White House Mum on Hunter Biden Story as DOJ Acquires Additional Financial Records

In the aftermath of the New York Times admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic all along, the Biden White House has gone into radio silence — and few reporters are pressing the President for an answer. White House press secretary Jen Psaki  previously spread the false claim that the laptop was Russian disinformation (as did President Biden). She is now saying that it would be inappropriate for her to address her prior comments on the scandal. Thankfully, there has been no run to the local ice cream store but this cone of silence is occurring as reports come out of additional evidence acquired on Hunter Biden in the ongoing criminal investigation.

Psaki was not as reticent when she was spreading the false story (in contradiction to the findings of American intelligence) that this was a hoax. She declared “I think it’s broadly known and widely known that there was a broad range of Russian disinformation back in 2020.”

Now that her statements (and those of the president) are recognized as untrue, Psaki will not entertain questions, responding “I’d point you to the Department of Justice and Hunter Biden’s representatives.” Of course, the Justice Department will not comment on pending investigations. However, the question was about her own role in spreading, ironically, disinformation.

The radio silence is deafening as new reports indicate that the grand jury continues to drill down on Hunter Biden’s finances.  As we discussed earlier, the woman who had a child out of wedlock with Hunter Biden has given documents detailing his finances to the grand jury.

Notably, Clint Lancaster, an attorney for Lunden Roberts, told CNBC he also offered “a significant amount of [Biden’s] financial records” to investigators in response to a subpoena and that he “expects” Hunter Biden to be indicted.

When Hunter Biden’s book came out, the media largely lionized him for his brave account of personal debauchery while largely avoiding questions about millions in alleged influence peddling with foreign interests. Reporters allowed Biden to claim, for example, that he had no memory of the long-night stand with Roberts despite emails contradicting that claim. They also did not confront him with his disgraceful and protracted litigation to refuse to support his child.

With the rising possibility of an indictment, the media has to try to clean up its long promulgation of this false claim. It is not, however, addressing what those now authentic emails say about the influence peddling schemes of the Biden family.

It is also refusing to address the fact that, even if influence peddling is legal, this is a pattern of gross corruption by the family in cashing in on Biden’s tenure as vice president. This allowed President Biden to repeatedly and falsely claim that “no one has suggested that My Son did anything wrong.”

The media is also avoiding the obvious question of why Merrick Garland (who pledged to be apolitical) has steadfastly refused to appoint a special counsel in the case.

As with House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D., Cal.) and the 50 “experts” who pushed this false claim, there appears little interest in confronting those who assured voters that the laptop scandal was nothing more than Russian disinformation. It appears that spreading disinformation about Russian disinformation is not viewed as news when done in the name of a good cause.

188 thoughts on “White House Mum on Hunter Biden Story as DOJ Acquires Additional Financial Records”

  1. I wish a reporter would ask Psaki if President Biden, also referred to as the “big guy” in emails recovered from Hunter’s laptop ever received his 10%.

          1. Exactly. No one believes Joe Biden got the most votes of anyone ever in the history of the country including BHO. No one.

            1. I believe it. Legal voter turnout increased due to changes in absentee voting made by legislatures and courts in response to Covid.


      That’s the damnedest thing, it may be the point.

      President Donald J. Trump is always right.


      It’s because Trump is always honest, truthful and forthright.

      Trump doesn’t need the “swamp,” Deep Deep State dirty money; he can afford the truth.

      Everyone else in government is working a scam for profit.

  2. ‘A Republican Senate MUST hold hearings with all 50 of the people who signed that letter 3 weeks before the 2020 campaign. They all said Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. And they didn’t have a single piece of intel to suggest it.’ @RichardGrenell

  3. ‘There’s still people out there who believe that Jussie Smollett is innocent, that the Hunter Biden laptop is a figment of right-wing imagination, that Epstein killed himself, that masks prevent COVID, that a 4th booster will be the last and that Joe Biden got 81 million votes.’ @risingserpent

  4. Those who were and continue to be complicit in this charade must be held accountable.
    Being held accountable is a flexible term and in its extreme, could mean ‘put in front of a firing squad,’ or subjected to the most extreme enhanced interrogation techniques.
    This is not a political argument. This is an argument in support of what is great about our country.

  5. Turley doth protest too much, methinks.

    Marcy Wheeler:
    “I’m going to explain how The Laptop that Rudy Giuliani floated just before the election is the functional equivalent of the Steele dossier. Before I do, let me make a fairly obvious (if counterintuitive) point: Of the three people that powerful Ukrainians attempted to cultivate for their ties to the Vice President or President — Paul Manafort, Hunter Biden, and Rudy Giuliani — just one provably affected US policy through the Vice President or President: Rudy. … Among other things, Rudy got Marie Yovanovitch fired. In only Rudy’s case, then, do we have clearcut proof that a Ukrainian influence operation had the desired effect of changing American policy. Though even there, it’s not yet clear whether Rudy’s unregistered influence peddling was criminal.”

    And lest you think Wheeler found the Steele Dossier reliable, as far back as mid-2017 she was saying things like “There are real, unanswered questions about the provenance of the document as leaked by BuzzFeed. Some of the circumstances surrounding its production — most notably its funders and their claimed goals, and Steele’s production of a final report, based off voluntarily provided information, for free — raise real questions about parts of the dossier. I think it quite likely some parts of the dossier, especially the last, most inflammatory report (which accuses Cohen of attending a meeting where payments from Trump to the hackers that targeted the Democrats were discussed), were disinformation fed by the Russians.”

    The NYT does not have access to all of the contents of the laptop and so cannot determine whether all of the alleged contents of the laptop comes from Hunter Biden. It’s entirely possible that the laptop is also a mix of real HB content and Russian disinformation, just like the Steele Dossier was a mix of accurate intel and Russian disinformation.

    But Turley does not wish to deal honestly with what is known and unknown, because that’s not what the conservatives he feeds here want to hear.

    A reminder that if the laptop actually showed crimes, then Bill Barr’s DOJ could have indicted HB. I disagree that there is any need for a Special Counsel.

    1. “It’s entirely possible that . . .”

      Unless there is evidence for that claim, it is arbitrary.

      That it is possible for man to commit murder (a nature-given fact) does not mean: Therefore, it’s possible that Joe murdered Susie.

      The 50 intelligence “experts” relied precisely on that equivocation (and on people not reading carefully, and on a gullible media).

      1. The public doesn’t have the evidence either way. We can only speculate. That you object to people speculating in these circumstances is bizarre. Speculation might or might not be “arbitrary,” depending on the details.

    2. just like the Steele Dossier was a mix of accurate intel and Russian disinformation.

      He said with no evidence.

      Last I heard, the FBI has said the failed to verify any portion of the Steele fairy tale.

      1. You don’t quote whatever FBI statement you’re alluding to, and I do not trust you to be making a true claim, as you make a lot of false claims.

        Inspector General Horowitz noted in his report on the FISA warrants that “as of September 2017, the FBI had corroborated limited information in the Steele election reporting.” For example, Steele wrote that “the Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing email messages, emanating from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), to the Wikileaks platform” in 2016. That Russia was behind the hack and dump of the DNC servers has been confirmed by US intelligence.

    3. Anonymous says:

      “If the laptop actually showed crimes, then Bill Barr’s DOJ could have indicted HB.”

      We don’t know whether Barr’s DOJ had initiated an investigation of Hunter that is ongoing, but the fact that Barr did not appoint a special counsel is telling. Certainly he had every reason to do so if it could have been justified. It’s mystifying that Turley overlooks that fact given his admiration and friendship for Barr.

      1. Investigations into Hunter began as a tax inquiry when his father was VP and widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering. Barr wasn’t the Attorney General in 2018. Barr explained why he didn’t appoint a special council and it wasn’t “telling”. Barr stated “I think it’s being handled responsibly and professionally currently within the department….” It’s obvious from the emails from Hunter’s laptop that the NYT has acknowledged 17 months later as authentic and testimony from Hunter’s former business parter – his father was involved with his influence peddling overseas. Criminal? Impeachable? Seeing how the House determines what is an impeachable offense who know’s what will happen after the 2022 mid-terms.

        1. Then time will tell if Hunter is indicted, but if he is NOT indicted then Leftists will pull a page out of Trump’s playbook and henceforth dismiss ALL the prior accusations against Hunter as one big “HOAX.”

  6. Remember that the founders of this country said that they wrote this constitution for a moral people. If that goes then the government will indeed fall. We are teetering as it is. The constitution gives us the tools and we need to use them. It will not be easy but will be incredibly hard. I remember JFK saying that we chose to go to the moon because it is hard and we need to do that.
    I totally agree with the statements of Justice Thomas about the libel and slander laws as applied to public figures. If the press can be held to the standard that the rest of us are held to then we have a chance. Imagine stories in the paper or on the news broadcasts were stories are properly researched and sourced. It must be an imaginary land like OZ. Frankly when suppressed truth is revealed then there should be an ability to file suit for crimes of commission and omission.
    If you are a physician and stand by or fail to give complete transparency of the risks to a patient and that patient dies or is severely injured by your lack of providing the truth or lack of action, or if they proceed on in their life with incomplete knowledge that you failed to give and suffer injury, you are liable. Even if you performed no procedure. Not giving the full information to a patient is just as bad as bad information
    Journalistic malpractice is committed everyday with no recourse by those damaged or destroyed by it.

  7. The cover-up of the truth revealed by the laptop emails is proof of one aspect of the rigging of the 2020 election. There was never a shred of evidence that the story was Russian disinformation. This was acknowledged even by the 50 former intelligence officers who said it looked like a Russian disinformation campaign. Moreover, there was contemporaneous corroboration, including from Tony Bobulinsky. Yet the story was shut down by every mainstream media outlet (except the NYP itself and Fox), and eliminated on social media by Twitter and Facebook. Democratic politicians such as Adam Schiff, and Joe Biden himself during the debate, dismissed the story as Russian disinformation.

    Polls indicate that many Biden voters would not have voted for Biden had they been aware of what the emails showed about Biden. Given Biden’s tiny margin of “victory” in a few swing states it is certainly conceivable that this alone would have swung the election to Trump. And that doesn’t even take into account the many illegal votes now convincingly alleged to have been counted in places such as Wisconsin and Georgia, the possibly illegal disproportionate financing of selected local election offices by Zuckerberg to increase the vote in Democratic precincts (the Wisconsin investigation alleges that this amounted to bribery under state law) and the credibly alleged manipulation of the timing of the vaccine announcement by Pfizer and senior public health officials

    It looks increasingly likely that we are now saddled with an addled, corrupt, stubborn, dictatorial and foolish old man as our president because of the manipulation of the 2020 election by Democrats, deep state operatives, the media and others.

    1. I’m no fan of Biden’s, but we were “saddled with an addled, corrupt, stubborn, dictatorial and foolish old man as our president” in 2016 because of the manipulation by Russia (troll farms working to suppress Democratic voting in select places, the hacking and release of DNC data, etc.), by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s illegal campaign contribution in buying off Stormy Daniels (part of what Cohen went to prison for), by the “catch and kill” effort of the National Enquirer to bury the Karen McDougal story, etc.

      Between Trump and Biden, I consider Trump the bigger danger to the US by far. He attempted to extort Ukraine into providing him with an illegal campaign contribution, he pressured Pence into betraying his oath of office and preventing certification of the EC vote, he is still being investigated for his actions in connection with Jan. 6.

      1. They impeached Trump over Ukraine in order to cover up the Biden corruption.

            1. 51 Senate Republicans prevented any witness testimony before the Senate, and Trump was then acquitted, mostly along party lines. But the Senate absolutely did not find “evidence didn’t exist,” liar. An acquittal vote also doesn’t imply that there is no evidence. Trump himself released evidence of having committed impeachable offenses, and several witnesses in the House confirmed this.

              1. Anonymous says:

                “An acquittal vote also doesn’t imply that there is no evidence.”

                Turley testified that Trump’s phone call WAS impeachable provided that the Democrats could provide sufficient evidence of Trump’s bad intent. He objected to the impeachment because it was rushed; he called it a “snap impeachment.” Some of the people in the room during the phone call,e.g., Bolton, refused to testify which could have provided more evidence of Trump’s intent.

                Turley claimed the evidence of Trump’s intent was lacking, but he never explained to my satisfaction why. The fact that some witnesses were not forced to testify by means of a court order was reason enough for him to declare that there was not sufficient evidence.

      2. There was no manipulation by Russia in 2016, and this claim that Russian actions suppressed the vote in some places is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. The hack is unproven, and none of the rest has any connection to elections.

          1. In a Presidential campaign that saw combined spending by candidates exceed $2billion, $100,000 (one hundred thousand) of facebook ads influenced the election.
            The CIA said the laptop was Russia disinformation and the Senate intelligence committtee has been proven wrong

            1. “The CIA said the laptop was Russia disinformation”

              William and I were not discussing the laptop. We were discussing Russia’s 2016 election interference. Not sure why you’re noting the above.

              “the Senate intelligence committtee has been proven wrong”

              You haven’t quoted anything false from the SSCI report, much less produced evidence that it’s false.

          2. They all lie. No one should believe the “intelligence community.” 50 of them signed a letter just making sh*t up 3 weeks before an election. They go on TV and make sh*t up too.

            No one should believe a Democrat politician on the “Intelligence committee” who we’ve seen over and over use “intelligence” ONLY to leverage political gain.

        1. Whatever Russia may have done in 2016 has never been shown to have had any impact on the election.

          In terms of danger to the US, Biden has done the following:

          1. Abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban, disregarding his military advisors in the process, enhancing the risk of further Islamic terrorism and allowing China to expand its influence.

          2. Failed to prevent, through effective deterrence or a negotiated settlement, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, knowing for months that an invasion was planned.

          3. Failed to press China on Covid origins or hold it in any way to account for its cover up at the beginning of the pandemic, and terminated the Justice Department’s focus on Chinese espionage.

          4. Failed to prevent the formation of an anti -US entente between China and Russia, which may expand to include other countries such as India, and may eventually lead to the reduction in the use of the dollar as a reserve currency.

          5. Alienated Saudi Arabia through its stance with Iran among other things while at the same time begging them to expand oil production.

          6. Opened the southern border to massive illegal immigration and increased drug trafficking.

          7. Exceeded his power unconstitutionally, through the eviction moratorium and vaccine mandate on businesses, through ending remain in Mexico, through energy policy decisions and through the use of race to allocate resources.

          8. Failed to deal effectively with Covid, leading to increases in the death count over Trump’s period, despite three vaccines, a number of therapeutics and a year’s understanding of the virus when he took office.

          9. Politicised public health decisions by the CDC and FDA, which have now become totally discredited as communicators of objective truth.

          10. Weaponised the Justice Department against dissenting views, including of parents against school board policies, and promoted campaigns against “disinformation”, which I s a word for views he doesn’t like.

          11. Crippled oil and natural gas development, significantly weakening the country’s economy and national security, in the name of a falsely alarmist “existential” climate “crisis”.

          12. Adopted spending and other policies that promoted inflation to a level not seen for 40 years.

          13. Expanded the regime of racial discrimination — which he and his colleagues refer to as “equity” — throughout government and society.

          14. Failed to take any effective measures against the increase in violent crime, mainly in large cities controlled by Democrats.

          These are the real dangers to the US, not the imaginings prompted by Trump’s mean tweets.

          1. File the Articles of Impeachment immediately after the November election!

            IMPEACH Joe Biden for intentionally breaking the laws of this country and betraying his Oath of Office!

          2. Daniel,
            Well said.
            Again, this is a well put list of reasons why I agree with Bill Barr, the progressive Dems agenda is a greater threat to America than anything Trump has done.
            Why are we sexualizing 6year olds?
            Teaching children to hate each other based on skin color?
            Cheering for a biological male to beat biological females in “women’s” sports?
            Why does the president put skin color and sex before qualifications?
            Why is that same president leading from . . . behind, while others, corporations take the lead against the Putin’s aggression against the Ukraine?
            Why is it the Dems now consider it to be un-American to hold them accountable for inflation, empty shelves, high gas prices even prior to the Ukraine/Russian conflict?
            Why is it I could see in 2024, IF Trump were to run (I hope not) and win by a landslide as even Dems do not want Biden to run, the Biden admin/Dems would do something like martial law to negate the election and keep them in power?
            Again, the progressive Dems are a greater threat to America.
            And I say that as a registered Independent who did not vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020.
            Tulis Gabbard! 2024!

            1. Thanks UF. I omitted his explicit promotion of transgenderism and undermining of women’s sports. Medical interventions to adapt bodies to confused minds will soon be seen as one of the great medical abuses of our time. Glad to see that added to the list.

            2. Farmer says:

              “I agree with Bill Barr, the progressive Dems agenda is a greater threat to America than anything Trump has done.”

              Barr also wrote in his book that Trump’s “self-indulgence and lack of self-control” cost him a second term and that “the absurd lengths to which he took his ‘stolen election’ claim led to the rioting on Capitol Hill.” In the lead up to the riot, Barr said that Trump “stopped listening to his advisers, became manic and unreasonable, and was off the rails.”

              I take it that you agree with all of that including Barr dismissing out of hand the claims of massive voter fraud.

              Interestingly, Turley has said zilch to contradict anything Barr has stated about the election or Trump. Turley is a NeverTrumper because he has never voted for Trump by his own admission and he will not vote for a “carnival snake charmer” as a bad means to a good end unlike lying Trumpists.

              1. And somehow you believe your reply dismisses “….the progressive Dems agenda is a greater threat to America than anything Trump has done.”

                When are you going to verify your identity? You said it should be done and yet you refuse.

          3. “Whatever Russia may have done in 2016 has never been shown to have had any impact on the election.”

            That’s not true. For example, there’s quite a bit of evidence, including from the SSCI, that the Russian troll farms suppressed turnout among voters more likely to vote for Clinton.

            I think Trump’s actions were real dangers to the US, including his attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power via certification of the Electoral College vote and his attempt to extort Ukraine into doing a public investigation of a political rival. You and I have different opinions about which person was the greatest danger. But don’t pretend that this is about “mean tweets.” It is not.

            Your list is long, and I’m not inclined to go through it entry by entry; suffice to say that I think your claims are cherrypicked. For example, your claim that Biden “Abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban” is no more true of Biden than of Trump, who was the one who negotiated the exit with the Taliban while actively refusing to include the Afghan government in the negotiations.

            1. Trump was not in office for the exit from Afghanistan. He had a history of modifying his initial plans to exit completely from war zones, as in Syria, after listening to concerns from advisers. I doubt he would have proceeded as Biden did. But in any event he was not then in power; Biden made the decisions and owns the consequences.

              1. I didn’t say that Trump was in office for the exit from Afghanistan, and I do not care what you conjecture about what Trump might have done. Your conjecture is not a fact. It IS a fact that Trump negotiated an exit with the Taliban while actively refusing to include the Afghan government in the negotiations. You are silent about that fact.

                1. I guess you don’t understand “But in any event.” Biden was in power. His decision. He owns the consequences.

                  1. Daniel says:

                    “Biden was in power. His decision. He owns the consequences.”

                    By that logic, Trump “owns” the Covid pandemic since he was in power. Period.

                    1. Trump made a number of mistakes in responding to the pandemic. Enabling the unprecedented, extended lockdowns was a mistake. Enabling mask mandates without regard to the pre-Covid scientific consensus that they did little if any good was a mistake. Not doing more to stop schools from being closed was a mistake. Not doing more to allow doctors to prescribe repurposed drugs for early treatment in out-patient settings was a mistake. Relying on Fauci and Birx was a mistake.

                      The politician who handled the pandemic most effectively, by relying heavily on the data and scientists who took account of the data, was Ron DeSantis.

                    2. Daniel,

                      At least you don’t deny that Trump “owns” the Covid pandemic. It’s on his record, like it or not.

                    3. I’m pretty sure China “owns” the pandemic. Trump owns the response here in America to include Operations Warp Speed. Period.

                2. And what difference does your fact make? Why should the fact that the Afghan government was not part of the Trump administration’s negotiations with the Taliban affect the assessment of Biden’s decision about how and when to leave and the consequences of that decision? If he felt the deal should have been renegotiated with the Afghan government’s involvement he could have called for that. He was in charge.

                  1. I said “your claim that Biden “Abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban” is no more true of Biden than of Trump, who was the one who negotiated the exit with the Taliban while actively refusing to include the Afghan government in the negotiations.” I consider Trump’s acts to ALSO count as abandoning Afghanistan to the Taliban. Trump refused to involve the Afghan government in the negotiation, even though they’d be the ones having to live with the results, Trump called for the Afghan government to release thousands of Taliban prisoners, and Trump chose to withdraw the majority of our troops.

                    I did not suggest that Trump’s choices “affect the assessment of Biden’s decision.” I am pointing out that Biden’s decision is not the only relevant evidence in assessing the abandonment of Afghanistan to the Taliban by the US. BOTH contributed to that. You refuse to look at how Trump’s choices contributed.

                    1. Trump wanted to get out. His negotiations set the stage for getting out. But he did not get out. It was Biden’s decision whether, when and how to get out. Biden reversed almost everything Trump did in other areas. To pretend that he did not come to his own decision on this is absurd. You could defend Biden’s decision on this if you wanted to; there are many who do. But to deflect as you are doing suggests that you won’t.

                    2. “To pretend that he did not come to his own decision on this is absurd. ”

                      Who is pretending that? Not me.

                      Again, Daniel, I did NOT suggest that Biden didn’t come to his own conclusion, and I’m not trying to excuse or defend Biden’s choices. I believe that Biden was right to end the war, but I think he did a bad job with the pullout.

                      Again, what you keep ignoring is that Trump ALSO abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban by refusing to involve the Afghan government in the negotiations, by pushing for the Afghan government to release thousands of Taliban prisoners, and by reducing the US military presence.

                      You wish to blame Biden alone. You cannot bring yourself to admit that Trump ALSO made harmful choices in this, and just as Biden is responsible for Biden’s bad choices, Trump is responsible for Trump’s bad choices. This is not a “deflection.” This is me rejecting your choice to focus solely on Biden’s errors. I will not join you in blaming Biden alone when Trump also made harmful choices.

          4. @Daniel- another great comment. You are making some great points today.

          5. D: Excellent list of Biden’s destructive policies.

            If you were to devise a strategy to *consciously* destroy America, your list would be the action items (especially 7, 10-14).

          1. The House impeached Trump twice. The vote in the House was bipartisan in the second impeachment. The vote in the Senate was bipartisan both times, and 58 voted to convict the second time.

      3. Um….. you would actually find AN EQUITABLE COMPARISON in opposing Trump’s servicing by some floosie (very similar to JFK banging Marilyn Monroe IN the White House, which was apparently acceptable at the time!) to Joe Biden TAKING BRIBES from Russia, China and the Ukraine in the millions and billions???


        Nobody is perfect but Donald Trump is a President many would sacrifice their right arm for. Joe Biden has a bunch of egotistical manipulators cashing in on his political party. Strong presents as strong. Weak presents as weak.

        We have NEVER in the History of the United States had a weaker leader and been closer to losing all of our democratic integrity than with Joey Biden as our “President.” At this point in our experience, adding the quotation marks as a permanent fixture to his title would surprise no-one.

        1. If you have evidence of Joe Biden “TAKING BRIBES from Russia, China and the Ukraine in the millions and billions,” produce it. We have evidence of Trump trying to extort Ukraine.

        2. Horseactivust says:

          “We have NEVER in the History of the United States had a weaker leader and been closer to losing all of our democratic integrity than with Joey Biden as our “President.”

          Am I allowed to accuse you of suffering from “Biden Derangement Syndrome?”

          After all, that’s what you lying Trumpists insist we NeverTrumpers are suffering when we criticize Trump….

    2. @Daniel- great comment. More and more American’s are waking up to the truth. And the corrupt, dead-end progressives are terrified that they are losing their grip on power.

  8. Not only the MSM should be held accountable but how about the 200 or so (lack of) “Intelligence” people? They claimed the laptop was classic Russian disinformation.
    As we grow closer to the next election will the Deltacron or Epsiloncron or whatever variants that come along require masks, earlier mail-in voting? The next election will be manipulated just as the last, no doubt about it. The Republicans better be prepared.

  9. Our Country must elect a Republican Congress this Fall and let the Impeachments begin……..

  10. This is just another example of Democrat (or liberal) privilege. It’s not white, it’s not black, it’s not rich, it’s not poor, it is al about being liberal nd/or assisting the Democrats.

    Wear black face, end of career…unless you are liberal.

    Have a METOO issue, game over, unless you are needed or won’t be replaced by another Democrat. If Cuomo had a Republican waiting in the wings he would have survived. If it was a Republican governor replacing him Al Franken would have survived. Check out the past of Keith Ellison if you don’t believe me.

    Fly a private jet to Davos to attend a CLIMATE CONVENTION…no problem.

    Hid your yacht in RI instead of your home state of MA to avoid paying an excise tax, as John Kerry did, no problem.

    Say incredibly racist things for your entire life, as Joe Biden has, no problem. Of course it was starting to be a problem when there were others further to the left of Biden, as in 1988 and 2008 when Biden wasn’t the left’s choice. Back then Biden was a rcist joke, but once he was the last one standing it all went away.

    Liberal privilege, it is the most sickening and hypocritical issue out there today.

    1. “Have a METOO issue, game over”

      Do you listen to yourself? Dozens of women credibly accused Trump of sexual harassment and sexual abuse, including rape. He is on tape bragging about engaging in sexual harassment and sexual abuse. Yet tens of millions of Republicans continue to support him.

      The same for the rest of your claims. What you call “liberal privilege” is “rich and powerful privilege.” Both sides protect people they believe serve their own side.

      1. We have a CREDIBLE accusation by Tara Reade against Biden…don’t we? How much did you and your lefty partisans listen to the accusers of Bill CLinton? Huh? The guy was accused of rape for cripes sake and yet the women all set whatever.

        1. I’d be happy to call Trump AND Biden AND Clinton AND their accusers to be questioned under oath.

          Both Clinton and Trump were accused of rape, and my guess is that both are guilty of rape. As I said: What hullbobby calls “liberal privilege” is “rich and powerful privilege.” Both sides protect people they believe serve their own side.

        2. Hullbobby says:

          “We have a CREDIBLE accusation by Tara Reade against Biden”

          At least you don’t deny that there was a CREDIBLE accusation of rape against Trump. He is a sexual degenerate by his own admission on tape that he assaults women sexually.

      2. Tell us where the #MeToo movement went?

        It quietly went away when credible rape accusations were brought against Joe Biden.

  11. @Whig98 ,

    No, the story is so big, and the truth is already out there… by denying it causes more damage to the NYT than to now say its real.

    Note. Big difference in saying the Laptop is real, and saying its real but also retracting / correcting earlier stories.

    Do we see the Editor(s) of the NYT coming out and apologizing for their earlier stories? Do we see those who denied the truth, lied about the laptop or killed stories outright being punished?

    Its a long time since the Ellsberg decision, probably older than you… and the NYT needs to either fix itself, or it will go under.


  12. @Jeff Silberman,

    You wrote:
    Let me rip a page out of Trump’s playbook by calling the Rightwing’s investigation of Hunter a “witch-hunt.”

    And just like that, I sound like a lying Trumpist!

    While clearly your TDS is showing …

    Lets clarify something.
    The MSM has painted a target on Trump’s back since the night he won the election.
    Every major scandal against Trump as turned out to be manufactured.

    Even in the lawsuits against Trump’s corporation… a mountain is made out of a mole hill. Members of Congress have done far worse, and nobody blinks.

    So when Trump says its a ‘witch hunt’. Its a fair assessment.
    Note: Trump is Trump and he’s far from perfect. However from the point of view of an independent… history will be kinder to Trump than to either Obama or Biden.

    Turley, Greenwald, Dershowitz and others are liberals who defend Trump. Not because they are friends of Trump, but that they value truth, honesty, ethical behavior more that they dislike Trump.

    Trump was impeached over a phone call with the Ukrainian President. He was accused of going after the Bidens because Biden was a potential candidate of the opposing party. In reality, there was ample evidence of corruption and possible criminal activity on the part of the Bidens. Clearly a Pay to Play scandal in Ukraine, Russia, and China.

    Unlike with Trump, evidence was fabricated… Hunter’s laptop… kinda says it all.


    1. Gumby says:

      “Note: Trump is Trump and he’s far from perfect.”

      Turley believes that Trump is a “bullsh*t artist” which is why he called him a “carnival snake charmer” years ago. He has never had a kind word to say of Trump’s character since.

      I hope the DOJ is currently investigating Hunter as well as Joe and will bring charges if sufficient evidence is found. No one is above the law.

      However, I dismiss out-of-hand Turley’s criticism of the MSM. I am utterly indifferent to his argument. Until he begins to hold his own network Fox to the same standard of accountability, he has no integrity on this issue. When he begins to acknowledge the obvious advocacy journalism at Fox, Newsmax, OAN, etc, he will rehabilitate his credibility.

      Turley may be correct about the MSM, but he has no moral standing to point his finger. This is the ineluctable consequence of being a hypocrite. It’s a real pity.

      1. You have zero room to claim anyone has “no credibility” since you’re the one who insisted everyone on here must verify their identity before posting comments so they may be held accountable and yet you have failed to do so yourself. You’re a hypocrite.

  13. @Justice Holmes…

    The irony is that some of the papers which were traditionally questionable in terms of reporting are now the ones who seem to still have some shred of ethics and willingness to do their jobs.


  14. @Ralph ,

    I think the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves because they never thought of people acting in the manner that they are.

    Think of an conceptual line drawn in the sand. That’s the low bar. No one would dare to think of crossing that line, lest they be shunned by their peers.

    Today’s line is at least several orders of magnitude from the line our Fore Fathers would have thought acceptable.

    The sad thing… none of their peers are willing to call them out because they are in the minority and are afraid of the backlash.

  15. Sorry Turley, I beg to differ.

    While I agree with what you are saying, I want to hold those who lied and obstructed the truth to be held accountable.
    Schiff for one hides behind his limited qualified immunity. He’s one if not the main reason Justice Thomas wants to review the slander/libel laws.

    He’s the proverbial glass of water who, short of a major scandal… will continue to be re-elected.

    Bias in the press isn’t new. Its when the truth comes out… those who outright lied or censored stories need to be held accountable.

    Today, if I see someone who claims to be a journalist… I will mock them and their profession. Its the lack of ethics.

    The press went after Trump.
    A rumor of something illegal by a Trump kid… instant 45min a day on any given MSM news channel plus a joke on the late night shows.

    W.R.T the MSM… its one thing to give benefit of the doubt. Its another to lie in order to cover for the Bidens/Trumps, whomever. The 4th Estate no longer exists.

  16. At least we are seeking the corruption….not of the Biden Family but rather in the media and other Democrats.

    Any wonder the Nation is spot the way we are….and the guilty go free of scrutiny.

    So much for an informed Electorate and its ability to make informed decisions at Election time.

    The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves!

  17. It’s about time someone acknowledged the laptop scandal, which was impeccably sourced when first published in the NYPost … just before the election. A later poll showed that if Biden voters had been aware of Hunter’s corruption, he would have lost a significant number of votes, which could have cost him the election. Coincidentally, the same kind of thing happened when Biden was first elected as a DE senator in 1972. Newspaper inserts which were supposedly quite damning were never delivered until after the election, thanks to the Teamster’s Union, which conveniently went on strike just before the election that Biden won by just 3000 votes. No wonder a guy who never worked for a union supports them unconditionally

      1. Justice Holmes seems to be the last soldier on the island. This is a fool that believes CNN and Joy Reid, but not an obviously true story in the NY Post????? Hey Holmes, any thoughts on you know…the story?

    1. And if Trump hadn’t been helped by the Russian Troll Farms working to suppress turnout among Democrats (with support from Trump Campaign staffer Paul Manafort giving Russian agent Kilimnik private polling data), and helped by Russia hacking and releasing data to distract from the “grab her by the p*ssy” tape (with support from Trump Campaign staffer Roger Stone’s coordination with Russian cut-out Guccifer 2), and helped by Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s illegal campaign contribution buying Stormy Daniel’s silence, then that likely would have cost him the election.

      1. Because releasing damning emails from a corrupt political campaign is just a distraction from stormy….wow.

        1. I didn’t say that it was a distraction from Stormy. The Stormy Daniels story didn’t come out until after the election because Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen made an illegal campaign contribution and paid Daniels off before the election. Perhaps you’re having a hard time keeping track of all of Trump’s sex stories. The Access Hollywood tape is different from the Daniels story, different from the Karen McDougal story, different from the E. Jean Carroll story, different from the Summer Zervos story, and on and on.

          Yes, Roger Stone worked with Guccifer 2 to *time* the Wikileaks release of the DNC data to distract from Trump admitting on the Access Hollywood tape that he engages in sexual assault, grabbing women by the vagina without consent. Wikileaks started releasing the emails just hours after the Access Hollywood tape became public.

          1. Fair enough, revealing that Hillary’s campaign manager was a racist was a distraction from p***** grabbing. I stand corrected.

          2. You mean like Joe Biden putting his hand up a staffer’s skirt in the hallowed halls? That sort of sexual assault?

            1. Or the video of the creep pinching the breast of an 8 year old girl???
              We can play the “what about” game all day long. You liberals are guilty of EXACTLY the same behavior as the populist horde. Willing to accept anything from your own candidates because of your loathing of the opposing candidate.

            2. Yes, if Biden did that, that’s also assault. I’d like both Trump AND Biden AND their accusers questioned under oath. How about you: would you want that?

      2. None of which are an example of an elected official using his public office for private gain., a clear violation of the oath.

        1. Duh. They were examples of what occurred while Trump was still a candidate.

          But to be clear: once Trump was in office, he ALSO acted in ways that violated his oath of office. Two examples:
          – Trump as President extorted Ukraine in an attempt to get an illegal foreign campaign contribution from Ukriane in the form of the announcement of a public investigation into Biden, a clear violation of his oath. That is why he was impeached the first time.
          – Trump as President tried to pressure Pence into betraying his oath of office and unilaterally rejecting the certification of the Electoral College vote, which Pence did not have constitutional authority to do, again with the aim of benefiting the candidate Trump. The investigation of Trump’s actions in the lead up to and on Jan. 6 is ongoing.

          1. That is not why Trump was impeached. Don’t be stupid.

            But now, they actually have numerous real valid reasons to IMPEACH BIDEN. In addition to 25th Amendment.

            But they won’t.

  18. Let me rip a page out of Trump’s playbook by calling the Rightwing’s investigation of Hunter a “witch-hunt.”

    And just like that, I sound like a lying Trumpist!

    1. You socialist fascists hiding behind false names can describe yourselves as if looking in the mirror but it will do no good. It’s a dead giveaway when the unbearable light of truth, justice and the Constitutional American Way exerts it’s pressure, aided by your own idiocies or as one of our former leaders said watch the socialists truly become the dogs of the extremely far left. The more you yip and yap the more you convict yourselves. ‘

      And the pressure of the unavoidable public knowledge is fueled by their own socialist leaders. The
      Chief Comrades of the ruling class exposing the lie of their ‘classless society.’

      Blather on it only helps true citizens increase the pressure.

      /s/Constitutional Centrist.

    2. So the NYT is now a Trumpist rag instead of a Statist rag? Imagine my surprise

    3. Based on some of your more ignorant comments, I suspect you possessed that page long before Trump became a political figure.

      1. Leonard says:

        “I suspect you possessed that page long before Trump became a political figure.”

        At least you agree that ANY playbook which calls for dismissing an investigation as a “witch-hunt” is reprehensible.

    4. Is that really you jeffsilberman? I don’t know. How would I? You haven’t verified your identity even though you stated “People should prove their real identity….” You stated that doing so would hold people accountable for their statements and “…..would go a long way in cleaning up this blog’s cesspool of hate.” That’s ironic seeing how you enjoy being part of the cesspool you loathe by calling other contributors names.

        1. I doubt it. Not quite whiny enough, and Meyer doesn’t use ellipses in quite that way.

        2. You’re quick to respond but keep avoiding the subject you brought up in the first place. Why don’t you want to verify your identity? And why are you addressing me as Meyer? When will you stop acting like a child?

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