Report: South Korean Officials Seize Shipment of Chinese Capsules Filled With Powdered Human Remains

In the last couple of years, there have been periodic articles about a Chinese industry selling powdered human flesh — usually ground up babies — as a stamina booster. Now, there is a report of South Korean agents seizing drug capsules filled with powdered human flesh. This follows other reports on testing showing endangered animals in various Chinese products, including endangered porpoises. I was unaware however of the allegations of the consumption of human remains. I guess Soylent Green (set in 2022) was just off by ten years.

The article reports the capsules were “made in northeastern China from dead babies whose bodies were chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder.” Environmentalists continue to deal with the massacre of rhinos, tigers, and other endangered species to feed the Chinese herbal medicine market. It now appears that even humans are far game for this market. Other countries have found that the growing number of Chinese workers have brought a demand for eating exotic animals and are wiping out endangered species.

There is a huge market for such cures among Korean-Chinese citizens — often using dead fetuses or newborns from China. I previously described my confrontation with Chinese leaders over such products. What is astonishing is that even some educated Chinese believe this nonsense. Ironically, where Chinese products have been routinely found to contain false representations and fake ingredients, this is one product where the manufacturers appear intent on producing genuine ground baby. If this report is true, on this one occasion, we might welcome some fraudulent misrepresentation in Chinese products and the use of sugar pills.

Source: AU

15 thoughts on “Report: South Korean Officials Seize Shipment of Chinese Capsules Filled With Powdered Human Remains”

  1. It was a common practice in Europe, even in modern history:

    Noble’s new book, Medicinal Cannibalism in Early Modern English Literature and Culture, and another by Richard Sugg of England’s University of Durham, Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians, reveal that for several hundred years, peaking in the 16th and 17th centuries, many Europeans, including royalty, priests and scientists, routinely ingested remedies containing human bones, blood and fat as medicine for everything from headaches to epilepsy. There were few vocal opponents of the practice, even though cannibalism in the newly explored Americas was reviled as a mark of savagery. Mummies were stolen from Egyptian tombs, and skulls were taken from Irish burial sites. Gravediggers robbed and sold body parts.

    (The Gruesome History of Eating Corpses as Medicine). That is sooooo Chinese??? Well, lately anyway.

  2. What is the big deal they are probably aborted fetuses.

    OK to abort them but just dont eat them? They are using them for medical purposes after all.

  3. Gyges,
    Let me tell you sometime of those seeking medical help from monks in Thailand. I witnessed it in practice in the Marble Temple in Bangkok.

  4. “What is astonishing is that even some educated Chinese believe this nonsense.”

    Folks is folks. We’re hardwired to find patterns, so we do, even where none exist.

  5. idealist707 1, May 7, 2012 at 1:17 pm


    What our corporations do is even worse. Poisoning a few cannibals as the price of creating an “industry” is one thing. But poisoning every food bearing soil on this earth is another, however big the stock’s yield.

    “It has been suggested that glyphosate can harm the bacterial ecology of soil and cause micronutrient deficiencies in plants.[75] Some sources opposed to pesticides or GMO’s have accused the USDA of repressing negative information about glyphosate.[76]”

    The damage is far larger than hinted above.

    This has been oonfirmed by internal documents based on USDA own statistics, and by international reports. A letter calling for a delay in removing guard zones around alfalfa fields was ignored by the USDA chief. Obama had pre-approved the removal decision.

    It’s either Monsanto or us.
    That is why I call John Boehner “Agent Orange“.

  6. Dredd,

    What our corporations do is even worse. Poisoning a few cannibals as the price of creating an “industry” is one thing. But poisoning every food bearing soil on this earth is another, however big the stock’s yield.

    “It has been suggested that glyphosate can harm the bacterial ecology of soil and cause micronutrient deficiencies in plants.[75] Some sources opposed to pesticides or GMO’s have accused the USDA of repressing negative information about glyphosate.[76]”

    The damage is far larger than hinted above.

    This has been oonfirmed by internal documents based on USDA own statistics, and by international reports. A letter calling for a delay in removing guard zones around alfalfa fields was ignored by the USDA chief. Obama had pre-approved the removal decision.

    It’s either Monsanto or us.

  7. Frankly 1, May 7, 2012 at 9:20 am

    How can we encourage this practice throughout China? It may be our only hope in the long run.
    Send some of our pink slime over there. It may catch on and take The Pink Slime Company out of bankruptcy.

    On second thought, I could not wish that on any peoples. Governments perhaps, but not the populace.

  8. But it’s Capitalism! The market will self correct.

  9. How can we encourage this practice throughout China? It may be our only hope in the long run.

  10. The Kuru episode should have cured them of this ghastly fetish of quasi-cannibalism.

    Kuru is a dementia caused by eating brains of ancestors, believed to be a way of showing honor to them.

    Problem is, prions (abiotic, virus-like, impaired proteins) survived the cooking.

    Prions also cause mad-cow disease.

    There are many disgusting practices when it comes to messing with food and other amenities.

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