“Disinformation Czar” Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election

Nina Jankowicz  is back . . . with a vengeance. The former head of the infamous “Disinformation Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland Security is now heading a private disinformation group called the American Sunlight Project. With a close election looming in November, Jankowicz has found funding to “to expose and oppose efforts to weaponize disinformation in the United States.” The establishment of the group is only the latest example of how many in politics and media are doubling down on efforts to paint opposing views as dangerous for democracy as the nation readies for a historic election.

Jankowicz promises that “Once researchers are free to conduct their essential work, the American people will gain a better understanding of the nature and severity of the disinformation threats we face,” she said. “Disinformation knows no political party. Its ultimate victim is our democracy.”

It is not clear who has funded the new project in an election year. However, the co-founder  is Carlos Álvarez-Aranyos, who is best known for his association with Protect Democracy, a group viewed by many as an anti-Trump and highly political outfit. Protect Democracy sued the Trump campaign based on the debunked Russian collusion claims that “the Trump Campaign conspired with Russian agents and Wikileaks to strategically disseminate the information Russia had hacked and that, in exchange, the Campaign would help Russia advance its foreign policy goals.”

The lawsuit was dismissed.

Many would call that lawsuit and the Russian collusion claims to be “disinformation,” but there is a clear bias in what is given this designation by groups pushing blacklists and censorship.

For example, according to an investigation by the Washington Examiner, the federal government helped to fund the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), which discourages advertisers from supporting sites accused of promoting disinformation.

All 10 of the sites that GDI claimed were the riskiest are popular with conservatives, libertarians and independents. GDI warned advertisers that they were accepting “reputational and brand risk” by “financially supporting disinformation online.”

The “risky” sites included Reason, a libertarian-oriented source of news and commentary about the government. Conversely, HuffPost, a far left media outlet, was included among the 10 sites at lowest risk of spreading disinformation. (GDI included USA TODAY in this group.)

I have been a long critic of Jankowicz, who became an instant Internet sensation due to a musical number in which she sang “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation” in a TikTok parody of the song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” She later moved to join a European group as a foreign agent to continue her work to block views that she considers disinformation.

Jankowicz portrays herself as a defender of free speech who opposed efforts to censor viewpoints. As one of her critics, I strongly contest that self-portrayal.

When she was appointed the executive director of the Disinformation Governance Board in April 2022, she was tasked with combating “disinformation” on subjects ranging from the U.S. southern border to other forms of disinformation.

While Jankowicz objects to the “overly personalized, false, and incendiary coverage of me,” it is only the false part that is actionable. Coverage is allowed to be “personalized” and even “incendiary” so long as it is true or protected opinion.

She was previously criticized for allegedly spreading disinformation and advocating censorship,

Jankowicz previously argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online by reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and including “provisions against online gender-based harassment.”

Jankowicz testified before the British House of Parliament about “gender misinformation” being a “national security concern” and a threat to democracy requiring government censorship.

She demanded that both tech companies and government should work together using “creativity and technological prowess to make a pariah of online misogyny.”

On the Hunter Biden laptop, Jankowicz pushed the false narrative that it was a false story and that “we should view it as a Trump campaign product.” She continued to spread that disinformation, including tweeting a link to a news article that she said cast “yet more doubt on the provenance of the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story.” In another tweet, she added “not to mention that the emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop.”

She even cited the author of the infamous Steele Dossier as a guide for how to deal with disinformation. In August 2020, Jankowicz tweeted “Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen.” The Steele Dossier was viewed by American intelligence as relying on a suspected Russian agent as a source. These officials warned that it was itself used as a possible Russian disinformation vehicle.

She also joined the panic over the Musk threat to reintroduce free speech values to Twitter. In an interview on NPR, she stated “I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities.”

In addition to her co-founder’s past advocacy, Jankowicz assembled a board that has been challenged as showing past bias. Two of the four members have close ties to Brookings Institution that was deeply involved in the Russian collusion hoax.

The new project is expected to follow the same transparently biased judgments over what is “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” (MDM) from the Biden Administration. The government has used this rationale to coordinate censorship in what it has called the “MDM space.”

For example, within DHS, Jen Easterly, who heads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, extended her agency’s mandate over critical infrastructure to include “our cognitive infrastructure.” The resulting censorship efforts included combating “malinformation” – described as information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.” I testified earlier on this effort.

Jankowicz famously sang how “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation.” Once again, when it comes to the use of disinformation to effectively silence others, Nina Jankowicz remains “practically perfect in every way.

90 thoughts on ““Disinformation Czar” Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election”

  1. The Biden administration is losing voters on nearly every issue – the economy, peace in the Middle East, the open border, the fentanyl drug problem, the readiness of the military, inflation, trade deficits, and energy production – and needs someone like this to construct the lies that he and his lackeys hope will convince people that none of these problems are real but only the dubious and fraudulent stories of the Trump “MAGA Republicans.” Too late. The nephew of Uncle Bosie seems oblivious to the fact that the people see through him and his lies. Ironically, bringing Jankowicz back into the administration will only reinforce the public’s lack of confidence in anything Uncle Bosie’s nephew says.

  2. When Gutenberg showed printing press to the masses, Martin Luther used flyers to undermine the biggest racket of the time: the Catholic Church. He managed to dismantle large part of European Catholic empire. Henry VIII followed suit, confiscating CC properties and lived to tell the story. Response was to establish Indexes of prohibited books: https://archive.org/details/censorshipofchur0001putn/page/n7/mode/2up

    Fast forward to the Internet age.

    1. Rumble: Thank you for an interesting analogy. Luther did indeed save the Roman church from its destructive ways. It took some time to reform the church and Luther was gone by the time that the Council of Trent in the mid-16th century got around to correcting some of the major complaints that Luther had charged against his church (Luther was an Augustinian monk at the time). Vatican II helped resolve most of the rest of Luther’s serious claims. Today, both the Lutheran and Roman churches coexist today and both have entered into friendly talks to resolve as much as possible the remaining doctrinal differences that caused their separation some five centuries ago. If Luther were in the U.S. today, he likely would be a strong MAGA conservative railing against the perfidy and deception of the established political order.

  3. Todays NY Times Sunday magazine story called “Trump has never sounded like this” is a master class in how to smear and malign by taking even the most mundane campaign techniques and practices and contextualizeing them into something sinister. Apparently Qanon now runs the Trump campaign! It’s really quite amazing and reading the comments of the zombies that read such NY Times missives shows how they are completely convinced the half the country that supports Trump are the basest of ignorant cretins beyond redemption. They take every word as gospel, apparently. The Times shows how disinformation has taken a form more frightening in it’s banality.

    1. NYT curates their comment sections and lo and behold, very few, if any, contrary ie, conservative opinions ever make the cut. Who is doing the curating? Exactly.

  4. Meanwhile, another power-crazed black judge in New York –

    NY Judge Claims ‘2nd Amendment Doesn’t Exist In Her Courtroom’ In Case Against Gunsmith

    Dexter Taylor, a software engineer and resident of Brooklyn, NY, took on gunsmithing as a hobby during the Covid-19 lockdowns. He was already familiar with machining and found himself fascinated by the project, so he set out to learn the skills needed. Taylor researched ATF rules regarding the building of firearms and wanted to follow them carefully. Sadly, however, the state of New York has its own laws which leftist governments believe supersede federal law and the Constitution.

    Because Taylor was apparently not officially licensed as a gunsmith in NY, authorities decided to raid his home and arrest him for possession of gun parts (including 80% lowers) which are legal federally but require a smithing certificate in the state (a legal gray area which is being contested). Taylor was easy to find because he purchased all the parts with his own credit cards thinking he was protected under ATF rules.

    Taylor’s lawyer, Vinoo Varghese, noted that the case is a difficult one in New York, hinting at the leftist bias within NY courtrooms when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. In fact, Varghese suggested that when Judge Abena Darkeh took over the case she was oddly hostile towards the defense. He mentions that she interrupted his opening statements multiple times, claiming that he could not use 2nd Amendment arguments in her courtroom:

    “She told us, ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.'”


  5. Gateway Pundit Filed For Bankruptcy This Week

    The Gateway Pundit filed late Wednesday to initiate a Chapter 11 process in the southern district of Florida bankruptcy court. The right-wing website, which often spreads conspiracies, has been fighting a lawsuit filed by two people who worked at Atlanta polling places during the 2020 presidential election.

    The case filed by the Atlanta election workers has been in court since 2021. The workers alleged the site defamed them and caused emotional distress with false claims that they produced and counted illegal ballots contributing to President Joe Biden’s win over Donald Trump.

    In December, a federal jury awarded the two election workers more than $148 million in a separate lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani. They argued Giuliani defamed them with false accusations that they committed election fraud, subjecting them to harassment and death threats and forcing them to flee their homes.

    During the trial, Giuliani’s lawyer tried to shift blame on The Gateway Pundit, saying the site was “patient zero” in spreading the conspiracy theory about the election workers.


    This is from The Saint Louis Post Dispatch which notes in Paragraph 1 that the rightwing website “often spreads conspiracies”.

  6. Just think how much interesting story if we found out that Nina Jankowicz and Katherine Maher were secretly lesbian lovers, and then we found out that like the Stepford Wives, they were actually, they were actually robots, or maybe chip-implanted humans created in a factory managed by George Soros.

    You got to admit, that some of these Democrat women are eerily the same.

  7. It’s all coming into focus now. God keeps these creatures locked up. Can’t wait for that big sucking sound….

  8. Let’s merge dis-. mis-, and mal-information into an acronym: “DISMAL-Info” to capture how worthless and time consuming most of the commentary on alleged episodes of DISMAL-Info is.

  9. The focus should be the decapitation of the regime that is waging the war.
    Why not offer billions of dollars and safe exile to Shoigu to have Putin assassinated in order to end the war?
    As long as it still has a head, the snake will keep hissing and biting indefinitely.
    Ukraine should be given all of the equipment that it needs to move on Moscow, just
    as Russia moved on Berlin.

  10. Remember the old bumper stickers from the Reagan years? “Vote Republican. It’s Easier Than Thinking!”
    It would be appropriate to replace Republican with Democrat. As long as they’re pointing fingers and yelling “nananananana” the Dems don’t have to be tethered to original thoughts. Critical thinking in the Democrat Party is bleeding to death from a self-inflicted wound. And they have become the prissy little tattle-taling girl with pigtails in your third grade class who couldn’t wait to “tell” on classmates in order to make herself seem important, and to secure her role as the coveted “teacher’s pet”.

    1. I’ll give the Dems this much: they are consistent about following the party line in both their speaking and voting. And it helps them that they are in lockstep. Forget what was promised to voters. Not an original thinker in the bunch.

  11. Like this woman would be so trustworthy. Each person has to do their own research and make their own decision. And make sure you vote. We just had a town election. 18,400 registered voters. I think maybe 3000 or so voted. I don’t know if we have 18,400 registered voters because the state registers us when we renew our license. They did not have to do it for me. I have been registered since 21, when I became of legal age, I know I have missed a handful of elections. It is so important to vote now. One of the town positions up for election may win by 3 votes.

  12. Bill O’Reilly wrote an excellent column on the student “protests.” His news organization investigated who is behind the scenes pulling the levers and stirring up the discord and chaos. The full story is found on his website.

    “The lead group generating the chaos is “Students for Justice for Palestine.” Founded in 1993, it is based in Berkeley, California. A prominent leader is Dr. Hatem Bazian, a lecturer at the University of California. That means taxpayers are funding him. SJP apparently keeps no books, but it is estimated it has a presence on more than 200 campuses.

    Dr. Bazian, born in Palestine, is a radical leftist who, in 2003, called for an insurrection in the United States. The Detroit Free Press has been watching him because he openly espouses violence.

    Bazian is quoted as saying: “How come we (Americans) don’t have an intifada in this country?” He added, “They’re going to say that it’s a Palestinian being too radical. Well, they haven’t seen radicalism yet.”

    Intifada means “civil uprising.”

    In addition to his radical rhetoric, Bazian is the founder of “American Muslims for Palestine.” This is the money behind the “Students for Justice Palestine” crew. Incredibly, giving donations to “American Muslims for Palestine” is tax deductible.

    Where is the FBI and IRS on this?

    Finally, a second group called the “Westchester People’s Action Coalition” in New York also financially aids the anti-Israel protesters. Founded in 1974, the WESPAC Foundation is another nonprofit radical left outfit. “The Tides Foundation,” controlled by George Soros, pumps heavy cash into the WESPAC Foundation.

    Question: do you think these student protesters know anything about who is coordinating their dissent? Not likely. They are useful idiots to the destructive radicals driving the college disruptions.”

    1. “His news organization ” hahahahahahhahahahahahaha

      Bill oriole’s news origination? Do you have rocks between your ears? BO is so full of lies he has to make up lies to cover for his lies.

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      1. It’s misinformation according to Pecker.
        The Hunter Biden laptop was Russian planted misinformation according to the federal government. I have a dozen more if you insist on pretending
        The last 10 years never happened.
        But to be a good leftist, you arise every morning with history erased

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