfies. A guy in a buffalo headdress and blue paint told everyone not to break anything. Some people broke off from that group, and indeed broke things. A few people took selfies inside Nancy Pelosi’s office. A group broke off from them, and tried to get into the Senate Floor to protest the official result of the 2020 election. When they were stopped at the door, some rioted, breaking the door, and one of the unarmed rioters was shot. While interrupting the Senate is grossly rude, trespassing, and not the proper way to let one’s opinions be heard, it was a relatively tiny riot compared to BLM. Apparently, only Democrats are allowed to interrupt the Senate, because they ludicrously proclaimed that not only every participant in the Jan 6 incursion into the Capitol Building was trying to overthrow the entire US government, but that every attendee at the peaceful Trump rally 2 miles away, nay, every Republican in the US, was guilty.

    Democrats opened the borders and allowed 10 million illegal immigrants in, but blamed Republicans.

    Democrats claimed they were sanctuary cities, but when Republican governors of border states began sending some illegal aliens to the sanctuary cities, so they could do their fair share, Democrats blamed Republicans for the crisis.

    It is time for Republicans to stop being the Sin Eaters of the Democrat Party, and hold Democrats responsible for the disastrous consequences of their polices.

    1. Karen S posted this magnificent summary of Soviet Democrat political practices:
      How have Republicans managed to become the Sin Eaters of the Democrat Party?

      Magnificently to the point. If knocked out off the cuff as a response while reading through the comments, even more impressive.

  2. Don’t you understand? Trump is just like the terrorist who bombed the twin towers. He’s just like the Boston bomber. He’s just as bad as the Oklahoma City bomber. Can’t you see all the landmark comparisons of these terrorist with Donald Trump? Hamas on the other hand are just choir boy freedom fighters who are calling for the killing of every last Jew on the face of the earth. Meanwhile, Joe Biden who once called for a ceasefire which would include the release of the Jewish hostages has now changed his tune and has eliminated the release of the hostages as a requirement for a ceasefire. Instead he is calling for an unconditional surrender by Israel. Plainly Joe is on the side of the terrorist in the real world. A world of which AOC is unfamiliar.

    1. My friend and his son went over to Israel to help out on the farms, in one of the Christian solidarity missions. Ranchers and farmers show up, whether it’s Texas ranchers in trouble, or Israeli farmers. Right now, they’re so close to Gaza that he said the artillery fire is loud. He said everyone there is still very much on edge, but they’re putting one foot in front of the other.

      I wish AOC would tour one of the kibbutzes that were destroyed, and watch some of the raw Hamas footage of what they did to unarmed Jewish men, women, and children. Maybe then she would use her platform, and her voice, to call for Hamas to lay down their weapons, and ceasefire.

      Instead, the world tells the Jews to cease their fire on a terrorist organization that openly plans for the total annihilation of all Jews on Earth.

      People should be telling Hamas to stop using Palestinians as human shields, stop lying about casualty numbers, stop engaging in terrorism, stop killing Jews, stop cutting up water pipes to make bombs and then blaming the Jews for their lack of water, and to stop firing missiles at civilian areas. Just…stop.

  3. Turley writes: “Over two decades ago, I pledged to vote for the best candidate, even if they are with a third party.”

    Professor, you have your wish. The Republican Party and Donald Trump are at odds, so he is a third-party candidate within the Republican Party. The proof is the 1.2 Trillion dollar package that just passed. Every Republican voting for that bill voted against the people’s movement headed by Trump. They voted for illegal immigration, for more spending, for junk, and people other than the American people.

    If people hate the Democrats and their dictatorial policies and hate the mainstream Republicans, vote for Trump, who is the only one able to change the direction the nation is presently taking. Vote for Congresspeople who do not support the 1.2 trillion dollar package. We need to change the dynamics, and that will only happen with a Trump victory, as he has power over many of the Rinos.

    Professor Turley, it would be best to be positive about Trump’s running since he provides what you need and want. He is closely aligned with free speech and most able to protect it.

  4. Most people have no clue what a war zone is like. If they did they would know it’s not anything they would ever wish to occur. Unfortunately a time may soon come that we will have no say in the matter. Let’s pray good men do what is required to avoid that at all costs.

  5. I have a sick feeling that no matter who wins in November, America loses. If Trump wins, the left will go bonkers. If Biden wins, authoritarian rule will intensify. In either case, civil unrest seems almost a certainty. November might be a good month to hunker down in the boonies.

    1. IF Trump wins the left will go insane with lawfare suits.. they will sue to stop deportation etc. etc. …

      1. Certainly that will occur.
        But this is Trump’s 2nd Term. Many of the legal issues were resolved in the 1st term.

        Further – I do not expect the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants.
        Absent action by congress the resources do not exist to do so.
        Further it likely would prove economically counter productive.
        These people have for the most part found a place in the US economy and removing them in large numbers would be economically harmful. The US has the best demographics of the developed world – we have the least inverted age pyramid.
        But we still need about 2M immigrants/year to sustain our economy.

        Trump is likely to quickly and successfully shut down the southern border – resume construction of the wall.
        I expect a rapid and dramatic reduction in the number of illegal immigrants and to a lessor extent the flow of drugs.
        At the same time – I also expect and increase in illegal immigration at the norther border.
        A wall is NOT a solution there – the border is far too long. We have already seen increasing illegal immigration at the northern border.
        That is more complicated – as illegal immigrants must get into Canada first. It is more expensive and illegal immigration at the norther border is more prone to be a mix of higher skilled people and those with more resources that can not legally immigrate.
        As well as criminals. It is not in the short run going to approach the numbers we see from the south, but it is a growing problem.

        Trump has already said that the first step – the low hanging fruit of deportations will be those who are arrested for crimes.

        A focus on crime is an excellent policy. Many have noted that illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than citizens.
        While only sort of true. It is true that those truly fleeing horendous condiction – or immigrating for economic reasons are incentivised to be law abiding. And we should want to encourage that.

        I expect an unwritten agreement with existing illegal immigrants during Trump’s term.
        Keep your noses clean and do not attract attention and no one is coming after you.
        If you expect the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants – you will be disappointed.

        1. John Say wrote in part:
          Further it likely would prove economically counter productive. These people have for the most part found a place in the US economy and removing them in large numbers would be economically harmful.

          That claim at the very best is merely speculative. It’s the Soviet Democrats’ “who will pick your lettuce?” excuse for the massive amounts of Illegal Aliens who have flooded into the country after the amnesty that Reagan got so badly played on..

          For starters, the new 10+ million have not immediately “for the most part found a place in the US economy”. They came here to cash in. Work, perhaps, but definitely cash in. The minors among them should not be working; full stop. For those who are being put to work – that’s what child labour laws are for, including prosecuting and jailing the employers. The country is now full of hotels and other shelters providing food and shelter to millions of Illegal Aliens. Others have found a place to stay – but the taxpayer is handing out entitlements and benefits in dozens of different ways. If they were gainfully employed, they wouldn’t be enrolled to get those variations of welfare; if they are gainfully employed and applying for and taking those benefits… then that’s another felony on the list of crimes they’re already committing, and another reason to throw them out.

          The US economy did not collapse when Eisenhower went about ridding the country of Illegal Aliens – most of whom self-deported when they saw the writing on the wall. It will not collapse now.

          For those who believe in the “who will pick your lettuce” excuse – the US Bureau of Labour Statistics has the table which will tell you how many field and farm workers are illegal aliens, how many in the construction industry, light manufacturing, etc. Not one of them gets near 15% of workers in a sector are Illegal Aliens.

      2. If Trump wins, they will reverse course about “election denialism” and then claim that denying the results of an election is laudable.

        One way for thee, another for me.

    2. This country can survive the civil unrest of the left.

      While I do expect that to be significantly worse than after Trump’s 2016 win. It also will likely be short lived.

      Peter Theil believes we hit Peak Woke in 2020, I think he is correct.

      A great deal of what we are seeing right now is a desperate clinging to power.

      I do NOT expect that the left will be able to sustain civil unrest much past the inauguration.

      Trump and those supporting him are far better prepared than the were in 2016.
      They know what they are up against.

      Trump will be going into a second term with a far better idea of who he can trust and who he can not.

      Trump was very successful in his first term – because he to a huge extent ignored his cabinet.
      Trump’s major accomplishments were accomplished by small numbers of very close people in the White house.

      The same will be true of a 2nd term – except that he will have far more and even better people to put into positions of power
      throughout government.

      I expect a major part of Trump II will be the political disempowerment of much of the federal government.

      Though there will be many policy goals that Trump seeks to accomplish, Trump will not be looking to accomplish the impossible
      and recreate the federal government reflecting conservative values. What he will be seeking is depoliticizing the federal government
      as much as can be done in 4 years.

      That is the threat that Trump poses – that is the driving force behind Trump Derangement Syndrome.
      The disempowerment of the clerisy.

  6. A truthful summary of Jan 6th in 3 sentences: Leading up to that day, Pres. Trump was planning to be named President by Mike Pence during the Joint Session (“it will be wild”, meaning historic). Those who came to the rally, except for 200 militia types looking for a fight, were expecting to witness this spectacle from the Capitol grounds, but turned into a violent mob when Trump tweeted out that Pence had abandoned the plan. Jan 6th was the messy collapse of an audacious, half-baked attempt to game the Constitution and hold onto the Presidency against the will of the voters.

    Tribal thinking pushes people to aggrandize the evil motives of the “other”. For Dems, this meant tagging Trump as having fomented a violent “insurrection” (he planned a peaceful lawyerly coup).

    For Trump Repubs, this meant Pelosi and the FBI plotted to incite the demonstrators to violence (nonsense, why would they risk doing this not knowing the outcome?)

    1. Turned into a violent mob…
      You left out the part where they were incited by undercover FBI, they were fired upon with rubber bullets and tear gas and shot in the throat after entering the PEOPLES HOUSE.
      As Pelosi planned…

    2. pbinCA tried this Soviet Democrat ploy in true Soviet Democrat fashion: he started with this lie…
      A truthful summary of Jan 6th in 3 sentences: Leading up to that day, Pres. Trump was planning to be named President

      Special Ouija board being used to read the mind of Trump. Can pbinCA put his Ouija board to good use to tell us the intentions of the leaders of the assault on the White House a few weeks before January 6th? Where over 50 Secret Service were sent to the hospital with wounds suffered in the fighting to repell the assault, and the Secret Service was so worried they would lose the battle, they evacuated the President and his family?

      So tell us pbinCA… they were just throwing Molotov Cocktails at those officers to just provide a little light because it was dark outside? And the only thing they would have done if they’d managed to get into the White House was take selfies with the president.

      but turned into a violent mob when Trump tweeted out that Pence had abandoned the plan.

      That’s called ‘Lyin Like A Proud Biden”: the legal infractions had began before Trump had finished speaking. Prove you aren’t lying: in the video coverage of his speech, what’s the time frame where Trump stops speaking to grab his phone and tweet?

      Tribal thinking pushes people to aggrandize the evil motives of the “other”.

      Like when Soviet Democrats come up with tales about evil plans to be named president, because apparently Pence had given Trump some indication he was going to engineer him being named president – and then suddenly, unexpectedly, changed his mind at the last moment.

      For Trump Repubs, this meant Pelosi and the FBI plotted to incite the demonstrators to violence

      Soviet Democrat Useful Idiots simply cannot believe the the FBI could have perjured themselves to FISA courts repeatedly to get illegal counterespionage warrants to spy on Trump, hoping to find something to destroy him before the election – or after the election if he won anyways.

      Their Useful Idiots simply cannot believe that the FBI would investigate Trump and anybody near Trump as though they had verified the “Russia Dossier” as true – when in fact they knew when they began their “investigation” that it was a complete pack of lies, and the only Russian involved was one they were investigating for espionage as he worked at a DNC think tank, and that Clinton and Obama were committing the crime of hiring a foreign national to do work on campaign products.

      The Useful Idiots refuse to believe that the FBI hid the criminality of the Biden Crime Family for years, starting long before Trump was ever president. They can’t believe that the FBI would conceal that laptop and hide it from the public, never mind congressional oversight before the election. The Useful Idiots can’t believe the FBI would pay millions and engineer the censorship of news media wanting to publish news about that Biden laptop with the election a month away.

      The FBI would NEVER do anything like that. Or attempt to incite a kidnapping attempt of a governor. Or conduct tens of thousands of warrantless searches of Americans based on their political affiliation.

      For the Soviet Democrats Useful Idiots, the Commissar Pelosi that ran that Soviet style first impeachment of Trump – behind closed doors, with Trump prohibited from calling his own witnesses or questioning Pelosi’s, it’s impossible for them to think that Pelosi would refuse to secure the capitol despite the thousands of troops she was offered in hopes that something would happen which would be to their advantage.

      The record of Pelosi and the FBI both before and throughout the Trump presidency is one that speaks for itself when it comes to integrity, truthfulness, and trustworthiness. It’s ridiculous to say they would do anything like pushing a Russia Dossier they knew was false, do political theater arrests of those deemed dangerous to Soviet Democrat policies.

      Wrong place to try floating that propaganda, Tovarisch.

  7. “We’re talking about an individual who ordered essentially a terrorist attack . . .” (AOC)

    Meanwhile, that same party threatens Israel for defending itself against an actual terrorist attack:

    “We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation [by Israel] in Rafah would be a huge mistake,” said VP Harris.

    “I have studied the maps – there’s nowhere for those folks to go.”

    What exactly will the Biden administration do if Israel does enter Rafah? “I am ruling out nothing,” Harris threatened.

    The Left creates “terrorists” by a wish. And it denies the reality of terrorists by a wish. Flip sides of the same emotionalist coin.

    BTW, isn’t it comforting to know that the VP can study maps?

    1. The Left’s hypocrisy is sickening. What was it that Antifa did in big cities all through the summer of 2020?

  8. The loons are running the asylum. The radicals managed to ruin much of California economically and now New York is going down the tubes. Those with sense are heading to the hills, fleeing. Maybe this is their goal, to destroy the state. A business would be nuts to locate in New York.

  9. A time machine exists only in fiction. But Professor Turley gets credit for inventing the time-wasting machine — aka this troll-infested comment section.

    1. With so many Anonymous profiles, how can one know who is the troll without reading? Pity because I more or less stopped reading posts from Anonymous commenters except at time something short like yours. Prof. Turley would be well served–and so would his loyal followers–to stop Anonymous commenting. People can still have screen names, but not Anonymous. I know to avoid the blowhards who pontificate and sling an hominem attacks at the good professor when I see their names.

      1. No, Concerned Citizen, I do not think that the post needs to be updated. Because, I have my own two eyes, and a brain. So, neither Cruz nor McConnell’s “opinion” or “assessment” are important to me. I like Cruz, but he is entitled to his opinion, and I am entitled to mine, and Prof. Turley is entitled to his. Over on this side of the political spectrum, we do this little thingy called USING OUR OWN MIND AND NOT BEING OVERLY-RELIANT ON SOME AUTHORITY to form an opinion.
        The reason is, pretty much everybody lies, and if they don’t intentionally lie, they can still be mistaken. So, I try to just cut to the “facts”, and base my opinion on that. Here are the “facts”, as best I can determine them-

        There were no Molotov Cocktails, nor guns, nor weapons at J6. I have seen how Antifa does things, and there are weapons, and things flying about in the air, and burning police cars, often looting, and people getting the crap beat out of them. Saw none of that on J6. I saw no massive effort to truck in busloads of rowdies, like at a Left/Democrat protest. There was no massive amount of physical damage done on J6, and no one severely injured except for one protester, who was basically murdered.

        Another “fact” is that Democrats love political theater, so I have to take what they say with a grain of salt, or a whole container of salt. Another “fact” is that many old-school RINO-type Republicans hate Trump, for some of the same reasons that Democrats do – he may upset the Gravy Train of money and power flowing to them. And, he calls them names, and he does scary stuff, like question why some NATO countries skip out on paying their part of the tab.

        That is why I do not need to update my opinion. But you are free to hold your own opinion, even if it is stupid.

    1. Some people need to learn how to think for themselves using their eyes and ears. Concerned, you are one of them.

      You are entitled to your opinion, but opinions based on gotchas are worthless and demonstrate a poor mind.

      Cruz said, “The way I phrased things yesterday – it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb.”

      It would help if you listened to those words of regret that tell you that you are barking up the wrong tree.

      Cruz also said, “The Department of Justice should vigorously prosecute everyone who was involved in these brazen acts of violence.”

      That is an attack on individuals and not the march. Critical thinking is necessary when you wish to accuse another. These comments were made at a time where significant concern existed.

      People who love this nation despise any of those involved in Jan 6 actions that were violent as despicable, whether they be from the left, right or government, since there is a lot of blame to throw around. However, the march in totality was not terrorist and was peaceful. Trump was uninvolved, and we still don’t have the whole story because Democrats have hidden their involvement.

      Cruz’s comments specifically separated the violence of “terrorists” from Trump. He even cast blame on the Democrats and their inquisition of Trump with their impeachment. “It merely satisfied Democrats’ desire to once again vent their hatred of Donald Trump and their contempt for the tens of millions of Americans who voted for him,” Many of those voters were peacefully protesting on Jan 6.

      Cruz erred in using the word terrorism even where it applied because the media relies on the ignorance of our citizens to label things untruthfully since Cruz nowhere called the Trump march or Trump a terrorist.

  10. On August 28, 1963, about ≈260,000 people participated in the March on Washington.

    On October 16, 1995, an estimate of about ≈400,000-837,000 attended The Million Man March.

    March On (phrasal verb)
    1 : to come toward (a place) in order to attack it
    Enemy troops were marching on the city.

    At both “Marches” numerous people entered the Capitol Building and Grounds,
    Both “Marches” had at least twice the number of participants than that of January 6th 2021,
    which was estimated at the highest to be ≈120,000 people.

    The January 6th event is minuscule compared to the Marches of 1963 & 1995, yet those are considered
    “uneventful”, not even so much as an ‘invasion’ of the District of Columbia.

    They have taken the moment of January 6th and framed it to their benefit. They will only make statements on things in a way that benefit them.

    Wherefore: If January 6th 2021 is now considered a ‘terrorist attack’, then the Marches upon Washington D.C. of August 28, 1963 & October 16, 1995 were also ‘terrorist attacks’.

    Our Constitution limits amercement to taking ‘Only An Eye For An Eye’.
    AOC’s missives leave the Scales of Justice unbalanced.

  11. The word “terrorism” is more appropriately used to describe the treatment given to the J6 demonstrators than any action taken by any of those demonstrators.

  12. Looked like a riot to me, it was mostly a peaceful riot…
    Four years of sedition
    Obama/Biden/Clinton spying conspiracy of dossier fraud
    Russia collusion hoax
    COVID released
    Mail in Ballots
    Drop boxes
    37 Trillion debt
    You think that was an insurrection?

    1. That was a plea for truth to be recognized, proved and validated. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    1. I’ve often heard about this. If it happened, and I’m not saying it didn’t, who do you suppose was behind it?

    2. David B. Benson, renowned Soviet Democrat Weapons Expert (and police state fascist) gave this analysis:
      Looked like an insurrection, equipped with a gallows even.

      Well, was that gallows actually used? The flaming Molotov Cocktails used by the Soviet Democrats’ street stormtroopers in Black Liars & Marxists and Pantifa were definitely used in an attempt to murder the federal peace officers repelling their attempt to assault the White House in order to murder the President and his family that were inside. 50+ federal officers suffered wounds in the fighting to repel the Soviet Democrat assault on the White House that required them to be taken to hospital.

      So tell us David, (as a Soviet Democrat weapons expert who may or may not have been one of those assaulting the White House), is the repeated use of Molotov Cocktails in attempts to murder federal peace officers defending federal buildings and culminating in attempted murders while attempting to storm the White House… does that make those violent gangs of Soviet Democrat Mostly Peaceful Insurrectionists look like they were engaged in a months long insurrection?

      Or is that Soviet Democrat Different Insurrection?

    3. absolutely terroists engaged in sedition would never forget to bring a gallows to their insurrection.
      A rickety one incapable of anything with a big sign on it – that the press studiosly avoided photographing that pronounced


      More left wing nuts being clueless.

      It does not take more than a few brain cells to grasp that J6 was NOT an insurrection.
      That is was NOT even much of a riot.

      The Insurrection nonsense is no more logical that the collusion delusion.

      No, almost 200,000 people – mostly middle aged, with large contingents of police, military, ex-police, ex-military did not come to DC leaving behind all their weapons for the purpose of overthrowing the government.

      Now I know that you left wing nuts think that shouting at congress and demanding that they do not certify a fraudulent election is “overthrowing the govenrment” – but in fact it is NOT.

      If you are threatened by Art – you really are a snowflake.

      That we are here having a debate about this proves how brain F#$ked the left is.

      With almost 50,000 hours of video of J6, the left democrats, the media have to cherry pick approximately 20minutes of footage – and even then they have to use bizarre camera angles – to avoid the “THIS IS ART” sign, and false color.

      Look at the Media’s J6 video – in most of it it looks like the capitol is burning – yet there was NO ARSON at all – unlike -pretty much every left wing riot ever. There is dark smoke, red glows.

      All of this is purportedly form those dastardly insurrectionists.

      Except the smoke was white and it was from tear gas initially fired accidentally by the Capitol police.

      You dingbats on the left go “yes there were guns – secret caches”.
      Out of almost 200,000 people approximately 3 brought about half a dozens guns total – and they LEFT THEM in their hotel and car.

      There are more guns in the US than people. It is likely that J6 protestors own on average 2-3 guns.

      Yet no one actually brought guns to the insurection at the capitol.

      If one in ten protestors had brough an AR-15 – that would have been near 20,000 AR-15’s.
      If one in 100 protestors brought AR-15’s that would be 2,000 AR-15’s.
      If one in 1000 protestors brought AR-16’s – that would have been 200 AR-15’s.

      If 200 protestors showed up at the capitol with AR-15’s on J6 – you would have had an ACTUAL insurrection, and they would have succeeded.

      But actually thinking about the idiocy that you spew is outside your ability

      The same people beleive:
      Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.
      The Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation.
      The 2020 election was lawful and fraud free.
      Covid came from Wet markets in China.
      Masks which have never before in human history stopped an airborne viruse will magically stop the most contageous airborne virus in history.

      These are the same people that beleive J6 was domestic terrorism, and an insurrection.

      These are the same people who believe that you can click your heals and choose to be any sex, gender or sexuality you want – even ones no0 one ever heard of before. But do not seem to grasp – that if you have thr freedom to be any sex or gender you want – that also means you have the freedom to chose to be NORMAL. Just as if you have the freedom to choose to murder people, you also have the freedom to choose NOT to murder people.

      Why on earth would anyone with an IQ over 80 beleive ANY of you about ANYTHING ?

    4. David, I’ll fund your retirement with $1million if you can erect and keep in place a gallows on the Capitol Grounds. Don’t forget to put up the the sign identifying the piece as “Art”

      The point being, the same people that turned down National Guard, The Same people that had hundreds of govt agents in the crowd as instigators.

      Which is it Benson. Idiot that is ignorant of all the facts. or stupid troll that must lie, because the facts prove your position is wrong.?

  13. Jonathan: By now everyone knows today the NY Appellate Division reduced DJT’s bond requirement to $175 million. Big win for Don Poorleone? Not exactly. The $464 million judgment still remains in place. And unless the Appellate Division actually eventually reduces that judgment AG James can enforce the total amount if DJT loses his appeal.

    What is remarkable is that DJT was all smiles when he got the news: “I greatly respect the decision of the appellate division”. And who was the Justice who threw DJT the life preserver? Justice Diane Renwick, a Black woman who was elevated to her present position by NY Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochual. Irony of ironies! Now for months DJT has claimed the NY justice system is out to get him—“Racists” judges and prosecutors…”election interference to prevent me from being re-elected”. Can’t claim that now Don!

    1. Dennis McIntyre, our resident Soviet Democrat pathological liar and police state fascist posted this off-topic trope to make up for being late to work here today
      Jonathan: By now everyone knows today the NY Appellate Division reduced DJT’s bond requirement to $175 million. Big win for Don Poorleone? Not exactly.

      Dennis, by now everybody knows you’re a pathological serial liar, desperately hoping you can legitimize the criminal activity of Bribery Biden and Biden White House Crime LLC.

      As always, with your off-topic tropes, you can’t manage to tell the whole truth when deflecting from your fellow police state fascist judge being shot down. You’re a naughty boy, Dennis – you concealed the fact that the Appeals Court not only reduced that bond, but they slapped down the trial judge’s sentence regarding Trump and his sons being prohibited from operating their business in New York

      Here’s the rest of the story you tried to hide as though you were an honorary member of the J6 Committee police state fascists:
      “In the Monday decision, the appeals court also stayed Engoron’s ruling barring Trump from serving as an officer or director of a NY company for three years, and which had barred Trump and his corporate defendants from applying for loans from New York lenders over the same period. The new order also stayed Engoron’s order barring Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump from serving as officers and directors of New York companies for two years.”

      That’s a BIG win for Trump and a big LOSS for Bribery Biden and YOU, you dishonest, lying cretin.

      Here’s some other off-topic news regarding you police state fascists attempting to pimp for the Soviet Democrats and Biden White House Crime LLC:

      You’re going to get fired due to your pathological lying failing, Dennis: “Poll Shows Trump Leads Biden By 8 Points”

      “Former Defense Secretary Says J6 Committee threatened to destroy him if he provided exculpatory evidence regarding Trump and their fraudulent claims it was an insurrection”

      “President Donald Trump’s net worth has soared ahead his social media platform, Truth Social’s, expected Tuesday debut on the stock exchange.”

      So: Big winner… Trump. Big loser… Dennis McIntyre lying in hopes of giving a boost to the Soviet Democrats and Bribery Biden.

      Don’t be late to work here again tomorrow morning Dennis/Baghdad Bob.

      1. Old Airborne Dog: You have been an Airborne Dog for far too long. A lie by omission is intentionally withholding relevant information, leading another person to believe something that is untrue. So I did not lie. I left out the other part of Renwick’s order for sake of brevity because the big news was the reduction of the bond. Actually, Justice Renwick’s order reinforces my point–that a female Black justice bent over backwards by not only reducing the bond amount –something most debtors in NY can’t get–but also allowing DJT and his two sons to serve on boards and to apply for bank loans. That part of Justice Renwick’s order was pretty much an empty gesture. Why? Because what banks in NY will now loan loan money to DJT and his two sons? What companies in NY would want them on their boards–three people found to have lied on their financial statements and engaged in “persistent financial fraud”?

        Finally, Jim Comer has been unable to provide any evidence of “criminal activity” by the Biden family–neither bribery nor any other crime. Comer has now admitted he could never get the House to impeach Joe Biden because he has not established “high crimes and misdemeanors”. So who is actually the “pathological serial liar” on this blog? Dog, you need to get back to earth and deal with reality!

        1. Joe Biden is a treasonous criminal whose family has been running a racketeering bribery scheme for years.
          It is a slam dunk RICO criminal prosecution that would put Joe, Hunter, Jimmy, Frank Biden behind bars for a long, long time. That is the reality the fake news media continues to hide from its useful idiots like you.

        2. Dennis — Can you seriously look at all the evidence of the bribery & influence peddling schemes that the Biden Crime Family has been running for YEARS and not see anything wrong with it? You truly are a head case.

        3. What companies in NY would want them on their boards–three people found to have lied on their financial statements and engaged in “persistent financial fraud”?

          The banks he allegedly defrauded denied being defrauded.

    2. Irony of ironies

      Even Dennis is amazed a Democrat Judge follows the constitution. But of course even Dem Judges know the whole case is getting tossed. The case fails to follow the law on the books and is in conflict with the Constitution. Even those Judges dont want to look like idiots when SCOTUS tosses the verdict.

      1. Iowan2: No, I am not “amazed a Democrat Judge follows the constitution”. Most judges follow the law and the constitution–regardless of political persuasion. But if you believe DJT, and looks like you do, “Democrat” judges are out to get him–trying to put him out out of business and in jail. Justice Renwick just proved the opposite. The Q is whether you still believe all of DJT’s lies about our justice system?

        1. Your reading comprehension is atrocious. No one claims the entire pool of judges and prosecutors are corrupt.
          But even those judges that dont like Trump, understand what Engoron has put in place is ALL contra the law and Constitution.

          Even leftist Judges have said,. Enough. The corruption of the legal system ends with me.

          You on the other hand are so stupid, or so corrupt yourself, you still push all the lies.

          Which is it?

          Retard crayon eater?”

          Troll paid to lie, and happy to contribute to the lies?

        2. Most judges follow the law and the constitution–regardless of political persuasion.

          Most? Half plus 1 is a horrifying low expectation.

          Despite your spin. Engoron, knowingly violated the 8th amendment of the United States Constitution.

          Dennis Mc Intyre Is in full throated support of Engorans gross abuse of DJT, stripping him of his enumerated Constitutional protections.

    3. This was a huge miscarriage of justice. Since when do judges get to decide the value of a person’s property, then tell the person they lied and accuse them of fraud? And then the judge has the gall to tell the person they showed no remorse. The person showed no remorse because the person did nothing wrong. There was no victim, there was no crime. So what if a black judge showed some common sense, that doesn’t excuse a black DA from from going after Trump in the first place. And Hochel telling other businessmen that ‘don’t worry, we’re only doing this to Trump’. Sounds like selective prosecution to me. IMO if NY doesn’t fix this and exonerate Trump this will end up at the Supreme Court as an 8th Amend violation.

    4. Ergonon is a pathetic clown symptomatic of the rapid increase of marxist influence and subsequent decline of the US since WWII.

      F him and all his UWS momma’s boys.

    5. Have you seen Judge Engoron’s wife’s nutcase social media postings? She is a rabid, pussy-hat-wearing Trump-hating feminist leftist lunatic. That is who this judge has to crawl into bed with every night. The two of them are left wing, unhinged psychos. Judge lunatic Engoron belongs in prison. Everyone in NY knows it, too.

  14. During the hearing, U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly applied the enhancement for a federal crime of terrorism to the defendants’ (proud boys) convictions for destruction of government property.

    Turkey is not being honest.

    We all know what happened on Jan 6th- even his supporters and staff say it was a violent riot- Now Trump wants to let all these extremist supporters in prison out to violently support him again as a thug squad to hurt police and intimidate people with guns unless Trump is president.
    God forbid if trump is convicted what he will ask his MAGA faithful to do. Likely, civil war if he throws another Trumpy tangerine tantrum

    1. You are a frightened little girl, frightened by your own fever dreams that have no connection to reality.

    2. I hope he makes a Bukele-like person Sec of State and sends every illegal to MX, every DIE idiot to Singapore for re-education, and every warmonger to the Eastern Front. Then I want to see soros, gates, and any globalist POS sent to the moon, literally. Then I want to see the bureaucracies neutered and every interaction they have with anyone made public – they can F right off if they don’t like it. Then send Bukele back into the cities to clean them up. And then get a Melie-esque budget going.

      Then we’ll see who’s up for a civil war.

      1. Two great leaders in Latin America are indeed showing us the way. If only we have the wisdom to follow it.

    3. Alex, Soviet Democrat Police State Fascist and cringe worthy party Apparatchik cheered Washington DC police state fascism with this:
      During the hearing, U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly applied the enhancement for a federal crime of terrorism to the defendants’ (proud boys) convictions for destruction of government property.

      Alex: any terrorism enhancements – or even similar sentencing for the destruction of government property during the assault on the White House just a few weeks before January 6th?

      Or during the Months Of Mostly Peaceful Destruction of Federal Government Property carried out through coordinated assaults by the Soviet Democrats’ street thugs in Black Liars & Marxists and Antifa – any terrorism enhancements? Or even similar sentencing for destruction of government property ? Tell us Alex: more or less than a dozen federal courthouses damaged or gutted by arson. How about buildings housing Border Patrol, Homeland Security, etc.

      Tell us, Alex – any similar sentencing with terrorism enhancement by US District Judges for ANY of the Soviet Democrats’ street thugs in Black Liars & Marxists and Antifa for ANY of that destruction of government property?

      The glaringly obvious: the very last thing Alex cares about is the American model of equal justice for all – he wants the exact opposite: Soviet police state fascism, delivered by the Soviet Democrats police state fascists in the DoJ and FBI.

      What Alex is pimping for and demands is Soviet style police state fascism in pursuit of keeping Bribery Biden in power. Criminality from felons Alex wants running this country must be ignored, excused, or somehow justified.

      Alex wants to reference Washington DC judges. Well, that’s persuasive! Let’s have a look at Alex’s Washington DC judges prosecuting those the FBI puts in front of them:

      Does Alex need reminding that those judges in Washington DC have yet to lift a finger to deal with the felons who are Obama’s FBI Directors, FBI Deputy Directors, Obama Attorney Generals, Mueller, and all the others that repeatedly committed perjury while providing sworn testimony to them by lying that the Soviet Democrats’ “Russia Dossier” was legitimate and all validated under the Woods Rule?

      It’s supposed to be persuasive to readers that these Washington judges (that Alex wants to point out as proof of something) can agree with the FBI that perjured themselves to these judges and call this ‘terrorism’? While at the exact same time continuing to give all the FBI felons who perjured themselves before them a free pass for the repeated felonies they committed?

      Why does Alex disagree with Americans who say the FBI involved in these serial felonies should have already been in jail serving their sentences handed down by these judges they perjured themselves to – rather than free and still having a badge as a license to hunt down January 6th trespassers and vandals and call it “terrorism”.

      Alex, do you need reminding that the same DoJ/FBI that went full Lavarentiy Beria to hunt down those J6 defendents, has never lifted a finger to do anything remotely similar with the Soviet Democrats’ street thugs in Black Liars & Marxists and Pantifa who assaulted the White House just weeks earlier in an attempt to slaughter Trump and his family who were inside?

      Alex: is all of those FBI and DoJ serial felonies legal – as long as the Soviet Democrat/DoJ criminality is in the pursuit of doing God’s work? I.e: “GET TRUMP!”

      Does Alex expect normal Americans to agree with his insinuation that’s what American justice looks like?

      Soviet Democrat Different Justice, Alex? “One application of law for those who stand in our way, protection from the law for the criminals doing our criminal dirty work” – The Two Rules Justice System?

      Alex is an openly corrupt and dishonest Soviet Democrat police state fascist.

  15. According to Turley, it’s OK, after LOSING an election to: 1. lie to America, claiming you really did win, and that your victory was stolen by fraud, all lies, all without evidence; 2. still keep on lying, lying, lying after 60+ lawsuits and multiple audits and recounts prove you lost; 3, Go on “Stop the Steal’ tours, riling up fans to come to Washington–when? Coincidentally, on the day that Congress was slated to accept certified vote totals. Fans were promised “it will be wild”. 4. Line up fake electors who are willing to falsify Electoral College documents claiming you won, when you didn’t. 5. Pressure the VP to refuse to accept the certified votes, and tell the faithful that he “hoped” the VP would “do the right thing”; try to pressure Secretaries of State to falsify vote counts by “finding” votes that you didn’t get; 6. Plan for invasion of the Capitol on the day the certified votes were to be presented: line up the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3 Percenters, White Supremacists and other white supremacy groups, who met at the “war room” in the Willard Hotel with Rudy Giuliani and other members of Trump’s campaign staff plan on how to stop Congress from certifying Biden’s victory. They went on reconnaissance missions, according to a British embedded reporter, to plot on the most-vulnerable points of entry into the Capitol building, and how they could divert attention and the Capitol Police away from the more-vulnerable points of entry. Also Trump’s Army came prepared with flak vests, helmets, bear spray and some had guns. There was a cache of weapons stored across the Potomac in a Virginia hotel room waiting for the call to arms;

    Turley says all of these things are: “….a disgraceful riot but not an insurrection.” When an invasion of the Capitol is planned in advance to prevent the winning candidate from taking office, it is not just a “riot”. Turley is paid to downplay Trump’s criminal behavior, to attack Democrats, especially women like AOC. One of the Fox News themes is that J6ers who have been arrested weren’t charged with “insurrection”. That choice of semantics is irrelevant to what really heppened, how and why it happened, and who is responsible. And, BTW, in some of the recently-released documents that included the valet’s testimony, he made clear that Trump knew Ashli Babbitt died because she believed in his lies AND HE DIDN’T CARE.

    Turley lost whatever credibility he had a long time ago. Trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power for which America is famous, by lying, by stirring up supporters with lies, by planning on invading the building by use of force, by trying to pressure the VP and Secretaries of State into refusing to follow the law and recruiting fake electors to falsify election documents is an effort to overturn our government by defeating the will of the American people in their choice of leader. This is the very definition of an insurrection.

    1. You absolutely cannot know the motivations of another person. No one can. You are not God. How you can so clearly get inside one’s head, ascribe your own bias motives to them and make a judgement. That’s frankly DAMNABLE. Can we examine your motives in every little detail?

      1. Anonymous,

        Your comment is precisely what the Bible meant by “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

        That statement didn’t mean we couldn’t discern between right and wrong, rather it suggested that no one, save God himself, could know what was in the hearts of men.

        Jan 6 was, most likely, a case of COINTELPRO. Wanna know what that is? Look it up on-line.

        Essentially, both sides, left and right, but it seems predominantly on the left, have devolved to the point where the ends justify the means, whatever they might be. As someone once aptly put it, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Sadly, methinks the events of Jan 6, however they transpired, and by whomever they were set into motion, are just the beginning of major problems yet to come.

        Unfortunately, these events, if taken to their logical extreme, can only end one way.

        1. “FBI Records: The Vault” says

          The FBI began COINTELPRO – short for Counterintelligence Program – in 1956 to disrupt the activities of the Communist Party of the United States. In the 1960s, it was expanded to include a number of other domestic groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist Workers Party, and the Black Panther Party.

          Cointelpro is often “extra legal” per Britannica, which says:

          COINTELPRO, counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations considered subversive to U.S. political stability. It was covert and often used extralegal means to criminalize various forms of political struggle and derail several social movements, such as those for civil rights and Puerto Rican independence.

          COINTELPRO operations were initiated against various organizations, including the Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party (SWP), Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and Ku Klux Klan. Tactics included intense surveillance, organizational infiltration, anonymous mailings, and police harassment. These programs were exposed in 1971 when the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI burglarized an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, stole confidential files, and then released them to the press. More information regarding COINTELPRO was later obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, lawsuits lodged against the FBI by the BPP and the SWP, and statements by agents who came forward to confess their counterintelligence activities.

          A major investigation was launched in 1975 by the U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, commonly referred to as the “Church Committee,” for its chairman, Senator Frank Church of Idaho. However, millions of pages of documents remain unreleased, and many released documents are heavily censored. In its final report, the committee sharply criticized COINTELPRO:

          Many of the techniques used would be intolerable in a democratic society even if all of the targets had been involved in violent activity, but COINTELPRO went far beyond that.…The Bureau conducted a sophisticated vigilante operation aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of First Amendment rights of speech and association, on the theory that preventing the growth of dangerous groups and the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the national security and deter violence.

        2. January 6th was the result of a malignant narcissist who refused to accept the fact that he lost a free and fair election, and who couldn’t bully the VP or Secretaries of State to falsify election results, so went on his infamous “Stop the Steal “ campaign to spread The Big Lie. Along with his campaign, he plotted an invasion of the Capitol to stop Congress from accepting Biden’s victory, while also getting fake electors to falsify Electoral College documents. The plot was to try to get Congress to say that they couldn’t determine who had won, and therefore, the election had to be decided by state legislators, which Trump believed would award him the Presidency he knew he had lost. One of Trump’s crooked lawyers came up with this scheme—which has no bad in law. Thank God for the sake of American democracy Pence wouldn’t allow himself to be taken away from the Capitol, and the Capitol Police slowed down the Trump fans before they could kill Pence, Pelosi and members of Congress. At the end of the day, it was always about Trump’s massive ego and refusal to accept the fact that he lost.

          1. “…who refused to accept the fact that he lost a free and fair election…”

            Right. Why should Trump concede?
            Because we are supposed to swallow this load of crap:
            Biden received the most votes of any presidential candidate in the history of the world. Just LOL.
            Trump will never concede. Nor should he EVER give them that concession.
            They unconstitutionally changed election laws in key states.
            They flooded the country with mail-in ballots and drop boxes.
            The CIA lied for Biden.
            The FBI lied for Biden.
            Big Tech censored for Biden.
            The Fake News media lied for Biden.
            Biden never left his basement.
            They stopped counting in the wee hours of the morning in key swing states.
            Then “counting” resumed once they “found” the votes they needed.
            The entire world understands the election was stolen and that Joe Biden was installed as a globalist puppet.
            Remember Hillary’s advice to Biden?
            “Joe Biden should not concede under ANY circumstances…”
            Yeah, Trump took her advice too. If it’s ok for Dems, it’s ok for Trump. See how it works?

          2. January 6th was the result of a malignant narcissist who refused to accept the fact that he lost a free and fair election, and who couldn’t bully the VP or Secretaries of State to falsify election results, so went on his infamous “Stop the Steal “ campaign to spread The Big Lie.

            And how did this cause the riot?

            I mean, it does not even make sense!


      May we be done with wholly unconstitutional public assistance welfare, student loans, affirmative action, quotas, forced busing, public housing, discriminatory “non-discrimination,” unfair “fair housing,” WIC, SNAP, HAMP, HARP, etc., or do y’all still need it to be real people and achieve your “fair share” of “free stuff” and “free status” derived from other people’s money?

    3. Whether something is OK or not is a matter of opinion and as Turley said – in the eye of the beholder.

      Though frankly it is OK for ANY political candidate to claim that but for Fraud they would have won.

      To the extent that people beleive that claim the person is either a sore loser or the victim of a rigged election.

      We have heard YOU personally claim the 2016 election was rigged – on FAR LESS EVIDENCE – all of which has been soundly refuted
      Does that mean YOU are an insurrectionist ?
      Does that mean YOU are a domestic terrorist ?

      While both parties are prone to hyperbolee – it is ONLY democrats that are using the power of government to weaponize hyperbolee into the corrupt abuse of power.

      So let me be CLEAR – You are legally and constitutionally free to claim fraud in an election.
      That should be trivially obvious – because if you can not. And particularly if you CAN NOT get you ACTUAL day in court – including FULL hearings on the merits and Discovery – then there is absolutely no way to prevent election fraud.

      When as in many instances a small number of people from ONE political party have complete and control over votging and vote counting of millions of votes – without transparency and without meaningful unbiased oversite – then fraud is not merely possible it is inevitable.

      Whether you like it or not the ability to MEANINGFULLY challenge elections is a REQUIREMENT for the rule of law, and for Trust in government.

      Those challenges should be permitted to go as deep as is necescary for the losing candidate and their supporters to be assured that Fraud did NOT occur.

      When real examination, when real transparency are not present – then the only valid PRESUMPTION is fraud.

      Regardless – it is ALWAYS legal and constitutional to question government and especially elections.

      As to your list – though many itmes are false – that is irrlevant – YES, it is OK to do all of those things
      They have occured many times in US elections.
      False claims of Fraud by democrats are Far more common than ANY claims of fraud by republicans.

      Further Contra those of you on the left – Fraud in US elections is relatively common place.

      Some of the most common fraud – which we have seen many many times just in the past 8 years – is democrats commiting election fraud against other democrats in democratic primaries.

      As to your specific claims:
      There were less than half a dozen guns among the estimated 250,000 people that came to the Stop the Steal Protest.
      NONE of those were actually at the capitol on J6 – they were as you note – At hotels or in cars.

      No one brought a gun to the capitol grounds for the protest.
      For any non-brain dead person – that should be the END of idiotic claims of domoestic terrorism, or insurrection, or even incitement to violence.

      Unlike the TYPICAL left wing protest – protestors did NOT bring frozen water bottles,
      They did NOT bring bricks.

      unlike the Portland protests
      They did NOT bring lasers to block law enforcement.
      They did NOT bring riot gear and riot sheilds to protect them against police.
      They did NOT bring fireworks.

      Unlike the typical BLM protests
      they did NOT bring molotov cocktails
      and they did NOT commit arson.

      Unlike the Kavanaugh protests
      They did NOT bring Axes and put one through a senators door.

      Unlike typical left wing nut protests
      J6 protestors did NOT initiate the violence.
      It is well established – including multiple video’s that the crowd was peaceful and law abiding UNTIL
      The CP at the west Tunnel entrance Tear Gassed themselves and then tear gassed the crowd.

      Because the only real invvestigation was done by the corrupt Biden DOJ – Wray’s catagorization of J6 as domestic terrorism Proves that he should not hold a position of responsibility in law enforcement.
      IRA bombings are domestic terrorism.

      If as YOU doi constantly – and Turley’s article specifically points out
      You misuse words to attempt to transform one thing into another
      That is the very Misinformation and disinformation that the left rants is so dangerous,
      and that the left desparately is trying to put the worst purveyors of misinformation and disinformation in charge of deciding what IS misinformation and disinformation and then empowering them to censor it.

      It is this verbal gymnastics – that is why YOU are so deluded about J6.

      It is also this verbal gymnastics that in other contexts is why many such as yourself STILL beleive the proven lies about Covid.

      When you constantly beleive stupid $hit.
      When you constantly disbeleive the Truth.

      You are not to be trusted.

      1. When people are involved, there will be fraud. It’s a matter of doing every single thing possible to prevent it. When the courts deny it happened, and deny even reviewing the evidence of such (sworn affidavits by numerous people) then we are in a, shall we say, tenuous and perilous situation.

    4. Gigi, your entire diatribe is full of hyperbolee and distorted word choices that strive vigorously to paint one thing into another.

      What does “pressure” mean ? You seem to be claiming it is illegal.

      Can I call up my Senator and tell them that if they Vote for X there will be h311 to pay in the next election ?
      Sounds like ordinary political speech to me.
      I can found thousands of examples of democrats “pressuring” supporters, crowds, courts, supreme court justices, Senators,
      etc. Apparently it is OK to threaten those whose positions or policies you do not like – if you are on the left, but not on the right.

      Recruiting alternate electors is the legitimate means to challenge and election certification that the courts blessed over 100 years ago.

      Attempting to “overturn” an election is legal and constitutional.
      Al Gore did that.
      Hillary Clinton did that
      Stacy Abrahms did that.
      Al Franken SUCCEEDED in doing that.

      You keep using falsify as synonymous with “I do not like that”

      The constitution as well as the rules of the house and senate ALLOW congressmen to challenge electors.
      That is how that process works. During my lifetime atleast one democrat has challenged the electors of atleast one state every single time a republican has been elected president.
      We have had alternate slates of electors all the way back to the election of Adams.

      You can not convert reality into your fantasy world just by spinning the words.

      WE had a horribly botched and untransparent election in 2020 – with mostly democrat state executives changing the rules at the last minute without the legisilative oversite the constitution requires and often with little judicial oversite.

      The resulting election – and subsequent election s- because we have only been partly successful in clearing the often unconstitutional rules changes that were imposed by executive fiat.

      EVERY state in the US has secret ballot laws. 38 States have secret ballot requirements as part of their state constitution.

      There is no form of voting where ballots leave state control, and where voting occurs anywhere but a polling place that can meet the requirements of a secret ballot. Mailing voting is unconstitutional in 4/5 of the US and illegal everywhere else.

      No onther country in the world does mailin voting. It is by far the most dangerous fraud ridden and error prone way to conduct and election.

      US election s are now often taking weeks to count – that is the direct consequence of the shoddy fraud prone bogus election laws that Democrats have foist on us.

      Prior to 2020 nearly every single election contest in the US was settled by morning the day after the eleciton.
      99.99% were settled by Midnight the day of the election.

      Countries like France that vote only on paper and hand count ballots still manage to count 80M ballots in less than 6 hours.

      Banana republics – where fraud is rampant do better than the US.

      Even Russia with some of the most corrupt elections in the world – does better than the US and does not use election practices as shoddy as those int he US

      Like the mess at the border – this is YOUR fault.

      Those of you on the left refuse to follow the rule of law. Refuse to follow the law, refuse to follow the constitution.
      You rant about packing the courts or conservative justices – but what you are after is transforming govenrment such that if you can gain control of the TINIEST portion of govenrment – you are free to do whatever you please.

      You wish to do whatever you want – if you contorl the presidency or governorship – rule of law be damned.
      You wish to do whatever you want – if you control the courts – rule of law be damned.
      If you control a single elected office or a single agency or subagency in government – you will do whatever you want – rule of law be damned.

      Quite litterly “the rule of law” means EXACTLY the opposite of this.

    5. Thank you sincerely Gogi for rebuking your darling, the slick willy, for ignoring one million innocents, murdered in hot blood. You r a doll.

    6. It was payback for this.

      Of course what happened subsequently was that even years after Trump had safely taken power, the corporate media’s top luminaries continuously used the phrase “hacked the election” to describe the purported actions of Russia on behalf of Trump in 2016. Supermajorities of Democratic voters came to believe not just that Russia “interfered” in the election, but directly installed Trump into power by tampering with voting machines. Now, though, journalists who fostered these blinkered beliefs will feign incredulity that their conduct could have contributed to widespread “doubt” as to the “legitimacy” of that election. And they’ll be aghast at any suggestion that this was inevitably going to generate yet another crazed anti-legitimization initiative in 2020.

      You people deny the 2016 election!

    7. Gigi,
      lets be perfectly clear. Unlike many on the right – I do not believe a civil war is imminent.

      I do not believe that – because the left has become so incredibly absurd that they will F#$K things up with whatever power they manage to have and hold.
      I do not believe that – because the left is desperate and is losing their grip on power.

      I do not beleive that becuase ultimatemately no amount of spin, hyperbolee, censorship or weaponizing government will overcome the incompetence and failure of the left – a great deal of which is specifically because their ideas are so horrible.

      I believe we passed peak woke in 2020 – though the left is fighting increasingly nastily and insanely to hold power.

      I expected 2022 to be a red tsunami, it was not, it was just a red fizzle – but still very much red.
      I am expecting 2024 to be much better. All polling right now seems to confirm that. Frankly the polling is somewhat contradictory.
      If Trump is only up by 2pts nationwide – why is it that polls are sonsistently showing Trump as having either majority or near majority hispanic support, of having gained 20pts with nearly every minority.

      I do not have the answers.

      And though I doubt it – MAYBE 2024 will not be the red landlside that we need to obliterate woke nonsense.

      I recently watched an RFK jr. 9 minute commercial – it demand near could have been a Trump Make America Great Again commercial.

      The majority of people are tired of your pissing all over this country and the people in it.

      Americans are NOT perfect. We ARE however the “best there is” – and we have been – even going back to the era of slavery.
      As heinous as slavery in the US was – This country was STILL the light on the hill to the world.

      No one wants to hear the BS that you are patriotic – while pissing all over everyone and everything about this country.

      We do not expect you to beleive this country is perfect.
      We do expect you to beleive that it is good.

      We expect you to quit calling half the country deplorables, racists, homophobes, nazis.

      In the past 9 months we saw mass left wing protests supporting Hamas.
      Fine, you are allowed to do that. Though you are not allowed to be violent as you were,
      And you are not allowed to silence others.

      And finally you can not support Hamas while calling everyone else including particularly jews Nazi’s

      You and your Ilk are NUTS.

      And ultimately that is my “secret weapon” – that is why there will be no civil war.

      Because fraud or no fraud – you will lose at the ballot box in 2024.
      You will do so not because Trump is such a wonderful candidate.
      But because – You s#4k and that is obvious to most people.

      I have asked you and others to listen to Frank Lund – a democratic polster who is trying to tell you that your efforts to “get Trump”
      are backfiring – exploding in your face.

      There is not going to be a civil way – Because YOU are FAILING – all by yourself.

      But lets assume that I am wrong,
      lets assued that you do not lose in 2024 or 2028,
      That you manage to censor or otherwise spin and rig your way to victory.

      That will not change the fact that YOU FAIL – and that failure is growing.

      Lets asume that you continue the lawfare, the rejection of the rule of law.

      If you keep your nonsense up long enough and if peaceful means ultiumately fail – you will be removed from power BY FORCE.

      The declaration of independence requires us to be long suffering before actually resorting to violence.

      But ultimately violence – insurrection, are justified against lawless and tyrannical government.

      You rant with fake claims about what Trump did.
      Yet the very things you want to pillory him for – are legitimate in response to Tyranny.

      1. John, name one false thing Gigi said about what Trump did? Or about Turley’s acquiescence in same for that matter. I doubt you can because when presented with facts all your side can do is shout and scream falsehoods and think that makes it the truth. If there is a civil war I know which side I’ll be on.

        1. Another feckless Soviet Democrat cowardly Anonymous fascist tried to legitimize Gigi, their pathological liar with this:
          John, name one false thing Gigi said about what Trump did? All your side can do is shout and scream falsehoods and think that makes it the truth. If there is a civil war I know which side I’ll be on.

          “your side”???? That last sentence of yours has you declaring you’re already on the Soviet Democrat side… despite your sophomorically pathetic attempt to pose and flex as an open minded commentator.

          And BTW, in the unlikely chance there IS a civil war, your side that abhors citizens owning firearms for their defense is going to be slaughtered by the side that believes in the Second Amendment and predominantly are the ones who have already served in the military and police, where the use of firearms to deliver deadly force is part of the job. It will be bloody for both sides, but that civil war will have you slaughtered as butchers slaughter lambs.

          That said, would you like to start with defending Gigi’s lies of omission or lies of commission in that post so carefully stripped of nuance, context and history? Let’s give you a shot at defending Gigi by starting with the lies of omission of context, nuance, and history, as Gigi the Soviet Democrat liar did with that post; to wit:

          According to Turley, it’s OK, after LOSING an election to: 1. lie to America, claiming you really did win, and that your victory was stolen by fraud, all lies, all without evidence

          Well, it is indeed OKAY to do that after an election. Legal in fact.

          After all, Gigi and feckless Anonymous cowards have been voting for Soviet Democrat politicians who did just that for years, election after election – long before Trump ran for office and they used that as their excuse to be Soviet style police state fascism.

          You imply Gigi’s truthful and honest in implying that it’s illegal (or immoral) when Trump does the exact same thing as Soviet Democrats have repeatedly done since Bush defeated Gore?

          (assuming Trump actually lied while pointing out the Zuckerbucks that led to the largest FEC fine in American history with half a billion dollars dumped into the battleground state districts that predominantly vote Soviet Democrat to get out those votes, the FBI paying for the censorship of news media attempting to report on the Biden laptop, the DNC lawyer Marc Elias touring battleground states getting election laws illegally changed, etc)

          Gigi never mentioned – nor had any problem with – Soviet Democrats in Congress lying to America in the two prior presidential elections they lost to Republicans before Trump, that their candidate really did win, and that the victory was stolen by the Republican victor by fraud, repeating those lies for years without evidence.

          Gigi also never mentioned – nor had any problem with – Soviet Democrats in Congress (many who still are and who engineered both their “Russia Dossier” and Trump impeachments) lying to America that Trump stole the 2016 election by fraud. Doing so for years, using their “Russia Dossier” that they illegally had written by their hired Russian apparatchik. That Russian apparatchik of Obama and the DNC, BTW, was being investigated during the leadup to the election as being a spy committing espionage in America to aid Putin.

          Gigi carried on by also making no mention of Stacy Abrams, who lied she was the real governor of Georgia, and the election was stolen from her by racist Republicans using fraud.

          Gigi found all those lies about losing an election to a Republican through fraud perfectly legitimate. In fact, while you can’t prove a negative, Gigi was almost certainly pushing those Soviet Democrat lies that Bush, Trump, Kemp, etc beat the Democrat through fraud.

          Well, feckless Anonymous coward (too weak and spineless to chose a username for your posts here), convince everybody how Gigi working so carefully to make claiming an election was stolen is is illegal is Gigi providing truthful, honest, objective commentary. After almost 20 years of the legions of Soviet Democrat Gigis in elected office making the same claims through lies after losing to Republicans, and without any evidence as Trump does, to back up their lies?

          Rhetorical question: how many of you Soviet Democrat apparatchiks have been assigned to come here to reinforce each other’s pathetic BS while dirtying up Professor Turley’s comments section while doing so?

          We had a term for people like you, Gigi, Sammy, and Dennis McIntyre in special forces: oxygen thieving waste of skin and rations. Culls, in short.

        2. “John, name one false thing Gigi said about what Trump did?”
          Trivial – ATS – virtually NOTHING Gigi said was correct – AS SPUN, and most of it was just False.

          The simplest way to understand your and her ERROR, is to state the facts, and only the facts – without SPIN, remove ALL the adjectives and words that consititute judgements and oppinions rather than FACTs – and see if there is anything left.

          In 1775, The British marched to Lexington and concord to confiscate the colonists arms.
          Colonists having been forewarned gathered their arms and stood their ground firing on the British. driving them back to Boston.

          There is ZERO spin in that. Without any spin it is easy to grasp that description is of an INSURRECTION.
          That is not the description of a Riot. The earlier Boston Massacre was a riot.
          Lexington and Concored were an insurrection, a rebellion a revolution.

          An organized armed conflict against the government.

          The colonists themselves would have described Lexington and concord as an insurrection – a revoltuion – one that they beleived was justified. But it was still deliberate organized armed violence against government.
          The number of british and the number of colonists at lexington and concord were FAR smaller than at the capitol on J6.
          But they were ALL ARMED. approximately 70 colonists and an equal number of british soldiers were killed on that day – by GUNS.

          You do nto have to use weasel words, or distort the facts or add spin to a real insurrection to attempt to persuade people it was an insurrection.

          Did colonists attempt to “pressure” the british – absolutely WITH GUNS – LOTS OF GUNS, THAT THEY USED.

          The colonists were not trying to “overturn and election”
          as I said before – that is something Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams tried to do.
          And that Al Franken succeeded.
          Trying to overturn an election is NOT A CRIME, it is NOT INSURRECTION.
          It was not when Clinton or Gore of Abrams attempted it or when Al Franken succeeded.

          Strip the emotion. judgement, hyperbolee, spin from your remarks – and see if they still mean anything.

          THEY DONT.

        3. “Or about Turley’s acquiescence in same for that matter.”

          Again spin – Try speaking plainly. Rather than using terms like acquiesce – which as loaded and judgemental.
          Try stating the FACTS – just the FACTS.

          “I doubt you can because when presented with facts all your side can do is shout and scream falsehoods and think that makes it the truth.”
          Look in the mirror.

          “If there is a civil war I know which side I’ll be on.”

          There is not going to be a civil war – the left is failing. It is collapsing under the failure of its own values.
          No civil war is necescary.
          If there is one – it will be started by the left.

          And we all know what side you will be on – the side of left wing bat schiff crazy fascist.

        4. I will be on the side that is trying to protect children from pedos, groomers, pornography in elementary schools.
          I will be on the side that is trying to protect women from having biological men in bath and changing rooms.
          I will be on the side that is trying to protect women in sports against biological men.
          I will be on the side that is trying to protect young people from the mutilation of perfectly healthy bodies and dangerous drugs.
          I will be on the side of law and order. Of the Constitution.
          I will be on the side of a secure border.
          I will be on the side of putting American interests first and not getting into another forever war that benefits a small group of people at the expense of our service men and women.
          I know which side I will be on.
          I look forward to meeting you on the battle field.

    8. Gigi, enthusiastic Soviet Democrat police state fascist and amateur serial liar channeling Biden’s White House liar Cringe Jean-Pierre tried this:
      According to Turley, it’s OK, after LOSING an election to: 1. lie to America, claiming you really did win, and that your victory was stolen by fraud, all lies, all without evidence

      Why the feigned outrage, Gigi? The Soviet Democrats you pimp and serve as a party apparatchik have been doing that for long before Trump, and think that’s OK (and it is).

      Does Gigi need reminding of the names of the then Democrats in Washington that lied to America, claiming Bush stole the election from Gore during that election? Some of whom repeated their lies in two successive presidential elections they lost after that.

      Or that doesn’t fit in with Gigi Speaks Its Truth?

      Does Gigi need reminding that after Trump crushed Clinton, many of the Soviet Democrats still serving in Washington lied to America that Trump stole the 2016 election?

      Does Gigi need reminding that after Stacy Abrams lost the election for governor, she lied to Americans that she claimed she was the real governor, and the election was stolen by racist Republicans.

      Or that doesn’t fit in with Gigi Speaks Its Truth?

      Gigi isn’t even a particularly entertaining pathological liar. Can’t even post a decent Soviet Democrat Clown Shyte Show for those suffering through reading it.

    9. Gigi – You say:
      “They went on reconnaissance missions, according to a British embedded reporter, to plot on the most-vulnerable points of entry into the Capitol building, and how they could divert attention and the Capitol Police away from the more-vulnerable points of entry. Also Trump’s Army came prepared with flak vests, helmets, bear spray and some had guns. There was a cache of weapons stored across the Potomac in a Virginia hotel room waiting for the call to arms;[.]”
      Yuo don’t bother providing a link to your “British imbedded reporter”, so it is a little difficult to evaluate the rest of your statement. Howbver, it is clear that you are trying to prove that someone intended to use weapons against members of Congress on J6. I know of no factual basis for this suggestion. The tapes shown by Tucker Carlson show that the vast majority of the J6 demonstrators walked peacefully through the Capitol Building after being let in by the Capitol Police. It has been showed repeatedly on the commentary to this blog, which you must occasionally read, that no one who entered the Capitol, excepting the Police, carried a gun. It is hard to have a violent riot without a gun.
      Your comment is important for what it shows: until election day, Democrats will constantly try to make the J6 demonstration into cataclysmic assault on the country’s political institutions, akin to an act of war. Thereby, you show your total desperation. Do you hear Republicans talking about the Democrat-inspired BLM riots, which were much closer to something like the beginning of a civil war?

    10. Insurrection
      a violent uprising against an authority or government:
      “the insurrection was savagely put down”

      Walking through the Capitol, which belongs to ‘we the people’, is not an insurrection. People did not go there with guns, knives, molotov cocktails and attempt to kill everyone federal they could find. The election was stolen. And no court has yet to see the evidence. Blatant lies by you who are brainwashed by what you read and see on the lamestream media. Too bad they can’t put brain dead people like you in the DC gulag for 3 years without charges being filed. It would be a wake up call to see your Constitutional rights thrown in the trash.

  16. As a corp communications writer, with a lengthy resume, and many published writing credits, I am always shocked at how truly smart the American population is. They always manage to see through the bull crap of the leftist media and propagandists. FYI to Americans, people like myself are normally outnumbered 9 to one in those newsrooms. Many of them are soul-less individuals and generally very unhappy and poorly educated people like AOC. St Thomas Aquinas FULLY and FAIRLY presented his opponent’s view before sharing his own. He even thanked his opponents for ADVANCING THE DIALOGUE. You will honestly never see this integrity in American news. They honestly do not even respect their own LOYAL viewers. They are miserable people.

    1. Well you would think your job title would incline you towards making a point when you write something. What is the point?

  17. Leaders in our Congress should, by law, prove their IQ is 5 at a minimum. AOC would be out on her pretty little brown behind.

    1. There’s no doubt she’s as dumb as a rock. But given the state of the electorate in America – aptly summarized by the phrase “clown world” – she’s likely to be elected our first female president. That’s a scary thought. Just prepare yourself for even more complete insanity than we have now, even if you didn’t think that was possible.

      1. Murder, don’t cha know, is a good thing, if u talkin Trump. Yes, it’s a category. I never said it wasn’t. Don’t u Repugs listen? RICO is short for Rican, Poor Rican, which is a nation. I no. I’m the Law and we gonna arrest him. Go Letisha!

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