Canadian Parliament Votes To Extend Trudeau’s Emergency Powers . . . After the Protest Has Ended

By a vote of 185 to 151, the Canadian Parliament voted to approve Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act. The vote is chilling given the fact that the protest has ended and the roads have been cleared. Nevertheless, the Trudeau government still wants to wield the excessive and unnecessary powers claimed under the Act. The vote shows how easily many drift into more and more draconian measures against their political opponents.

As we discussed earlier, Trudeau has never explained why he required such emergency powers to clear the roads and end the protest. Cities and provinces already have ample powers to clear roads and end unlawful protests. That raised concerns that Trudeau was using the protest as a pretext as he attacked those opposing his powers as supporting Nazis.

Since almost half of the House of Commons opposed his powers, it is absurd to demonize critics as those who “stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag.” Canadian civil liberties groups have opposed Trudeau’s use of these powers. Yet, Trudeau has relied on a largely supportive media in using such powers despite the chilling implications for free speech and associational rights.

Trudeau wants to continue to be able to freeze the accounts of political opponents and give black lists to banks for those who will be tagged under his new powers. There are no meaningful limits on such powers. These same sweeping emergency powers could be used against some of our most celebrated figures and shutdown some of our most revered causes. Under this law, the only thing preventing Trudeau from shutting down movements — even historic movements like the Civil Rights marchers or protests of indigenous peoples — is his affinity for the cause as opposed to the underlying conduct.

Trudeau has pushed to retain these powers while denouncing Cuba for seeking to intimidate those who wish to protest in that country.

The Liberal Party, the NDP and other allies were able to muster 181 votes for this motion. It is an ignoble and troubling moment for civil liberties in Canada. They have embodied the warning of the great civil libertarian Justice Louis Brandeis, who once said that “the greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”

219 thoughts on “Canadian Parliament Votes To Extend Trudeau’s Emergency Powers . . . After the Protest Has Ended”

  1. I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. ~ Gen Douglas MacArthur

    1. Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.

      – Joe Biden Feb 2020

  2. By a vote of 185 to 151, the Canadian Parliament voted to approve Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act. The vote is chilling given the fact that the protest has ended and the roads have been cleared. Nevertheless, the Trudeau government still wants to wield the excessive and unnecessary powers claimed under the Act. The vote shows how easily many drift into more and more draconian measures against their political opponents.
    Don’t we all love liberal tolerance? To those of you who proclaimed that liberlaism was just one crisis away from tyranny, you won the internet!

  3. Jesus H. Christ, I am tired of having to school people on how the United States and Russia are NOT moral and political equals, The former is Good, the latter is Evil.
    Good should threaten Evil. Evil should not threaten Good. Get it? Got it? Good.

    1. Go “School’ yourself 1st! At the Current time the “Nationalist” Putin appears to be doing a better job for his people & neighbors then these Ph’n American Haters we have as Dictators who stole their way into power!

      I still need to watch all this below myself:

      ‘NATO Has a Knife to Our Throat’ Watch Putin’s Formal Recognition of Ukrainian Separate Regions



      Feb 21, 2022
      The Alex Jones Show
      The Alex Jones Show

  4. Song to tune of Short People by Randy Newman:
    Dumb smokers got no reason.
    Dumb smokers got no reason!
    Dumb smokers got no reason to live!

    They got little bitty minds…little bitty lungs…
    Fried out hearts that go beep beep beep!

    Don’t want no dumb smokers…
    Don’t want no dumb smokers!
    Don’t want no dead bodies round here!

  5. Must an angel wear a devil’s shoes for a day to know what it’s like to be a devil? No moral equivalence, please.

    Biden needs TP for his bunghole.

  6. Is Canada living within a Freytag’ pyramid? Freytag analyzed a plot of a five act play, having an ascending-descending structure,

    2:Inciting Moment
    3:Rising Action
    4:Falling Action

    Does the actor playing the Emperor have a God Complex, being born on December 25, 1971; to define God Complex it is arrogance, infallible, narcissist, superior and easy to deem others as inferior or unworthy.

    Hopefully the Canadian citizenry will look back 800 or so years for guidance from the Magna Carta, and rise up against a tyrannical leader.

  7. The citizens of Canada need to cap the liquor and have an old fashion Tea Party the American way and take back their country.
    The same goes for Americans who are letting the Democrats flood our Country with ILLEGALS, Stopping the oil pipe line from Canada, Allowing Russia to start a war, And then allowing the Wicked Witch from the West do our bidding.

  8. A point of information for those of you who read the comments: Canadian citizens are taking steps to reduce their bank and other financial balances to $10 and move their accumulated cash and other financial assets to locations outside Canada, and outside the USA as well since money in US banks and financial institutions isn’t viewed by Canadians as any ‘safer’ from ultimate confiscation. There are numerous locations around the world more than willing to safeguard assets looking for a new ‘home.’

    1. “Canadian citizens are taking steps to reduce their bank and other financial balances to $10 and move their accumulated cash and other financial assets to locations outside Canada”

      Not a good idea. I fear it will feed into an additional power grab.

      1. Canadians must use the tools they have available. Reducing their bank accounts to $10 is a tool they can use. If we have learned nothing else, we know that you cannot say to totalitarians, “Ok, I’ll let you do this one thing, but no more, right?” What’s he going to do next: command people to put their money back into the banks? Stop people from spending the money they have? Tell retailers they may not accept money in payment for goods and services? My view is that in not permitting him access to their money, Canadians can score a win. His hired guns will do him no good in this battle.

        1. “Stop people from spending the money they have? Tell retailers they may not accept money in payment for goods and services?”


          It would be a new emergency. Can’t let the banks fail.

          1. Prairie Rose,
            I could see that happening.
            The level of Trudeau’s authoritarianism is on open display for the world to see.
            By doing exactly that, preventing Canadians from access from their own money, will put Trudeau and all those who back him as petty dictators for history to judge.
            I wonder, will he not at some point wake up one morning and see how similar he is to say, Benito Mussolini?
            Or prefer to see himself as a hero of the people?
            Without a doubt, he is the hero of the elite/ruling class.

            1. Check out Rebel news and these vloggers on youtube. Viva Frei, Red Prince, ZOT, Mistersunshinebaby. All did numerous on the ground videos of the protest and the police abuse. A number of Ottawa police resigned or had the Blue Flu. Some fired for being friendly with protesters.

          2. “Can’t let the banks fail.”

            Better that than the Canadian fascists seizing your bank account, and not being able to pay your bills.

            If the banks are so concerned about their future, then they should object publicly to Trudeau’s power grab.

            1. Sam,
              That is fair. Maybe they figure something’s figured out already. Perhaps regular people are stuck between a rock and a hard place. 🙁

              1. “Perhaps regular people are stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

                They certainly are.

                One of the horrors of living under tyranny is that citizens cannot know where the tyrant’s hammer will come down next.

        2. Mary,

          plus, once the money is out of the banks, that pissant dictator Trudeu cannot freeze their accounts to control them.

          1. Karen+S,
            There is a undercurrent of something like that happening in the US.
            See how fragile our system is?
            What will the Biden admin do?
            Save the banks, and alienate the people?
            What will that look like at the voting booth?
            IMHO, the Dems have or are painting themselves into a corner.

            1. UpstateFarmer,
              “What will that look like at the voting booth?
              IMHO, the Dems have or are painting themselves into a corner.”

              This is bigger than our political parties…

          2. He can say all that hard, traditional currency is worthless and only new, trackable government-issued digital currency has value.

      2. Joke on Viva Frei last night. Canadians to fly to Mexico and enter US at our southern border. Speak French and say you are from Haiti
        No deadline for the Emergency Act to end. Ottawa police chief let it be known they will be hunting down protesters and supporters. In Parliament last night Trudeau inferred American donors were supporting terrorism. Independent vloggers were arrested. A female Rebel new reporter was shot at twice with a gas canister and then whacked with a stick. A senior Indigenous woman on a mobility scooter was knocked down by a police horse. Hundreds were arrested diver about 10 miles away and dropped off without charges. A cafe owner that didn’t close down as directed by the mayor, and served protesters was threatened by police the day after the protest. A 78 year old man was thrown up against his car cuffed and arrested for honking hi horn. Videos of these events are on youtube.

  9. The introduction of our own National Emergency Powers:

    “Federal law provides a variety of powers for the President to use in response to crisis,
    exigency, or emergency circumstances threatening the nation. They are not limited to
    military or war situations. Some of these authorities, deriving from the Constitution or
    statutory law, are continuously available to the President with little or no qualification.
    Others—statutory delegations from Congress—exist on a standby basis and remain dormant until
    the President formally declares a national emergency. These delegations or grants of power
    authorize the President to meet the problems of governing effectively in times of crisis. Under the
    powers delegated by such statutes, the President may seize property, organize and control the
    means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize
    and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise,
    restrict travel, and control the lives of United States citizens in a variety of ways. Congress may
    modify, rescind, or render dormant such delegated emergency authority.”

    “I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency declared in Proclamation 9994 of March 13, 2020, beginning March 1, 2020, concerning the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, is to continue in effect beyond March 1, 2022.

    There remains a need to continue this national emergency.”

    Do we truly have a national emergency on our hands that justifies such a declaration?

    1. That’s why they have been calling anyone that voted for Trump by numerous detestable labels.

  10. Do dictators operate under their own “Dictator’s Bill of Rights” or something? It sure seems that way. Russia can give military assisance to Luhansk and Donetsk, illegitimate nations carved from a legitimcate nations, but NATO can’t give military assistance to the legitimate nation of Ukraine? Putin is insane, making everything upside down and topsy turvy.

    1. Putin is not insane. NATO, the US, and the EU have backed him into a corner. Do the shoe-on-the-other-foot analysis, and you will understand, e.g., how would JFK have reacted to Khrushchev putting missiles in Cuba? Would you like Russian missiles there now? Or Russian forces in Venezuela?
      As for Luhansk and Donetsk, how do you think Italy was formed? By parts of Austria seceding and declaring independence. The Czech Republic and Slovakia were once indissolubly linked, and Netherlands was once part of an entity that included Belgium. Poland is comprised of parts of various other countries. The Helsinki Declaration gave priority to state borders, but there has been a double-standard at work when it comes to ‘good’ nationalism and ‘good’ self-determination’ and variants that are ‘evil.’
      There is still, so far as I know, no settled law on the right to self-determination, but most modern nations have been created by invoking it. At the moment, the EU is encouraging Scotland to break away from the UK, and doing its best to force Northern Ireland to become part of a ‘greater’ Irish republic, but it refuses even to consider autonomy for Catalonia. The West was happy to dismember the Soviet Union, but insisted that self-determination not be invoked to dismember Yugoslavia, resulting in wars of succession which killed tens of thousands and displaced hundreds of thousands.
      It really is a pity that they do not teach diplomatic and military history any more, but the demography in the history and political science departments has changed since the veterans from World War II and Vietnam have retired, so that is that . . . .

      1. Sorry, hit the wrong bottom. An old guy, not An old (decrepit as I may be) . . . .
        Please note, I have no book for Putin, but if you want to understand something, as opposed to judging it, then you have to be disinterested, which, I suspect is why the owner of this blog aspires to be — you cannot analyze anything if you have doing so as a moral exercise. That comes later, after you understand what you are talking about. Alas, the web, esp. Twitter, has encouraged the most superficial people to clot together and promote the most assinine nonsense I can remember, and my memory goes back to Truman and Eisenhower.

  11. Please notice our government or Pres. Biden, has not said one word and few in the media have. This is scary because it is not some far away country it is Canada our neighbor and not a word from our leaders. Today, someone ordered the fences to be installed around the capital because truckers are driving to Washington to protest. Our borders are wide opened but fences are being put up for truckers. Connect the dots and you realize that this heavy hand is not only in Canada.

  12. It’s time to boycott Canada, in every way possible. Trudeau has zero qualifications to be prime minister, no
    tourists, no trade, & maybe some one can find a way to help those who bank accounts are frozen.

  13. “§ 1. Articles 114, 115, 117, 118, 123, 124 and 153 of the Constitution [] are suspended until further notice. It is therefore permissible to restrict the rights of personal freedom, freedom of (opinion) expression, including the freedom of the press, the freedom to organize and assemble, the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications. Warrants for House searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”

    In Germany, that tyrannical move was titled: “The Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State”

    In Canada (under Trudeau), it’s titled: “The Emergencies Act.”

    The only difference is the title.

  14. That’s the problem with totalitarian governments. They are quick to take up extra powers, and slow to lay them down.

  15. A link to an incident long forgotten, which explains in part why I was never a fan of three of our most famous generals. My students never understood why someone who taught military history did not necessarily admire the military. Perhaps because no military is a defensive force; they are all equipped to defeat their opponents, and you do not achieve that by adopting a defensive mentality. Deadly force is why armies exist, so from the US Park Service, a reminder of what broken promises and the arbitrary use of deadly force can achieve — short-term victory, long-term bitterness.

  16. Hey, remember how I’m always saying that, based on all the studies I’ve read, naturally acquired immunity is equal to or greater than that provided by the vaccine, and a few people kept saying I was lying?

    It turns out that the CDC report, the outlier among over 100 international studies, that stated that the vaccine was 2.3 times more protective than recovery from Covid was cherry picked from one small group of people in one period of time from one state, KY, while ignoring the data from all the other states.

    The CDC has now admitted that naturally acquired immunity was more protective than vaccine-induced immunity.

    Natural immunity was six times stronger during the delta wave than vaccination, according to a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The report, published Jan. 19, analyzed COVID outcome data from New York and California, which make up about one in six of the nation’s total COVID deaths.

    The study has limits — namely, it was done before the omicron wave and doesn’t factor in any information about boosters. It does, however, broadly agree with studies from other countries.”

    This is because the vaccine was based on the spike protein of the wild type SARS-CoV2, while naturally acquired immunity recognizes more binding sites, and is exposed to more recent variants.

    Everyone should take a moment and think of all the people who were fired for not getting vaccinated, even though they had recovered from Covid and had naturally acquired immunity.

    Everyone should think how journalists parroted the CDC’s claims that the vaccine was more protective, without asking for the supporting data, and without referencing over 100 international studies that showed the exact opposite.

    There are people without a job, impoverished, their career over, because the CDC cherry picked data to fit their political narrative.

    There are enormous wait times in ERs in America because nurses have been fired for not getting vaccinated, while the remaining vaccinated nurses are out sick with Covid.

    THIS is why it was wrong to weaponize the vaccine.

    1. You are correct, Karen. The mRNA pretreatment is not a vaccine. The target of that treatment has been made extinct with mRNA pretreatment. And, yes, the ‘jabbed’ have immune systems tailored to fight a fallen foe. They waste time generating ineffective antibodies rather than generating B-cells (et al) the natural way.

      1. “The mRNA pretreatment is not a vaccine. The target of that treatment has been made extinct with mRNA pretreatment.”

        This sounds rather circular. I have not heard the injection described as a pretreatment before. What was the target? I don’t mean to be obtuse; the vocabulary makes me think there is a layer I do not understand.

        1. vaccines provide immunity to similar variants. Treatments do not. If the original still existed ‘boosters’ (re-treatments) would make sense. The mRNA provided a way to identify the target. The exact target. As a pretreatment it worked. It provides no immunity to virus whose spike protein has evolved like omicron.
          If this is not clear, try again 😉

          1. Old George,

            a mRNA vaccine is still considered a vaccine because it causes our own bodies to generate immunity without experiencing the disease.

            It did so by supplying our body with plans (mRNA) for us to produce just the spike protein of the wild type (first version) of the Covid virus. If we were infected by the actual virus, it would take over our cells, and use them to produce more viruses. Instead, our cells just produce the spike protein, briefly, before the mRNA in the vaccine degrades or is used up. Since there is no actual virus, production of spike protein is brief.

            A vaccinated immune system only recognizes that spike protein. When variants evolved to sufficiently change the spike protein until the vaccine no longer recognizes it, then the vaccine efficacy wanes. It’s like vaccinating for the flu, using a vaccine from 5 years ago.

            The vaccine did provide a historical benefit, however. It protected the most vulnerable, to a more virulent strain than today, and at a time when there was no approved therapeutic (treatment). Now, we’ve learned a lot about how to keep Covid patients out of the hospital, and how to treat them when they’re there. They used to just put them on ventilators, which had a very high risk of ventilator-induced lung injury (and death) in Covid patients.

            1. As I said the pretreatment worked. It created a copy of the spike protein of the original. The immune system trained itself to identify the particular spike protein of the wild SARs-Cov2 virus. A vaccine, on the other hand, uses not only the spike protein but more. Normally a dead or weakened copy of the whole of the virus is addressed by natural immunity. The immune system generates memory B-cells which remember what do do if the virus is detected again. A vaccine can provide life-long immunity to some viruses, and a few years for others. The mRNA pretreatment ignores the rest of the virion. Natural immunity uses the whole shape, including spike proteins, but more to generate the antibodies (killer cells).
              Yes, it harnessed the immune system. The jabbed are now immune to free floating spike proteins which do not occur in nature.
              To call this pretreatment a vaccine (I’m no antivaxxer) lumps it in with vaccines. I am anti-treatment for a virus which has become extinct because the mRNA shots have side effects. Vaccines::good! Pre-treatments::limited use.

              1. You are incorrect.

                Pfizer vaccine MOA:

                Mechanism of Action
                The SARS-CoV-2 contains 25–28 proteins but the researchers just isolated the mRNA from the spike protein which shows 3 copies of the same protein, then only one mRNA is produced.1,2. Several strategies have been proposed to solve the common drawbacks of mRNA-based vaccines, which include the mRNA instability with respect to DNA. In fact the mRNA lasts up to two days in our body, it is easy to degrade and requires high cold chain. The storage temperature of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine was −94° Fahrenheit corresponding to −70°Celsius. Vaccine storage in this case is a problem for low and medium countries income (LMCI). Nevertheless, in these vaccines, no adjuvants or preservatives are used because the vaccine is stimulated by itself. Moreover, the mRNA is included in a lipid particle which preserves its integrity and allows it not to get confused with other RNA molecules.

                From the SARS- CoV-2 virus, the mRNA (able to translate and codify for the superficial spike proteins of the virus involved in the human pathogenicity) by working from the way backwards of s-proteins, is isolated and included in a lipid nanoparticle.10 This nanoparticle is injected intramuscularly into the human body and once attached to the host cells, inserts its mRNA into the cytoplasm (not in the nucleus) in such a way as to reach the ribosomes and use them for synthesizing the viral spike proteins. This process is called translation.9 Proteins then achieve the cellular membrane and evolve in two types: the MHC-2 (antigen presenting cells) and the MHC-1 related to another antigen which is present in all the nucleated cells of our body. The MHC-2 complex is only found in particular kind of cells: B-cells, macrophages and dendritic cells. These are activated by the s-protein and attract the cells of the immune system. In particular, the T-helper (Th) cells which have a particular type of membrane protein (TCR) that binds to the viral s-protein. Other proteins called CD4 produced by the Th cells interact with the complex MHC-2. The strongly activated Th cells begin to produce cytokines such as IL-2, IL-4 and IL5.11 These interleukins cause the B-cells of our body to differentiate into plasma-cells that begin to produce a huge amount of antibodies against the viral spike proteins, able to neutralize or destroy the virus. Meanwhile, the interleukins also stimulate Th cells to proliferate the memory T cells. Another group of cells called T-cytotoxic cells (Tcx cells) interact with the MHC-1 protein on the cell membranes through their TCR and produce CD8 proteins. These proteins are very dangerous because may allow the Tcx cells to generate unsafe molecules which lead the cells to death if infected with the virus in the future but not the cells which are currently processing the vaccine.12 Conversely, these Tcx cells are also able to produce substances that amplify the aforementioned immune response


                It is a vaccine

                This is a list of current treatment options approved by the FDA


                  1. Estrovir can call it any thing he likes David B. If it is a vaccine it is as useless as a vaccine for a flu which no longer exists. Objecting to me calling it a pretreatment rather than a vaccine is word games. The use of the jab, MUCH LESS MANDATING IT, HAS EXPIRED NO MATTER WHAT YOU CALL IT.

                    1. You are incorrect. I bolded the section on T cells for a reason.

                      Now, think carefully before you reply. I gave you a hint (twice). Thus proceed accordingly, unless if you wish to be seen as a plague.

                    2. Meanwhile, the interleukins also stimulate Th cells to proliferate the memory T cells. Another group of cells called T-cytotoxic cells (Tcx cells) interact with the MHC-1 protein on the cell membranes through their TCR and produce CD8 proteins.

                      Give me the “and so…” please. If if am incorrect to say that the vaccine (or whatever) has run its course for being useful, I do want to change my mind!
                      What are the implications of having memory T-cells. What do they remember? I would guess the spike. The spike which no longer exists in the wild.

                      I have not done any in-depth study for a while. Old, well, 79 this year. Organic Chem in the 80s.

                1. Okay call it a vaccine if you must. You have the action right.
                  I like the term pretreatment better. One interlocutor said it was parallel to taking a vaccine for flu which is 5 years old and extinct. Yet we call it a flu “vaccine” even though it does not work on variants.
                  Nevertheless, giving the now useless jab is totally counter to good medicine. Giving a vaccine whose usefulness has expired. And…
                  Returning to the context of this thread the truckers were objecting to a USELESS mandate.
                  Call it a vaccine or a vax or a jab. It is out of date … no cause for the use of emergency powers.

                  1. Old.George: I have not done any in-depth study for a while. Old, well, 79 this year. Organic Chem in the 80s.

                    Bravo to you, Sir George. Two of the world’s greatest physicians in heart transplantation and artificial hearts, died in their late 90s: Cardiothoracic Surgeons Dr Michael DeBakey (99) and Dr Denton Cooley (96). Age is just a number, Sir George.

                    Since the 1980s much has been learned about cellular mechanisms (Organic Chemistry) within Immunology because of HIV/AIDS. HIV was identified in 1983 but T cell receptors (TCRs), Major Histocompatability Complex (MHC) molecules, Dendritic cells (the primary Antigen Presenting Cell or APC), were not well understood. The era of 1980s-90s of AIDS pushed the discipline of immunology to dig deep as to how viruses enter their host, how the immune system detects them (MHC, APC, TCR), and how they launch a response (B cells/Antibodies and CD8 T Cells). It wasnt until 3 years ago that researchers and physicians realized that atherosclerosis is not a lipid storage disease but an inflammatory disease, i.e. T cells see oxidized LDL as antigens and attack where they accumulate, the inner surfaces of coronary arteries. All of this is to say that our understanding of immunology is nascent and extremely fluid.

                    You are younger than DeBakey and Cooley. Why waste your time in unproductive things when you can discover, learn and grow in your understanding of the miracle of life that God has given us, and then you can teach others? If you wish to understand T cells and SARS-CoV-2, read this excellent review. It will show you two things: 1. the role of CD8 T cells regarding COVID is far more important and lifesaving compared to antibodies, 2. the discussion of immunology requires a hefty amount of medical scientific background. I encourage you to pursue further studies. Enjoy

                    T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 in humans and animals
                    Click on the link for the PDF version on the right side of the screen

                    Karen, see page 6 of the above article, section: “T cells in vaccinated individuals”

                    …..multiple T cell epitopes are distributed across viral proteins including structural, non- structural, and accessory proteins which makes evasion of viruses from T cell responses more difficult than neutralizing antibody responses (Noh et al., 2021). The vast majority of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell epitopes were not affected by mutations found in different SARS-CoV-2 variants (Tarke et al., 2021). Neutralizing antibodies, on the other hand, tend to target a restricted protein domain exposed on the virus sur- face, such as the S-protein of SARS-CoV-2.

                2. Estovir,
                  “Another group of cells called T-cytotoxic cells (Tcx cells) interact with the MHC-1 protein on the cell membranes through their TCR and produce CD8 proteins. These proteins are very dangerous because may allow the Tcx cells to generate unsafe molecules which lead the cells to death if infected with the virus in the future but not the cells which are currently processing the vaccine.12 Conversely, these Tcx cells are also able to produce substances that amplify the aforementioned immune response”

                  Antibody-dependent enhancement, correct?

                  1. Hi Prairie Rose, did you get the Janeway Immunobiology textbook? I provided the free download links previously but you should really buy the book. I think you should consider medical school or at the very least PA school. Medical schools are very inexpensive out west, e.g. Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, for residents.

                    Go to chapter 6:
                    “Antigen Presentation to T Lymphocytes”

                    “6-1 Antigen presentation functions both in arming effector T cellsand in triggering their effector functions to attack pathogen-infected cells.”

                    MHC class I molecules bind peptides that are recognized by CD8 T cells, and MHC class II molecules bind peptides that are recognized by CD4 T cells, a pattern of recognition determined by specific binding of the CD8 or CD4 molecules to the respective MHC molecules (see Section 4-18). The importance of this specificity of recognition lies in the different distributions of MHC class I and class II molecules on cells throughout the body. Nearly all somatic cells (except red blood cells) express MHC class I molecules. Consequently, the CD8 T cell is primarily responsible for pathogen surveillance and cytolysis of somatic cells. Also called cytotoxic T cells, their function is to kill the cells they recognize. CD8 T cells are therefore an important mechanism in eliminating sources of new viral particles and bacteria that live only in the cytosol, and thus freeing the host from infection.

                    By contrast, MHC class II molecules are expressed primarily only on cells of the immune system, and particularly by dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells.

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