Coulter Courts? Iran Creates A New Media Court To Jail Journalists

Ann Coulter may have finally found a country with that perfect mix of robust conservative values and restrictions on the free press . Only days after Ann Coulter was met with thunderous applause at CPAC after proclaiming “I think there should be more jailed journalists,” Iranian officials have announced the creation of a new court for media crimes. It is not clear whether the Iranians will name the new tribunals “Coulter courts” but they should be a real crowd pleaser for those who wildly applauded at CPAC.

In the video below, when an audience member asked Coulter about the problem of “jailed journalists” around the world, Coulter responded by saying that she did not view that as a problem and wanted to see more jailed journalists. The only statement that seemed to thrill the crowd as much was the pledge of Newt Gingrich to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency.

It appears that stoning people under Sharia law is not sufficient. Abbas Zagholi, the head of Iran’s Government Employees Court, said the new judicial branch “was necessitated by the special media crimes . . . For certain reasons, such as great developments in mass media, the Tehran prosecutor felt the need to create a more independent court to deal with media affairs.”

Iran has become a paradise for Coulter with at least 34 journalists detained at the end of last year in Iran. They are now tied with that other Coulteresque society: China. According to the article below, those jailed reporters include Mohammad Davari, editor of the news website Saham News, who was arrested after reporting on the rape and torture of detainees at Kahrizak Detention Center.

Many American conservatives have argued that American journalists should have been criminally charged for revealing the torture of detainees by the Bush Administration and the use of secret prisons. This was the subject of a hearing at the House Intelligence Committee where I testified for media protections, here.

Source: CNN

Jonathan Turley

80 thoughts on “Coulter Courts? Iran Creates A New Media Court To Jail Journalists”

  1. “you don’t have the mental acuity to use a toilet, why should I worry?”

    You have nothing to worry about, you were dead on your horse, as Buddha pointed out, hundreds of years ago. That accounts for the deterioration of your brain.

  2. Stamford Liberal:

    you don’t have the mental acuity to use a toilet, why should I worry?

  3. El Cid

    “Stamford liberal:

    human sacrifice was legal during the time of the Aztecs as well.

    Go flush another child down a drain, death merchant.”

    Lmao – let me know when you’re ready for your flushing, Taliban.

  4. El Cid 1, February 17, 2011 at 9:54 am



    any issue, any time….hahahahaha!

  5. Stamford liberal:

    human sacrifice was legal during the time of the Aztecs as well.

    Go flush another child down a drain, death merchant.

  6. El Cid

    “Stamford Liberal:

    Debbie is right, both groups hate people and embrace death. You do know that abortion is their [liberals] human sacrifice dont you?”

    Spoken like a true, ignorant asshat. Congrats, sport.

    “Like the Aztecs of old who thought human blood caused the crops to grow, today’s liberals think human blood increases tax revenue.”

    You’re comparing a legal procedure to a civilization that was in existence over 800 years ago? It appears I need to repeat myself – Spoken like a true, ignorant asshat. Congrats, sport.

  7. Elaine M.:

    “Stamford Liberal,

    I wouldn’t call people who write that kind of despicable stuff journalists. And some of those people are women!”


    Point well taken, Elaine. I stand corrected – I should have said “lower than amoeba life forms.”

  8. Adoption is an option, Woosty is a Cat.

    And stupid women who get knocked up can have their cake and kill it to.

    By the way do you even know what plebian means or where it comes from?

    People go to China for gods sake to adopt. You dont think they would adopt children here if they were available?

    You all just dont like people of color and so want to kill them before they can reproduce. White women dont have that many abortions and neither do Hispanics for that matter.

    The Ku Klux Klan couldnt be happier, they dont have to lynch black people now, they just have to pay taxes and have the government kill them legally. And all in the name of a womans right to choose, yea sure. Liberals sure are a slick bunch, a black person voting for a democrat is about the same thing as a Jew voting for a Nazi.

  9. El Cid said–“You do know that abortion is their [liberals] human sacrifice don’t you?”

    The ‘human sacrifice’ is most often the women who became pregnant through:

    -lack of consent
    -lack of education
    -lack of resources
    -idiocy in religious upbringing
    -lack of appropriate discernment of their consort or the rape culture in which they live

    :in conjunction with the maternal knowledge that to bring a child safely into this world there needs to be some ability to KEEP THAT CHILD ALIVE in an environment that does not simply see it as fodder for some disgustingly exploitative circumstance which is mostly [conservative usuary (to use your plebian mind set)]or even physical harm to that child that would prevent him/her from having a decent life of their own.

    I suspect if those events were less possible in this society you would see a huge reduction in abortion….but thats not the real issue is it? Abortion is not the real issue…this is all crap~your petty little scapegoat of the moment, so Conservative[(to use your plebian mind set)] assholes can have thier cake and eat it too….at someone ELSES expense…

  10. That’s a mighty big false equivalence coming from a dead guy strapped to a horse.

  11. Stamford Liberal:

    Debbie is right, both groups hate people and embrace death. You do know that abortion is their [liberals] human sacrifice dont you?

    Like the Aztecs of old who thought human blood caused the crops to grow, today’s liberals think human blood increases tax revenue.

  12. Stamford Liberal,

    I wouldn’t call people who write that kind of despicable stuff journalists. And some of those people are women!

  13. Elaine M:

    “Logan’s Sexual Assault Brings Wave Of Blaming The Victim And Other Ugliness”

    It is easy being an armchair journalist. It’s easy to criticize when one doesn’t have the courage to do what other’s do.

    To say I am stunned is an understatement. Pardon me – I think I need to throw up.

  14. It does not matter, the circumstance of the perpetrator.
    It does not matter, the circumstance of the victim.
    Rape is simply reprehensible.
    Blaming the victim is simply unconscionable.
    Reveling in their attack is simply evil.

  15. Elaine,

    All women need to make note of how conservative, republican, women pundits think and the words they use to express those thoughts.

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